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Basic control structures

Local variables

Scala has two keywords to define local variables: val and var. The val keyword defines a value - a "variable" that cannot change its value after initialization. The var keyword denotes a mutable variable.

val name: String = "Fred"
var counter: Int = 0

As you can see, the type of variable is declared after its name and separated from it with a colon :, similarly to how method return type is declared. This syntax of "typing" things with a colon is used in many more contexts and is generally called type ascription.

After the type comes the = sign and an initial value. The value can be arbitrary expression. From the previous section about Hello World we know that in Scala, even a block is an expression and can be assigned to a variable. This comes in handy when we need to perform some more complex computations to obtain the value, e.g.

//TODO better example
val adjustedString: String = {
  val str = fetchSomeString()
  str.substring(0, str.length-1).toUpperCase

Type inference

Type inference also works for local variables. We could omit type declarations and write our original example as:

val name = "Fred"
var counter = 0

However, it is recommended that for mutable variables (vars), the type should always be explicit. This is because the value of a var may change and therefore should not be inferred just from the initial value. The type of initial value may be narrower than what we intended. So, the recommended version of our example would be:

val name = "Fred"
var counter: Int = 0

Mutable variables

Scala encourages programming style that leverages immutability. Therefore, mutable variables should be avoided as much as possible. As you progress in your learning of Scala, you will see that it has many interesting features which make it possible. Many situations which require mutable variables in Java can be completely avoided in Scala. Try to express as much as you can with vals.

if expression

Scala's if is similar to Java:

val x = 5
if(x < 10) {
} else if (x == 10) {
} else {

However, there is similar difference between ifs in Java and ifs in Scala as there is for blocks. In Java, if-else is purely imperative structure, whereas in Scala it is a valid expression that can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments. Therefore, the above example can be refactored to:

val x = 5
  if(x < 10) {
  } else if(x == 10) {
  } else {

This can be further simplified - we don't need to wrap bodies of if and else into a block. They can also be arbitrary expressions:

println(if(x < 10) "<10" else if(x == 10) "=10" else ">10")

Scala's if is always an expression - even if the else clause is missing. If so, then what will the following code print?

val x = 15
println(if(x < 10) "<10")

It turns out that this code prints () (the "unit"). This is because Scala always implicitly adds a missing else clause and fills it with the (). The example above is actually translated to:

val x = 15
println(if(x<10) "<10" else ())

This can be very tricky, especially if you forget the else clause when assigning to a variable:

val x = 15
val str = if(x < 10) "<10"

Scala compiler will not issue an error here. Instead, it will add the implicit else () clause and infer the type of str as Any, which is the most common type of Int from the if clause and Unit from the else clause. This can later cause compilation errors which are very hard to understand if you are not familiar with this peculiar Scala rule. Rule of thumb is that if you're getting strange compilation errors involving type Any, see if you haven't forgotten an else clause somewhere.

It is also worth to note that since Scala's if is an expression, there is no longer a need for the ternary conditional operator known from C and Java (?:). Scala doesn't have it.

Equality comparisons

In Java, the == and != operators perform value comparison on primitive types, but they do a reference comparison for objects. If you want to perform proper equality comparison on objects, you need to use the equals method.

In Scala, this is different. The == and != operators always perform value equality. For objects, they internally call the equals method. They also handle situations where any of the operands is null, so you don't have to put any nullguards. For example, you can now safely write:

val str: String = fetchSomeStringThatMayBeNull()
if(str == "something") { ... }

If you really need to use reference comparison in Scala, you can still do it with the eq and ne operators.

Lazy vals

Scala has one more flavor of local variables, the lazy val. It is equivalent to val except that its value is computed lazily, upon first reference to the lazy val. Lazy local values can help us make our code cleaner by making small refactorings easier. Consider the following example:

def processArgs(args: Array[String], start: String, end: String) = {
  // args(0) refers to the first element of args
  if(args.nonEmpty && args(0).toLowerCase.startsWith(start) && args(0).toLowerCase.endsWith(end)) {
    // do something

The code above is a bit ugly. The if condition has duplicated code - we refer to args(0).toLowerCase twice. This is bad for two reasons:

  • it violates the DRY principle and makes code verbose
  • it may be a performance problem - we evaluate the same expression twice

The natural solution would be to extract the duplicated expression to a variable, like so:

val arg = args(0).toLowerCase
if(args.nonEmpty && arg.startsWith(start) && arg.endsWith(end)) {
  // do something

But we have a problem - if args is empty, this will fail with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, because arg is assigned before we check for non-emptiness.

In order to fix this, we can simply turn the val into a lazy val:

lazy val arg = args(0).toLowerCase
if(args.nonEmpty && arg.startsWith(start) && arg.endsWith(end)) {
  // do something

This way args(0).toLowerCase will not be evaluated until the non-empty check is positive. It is also guaranteed that it will be evaluated at most once.

Local methods

In Scala it is possible to define methods locally - any block of code can contain method definitions. They are visible only inside that block. Let's take the example from lazy val description and modify it as follows:

def processArguments(args: Array[String], start: String, end: String) = {
  def checkArg(arg: String) = 
    arg.startsWith(start) && arg.endsWith(end)
  if(args.nonEmpty && checkArg(args(0).toLowerCase)) {
    // do something

Local methods are better than plain private methods for following reasons:

  • Local method can refer to all the values visible at the point where it's defined. For example, our checkArg method can access the start and end parameters of its outer method. If it were a plain private method, it would have to accept them as its own parameters.
  • Local method is visible only where it's actually needed. We do not pollute other namespaces. This also makes it easier to read the code.

Local methods can greatly improve readability. They allow you to give local but meaningful names to small pieces of your code while still keeping it concise.


Scala has while and do-while loops:

var i = 0

while(i < 100) {
  i += 1

do {
  i -= 1
} while(i >= 0)

Again, the difference from Java is that both while and do-while are expressions. They are not very interesting though, because they always evaluate to (). These loops are very rarely used in Scala, even than in Java - usually only in some low-level or performance critical code.

In the above example, you may have also noticed that we incremented and decremented our local variable using += and -=. Scala does not have the C-style prefix and postfix operators ++ and --. Scala also doesn't have the break and continue keywords.

Technically, Scala doesn't have a for loop. Instead, it has a more general construct called for comprehension, which can be used as a foreach-style loop. We will not cover the entire for comprehension syntax here, but only show how to use it like it's a loop. Example:

val args: Array[String] = fetchArgs()
for(arg <- args) {
// (x to y) creates an object which represents an integer range from x to y, inclusively
for(i <- (0 to args.length-1)) {

The for "loop" above is actually just a syntactic sugar for calling the foreach method which takes some action and invokes it for every element. The above example is equivalent to:

val args: Array[String] = fetchArgs()
args.foreach(arg => println(arg))
(0 to args.length-1).foreach(i => println(args(i)))

The first loop can be even shorter: args.foreach(println). We are using lambdas and higher-order functions here. We will cover them in more detail later. Loops written using for comprehensions are somewhat less performant than while and do-while loops due to usage of lambdas, whose body must be compiled to a separate anonymous class. Loops in Scala can be avoided much more than in Java thanks to various higher-order functions available on collections and usage of tail recursion. We will cover these topics in some other chapter.

The return keyword

Do not use return keyword. Although it works like in Java - exits the method and returns a value - it is rarely needed thanks to the fact that most Scala constructs are valid expressions and can be used as method body. The return keyword also interacts poorly with type inference, forcing you to always explicitly declare return type of a method.


Scala doesn't have the C-style switch construct. Instead, it has a much more powerful feature - pattern matching. We will not cover it fully here, but only show how to use it similarly to switch:

val x: Int = fetchSomeInt()
x match {
  case 0 => println("zero")
  case 1 => println("one")
  case 2 => println("two")
  case _ => println("other")

Just like with any other construct shown before, the pattern match is an expression, so we could refactor the above into:

val x: Int = fetchSomeInt()
println(x match {
  case 0 => "zero"
  case 1 => "one"
  case 2 => "two"
  case _ => "other"

Important things to remember about pattern matching used like this:

  • Pattern matching works with any type, not just int, short, byte, char, String and Enums like in Java.
  • If the matched value is null, it won't cause immediate NullPointerException like in Java. Actually, you can match against null in one of the cases.
  • There is no break keyword needed after each case (there's no such keyword in Scala)
  • Each case has its own scope, i.e. you can declare local variables after each => sign without enclosing everything in a block.
  • If you forget the return value in one of the cases, i.e. write nothing after the => sign, Scala compiler will implicitly put () in there. You may run into similar problems as with the implicitly added else () clause.
  • If you don't provide the default case _ => something and matched value won't fall into any other case, a MatchError will be thrown.


Scala has the same syntax for throwing exceptions as Java - it uses the throw keyword. It also has a similar syntax for catching exceptions, with the usual try, catch and finally clauses:

def intOrZero(str: String): Int =
  // Scala has some nice API to parse strings into numbers
  try str.toInt catch {
    case nfe: NumberFormatException => 0
  } finally {

The above method tries to convert its String argument to integer value or returns 0 if the conversion fails.

The differences from Java are:

  • The try keyword accepts arbitrary expression.
  • There is at most one catch block. It uses pattern matching to handle different types of exceptions and can leverage full pattern matching capabilities. As we already noted, this is out of scope of this chapter. Note that the catch block also evaluates to some value - 0 in our example.
  • The entire try-catch-finally construct is - no surprise - an expression. In above example we have used it as a method body. It evaluates to either the value inside try or value returned by the catch block. If there is a Throwable which does not fall into any of the cases inside the catch block, it is rethrown.
  • There is no "try-with-resources" syntax, but it can be fairly easily simulated using lambdas, by-name arguments and higher order functions - these will be covered later.

Do not catch Throwable in Scala

It is generally considered harmful to catch Throwable in Scala. This is because Scala sometimes uses some special types of throwables in regular language features. For example, sometimes the return instruction causes a NonLocalReturnControl to be thrown. We won't be digging into these details, especially considering the fact that they are mostly used by discouraged language features (like the return keyword). At this point let's just assume that catching throwables is bad.

If you want to catch something more than Exception but less than Throwable, you may use a special NonFatal pattern:

try doSthDangerous() catch {
  case NonFatal(t) => t.printStackTrace()

This will catch all throwables except for the special ones used by Scala and some very severe errors like OutOfMemoryError. So it may be a good practice to use NonFatal everywhere where you would catch Throwable in Java.

Checked exceptions

Scala does not have them.

It does not force you to catch any exceptions as well as it does not require you to declare them in your method signatures. However, there is an annotation that simulates the Java's throws declaration which can be used for compatibility with Java:

def readFile(name: String): String = ...

String interpolation

In Scala, you can concatenate strings and other values in the same way as in Java - using the + operator. However, there is a much nicer syntax to do it called string interpolation. It allows you to concisely embed some expressions inside a string literal. For example:

println("My name is " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old.")

could be rewritten as:

// note the 's'
println(s"My name is $name and I am $age years old.")

In the example above, we have embedded references to simple identifiers inside the string literal. However, arbitrary expressions can be embedded. For example:

val name = "fred"
val age = 27
// 'capitalize' converts first letter of a string to upper case
println(s"My name is ${name.capitalize} and I am $age years old.")

There is a few reasons why the s is required at the beginning of a string literal:

  • String interpolations were introduced in Scala 2.10. It would severely break source compatibility with older versions if regular string literals suddenly became string interpolations.

  • s is only one of the available interpolators. It simply concatenates all arguments and string literal parts. But Scala provides a few other interpolators which do something different:

    • the f interpolator allows you to provide printf-style format to each embedded expression:

      val name = "Fred"
      val height = 1.8
      println(f"$name%s is $height%2.2f meters tall")
    • the raw interpolator works just like s but it doesn't treat escape sequences

      println(raw"sth\t\nsth") // will print 'sth\t\nsth', \t and \n won't be escaped

      raw interpolator can come in handly when defining regular expressions which have their own escaping - you can avoid having two levels of escaping. As an alternative to raw interpolator you can also use multiline string syntax (described below).

  • The real strength of string interpolations in Scala is that it's an extensible feature - it's possible to define custom string interpolators, which can have arbitrary signatures - an interpolation may decide how many arguments does it take, what are their types and what's the final result type (it doesn't have to be a string). For example, one may define a json interpolator which parses the string literal along with some spliced arguments into some Scala JSON representation.

String interpolations and escaping

There's an annoying difference in how scalac parses string interpolations with regard to treating escapes. Escape sequences in normal strings are treated during parsing of Scala code, so that in runtime there is no information left about it. With string interpolations it's not like that and it has some unpleasantly surprising consequences.

The compiler leaves the job of treating escapes to be done in runtime by the actual implementations of string interpolations. At first sight this is good because each interpolation may decide if it wants to treat escapes or not. This way we have s and f which do treat escapes and the raw interpolation which doesn't do that. However, this also means that we cannot escape double quotes (") in string interpolations.

For example if you change a perfectly correct string literal "sth\"more" into a string interpolation s"sth\"more" it will suddenly stop compiling because the parser will think that the escaped double quote is actually the end of the string. This might cause compilation errors which are very confusing to the programmer unaware of this behaviour.

Also, note that in order to avoid escaping, instead of using raw interpolator

Multiline strings

Scala has special syntax for string literals which may span multiple lines:

val text = """some long
              multiline text
              I don't have to "escape" \ anything

Multiline strings don't escape any characters - new lines and all other special characters are included in the resulting string without change. Unfortunately, this has a drawback. In the example above, the string will contain all the whitespace present at the beginning of each line. Fortunately, Scala provides a special method on string that can strip these:

val text = """some long
             |multiline text
             |I don't have to "escape" \ anything

The stripMargin method will search for | characters inside the string and strip each line to only the contents after |.

It is also possible to define multiline string interpolations:

val email = s"""Hello
               |My name is $name and I'm $age years old.
               |Best regards

The triple-quote syntax is also useful even if your string doesn't have multiple lines. This is because inside triple quotes it's not necessary to treat escapes. Therefore, it's a good alternative to raw interpolator which avoids the problems with escaping double quote:

val regex = """(\w)+"something"""

However, remember that string interpolations treat escapes in runtime, so if you change the above to string interpolation (e.g. s"""(\w)+"something""") then it will fail with runtime with InvalidEscapeException when trying to interpret \w as an escape sequence!

Opinionated conclusion: the fact that the compiler moves treatment of escape sequences in string interpolation to runtime was a really bad idea by language designers.