import sys import itertools import math import gsd.hoomd import hoomd import numpy as np import os import codecs import h5py from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(cwd) # Input/output if len(sys.argv) != 5: print("\033[1;31mThe format of the arguments is %s contour_length angle_between_chain_ends number_of_beads betaP\033[0m" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit() lc = float(sys.argv[1]) #chain contour length ang = float(sys.argv[2]) #angle between chain extremities (in degrees) nb = int (sys.argv[3]) #number of beads per chain betaP = float(sys.argv[4]) #isobaric Pressure # nb must be > lc for adjacent beads not to be disconnected if lc >= nb: nb = int(np.ceil(lc))+1 print("\033[1;36mWarning: lc is too large for the chosen number of beads. Setting nb to %d\033[0m" % nb) #fz = -1./(nb*lg) #fz is force in z direction (gravity) # Setup simulation hoomd.device.CPU(num_cpu_threads=None, communicator=None, message_filename=None, notice_level=2) # Setup particle geometry ang_rad = ang*np.pi/180. radius = lc/(np.pi-ang_rad) gamma = (np.pi-ang_rad)/2. angs = np.linspace(-gamma, gamma, num=nb) positions = np.zeros((nb,3)) positions[:,0] = radius*(1.-np.cos(angs)) positions[:,2] = radius*np.sin(angs) centre_of_mass = positions.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) positions -= centre_of_mass # Minimal unit cell dimensions to fully encapsulate an individual particle posx,posy,posz = positions.T lx = (posx.max()-posx.min()+1.) ly = (posy.max()-posy.min()+1.) lz = (posz.max()-posz.min()+1.) # Particle volume v = np.pi*0.5**2*lc + np.pi*0.5**3 *(4/3) # Inertia tensor and principal frame/moments inertia = np.zeros((3,3)) inertia[0,0] = (posy**2+posz**2).sum() inertia[1,1] = (posx**2+posz**2).sum() inertia[2,2] = (posx**2+posy**2).sum() inertia[0,1] = -(posx*posy).sum() inertia[0,2] = -(posx*posz).sum() inertia[1,2] = -(posy*posz).sum() inertia[1,0] = inertia[0,1] inertia[2,0] = inertia[0,2] inertia[1,2] = inertia[2,1] moms,frame = np.linalg.eigh(inertia) # Enforce right-handedness of principal frame if np.linalg.det(frame) < 0: frame[:,0] *= -1. # Correct for non-ponctual charge distribution for numerical stability moms[moms.argmin()] = max(1/2.*1.0*0.5**2, moms.min()) # Project positions in principal frame of inertia and convert to quaternion positions =, frame) frame = Rotation.from_matrix(frame) quat = frame.as_quat() fn = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'lattice2.gsd') fn = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test2.gsd') fn = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'trajectory2.gsd') fn = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'log2.h5') import fresnel import IPython device = fresnel.Device() tracer = fresnel.tracer.Path(device=device, w=300, h=300) def render(snapshot): central_color = fresnel.color.linear([252 / 255, 41 / 255, 0 / 255]) constituent_color = fresnel.color.linear([93 / 255, 210 / 255, 252 / 255]) L =[0] scene = fresnel.Scene(device) geometry = fresnel.geometry.Sphere( scene, N=len(snapshot.particles.position), radius=0.5 ) geometry.material = fresnel.material.Material( color=[0, 0, 0], roughness=0.5, primitive_color_mix=1.0 ) geometry.position[:] = snapshot.particles.position[:] geometry.color[snapshot.particles.typeid[:] == 0] = central_color geometry.radius[snapshot.particles.typeid[:] == 0] = 0.3 geometry.color[snapshot.particles.typeid[:] == 1] = constituent_color geometry.outline_width = 0.04 fresnel.geometry.Box(scene, [L, L, L, 0, 0, 0], box_radius=0.02) scene.lights = [ fresnel.light.Light(direction=(0, 0, 1), color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), theta=math.pi), fresnel.light.Light( direction=(1, 1, 1), color=(1.1, 1.1, 1.1), theta=math.pi / 3 ), ] = position=(L * 2, L, L * 2), look_at=(0, 0, 0), up=(0, 1, 0), height=L * 1.4 + 1 ) scene.background_alpha = 1 scene.background_color = (1, 1, 1) return IPython.display.Image(tracer.sample(scene, samples=500)._repr_png_()) nz = 3 nx = 50 ny = 40 spacingz=lz+2. spacingx = lx+1. spacingy= ly+2. Lz = nz * spacingz Lx = nx * spacingx Ly = ny * spacingy N_particles=nz*nx*ny x = np.linspace(-Lx/2, Lx/2, nx, endpoint=False) y = np.linspace(-Ly/2,Ly/2, ny, endpoint=False) z = np.linspace(-Lz/2, Lz/2, nz, endpoint=False) position = list(itertools.product(x, y, z)) position = np.array(position) + [spacingx/2, spacingy/2, lz/2] print('dimensions at start=', Lx, Ly, Lz, ', N_particles=', N_particles, ', nx, ny, nz=', nx, ny, nz) print('lx ly lz', lx, ly, lz) print('spacings:', spacingx, spacingy, spacingz) frame = gsd.hoomd.Frame() frame.particles.N = N_particles frame.particles.types = ['R', 'A'] frame.particles.position = position[0:N_particles, :] frame.particles.typeid = [0] * N_particles = [Lx, Ly, Lz, 0, 0, 0] frame.particles.mass = [nb] * N_particles frame.particles.moment_inertia = [moms] * N_particles frame.particles.orientation = [quat] * N_particles with'lattice2.gsd', mode='x') as f: f.append(frame) rigid = orientations=np.zeros((nb, 4)) orientations[:,0] = 1. print(orientations) rigid.body['R'] = { 'constituent_types': list(('A'*nb)), 'positions':list(([tuple(row) for row in positions])), 'orientations': list(([tuple(row) for row in orientations])) } simulation = hoomd.Simulation(device=hoomd.device.CPU(), seed=4) simulation.create_state_from_gsd(filename='lattice2.gsd') render(simulation.state.get_snapshot()) rigid.create_bodies(simulation.state) render(simulation.state.get_snapshot()) integrator =, integrate_rotational_dof=True) integrator.rigid = rigid simulation.operations.integrator = integrator render(simulation.state.get_snapshot()) hoomd.write.GSD.write(state=simulation.state, mode='xb', filename='test2.gsd') cell =, exclusions=['body']) lj = lj.params[('A', 'A')] = dict( epsilon=5.0, sigma=1.0) lj.r_cut[('A', 'A')]=2**(1/6.) lj.params[('R', ['A','R'])] = dict(epsilon=1.0, sigma=1.0) lj.r_cut[('R', ['A', 'R'])]=0 integrator.forces.append(lj) p = betaP rigid_centers_and_free = hoomd.filter.Rigid(('center', 'free')) npt = filter=rigid_centers_and_free, S=betaP, tauS=5.0, couple="none",, tau=0.5) ) integrator.methods.append(npt) simulation.state.thermalize_particle_momenta(filter=rigid_centers_and_free, kT=1.0) thermodynamic_properties = filter=rigid_centers_and_free) simulation.operations.computes.append(thermodynamic_properties) logger = hoomd.logging.Logger(categories=['scalar', 'sequence']) logger.add(obj=thermodynamic_properties, quantities=['potential_energy', 'translational_kinetic_energy', 'rotational_kinetic_energy']) hdf5_writer = hoomd.write.HDF5Log(trigger=hoomd.trigger.Periodic(1000), filename='log2.h5', mode='x', logger=logger) simulation.operations.writers.append(hdf5_writer) gsd = hoomd.write.GSD(trigger=hoomd.trigger.Periodic(1_000), filename='trajectory2.gsd') gsd.maximum_write_buffer_size = 1500000 simulation.operations.writers.append(gsd)