- Can adjust XP and gold gains from 50% to 500%. (1,000 GP is the maximum)
- Can randomize gold costs in shops up to 20-500%.
- Can randomize monster zones and the princess and armor boss fight.
- Can randomize monster patterns
- Can randomize stat gains
- Adjust encounter rate from 1/4 to 4x normal.
- Speed up battles just a little bit.
- Abilities and monsters "cross game". (Meaning big slugs, the defeat spell, or the Thunder Sword would exist in DQ1)
- Mcgrew, for his Dragon Warrior 1 Randomizer(https://github.com/mcgrew/dwrandomizer), giving me the inspiration to create this randomizer. Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/mcgrew
- StarOfViolence (https://www.twitch.tv/starofviolence) and Aether (https://www.twitch.tv/AetherTA) for testing.