C# class for accessing Gloebit's API from Unity's webplayer.
Gloebit is a backend service for web applications. OAuth2 is used to grant your application permission to access a user's Gloebit account. Once your application has an OAuth2 access-token, it can get information about the user and has access to an entitlements/inventory database.
To start, create a scene and place the "Gloebit" and "Gloebit Login" prefabs into it. Create a another scene and place the "GloebitDemo" prefab into it.
In build settings, select Unity Webplayer and add both scenes (make sure the scene with "Gloebit Login" is first).
Select the first scene by double-clicking it in the Assets view.
Once this is done, run the application and make sure everything is working; click on the Login button.
Gloebit.cs contains a "singleton" object instance which is used to communicate with Gloebit's service. The prefab "Gloebit" has this script as a component.
GloebitLogin.cs contains a bare-bones login sequence. The prefab "Gloebit Login" has this script as a component.
GloebitEntitlementsDemo.cs contains an example class which queries for the user's ID and has some buttons linked to api calls.
Applications also have Gloebit accounts. The prefabs come preconfigured with the OAuth "consumer-key" for the "Test Consumer" account. Once the basic setup is working, you should log into Gloebit's sandbox where you can create an account for your application. Next, visit Gloebit's Merchant Signup Form and enter any relevant information (all fields are optional on the sanbox server). Once this form has been submitted, the "Merchant Tools" menu item will appear in the dropdown menu. In the "Merchant Tools" page, find the OAuth section and find your application's OAuth Key. This key should replace "test-consumer" in Gloebit.cs
public string consumer_key = "test-consumer";
At this point, you can remove or modify the GloebitDemo prefab and replace it with your own code.
These methods are available on the static singleton object:
See GloebitEntitlementsDemo.cs for example usage.
getAccessCode (string consumer_key)
This call is taken care of by GloebitLogin.cs -- you shouldn't need to call it, directly.
This should be called when the application starts. It will either extract the access token from the "code" query-argument or return null. If it returns null, the application should call Authorize.
The value for consumer_key can be found on the Merchant Settings page of your Gloebit account. For testing, you can use "test-consumer".
Authorize (string url)
This call is taken care of by GloebitLogin.cs -- you shouldn't need to call it, directly.
Your application should call this when it finds that it doesn't have a valid access token. The url argument should be the url of your application. The user's webbrowser will be redirected to Gloebit's website, and OAuth 2 will be used to create an access token for your application. Once the user has logged in, their browser will be sent back to the url provided in the argument to Authorize. If no url is provided, the user will arrive on a page that displays their new access-code. It will be up to the user to relay this information to your application.
NoOp (Action<bool> cb)
Check token and server communication.
cb should be a function which accepts a bool. This call simply contacts Gloebit's server -- the bool will be true if the access-token is valid.
GetUserDetails (Action<bool, string, string, string> cb)
Request information about the logged-in user.
cb should be a function that accepts 4 arguments: a bool success, a string with a message about any failure, a string containing the users ID (a UUID), and a string containing the user's chosen display-name. The display-name will be null if the user hasn't selected one.
GetProducts (Action<bool, string, Dictionary<string,object>> cb)
Request a list of products associated with the current user's Gloebit account. products are tags (strings) which are predefined using the Merchant Products page. A user has zero or more of each defined product.
cb should be a function that accepts 3 argument -- a boolean to indicate success, a string with details about any failure, and a Dictionary<string,object> which has product names as keys and counts as values.
ConsumeProduct (string product_name, int count, Action<bool, string, string, int> cb)
This will decrease the number of product_name associated with the user's Gloebit account by count. cb should be a function which accepts 4 arguments: a bool success, a string with information about any failure, a string which will be the same as the product_name argument, and an int which represents how many of product_name the user has after this call has completed.
GrantProduct (string product_name, int count, Action<bool, string, int> cb)
This will increase the number of product_name associated with the user's Gloebit account by count. cb should be a function which accepts 4 arguments: a bool success, a string with information about any failure, a string which will be the same as the product_name argument, and an int which represents how many of product_name the user has after this call has completed.
SetProductCount (string product_name, int count, Action<bool, string, string, int> cb)
This will set the number of product_name associated with the user's Gloebit account to count. cb should be a function which accepts 4 arguments: a bool success, a string with information about any failure, a string which will be the same as the product_name argument, and an int which represents how many of product_name the user has after this call has completed.