KeOps is developed by researchers, for researchers. It is meant to be used by students and mathematicians who have original ideas but lack the programming expertise to implement them efficiently. By providing cutting edge support for a wide range of important but "non-Euclidean" computations, we hope to stimulate research in computational mathematics and geometric data analysis.
To reach this goal, we focus on a simple but powerful abstraction: :doc:`symbolic matrices <why_using_keops>`. We prioritize the support of widely available hardware (CPUs, GPUs) over domain-specific accelerators and strive to provide an optimal level of performance without ever compromising on flexibility. Going forward, our main target is to let KeOps:
- Remain easy to use, with a transparent syntax and a smooth user experience.
- Open new paths for researchers, with comprehensive support for generic formulas and approximation strategies.
- Bring advanced numerical methods to a global audience, through a seamless integration with standard libraries.
In this context, we can summarize our plans for 2022-2024 in three main axes.
A) User experience:
- Compatibility with the NumPy API. The :mod:`LazyTensor <pykeops.torch.LazyTensor>` module follows common PyTorch and NumPy conventions but cannot always be used as a plug-in replacement. To mitigate this compatibility issue, we intend to implement a new :mod:`SymbolicTensor` wrapper that will be 100% compatible with NumPy while maintaining support of the :mod:`LazyTensor` API for the sake of backward compatibility. Among other features, we will notably add support for indexing methods and a :mod:`.dense()` conversion routine. This will allow users to turn small- and medium-sized symbolic matrices into dense arrays for e.g. debugging and display purposes.
- High-dimensional vectors.
As detailed in our benchmarks for
:doc:`kernel matrix-vector products <../_auto_benchmarks/plot_benchmark_high_dimension>`
and K-Nearest Neighbors queries
as well as our
NeurIPS 2020 paper,
KeOps is currently best suited to computations
in spaces of dimension D < 100.
We are now working on implementing
efficient C++/CUDA schemes for high-dimensional variables,
with partial support already available for
e.g. squared Euclidean norms and dot products.
Going further, we intend to provide support for
tensor cores
and quantized numerical types
after the release of our new compilation engine.
B) Flexibility of the engine, approximation strategies:
Expand the KeOps syntax. Our new compilation engine will streamline the development of new mathematical formulas. Among other features, we intend to focus on integer numerical types (both for computations and indexing) and tensor variables. Adding support for symbolic matrices that have more than two "symbolic" axes is also a significant target.
Block-wise matrices and sparsity masks. At a higher level, we intend to support the block-wise construction of symbolic matrices using a :mod:`BlockTensor([[A, B], [C, D]])` syntax. This module is inspired by SciPy's LinearOperator wrapper and will be especially useful for applications to mathematical modelling and physics.
Providing a user-friendly interface for block-wise sparsity masks, band-diagonal and triangular matrices will also be of interest for applications to e.g. imaging sciences.
Approximation strategies. Finally, we intend to progressively add support for approximate reduction schemes that allow users to trade time for precision. We are currently implementing IVF-like methods for K-NN search and Nyström-like approximations for sum reductions. Going further, we have started preliminary work on the Fast and Free Memory method and other advanced strategies that best leverage the geometric structure of the computation. Implementing these methods on the GPU without loss of generality is a significant challenge, but KeOps provides us with the perfect platform to tackle it effectively. Long-term, we hope to provide a simple
K.tol = 1e-3
syntax for a wide range of symbolic matrices and help these advanced numerical methods to reach a global audience.
C) Integration with the wider scientific software ecosystem:
- Standard frameworks.
Improving the compatibility of KeOps
with scientific computing frameworks
is a major priority.
Beyond PyTorch, NumPy, Matlab and R
that are already supported,
we are very much open to :doc:`contributions <contributing>`
that would be related to e.g. Julia
or TensorFlow.
We follow closely
standardization efforts
for tensor computing APIs.
- Domain-specific libraries.
Going further, we work to let KeOps
interact seamlessly with higher-level libraries
such as
:doc:`SciPy <../_auto_tutorials/backends/plot_scipy>`
:doc:`GPyTorch <../_auto_tutorials/backends/plot_gpytorch>`.
We are actively working on integration with
and the
Python Optimal Transport (POT) libraries,
which are close to our own research interests.
In the long run, interactions with
would also be most relevant,
but are significantly more challenging
to setup due to the structure of their codebases.
repository could provide us with a convenient
interface to these libraries:
preliminary plans are detailed on our
GitHub project page.
As detailed in our :doc:`contribution guide <contributing>`, we warmly welcome help on our GitHub repository and keep the door open for internships and collaborations that are related to this library. So far, KeOps has been primarily developed by French mathematicians working in Paris and Montpellier... but we'd be happy to diversify the team!
Our Changelog can be found on the KeOps Github repository.