Resetting modules to system default Currently Loaded Modules: 1) StdEnv (S) 14) FFTW/3.3.8-gompi-2020a 2) GCCcore/9.3.0 15) ScaLAPACK/2.1.0-gompi-2020a 3) ncurses/6.2-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 16) foss/2020a 4) zlib/1.2.11-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 17) Szip/2.1.1-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 5) bzip2/1.0.8-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 18) HDF5/1.10.6-gompi-2020a 6) cURL/7.69.1-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 19) expat/2.2.9-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 7) CMake/3.16.4-GCCcore-9.3.0 20) XZ/5.2.5-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 8) binutils/2.34-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 21) libxml2/2.9.10-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 9) GCC/9.3.0 22) gettext/0.20.1-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 10) hpcx/2.6 23) libreadline/8.0-GCCcore-9.3.0 (H) 11) OpenMPI/4.0.3-GCC-9.3.0 24) Perl/5.30.2-GCCcore-9.3.0 12) OpenBLAS/0.3.9-GCC-9.3.0 25) git/2.23.0-GCCcore-9.3.0-nodocs 13) gompi/2020a Where: H: Hidden Module S: Module is Sticky, requires --force to unload or purge --------------------------------------------------------- TimerOutput objects finalize timed values printed to the screen by communicating over MPI in their destructors. Since an exception is currently uncaught, this synchronization (and subsequent output) will be skipped to avoid a possible deadlock. --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Exception 'ExcMessage (exception_message.str())' on rank 0 on processing: -------------------------------------------------------- An error occurred in line <2421> of file in function void aspect::Utilities::linear_solver_failed(const string&, const string&, const std::vector&, const std::exception&, ompi_communicator_t* const&, const string&) The violated condition was: false Additional information: The iterative Stokes solver in Simulator::solve_stokes did not converge. The initial residual was: 4.331202e+06 The final residual is: 1.945022e+02 The required residual for convergence is: 2.301297e-01 See /cluster/home/maaike/from_box_to_shell/case_shell_nr_fs2/case_shell_nr_fs2/solver_history.txt for the full convergence history. The solver reported the following error: -------------------------------------------------------- An error occurred in line <2421> of file in function void aspect::Utilities::linear_solver_failed(const string&, const string&, const std::vector&, const std::exception&, ompi_communicator_t* const&, const string&) The violated condition was: false Additional information: The iterative (top left) solver in BlockSchurPreconditioner::vmult did not converge. The required residual for convergence is: 9.989045e-03 The solver reported the following error: -------------------------------------------------------- An error occurred in line <502> of file in function void dealii::TrilinosWrappers::SolverBase::do_solve(const Preconditioner&) [with Preconditioner = dealii::TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionBase] The violated condition was: false Additional information: AztecOO::Iterate error code -3: loss of precision -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Aborting! ---------------------------------------------------- srun: error: c63-2: task 0: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: c63-2: tasks 1-19,21-31: Exited with exit code 1 srun: error: c63-2: task 20: Exited with exit code 1