A telegram bot that will remind you to contribute code to Github everyday
- Your Github contribution will be parsed from the URL
(Your contributions to private repos may or maynot be counted depending on your settings) - Once a contribution success message is sent, you won't receive any more messages for that day
- If you haven't contributed for the day, you will be notified every one hour. There is a skip_hours array in
. Configure it to choose the hours during which you don't want to receive notification.
- A collection of funky messages to choose from (instead of boring the user with the same content again and again)
- Ask the bot not to disturb for the rest of the day
- Dockerize
- One Bot for all the users, instead of each user creating a bot
- Install Telegram and add the bot
to your contacts - Text
to @BotFather. You will create your bot over a chat and obtain theHTTP API Token
Clone or fork this repo to your machine and install the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
: This is the HTTP API Token you obtained when creating the botUSER_ID
: Once you have created a Telegram Bot, send a message to the bot and obtain your userId when the bot receives your userIdGITHUB_USER_NAME
: your github username
Use the following script to get your userId
# Send a message to your bot and run this python script
from twx.botapi import TelegramBot
bot = TelegramBot(os.environ["BOT_API_TOKEN"])
updates = bot.get_updates().wait()
for update in updates:
# Bot receives your message in this object. User id can be obtained from this update object.
python app.py
Instead of step 2, 3 and 4, you can use docker container to run the application. The Docker Image has been published in Dockerhub.
Pull the image
docker pull ganesshkumar/git-reminder
Running the container
docker run -e "BOT_API_TOKEN=<telegram_bot_api_token>" \
-e "USER_ID=<telegram_user_id>" \
-e "GITHUB_USER_NAME=<github_username>" \
-e "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=0" \ # to force stdin, stdout to print to console without buffering
-e "TZ=Asia/Kolkata" \ # set the timezone else timezone will be UTC
--name git-reminder \