A collection of my dotfiles with an included deploy script to completely replace (with backups of course) all vim, zsh, tmux configurations. I recommend that you do not blindly run the script and instead pick out the bits and pieces that you find useful. Especially because the gitconfig file contains references to my own username, email, and name. Everything else should be user-agnostic.
I (think) it depends on solarized colorscheme and powerline fonts in your terminal or everything will look like shit.
Make update script
Make environment/zsh/bashrc/profile all consistent
multiple tmux sessions, selector (windows)
use windows as different workspaces, sessions as different projects
add fugitive, syntastic to numbers_exclude
fix weird loclist issues with syntastic
add check for bufferclose to safely close fugitive windows and oher windows
switch newline prompt to be the right and left unicode/emoji arrows, colorize for vim mode
colorize username + computer in prompt
remove dependencies on oh my zsh
add in .profile .bash_profile and .zsh_profile
get better buffer navigator
learn how to use fugitive
add sshconfig in maybe??? (definitely insecure)
make deploy script fail unless you are me! (i suggest people don't run it naked)
- or ask questions and make a better spf13
folding and shit
move buffers around (ctrl+p for buffers or something)
Split vimrc into mutliple files based on plugin they're for?
Some plugins to add:
- vim-view maybe http://vimcasts.org/episodes/aligning-text-with-tabular-vim/ vim-csv https://github.com/junegunn/vim-easy-align https://github.com/junegunn/vim-peekaboo https://github.com/junegunn/vim-fnr https://github.com/junegunn/mvmv https://github.com/ggVGc/fzf_browser https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26554713/how-to-truncate-working-directory-in-prompt-to-show-first-and-last-folder git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm #add gem scripts seoul256.vim
https://github.com/haya14busa/vim-easyoperator-line https://github.com/takac/vim-hardtime https://github.com/justinmk/vim-sneak
antigen - zsh plugin manager or better yet, a simple script that you specify a repo a branch and a relatilve file path and it will clone and source the file git@github.com:atweiden/fzf-extras.git
make sure you install vim with --with-lua brew install vim --with-lua
youcompleteme, clang, xbuild(mono), etc. dependencies: go, rust, mono, clang, cmake go,rust,mono,cmake are from homebre install clang by typing clang and using the UI https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
fish is a pretty awesome shell learn from fish
- All
- Vim with lua, clipboard
- fzf
- git
- ag
- Optional
- mono
- go
- typescript
- clang
- rust
- Mac
- homebrew
- homebrew-coreutils
vim-oblique overrides the following keys by default:
Default Key | <Plug> map |
Description |
/ |
<Plug>(Oblique-/) |
Forward search |
? |
<Plug>(Oblique-?) |
Backward search |
z/ |
<Plug>(Oblique-F/) |
Forward fuzzy-search |
z? |
<Plug>(Oblique-F?) |
Backward fuzzy-search |
n |
<Plug>(Oblique-n) |
Repeat the last search |
N |
<Plug>(Oblique-N) |
Repeat the last search in the opposite direction |
* |
<Plug>(Oblique-*) |
Forward star-search (in normal and visual mode) |
# |
<Plug>(Oblique-#) |
Backward star-search (in normal and visual mode) |
g* |
<Plug>(Oblique-g*) |
Forward star-search (no word boundary match) |
g# |
<Plug>(Oblique-g#) |
Backward star-search (no word boundary match) |
Token | Match type | Description |
sbtrkt |
fuzzy-match | Items that match sbtrkt |
^music |
prefix-exact-match | Items that start with music |
.mp3$ |
suffix-exact-match | Items that end with .mp3 |
'wild |
exact-match (quoted) | Items that include wild |
!rmx |
inverse-fuzzy-match | Items that do not match rmx |
!'fire |
inverse-exact-match | Items that do not include fire |