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Getting an imgur token & album hash

Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 1 revision

This quick tutorial will teach you how to get your token to make authed uploads via Imgur.

1. Registering an app

First of all, go add an app to your Imgur account by clicking on this link:

Set Application name: to whatever you want, Authorization callback URL: to a domain you control (or a dummy value like and Email: & Description: to your needs.

After this, you will get a Client ID, copy it.

2. Getting the token

To get the token, go to this link<client id>&response_type=token&state=askin-01 replacing <client-id> by the previously copied one.

After some loading (you may have to accept something from Imgur) you should get a response like this https://<website.tld>/?state=askin-01#access_token=<token here>&expires_in=315360000&token_type=bearer&refresh_token=<refresh token>&account_username=<your nick>&account_id=<your id>

Now, just copy the <token here> and paste it into the Imgur Acces Token field in the settings dialog of Glowing-Bear.

3. Getting a album hash

Go to Imgur, click on your album and look at the URL.

The URL should be structured like<hash>

As you may have guessed it, just copy the <hash> part and paste it into the "Imgur Album Hash" field in the Glowing-Bear's settings dialog.