{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":370889785,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"Tealeaf","ownerLogin":"go-acoustic","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2021-05-26T03:01:14.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/106532222?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1718390412.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"de9912a0f9cf407d8a4785fc46cffb75e1557ddf","after":"4e355c95cc32db8f63f4338a998eed737d31534b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-14T19:15:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"June 14 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.288\nTealeaf Release\n\nJune 14 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.288\nTealeaf Release\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"June 14 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.288"}},{"before":"10e261cec75840072139917236cf4c0e469c120b","after":"de9912a0f9cf407d8a4785fc46cffb75e1557ddf","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-14T18:40:52.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.288\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.288"}},{"before":"cde5ed51440b7ce6a4758bdc54ff8b08d831d1d6","after":"10e261cec75840072139917236cf4c0e469c120b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-14T17:08:31.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.287\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.287"}},{"before":"250b9c6b1f6adeedb73d6b95c107d23a64f02a60","after":"cde5ed51440b7ce6a4758bdc54ff8b08d831d1d6","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-14T07:27:40.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.286\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.286"}},{"before":"9141b0588444b1050cb4b16adaf5d6272967495f","after":"250b9c6b1f6adeedb73d6b95c107d23a64f02a60","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-14T01:25:11.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.285\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.285"}},{"before":"900700f5fc1ef42461c263920a9a77cc59a4d0e4","after":"9141b0588444b1050cb4b16adaf5d6272967495f","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-13T08:20:44.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.284\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with extra type 2 or type 10 captures, due to initialization delay on missing first page. Logic has been adjusted.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for ConnectResources.bundle.\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.4\n- MacOS 14.5\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.284"}},{"before":"04b9f74b4857c29c22cc1ec869d56d214e940e84","after":"900700f5fc1ef42461c263920a9a77cc59a4d0e4","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-02T20:06:34.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.283\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.3\n- MacOS 14.4\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.283"}},{"before":"4fc46d30463f68a3816329f49014e0a0eefd1b47","after":"04b9f74b4857c29c22cc1ec869d56d214e940e84","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-01T18:20:18.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"ohernandezIBM","name":"Omar Hernandez","path":"/ohernandezIBM","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/29801610?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update README.md\n\nUpdated to go-acoustic","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update README.md"}},{"before":"19327f7afec3835695db400fbf5925ad380cc0a7","after":"4fc46d30463f68a3816329f49014e0a0eefd1b47","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-01T06:45:56.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.282\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.3\n- MacOS 14.4\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.282"}},{"before":"41441eb8c68d7eb2fc556230ee676d62419b4bc5","after":"19327f7afec3835695db400fbf5925ad380cc0a7","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-22T05:32:52.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.281\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add a check to see if page was already capture before capture a type 4 or 11 to display correctly and also be able to flush the queue.\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.3\n- MacOS 14.4\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.281"}},{"before":"a229713ab1b0219ab9631395d45bf11ba5642c78","after":"41441eb8c68d7eb2fc556230ee676d62419b4bc5","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-03-14T06:32:27.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.280\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.2\n- MacOS 14.3.1\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.280"}},{"before":"9eae112488483efa8c2d728ce200cf27bd209565","after":"a229713ab1b0219ab9631395d45bf11ba5642c78","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-02-21T04:57:54.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.279\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy and sign xcframeworks.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.2\n- MacOS 14.3.1\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.279"}},{"before":"6f1bdc7602d7f8f9b6557caa660d9cb0be0bc347","after":"9eae112488483efa8c2d728ce200cf27bd209565","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-01-23T04:13:13.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"January 23 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.278\nTealeaf Release\n\nJanuary 23 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.278\nTealeaf Release\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add new flag disableTLTDID in TealeafBasicConfig.plist which can be used to disable adding a TLTDID cookie which is used to identify the device being used.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"January 23 2024 Tealeaf Module 10.6.278"}},{"before":"772cd70d108830c2eeb9ecfbfd15663545be904a","after":"6f1bdc7602d7f8f9b6557caa660d9cb0be0bc347","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-22T00:03:05.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.278\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add new flag 'disableTLTDID' in TealeafBasicConfig.plist which can be used to disable adding a TLTDID cookie which is used to identify the device being used.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.278"}},{"before":"086037b450bc8ced2c30ee4e20076e743f377b99","after":"772cd70d108830c2eeb9ecfbfd15663545be904a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-21T07:23:45.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.277\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add new flag 'disableTLTDID' in TealeafBasicConfig.plist which can be used to disable adding a TLTDID cookie which is used to identify the device being used.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.277"}},{"before":"140de550c79250d8c581a14780aff9a1a1480c62","after":"086037b450bc8ced2c30ee4e20076e743f377b99","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-12-19T22:35:04.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.276\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add new flag 'disableTLTDID' in TealeafBasicConfig.plist which can be used to disable adding a TLTDID cookie which is used to identify the device being used.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.276"}},{"before":"626d0b061eb9c7e4bef394883276ce1bc3c469b5","after":"140de550c79250d8c581a14780aff9a1a1480c62","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-30T21:42:50.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.275\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue for didFinishNavigation.\n- Fix an issue with killswitch not working correctly.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.275"}},{"before":"1e7f015006f8f78e9bbb1c7a255fd1831c376f61","after":"626d0b061eb9c7e4bef394883276ce1bc3c469b5","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-30T18:21:12.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.274\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue for didFinishNavigation.\n- Fix an issue with killswitch not working correctly.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.274"}},{"before":"d9f266cf53b73795cc9f4fb5188299413716ca06","after":"1e7f015006f8f78e9bbb1c7a255fd1831c376f61","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-30T17:25:43.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.273\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue for didFinishNavigation.\n- Fix an issue with killswitch not working correctly.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.273"}},{"before":"7adc3f81088ea3594aa4e4b6fa1fa0afa9a943d3","after":"d9f266cf53b73795cc9f4fb5188299413716ca06","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-28T03:26:32.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.272\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue for didFinishNavigation.\n- Fix an issue with killswitch not working correctly.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.272"}},{"before":"3d962b8549e13aec8c143ee5b05935d4482565a4","after":"7adc3f81088ea3594aa4e4b6fa1fa0afa9a943d3","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-26T01:07:16.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.271\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with killswitch not working correctly.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.271"}},{"before":"156ff5e481dc9ce3dc9f35b638ec55dde49d57ee","after":"3d962b8549e13aec8c143ee5b05935d4482565a4","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-10-24T01:44:25.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.270\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Update for xcode 15.x.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 15.0.1\n- MacOS 14.0\n- iOS 12.x to 17.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.270"}},{"before":"3d5582493addd70a686f078035ab413d18f84414","after":"156ff5e481dc9ce3dc9f35b638ec55dde49d57ee","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-22T02:41:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"September 22 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.269\nTealeaf Release\n\nSeptember 22 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.269\nTealeaf Release\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for new remote configuration changes.\n\n- Add ability to mask value for UIPickerView for privacy. The default will be a 9 for numbers and the picker values will\n be empty.\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"September 22 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.269"}},{"before":"c25fe3a44c4456704c68b860d0fe71dedc7df23c","after":"3d5582493addd70a686f078035ab413d18f84414","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-21T04:55:15.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.269\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for new remote configuration changes.\n\n- Add ability to mask value for UIPickerView for privacy. The default will be a 9 for numbers and the picker values will\n be empty.\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.269"}},{"before":"a27eb18363e0b6c72c1df36db2ecee436c85e6b0","after":"c25fe3a44c4456704c68b860d0fe71dedc7df23c","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-21T03:08:54.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.268\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Adjust for new remote configuration changes.\n\n- Add ability to mask value for UIPickerView for privacy. The default will be a 9 for numbers and the picker values will\n be empty.\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.268"}},{"before":"846636998e3fc266ca328987c3365aa377815bff","after":"a27eb18363e0b6c72c1df36db2ecee436c85e6b0","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-12T18:12:28.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.267\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add ability to mask value for UIPickerView for privacy. The default will be a 9 for numbers and the picker values will\n be empty.\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.267"}},{"before":"9f3b0486f600180b08fb5add4bec93d554203f7e","after":"846636998e3fc266ca328987c3365aa377815bff","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-08T19:18:12.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.266\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.266"}},{"before":"43a12693b06c36c3c37ea03557a94742c71edbb4","after":"9f3b0486f600180b08fb5add4bec93d554203f7e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-08T18:11:47.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.265\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.265"}},{"before":"c4c9f36785d67bb606b0776e1a72e09616567feb","after":"43a12693b06c36c3c37ea03557a94742c71edbb4","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-09-08T07:48:20.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.264\n\nBeta Tealeaf Change Notes:\nBug Fixes:\n\n- None.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add ability to listen to actions and events for Swift and SwiftUI. You longer need to add extra file to add the hooks.\n You can now remove UIApplication, main.swift overridden classes and uncomment @UIApplicationMain or @main.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Beta Tealeaf build: 10.6.264"}},{"before":"3e99a43499cd0e8859ddf98353ff9fdc3e655d33","after":"c4c9f36785d67bb606b0776e1a72e09616567feb","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2023-06-06T19:47:13.603Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"experienceanalyticssdk","name":"Bender Rodriguez","path":"/experienceanalyticssdk","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/65244182?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"June 06 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.263\nTealeaf Release\n\nJune 06 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.263\nTealeaf Release\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Fix an issue with tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: which was swizzled incorrectly.\n- Fix an issue with layout config and page name adjustments.\n- Fix an issue with getting correct original implemenation for uipickerview.\n- Fix an issue with _NSPlaceholderData that should use NSData.\n- Fix an issue with cookies on killswitch.\n- Adjust gestures for react native applications that use webviews.\n\nImprovements:\n\n- Add ability to keep track of current page name for react native for iOS.\n\nOur environment for this release:\n\n- Xcode 14.2\n- MacOS 13.2\n- iOS 12.x to 16.x\n- Supported architectures:\n\t- simulator\n\t\t- arm64\n\t\t- x86_64\n\t- device\n\t\t- arm64\n\nKnown Issues:\n\n- Captures gesture even when the gestureRecognizer is set to return 'NO', this is an Apple defect.\n- After iOS 13, library no longer supports iPad because of Apple changes in iPad OS.\n- The pink boarder on Gestures screenview is off when captured using ER, because if timing or garbage collection.\n- Template issue - The back link is missing during capture on some screens Progressindicator, AlertViewController, Gestures screenview and picker view.\n- Template issue - Battery icon not visible in green anymore.\n- Improvement :- 'connectionType' remains N/A if device is on WiFi on app start.\n- DoPostOnScreenChange is not working as expected, because of temp queue.\n- Reporting of multiple carrier names in JSON if the device has Dual SIM is a beta feature.\n- React Native has an issue for dynamic builds. We will use static version instead.\n- Certain Alerts may appear correctly during replay.\n- If a View Controller has more than one WKWebViews, gestures may be off by a few pixels\n- iPadOS Multi Window apps are not YET supported.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"June 06 2023 Tealeaf Module 10.6.263"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEZccIJQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity ยท go-acoustic/Tealeaf"}