diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 914cf7b0b..644639c28 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ You might be wondering why was this monorepo created? Here are a few of the reas - you can use it in plain JavaScript (ES6) or TypeScript, on our side we use it with plain JS (ES6) in our Salesforce environment with LWC (Lightning Web Component) ### Frameworks using this monorepo - - [Aurelia-Slickgrid](https://github.com/ghiscoding/aurelia-slickgrid) starting with version `3.x` is now using Slickgrid-Universal - - [Angular-Slickgrid](https://github.com/ghiscoding/Angular-Slickgrid) starting with version `3.x` is now using Slickgrid-Universal + - [Aurelia-Slickgrid](https://github.com/ghiscoding/aurelia-slickgrid) starting with version `>=3.x` is now using Slickgrid-Universal + - [Angular-Slickgrid](https://github.com/ghiscoding/Angular-Slickgrid) starting with version `>=3.x` is now using Slickgrid-Universal - [Vanilla bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-bundle) is to use it with plain JavaScript or TypeScript without targeting any particular framework. The Vanilla Implementation (not associated to any framework) is built with [WebPack](https://webpack.js.org/) and is also used to test all the UI functionalities [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/) (E2E tests). The [Vanilla-force-bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-bundle), which extends the `vanilla-bundle` package is what we use in our SalesForce implementation (with Lightning Web Component), hence the creation of this monorepo library. @@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ Slickgrid-Universal has **100%** Unit Test Coverage, we are talking about +15,00 | [@slickgrid-universal/vanilla-force-bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-force-bundle) | [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@slickgrid-universal/vanilla-force-bundle.svg?color=forest)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@slickgrid-universal/vanilla-force-bundle) | Vanilla TypeScript/ES6 for Salesforce implementation | [changelog](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/blob/master/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/CHANGELOG.md) ## Installation -To get going and do development with this monorepo, you will need to clone the repo and then follow the steps below +**NOTE:** the installation instructions below are **only** required if you want to contribute to this project, if on the other hand you just want to use Slickgrid-Universal then take a look at [webpack-demo-vanilla-bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/examples/webpack-demo-vanilla-bundle) + +To get going and do development with this monorepo, you will need to clone the repo and then follow the steps below. 1. Install npm packages with [Yarn classic 1.x](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/) since this lib uses Yarn version 1.x Workspaces and so you need to use Yarn to install all packages ```bash diff --git a/packages/common/README.md b/packages/common/README.md index 450353f2a..cd625010c 100644 --- a/packages/common/README.md +++ b/packages/common/README.md @@ -12,17 +12,16 @@ ## Common Filters/Editors/Extensions/Services #### @slickgrid-universal/common -This package is regrouping the most common features or pieces that could be used by any other Framework (it is framework agnostic). It includes all Editors, Filters, Extensions and Services as can be seen below. +This package is regrouping the most common features, extensions, interfaces that can be used by other Frameworks (it is framework agnostic). It includes all Editors, Filters, Formatters, Grouping, Extensions and Services as can be seen below. ### Installation Go to the root of the repo and follow the instructions provided in the main [README](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal#installation) ### What is included? - **Aggregators** (min, max, avg, sum, ...) -- **Editors** (input, singleSelect, multipleSelect, date, slider, ...) -- **Filters** (input, singleSelect, multipleSelect, date, slider, ...) -- **Formatters** (date formats, decimal, dollars, percent, bold, checkmark, ...) +- **Editors & Filters** (input, singleSelect, multipleSelect, date, slider, ...) - **Extensions** (SlickGrid 3rd party controls/plugins) +- **Formatters** (date formats, decimal, dollars, percent, bold, checkmark, ...) - **Grouping** Formatters (min, max, avg, sum, ...) -- **SortComparers** (date, numeric, string, ...) - **Services** (filter, sort, grid state, ...) +- **SortComparers** (date, numeric, string, ...) diff --git a/packages/composite-editor-component/README.md b/packages/composite-editor-component/README.md index 137d65c84..85cdab578 100644 --- a/packages/composite-editor-component/README.md +++ b/packages/composite-editor-component/README.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Vanilla Bundle implementation of a Composite Editor Modal Window which can do the following - Create - Clone (allows you to clone & edit a row, it's like a copy+edit in a single action) -- Update +- Edit / Update - Mass Update Changes - Mass Selection Changes (similar to Mass Update but only for the selected items/rows) diff --git a/packages/excel-export/README.md b/packages/excel-export/README.md index 618dd7cc0..7131002df 100644 --- a/packages/excel-export/README.md +++ b/packages/excel-export/README.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ## Excel Export Service #### @slickgrid-universal/excel-export -Simple Export to Excel Service that allows to exporting as ".xls" or ".xlsx". +Simple Export to Excel Service that allows to exporting as `.xls` or `.xlsx`. ### Internal Dependencies - [@slickgrid-universal/common](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/common) @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Simple Export to Excel Service that allows to exporting as ".xls" or ".xlsx". This package requires [excel-builder-webpacker](https://www.npmjs.com/package/excel-builder-webpacker) which itself requires [jszip](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jszip) and [lodash](https://www.npmjs.com/package/lodash), the later not being a small lib, so make sure that you are fine with the bundle size. For our use case, the extra bundle size is totally worth the feature. ### Installation -Follow the instruction provided in the main [README](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal#installation), you can see a demo by looking at the [GitHub Demo](https://ghiscoding.github.io/slickgrid-universal) page and click on "Export to CSV" from the Grid Menu (aka hamburger menu). +Follow the instruction provided in the main [README](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal#installation), you can see a demo by looking at the [GitHub Demo](https://ghiscoding.github.io/slickgrid-universal) page and click on "Export to Excel" from the Grid Menu (aka hamburger menu). ### Usage In order to use the Service, you will need to register it in your grid options via the `registerExternalResources` as shown below. diff --git a/packages/odata/README.md b/packages/odata/README.md index 1b05acea6..06201dc29 100644 --- a/packages/odata/README.md +++ b/packages/odata/README.md @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class MyExample { backendServiceApi: { service: new GridOdataService(), options: { - version: 4 // OData v4 + version: 4 // OData v2 or v4 }, preProcess: () => this.displaySpinner(true), process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query), diff --git a/packages/rxjs-observable/README.md b/packages/rxjs-observable/README.md index b7c76279c..b4c267138 100644 --- a/packages/rxjs-observable/README.md +++ b/packages/rxjs-observable/README.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ An RxJS Observable Service Wrapper to make it possible to use RxJS with Slickgrid-Universal (with a Backend Service like OData/GraphQL). By default any Backend Service will be using Promises unless we use this RxJS Observable package. -This package is simply a bridge, a facade, to make it possible to use RxJS without adding RxJS to the `@slickgrid-universal/common` list of dependencies, so RxJS is a dependency of this package without being a dependency of the common (core) package, This will avoid adding dependencies not everyone need and won't clutter the common package (the common package will simply use an empty interface, which won't do anything, without requiring to install RxJS at all. We do however have full unit tests coverage for all of that). +This package is simply a bridge, a facade, to make it possible to use RxJS without adding RxJS to the `@slickgrid-universal/common` list of dependencies, so RxJS is a dependency of this package without being a dependency of the common (core) package, This will avoid adding dependencies not everyone need and won't clutter the common package (the common package will simply use an empty interface, which won't do anything, without requiring to install RxJS at all. We also have full unit tests coverage for all of that). ### Internal Dependencies - [@slickgrid-universal/common](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/common) diff --git a/packages/text-export/README.md b/packages/text-export/README.md index 528824682..90cf01132 100644 --- a/packages/text-export/README.md +++ b/packages/text-export/README.md @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ ## Text Export Service (text file) #### @slickgrid-universal/text-export -Simple Export to File Service that allows to export as CSV or Text, user can also choose which separator to use (comma, colon, semicolon, ...). +Simple Export to File Service that allows to export as CSV or Text (`.csv` or `.txt`), user can also choose which data separator to use for the export (comma, colon, semicolon, ...). -There are a couple of reasons to use this package (instead of the `excel-export`) +There are a couple of reasons to use this package (it could be used instead of the `excel-export`) - if you want to export to a text file with any type of separator (tab, colon, semicolon, comma) -- if you have a very large dataset, this export consumes a lot less memory compare to the `excel-export` +- if you have a very large dataset, this export consumes a lot less memory in comparison to the `excel-export` ### Internal Dependencies - [@slickgrid-universal/common](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/common) diff --git a/packages/vanilla-bundle/README.md b/packages/vanilla-bundle/README.md index 04643145d..eb34e71d0 100644 --- a/packages/vanilla-bundle/README.md +++ b/packages/vanilla-bundle/README.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ## Vanilla Bundle #### @slickgrid-universal/vanilla-bundle -Vanilla Bundle implementation (no framework, plain TypeSript implementation). This package does what other framework would do, that is to make all the features usable in 1 bundle so that it could then be used by other Apps/Projects +Vanilla Bundle implementation (no framework, plain TypeSript implementation). This package does what other framework would do which is to make all these features usable into 1 bundle so that it could then be used by other Apps/Projects. ### Internal Dependencies - [@slickgrid-universal/common](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/common) diff --git a/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/README.md b/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/README.md index 2919c34d3..5b23e71ba 100644 --- a/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/README.md +++ b/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/README.md @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ ## Vanilla Force Bundle #### @slickgrid-universal/vanilla-force-bundle -Vanilla Force Bundle is similar to the Vanilla Bundle but oriented towards a Salesforce (LWC) implementation which requires an all-in-1 bundle (zip) with all necessary package loaded at once. So this package is very similar to the [@slickgrid-universal/vanilla-bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-bundle), it actually extends it, with the difference that it adds and imports 3 extra packages (which are optional in the `vanilla-bundle` but required for our Salesforce implementation) and those are: +Vanilla Force Bundle is similar to the Vanilla Bundle but oriented towards a Salesforce (LWC) implementation which requires an all-in-1 bundle (zip) with all necessary package loaded at once. So this package is very similar to the [@slickgrid-universal/vanilla-bundle](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-bundle), it actually extends from it, with the only difference that it imports and includes 3 extra packages (which are optional in the `vanilla-bundle` but required for our Salesforce implementation) and those are: - CompositeEditor - CustomTooltip - TextExport (CSV)) -This package does what other framework would do, that is to make all the features usable in 1 bundle so that it could then be used by other Apps/Projects, for example we use this bundle in our SalesForce (with Lighning Web Component) App and it requires plain ES6 JavaScript which this bundle also produce (for that there's a [dist-grid-bundle-zip](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/dist-grid-bundle-zip) folder which will zip the ES6 `dist` folder which we then import in SalesForce as a static resource). +This package does what other framework would do, that is to make all the features usable into 1 bundle so that it could then be used by other Apps/Projects, for example we use this bundle in our SalesForce (with Lighning Web Component) App and it requires plain ES6 JavaScript which this bundle also produce (for that there's a [dist-grid-bundle-zip](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/vanilla-force-bundle/dist-grid-bundle-zip) folder which will zip the ES6 `dist` folder which we then import in our SalesForce implementation as a static resource). ### Internal Dependencies - [@slickgrid-universal/common](https://github.com/ghiscoding/slickgrid-universal/tree/master/packages/common)