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fix(gatsby-plugin-styled-components): fix global styles pollution (#9943
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Fix #9922

`ServerStyleSheet` should be specific to each pages in order to not pollutes the other. Theses changes removes the "global" stylesheet and use the `pathname` for identify each pages.


Just a quick note for my first PR here: thanks to every contributors for this fantastic project! 👍
  • Loading branch information
LoicMahieu authored and pieh committed Nov 15, 2018
1 parent 6e388bf commit a75c641
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 6 deletions.
18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions packages/gatsby-plugin-styled-components/src/gatsby-ssr.js
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
import React from "react"
import { ServerStyleSheet, StyleSheetManager } from "styled-components"

const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()
const sheetByPathname = new Map()

// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types,react/display-name
exports.wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
<StyleSheetManager sheet={sheet.instance}>{element}</StyleSheetManager>
exports.wrapRootElement = ({ element, pathname }) => {
const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()
sheetByPathname.set(pathname, sheet)
return <StyleSheetManager sheet={sheet.instance}>{element}</StyleSheetManager>

exports.onRenderBody = ({ setHeadComponents }) => {
exports.onRenderBody = ({ setHeadComponents, pathname }) => {
const sheet = sheetByPathname.get(pathname)
if (sheet) {

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