A BoilerPlate Template Project To start building on Base With Solidity, Hardhat, and Typescript. All you have to do is create a new repository from the template and start coding your smart contracts.
- Typechain plugin enabled (typescript type bindings for smart contracts)
- hardhat-deploy plugin enabled
- Testing environment configured and operational, with test coverage
- Prettier and eslint configured for project files and solidity smart contract
- Solhint configured for enforcing best practices
- Github actions workflows prepared for CI/CD
- Prepared Smart Contract Examples, Tests, Deployments and Tasks for Common ERC Standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155)
Check the Hardhat documentation for more information.
- Ethereum Mainnet
- Ethereum Sepolia Testnet
- Base Mainnet
- Base Sepolia Testnet
- Polygon Mainnet
- Polygon Mumbai Testnet
Local development
- Hardhat Network (localhost)
Feel free to add more networks in hardhat.config.ts
npm install
Copy .env.example
to .env
and edit it.
Make sure you include either MNEMONIC
in your .env
Add your contract in the folder /contracts
(see the demo example), and your tests in /test
Then compile your Solidity contract to verify you have no error.
npm run compile
To deploy on Base Sepolia Testnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network base-sepolia
To deploy on Base Mainnet
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network base-mainnet
To Verify your contract on Base Sepolia Testnet
npx hardhat verify --network base-sepolia <contract address>
To Verify your contract on Base Mainnet
npx hardhat verify --network base-mainnet <contract address>
This framework comes with few utility scripts to help you to test your solution.
The scripts/airdrop.ts
allows you to enter a list of recipients and the amount of token for each of them.
To airdrop on Base Sepolia
npx hardhat run scripts/airdrop.ts --network base-sepolia
To airdrop on Base Sepolia
npx hardhat run scripts/airdrop.ts --network base-mainnet
We have tailored a ChatGPT only for Base: "Build on Base Assistant".
This GPT is made to know Base tokens and contract addresses, as well to help you in all steps of your development.
├── contracts
│ └── DemoERC20Token.sol
├── deployments
├── hardhat.config.ts
├── scripts
│ ├── airdrop.ts
│ └── deploy.ts
├── tasks
│ └── utils
│ ├── account.ts
│ ├── balance.ts
│ ├── block-numbers.ts
│ └── send-eth.ts
└── test
└── DemoERC20Token.ts
npm run test
npm run coverage
npm run format:check
npm run format:write
npm run lint:check
npm run lint:fix
npm run sol:format:check
npm run sol:format:write
npm run solhint
All credit for this framework goes to:
- Protokol for their original project solidity-typescript-hardhat-template we forked.
- Base team for the Tutorial "Deploying a smart contract using Hardhat"