Maybe simplest way to communicate with Strapi from Unity, go, just try it.
if you use a Strapi Version 4.0 and above, please install a Plugin Transformer and setup this configuration:
//remove the attributes key from the response and shift all of its properties up one level removeAttributesKey = true //remove the data key from the response and shift the attribute data to be top level removeDataKey = true
//MyVector3 is a example model with interface implementation IStrapiEntityType
//1.Generate token in Strapi
var strapi = new Strapi("http://localhost:1337","Bearer ...");
var positionsRepository = strapi.CreateRepository<MyVector3>("api/positions");
List<MyVector3> res = positionsRepository.GetAll();
MyVector3 newPosition =positionsRepository.Add(new MyVector3(0,1,0));
Entity<MyVector3> foundedByIdEntity = positionsRepository.GetEntity(0);
MyVector3 foundedById = positionsRepository.Get(0);
MyVector3 updated = positionsRepository.Update(foundedByIdEntity);
bool success = positionsRepository.Delete(foundedByIdEntity);