Gasvaktin aims to be an open and automated price lookup project for petrol stations in Iceland (95 octan bensin and diesel).
Check out if you're travelling Iceland and want to find your preferred petrol station in your near vicinity.
If you're interested in working with the current petrol price data provided there is a publicly available API endpoint which exposes current price data, the API is hosted by the awesome icelandic project, check it out.
If you notice any issues or errors please contact maintainer, or submit a PR to fix the issue.
Gasvaktin watches the following Icelandic oil companies:
- Atlantsolía
- Costco Iceland
- N1
- Dælan (low-cost company previously owned by N1)
- Olís
- ÓB (low-cost company owned by Olís)
- Skeljungur
- Orkan (low-cost company owned by Skeljungur)
You need to install Python (3.6.8 or newer) and pip and install the following python modules:
pip install -r pip_requirements.txt
Open a terminal in this repository and
python --collect-and-write-data
This updates the pretty vaktin/gas.json
and the minified vaktin/gas.min.json
with newest price data from the oil companies webpages. This is run every 15 minutes and in case of price changes they are automatically commited to the repository.
Run python --help
to see available input arguments.
Data over petrol stations and locations is currently just static. Price data from the oil companies is fetched regularly.
If you're interested in price trends over time, it can be extracted from git history via the following:
cd scripts
Run python --help
to see available input arguments.
Atlantsolía has a list of its stations here.
Gas price for each station can be found here, also showing discount prices available if you have Atlantsolía fuel key ring.
Costco Iceland has a single petrol station in Iceland, in Kauptún next to IKEA. Note that you can't buy petrol at this station unless you're a Costco member, Costco membership card in Iceland costs ~5.000 ISK (~49 USD) annually.
Costco Iceland doesn't plan on showing their petrol prices on their web, at least not in the near future, so we currently have no way of tracking their prices except reading it straight off their pumps in Kauptún. We check and update their prices from time to time in this Google Docs Spreadsheet but due to this procedure not being automatic, prices may not be correct from time to time.
N1 station locations can be viewed here.
Prices for N1 can be found here, you can find information on special fuel card discount here.
List of stations can be seen here but unfortunately no geo coordinates seem to be exposed. We might be able to do automatic lookup on for example google maps and use that but manual review would probably always be needed. This is one of the reasons stations data is static.
Prices for Olís can be seen here and prices for ÓB can be seen here, you can find information on special fuel key ring discount here.
In the beginning of 2018 Skeljungur rebranded its remaining stations to Orkan, there are no fuel stations operating under the Skeljungur brand anymore. Also, it seems the Orkan X brand is no more too, with the last Orkan X station being rebranded to Orkan in either late 2019 or beginning of 2020. Skeljungur bought Dælan in 2020-11 and started rebranding the stations to Orkan stations in 2021-09 and finished rebranding the last station in 2021-11.
List of stations for Orkan can be seen here.
Prices for Orkan individual stations can be seen here. Information on special fuel key ring discount is shown here.
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