An illustrative sample web service implementing a basic news feed capability.
This was developed with the following dependencies...
clojure 1.7.0
iced tea 2.5.6
cassandra 2.1.11
postgresql 9.4
mysql 5.6.27
zookeeper 3.4.5
kafka 2.11
redis 3.0.5
solr 5.3.1
This is a fun learning adventure for writing non-trivial web services in clojure so you have to start a lot of services in order to get it to work.
Here is some sample scripting in order to get you started. This script assumes that you cloned the github project into a folder called git that is a subfolder to your home directory.
cd ~/oss/kafka/kafka_2.11-
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic feed
cd ~/apps/solr-5.3.1
bin/solr create_core -c outbound
Copy everything from the solr folder from this github repository to the ~/apps/solr-5.3.1/server/solr/outbound folder.
# create a feed database with a user/password of feed/feed
psql feed <~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed/etc/schema.postgre.sql
cd ~/oss/apache-cassandra-2.1.11/bin
./cqlsh <~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed/etc/schema.cassandra.sql
cd ~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/support
mvn clean install
cd ~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed
You may need to edit ~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed/etc/config.cli and you will also need to set the APP_CONFIG environment variable too (see below).
Right now, I never see the building of uberjar complete even after 30 minutes.
lein ring uberjar
This is what I do when testing on my personal laptop.
cd ~/oss/apache-cassandra-2.1.11/bin
./cassandra -f
cd ~/oss/kafka/kafka_2.11-
bin/ config/
bin/ config/
cd ~/oss/redis/redis-3.0.5/src
cd ~/apps/solr-5.3.1
bin/solr start
cd ~/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed
# append server/etcHosts4localhost to your /etc/hosts file
# the tilde notation does not get honored here
export APP_CONFIG=/home/glenn/git/clojure-news-feed/server/feed/etc/config.clj
lein run
start a kafka consumer
cd ~/oss/kafka/kafka_2.11-
bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic feed --from-beginning
I also run the load test application when testing the service locally. I usually use 3 threads and query Solr 10% of the time.
curl -d name=Moe http://localhost:8080/participant
curl -d name=Larry http://localhost:8080/participant
curl -d name=Curly http://localhost:8080/participant
curl -d from=/participant/1 -d to=/participant/2 http://localhost:8080/participant/1/friends
curl -d from=/participant/1 -d to=/participant/3 http://localhost:8080/participant/1/friends
curl -d from=/participant/1 -d occurred="2014-01-03" -d subject="testing service" -d story="full end to end testing of the service" http://localhost:8080/participant/1/outbound
curl http://localhost:8080/participant/2/inbound
curl http://localhost:8080/outbound?keywords=testing
At the time of this writing, lein no longer can create an uberjar of this service so we have to run the service using the source code. For your convenience, there is a Dockerfile for doing this in the etc folder.
- You need to download the following open source archives into the same directory as from where you build the Dockerfile; Oracle JDK 7, Apache Maven, and Leiningen.
- You may need to edit the Dockerfile to accomodate the versions of the open source projects downloaded.
- The config.clj and the files need to be available in the folder where you build the Dockerfile too. Feel free to edit these files for your particular situtation.
You can also use the docker image instead. Be sure to add the following hosts when running the image; mysql_host, cassandra_host, redis_host, kafka_host, solr_host. The port to export is 8080.