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batterseapower committed Dec 6, 2012
1 parent 5ff6887 commit 08e33ed
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Showing 8 changed files with 62 additions and 18 deletions.
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/MSG.hs
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Kind
--import TysWiredIn (pairTyCon {- , tupleCon -})
import TysPrim (funTyCon)
import TypeRep (Type(..))
import Type (coreView)
import TrieMap (TrieMap(..), CoercionMap, TypeMap)
import Rules (mkSpecInfo, roughTopNames)
import Unique (mkUniqueGrimily)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,8 +880,16 @@ msgType rn2 ty_l ty_r = case checkEqual (isKindTy ty_l) (isKindTy ty_r) of
msgType' :: Bool -> RnEnv2 -> Type -> Type -> MSG Type
msgType' _ rn2 (TyVarTy x_l) (TyVarTy x_r) = liftM TyVarTy $ msgVar rn2 x_l x_r -- NB: if this fails, one of the two sides is unfloatable, so don't try to generalise
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (AppTy ty1_l ty2_l) (AppTy ty1_r ty2_r) = liftM2 mkAppTy (msgType' are_kinds rn2 ty1_l ty1_r) (msgType rn2 ty2_l ty2_r) -- NB: arguments not necessarily at same level, but type constructor must be
msgType' _ _ (TyConApp tc_l []) (TyConApp tc_r []) | tc_l == tc_r = return (TyConApp tc_r [])
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (TyConApp tc_l tys_l) (TyConApp tc_r tys_r) | not (null tys_l) || not (null tys_r) = msgType' are_kinds rn2 (foldl AppTy (TyConApp tc_l []) tys_l) (foldl AppTy (TyConApp tc_r []) tys_r)
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (TyConApp tc_l tys_l) (TyConApp tc_r tys_r)
-- Special case so we can avoid splitting most type synonyms, also prevents loops in the case where we have (TyConApp tc []) on each side so breaking apart TyConApp would be a NOP
| tc_l == tc_r && length tys_l == length tys_r = liftM (TyConApp tc_r) (zipWithEqualM (msgType rn2) tys_l tys_r)
msgType' are_kinds rn2 ty_l ty_r
-- MUST look through type synonyms because otherwise we might succeed in generalising when given (ShowsS `msgType` (a -> b)), which would be a disaster
| Just ty_l' <- coreView ty_l = msgType' are_kinds rn2 ty_l' ty_r
| Just ty_r' <- coreView ty_r = msgType' are_kinds rn2 ty_l ty_r'
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (TyConApp tc_l tys_l) (TyConApp tc_r tys_r)
-- Must look through synonyms *before* we break apart TyConApps since coreView won't work any other way
| not (null tys_l) || not (null tys_r) = msgType' are_kinds rn2 (foldl AppTy (TyConApp tc_l []) tys_l) (foldl AppTy (TyConApp tc_r []) tys_r)
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (FunTy ty1_l ty2_l) (FunTy ty1_r ty2_r) = msgType' are_kinds rn2 ((TyConApp funTyCon [] `AppTy` ty1_l) `AppTy` ty2_l) ((TyConApp funTyCon [] `AppTy` ty1_r) `AppTy` ty2_r)
msgType' are_kinds rn2 (ForAllTy a_l ty_l) (ForAllTy a_r ty_r) = msgTyVarBndr ForAllTy rn2 a_l a_r $ \rn2 -> msgType' are_kinds rn2 ty_l ty_r
msgType' _ _ (LitTy l_l) (LitTy l_r) | l_l == l_r = return (LitTy l_r)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process.hs
Expand Up @@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ reduceWithStats :: State -> (SCStats, State)
reduceWithStats state = case reduce' state of (_, stats, state') -> (stats, state')

reduce' :: State -> (Bool, SCStats, State)
reduce' orig_state = go 0 False init_hist orig_state
reduce' orig_state = go rEDUCE_STOP_LIMIT False init_hist orig_state
init_hist = mkLinearHistory rEDUCE_WQO

Expand All @@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ reduce' orig_state = go 0 False init_hist orig_state
-> case terminate hist (gc state) of
Continue hist' -> go n True hist' state'
Stop old_state
| n > 0 -> go (n - 1) True init_hist state' -- FIXME: huge hack
| n > 1 -> go (n - 1) True init_hist state' -- FIXME: huge hack
| otherwise -> pprTrace "reduce-stop" {--} (pPrintFullState quietStatePrettiness old_state $$ pPrintFullState quietStatePrettiness state) {--} -- empty
-- let smmrse s@(_, _, _, qa) = pPrintFullState s $$ case annee qa of Question _ -> text "Question"; Answer _ -> text "Answer" in
-- pprPreview2 "reduce-stop" (smmrse old_state) (smmrse state) $
Expand Down
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Process3.hs
Expand Up @@ -291,8 +291,9 @@ sc' mb_h state = {- pprTrace "sc'" (trce1 state) $ -} {-# SCC "sc'" #-} case mb_
terminateM h state rb
(speculateM (reduce state) $ \state -> my_split state)
(\shallow_h shallow_state shallow_rb -> trce shallow_h shallow_state $ do
let (mb_shallow_gen, mb_gen) = zipPair mplus mplus (tryMSG sc shallow_state state)
(tryTaG sc shallow_state state)
let (mb_shallow_gen, mb_gen) | not gENERALISATION = (Nothing, Nothing)
| otherwise = zipPair mplus mplus (tryMSG sc shallow_state state)
(tryTaG sc shallow_state state)
case mb_shallow_gen of
Just shallow_gen | sC_ROLLBACK -> trace "sc-stop(rb,gen)" $ shallow_rb shallow_gen
Nothing | sC_ROLLBACK, Nothing <- mb_gen -> trace "sc-stop(rb,split)" $ shallow_rb (split sc shallow_state)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +324,9 @@ tryTaG opt shallow_state state = bothWays (\_ -> generaliseSplit opt gen) shallo
where gen = mK_GENERALISER shallow_state state

-- NB: this cannot return (Just, Nothing)
tryMSG opt shallow_state state = case msgMaybe mode shallow_state state of
tryMSG opt shallow_state state
| not mSG_GENERALISATION = (Nothing, Nothing)
| otherwise = case msgMaybe mode shallow_state state of
-- If we fail this way round, we should certainly fail the other way round too
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
Just msg_result@(Pair l r, _)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -620,7 +623,9 @@ memo opt init_state = {-# SCC "memo'" #-} memo_opt init_state
-- NB: don't record a promise for type generalisation! This is OK for termination because all type gens
-- are non-trivial so we will eventually have to stop genning. Furthermore, it means that we can't end
-- up with a FIXME: continue
RightGivesTypeGen rn_l s rn_r -> trace "typegen" $ (True, do { (deeds, e') <- memo_opt s
RightGivesTypeGen rn_l s rn_r -> -- pprTrace "typegen" (pPrintFullState fullStatePrettiness state $$ pPrintFullState fullStatePrettiness s) $
trace "typegen" $
(True, do { (deeds, e') <- memo_opt s
; (_, e'_r) <- renameSCResult (case s of (_, Heap _ ids, _, _) -> ids) (rn_r, e')
-- - If we do memo-rollback or sc-rollback then we CAN'T overwrite old fulfilments
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,9 +667,13 @@ memo opt init_state = {-# SCC "memo'" #-} memo_opt init_state
(promise -> Maybe Var)
-> [(promise, MSGMatchResult)]
-> [(Bool, (promise, MSGMatchResult))]
sortBest dumped ress = filter (\(_, (p, _)) -> case dumped p of Just fun -> pprTraceSC "tieback-to-dumped" (ppr fun) False; Nothing -> True) $
map ((,) True) best_ress ++ map ((,) False) (sortBy ((\x y -> if x `moreSpecific` y then LT else GT) `on` snd) other_ress)
where -- Stop early upon exact match (as an optimisation)
sortBest dumped ress = filter suitable $ map ((,) True) best_ress ++ map ((,) False) (sortBy ((\x y -> if x `moreSpecific` y then LT else GT) `on` snd) other_ress)
where suitable (_, (p, mr))
| Just fun <- dumped p = pprTraceSC "tieback-to-dumped" (ppr fun) False
| not tYPE_GEN, RightGivesTypeGen {} <- mr = False
| otherwise = True

-- Stop early upon exact match (as an optimisation)
(best_ress, other_ress) = partition (mostSpecific . snd) ress

mostSpecific :: MSGMatchResult -> Bool
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Split.hs
Expand Up @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ generalise :: MonadStatics m
generalise gen (deeds, Heap h ids, k, qa) = do
let named_k = nameStack k

(gen_kfs, gen_xs') <- case gENERALISATION of
(gen_kfs, gen_xs') <- case sPLIT_GENERALISATION_TYPE of
NoGeneralisation -> Nothing
AllEligible -> guard (not (IS.null gen_kfs) || not (isEmptyVarSet gen_xs'')) >> return (gen_kfs, gen_xs'')
where gen_kfs = IS.fromList [i | (i, kf) <- trainCars named_k, generaliseStackFrame gen kf]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Drive/Split2.hs
Expand Up @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ instanceSplit :: (Applicative m, Monad m)
instanceSplit opt (deeds, heap, k, e) = recurse opt $ push (S.singleton FocusContext) (deeds, heap, k, OpaqueFocus e)

applyGeneraliser :: Generaliser -> State -> Maybe (S.Set Context)
applyGeneraliser gen (_deeds, Heap h _, k, qa) = fmap (\(gen_kfs, gen_xs) -> S.fromList $ map StackContext (IS.elems gen_kfs) ++ map HeapContext (varSetElems gen_xs)) $ case gENERALISATION of
applyGeneraliser gen (_deeds, Heap h _, k, qa) = fmap (\(gen_kfs, gen_xs) -> S.fromList $ map StackContext (IS.elems gen_kfs) ++ map HeapContext (varSetElems gen_xs)) $ case sPLIT_GENERALISATION_TYPE of
NoGeneralisation -> Nothing
AllEligible -> guard (not (IS.null gen_kfs) || not (isEmptyVarSet gen_xs'')) >> return (gen_kfs, gen_xs'')
where gen_kfs = IS.fromList [i | (i, kf) <- named_k, generaliseStackFrame gen kf]
Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/Evaluator/Evaluate.hs
Expand Up @@ -560,7 +560,24 @@ shouldExposeUnfolding :: Id -> Either String Superinlinable
shouldExposeUnfolding x = case inl_inline inl_prag of
-- FIXME: God help my soul
_ | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe (idName x)
, moduleName mod `elem` map mkModuleName ["Data.Complex", "GHC.List"]
, moduleName mod `elem` map mkModuleName [
"Data.Complex", "GHC.List",
"QSort", -- awards
"Checker", "Lisplikefns", "Rewritefns", "Rulebasetext", -- boyer2
"Auxil", "Interval", "Key", "Prog", -- cichelli
"MonadState", "MonadTrans", -- cryptarithm2
"StateMonad", -- cse
"Knowledge", "Result", "Search", "Table", "Match", -- expert
"Fourier", "Complex_Vectors", -- fft2
"RA", "RC", "RG", "RU", "Types", -- nucleic2
"ChessSetArray", "ChessSetList", "KnightHeuristic", "Queue", "Sort", -- knights
"Mandel", -- mandel
"Move", "Problem", "Solution", -- mate
"Board", "Game", "Prog", "Tree", "Wins", -- minimax
"CharSeq", "Pretty", -- pretty
"IntLib", "MyRandom", "Prime", -- primetest
"Digraph" -- scc
-> Right True
-- These get wrappers generated for them: be very eager to inline the wrappers
| isPrimOpId x || isDataConWorkId x
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/GHC.hs
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ desc = desc' . unI
desc' :: S.TermF Identity -> Description
desc' (S.Var x) = Opaque (S.varString x)
desc' (S.Value _) = Opaque "value"
desc' (S.TyApp e1 _) = argOf (desc e1)
desc' (S.TyApp e1 _) = desc e1 -- NB: no argOf for type arguments because they don't get ANFed, so it's a bit redundant
desc' (S.CoApp e1 _) = argOf (desc e1)
desc' (S.App e1 _) = argOf (desc e1)
desc' (S.PrimOp pop as es) = foldr (\() d -> argOf d) (Opaque (show pop)) (map (const ()) as ++ map (const ()) es)
Expand Down
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions compiler/supercompile/Supercompile/StaticFlags.hs
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ dEPTH_LIIMT :: Maybe Int
dEPTH_LIIMT = Just (lookup_def_int "-fsupercompiler-depth-limit" maxBound)
--dEPTH_LIIMT = Just 10

rEDUCE_STOP_LIMIT = lookup_def_int "-fsupercompiler-reduce-stop-limit" 1

pOSITIVE_INFORMATION = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-positive-information"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,14 +221,20 @@ tAG_COLLECTION = parseEnum "-fsupercompiler-tag-collection" (TBT False) [("bags"

data GeneralisationType = NoGeneralisation | AllEligible | DependencyOrder Bool | StackFirst

gENERALISATION :: GeneralisationType
gENERALISATION = parseEnum "-fsupercompiler-generalisation" StackFirst [("none", NoGeneralisation), ("all-eligible", AllEligible), ("first-reachable", DependencyOrder True), ("last-reachable", DependencyOrder False), ("stack-first", StackFirst)]
sPLIT_GENERALISATION_TYPE = parseEnum "-fsupercompiler-split-generalisation-type" StackFirst [("none", NoGeneralisation), ("all-eligible", AllEligible), ("first-reachable", DependencyOrder True), ("last-reachable", DependencyOrder False), ("stack-first", StackFirst)]

oCCURRENCE_GENERALISATION = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-occurrence-generalisation"

gENERALISATION = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-generalisation"

mSG_GENERALISATION = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-msg-generalisation"

tYPE_GEN :: Bool
tYPE_GEN = True
tYPE_GEN = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-type-generalisation"

eVALUATE_PRIMOPS = not $ lookUp $ fsLit "-fsupercompiler-no-primops"
Expand Down

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