Services provided under the domain:
- GNOme - Glycan Naming and Subsumption Onotology.
- GlycoMotif - Curated glycan motifs and alignments.
- GlycanData - Data-integration of glycan data for GlyGen.
- GPTwiki - Database of glycopeptide transitions for LC/MS quanitation workflows.
- Glycan Image Extractor - Extract glycans from manuscripts and images. [BETA]
- Glycan Lookup - Webservice for on-demand lookup of glycan sequences (GlycoCT or WURCS format) for GlyTouCan accessions. [BETA]
- Substructure Search - Webservice for on-demand alignment of glycan substructures (GlycoCT or WURCS format) with GlyTouCan glycans. [BETA]
- Subsumption - Webservice for on-demand determination of subsumption relationships for glycan structures (GlycoCT or WURCS format) with respect to GlyTouCan glycans. [BETA]
- Motif Matcher - Webservice for on-demand alignment of glycan structures (GlycoCT or WURCS format) with GlycoMotif motifs. [BETA]
- Glymage - Webservice for static glycan image serving and on-demand image generation for glycan structures (GlycoCT or WURCS format), GlyTouCan accessions, or previously observed glycan structure (GlycoCT or WURCS format) md5 hashes. [BETA]
- Converter - Webservice for converting GlycoCT and WURCS glycan sequences to IUPAC and other glycan sequences. [BETA]
Projects hosted on are developed as part of the GlyGen: Computational and Informatics Resources for Glycoscience project.
Projects hosted on are supported by the NIH Glycoscience Common Fund as part of the GlyGen project.
Please contact Nathan Edwards at and/or submit issues, suggestions, corrections to the issue tracker.