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signtest: fully Matlab compatible, added tests, correct output, bug #…
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pr0m1th3as committed Aug 1, 2022
1 parent 213f80e commit 299c639
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 122 deletions.
59 changes: 33 additions & 26 deletions NEWS
Expand Up @@ -2,63 +2,70 @@ Summary of important user-visible changes for statistics 1.5.0:

Important Notice: dependency change to Octave>=6.1.0
mean shadows core Octave's respective function

New functions:

** friedman (fully Matlab compatible)

** ranksum (fully Matlab compatible. bug #42079)

** anova2 (fully Matlab compatible)

** mean (fully Matlab compatible, it shadows mean from core Octave)

** chi2gof (bug #46764)

** friedman (fully Matlab compatible)

** fillmissing (patch #10102)

** mean (fully Matlab compatible, it shadows mean from core Octave)

** ranksum (fully Matlab compatible. bug #42079)

** standardizeMissing (patch #10102)

** tiedrank (complementary to ranksum)


** binopdf.m: implement high accuracy Loader algorithm for m>=10 (bug #34362)

** cdf.m: extended to include all available distributions

** geomean.m: fully Matlab compatible. (patch #59410)

** harmmean.m: fully Matlab compatible.

** ismissing.m: corrects handling of n-D arrays, NaN indicators, and improves
matlab compatibility for different data types. (patch #10102)

** laplace_cdf.m: allow for parameters mu and scale (bug #58688)

** ttest2.m: can hale NaN values as missing data (bug #58697)

** binopdf.m: implement high accuracy Loader algorithm for m>=10 (bug #34362)

** violin.m: fix parsing color vector affecting Octave>=6.1.0 (bug #62805)

** cdf.m: extended to include all available distributions
** pdf.m: extended to include all available distributions

** pdist.m: updated the 'cosine' metric to be more efficient (bug #62495)

** harmmean.m: fully Matlab compatible.
** rmmissing.m: corrects cellstr array handling and
improves matlab compatibility for different data types. (patch #10102)

** geomean.m: fully Matlab compatible. (patch #59410)
** ttest2.m: can hale NaN values as missing data (bug #58697)

** wblplot.m: fixed coding style and help texinfo. (patch #8579)
** violin.m: fix parsing color vector affecting Octave>=6.1.0 (bug #62805)

** ismissing.m: corrects handling of n-D arrays, NaN indicators, and improves
matlab compatibility for different data types. (patch #10102)

** rmmissing.m: corrects cellstr array handling and
improves matlab compatibility for different data types. (patch #10102)

** wblplot.m: fixed coding style and help texinfo. (patch #8579)

Removed Functions:

** wilcoxon_test (replaced by ranksum)

** kruskal_wallis_test (replaced by kruskalwallis)

** sign_test (replaced by updated signtest)

Available Data Sets:

Expand Down
232 changes: 136 additions & 96 deletions inst/signtest.m
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
## Copyright (C) 2022 Andreas Bertsatos <>
## Copyright (C) 2014 Tony Richardson
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
Expand All @@ -18,10 +19,11 @@
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{h}, @var{stats}] =} signtest (@var{x}, @var{m})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{h}, @var{stats}] =} signtest (@var{x}, @var{y})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{h}, @var{stats}] =} signtest (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{Name}, @var{Value})
## Test for median.
## Perform a signtest of the null hypothesis that @var{x} is from a distribution
## that has a zero median.
## that has a zero median. @var{x} must be a vector.
## If the second argument @var{m} is a scalar, the null hypothesis is that
## X has median m.
Expand All @@ -32,15 +34,19 @@
## The argument @qcode{"alpha"} can be used to specify the significance level
## of the test (the default value is 0.05). The string
## argument @qcode{"tail"}, can be used to select the desired alternative
## hypotheses. If @qcode{"alt"} is @qcode{"both"} (default) the null is
## hypotheses. If @qcode{"tail"} is @qcode{"both"} (default) the null is
## tested against the two-sided alternative @code{median (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.
## If @qcode{"alt"} is @qcode{"right"} the one-sided
## If @qcode{"tail"} is @qcode{"right"} the one-sided
## alternative @code{median (@var{x}) > @var{m}} is considered.
## Similarly for @qcode{"left"}, the one-sided alternative @code{median
## (@var{x}) < @var{m}} is considered. When @qcode{"method"} is @qcode{"exact"}
## the p-value is computed using an exact method (this is the default). When
## @qcode{"method"} is @qcode{"approximate"} a normal approximation is used for the
## test statistic.
## (@var{x}) < @var{m}} is considered.
## When @qcode{"method"} is @qcode{"exact"} the p-value is computed using an
## exact method. When @qcode{"method"} is @qcode{"approximate"} a normal
## approximation is used for the test statistic. When @qcode{"method"} is not
## defined as an optional input argument, then for @code{length (@var{x}) < 100}
## the @qcode{"exact"} method is computed, otherwise the @qcode{"approximate"}
## method is used.
## The p-value of the test is returned in @var{pval}. If @var{h} is 0 the
## null hypothesis is accepted, if it is 1 the null hypothesis is rejected.
Expand All @@ -50,114 +56,148 @@
## @end deftypefn

## Author: Tony Richardson <>

function [p, h, stats] = signtest(x, my, varargin)
function [p, h, stats] = signtest (x, my, varargin)

## Check X being a vector
if ! isvector (x)
error ("signtest: X must be a vector.");
## Add defaults
my_default = 0;
alpha = 0.05;
tail = 'both';
method = 'exact';

% Find the first non-singleton dimension of x
dim = min(find(size(x)~=1));
if isempty(dim), dim = 1; end

if (nargin == 1)
my = my_default;

tail = "both";
## Matlab compliant default method selection
method_present = false;
if length (x) < 100
method = "exact";
method = "approximate";
## When called with a single input argument of second argument is empty
if nargin == 1 || isempty (my)
my = zeros (size (x));
## If second argument is a scalar convert to vector or check for Y being a
## vector and that X and Y have equal lengths
if isscalar (my)
my = repmat (my, size (x));
elseif ! isvector (my)
error ("signtest: Y must be either a scalar of a vector.");
elseif numel (x) != numel (my)
error ("signtest: X and Y vectors have different lengths.");
## Get optional input arguments
i = 1;
while ( i <= length(varargin) )
switch lower(varargin{i})
case 'alpha'
while (i <= length (varargin))
switch lower (varargin{i})
case "alpha"
i = i + 1;
alpha = varargin{i};
case 'tail'
case "tail"
i = i + 1;
tail = varargin{i};
case 'method'
case "method"
i = i + 1;
method = varargin{i};
case 'dim'
i = i + 1;
dim = varargin{i};
method_present = true;
error('Invalid Name argument.',[]);
error ("signtest: Invalid Name argument.");
i = i + 1;
## Check values for optional input arguments
if (! isnumeric (alpha) || isnan (alpha) || ! isscalar (alpha) ...
|| alpha <= 0 || alpha >= 1)
error ("signtest: alpha must be a numeric scalar in the range (0,1).");
if ! isa (tail, 'char')
error ("signtest: tail argument must be a string");
elseif sum (strcmpi (tail, {"both", "right", "left"})) < 1
error ("signtest: tail value must be either 'both', right' or 'left'.");
if ! isa (method, 'char')
error("signtest: method argument must be a string");
elseif sum (strcmpi (method, {"exact", "approximate"})) < 1
error ("signtest: method value must be either 'exact' or 'approximate'.");

if ~isa(tail, 'char')
error('tail argument to signtest must be a string\n',[]);

if ~isa(method, 'char')
error('method argument to signtest must be a string\n',[]);

% Set default values if arguments are present but empty
if isempty(my)
my = my_default;

% This adjustment allows everything else to remain the
% same for both the one-sample t test and paired tests.
% If second argument is a vector
if ~isscalar(my)
x = x - my;
my = my_default;

n = size(x, dim);

## Calculate differences between X and Y vectors: remove equal values of NaNs
XY_diff = x(:) - my(:);
NO_diff = (XY_diff == 0);
XY_diff(NO_diff | isnan (NO_diff)) = [];
## Recalculate remaining length of X vector (after equal or NaNs removal)
n = length (XY_diff);
## Check for identical X and Y input arguments
if n == 0
p = 1;
h = 0;
stats.sign = 0;
stats.zval = NaN;
## Re-evaluate method selection
if ! method_present && n < 100
method = "exact";
method = "approximate";
## Get the number of positive and negative elements from X-Y differences
pos_n = length (find (XY_diff > 0));
neg_n = n - pos_n;
## Calculate stats according to selected method and tail
switch lower(method)
case 'exact'
case "exact"
stats.zval = nan;
switch lower(tail)
case 'both'
w = min(sum(x<my),sum(x>my));
pl = binocdf(w, n, 0.5);
p = 2*min(pl,1-pl);
case 'left'
w = sum(x<my);
p = binocdf(w, n, 0.5);
case 'right'
w = sum(x>my);
p = 1 - binocdf(w, n, 0.5);
error('Invalid tail argument to signtest\n',[]);
case "both"
p = 2 * binocdf (min (neg_n, pos_n), n, 0.5);
p = min (1, p);
case "left"
p = binocdf (pos_n, n, 0.5);
case "right"
p = binocdf (neg_n, n, 0.5);
stats.zval = NaN;
case 'approximate'
switch lower(tail)
case 'both'
npos = sum(x>my);
nneg = sum(x<my);
w = min(npos,nneg);
stats.zval = (w - 0.5*n - 0.5*sign(npos-nneg))/sqrt(0.25*n);
pl = normcdf(stats.zval);
p = 2*min(pl,1-pl);
z_value = (pos_n - neg_n - sign (pos_n - neg_n)) / sqrt (n);
p = 2 * normcdf (- abs (z_value));
case 'left'
npos = sum(x>my);
nneg = sum(x<my);
w = sum(x<my);
stats.zval = (w - 0.5*n - 0.5*sign(npos-nneg))/sqrt(0.25*n);
p = normcdf(stats.zval);
z_value = (pos_n - neg_n + 1) / sqrt (n);
p = normcdf (z_value);
case 'right'
npos = sum(x>my);
nneg = sum(x<my);
w = sum(x>my);
stats.zval = (w - 0.5*n - 0.5*sign(npos-nneg))/sqrt(0.25*n);
p = 1-normcdf(stats.zval);
error('Invalid tail argument to signtest\n',[]);
error('Invalid method argument to signtest\n',[]);
z_value = (pos_n - neg_n - 1) / sqrt (n);
p = normcdf (- z_value);
stats.zval = z_value;
stats.sign = pos_n;
h = double (p < alpha);

stats.sign = w;

h = double(p < alpha);

## Test suite
%!error signtest ();
%!error signtest ([]);
%!error signtest (ones(1,10), ones(1,8));
%!error signtest (ones(1,10), ones(2,10));
%!error signtest (ones(2,10), 0);
%!error signtest (ones(1,10), zeros(1,10), "alpha", 1.4)
%!error signtest (ones(1,10), zeros(1,10), "tail", "<")
%!error signtest (ones(1,10), zeros(1,10), "method", "some")
%! [pval, h, stats] = signtest ([-ones(1, 1000) 1], 0, "tail", "left");
%! assert (pval, 1.091701889420221e-218, 1e-14);
%! assert (h, 1);
%! assert (stats.zval, -31.5437631079266, 1e-14);
%! [pval, h, stats] = signtest ([-2 -1 0 2 1 3 1], 0);
%! assert (pval, 0.6875000000000006, 1e-14);
%! assert (h, 0);
%! assert (stats.zval, NaN);
%! assert (stats.sign, 4);
%! [pval, h, stats] = signtest ([-2 -1 0 2 1 3 1], 0, "method", "approximate");
%! assert (pval, 0.6830913983096086, 1e-14);
%! assert (h, 0);
%! assert (stats.zval, 0.4082482904638631, 1e-14);
%! assert (stats.sign, 4);

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