RE: SIMULATED by @gam0022 (Graphics) & @sadakkey (Music)
A WebGL 64KB Intro
1st Place PC 64K Intro at Revision 2020
Run in browser on your PC! (only tested latest Chrome)
- node.js v12.14.1 or higher
- ruby 2.x or higher
git clone
cd resimulated
# init
npm install
# Start Web server with hot-reload / UI for debug
npm run start
# Generate a dist\resimulated.html
npm run build
A WebGL engine developed for PC 64K Intro aimed at minimizing the file size.
Written in a single TypeScript, but it's still in development. (source code)
It has only simple functions so that it does not depend on the work.
- Rendering multi-pass image shaders (as viewport square)
- Build-in bloom post-effect
- Interface to animate uniforms from a TypeScript
- GLSL Sound (Shadertoy compatible)
- Play an Audio file (mp3 / ogg)
npm run start
- misc/saveImageSequence
- misc/saveSound
ffmpeg.exe -r 60 -i chromatiq%04d.png -i chromatiq.wav -c:v libx264 -preset slow -profile:v high -coder 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags +faststart -g 30 -bf 2 -c:a aac -b:a 384k -profile:a aac_low -b:v 68M chromatiq_68M.mp4
- アップロードする動画におすすめのエンコード設定
- 映像ビットレート 2160p(4k)53~68 Mbps
- YouTube recommended encoding settings on ffmpeg (+ libx264)
- 超有益情報 by sasaki_0222