#%Module proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "GEOS-Chem High Performance (GCHP) build and runtime environment." } module-whatis "GCHP build and runtime dependencies" module load git/2.30.2 module load cmake/3.21.0-TOSS3 module load other/manage_externals module load other/mepo module load other/gh module load ImageMagick/7.0.8-53 module load comp-gcc/11.2.0-TOSS3 module load comp-intel/2020.4.304 module load mpi-hpe/mpt.2.25 module load hdf4/4.2.12 module load hdf5/1.8.18_serial module load netcdf/ setenv COMPILER Intel setenv CC icc setenv CXX icpc setenv FC ifort setenv F90 ifort setenv F77 ifort setenv CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /nobackup/dzhang8/software/esmf-8.0.0-intel/install set version 2022.09-intel