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Docs for Faker.Lorem
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gazay committed Jan 20, 2015
1 parent 7aecfec commit 88c8d22
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/Faker/Lorem.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
Module : Faker.Lorem
Description : Module for generating fake words, sentences and paragraphs
Copyright : (c) Alexey Gaziev, 2015
License : MIT
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
Fake data
module Faker.Lorem
-- * Functions for generate fake words, sentences and paragraphs
, words
, character
Expand All @@ -15,41 +27,53 @@ import Faker.Utils
import Prelude hiding (words)
import Data.Char

-- | Returns random word, i.e. "recusandae"
word :: Faker String
word = randomLoremWord "words"

-- | Returns random word or supplemental word, i.e. "benevolentia"
wordOrSupplemental :: Faker String
wordOrSupplemental = do
ind <- randomInt (0,1)
case ind of
0 -> word
_ -> randomLoremWord "supplemental"

-- | Returns list of random words with size of provided num,
-- i.e. ["alveus","ademptio","arcus","autem","nihil"]
words :: Int -> Faker [String]
words num = sequence $ replicate num wordOrSupplemental

-- | Returns random character, i.e. 'a'
character :: Faker Char
character = do
w <- word
ind <- randomInt (0, length w - 1)
return $ w !! ind

-- | Returns random characters with size of provided num, i.e. "afasde"
characters :: Int -> Faker [Char]
characters num = sequence $ replicate num character

-- | Returns random sentence, i.e. "Ultio et solus uter nisi."
sentence :: Faker String
sentence = do
ws <- randomInt (3,12) >>= words
let sentence = unwords ws
result = (toUpper $ head sentence) : tail sentence ++ "."
return result

-- | Returns list of random sentences with size of provided num,
-- i.e. ["Optio ago aliquid magnam bestia dolores unde.","Villa recusandae velociter assumenda."]
sentences :: Int -> Faker [String]
sentences num = sequence $ replicate num sentence

-- | Returns paragraph, of random sentences (from 3 to 6),
-- i.e. "Cupressus atque civis perferendis viduo dolorem conor appositus tempore cunae. Veritatis ut tot est. Valde temperantia necessitatibus sint celo uterque sequi aduro itaque officiis quam. Statim cribro et subvenio."
paragraph :: Faker String
paragraph = randomInt (3,6) >>= sentences >>= return . unwords

-- | Returns list of random paragraphs with size of provided num
paragraphs :: Int -> Faker [String]
paragraphs num = sequence $ replicate num paragraph

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