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trey0 committed Jun 28, 2012
1 parent b12f5f9 commit 7aef465
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions geocamTiePoint/static/geocamTiePoint/js/transform.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@

function getVMatrixFromPoints(points) {
var V = new Matrix(points.length, 2);
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
V.values[0][i] = points[i][0];
V.values[1][i] = points[i][1];
return V;

function getSimpleUMatrixFromPoints(points) {
var U = new Matrix(points.length, 2);
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
U.values[0][i] = points[i][2];
U.values[1][i] = points[i][3];
return U;

function getProjectiveUMatrixFromPoints(points) {
var U = new Matrix(points.length, 3);
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
U.values[0][i] = points[i][2];
U.values[1][i] = points[i][3];
U.values[2][i] = 1;
return U;

function getQuadraticUMatrixFromPoints(points) {
var U = new Matrix(points.length, 5);
for (var i=0; i < points.length; i++) {
U.values[0][i] = Math.pow(points[i][2], 2);
U.values[1][i] = Math.pow(points[i][3], 2);
U.values[2][i] = points[i][2];
U.values[3][i] = points[i][3];
U.values[4][i] = 1;
return U;

function getTransform(p) {
if (p.length == 4) {
var xscale = p[0];
var yscale = p[1];
var tx = p[2];
var ty = p[3];
return {
type: "projective",
n: 4,
params: {
xscale: xscale,
yscale: yscale,
tx: tx,
ty: ty
matrix: [[xscale, 0, tx],
[0, yscale, ty],
[0, 0, 1]]

} else if (p.length == 5) {
var xscale = p[0];
var yscale = p[1];
var theta = p[2];
var tx = p[3];
var ty = p[4];
return {
type: "projective",
n: 5,
params: {
xscale: xscale,
yscale: yscale,
theta: theta,
tx: tx,
ty: ty,
matrix: [[Math.cos(theta) * xscale, -Math.sin(theta) * yscale, tx],
[Math.sin(theta) * xscale, Math.cos(theta) * yscale, ty],
[0, 0, 1]]

} else if (p.length == 6) {
return {
type: "projective",
n: 6,
matrix: [[p[0], p[1], p[2]],
[p[3], p[4], p[5]],
[0, 0, 1]]

} else if (p.length == 8) {
return {
type: "projective",
n: 8,
matrix: [[p[0], p[1], p[2]],
[p[3], p[4], p[5]],
[p[6], p[7], 1]]

} else if (p.length == 12) {
return {
type: "quadratic",
n: 12,
matrix: [[p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]],
[p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8], p[9]],
[0, 0, p[10], p[11], 1]]

} else {
throw "error in getTransform: wrong number of parameters!";

function applyTransform(tform, points) {
var U;
if (tform.type == "projective") {
U = getProjectiveUMatrixFromPoints(points);
} else if (tform.type == "quadratic") {
U = getQuadraticUMatrixFromPoints(points);
var height = tform.matrix.length;
var width = tform.matrix[0].length;
var T = new Matrix(width, height,

console.log('T: ' + JSON.stringify(T));

var Vapprox0 = T.multiply(U);

// projective rescale and truncate the bottom row
var n = points.length;
var Vapprox = new Matrix(n, 2);
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
var z = Vapprox0.values[2][i];
Vapprox.values[0][i] = Vapprox0.values[0][i] / z;
Vapprox.values[1][i] = Vapprox0.values[1][i] / z;

console.log('U: ' + JSON.stringify(U));
console.log('T: ' + JSON.stringify(T));
console.log('Vapprox0: ' + JSON.stringify(Vapprox0));
console.log('Vapprox: ' + JSON.stringify(Vapprox));

return Vapprox;

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