# SW4 input file for testing the Yuelu geological model # supergrid supergrid gp=40 dc=0.021 # grid size and the geographic location of the original are set in the grid command,using default spherical projection grid x=8e3 y=8e3 z=5e3 h=10 lat=28.159657469199999 lon=112.909975415000005 az=0 # elevation of the topography ranges between emin=-6 ≤ e ≤ emax=282, we recommend using zmax ≥ −emin + 2|emax − emin|=6+2|282 − -6|=582 # curvilinear grid extends to z=800 and gets approximately the same gridsize as the finest Cartesian topography input=grid file=YL_elevation.txt zmax=800 order=2 fileio path=Yuelu_model_test pfs=0 verbose=0 printcycle=10 nwriters=10 block vp=1600 vs=800 rho=2320 block vp=2500 vs=1200 rho=2520 z1=1.5e3 block vp=5920 vs=2830 rho=2720 z1=3e3 block vp=6600 vs=3810 rho=2920 z1=4e3 # define material interface surfaces ifile filename=END_YL_layer.txt # material model in the sedimentary basin material id=1 vs=300 vp=600 rho=2140 rhograd=0.125 # global threshold on material velocities globalmaterial vpmin=800 vsmin=500 # adding 5 sec to t0 to avoid sudden startup due to lowpass filtering source lat=28.177280 lon=112.946871 z=3e3 m0=8.4184e18 strike=45 dip=90 rake=75 type=RickerInt freq=1 t0=5 # enable pre-filtering of source time-functions # max frequency 2.5*fc2 =3, min Vs= 300 m/s, P=10 grid points per shortest wave length, h=300/(3*10) = 10 prefilter fc1=0.1 fc2=3 type=bandpass passes=2 order=2 # time time t=30 utcstart=12/04/2022:21:45:00.0 # images image mode=lat z=0 cycle=0 file=g image mode=lon z=0 cycle=0 file=g image mode=grid z=0 cycle=0 file=g image mode=topo z=0 cycle=0 file=g image mode=p x=4e3 cycle=0 file=g image mode=s x=4e3 cycle=0 file=g image mode=rho x=4e3 cycle=0 file=g image mode=qp x=4e3 cycle=0 file=g image mode=qs x=4e3 cycle=0 file=g image mode=uz z=0.0 timeInterval=1 file=g # Volimage vimage mode=rho time=0 file=vol vimage mode=p time=0 file=vol vimage mode=s time=0 file=vol vimage mode=qp time=0 file=vol vimage mode=qs time=0 file=vol vimage mode=uz time=0 file=vol # Reciever stations rec file=sg1 lat=28.177280 lon=112.946871 depth=0.0 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 variables=velocity writeEvery=10 rec file=sg1 lat=28.177280 lon=112.946871 depth=0.0 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 variables=displacement writeEvery=10