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Merge pull request #431 from github/trim-contributing
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bkeepers committed Mar 4, 2015
2 parents a3e84c9 + 6404e98 commit ad43ec6
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Showing 2 changed files with 21 additions and 78 deletions.
59 changes: 12 additions & 47 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,16 @@
# Contributing

Want to contribute? Great!
This library's only job is to decide which markup format to use and call out to an external library to convert the markup to HTML (see the [README]( for more information on how markup is rendered on

If you are having an issue with:

* **Syntax highlighting** - see [github/linguist](
* **Markdown on GitHub** - contact
* **Styling issues on GitHub** - contact

Anything else - [search open issues]( or create an issue and and we'll help point you in the right direction.

## Submitting a Pull Request

1. Fork it.
2. Create a branch (`git checkout -b my_markup`)
Expand All @@ -9,57 +19,12 @@ Want to contribute? Great!
5. Open a [Pull Request][1]
6. Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait

There are two ways to add markups.

### Commands

If your markup is in a language other than Ruby, drop a translator
script in `lib/github/commands` which accepts input on STDIN and
returns HTML on STDOUT. See [rest2html][r2h] for an example.

Once your script is in place, edit `lib/github/markups.rb` and tell
GitHub Markup about it. Again we look to [rest2html][r2hc] for

command(:rest2html, /re?st(.txt)?/)

Here we're telling GitHub Markup of the existence of a `rest2html`
command which should be used for any file ending in `rest`,
`rst`, `rest.txt` or `rst.txt`. Any regular expression will do.

Finally add your [tests](#testing).

### Classes

If your markup can be translated using a Ruby library, that's
great. Check out `lib/github/markups.rb` for some
examples. Let's look at Markdown:

markup(:markdown, /md|mkdn?|markdown/) do |content|

We give the `markup` method three bits of information: the name of the
file to `require`, a regular expression for extensions to match, and a
block to run with unformatted markup which should return HTML.

If you need to monkeypatch a RubyGem or something, check out the
included RDoc example.

Finally add your [tests](#testing).

### Testing
## Testing

To run the tests:

$ rake

When adding support for a new markup library, create a `README.extension` in `test/markups` along with a `README.extension.html`. As you may imagine, the `README.extension` should be your known input and the
`README.extension.html` should be the desired output.

Now run the tests: `rake`

If nothing complains, congratulations!

## Releasing a new version
Expand Down
40 changes: 9 additions & 31 deletions
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
GitHub Markup

We use this library on GitHub when rendering your README or any other
rich text file. The generated HTML is then run through filters in the [html-pipeline]( to perform things like [sanitization](#html-sanitization) and [syntax highlighting](
This library is the first step of a journey that every markup file in a repository goes on before it is rendered on

0. This library converts the raw markup to HTML. See the list of [supported markup formats](#markups) below.
0. The HTML is sanitized, aggressively removing things that could harm you and your kin—such as `script` tags, inline-styles, and `class` or `id` attributes. See the [sanitization filter]( for the full whitelist.
0. Syntax highlighting is performed on code blocks. See [github/linguist]( for more information about syntax highlighting.
0. The HTML is passed through other filters in the [html-pipeline]( that add special sauce, such as [emoji](, [task lists](, [named anchors](, [CDN caching for images](, and [autolinking](
0. The resulting HTML is rendered on

Please see our [contributing guidelines]( before reporting an issue.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,32 +48,3 @@ Contributing

See [Contributing](

HTML sanitization

HTML rendered by the various markup language processors gets passed through an [HTML sanitization filter]( for security reasons. HTML elements not in the whitelist are removed. HTML attributes not in the whitelist are removed from the preserved elements.

The following HTML elements, organized by category, are whitelisted:

|Type | Elements
|Headings | `h1`, `h2`, `h3`, `h4`, `h5`, `h6`, `h7`, `h8`
|Prose | `p`, `div`, `blockquote`
|Formatted | `pre`
| Inline | `b`, `i`, `strong`, `em`, `tt`, `code`, `ins`, `del`, `sup`, `sub`, `kbd`, `samp`, `q`, `var`
| Lists | `ol`, `ul`, `li`, `dl`, `dt`, `dd`
| Tables | `table`, `thead`, `tbody`, `tfoot`, `tr`, `td`, `th`
| Breaks | `br`, `hr`
| Ruby (East Asian) | `ruby`, `rt`, `rp`

The following attributes, organized by element, are whitelisted:

|Element | Attributes
| `a` | `href` (`http://`, `https://`, `mailto://`, `github-windows://`, and `github-mac://` URI schemes and relative paths only)
| `img` | `src` (`http://` and `https://` URI schemes and relative paths only)
| `div` | `itemscope`, `itemtype`
| All | `abbr`, `accept`, `accept-charset`, `accesskey`, `action`, `align`, `alt`, `axis`, `border`, `cellpadding`, `cellspacing`, `char`, `charoff`, `charset`, `checked`, `cite`, `clear`, `cols`, `colspan`, `color`, `compact`, `coords`, `datetime`, `dir`, `disabled`, `enctype`, `for`, `frame`, `headers`, `height`, `hreflang`, `hspace`, `ismap`, `label`, `lang`, `longdesc`, `maxlength`, `media`, `method`, `multiple`, `name`, `nohref`, `noshade`, `nowrap`, `prompt`, `readonly`, `rel`, `rev`, `rows`, `rowspan`, `rules`, `scope`, `selected`, `shape`, `size`, `span`, `start`, `summary`, `tabindex`, `target`, `title`, `type`, `usemap`, `valign`, `value`, `vspace`, `width`, `itemprop`

Note that the `id` attribute is *not* whitelisted.

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