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ghoulslash committed Sep 1, 2020
1 parent 5773bb8 commit 9a628c5
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Showing 7 changed files with 272 additions and 1 deletion.
118 changes: 117 additions & 1 deletion asm/macros/
Expand Up @@ -1606,7 +1606,123 @@
.2byte \item
.2byte \quantity

.macro givecustommon species:req, level:req, item, ball, nature, abilityNum, hpEv, atkEv, defEv, speedEv, spAtkEv, spDefEv, hpIv, atkIv, defIv, speedIv, spAtkIv, spDefIv, move1, move2, move3, move4, isShiny
.byte 0xe3
.2byte \species
.byte \level
.ifb \item
.2byte ITEM_NONE
.2byte \item
.ifb \ball
.byte 0
.byte \ball
.ifb \nature
.byte \nature
.ifb \abilityNum
.byte 3
.byte \abilityNum
.ifb \hpEv
.byte 0
.byte \hpEv
.ifb \atkEv
.byte 0
.byte \atkEv
.ifb \defEv
.byte 0
.byte \defEv
.ifb \speedEv
.byte 0
.byte \speedEv
.ifb \spAtkEv
.byte 0
.byte \spAtkEv
.ifb \spDefEv
.byte 0
.byte \spDefEv
.ifb \hpIv
.byte 32
.byte \hpIv
.ifb \atkIv
.byte 32
.byte \atkIv
.ifb \defIv
.byte 32
.byte \defIv
.ifb \speedIv
.byte 32
.byte \speedIv
.ifb \spAtkIv
.byte 32
.byte \spAtkIv
.ifb \spDefIv
.byte 32
.byte \spDefIv
.ifb \move1
.2byte 0
.2byte \move1
.ifb \move2
.2byte 0
.2byte \move2
.ifb \move3
.2byte 0
.2byte \move3
.ifb \move4
.2byte 0
.2byte \move4
.ifb \isShiny
.byte 0
.byte \isShiny
.macro givemonmoves species:req, level:req, move1:req, move2:req, move3:req, move4:req
customgivemon \species, \level, 0, 0, NUM_NATURES, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \move1, \move2, \move3, \move4, 0

@ Supplementary

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions data/
Expand Up @@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ gScriptCmdTable:: @ 81DB67C
.4byte ScrCmd_warpsootopolislegend
.4byte ScrCmd_buffercontesttype
.4byte ScrCmd_bufferitemnameplural
.4byte ScrCmd_givecustommon

gScriptCmdTableEnd:: @ 81DBA08
.4byte ScrCmd_nop
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions include/pokemon.h
Expand Up @@ -416,5 +416,6 @@ bool8 HasTwoFramesAnimation(u16 species);
struct Unknown_806F160_Struct *sub_806F2AC(u8 id, u8 arg1);
void sub_806F47C(u8 id);
u8 *sub_806F4F8(u8 id, u8 arg1);
void CreateShinyMonWithNature(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 nature);

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions include/script_pokemon_util.h
Expand Up @@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ void CreateScriptedWildMon(u16, u8, u16);
void ScriptSetMonMoveSlot(u8, u16, u8);
void ReducePlayerPartyToSelectedMons(void);
void HealPlayerParty(void);
u8 ScriptGiveCustomMon(u16 species, u8 level, u16 item, u8 ball, u8 nature, u8 abilityNum, u8 *evs, u8 *ivs, u16 *moves, bool8 isShiny);

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/pokemon.c
Expand Up @@ -6980,3 +6980,20 @@ u8 *sub_806F4F8(u8 id, u8 arg1)
return structPtr->byteArrays[arg1];

void CreateShinyMonWithNature(struct Pokemon *mon, u16 species, u8 level, u8 nature)
u32 personality;
u32 otid = gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[0]
| (gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[1] << 8)
| (gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[2] << 16)
| (gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerTrainerId[3] << 24);

personality = Random32();
personality = ((((Random() % 8) ^ (HIHALF(otid) ^ LOHALF(otid))) ^ LOHALF(personality)) << 16) | LOHALF(personality);
} while (nature != GetNatureFromPersonality(personality));

CreateMon(mon, species, level, 32, 1, personality, OT_ID_PRESET, otid);
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/scrcmd.c
Expand Up @@ -2302,3 +2302,38 @@ bool8 ScrCmd_warpsootopolislegend(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
return TRUE;

bool8 ScrCmd_givecustommon(struct ScriptContext *ctx)
u16 species = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
u8 level = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u16 item = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
u8 ball = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 nature = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 abilityNum = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 hpEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 atkEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 defEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 speedEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 spAtkEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 spDefEv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 hpIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 atkIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 defIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 speedIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 spAtkIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u8 spDefIv = ScriptReadByte(ctx);
u16 move1 = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
u16 move2 = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
u16 move3 = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
u16 move4 = ScriptReadHalfword(ctx);
bool8 isShiny = ScriptReadByte(ctx);

u8 evs[NUM_STATS] = {hpEv, atkEv, defEv, speedEv, spAtkEv, spDefEv};
u8 ivs[NUM_STATS] = {hpIv, atkIv, defIv, speedIv, spAtkIv, spDefIv};
u16 moves[4] = {move1, move2, move3, move4};

gSpecialVar_Result = ScriptGiveCustomMon(species, level, item, ball, nature, abilityNum, evs, ivs, moves, isShiny);
return FALSE;

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/script_pokemon_util.c
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "overworld.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "party_menu.h"
#include "pokeball.h"
#include "pokedex.h"
#include "pokemon.h"
#include "random.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,3 +223,102 @@ void ReducePlayerPartyToSelectedMons(void)


u8 ScriptGiveCustomMon(u16 species, u8 level, u16 item, u8 ball, u8 nature, u8 abilityNum, u8 *evs, u8 *ivs, u16 *moves, bool8 isShiny)
u16 nationalDexNum;
int sentToPc;
u8 heldItem[2];
struct Pokemon mon;
u8 i;
u8 evTotal = 0;

if (nature == NUM_NATURES || nature == 0xFF)
nature = Random() % NUM_NATURES;

if (isShiny)
CreateShinyMonWithNature(&mon, species, level, nature);
CreateMonWithNature(&mon, species, level, 32, nature);

for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATS; i++)
// ev
if (evs[i] != 0xFF && evTotal < 510)
// only up to 510 evs
if ((evTotal + evs[i]) > 510)
evs[i] = (510 - evTotal);

evTotal += evs[i];
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_HP_EV + i, &evs[i]);

// iv
if (ivs[i] != 32 && ivs[i] != 0xFF)
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_HP_IV + i, &ivs[i]);

for (i = 0; i < MAX_MON_MOVES; i++)
if (moves[i] == 0 || moves[i] == 0xFF || moves[i] > MOVES_COUNT)

SetMonMoveSlot(&mon, moves[i], i);

if (abilityNum == 0xFF || GetAbilityBySpecies(species, abilityNum) == 0)
do {
abilityNum = Random() % 3; // includes hidden abilities
} while (GetAbilityBySpecies(species, abilityNum) == 0);

SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_ABILITY_NUM, &abilityNum);

if (ball <= POKEBALL_COUNT)
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_POKEBALL, &ball);

heldItem[0] = item;
heldItem[1] = item >> 8;
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_HELD_ITEM, heldItem);

// give player the mon
//sentToPc = GiveMonToPlayer(&mon);
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_OT_NAME, gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerName);
SetMonData(&mon, MON_DATA_OT_GENDER, &gSaveBlock2Ptr->playerGender);
for (i = 0; i < PARTY_SIZE; i++)
if (GetMonData(&gPlayerParty[i], MON_DATA_SPECIES, NULL) == SPECIES_NONE)

if (i >= PARTY_SIZE)
sentToPc = SendMonToPC(&mon);
CopyMon(&gPlayerParty[i], &mon, sizeof(mon));
gPlayerPartyCount = i + 1;

nationalDexNum = SpeciesToNationalPokedexNum(species);
GetSetPokedexFlag(nationalDexNum, FLAG_SET_SEEN);
GetSetPokedexFlag(nationalDexNum, FLAG_SET_CAUGHT);

return sentToPc;

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