diff --git a/docs/docs/browser-support.md b/docs/docs/browser-support.md index 174d8d3220201..39a2eb5397a9f 100644 --- a/docs/docs/browser-support.md +++ b/docs/docs/browser-support.md @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ supported by some of your targeted browsers, you won't have to worry about it breaking the older browsers as Babel will automatically add the needed polyfill `core-js/modules/es7.array.includes`. -> Gatsby only automatically adds polyfills for your code (and not for your project's dependencies in `node_modules`) at the moment. You can track work on this in [this issue](https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/issues/7064). - ## Specify what browsers your project supports using "Browserslist" You may customize your list of supported browser versions by declaring a