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New example using MODE pin for STATUS output
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This example shows a method for running the LIDAR-Lite v3 HP while
monitoring busy status via the MODE pin on the device. Using the
MODE pin and the selected configuration, this example illustrates
a higher speed implementation that can be used for shorter distances.

Change-Id: I56c64be05dda3416540c58e045450888d75942fa
  • Loading branch information
jmseitz committed Aug 14, 2018
1 parent 186806d commit 4c7d3b6
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 0 deletions.
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions examples/v3HP/v3HP_MONITOR/v3HP_MONITOR.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
LIDARLite Arduino Library
This example shows a method for running the LIDAR-Lite v3 HP while monitoring
busy status via the MODE pin on the device. Using the MODE pin and the
selected configuration, this example illustrates a higher speed implementation
that can be used for shorter distances.
Open a serial terminal program
(or the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE) to view distance measurements.
LIDAR-Lite 5 Vdc (red) to Arduino 5v
LIDAR-Lite I2C SCL (green) to Arduino SCL
LIDAR-Lite I2C SDA (blue) to Arduino SDA
LIDAR-Lite Ground (black) to Arduino GND
LIDAR-Lite MODE (yellow) to Arduino pin 3
(Capacitor recommended to mitigate inrush current when device is enabled)
680uF capacitor (+) to Arduino 5v
680uF capacitor (-) to Arduino GND
See the Operation Manual for wiring diagrams and more information:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "LIDARLite_v3HP.h"

LIDARLite_v3HP myLidarLite;

#define FAST_I2C

#define MonitorPin 3
#define TriggerPin 2

void setup()
// Initialize Arduino serial port (for display of ASCII output to PC)

// Initialize Arduino I2C (for communication to LidarLite)
#ifdef FAST_I2C
#if ARDUINO >= 157
Wire.setClock(400000UL); // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz (for Arduino Due)
TWBR = ((F_CPU / 400000UL) - 16) / 2; // Set I2C frequency to 400kHz

// Configuration '6' sets the mode select bits in the acquisition config
// register to 01 and configures other settings to enable high rep rates.

// Standard configuration of the monitor and trigger pins as
// shown in the operation manual
pinMode(MonitorPin, INPUT);
pinMode(TriggerPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(TriggerPin, HIGH);
// When no external pullup to the trigger pin is installed the
// monitor pin can be used by itself using an internal pullup in the micro
pinMode(MonitorPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop()
uint16_t distance = 0;
uint8_t newDistance = 0;

// Continuous loop
while (1)
newDistance = distanceContinuous(&distance);

// When there is new distance data, print it to the serial port
if (newDistance)

// Read Continuous Distance Measurements
// To use the function, the MODE pin must first be configured for
// status output mode via the acquisition configuration register.
// The most recent distance measurement can always be read from
// device registers. Monitoring the BUSY flag via the MODE pin
// can alert the user that the distance measurement is new
// and that the next measurement can be initiated. If the device is
// BUSY this function does nothing and returns 0. If the device is
// NOT BUSY this function triggers the next measurement, reads the
// distance data from the previous measurement, and returns 1.
uint8_t distanceContinuous(uint16_t * distance)
uint8_t newDistance = 0;

// Check on busyFlag to indicate if device is idle
// (meaning = it finished the previously triggered measurement)
if (digitalRead(MonitorPin))
// Trigger the next range measurement

// Read new distance data from device registers
*distance = myLidarLite.readDistance();

// Report to calling function that we have new data
newDistance = 1;

return newDistance;

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