## Introduction This document is intended to convey the understanding of Gambit that cannot be gotten from its manual, looking at its sourcecode, or reading the papers that underly its construction. Thus, the scope of this document is in contrast with and complementary to the manual's scope, which is to describe how Gambit is intended to be used by its user, to the sourcecode's scope, which is to describe the detail mechanics of Gambit at the highest level only, and to the papers and any other reference document, which each have a conceptually limited scope. The purpose of documenting this understanding of Gambit is general and multifacettated, and includes but is not limited to: - To convey why Gambit is a stable, working and robust software, for any uninterrupted short or long term use.      (This is, as it's reasonable that any user has a basic demand of 'getting it' about how Gambit works internally, as to be clear that the involved mechanisms are optimal and thus can be trusted to function well in any intended target environment and for any task; there indeed exists a lot of 'woo woo' technologies whose use bring with them all kinds of more or less predictable penalties, and it's of a general importance to clarify what game and league Gambit is in in this respect.) - To enable the user to adapt or extend Gambit himself, in the great majority of respects.      (This is, as Scheme's purpose is that of a language language, and thus it's expectable that use cases come up where customizations or extensions at any level of Gambit's architecture are needed. Most generally this would be about making Gambit work in a new operating environment, making customizations or tweaks to the io system, threads, numbers, and so on, or importantly, implementing some new or customized data type or operator.) - To enable the user to debug Gambit programs and Gambit itself at any level.      (This is, as while commercial or open source support may be available, it is several times key for a project to know that it is self-sustained and not dependent on contributions that are beyond its control, thus the need of making it feasible for anyone to dig into and understand Gambit internals, as to fix any unexpected behavior, in the very rare case that anything in this direction would manifest.) - To make digging into Gambit's sourcecode an as quick process as possible - To give the programmer clarity about how Gambit optimizes code / what optimizations Gambit applies / roughly what kind of machine code will be produced from a given Scheme code, and thus be able to write optimal code As to convey this understanding in the most effective way, it's written in the form of a conversation between the user (you) and the designer (Marc). This is as Gambit is a complex, holistic system that may possibly appear a bit nonlinear, where understanding of the involved concepts and how things fit together is of primary priority, and this is best made in the form of a conversation where for instance difference depths of detail can be used interchangably and crossreferences to other topics can be made quite liberally, rather than in the form of a monolithic final implementation reference over every involved bit and byte. At points the converation form between user and designer is rather to maintain a lingual clarity than a result of that it was actually a/the user or designer who wrote the respective text. The user's text is highlighted in yellow and the designer's text is in normal style. This document is intended to be for the current version of Gambit (this doc was started at version 4.6.8), though obviously an answer may be for a previous Gambit version and there could be the need for an update of some section, in which case you are free to correct it yourself, and to enquire for clarifications on the mailing list.
Generally though, Gambit's sources are changed extremely rarely, so this ought to be a completely minor issue.
For now this document is in one piece only, which is this document, possibly it could be split into sections if it'd turn unnavigably large. ## Definitions In this document we mean.. Gambit: The entire Gambit environment, including BSy and RTL (below). BSy: The base Gambit system without the RTL. This is the most bare form Gambit can easily be stripped down to and still work. RTL or runtime: The runtime library; please note that we use this term only because it's a well established term in the programming world – we use it to refer to all of Gambit beyond the BSy, and this obviously includes the evaluator, compiler, threading system and so on, which are of a much higher complexity than a typical RTL. Compiler: Gambit's compilation mechanism, including the Scheme to GVM compiler and all backends. GVM / Gambit VM: The particular design of C/binary code generated by the Gambit compiler backend as regards code execution flow within and between modules, and in relation with certain lowlevel runtime functionality as to make the stack model and thread interrupts spin.
Also, GVM is the intermediary format that Gambit compiles Scheme code to, and which the respective compiler backend takes as input for binary generation.
\[Thread\] interrupts: Checkpoints spread across Gambit-generated code, at which stack and heap(???) overflow conditions are checked for, and switches of activity into the threading system is made, if applicable. Also the GC may be invoked here?? ## Taking it down to earth: What complexity is involved in Gambit really Compared with a general programming language such as, say, C or Java, the workings of a Scheme environment may appear to the unintroduced as unclear and abstract, and thus not really something to trust (as per the way of conduct, that what you don't want to use mechanisms that you don't understand – nonsimplistic, nonoptimal or otherwise 'woo woo' mechanisms could lead to all kinds of dire penalties down the road, and thus we better get clarity about this while at the introductory step). Let's dig into this topic as to bring an overview-level clarity on what complexity is involved in Gambit. First, let's get clear about the components involved in Gambit as a system, in contrast with those of a typical general programming system: Both the C and Java programming systems have the following design: The essential components are the shell, compiler, loader and the execution with the runtime.
The shell as provided by the OS, or other functional equivalent, is the tool for invoking the compiler and loader-execution.
The compiler is a separate application that compiles language sourcecode to a binary object form. The compiler can but does not need to be implemented in the language itself.
The loader is either part of the parent operating system (which is the case in C), or an application that loads and boostraps binary code generated by the compiler (which is the case in Java). Execution is performed atop the OS, possibly atop a VM application.
The runtime is a library written in the language (and possibly some code in a lower-level language i.e. assembly/C), that provides some bootstrap code for any application, and elementary procedures and type definitions that are of general use for application implementors, as not to need to reimplement elementary functionality like data type handling, and routines for interfacing common mechanisms in the underlying operating system such as console and file I/O, OS threads and networking.
The shell and compiler are separate binary files (with dependencies), the loader and execution possibly performed by a separate binary file (with dependencies), and the runtime library is a separate set of binary files. Compiler-generated binaries are separate binary files.
Gambit as a holistic Scheme system has a slightly different design: (As a side note, Gambit's design in these respects is basically the same as many earlier Lisp and Scheme systems – i.e. Gambit is traditional in this respect.)
The Scheme system \[Gambit\] is a separate application. It is rather typically running as a process within a host operating system, but can also run as a operating system image itself, directly on the host processor.
Gambit (the system) performs both the shell, compilation, loading and the execution step and itself contains the runtime, and the steps are performed without any need for restart or other interruption of the system. Thus, at the level of concept, Gambit as a programming system also has the characteristics of an operating system. This kind of adds to its holisticness – it's an application-level programming operating-system-environment.
(If using the C backend, the C compiler of the host operating system is invoked by Gambit, though that's a detail – during this phase Gambit is running and actively waiting in the backround for the C compiler to finish, as to continue to the next step.) (Loading of C-backend-generated binaries is done by Gambit invoking the underlying operating system's functionality for dynamic library loading, though this is a detail too.)
In Gambit, the compiler is implemented as part of the RTL and generally invoked as a procedure. Loading and execution are procedures too, and all of these procedures are accessed directly from the shell, called the Read-Eval-Print Loop.
The user is free to make individual executions of Gambit for each compilation or other task the user wants Gambit to perform, for instance for the task of compiling a source file to a binary file, which is how compilation is done in C and Java. The point here though is that this optional, not required.
The shell, compiler, loader, execution mechanism and runtime are generally all combined in one and the same binary file. (There is a version without the compiler.) Compiler-generated binaries are by default separate files, and can be merged with the compiler file thus generating a single executable binary for a compiled application.
Thus, to sum this up:
In C and Java programming systems, the compiler is a separately invoked application (possibly launched by the loader), the loader and execution are handled in a separate step, and both of these are invoked from the OS shell being another separate application.
In Gambit, there is one centerpiece application namely the entire system itself, which performs the shell, compiling, loading and execution steps in one piece.
So now we're clear about how the programming environment is set up and that this way of doing things is indeed straightforward, and the next thing for us to look at is, what kind of complexity is needed to make this spin. Gambit is comparable in terms of complexity, with any general garbage collected language such as Java, with its stack model being the big exception: while the general programming languages tend to have a direct style stack that is implemented directly atop the underlying C/assembly-level stack mechanism.
Due to that the additional stack handling required by these languages is zero or very small, beyond what's provided already by the OS and the assembly language, and that the concepts of OS\&asm mechanisms are so basic in all cases, the stack is generally viewed as a noncomplex matter in these languages.
(By direct style stack, we mean that there's procedure calls stored on a fixed-size stack, every call should conceptually be neutralized by by a procedure return as for the app not to eventually run out of stack space, and returns generally return to the stack level directly below it in the stack, or in the case of exceptions, multiple steps, until the place of the closest exception handler, or in the case of application termination, the application terminates and the entire stack is discarded.)
Gambit is stackless. The stack functionality is performed through stack frame objects, that are linked together in a tree (or web) that's possibly cyclical. To make code in this environment execute run with an optimal speed (the as that of C code doing approx the same thing), extensive optimizations are applied to the stack handling.
While the concepts of stacklessness and stack frame objects ought to be straightforward enough, the details of how Gambit actually performs this, may be a very complex matter, and therefore we will explore this topic in detail below.
Gambit's threading and exception handling mechanisms are, given that the Gambit stack is already in place, quite non-complex matters, they're essentially simple applications of use of the stack model.
The threading needs interrupt hooks at regular intervals in the application code in order to function, which the compiler sugars the code with – this is a delicate topic that we will explore further below.
Gambit's IO model is based on an event dispatcher loop centered around a select() OS call and use interrrupt timer functionality from the host OS. While Gambit does this in a particularly elegant way, in-application central IO/event dispatcher loops have been in a quite wide use since very long – since the inception of Unix systems, say – and has been refined into simple to use API:s in libraries such as libevent and libuv.
Therefore, even while lots of effort and exactitude is required for implementing this in a way that really spins uncompromisingly, we relate to this functionality as noncomplex.
Beyond the stack model, making Scheme code execute at speeds comparable with that of C, a careful design of the compiler – including extensive, complex optimizations – and of the VM/runtime system (type and object handling etc) are required. We discuss this in more detail below. Thus, we can now sum up complexity in Gambit, beyond that of a general programming environment such as that of Java, as being focalized to the design of the stack handling and to how the matters of how very high performance of code execution is achieved, which are dealed with by the compiler and the tuning of the details of the VM/runtime system design. ## The C-level anatomy of Gambit and a Gambit-based application When having Gambit or a Gambit-based application in sourcecode form only, what steps are required to compile it? (running the configure script – the configure script generates ./Makefile \*only\* or other files too? - the Makefile as for use by make without parameters just as to compile the program, essentially only invokes the C compiler and linker for the different C files in the appropriate order? C files generated out of Gambit's runtime's scheme files, required to make compilation out of C code only work. ./configure and running make on the makefile is all needed to produce the C binaries? For distributing an application implemented in Gambit, only distributing the C files generated by Gambit for the application's Scheme files, is sufficient. Thus for such an application, add to the configure script/Makefile instructions to compile also the application's bundled C files, and include those in the linking process. Any advice on how to prepare such an Gambit application from C files distribution as easily as possible, are there any examples anywhere available?) Conceptually, what does the configure script check for and what output files does it produce? (Marc's answer here) In what order are Gambit's source files compiled and linked? This order is functionally significant right? (Marc's answer here) In what areas are there differences in what C/asm code of Gambit is used, between processors and platforms? (the select loop and files and networking, how interrupt signals are made, more? Native bit size of values of course.) ## The C-level anatomy of starting Gambit or a Gambit-based application When Gambit or a Gambit application is started, what is approximately the code path of the initiation all way up to that Scheme code starts to execute? (roughly locations of the different functions in Gambit's C code, that are invoked) Where is the main/WinMain procedure? What OS calls are made/state for the Gambit OS process with the OS is set up, and what information is acquired from the host OS? What code is run to initialize the heap? What code is run to initialize the stack handling with its first stack frame (perhaps this q should rather be put in the section about stack handling)? (Marc's answer here) ## Structures Internally, are structures just special-type vectors? (Marc's answer here) Is there any inheritance between structures, i.e. can I create a structure of type car and then make a subtype structure of type volvo? If so, how does this inheritance work – is it just that when making a volvo object, a vector is created with slots for all of a car's properties and appended to that is slots for all of volvo's properties too – how does the car property access procedures typecheck for if it's a car or a volvo? (Marc's answer here) Where in Gambit's code is the structure type handled, and what's the anotomy of this code? (Marc's answer here) ## The ports/IO system Gambit has a variety of port types. Are the primary groupings/super-types of these, byte ports, character ports, and object ports? Is there some kind of strict inheritance between these, that each character ports is or contains a byte port too, and that every object port is or contains a character port too? (Marc's answer here) What is the anatomy of the IO/ports system and its sourcecode? At what places in Gambit's code is data sent/calls/mutations done to the OS as for Gambit to feed it with data, at what places in Gambit's code are things for Gambit to listen for events for (file handles, sockets, interrupt timeout?) inserted? How is the core IO-time scheduling done (on all platforms), is it by a select() or select()-equivalent call only, or is there any alternative return path from the OS into Gambit, during wait for timer timeout or IO input from the OS? (we discuss the reception and handling of timer interrupts separately in the section on threading.) (Marc's answer here) What is the anatomy of the IO/ports system's sourcecode – which are the main procedures and code sites, approximately how does it fit together? (Marc's answer here) What is the anatomy of a port, it's a structure with approx what properties, it has a will so it's shut down the right way when GC:ed? (Marc's answer here) Please describe the code path for a |display| or |write| or |write-subu8vector| to a port, for various port types, all the way up to the end destination for the operation (the network device/OS file/target string buffer/etc). (Marc's answer here) At what points is the ports/IO system copying (both by function and by location in the sourcecode)? (Marc's answer here) When select() has given an event for a file handle/socket, what is the code path that is invoked to propagate this event into the Scheme world? (Marc's answer here) Does Gambit support select()-ing for more than 64 sockets on Windows? (this is a limit in Windows' select) (Marc's answer here) ## Console interaction and REPL Where is the sourcecode for the console interaction (incl libreadline kind of functionality) and REPL code, and what is the anatomy of this code? (Marc's answer here) What parts are in Scheme and what in C (I understand this would all better have been done in C but due to historic reasons right now some are in C)? (Marc's answer here) If one would want to pipe REPL:s elsewhere than to the console, what hooks would be used? The place that spawns a REPL for uncaught exceptions, where is it so that one could direct those REPL:s to elsewhere than to the console REPL? (Marc's answer here) ## The threading system How and where is the threading system bootstrapped? Where is the primordial thread initialized, and what makes it be the code that is actually the first to be run (except for, that at the time it's the only thread that exists)? (Marc's answer here) Is each thread a structure only? Roughly what properties does this structure have? How many bytes in size is this structure, on different architectures (32bit or 64bit)? Does Gambit provide any global state where threads and thread groups are stored, if so which is this structure and where is it declared, or does the caller need to keep references for them as not to GC? (Marc's answer here) How does Gambit ensure that interrupt checks are distributed in the code at such locations that smooth execution across threads is guaranteed, while the overhead for interrupt checking is kept low enough? How many % of code execution time is taken up by interrupt checks? The mechanism that puts interrupt checks in code is calibrated in such a way that there is no place in the code, no loop and so on, that is exempted from interrupt checks, in such a way that \>1-2ms of code execution would happen without any interrupt check being made? So, (let loop ((at 0)) (if (\#\#fx\< at 1000000000) (loop (\#\#fx+ at0)))) will never cause any issues with threading smoothness, right? (Marc's answer here) What principle is applied by Gambit when choosing what next thread to invoke? Where in Gambit's code are these therad switches made? If there's any particular complexity to the subject of making thread switches, please describe (such as, invoking the right trampolines or leaving the C/asm stack in the right condition or sth .. perhaps this is taken care of by the stack handling and that's it)? (Marc's answer here) What is the anatomy of the thread switching mechanism: so first off, while not executing code but waiting for IO or timeouts from the OS, Gambit has a timer interrupt signal scheduled with the host OS (are these rescheduled all the time by Gambit, or is the OS set to recurringly make such interrupts at a certain interval forever)? Then, all Gambit-generated code is sugared all over with interrupt checks, so the interrupt signal handler procedure does something like mutating a global variable has\_interrupt to true, and these interrupt checks do sth like if (has\_interrupt) goto handle\_interrupt or handle\_interrupt(); depending on if the code is single-host or multiple-host? Then, does this handle\_interrupt always check for stack overflow? What about heap overflow, or trigging a GC? How does it check if it's time to switch to another thread now? Does it do anything more? In case of switch to another thread, how is the current point of execution left in a way that maintains application/stack/etc integrity (perhaps that's a stack handling-section question)? (Marc's answer here) Where/how is it configured for how long a thread should run before a switch is made to the next one? Is this a global or a per-thread configuration? (Marc's answer here) While code can have (declare (not interrupts-enabled)) as not to accept any interrupts, the RTL is mostly compiled with interrupts enabled, so while inlined procedures such as + fall within the same interrupts-enabled setting as the code where it's used, non-inlined procedures such as assq do produce interrupts, right? (Marc's answer here) What's the anatomy of Gambit's threading system sourcecode, in what source files and locations are the threading system and the threading interrupts represented (I suppose the latter is in the compiler)? (Marc's answer here) Does the threading system schedule between threads based on the number of thread interrupts passed, or based on the amount of wall clock time passed? (Marc's answer here) What is the dynamics of the priority, quantum and priority boost parameters to the threads, perhaps this is described completely enough in the specification document (don't remember its name or url right now)? If I want one thread to be of high priority and one of low, what parameters are needed? If I want one thread to get double or half as much CPU time as another, what parameters are needed? (Marc's answer here) Beyond what has been covered above, is there any additional complexity to the threading system, or notable details not obvious from looking at its sourcecode? (Marc's answer here) ## Exceptions Is the basic anatomy of the exceptions system, that first and foremost there is a |raise| procedure that takes one argument which is the exception value and which can be of any type, and, that in the dynamic environment there's a current exception handler parameter, that is a procedure, that is invoked on exception, and this is what with-exception-catcher and with-exception-handler uses to implement its functionality? So, the exception object type/-s is really a matter completely separated from the basic exception raising and catching mechanisms, and are only used as containers for conveying the content or message of each respective raised exception? (Marc's answer here) Gambit has a number of different exception types: os-exception, wrong-number-of-arguments-exception etc. etc.. Are these arranged in any kind of hierarchy? Are they all sub-structure-types of the exception type? Is there any way to get any kind of group type out of these? (Marc's answer here) Do any particular precautions need to be taken in order for a heap overflow exception to be handled 'safely', i.e. for the exception handling code not to unintendedly trig a new heap overflow exception in turn, that would terminate the program or cause otherwise unintended behavior? (Marc's answer here) ## Memory handling Beyond freedom from bugs, were any particular strategies assumed in making Gambit free of buffer overflows and memory corruption bugs? (I'm clear this might be a pointless question) (Marc's answer here) Does Gambit have any quick reclaim mechanism for quickly discarding (GC:ing) objects that are not in use? Sth like, (define (a) (let ((b 1) (c 2.99999999999999) (d (make-string 1))) (+ b c)) – right at the point when a returns, is the memory for all of b, c and d immediately freed? Perhaps only b, because the compiler knew it took space only within the current stack frame and not otherwise on the heap so presuming the compiler knew to discard that stack frame quickly, it did. Does it discard c too (even while it occupies a little bit of heap space outside of the stack frame, no?) but not d, because b it knows what type it is of, but d was generated by an external procedure so quick freeing cannot be done but it will wait until the next GC? (Marc's answer here) There is no central index of all objects on the heap, they're just allocated space for in the chunks of system memory allocated by the memory handling mechanism right? (Marc's answer here) Is any particular design of the heap or stacks required, for there to be support for concurrent garbage collection? (in same cpu core or multicore) (Marc's answer here) ## GC (the default stop & copy implementation) Which are the variables used for determining if it's time to perform a GC, and where is the code that maintains those counters? (Marc's answer here) Please describe the anatomy of a garbage collection, including what kind of state structures are used during the process (for the markings and for keeping track of finalizers). What state does the garbage collector keep between gc:s? The state structures (for keeping track of finalizers for instance), are they such that they expand dynamically during the GC, if so are those just malloc/free:ed or is there any special design for their allocation/freeing to be as fast as possible? (Marc's answer here) What is the entry point for making GC iterations, the \_\_\_gc() C procedure? Does the garbage collector have more entry points than this, if so what are they used for? (Marc's answer here) How are finalizers handled? Because, I suppose, the finalizer needs to finish before the object is discarded. So, when an object with a finalizer ends up not marked by a GC process, then the GC makes a note of that object in some kind of list, and each such object has some kind of status flag that can be either of “finalizer not invoked”, “finalizer running” and “finalizer done”, and if it's “finalizer done” then the object is GC:ed, and after each GC all entries with “finalizer not invoked” are invoked? Please describe the possible states in here, where this state is stored, and which the state changes are and when the changes take place. (Marc's answer here) On a GC, does Gambit always allocate memory for the target of the copy anew, and free() all allocations for the old copy at the end of GC? Or is there some keeping of memory allocations to not need to spend time on all new malloc() calls on each GC call? (Marc's answer here) ## Data types Every variable value in Scheme is represented internally as an integer, and has a tag about what fundamental data type the respective value is, right? What are the bit patterns in use for describing datatypes here? Where in Gambit's code is the basis for and use of those bit patterns implemented (as to know how to add or edit a type)? (I'm aware that fixnum is described by the two lowest bits being 0.) (Marc's answer here) Whenever a variable value has a payload – some kind of object contents – a pointer to the memory address at which this payload is located, is included in every object reference on the heap for that object, right? (Marc's answer here) What was the motivation for using the lower bits in the variable values for the tag rather than the upper ones? (Marc's answer here) ## Hashtables The hashtable and there used hashing algorithm, how does it work? Is there a paper anywhere that describes it? (Marc's answer here) In what components/elements are hashtables stored internally (some kind of chain or tree I'd suppose, but what)? (Marc's answer here) By what reason is it that a table must not be mutated during table-for-each, what's the worstcase outcome if one mutates a table during it? (Marc's answer here) Is it possible to implement hashtables that fit together in a tree kind of shape, so that if I make table-set\! on a parent then that one is visible to all child and grandchild etc. hashtables but not the other way around? (Marc's answer here) ## Numbers What are the rules for automatic type changes of numbers on number operations? Say, fixnum + flonum gives a flonum, that's obvious, but what about more complex cases – when are bignums generated, when are bignums scaled down to fixnums, and so on? (Marc's answer here) How are bignum structures stored internally, each such value is an object reference to a “bignum object”, and that object is a vector of integers that each contains a couple of decimals of the bignum value? With what procedures can I introspect and manipulate the element parts of a bignum value? (Marc's answer here) If one would want to change the structure format for the bignums, for instance for plugging in another bignum library, how would one go about for that? (Marc's answer here) ## The compiler What is the basic anatomy of the compiler's sourcecode, and what is the basic code path that any compilation process takes? In all cases, I'm clear already there's two steps, a Scheme to GVM step, and a GVM to native code step (with the C backend or the native backend). (Marc's answer here) Please describe the different phases that a compilation process takes (including any loops), and what form the sourcecode is stored in and what information form the compilation output is in, and what intermediary forms between sourcecode and compilation output are there and what's the purpose of those, in the different phases. (Marc's answer here) Approximately what optimizations are made by the compiler in the Scheme to GVM step and the GVM to C or native code steps respectively? (Let's define optimization as any logics that make the output code neater or faster than if that logics would not have been there, or if that logics would have been less well designed/thought through.) (Marc's answer here) Does the compiler look up all call/cc:s, and make a CPS conversion of all the code, during the compilation process? What is done with the CPS-converted code in order to generate the fastest or otherwise slimmest resultant code (if this is what the compiler does)? (Marc's answer here) Please list the academic papers and algorithm names that describe /something like/ what Gambit does during compilation. (Marc's answer here) If I wanted to implement a new primitive function that requires special (inlined) compiler output, say \#\#sysmem-byteref , where in the Scheme to GVM compiler's code and where in the C backend would a change need to be made, and approximately what kind of change would need to be made? (Marc's answer here) If I wanted to implement a new primitive conditional that requires special (inlined) compiler output, say a variant of |or| or |if| that we call |or/0| or |if/0| that treats fixnum 0 as \#f, where in the Scheme to GVM compiler's code and where in the C backend would a change need to be made, and approximately what kind of change would need to be made? (Marc's answer here) Secondarily, I may want a first-class variant of this primitive too, for use both in compiled code and by the interpreter. What is a suitable place in Gambit's code to put a “wrapper” of the compiled version of \#\#sysmem-byteref to a first-class version of it, and how should that code look? (Marc's answer here) Please describe the general nature of the GVM language, and more specifically what kind of operations the GVM code language contains. Basically the GVM language describes procedures and their execution flows (stack operations, conditionals of the execution flow, jumps/invocations to procedures, trampolines?), and other than that it's invocations of primitives (+ etc)? (Marc's answer here) Please describe the GVM code for a closure. (Marc's answer here) Please describe the GVM code for a conditional. (Marc's answer here) Please describe the GVM code for an invocation of a procedure with one or more arguments, and for its return. (Marc's answer here) What state structures are needed to run a GVM (within C backend)? (both for the stack and to maintain the execution state needed to handle the juggling of host functions) Please describe with some detail – what's on the C stack, what's the structure of the processor struct and stack structures and so on. (Marc's answer here) Please describe the kind of functionality/functions needed by a GVM. So for instance, it needs to have a GC. What more? Some kind of stack handling machinery including dynamic addition and removal of slots to stack frames? (I suppose the entire concept of host procedures is within the C backend's architecture only, the GVM design in itself has nothing to do with those?) (Marc's answer here) In many places, exceptions are raised from a really low level point, say that + was applied to the wrong data type and now there's a type exception. How does the GVM code look for such handling, and how is this implemented in the C backend? (Marc's answer here) Exactly, what is the extent of (declare (not interrupts-enabled)), as in, if a piece of code is compiled with this, then what Gambit forms, primitives and procedures can it call in such a way that the thread scheduler to is \_guaranteed\_ not to switch running thread meanwhile? (Marc's answer here) ## The \[GVM code to\] C backend and the resultant object file Please describe the general anatomy of the C code output. (It is clear that each C file has some kind of headers and information structures inlined as constants, that are for somehow instructing the parent Gambit process what globals or alike the object file contains, rather than just code) (Marc's answer here) What is the basic execution flow of the C code in an object file? Right when it's loaded by the OS, which code in it is run? What is done? To feed the parent process with globals would, I suppose, be one. It is the parent process that then invokes an initialization routine in the object file, that invokes its top level code, right? (Marc's answer here) The C code seems to be a pretty hardcore example of macro use. Is there any higher level of understanding or structure in all the macros that, if understood, makes it easier to understand the macro definitions and how the macros and their use fit together? What is the anatomy of the files with macro definitions? (Marc's answer here) When the host procedore returns (which happens basically between every evaluation step in code compiled with the safe declare), to what code in Gambit's runtime does it return then, what does that code do and in what condition does it jump back into the host procedore? (Marc's answer here) Please describe the C code for a closure. (Marc's answer here) Please describe the C code for a conditional. (Marc's answer here) Please describe the C code for an invocation of a procedure with one or more arguments, and for its return. (Marc's answer here) ## Stack handling and related code generation aspects (including for GC traversibility, safety of stack overflows and call/cc) and trampolines Are stack frames the highest level of granularity that Gambit deals with stacks at, or do they have subcomponents (except for the slots for the individual contained values of course)? What about the code (define (a) (let ((b \[value\])) (let ((c \[value\])) \[code1\]) \[code2\])), what happens in the stack as code1 completes and code2 is started to be executed and c thus is disposed from the stack? (Marc's answer here) How many bytes does a stack frame occupy? (Marc's answer here) What contents does a continuation value or a continuation object value have, beyond (being) a reference to the stack frame to be executed on its invocation? (Marc's answer here) How is the dynamic environment and parameter values implemented? When invoking a continuation or there is a change of active thread, how is the switch of dynamic environment done? (Marc's answer here) How is the stack layout designed, as to be traversible by the GC? Were any particular considerations needed for this, to maintain the platform independentness of Gambit's C backend? (Marc's answer here) How is the stack layout designed, as to suit call/cc? What is the full mechanism of a call/cc, and what is the anatomy in site of a call/cc call, and, does it have any dependencies otherwise in the RTL? (Marc's answer here) For the Gambit-generated native code to be safe for stack and heap overflows, it appears to me that there is basically some handling code between each step of every evaluation that involves the return of the host function. Why is this? Say that there is a processing loop, (let loop ((i 0)) (if (\#\#fx\< i 1000) (begin (\#\#u8vector-set\! u i (+ (u8vector-ref u i) 1) (loop (\#\#fxnum+ i 1))))) say, why can't it just be one solid piece of code that executes through the loop just like that? What is the proof that stack overflow will never happen unless malloc fails? Within Gambit, is by stack overflow, always overflow of the C-level stack meant? (Marc's answer here) How much C stack space does a Gambit process make use of? Can it be adjusted? (Marc's answer here) ## Debugging If a lowlevel crash would happen in a Gambit program, say somewhere outside the application's object files, what are the steps you normally would take/recommend as to determine the source of the error? (Marc's answer here)