Batches up files in a directory and runs the STAR aligner on them.
STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner
Alexander Dobin1,*, Carrie A. Davis1, Felix Schlesinger1, Jorg Drenkow1, Chris Zaleski1, Sonali Jha1, Philippe Batut1, Mark Chaisson2 and Thomas R. Gingeras1
Usage: -i inputDirectory -e fileExtension -g genomeDir -o outputDirectory [-t threads -r --clip5pNbases clip5pNbases --outFilterMultimapNmax outFilterMultimapNmax]
- The input directory to analyze
- The output directory
-g INDEX_DIR, --genomeDir INDEX_DIR
- genomeDir string: path to the directory where genome files are stored
- The file extension to match. File extensions must start with '.' to be valid!
-h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- Recursive input directory
-t threads, --threads PROCESSORS
- The number of processors to use. DEFAULT = 90% of CPUs int(cpu_count() * .90)
- clip5pNbases: int: number(s) of bases to clip from 5p of each mate. If one value is given, it will be assumed the same for both mates. DEFAULT = 6
--outFilterMultimapNmax REPEAT
- outFilterMultimapNmax: int: read alignments will be output only if the read maps fewer than this value, otherwise no alignments will be output. DEFAULT = 10