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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 18, 2024. It is now read-only.


Repository files navigation

This is a work in progress.

Here is a video showcasing some of the main elements and you can find some pictures in the screenshots folder.


The folder structure is a mess and will be cleaned up at a later time, when I reach a point I have every feature I want.

Many of the files are not being used and will not be used, they will be removed later, they remain until I reach a point I am happy with my setup.

Elements of this project:

  • Overview
    • Status: I'm good with it
    • Issues:
      • styling
      • Dimensions
  • Title box
  • Media Ticker & Player Popup:
    • Status: nearly complete
      • Issues:
      • popup window (auto close on click off)
      • Window Placement issue: currently causes excess window and cover up * - now placed correctly without issue
  • [ ]System app Tray
    • status: nearly complete
    • issues:
      • some program menus are not working properly (such as Deezer)
      • want to make is dynamic (open and close with arrow button)
      • Need to find a way for specific "favorite" or "always show" apps so I can shrink the bar but keep the ones I use most always visible
  • System Info Tray
    • Status: nearly complete
    • issues:
      • Reactive Volume icon with popup window sliders
        • added app mixer and sink selector
      • need to move the wifi controls from the system tray to the system info tray
      • need to create bluetooth control
      • need to make power profile selection menu for the battery indicator
      • Added battery bar
  • Date/Clock & Calendar Popup
    • Status: nearly complete
    • Issues:
      • popup window (auto close on click off)
      • Window Placement issue: currently causes excess window and cover up * - now placed correctly without issue
  • Dashboard Button & Dashboard
    • Status: nearly complete
    • Issues:
      • popup window
        • auto close on click off
        • spanning notification section to the bottom of screen
  • Lockscreen
  • Session Control window
  • AGS Greeter (greetd)
  • Theming/Styling
    • Status: almost complete
    • Issues:
      • Need to consolidate and refine (eliminate duplicate code)

I am running Arch Linux

Required apps/packages (all found in main repository and AUR)

  • pavucontrol
  • pipewire-pulse
  • light (for screen brightness control)
  • mpd/mpris
  • power-profiles-daemon
  • upower

A gigantic thanks to Aylur and Kotontrion for all their work and help!