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An ecosystem of geospatial tools and libraries written in Rust

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An ecosystem of geospatial tools and libraries written in Rust

🗺️ GeoRust is a collective of people who work on and maintain Rust crates related to geospatial computing, broadly defined. A non-exhaustive list of crates is listed on, with most development happening here on GitHub.

👋 We're active on Discord: please come and say hello, ask questions, or get help.

📗 A book is (slowly) in development.


  1. geo geo Public

    Geospatial primitives and algorithms for Rust

    Rust 1.4k 186

  2. geojson geojson Public

    Library for serializing the GeoJSON vector GIS file format

    Rust 250 55

  3. rstar rstar Public

    R*-tree spatial index for the Rust ecosystem

    Rust 357 64

  4. gdal gdal Public

    Rust bindings for GDAL

    Rust 323 86

  5. proj proj Public

    Rust bindings for the latest stable release of PROJ

    Rust 127 38

  6. geozero geozero Public

    Zero-Copy reading and writing of geospatial data.

    Rust 301 28


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