Releases: giowck/symphytum
Version 2.6
New Features
- New sync driver: generic folder sync for any folder based sync service, like Nextcloud and OwnCloud (#126)
- New safe edit mode where destructive actions are disabled and only record editing is allowed (#82)
- Allow empty rows and columns by default in form view. New setting to enable auto pruning of unused space (#120).
- Automatic column width based on contents, as a new option in the settings (#116)
- Improve performance of scrolling by allowing to hide images in table view (#107)
- Italian translation (thanks to Pierfrancesco Passerini)
- Set current date in CalenderWidget popup when date is not set (#91)
- Collections can be renamed als by clicking on the context menu
- CSV exports now include the original file name of images (#83)
- Ask for user permission before checking for updates
- Minor fixes in German translation files
- Improve slightly the styling of view mode buttons in tool bar
Bug Fixes
- MEGA sync driver: fix after upstream API change (MEGAcmd output)
- Duplicated collections no longer produce empty CSV and PDF files (#121, #122)
- Duplicated collections no longer contain inconsistent records with null ids (#122)
- Critical bug where deleting a field results in "invalid_column" (#125)
- Don't update last modification date time if no data was changed in table view (#115)
- Save and restore section order correctly in table view (#119)
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8 and 10, 32 or 64 bit
- macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later, 64 bit
- Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or later, 64 bit (deb package)
- MEGA cloud support: MEGAcmd version 1.1.0
Version 2.6 upgrades the internal database format to a new version (v4), making it incompatible with older versions. Your database schema will be automatically upgraded during the first start. Older software versions using the cloud sync will show a warning about incompatible database versions recommending to upgrade the software version to resolve the issue.
How to Upgrade
To upgrade Symphytum from a previous version, see for instructions.
Version 2.5
This is a minor quick fix release to address a compatibility issue for the MEGA sync driver, after a change at the MEGA API.
Bug Fixes
- MEGA sync driver: hotfix API compatibility change, issue #86
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8 and 10, 32 or 64 bit
- macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later, 64 bit
- Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or later, 64 bit (deb package)
- MEGA cloud support: MEGAcmd version 1.0.0
Version 2.5 doesn't change the internal database format so it remains compatible with 2.4 clients.
How to Upgrade
To upgrade Symphytum from a previous version, see for instructions.
Version 2.4
New Features
- Ability to select font style for form view in settings, issue #70
- Toolbar button to lock the form view to prevent unwanted field movements, issue #62
- Reorder collections in the collections list by context menu (right mouse button click), issue #69
- French translation added, thanks to Yann Yvinec
- Show info on Windows to restart after background color change, issue #66
- Allow empty dates as default value for new records, issue #56
- Allow minimum date as low as 100.01.01 and display empty values on form view for unset dates
- Add original directory import path for file type fields, issue #57
- Show an info dialog after a successful software upgrade
- Add wiki link to help menu
- Add error checking and backup handling during database version upgrades
- MEGA sync driver upgrade to MEGAcmd 1.0.0 and 2FA support, issues #75 and #76
- New donation links and actions
Bug Fixes
- Files are now correctly included in the backup file when using Qt 5.11, bug #60
- Highlight correct characters after editing text containing search results, bug #64
- Reload views when undo redo commands are executed, fixes #68
System Requirements
- Windows 7, 8 and 10, 32 or 64 bit
- macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later, 64 bit
- Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or later, 64 bit (deb package)
- MEGA cloud support: MEGAcmd version1.0.0
Version 2.4 upgrades the internal database format to a new version (v3), making it incompatible with older versions. Your database schema will be automatically upgraded during the first start. Older software versions using the cloud sync will show a warning about incompatible database versions recommending to upgrade the software version to resolve the issue.
How to Upgrade
To upgrade Symphytum from a previous version, see for instructions.
Version 2.3
New Features
- Duplicate collections, with or without contents
- MEGA cloud sync support
- New deployment methods: Windows portable, AppImage, Snap
- Updated Qt to 5.10.1 (User interface library) for better operating system compatibility
Bug Fixes
Version 2.2
New Features
- New preference setting for font size in form view
- Highlight search results in form view, closes #34
- New setting to allow more than one line in table view for each row
- New setting to cache images in table view, fixes #37
- Allow custom database directory in settings, closes #38
- Show taskbar progress on windows during sync
- Update dropbox python sdk, fixes #35
Bug Fixes
- Enable high DPI support on windows and linux, fixes #18
- Disable completely editing, including layout changes, when read only sync session is active, fixes #36
- Fix font issue where characters overlap when printing on windows
- Fix missing svg dependency windows setup script
- Add missing dependencies and langauges to windows installer, fixes #39
- Fix dependencies in PKGBUILD
- Windows, fix wrong text color in table view of selected rows (white on light blue)
- Allow removing items in combo box fields, fixes #42
- Escape single and double quotes characters for combobox fields, should also prevent SQL injections, fixes #40
- Hide progress dialog on optimize database size when finished, fixes #32
- Select correct collection when a collection is added or deleted, fixes #43
- Escape double quotes in field names correctly, fixes #29
Version 2.1
Version 2.1
[New Features]
- Ability to hide the collection sidebar from the view menu
- Polish traslation added (thanks to MCbx)
- Dropbox API migration to v2 (v1 will stop working by 2017-06-28)
- Updated Qt to 5.9 (User interface library) for better compatibility with Windows 10 and macOS Sierra
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed crash when adding a new collection
- Collection list is not updated correctly when a new collection is added or deleted
Version 2.0
Version 2.0
[New Features]
- Migration from Qt4 to Qt5 (User interface library)
- Updated Dropbox certificates (Old ones are valid until August 2016)
- Implemented database version checking and upgrading on format change
- Updated about dialog to include github project link
- Compiler warning fixes
[Bug Fixes]
- #19 Unable to restore from backup on windows caused by improper sample image file permissions
Version 1.2
Version 1.2
[New Features]
- Symphytum is now open source
- Proprietary artwork replaced with permissive icons and images
- German translation added
- Source code translation and localization capabilities for future interface translation work
[Bug Fixes]