From 07ee9ca78346447121ab1420c41d43a309b91412 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lorenzo Natali Date: Tue, 30 May 2017 11:00:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Updated CHANGELOG.mpd --- | 959 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 959 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 32dbb183f0..23494caad5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,5 +1,964 @@ # Change Log +## [2017.03.01]( (2017-05-30) +[Full Changelog]( + +**Implemented enhancements:** + +- Custom search service editor plugin [\#1820]( +- Improve 3D map support [\#1780]( +- Move Measure Tools to the burger menu [\#1776]( +- Allow override of actions in plugins [\#1764]( +- More explicit password change success [\#1761]( +- Add basic support for right click on TOC layers title [\#1758]( +- TOC: enable by level group className [\#1752]( +- Allow configuring additional tools for layers in TOC [\#1741]( +- Share plugin specific tools should be disabled via config [\#1738]( +- Generailze Share Plugin [\#1728]( +- Add support for automatically refreshed layers at given interval [\#1724]( +- Automatic travis build with release branches [\#1723]( +- Help button should point to documentation page [\#1709]( +- Elevation Slider Improvements [\#1701]( +- Implement Identify on WMTS layers [\#1699]( +- Elevation slider [\#1693]( +- populate uuid when creating user [\#1682]( +- BackgroundSwitcher review [\#1672]( +- Change TOC Icon from Pen to Layers [\#1670]( +- Constrain modals and tooltip in app container [\#1665]( +- Provide a tool to update the map layers [\#1662]( +- Implement a mechanism to override localization [\#1659]( +- Allow to customize the initial state from config [\#1656]( +- Override properties used in connect methods from configuration [\#1645]( +- 'use cache' option is missing in layer properties [\#1641]( +- singleTile option not available in layer properties [\#1640]( +- Add a scroll to top button in the home page [\#1633]( +- Provide a full screen button plugin [\#1631]( +- Optimize iframe embedded version [\#1630]( +- API: add the ability to load configuration from a URL [\#1624]( +- Add notification of actions and state changes to the js api [\#1619]( +- Make zoom to layer optional when add from Catalog [\#1608]( +- Add theme selection to plugins and api examples [\#1584]( +- Reduce throttling interval in map mouse movements [\#1577]( +- Examples does not retain https [\#1576]( +- Add follow on twitter badges [\#1567]( +- Document javascript api [\#1549]( +- Document how to test and produce documentation and changelog [\#1547]( +- Minor fixes to look and feel [\#1545]( +- Upgrade lodash to 4.x [\#1516]( +- Upgrade OL3 to latest version [\#1513]( +- Upgrade react-bootstrap to latest version [\#1510]( +- Support html in the tutorial steps [\#1498]( +- Support to include theme 2.0 [\#1496]( +- Upgrade WebPack to version 2.x [\#1490]( +- Cleanup of plugins configuration [\#1484]( +- Use HTTPS [\#1476]( +- Investigate on react-docgen to create reference docs [\#1475]( +- Move libs on a separate CDN folder [\#1474]( +- Review the query panel layout [\#1468]( +- Introduce live coding in the plugins example [\#1421]( +- Improve query panel behaviour [\#1398]( +- Allow runtime addition of new support tools in Map plugin [\#1376]( +- Cleanup of array methods not available on IE [\#1369]( +- Make TOC Node animations optional [\#1359]( +- Implement FilterField by field configuration options [\#1355]( +- Export wiki content as markdown documents in the repo [\#1319]( +- Reorganize UI of layer tools in the TOC [\#1318]( +- PDF support for vector layers \(OpenLayers\) [\#1315]( +- PDF support for vector layers \(leaflet\) [\#1314]( +- WMTS support for OL3 [\#1304]( +- WMTS support for Leaflet [\#1303]( +- Display the current MS2 version in the UI [\#1302]( +- Investigate the use of react-docgen [\#1301]( +- Document existing plugins using docma [\#1300]( +- Improve Group Manager [\#1291]( +- SnapShot can suggest to the user to skip CrossOrigin [\#1267]( +- Proper icon for graticule plugin [\#1253]( +- Add a DEM color ramp for the raster styler [\#1249]( +- Style selection widget can be confusing with many styles [\#1247]( +- Change Zoom to Layer button icon in the TOC [\#1229]( +- When adding a layer to the TOC the layer goes to bottom rather than to top [\#1220]( +- Make the build compatible with npm3 [\#1207]( +- Wrong z-order of widgets with respect to the TOC and LRC controls [\#1204]( +- Remove big dependencies or limit their usage to selected plugins [\#1202]( +- Provide Task functionality to Mapstore2 [\#1195]( +- FilterUtils should encode GML2 geometries when using WFS 1.0 [\#1182]( +- Improve new delete button on TOC's layer [\#1181]( +- Implement a Graticule Layer for Leaflet [\#1176]( +- Improve the importer UI feedback [\#1168]( +- Catalog configurable initial page parameter [\#1133]( +- Allow transform modification in importer [\#1129]( +- Move the visibility icon \(the eye\) to the side of the tools for the layer in the layer tree [\#1109]( +- Simpler way to remove existing layers from the layer tree [\#1107]( +- Investigate on how to make tile size customizable [\#1105]( +- Improve Rule Manager buttons [\#1093]( +- Catalog Widget should reset its status when gets closed [\#1080]( +- Catalog Widget should show additional information [\#1079]( +- Logout handled incorrectly on user manager [\#1075]( +- Improve error handling when a layer does not load or it is too slow [\#1047]( +- New Home is missing the "Fork me on GitHub ribbon" [\#1044]( +- Remove MS2 filter from HomePage Maps list requests [\#1039]( +- Increase Codacy Level to A [\#1021]( +- Add Save and SaveAs Plugin to MS2 [\#1007]( +- Migrate to React-Intl 2.x.x [\#1006]( +- Remove GeoStore and httpProxy submodules from repo and related build from Maven pom [\#999]( +- When Catalog plugin is open the search input field should has the focus [\#988]( +- Coverage of Thumbnail should be increased [\#987]( +- add the possibility to create and select workspaces before import [\#983]( +- Introduce a JS Api to embed MapStore2 on external pages [\#974]( +- MapStore2 fench introduction text improvements [\#940]( +- Migrate to React 15.x [\#934]( +- If layer is using SLD\_BODY \(created with RasterStyler\) use it in GetLegendGraphic [\#889]( +- Adding security UI for managing GeoFence security rules [\#873]( +- Review Embedded Layout [\#863]( +- Remove History Buttons from Mobile layout [\#862]( +- Introduce wizard-like help system [\#861]( +- Disable current help tool on Mobile layout [\#860]( +- i18n on user details popup [\#858]( +- Create new LayerGroup [\#855]( +- Enable users to move Layers in different Group [\#854]( +- Custom map thumbnail uploader [\#852]( +- Enable Map metadata editing [\#851]( +- Help system interaction is difficult on mobile [\#845]( +- When clicking on a map thumbnail the map itself should open [\#844]( +- WMS GetCapabilities based Catalog [\#835]( +- Change password modal has a wrong button label and doesn't give feedback [\#832]( +- Implement support for image/vnd.jpeg-png format [\#816]( +- Print Preview window does not adapt correctly to resizing [\#804]( +- Shapefile Upload Widget: enable GetFeatureInfo [\#801]( +- Shapefile Upload Widget: improve visual feedback when doing the final import [\#800]( +- Catalog widget gives no feedback when Return is hit [\#799]( +- FeatureInfo window has wrong position wrt to LayerTree [\#796]( +- Metatiling usage for WMS layers [\#760]( +- Create a vector style editor for layers [\#548]( +- Upload shapefile should zoom on imported shapefile [\#546]( +- Home Page Search / Filter [\#384]( +- Home Page Desktop Layout [\#382]( +- Measure and Feature info tools should be mutually exclusive [\#258]( +- Create translation files for French [\#94]( +- Create translation files for German [\#92]( +- Add support to Cross-Layer Filtering [\#1262]( ([offtherailz]( +- Enable click on map card [\#906]( ([Gnafu]( + +**Fixed bugs:** + +- Demo - Catalog doesn't work in https [\#1888]( +- Cannot login if password contains òàè characters [\#1882]( +- Search fails on Internet Explorer 11 [\#1880]( +- Wrong Font Family and Size on Print plugin [\#1873]( +- Improve thumbnail customization of Background Selector [\#1869]( +- Some plugins are broken in the Plugins example [\#1868]( +- The print example does not work [\#1867]( +- Spatial Filter by Viewport does not enable the Search button in the QueryBuilder example [\#1866]( +- Improve LocalUtils and Setting plugin to show only supported locale [\#1863]( +- Wrong background selector placement with custom props [\#1861]( +- Improve tutorial to switch steps on change maptype [\#1853]( +- Move the 3D switcher in the correct place [\#1848]( +- Save As doesn't work [\#1845]( +- FeatureInfo interferes with 3D map drag and drop on mobile [\#1837]( +- Details panel doesn't add new geometry to the query form [\#1829]( +- Tutorial fails in 3D view mode [\#1809]( +- The createProject script do not include cesium [\#1808]( +- Cesium do not correctly manage relative URLs for imagery [\#1795]( +- Allow easy configuration of the showChart flag in TOC Elevation settings tab [\#1788]( +- Features not displayed correctly with Cesium [\#1782]( +- Build fails because of some dependency issues [\#1777]( +- Query panel fails when selecting a boolean attribute [\#1775]( +- Users with no groups cannot set "everyone" permission [\#1762]( +- Map Thumbnails do not refresh automatically on update [\#1760]( +- API share tool doesn't work when deployed [\#1750]( +- Language selector tooltips are hidden by the window [\#1748]( +- Query panel search fails if an id is not defined [\#1737]( +- ol3 VectorLayer does not set initial visibility from options [\#1730]( +- Wrong entries in doc [\#1720]( +- Improve proxy to allow more OGC compliant requests [\#1719]( +- Snapshot Plugin doesn't work in Leaflet with MS Edge or IE11 [\#1713]( +- Exit fullscreen when exit from map [\#1706]( +- Resolutions selector don't work in print [\#1694]( +- WFS spatial query works only if geometry field name is the\_geom [\#1692]( +- GetFeatureInfo and WMTS [\#1686]( +- Wrong color for layer title in Identify Tool [\#1663]( +- Allow to fit search results to map size [\#1660]( +- Improve and Fix GeoJSon Extent calculation [\#1612]( +- gxp\_olsource source in ConfigUtils is missing [\#1611]( +- Epics in plugins should be overridable [\#1610]( +- Cannot close login dialog [\#1607]( +- Linkedin image is not visible on dark backgrounds [\#1586]( +- createProject does not create a valid project [\#1580]( +- New Groups do not appear in available groups list [\#1579]( +- Copy to clipboard icon in Share panel are different [\#1578]( +- Catalog pagination is not working [\#1563]( +- Cut the home banner to make the maps visible [\#1550]( +- Update application tutorial in documentation [\#1546]( +- Bearing results are very different with Openlayers and Leaflet [\#1544]( +- Remove warnings due to the react update [\#1533]( +- In debug mode there is a huge slow down of the application [\#1532]( +- Error with clean npm install [\#1524]( +- Wrong thumbnails for csw [\#1518]( +- Openlayers and Leaflet different behaviour with markers [\#1507]( +- Wrong placement of marker position [\#1505]( +- Feature Info starts collapsed [\#1501]( +- Query panel shows a scrollbar when select spatial filter [\#1497]( +- Tooltip of measure tool is always hidden from dialogs [\#1492]( +- Fix Login Language plugins order [\#1483]( +- Bearing Measure allows more than 2 points [\#1472]( +- When MousePosition is enabled, other plugins are updated when it's not necessary [\#1470]( +- Measure window is not closed on map change [\#1464]( +- Reset SearchBar when map is loaded [\#1461]( +- Measure panel in Drawer is not translated \(immediately\) when switching language [\#1460]( +- Search Bar on top should be aligned to the back button [\#1458]( +- When switching the QueryBuilder on a different layer, the attributes combo is not reset [\#1457]( +- FeatureGrid paging next page does not work the first time [\#1456]( +- Fix Logo on gh-pages home [\#1454]( +- Improve User Manager to support long group names and lists [\#1453]( +- Properly place buttons and resize the search panel for a better user experience [\#1440]( +- Search panel hangs on wfs exception [\#1436]( +- Wrong characters in layer name [\#1435]( +- Wrong order of windows in GetFeatureInfo + Reverse GeoCoding [\#1434]( +- Home page tooltips don't update on language change [\#1414]( +- Replace "Map Metadata" with "Map Properties" [\#1405]( +- Some tools do not reset when switching map [\#1389]( +- CesiumJS cannot be used in projects [\#1374]( +- Map Type Cesium React Reconciler Error [\#1371]( +- Remove DrawerMenu dependency from QueryPanel [\#1357]( +- PDF preview doesn't work without CORS headers on server [\#1331]( +- Feature Info does not work according with cql\_filter [\#1329]( +- Snapshot tool includes an orange square if leaflet map is used [\#1325]( +- ShapeFile import error with points [\#1312]( +- Feature info do not work with local shapefile imports for points and lines [\#1310]( +- Vector layers are not exported in leaflet maps [\#1308]( +- Small fixes to UserGroups manager [\#1294]( +- GetFeatureInfo fails on 502 Bad Gateway [\#1288]( +- DrawerMenu Plugin : overlapMap is not working [\#1286]( +- Shapefile Import does not work with empty geometries [\#1281]( +- Unable to load layer from QGIS Server WMS Demo [\#1268]( +- Leaflet Snapshot do not render correctly [\#1265]( +- FilterUtils wrong usage of this reference [\#1263]( +- Zoom does not work on a shapefile with empty geometries [\#1260]( +- WMS layers do not get custom params applied on print [\#1258]( +- react-select.css is not included correctly [\#1257]( +- Remove usage of Array.includes [\#1255]( +- Enter in map causes infinite loading [\#1244]( +- Modal body issues [\#1242]( +- Zoom to layer tool not rendered correctly when there is a loading error [\#1235]( +- Color Picker closes on manual editing [\#1227]( +- Remove graticule from standard config.json [\#1222]( +- Delete layer tests sometimes fail [\#1215]( +- Layer properties an all modals body with fixed body [\#1213]( +- Apparently we cannot build on Ubuntu 14.04 [\#1201]( +- Removing textSearch from state broke search in Maps and Users [\#1189]( +- Transforms sometimes are not sorted correctly [\#1188]( +- Raster styler Band Enhancement limits are wrong [\#1185]( +- ZOOM\_TO\_EXTENT reducer misbehavours in edge cases [\#1179]( +- Infinite loading on new map creation [\#1167]( +- Improve buttons for styler [\#1163]( +- Feature info do not load when getting layers from catalog [\#1154]( +- Remove warnings in debug [\#1151]( +- Catalog config is not mantained on reset [\#1145]( +- SaveAs Plugin should be configurable [\#1141]( +- Enabled checkbox does not work in usermanager [\#1140]( +- Importer: Style names need to be encoded [\#1138]( +- Coordinates indicator shows wrong value. [\#1135]( +- Assign groups do not work in user manager [\#1134]( +- Permission editor not displayed for new maps [\#1128]( +- Click on Import Data should reload the imports list [\#1126]( +- Importer doesnt show the correct workspace [\#1116]( +- Importer tool do not shows upload errors [\#1115]( +- ManagerMenu fails in debug mode [\#1112]( +- GoogleMaps tiles always loaded also if no google background is active with OL3 [\#1111]( +- Restore old style for Measure Buttons [\#1101]( +- Improve the UI of the importer [\#1096]( +- Avoid resize of the catalog when empty content [\#1095]( +- Permission editor do not render correctly [\#1088]( +- Login credentials are not cleared in the viewer page [\#1087]( +- Improve Import local shape file message [\#1083]( +- If I edit my properties I have to logout to see them changed [\#1074]( +- Remove critical dependencies html2canvas [\#1072]( +- when create user the reload of current user list returns no data [\#1068]( +- When logged in "Change Password" window renders incorrectly [\#1065]( +- When logged in as an Admin account info is empty [\#1064]( +- RasterSyler values are difficoult to edit [\#1062]( +- Some WMS services does not work on MapStore2 [\#1058]( +- Layers are not removed from map when removed from TOC [\#1052]( +- Provides meaningful message is user has not enough access rights to view a maps. WAS: Mapstore page never finishes loading [\#1045]( +- Coordinates are never shown in mobile mode [\#1035]( +- Fractional zoom on CesiumJS [\#1027]( +- Problem related to PermissionEditor when saving the map in the MetadataModal [\#1024]( +- The permission editor need some updates [\#1011]( +- SaveAsPlugin should be visible only for logged user [\#1001]( +- mapType is not correctly persisted in maps state thunk [\#995]( +- Fix modules build order when including GeoStore in the build [\#991]( +- Components in Login plugin should be Dialog [\#989]( +- SaveAsPlugin does not save correctly the layers [\#981]( +- Pagination does not work correctly [\#978]( +- Locate continues asking for Location Sharing on Firefox [\#969]( +- Maps plugin always use leaflet when home reducer is not present [\#966]( +- Maps plugin gives error if currentMap is null [\#965]( +- When logging in / out the filter on geostore maps request is lost [\#963]( +- Change cursor to pointer on map thumbnails in home page [\#962]( +- When logging in / out in HomePage Maps List is not reloaded [\#953]( +- SaveAs functionality should be added and integrated with new changes to the metadata modal [\#947]( +- New tools of home page for mobile do not fit correctly [\#944]( +- Login screen sign-in button doesn't fit if the text is too big [\#941]( +- Carousel text is not easy to read in the new home [\#937]( +- Buttons for Delete Map and Save Map are too big [\#924]( +- Add layer and change group functionalities do not have the correct stacking order [\#922]( +- Direct map loading do not get access info [\#917]( +- When initial config is loaded the size of the map is lost [\#914]( +- Proxy interceptor do not correctly manage SSH port [\#874]( +- Snapshot panel fails to load when the map is not completely loaded [\#869]( +- Pagination do not work properly on GeoStore [\#864]( +- Reintroduce \(optional\) reset button in MeasureComponent [\#848]( +- Some examples don't work on Firefox and Safari mobile [\#840]( +- FeatureInfo window has wrong position wrt to LayerTree [\#796]( +- Login fail message will not dissapear after realoading the page [\#772]( +- Coordinates cannot be removed using settings panel on mobile [\#761]( +- Feature Info do not correctly calculate coordinates [\#599]( +- Get Feature Info does not work on rotated maps [\#330]( +- Measure tool doesn't work on mobile [\#259]( +- Coveralls and coverage plugin test different things [\#56]( +- Fix \#1518. Fixed thumbs relative URLs for catalog [\#1519]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1501. Restored correct default property [\#1515]( ([offtherailz]( + +**Closed issues:** + +- Zoom buttons should be removed for 3D [\#1849]( +- Extend MapStore2 API allow action triggering [\#1818]( +- Leaflet : Investigate if the Features are added twice for Vector Layers [\#1794]( +- Remove the Snapshot plugin from the default configuration [\#1740]( +- TOC Legend do not take in account the current map scale [\#1668]( +- Investigate the SearchBar error state [\#1637]( +- Extend the search plugin for supporting custom services [\#1634]( +- Review share plugin [\#1632]( +- Review downstream products and incorporate eventual fixes. [\#1622]( +- Language in settings should be customizable [\#1616]( +- Bearing still draws more than 2 point using openalyers [\#1581]( +- Syntax error in themeEntries function with node v6.10.0 and npm 3.10.10 on windows 10 64 bit [\#1560]( +- Release 2017.02.00 [\#1551]( +- Add tooltip support in Menu [\#1526]( +- MapStore2-project created with createProject.js: Errors running npm run compile [\#1481]( +- Enable loading spinner also for singleTile layers \(ol.source.ImageWMS\) [\#1477]( +- Choose a theme for the gh-pages site [\#1455]( +- Dynamically or configuring infoFormat for buildRequest \(action\) for different layers [\#1449]( +- Update Firefox version on travis [\#1445]( +- Unclear how to add WFS layer to config [\#1444]( +- Allow wfs searches without specifing filters [\#1441]( +- Have release number in binary package filename [\#1438]( +- Google Background does not display in binary package [\#1437]( +- Upgrade documentation to Jekyll [\#1425]( +- Choose a side-effect library for MapStore [\#1420]( +- How to replace/insert the DefaultViewer using the plugin architecture? [\#1410]( +- allow to not use account info, password change, logout in User Menu component [\#1402]( +- Dead Links in [\#1400]( +- Align feature grid headers to the theme [\#1393]( +- Add viewport to the spatial filters list [\#1392]( +- investigate on esdoc to document the application [\#1366]( +- CSSLint: Expected RBRACE at line 51, col 28. [\#1353]( +- Add a favicon or prevent browsers to send requests for it [\#1321]( +- Complete the results panel [\#1320]( +- GetfeatureInfo fail on WMS Layer with origin parameter [\#1298]( +- Introduce support for WMTS in the Catalog plugin [\#1217]( +- Layer Style switcher [\#1194]( +- Usergroup management [\#1193]( +- Customizable origin and resolutions for WMS Layers in OL3 [\#1184]( +- Remove the delete button from the layer properties [\#1177]( +- Implement style selection functionality as part of the TOC layers tools [\#1172]( +- Implement zooom to layer functionality in the TOC [\#1171]( +- Create simple all-in-one demo package [\#1137]( +- Implementation of WFS as queriable service for search [\#1123]( +- Integrate vector querying for vector layers [\#1104]( +- Refactor Embed API [\#1103]( +- Add link on the homepage to MapStore 2 linkedin group [\#1082]( +- Bearing format should be customizable [\#1041]( +- Specify custom DPI for ScaleBox Plugin [\#1015]( +- Possibility to create an Empty Map from MapManager [\#1004]( +- Importer workspace creation tool should notify creation success/error [\#997]( +- Scalebox Plugin does not handle custom projections [\#980]( +- Proxy sometimes is used for https even if not needed [\#951]( +- The Edit Map Metadata modal needs a better error handling [\#943]( +- Include a manager page [\#931]( +- Remove MapQuest from default and existing demo maps [\#921]( +- Bad behaviour in setting attributes [\#910]( +- Implement User Management as per MapStore 1 [\#905]( +- Activate 0.2.x branch for hardening [\#897]( +- Add tests to validate translation files [\#895]( +- Add Layer Remove option [\#885]( +- Long Shapefile names overlap the success message area [\#884]( +- GeoStore improvements [\#865]( +- Permission Editor for maps [\#821]( +- Map Editor and save maps [\#820]( +- Some css for viewer is applied only on product [\#814]( +- Review Mobile Layout [\#803]( +- Codacy compatibility warning. [\#393]( +- Implementation of reverse GeoCoder for Mobile and Desktop [\#344]( +- Align the styles of the scalebars control for OpenLayers and Leaflet [\#280]( + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Fix \#1888. Use https by default for catalog [\#1894]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1882 - Do not allow bad characters in password fields [\#1891]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1884. Add cookie policy notification [\#1890]( ([offtherailz]( +- Merged all release fixes to master branch [\#1889]( ([offtherailz]( +- Some improvements to resizableGrid and DrawSupport of openlayers [\#1887]( ([MV88]( +- Part of \#1885. Add WFS-T insert and transaction. [\#1886]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1880 Search fails on Internet Explorer 11 [\#1881]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1878 Background Selector on render update stops search input on mobile [\#1879]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes \#1866: queryform example updated with epics and other related f… [\#1877]( ([mbarto]( +- Moved background selector [\#1876]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes \#1868: fixed some of the plugins to better work in the plugins … [\#1875]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1873 Wrong Font Family and Size on Print plugin [\#1874]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Documented TOC plugin with legend style options [\#1872]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1867: print example not loading due to misaligned pdfjs version [\#1871]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1869 Improve thumbnail customization of Background Selector [\#1870]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- made the legend style configurable. Documented TOC Plugin [\#1865]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1863 Improve LocalUtils and Setting plugin to show only supported locale [\#1864]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1861. Fixed background switcher displacements with custom props [\#1862]( ([offtherailz]( +- Porting fixes from 2017.03.01 branch [\#1860]( ([offtherailz]( +- Removed zoom step from 3D tutorial [\#1859]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1837. Filter events on Mobile [\#1858]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1853 Improve tutorial to switch steps on change maptype [\#1854]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes for 3D switcher and navigator [\#1851]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1845 Save As - Release Branch [\#1846]( ([MV88]( +- Add ui to configure text search services [\#1841]( ([kappu72]( +- Fix \#1809 Tutorial fails in 3D view mode [\#1839]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1818. Add action triggering via JS-API [\#1838]( ([offtherailz]( +- First implementation of ResizableGrid and DockablePanel components [\#1835]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1719 Improve proxy to allow more OGC compliant requests [\#1834]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1829 Details panel doesn't add new geometry to the query form [\#1833]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- fixed save as with empty name and added tests [\#1831]( ([MV88]( +- Filter plugins direct rendering when disabled [\#1830]( ([offtherailz]( +- Add navigation tools to 3d view [\#1828]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed the\_geom configured to initial state on query form reset [\#1827]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes \#1808: added CesiumJS support for projects [\#1826]( ([mbarto]( +- fixed save as functionality [\#1825]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1761: feedback for password changing [\#1824]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1672 BackgroundSwitcher review [\#1823]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1392 added viewport into spatial filter list [\#1822]( ([MV88]( +- Avoid rendering of plugins when disabled [\#1821]( ([offtherailz]( +- Externalized maptype selectors [\#1817]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1302: current version in the UI [\#1816]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed proxyUrl in Cesium Layers, add demo to cors [\#1815]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1762 - GeoStore API compatibility [\#1814]( ([Gnafu]( +- Merged fixes / improvements from qwc2 \(\#1622\) [\#1813]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1760 thumbnail update [\#1811]( ([MV88]( +- Remove the whole plugin in disable function. Add docs [\#1810]( ([offtherailz]( +- Plugins disable functionalities [\#1807]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1748: increase tooltips z-index [\#1806]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1699: identify support for WMTS layers [\#1804]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1640 added singleTile option to Display Tab [\#1803]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed windows path issue [\#1802]( ([mbarto]( +- Removed height and width from default props of Legend [\#1800]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Add documentation for selectors and plugins [\#1798]( ([offtherailz]( +- Print support for relative URLs [\#1797]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1795. Use proxyUtils to guess CORS policies [\#1796]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed extra features for openlayers [\#1793]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1737 Query panel search fails if an id is not defined [\#1792]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1776. Move measure into burger menu [\#1790]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1788: configurability of SettingModal showElevationChart [\#1789]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix documentation for framework [\#1787]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added credits alternative for cesium baseLayers. See \#1780 [\#1785]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1641 - Added cache param in Display layer properties [\#1784]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1775 Query panel fails when selecting a boolean attribute [\#1781]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixed draw support and epic general error handling [\#1779]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1777. Forced version of react-input-autosize [\#1778]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1692 WFS spatial query works only if geometry field name is the\_geom [\#1773]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Improved removeNode action to pass through the original node, not onl… [\#1772]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1694 Resolutions selector don't work in print [\#1770]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1713 Snapshot Plugin doesn't work in Leaflet with MS Edge or IE11 [\#1769]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Add array keys and tooltip ids [\#1768]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed test using ES6 functionalities [\#1767]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1764: allows overriding actions in plugins [\#1765]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1758: basic support for right click on TOC layers [\#1759]( ([mbarto]( +- Update [\#1757]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1750. Add smarter shareURLs generator and tests [\#1756]( ([offtherailz]( +- Some fixes to ol3 drawsupport replace command [\#1755]( ([mbarto]( +- First Implementation of the 3d switcher. [\#1754]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1752: TOC by level group className [\#1753]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1750. Add smarter shareURLs generator and tests [\#1751]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#1616 removed language label [\#1749]( ([MV88]( +- Added support for LineString geometries to FilterUtils [\#1747]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed lineIntersectPolygon and added support for polygons in DrawSupport [\#1746]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1740 Remove the Snapshot plugin from the default configuration [\#1745]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixed snapshot issue on IE browser [\#1744]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Drawsupport added linestring and minor fixes [\#1743]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1741: custom additional tools in TOC [\#1742]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1738. Optional share api and showTOC [\#1739]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added method to get GML geometry to FilterUtils [\#1736]( ([mbarto]( +- Issue \#1733 Wrong center in map openlayers setView [\#1735]( ([mricca]( +- Added back routing info in app state [\#1732]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1730: ol3 vector layer initial visibility not set [\#1731]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1728. Generalized Share embedded strings. More tests [\#1729]( ([offtherailz]( +- Extended draw support of openlayers for Point geometry [\#1727]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1724: added refreshable layers support to leaflet / ol3 / cesi… [\#1726]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1723. Setup travis build for release [\#1725]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1720. Removed wrong copyright annotations in documented components [\#1722]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1709: help button opens MS2 docs [\#1716]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1659: multiple folder support for translations \(to enable over… [\#1714]( ([mbarto]( +- Add docma docs [\#1712]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed some small issues with elevations support [\#1711]( ([mbarto]( +- Increased test coverage [\#1708]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1706. Auto-exit from full-screen mode [\#1707]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed cesium test, made fly optional [\#1705]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1545 Various fixes to look and feel [\#1704]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1701: improvements to the elevation slider [\#1702]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1686: warning when no queryable layer is available during iden… [\#1700]( ([mbarto]( +- Set optional drawer menu for share \( see \#1632\) [\#1698]( ([offtherailz]( +- Mapstore2 Elevation Slider tool [\#1697]( ([mricca]( +- Add a button to open in full mapstore \(see \#1632\) [\#1696]( ([offtherailz]( +- Support for navigation history in cesium [\#1690]( ([offtherailz]( +- Some cleaning on the api stuff [\#1689]( ([mbarto]( +- Api release [\#1688]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed \#1682 added the uuid to the creation of the user [\#1685]( ([MV88]( +- Support for terrainProvider in Cesium [\#1684]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix cesium tests for TileProvider and WMTS [\#1683]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed login form [\#1681]( ([MV88]( +- Fix getFeatureInfo emulation for not integer zoom level \(Cesium\) [\#1680]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix WMTS to return a valid object when array [\#1679]( ([offtherailz]( +- Support for tileproviders in Cesium \(Nasa, OpenTopomap...\) [\#1678]( ([offtherailz]( +- add WMTS support for Cesium [\#1677]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1603 Home page still links to gh-pages [\#1676]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes \#1630: optimized iframe embedded version [\#1675]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1663 Wrong color for layer title in Identify Tool [\#1674]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixes \#1441: allow query with no filter set [\#1673]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1670 Change TOC Icon from Pen to Layers [\#1671]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1668 WMS legend scale [\#1669]( ([ndufrane]( +- Improved searchEpic [\#1667]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1165: constrained modals and tooltips to the app container, in… [\#1666]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed \#1634 added support to custom search services and minor fixes [\#1664]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1660. Now results can fit to map size [\#1661]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1656: initialState override from localConfig [\#1658]( ([mbarto]( +- Use square button for ScrollTop plugin [\#1657]( ([offtherailz]( +- Add documentation about localConfig.js [\#1654]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1608 Make zoom to layer optional when add from Catalog [\#1653]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1633. Add scroll to top plugin [\#1652]( ([offtherailz]( +- Documented the dynamic configuration feature for plugins [\#1651]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1645: custom connect to be used in plugins definition; propert… [\#1650]( ([mbarto]( +- Allow custom plugins definition in JS API [\#1649]( ([mbarto]( +- Made nested services more generic [\#1648]( ([offtherailz]( +- Add support for blacklist and word splitting in wfs search [\#1647]( ([offtherailz]( +- Support scheduled retry on search failures [\#1646]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added appEpics [\#1644]( ([kappu72]( +- Updated maven build for the projects [\#1643]( ([mbarto]( +- Use https wherever possible [\#1642]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1631. Implemented full screen button [\#1638]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix Set GetFeatureInfo default format [\#1636]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixed reprojection of center in OpenLayers map component [\#1635]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed api example theme handling [\#1629]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed broken theme switcher in product [\#1628]( ([mbarto]( +- Documentation for controls actions and reducers. Doc for Login plugin [\#1627]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1607. Removed wrong parameter for close action [\#1626]( ([offtherailz]( +- Pass to Feature plugin [\#1623]( ([kappu72]( +- Documented plugin utils [\#1621]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1619, Fixes \#1549, Fixes \#1103: notification system and docume… [\#1620]( ([mbarto]( +- Incremented test coverage [\#1618]( ([offtherailz]( +- Catalog relative url now are relative to the catalog requests [\#1617]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1612. Extent calculation for GeoJson supported [\#1615]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1610. Now the epics are overridable [\#1614]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1611 configUtils source missing and filtering layers with source [\#1613]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed project webpack config [\#1606]( ([mbarto]( +- Some improvements to enable automatic theme apply on pages [\#1605]( ([mbarto]( +- Update [\#1604]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed typo in footer [\#1602]( ([MV88]( +- InchJS CI integration [\#1601]( ([offtherailz]( +- Changelog for 2017.02.00. See \#1551 [\#1600]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#1580 create project script \(backport\) [\#1599]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed glitch with default theme [\#1598]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1578 Copy to clipboard icon in Share panel are different [\#1597]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1579. Group cache clean on creation/delete \(Backport\) [\#1595]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1579. Group cache clean on creation/delete [\#1594]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#1580 create project script [\#1593]( ([MV88]( +- Fix Snapshot does not update while moving the map on Firefox [\#1592]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1578 Copy to clipboard icon in Share panel are different [\#1591]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1577. Reduced throttling interval \(Backport\) [\#1590]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1577. Reduced throttling interval [\#1589]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1586. Linkedin image with white background \(backport\) [\#1588]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1586. Linkedin image with white background [\#1587]( ([offtherailz]( +- Introduced themes in the plugins and api examples [\#1585]( ([mbarto]( +- fixed bearing tool with openlayers [\#1583]( ([MV88]( +- fixed bearing tool with openlayers [\#1582]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#1563 catalog pagination \(\#1568\) [\#1574]( ([MV88]( +- Add twitter button \(Backport \#1567\) [\#1573]( ([offtherailz]( +- Update documentation site [\#1570]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1567. Add twitter button [\#1569]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#1563 catalog pagination [\#1568]( ([MV88]( +- Reduce header size. Closes \#1550 [\#1566]( ([Gnafu]( +- More warnings fix [\#1565]( ([Gnafu]( +- More warnings fix [\#1564]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1461 SearchBar resets when new map is opened [\#1562]( ([MV88]( +- Issue \#1560. Fix Syntax error in themeEntries with node v6.10.0 and n… [\#1561]( ([mricca]( +- Fixed \#1532 slowing performance on debug mode [\#1558]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#1544 bearing result for leaflet [\#1557]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#1470: optimized mousemove with throttling [\#1556]( ([mbarto]( +- Update react-pdf to 1.6.1 Closes \#1533 [\#1555]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1546. Fixed myapp webpack and tutorial [\#1554]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix to opacity in 3d mode [\#1553]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed themes loader error [\#1552]( ([MV88]( +- Some minor fixes to documentation [\#1543]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1496 Support to include theme 2.0 [\#1542]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Updated documentation [\#1541]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1498 Support html in the tutorial steps [\#1540]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1475 documentation with docma [\#1539]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix console warnings [\#1537]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed \#1472 handled multiple markers/points when bearing is activated [\#1536]( ([MV88]( +- Update react-router and react-router-redux [\#1535]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed projection switching in WMS layers [\#1534]( ([mbarto]( +- Added some useful plugins to atom list [\#1531]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed shifted layers issue of snapshot plugin on Leaflet maps [\#1530]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Api improve [\#1529]( ([mbarto]( +- Changed lodash version to fix the build [\#1528]( ([mbarto]( +- modified renderButtons\(\) in drawer/Menu.jsx \(issue 1526\) [\#1527]( ([diegosanmartino]( +- Fix \#1524. Update react-color [\#1525]( ([offtherailz]( +- Implementation of nested search services \#1122 [\#1523]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed PaginationToolbar broken by react-bootstrap upgrade [\#1522]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1516: upgrade of lodash [\#1517]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1513: upgrade OL3 to 4.0.1 [\#1514]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1510: upgrade react-bootstrap [\#1511]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1497 Query panel shows a scrollbar when select spatial filter [\#1509]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix \#1123. Initial multiservice support for search [\#1508]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#934: react migrated to 15.4.2 [\#1499]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1006: migrate react-intl to 2.x [\#1495]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1468 Review the query panel layout [\#1494]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fixed \#1490: upgraded webpack to version 2 [\#1491]( ([mbarto]( +- Demo GeoServer and Bing now use https [\#1489]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed 3D viewer example to work with search epic [\#1488]( ([mbarto]( +- Use correct osm tiles endpoint [\#1487]( ([Gnafu]( +- Load CDN files from HTTPS. Fixes \#1476 [\#1486]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixes \#1484: cleanup of plugins configuration [\#1485]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix plugins example to use epics [\#1482]( ([offtherailz]( +- Use minified LeafletDraw. Fixes \#1474 [\#1480]( ([Gnafu]( +- Text search epic refactor [\#1479]( ([offtherailz]( +- Issue \#1477 Enable loading spinner also for singleTile layers \(ol.sou… [\#1478]( ([mricca]( +- Closes \#1420. First integration of redux-obserbable [\#1471]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1460 measure panel and tooltip translations [\#1467]( ([MV88]( +- Reset measure state on reset controls action. Fixes\#1464 [\#1466]( ([Gnafu]( +- Cleaning up docs [\#1465]( ([mbarto]( +- Reset query panel on exit. Fixes \#1457 [\#1463]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1453. Improved style in user manager [\#1462]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1458. Search Bar aligned on top [\#1459]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added \(monitored\) state usage in plugins cfg expressions \(including showIn and hideFrom\) [\#1452]( ([mbarto]( +- Manage errors on featureType load. Fixes \#1436 [\#1451]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1434 Wrong order of windows in GetFeatureInfo + Reverse GeoCoding [\#1450]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Added GetMap onlineResource to layer in getCapabilities [\#1448]( ([kappu72]( +- Fix \#1445. Configure travis to latest firefox version [\#1446]( ([offtherailz]( +- Move querypanel searchbar on top. Fixes \#1440 [\#1443]( ([Gnafu]( +- Revert "Added state to plugins configuration scope" [\#1442]( ([MV88]( +- \#1438 Have binary package filename in accordance to release number [\#1439]( ([fernandinand]( +- Added state to plugins configuration scope [\#1432]( ([mbarto]( +- Merging from webmapper\_halliburton branch [\#1431]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed live editing css [\#1428]( ([mbarto]( +- Documentation refactor \#1425 [\#1427]( ([fernandinand]( +- Fix \#861 Introduce wizard-like help system [\#1426]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Added placeholder to use . in group [\#1423]( ([kappu72]( +- Fixes \#1421, live coding of a plugin in the plugins example [\#1422]( ([mbarto]( +- \#1137 binary package build under release profile [\#1419]( ([fernandinand]( +- \#1414 Fixed translations when language changes in the home and manager pages [\#1417]( ([MV88]( +- Instrument code before babel. Fixes \#56 [\#1415]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1398 Improve query panel behaviour [\#1413]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Fix 1144 Feature info allowed options should be a whitelist [\#1412]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- Disable Measure on Info. Close \#258 [\#1409]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1249 Added new color ramp in Raster Styler \(DEM\) [\#1408]( ([allyoucanmap]( +- fixed \#1405 some translations and added german flag [\#1407]( ([MV88]( +- add boolean properties in UserMenu component \(issue 1402\) [\#1404]( ([diegosanmartino]( +- some text corrections [\#1403]( ([RoProducts]( +- German translation [\#1401]( ([RoProducts]( +- Don't expand drawermenu if querypanel is disabled. Closes \#1389 [\#1399]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixes \#1217, fixes \#1303, fixes \#1304 adding WMTS support to Leaflet,… [\#1397]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1326 : Added limits for group name and desc and a message [\#1396]( ([MV88]( +- Enable feature grid [\#1395]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1393, align feature grid headers to the theme. [\#1394]( ([offtherailz]( +- Remove useless code from existing codebase \(\#1104\) [\#1391]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added infinite nesting to TOC [\#1388]( ([kappu72]( +- Upgraded browser-filesaver to file-saver \(the official version\) [\#1387]( ([mbarto]( +- Added the ability to change configuration properties programmatically [\#1386]( ([mbarto]( +- Add search options from the catalog \(\#1104\) [\#1385]( ([offtherailz]( +- Implemented dynamic tools for the Map plugin [\#1384]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1320. First Result Panel implementation [\#1383]( ([offtherailz]( +- Introduced remote sorting in feature grid [\#1382]( ([offtherailz]( +- Minor fixes to result panel [\#1381]( ([offtherailz]( +- Feature grid zoom to and highlight [\#1380]( ([mbarto]( +- Feature Grid header style [\#1379]( ([offtherailz]( +- Improved Query Panel Style [\#1378]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix infinite loop when query panel is closed. [\#1377]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1374: add build support for CesiumJS in projects [\#1375]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1369: avoid array methods and Promise not available on IE [\#1370]( ([mbarto]( +- Add pagination to feature Grid [\#1367]( ([offtherailz]( +- Default map state should be null [\#1365]( ([Gnafu]( +- Partial work for \#1104, enabled search tool if layer has search property [\#1363]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed bugged group filter creation [\#1362]( ([mbarto]( +- results panel layout refactor [\#1361]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixes \#1359: TOC animations optional [\#1360]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1357: removed drawermenu dependency from query panel [\#1358]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1355: FilterField by attribute configuration options [\#1356]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix issues in access manager [\#1354]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1291 Group manager [\#1352]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Results panel is visible only if there are results [\#1351]( ([Gnafu]( +- Also update measurements on mouse move [\#1350]( ([manisandro]( +- Add Draw Support for spatial filter for \#1104 [\#1349]( ([offtherailz]( +- Ensure openlayers mapinfo state is immediately updated as soon as component mounted [\#1348]( ([manisandro]( +- Saidaipparla print preview [\#1347]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1318. Reorganized Layer tools [\#1346]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix default state of map reducers [\#1345]( ([manisandro]( +- Add action to change map scales [\#1344]( ([manisandro]( +- Small fixes about layer params and print \(qgis and mapserver case\) issue \#1268 [\#1342]( ([mricca]( +- Add point measurement support [\#1339]( ([manisandro]( +- Multi identify [\#1338]( ([manisandro]( +- Split off actions pulling in ogc-schemas into a separate file [\#1336]( ([manisandro]( +- Move turf require inside GET\_VECTOR\_INFO reducer [\#1335]( ([manisandro]( +- Add MapUtils.getResolutionsForScales\(\) for arbitrary projections [\#1334]( ([manisandro]( +- Fix OpenlayersMap not detecting all changes of the map resolutions [\#1333]( ([manisandro]( +- Query panel code base to kickoff development [\#1332]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fix \#1329. Use layer params in GFI [\#1330]( ([offtherailz]( +- Snapshot marker support [\#1328]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1325. Get only main map svg [\#1327]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1321 added favicon [\#1324]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1319 exported contents of wiki folder to mapstore2 [\#1322]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1314 Support to print vector layer [\#1317]( ([offtherailz]( +- Use 2016.04.00 CDN [\#1316]( ([randomorder]( +- Fix \#1312. Calculate bbox for shape files. [\#1313]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1310. Improved vector gfi with buffer [\#1311]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1308. Fixed vector data snapshot in leaflet [\#1309]( ([offtherailz]( +- doclets test config file [\#1306]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Remove origin parameter from WMS GetFeatureInfo requests [\#1299]( ([ndufrane]( +- fix \#1082 added linkedin\_group button [\#1297]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1294. Fixed labels for usergroup manager [\#1295]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1219: some issues in CSW catalog parsing of WMS services [\#1293]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1193. Implementation of Group Manager [\#1289]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1286 overlapMap property [\#1287]( ([ndufrane]( +- fix \#1263 FilterUtils wrong usage of this removed most of the places [\#1285]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Added optional customExport function to FeatureGrid [\#1284]( ([kappu72]( +- Fixes \#1268: WMS catalog fails to add layer with only one SRS supported [\#1283]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1282: error importing shapefile with some empty geometries [\#1282]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1257 added react-select.css in missing places [\#1280]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Added template configuration for plugins in the plugins example [\#1279]( ([mbarto]( +- Add GET\_PIXEL\_FROM\_COORDINATES\_HOOK and GET\_COORDINATES\_FROM\_PIXEL\_HOOK map hooks [\#1278]( ([manisandro]( +- Fix bbox format in ZOOM\_TO\_EXTENT reducer [\#1277]( ([manisandro]( +- Make social share title a prop [\#1275]( ([manisandro]( +- fix \#838 updated leafletDraw to 0.2.4 [\#1274]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Add action to change map rotation [\#1273]( ([manisandro]( +- Improvements to the Snapshot Tool [\#1272]( ([offtherailz]( +- Select link text input when focused [\#1271]( ([manisandro]( +- Fix \#1265. Fixed Leaflet Map Snapshot [\#1266]( ([offtherailz]( +- Ability to create permalink [\#1264]( ([mricca]( +- Fixes \#1260: validate shapefile geometries bbox before zoom [\#1261]( ([mbarto]( +- Added custom params to printed wms layers [\#1259]( ([mbarto]( +- Removed improper usage of Array includes \(not supported on IE\) [\#1256]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1204 added correct z-order for widgets [\#1254]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1247. Add style id to the style entry in selector [\#1250]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1194: Style selector for wms [\#1246]( ([offtherailz]( +- Revert "Create smaller bundles using deferred plugins loading per page" [\#1245]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1242. Add specific rules for Print Modal [\#1243]( ([offtherailz]( +- Create smaller bundles using deferred plugins loading per page [\#1241]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1167: OL3 GoogleLayer reset on map change [\#1240]( ([mbarto]( +- fixed \#814 : cleaned up the viewer css [\#1237]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1235. Hide zoom to when loading error occours [\#1236]( ([offtherailz]( +- Added optional custom zoomToFeature action [\#1234]( ([kappu72]( +- fix \#1220 changed the settings when adding layer to TOC layer [\#1233]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1229. Changed icon and improved appearance when loading [\#1231]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1227 Styler - Set default position for components [\#1228]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1151 fixed some warnings [\#1226]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixes \#1171: zoom to layer tool in TOC [\#1225]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1222 removed graticule from standard config.json [\#1224]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix\_current\_map [\#1223]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1024 dispatched an action of resetCurrentMap to load metadatamodal [\#1221]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1215. Removed Animation from confirm modal [\#1216]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1213. Removed unwanted css for modal [\#1214]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1207: externalized client build from maven [\#1212]( ([mbarto]( +- Also store pixel position in state.mousePosition [\#1211]( ([manisandro]( +- improved error for queryform [\#1210]( ([MV88]( +- fix \#1181 improved the delete button on TOC's layer [\#1209]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixes \#1207: compatibility with npm 3 [\#1208]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1182: right usage of GML2 for WFS 1.0.0 [\#1203]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1177 removed the delete button in layer properties with flag [\#1200]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Add option to control layer insertion position in addLayer action [\#1198]( ([manisandro]( +- Honour layers.featuresCrs also in Feature.jsx [\#1197]( ([manisandro]( +- fixes \#1195 : added task functionality [\#1196]( ([MV88]( +- Add possibility to pass custom options to search action [\#1192]( ([manisandro]( +- Fix \#1188 Add presets for the whole task [\#1191]( ([offtherailz]( +- Implemented usage of props for SearchBar in MapsSearch and user searc… [\#1190]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#1185. Removed limitations for band enhancement [\#1187]( ([offtherailz]( +- Add Customizable layer origin for ol3 wms Fix \#1184 [\#1186]( ([ndufrane]( +- Fixes \#1182: implemented GML2 support for WFS 1.x [\#1183]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#1176 implemented GraticuleLayer for leaflet [\#1180]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Added optional slectAll props, to pass an action to select all features [\#1178]( ([kappu72]( +- fix \#1089 homebutton aligned in both map and user manager page [\#1175]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Responsiveness updates to the print modal window - issue \#804 [\#1173]( ([robertkirsz]( +- fix \#1107 added button for deleting layers in simple way [\#1170]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1168. AutoRefresh and error handling imporved [\#1169]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1089 alinged the home-button [\#1166]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1135 added floor method to get back real value [\#1165]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1163 improved styler layout [\#1164]( ([offtherailz]( +- Don't assume that vector layer geometries are EPSG:4326 [\#1162]( ([manisandro]( +- Honour queryable field in layer info when bulding WMS getFeatureInfo request [\#1161]( ([manisandro]( +- Use prop instead of state for searchText [\#1160]( ([manisandro]( +- Allow appending to existing search results [\#1159]( ([manisandro]( +- Fix typo [\#1158]( ([manisandro]( +- Add removeLayer action [\#1157]( ([manisandro]( +- fix \#1133 configured the Catalog plugin [\#1156]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1154. Add explicit excludeOptions [\#1155]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1145. Preserve state for catalog after close [\#1153]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1140 enabled checkbox in usermanager [\#1150]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1109 Moved the visibility icon to correct place [\#1149]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1134 user manager group editing issues [\#1148]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1145. Preserve initial state [\#1146]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#1141 : saveAs plugin is displayed with user allowedRoles [\#1142]( ([MV88]( +- fixed \#1138 : style names encoded [\#1139]( ([MV88]( +- fixed \#1128 : owner defined when a map is created by SaveAsPlugin [\#1132]( ([MV88]( +- fix \#1101Restore original style of measure tools [\#1131]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1129. Allow transform modification [\#1130]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1126 : click on import data reloads the imports list [\#1127]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1005: customizable tilesize for WMS layers in OL3 and Leaflet [\#1120]( ([mbarto]( +- Catalog status [\#1119]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1115. Display upload error [\#1118]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1116 : workspace correctly updated and minor fixes [\#1117]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1112. Fix issues with ManagerMenu that kill debugger [\#1114]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1111: google maps tiles are always loading, even if no google … [\#1113]( ([mbarto]( +- fixed \#1096 : updated translations and added some tooltips [\#1110]( ([MV88]( +- fix \#1095 changed modal layout for both on startup and empty results [\#1108]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1083 Improved message for 'add local shapefile' [\#1100]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixes \#1074, openlayers support and fixes. [\#1099]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1079 added identifier [\#1098]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixed \#1087 : Login dialog now is destroyed when it is closed \(\#1091\) [\#1097]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1093. Improved rule manager buttons [\#1094]( ([offtherailz]( +- Refactor Measure component to use less state [\#1092]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed \#1087 : Login dialog now is destroyed when it is closed [\#1091]( ([MV88]( +- Fix \#1088. Remove unused flex styles [\#1090]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#1045: error shown if config cannot be loaded [\#1086]( ([mbarto]( +- backporting \#1023 [\#1085]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#1047: better error handling for layer loading [\#1084]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1074: update current user info [\#1081]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1052: node removal from TOC does not remove layer from map [\#1078]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1058: improved compatibility with WMS servers [\#1077]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#1075 adding the redirect to home on logout for manager page. [\#1076]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1072. Add webpack directive to ignore from parsing certain libs [\#1073]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1064. Add message for users with no attributes [\#1071]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1065 password buttons. Fix \#832 password fb [\#1070]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1068 restored right parameters for getUsers call [\#1069]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#999: removed geostore and http-proxy submodules [\#1067]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#869 added condition [\#1066]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fix \#1062 less strict check in raster styler [\#1063]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#905. Implemented user manager plugin [\#1061]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#1035 added css for to show coordinates in mobile [\#1060]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixed wrong usage of destructuring with [\#1059]( ([mbarto]( +- Sync default maxLevel with default ZoomButton.maxZoom [\#1057]( ([manisandro]( +- Store length and area unit in store [\#1056]( ([manisandro]( +- Only pass zoomLevel to onChange function, the changeZoomLevel action doesn't expect a scale number as second parameter [\#1055]( ([manisandro]( +- Input rendering [\#1054]( ([manisandro]( +- Don't show a tooltip if the corresponding property is empty [\#1053]( ([manisandro]( +- Pagination [\#1051]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#1044 added fork me button [\#1050]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Update fractional zoom [\#1049]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix\#1039 changed from MS2 to all [\#1046]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Updates for the print layout [\#1043]( ([tdipisa]( +- fixed 1041 : added reformatting function for length, area and bearing [\#1042]( ([MV88]( +- Add jpeg-png on available formats. Closes \#816 [\#1040]( ([Gnafu]( +- fixed \#1027 added round function for zoom [\#1038]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix: \#772 resetting error state for login [\#1037]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixed position of panels in toolbar plugin [\#1034]( ([MV88]( +- Updated geostore and http-proxy to fix dependency conflicts [\#1033]( ([mbarto]( +- Made Map plugin actions overridable [\#1032]( ([mbarto]( +- Added Missing init.js for the API example in the final war [\#1030]( ([mbarto]( +- Updates and fixes for the print tool [\#1029]( ([tdipisa]( +- Fixed wrong translation for newMap [\#1028]( ([MV88]( +- Several improvements in Login and Save as plugins [\#1026]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#1011 : fixed several bugs on permission editor [\#1023]( ([MV88]( +- fixed \#840 browser check condition for Firefox mobile added [\#1022]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixes \#988: focus on search textfield when Catalog is open [\#1020]( ([mbarto]( +- \#1015 Scalebox plugin and non default DPI [\#1019]( ([ndufrane]( +- Fixes \#799: feedbacks \(spinner\) on catalog load and error handling, a… [\#1018]( ([mbarto]( +- \#1016 Disable permission editor in Save as plugin [\#1017]( ([offtherailz]( +- Save plugin checks if the user is logged [\#1014]( ([MV88]( +- Close \#1004: New map button in home as a plugin [\#1013]( ([offtherailz]( +- fix \#761 button show coordinates fixed [\#1012]( ([saidaipparla]( +- Fixed \#1007 : added Save and SaveAs Plugins [\#1010]( ([MV88]( +- Translation json test [\#1009]( ([saidaipparla]( +- fix \#987 : added some more tests [\#1005]( ([MV88]( +- Add tests to geoserver api [\#1003]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#1001. Show save as plugin only when user is logged in [\#1002]( ([offtherailz]( +- Permission Editor. Closes \#821 [\#1000]( ([Gnafu]( +- fix \#997. Show and dismiss alert with workspace creation result [\#998]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#995. keep mapType state entry on map list load. [\#996]( ([offtherailz]( +- Updated GeoStore to latest revision [\#994]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#991, modules build order [\#992]( ([mbarto]( +- Improving measurement support and filter utils [\#990]( ([tdipisa]( +- Fixed \#981 and other minor fixes [\#986]( ([MV88]( +- Show all attribute except UUID in user details [\#985]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#983 add workspace creation and selection in importer tool. [\#984]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#980 Minor ScaleBox Plugin Improvement in order to support custom projections [\#979]( ([ndufrane]( +- Updated API example to integrate it with plugins save and load [\#977]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed wrong case require in myapp example and added api example to build [\#976]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#974: initial implementation of a JS Api with related example [\#975]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed myapp example to work with Babel 6 [\#973]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed \#947 : integrated SaveAsPlugin with the changes applied to the MetaDataModal [\#972]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#962: MapCard cursor and onClick refactor [\#971]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#969 Firefox issues with Locate [\#970]( ([mbarto]( +- Fix \#966 read mapType from home and maps chunks [\#968]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#965. Add default value for currentMap [\#967]( ([offtherailz]( +- Update MapStore 2 description in EN [\#964]( ([simboss]( +- fix \#937. Add box to the home carousel [\#961]( ([offtherailz]( +- Reload maps on successful login. Fixes \#953 [\#960]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed language selector layout for mobile in HomePage [\#958]( ([mbarto]( +- fix \#944. Fixed home page layout for mobile [\#957]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixes \#942 french translation improvement \(Backport to 0.2.x\) [\#956]( ([mbarto]( +- Replace with \(\#938\) \(Backport to 0.2.x\) [\#955]( ([mbarto]( +- Reload maps on successful login [\#954]( ([Gnafu]( +- fixed \#951 ajax lib wrong same origin match [\#952]( ([offtherailz]( +- Small fixes to the Catalog to make it work with badly configured serv… [\#950]( ([mbarto]( +- \#948 Initial setup to store localConfig in state [\#949]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#943 : Improved error handling for Edit Metadata [\#946]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#943 : Improved error handling for Edit Metadata [\#945]( ([MV88]( +- fix \#940 [\#942]( ([gregvds]( +- first implementation of importer tool [\#939]( ([offtherailz]( +- Replace with [\#938]( ([npmcdn-to-unpkg-bot]( +- close \#873. Add UI for GeoFence rules management [\#935]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixes \#382: completed the new MapStore2 HomePage [\#933]( ([mbarto]( +- Close \#931. Add manager page and menu [\#932]( ([offtherailz]( +- Disable MapQuest if API key is not set. Closes \#921 [\#929]( ([Gnafu]( +- Implemented support for vector reprojection in ol3 layer vector plugin [\#928]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes nominatim search for IE and also fixes upload shapefile combo [\#927]( ([mbarto]( +- When toggling the drawer-menu, map's width is resized [\#926]( ([kappu72]( +- Fix \#924 : Fixed styles issues after merging PR 84 of MS2 Theme [\#925]( ([MV88]( +- fixed build time problems [\#919]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fix \#917. Auto-load of missing info for map access [\#918]( ([offtherailz]( +- Update GeoStore to 1.4. Fix \#864 [\#916]( ([offtherailz]( +- fixed \#914 map size lost when reload config \(before pan\) [\#915]( ([offtherailz]( +- Styler improvements [\#913]( ([offtherailz]( +- Enable Layer Delete [\#912]( ([Gnafu]( +- Move layer from a group to another. Closes \#854 \#855 [\#911]( ([Gnafu]( +- Added more translation to FeatureGrid pagination toolbar [\#908]( ([kappu72]( +- improved styler to save default style [\#907]( ([offtherailz]( +- Improvements to WMS support for Catalog [\#904]( ([mbarto]( +- \#94 french translation [\#903]( ([gregvds]( +- Fix compatibility with examples [\#901]( ([Gnafu]( +- fixes to wms parameters. Layer properties window enhancement [\#899]( ([offtherailz]( +- Save maps in new format [\#898]( ([Gnafu]( +- Fixed Typo [\#894]( ([kappu72]( +- Simple vector styler [\#893]( ([kappu72]( +- Changed default button size for shapefile plugin to small [\#891]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixes \#889: apply SLD\_BODY in GetLegendGraphic if defined for layer [\#890]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed \#796 : Updated z-index of GetFeatureInfo tool [\#888]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#884 : Long shapefile file names overlap the success message area [\#887]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#860 : Removed help tool from mobile configuration [\#886]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#858 : User modal and forms are now internationalized [\#883]( ([MV88]( +- Fixed \#800 : added a success message after that the shapefile has correctly been imported [\#881]( ([MV88]( +- Added customization options to Catalog and support for nested layers … [\#880]( ([mbarto]( +- Changed share plugin glyphicons and remove icon in drawer menu [\#879]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#835: WMS support for catalog [\#878]( ([mbarto]( +- Title editing from options [\#877]( ([offtherailz]( +- iss280 - Custom style of scaleline for openlayers3 and leaflet alligned [\#876]( ([MV88]( +- fix \#874. Check default port in ssh mode [\#875]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed \#546 issue, zoom on the shapefile after insertion [\#872]( ([MV88]( +- Edit Map Metadata. Closes \#851 [\#871]( ([Gnafu]( +- Added codemirror to plugins example and improved compatibility with s… [\#870]( ([mbarto]( +- Remove source map and fixed camel case filename error [\#868]( ([offtherailz]( +- Fixed identify layer options bug [\#867]( ([kappu72]( +- Fixes \#801: enabling Identify on Vector layers [\#866]( ([mbarto]( +- Extracted component from the Shapefile plugin to allow reuse, did som… [\#859]( ([mbarto]( +- Minor fixes [\#857]( ([kappu72]( +- Some improvments to use pagination and sort with query and featuregride [\#856]( ([kappu72]( +- SharePlugin : removed the skipping test [\#850]( ([MV88]( +- Fixes \#848: reintroduced \(optional\) reset button in MeasureComponent [\#849]( ([mbarto]( +- Fixed Iss599, GetFeatureInfo now works on leaflet and openlayers [\#839]( ([MV88]( + + ## [2017.03.00]( (2017-04-10) [Full Changelog](