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Library implementation of "Generic description of well-scoped, well-typed syntaxes"

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Generic description of well-scoped, well-typed syntaxes

This repository contains Agda code for the paper "Generic description of well-scoped, well-typed syntaxes". The aim is a library that given a description of a language, will deliver the following functionality to the user:

  • A representation of syntactically valid, but not necessarily well-scoped formulas Form : Set

  • A representation of well-scoped (but not necessarily well-typed) expressions Expr : ℕ → Set using de Bruijn indices to represent variables

  • An intrinsically typed representation of well-typed, well-scoped terms Tm : Ctx → Ty → Set

  • All the proofs about type-preserving renaming and simultaneous substitution over the typed representation

  • A type erasure function untype : Tm Γ t → Expr (size Γ)

  • A scope checker resolveNames : Scope n → Form → Maybe (Expr n)

As a validating example, a purely syntactic implementation of STLC is included: reduction rules are explicit and defined in terms of substitution, and normalization is proven a la the relevant chapter of Pierce's Software Foundations.

Syntax definitions

A given language is described using the Agda datatype Code:

data Binder : Set where
  bound unbound : Binder

Shape : ℕ → ℕ → Set
Shape n k = Vec (Vec Binder n) k

data Desc : Set₁ where
  sg : (A : Set) (k: A → Desc) → Desc
  node : (n : ℕ) {k : ℕ} (shape : Shape n k) (wt : Vec Ty n → Vec Ty k → Ty → Set) → Desc

The only difference to is that the node constructor has a unified global view of all the subterms; in particular, of all the types of the subterms. The meaning of the well-typedness constraint wt is that it takes two collections of types: the types of the n newly bound variables and the types of the k subterms; it also receives the type of the term just being constructed.

The idea behind wt is to encode the typing constraints the same way as one encodes a GADT in Haskell using only existentials and type equalities. Here, we use existentials for the types of subterms, and allow arbitrary propositions for the constraints between them. The typed representation for a given code carries witnesses of well-typedness in their constructor for node (omitting some details here):

data Con (Γ : Ctx) (t : Ty) : Desc → Set where
  sg : ∀ {A k} x → Con Γ t (k x) → Con Γ t (sg A k)
  node : ∀ {n k sh wt} (ts₀ : Vec Ty n) {ts : Vec Ty k} 
    (es : Children Γ ts₀ sh ts)
    {{_ : wt ts₀ ts t}} 
    → Con Γ t (node n sh wt)

Children : ∀ {n k} → Ctx → Vec Ty n → Shape n k → Vec Ty k → Set
Children Γ ts₀ = All₂ (λ bs → Tm (Γ <>< visible bs ts₀))

data Tm (Γ : Ctx) : Ty → Set where
  var : ∀ {t} → Var Γ t → Tm Γ t
  con : ∀ {t} → Con Γ t desc → Tm Γ t


The following example encodes STLC in Church-style:

data `STLC : Set where
  `lam `app : `STLC

STLC : Code
STLC = sg `STLC λ
  { `lam   → sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
  ; `app   → node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ []) λ { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }

For `lambda abstractions, we store an argument type, and then bind one new variable, visible in one subterm; the well-typedness constraint then requires the type of the newly bound variable to match the user-supplied one, while also requiring the result type to be the correct function type.

For function application, no new variables are bound in the two subterms, so the well-typedness constraint only concerns the types of subterms.

The following pattern synonyms illustrate the typed representation of STLC (unfortunately, Agda doesn't support type signatures on pattern synonyms, hence the comments):

-- lam : ∀ {Γ u} t → Tm (Γ , t) u → Tm Γ (t ▷ u)
pattern lam t e = con (sg `lam (sg t (node (_ ∷ []) (e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}})))

-- _·_ : ∀ {Γ u t} → Tm Γ (u ▷ t) → Tm Γ u → Tm Γ t
pattern _·_ f e = con (sg `app (node [] (f ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl}}))

If we want to add let to our language, that's expressible with the following change to STLC:

data `STLC : Set where
  `lam `app `let : `STLC

STLC : Code
STLC = sg `STLC λ
  { `lam   → sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
               λ { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
  ; `app   → node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ [])
               λ { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }
  ; `let   →  node 1 ((unbound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
               λ { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₀′ ∷ t₁ ∷ []) t → t₀′ ≡ t₀ × t ≡ t₁ }

In fact, we can easily implement a transformation that gets rid of lets in some input language by turning them into lambda applications:

data Phase : Set where
  input inlined : Phase

data `STLC : Phase → Set where
  `lam `app : ∀ {p} → `STLC p
  `let : `STLC input

STLC : Phase → Code
STLC p = sg (`STLC p) λ
  { `lam  → sg Ty λ t → node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ 
               { (t′ ∷ []) (u ∷ []) t₀ → t′ ≡ t × t₀ ≡ t ▷ u }
  ; `app  → node 0 ([] ∷ [] ∷ []) λ 
               { [] (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₁ ≡ t₂ ▷ t }
  ; `let  → node 1 ((unbound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ []) λ 
               { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₁ ∷ t₂ ∷ []) t → t₀ ≡ t₁ × t₂ ≡ t }
open import SimplyTyped.Ctx Ty
open import SimplyTyped.Typed hiding (Tm)

Tm : (p : Phase) → Ctx → Ty → Set
Tm p = SimplyTyped.Typed.Tm (STLC p)

pattern lam t e = con (sg `lam (sg t (node (_ ∷ []) (e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}})))
pattern _·_ f e = con (sg `app (node [] (f ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl}}))
pattern letvar_in_ e₀ e = con (sg `let (node (_ ∷ []) (e₀ ∷ e ∷ []) {{refl , refl}}))

desugar ∶ ∀ {s φ Γ } → Tm φ s Γ → Tm desugared s Γ
desugar (var v)          = var v
desugar (f · e)          = desugar f · desugar e
desugar (lam t e)        = lam t (desugar e)
desugar (letvar e₀ in e) = lam _ (desugar e) · desugar e₀

We can also express letrec by simply making the newly-introduced variable bound in both subterms:

  ; `letrec →  node 1 ((bound ∷ []) ∷ (bound ∷ []) ∷ [])
               λ { (t₀ ∷ []) (t₀′ ∷ t₁ ∷ []) t → t₀′ ≡ t₀ × t ≡ t₁ }

Of course, while adding the semantics of letrec is straightforward, modifying the proof of strong normalization to cover this extended language would be... tricky :)


Library implementation of "Generic description of well-scoped, well-typed syntaxes"






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