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Merge pull request #2718 from gatling/recorder-headless
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Recorder: implement headless frontend, close #1993
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slandelle committed May 14, 2015
2 parents 173a3b1 + 5536946 commit bacd57d
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Showing 10 changed files with 197 additions and 39 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions gatling-recorder/src/main/resources/recorder-defaults.conf
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ recorder {
className = "RecordedSimulation" # The name of the generated Simulation class
thresholdForPauseCreation = 100 # The minimum time, in milliseconds, that must pass between requests to trigger a pause creation
saveConfig = false # When set to true, the configuration from the Recorder GUI overwrites this configuration
headless = false # When set to true, run the Recorder in headless mode instead of the GUI
harFilePath = "" # The path of the HAR file to convert
filters {
filterStrategy = "Disabled" # The selected filter resources filter strategy (currently supported : "Disabled", "BlackList", "WhiteList")
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ package io.gatling.recorder.cli
import io.gatling.core.cli.GatlingOptionParser
import io.gatling.recorder.ConfigOverrides
import io.gatling.recorder.cli.CommandLineConstants._
import io.gatling.recorder.config.RecorderPropertiesBuilder
import io.gatling.recorder.config.{ RecorderMode, RecorderPropertiesBuilder }
import io.gatling.recorder.controller.RecorderController

private[recorder] class ArgsParser(args: Array[String]) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,6 +85,20 @@ private[recorder] class ArgsParser(args: Array[String]) {
.text("""Sets the "Fetch html resources" option to true""")

.foreach(m => props.mode(RecorderMode(m)))
.text("The Recorder mode to use")

.text("Run the Recorder in headless mode")

.text("The path of the HAR file to convert")

def parseArguments: Option[ConfigOverrides] =
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Expand Up @@ -32,4 +32,7 @@ private[cli] object CommandLineConstants {
val FollowRedirect = CommandLineConstant("follow-redirect", "fr")
val AutomaticReferer = CommandLineConstant("automatic-referer", "ar")
val InferHtmlResources = CommandLineConstant("infer-html-resources", "ihr")
val Mode = CommandLineConstant("mode", "m")
val Headless = CommandLineConstant("headless", "cli")
val HarFilePath = CommandLineConstant("har-file", "hf")
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ private[recorder] object ConfigKeys {
val ClassName = "recorder.core.className"
val ThresholdForPauseCreation = "recorder.core.thresholdForPauseCreation"
val SaveConfig = "recorder.core.saveConfig"
val Headless = "recorder.core.headless"
val HarFilePath = "recorder.core.harFilePath"
object filters {
val FilterStrategy = "recorder.filters.filterStrategy"
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Expand Up @@ -96,15 +96,12 @@ private[recorder] object RecorderConfiguration extends StrictLogging {
configFile.foreach(file => withCloseable(createAndOpen(file).writer(gatlingConfiguration.core.charset))(_.write(configToSave.render(RenderOptions))))

private[config] def createAndOpen(path: Path): Path = {
private[config] def createAndOpen(path: Path): Path =
if (!path.exists) {
val parent = path.getParent
if (parent.exists) path.touch
else throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Directory '${parent.toString}' for recorder configuration does not exist")

} else path

private def buildConfig(config: Config): RecorderConfiguration = {
import ConfigKeys._
Expand All @@ -130,7 +127,9 @@ private[recorder] object RecorderConfiguration extends StrictLogging {
pkg = config.getString(core.Package),
className = config.getString(core.ClassName),
thresholdForPauseCreation = config.getInt(core.ThresholdForPauseCreation) milliseconds,
saveConfig = config.getBoolean(core.SaveConfig)),
saveConfig = config.getBoolean(core.SaveConfig),
headless = config.getBoolean(core.Headless),
harFilePath = config.getString(core.HarFilePath).trimToOption),
filters = FiltersConfiguration(
filterStrategy = FilterStrategy(config.getString(filters.FilterStrategy)),
whiteList = WhiteList(config.getStringList(filters.WhitelistPatterns).toList),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +186,9 @@ private[recorder] case class CoreConfiguration(
pkg: String,
className: String,
thresholdForPauseCreation: Duration,
saveConfig: Boolean)
saveConfig: Boolean,
headless: Boolean,
harFilePath: Option[String])

private[recorder] case class HttpConfiguration(
automaticReferer: Boolean,
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ class RecorderPropertiesBuilder {
def saveConfig(status: Boolean): Unit =
props += core.SaveConfig -> status

def headless(status: Boolean): Unit =
props += core.Headless -> status

def harFilePath(path: String): Unit =
props += core.HarFilePath -> path

def filterStrategy(strategy: String): Unit =
props += filters.FilterStrategy -> strategy

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Expand Up @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ package io.gatling.recorder.ui

import io.gatling.recorder.config.{ RecorderMode, RecorderConfiguration }
import io.gatling.recorder.controller.RecorderController
import io.gatling.recorder.ui.headless.HeadlessFrontend
import io.gatling.recorder.ui.swing.SwingFrontend

private[recorder] object RecorderFrontend {

// Currently hardwired to the Swing frontend
// Will select the desired frontend when more are implemented
def newFrontend(controller: RecorderController)(implicit configuration: RecorderConfiguration): RecorderFrontend =
new SwingFrontend(controller)
if (configuration.core.headless) new HeadlessFrontend(controller)
else new SwingFrontend(controller)
private[recorder] abstract class RecorderFrontend(controller: RecorderController) {

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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
* Copyright 2011-2015 eBusiness Information, Groupe Excilys (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.gatling.recorder.ui.headless

import{ PrintStream, File }

import io.gatling.core.util.Io._
import io.gatling.recorder.config.RecorderMode.Proxy
import io.gatling.recorder.config.RecorderConfiguration
import io.gatling.recorder.controller.RecorderController
import io.gatling.recorder.ui.{ EventInfo, RecorderFrontend }

private[headless] object HeadlessFrontend {
private val RecorderPidFile = new File(".gatling-recorder-pid")
private[ui] class HeadlessFrontend(controller: RecorderController)(implicit configuration: RecorderConfiguration) extends RecorderFrontend(controller) {

import HeadlessFrontend._

private var hasRun = false

override def selectedRecorderMode = configuration.core.mode

override def receiveEventInfo(eventInfo: EventInfo): Unit = println(s"[Event] $eventInfo")

override def init(): Unit =
if (!hasRun) {
hasRun = true
println("Starting Recorder in headless mode")
if (selectedRecorderMode == Proxy && RecorderPidFile.exists()) {
printErr(s"Recorder lock file found at $RecorderPidFile.")
printErr("Make sure that there is no other recording in progress.")
} else startRecording()
} else sys.runtime.halt(0)

override def handleHarExportFailure(message: String): Unit =
printErr(s"Could not convert HAR file: $message")

override def harFilePath = configuration.core.harFilePath.getOrElse("")

override def handleHarExportSuccess(): Unit =
println("HAR file successfully converted.")

override def recordingStarted(): Unit = {
println(s"Recording started, proxy port is ${configuration.proxy.port}")
println("To stop the Recorder and generate the Simulation, kill the Recorder process with: ")
println("- CTRL-C")
println(s"- Use the Recorder's PID, written to $RecorderPidFile")

override def handleFilterValidationFailures(failures: Seq[String]): Unit = ()

override def askSimulationOverwrite: Boolean = {
printErr("Another simulation with the same name exists.")

override def recordingStopped(): Unit = {
println("New Gatling simulation created.")

override def handleMissingHarFile(path: String): Unit = {
val errorMessage = {
if (path.isEmpty) "The HAR file to convert was not specified, either through recorder.conf or through CLI options."
else s"Could not find the HAR file (path: $path)"

private def createLockFile(): Unit = {
val pid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean.getName.split("@").head
withCloseable(new PrintStream(RecorderPidFile))(_.println(pid))

private def printErr(msg: String): Unit =
Expand Up @@ -480,6 +480,8 @@ private[swing] class ConfigurationFrame(frontend: RecorderFrontend)(implicit con
modeSelector.selection.item = configuration.core.mode


localProxyHttpPort.text = configuration.proxy.port.toString

httpsModes.selection.item = configuration.proxy.https.mode
Expand All @@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ private[swing] class ConfigurationFrame(frontend: RecorderFrontend)(implicit con
privateKeyPathChooser.setPath(configuration.proxy.https.certificateAuthority.privateKeyPath) { proxyHost => { proxyHost =>
outgoingProxyHost.text = proxyHost
outgoingProxyHttpPort.text =
outgoingProxyHttpsPort.text =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -542,6 +544,8 @@ private[swing] class ConfigurationFrame(frontend: RecorderFrontend)(implicit con



// Local proxy

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84 changes: 57 additions & 27 deletions src/sphinx/http/recorder.rst
Expand Up @@ -162,40 +162,70 @@ Charles is an amazing tool and has an HAR export feature, but it's a proxy, so w

To import a HAR file, select the *HAR converter* mode in the top right dropdown in the Recorder.

.. _recorder-headless:

Headless mode

Along the GUI mode, Gatling also offers a simple CLI interface, facilitating the automation of recording or converting simulations from HAR files.
The Headless mode can be enabled either from the ``recorder.conf`` file or with the ``-cli``/``--headless`` command line option.
Both 'Proxy' an 'HAR' modes are supported (you can set which mode to use using the ``-m``/``--mode`` command line option).


In 'Proxy mode', the Recorder will start listening for requests from your browser right away.
To stop the Recorder and create the Simulation, you have to 'kill' the Recorder by either:

* Sending a 'kill' signal with ``CTRL-C``
* Killing the Recorder's process, using the Recorder process ID written to the ``.gatling-recorder-pid`` file: ``cat .gatling-recorder-pid | xargs kill``

HAR Converter

In 'Har' mode, the Recorder will convert the provided HAR file to a Simulation and exits.

.. _recorder-cli:

Command-line options

For those who prefer the command line, command line options can be passed to the Recorder:

| Option (short) | Option (long) | Description |
| -lp <port> | --local-port <port> | Local Proxy HTTP/HTTPS port |
| -ph <port> | --proxy-host <port> | Outgoing proxy host |
| -pp <port> | --proxy-port <port> | Outgoing proxy port |
| -pps <port> | --proxy-port-ssl <port> | Outgoing proxy SSL port |
| -of <path> | --output-folder <path> | Output folder for generated simulations |
| -bdf <path> | --bodies-folder <path> | Folder for bodies |
| -cn <className> | --class-name <className> | Name of the generated simulation |
| -pkg <packageName> | --package <packageName> | Package of the generated simulation |
| -enc <encoding> | --encoding <encoding> | Encoding used in the Recorder |
| -fr <true|false> | --follow-redirect <true|false> | Enable *Follow Redirects* |
| -ar <true|false> | --automatic-referer <true|false> | Enable *Automatic Referers* |
| -fhr <true|false> | --fetch-html-resources <true|false> | Enable *Fetch html resources* |
| Option (short) | Option (long) | Description |
| -lp <port> | --local-port <port> | Local Proxy HTTP/HTTPS port |
| -ph <port> | --proxy-host <port> | Outgoing proxy host |
| -pp <port> | --proxy-port <port> | Outgoing proxy port |
| -pps <port> | --proxy-port-ssl <port> | Outgoing proxy SSL port |
| -of <path> | --output-folder <path> | Output folder for generated simulations |
| -bdf <path> | --bodies-folder <path> | Folder for bodies |
| -cn <className> | --class-name <className> | Name of the generated simulation |
| -pkg <packageName> | --package <packageName> | Package of the generated simulation |
| -enc <encoding> | --encoding <encoding> | Encoding used in the Recorder |
| -fr <true|false> | --follow-redirect <true|false> | Enable *Follow Redirects* |
| -ar <true|false> | --automatic-referer <true|false> | Enable *Automatic Referers* |
| -fhr <true|false> | --fetch-html-resources <true|false> | Enable *Fetch html resources* |
| -m <Proxy|Har> | --mode <Proxy|Har> | Recorder mode to use |
| -cli <true|false> | --headless <true|false> | Run Recorder in headless mode |
| -hf <path> | --har-file <path> | The HAR file to convert (if mode is Har) |

.. note:: Command-line options override saved preferences.

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