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jlecour committed Sep 21, 2010
1 parent 89e4f13 commit e316444
Showing 1 changed file with 42 additions and 60 deletions.
102 changes: 42 additions & 60 deletions README.markdown
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,18 @@

Geokit consists of a Gem ([geokit-gem]( and a Rails plugin ([geokit-rails](

#### 1. Install the Rails plugin:
Make sure you use a version >= 3.0 of Rails.

script/plugin install git://

#### 2. Add this line to your environment.rb
(inside the do |config| block)

config.gem "geokit"
You just have to add the 'geokit-rails' gem to your Gemfile

This informs Rails of the gem dependency.
gem 'geokit-rails'

#### 3. Tell Rails to install the gem:
Then tell bundler to update the gems :

rake gems:install
$ bundle install

If you want to use geokit-rails in a Rails 2 application, just use the good old plugin.

And you're good to go! If you're running an older verion of Rails, just install the gem manually: `sudo gem install rails`


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,11 +60,11 @@ There are some defaults you can override:

The optional parameters are :units, :formula, and distance_field_name.
Values for :units can be :miles, :kms (kilometers), or :nms (nautical miles),
with :miles as the default. Values for :formula can be :sphere or :flat with
:sphere as the default. :sphere gives you Haversine calculations, while :flat
gives the Pythagoreum Theory. These defaults persist through out the plug-in.
The optional parameters are `units`, `formula`, and `distance_field_name`.
Values for **units** can be `:miles`, `:kms` (kilometers), or `:nms` (nautical miles),
with `:miles` as the default. Values for **formula** can be `:sphere` or `:flat` with
`:sphere` as the default. `:sphere` gives you Haversine calculations, while `:flat`
gives the Pythagoreum Theory. These defaults persist through out the gem.

The plug-in creates a calculated `distance` field on AR instances that have
been retrieved throw a Geokit location query. By default, these fields are
Expand All @@ -79,82 +74,80 @@ You can also define alternative column names for latitude and longitude using
the `:lat_column_name` and `:lng_column_name` keys. The defaults are 'lat' and
'lng' respectively.

Once you've specified acts_as_mappable, a set of distance-based
finder methods are available:
Once you've specified `acts_as_mappable`, a set of distance-based
scopes are available:

Origin as a two-element array of latititude/longitude:

find(:all, :origin => [37.792,-122.393])

Origin as a geocodeable string:

find(:all, :origin => '100 Spear st, San Francisco, CA')
Location.origin('100 Spear st, San Francisco, CA')

Origin as an object which responds to lat and lng methods,
or latitude and longitude methods, or whatever methods you have
specified for `lng_column_name` and `lat_column_name`:

find(:all, :origin=>my_store) # and my_store.lng methods exist
Location.origin(my_store) # and my_store.lng methods exist

Often you will need to find within a certain distance. The prefered syntax is:

find(:all, :origin => @somewhere, :within => 5)

. . . however these syntaxes will also work:

find_within(5, :origin => @somewhere)
find(:all, :origin => @somewhere, :conditions => "distance < 5")
find.origin(@somewhere).where("distance < 5")

Note however that the third form should be avoided. With either of the first two,
Note however that the second form should be avoided. With the first,
Geokit automatically adds a bounding box to speed up the radial query in the database.
With the third form, it does not.
With the second form, it does not.

If you need to combine distance conditions with other conditions, you should do
so like this:

find(:all, :origin => @somewhere, :within => 5, :conditions=>['state=?',state])
Location.origin(@somewhere).within(5).where(:state => state)

If :origin is not provided in the finder call, the find method
works as normal. Further, the key is removed
from the :options hash prior to invoking the superclass behavior.
If the _within_ scope is called without an _origin_ scope, it is simply ignored.

Other convenience methods work intuitively and are as follows:
Other convenience scopes work intuitively and are as follows:

find_within(distance, :origin => @somewhere)
find_beyond(distance, :origin => @somewhere)
find_closest(:origin => @somewhere)
find_farthest(:origin => @somewhere)

where the options respect the defaults, but can be overridden if

The `closest` and `farthest` scopes just add a `limit(1)` in the scopes chain.

Lastly, if all that is desired is the raw SQL for distance
calculations, you can use the following:

distance_sql(origin, units=default_units, formula=default_formula)
Location.distance_sql(origin, units=default_units, formula=default_formula)

Thereafter, you are free to use it in find_by_sql as you wish.
Thereafter, you are free to use it in `find_by_sql` as you wish.

There are methods available to enable you to get the count based upon
the find condition that you have provided. These all work similarly to
the finders. So for instance:

count(:origin, :conditions => "distance < 5")
count_within(distance, :origin => @somewhere)
count_beyond(distance, :origin => @somewhere)
You can then chain these scope with any other or use a "calling" method like `first`, `all`, `count`, …



If you are displaying points on a map, you probably need to query for whatever falls within the rectangular bounds of the map:

Store.find :all, :bounds=>[sw_point,ne_point]

The input to :bounds can be array with the two points or a Bounds object. However you provide them, the order should always be the southwest corner, northeast corner of the rectangle. Typically, you will be getting the sw_point and ne_point from a map that is displayed on a web page.
The input to `bounds` can be array with the two points or a Bounds object. However you provide them, the order should always be the southwest corner, northeast corner of the rectangle. Typically, you will be getting the sw\_point and ne\_point from a map that is displayed on a web page.

If you need to calculate the bounding box from a point and radius, you can do that:

Store.find :all, :bounds=>bounds

<!-- End of the first batch of "updates" -->


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -547,9 +540,9 @@ Follow the Google Group for updates and discussion on Geokit:


*1. The configuration*: Geokit for Rails uses a Railtie with a configuration routine.
*1. The configuration file*: Geokit for Rails uses a configuration file in config/initializers.
You *must* add your own keys for the various geocoding services if you want to use geocoding.
Look at the CONGIG file for possible configuration key/values.
If you need to refer to the original template again, see the `assets/api_keys_template` file.

*2. The gem dependency*: Geokit for Rails depends on the Geokit gem. Tell Rails about this
dependency in `config/environment.rb`, within the initializer block:
Expand All @@ -559,14 +552,3 @@ config.gem "geokit"

Try installing the gem manually (sudo gem install geokit), then adding a `require 'geokit'` to the top of
`vendor/plugins/geokit-rails/init.rb` and/or `config/geokit_config.rb`.


To run the test suite, you need to have the following gems (ideally in a RVM Gemset) :
- rails (~> 3)
- mysql
- mocha
- geokit

You also need a database named **geokit\_plugin\_test**. You can tweak the database configuration in _test/database.yml_.

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