diff --git a/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md b/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md index cfe9f6cc9d44..4f84e2ac3326 100644 --- a/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md +++ b/docs/content/doc/advanced/config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md @@ -94,10 +94,11 @@ Values containing `#` or `;` must be quoted using `` ` `` or `"""`. - `REOPEN_KEYWORDS`: **reopen**, **reopens**, **reopened**: List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen a related issue - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT`: **50**: In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits. Set to `-1` to include all commits -- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit. +- `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE`: **5120**: In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages. Set to `-1` to have no limit. Only used if `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES` is `true`. - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS`: **false**: In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_MAX_APPROVERS`: **10**: In default merge messages limit the number of approvers listed as `Reviewed-by:`. Set to `-1` to include all. - `DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_OFFICIAL_APPROVERS_ONLY`: **true**: In default merge messages only include approvers who are officially allowed to review. +- `POPULATE_SQUASH_COMMENT_WITH_COMMIT_MESSAGES`: **false**: In default squash-merge messages include the commit message of all commits comprising the pull request. ### Repository - Issue (`repository.issue`) diff --git a/modules/setting/repository.go b/modules/setting/repository.go index a6fc73651a30..a7666895e1f3 100644 --- a/modules/setting/repository.go +++ b/modules/setting/repository.go @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ var ( DefaultMergeMessageAllAuthors bool DefaultMergeMessageMaxApprovers int DefaultMergeMessageOfficialApproversOnly bool + PopulateSquashCommentWithCommitMessages bool } `ini:"repository.pull-request"` // Issue Setting @@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ var ( DefaultMergeMessageAllAuthors bool DefaultMergeMessageMaxApprovers int DefaultMergeMessageOfficialApproversOnly bool + PopulateSquashCommentWithCommitMessages bool }{ WorkInProgressPrefixes: []string{"WIP:", "[WIP]"}, // Same as GitHub. See @@ -210,6 +212,7 @@ var ( DefaultMergeMessageAllAuthors: false, DefaultMergeMessageMaxApprovers: 10, DefaultMergeMessageOfficialApproversOnly: true, + PopulateSquashCommentWithCommitMessages: false, }, // Issue settings diff --git a/options/locale/locale_de-DE.ini b/options/locale/locale_de-DE.ini index d26ac2606600..0de4f5b5323e 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_de-DE.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_de-DE.ini @@ -1314,6 +1314,7 @@ pulls.manually_merged_as=Dieser Pull Request wurde manuell als Beginne den Titel mit %s um zu verhindern, dass der Pull Request versehentlich gemergt wird.` +pulls.cannot_merge_work_in_progress=Dieser Pull Request ist als Work in Progress markiert. pulls.data_broken=Dieser Pull-Requests ist kaputt, da Fork-Informationen gelöscht wurden. pulls.files_conflicted=Dieser Pull-Request hat Änderungen, die im Widerspruch zum Ziel-Branch stehen. pulls.is_checking=Die Konfliktprüfung läuft noch. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite in wenigen Augenblicken. diff --git a/options/locale/locale_es-ES.ini b/options/locale/locale_es-ES.ini index b5f3d7d3c6ec..2ece1992e619 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_es-ES.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_es-ES.ini @@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ loading=Cargando… step1=Paso 1: step2=Paso 2: +error=Error error404=La página a la que está intentando acceder o no existe o no está autorizado para verla. +never=Nunca [error] occurred=Se ha producido un error @@ -731,6 +733,7 @@ mirror_lfs_desc=Activar la reproducción de datos LFS. mirror_lfs_endpoint=Punto final de LFS mirror_lfs_endpoint_desc=Sync intentará usar la url del clon para determinar el servidor LFS. También puede especificar un punto final personalizado si los datos LFS del repositorio se almacenan en otro lugar. mirror_last_synced=Sincronizado por última vez +mirror_password_placeholder=(Sin cambios) watchers=Seguidores stargazers=Fans forks=Forks @@ -783,6 +786,7 @@ form.reach_limit_of_creation_n=Ya han alcanzado su límite de repositorios de %d form.name_reserved=El nombre de repositorio '%s' está reservado. form.name_pattern_not_allowed=El patrón '%s' no está permitido en un nombre de repositorio. +need_auth=Autorización migrate_options=Opciones de migración migrate_service=Servicio de Migración migrate_options_mirror_helper=Este repositorio será uno replicado @@ -1314,6 +1318,7 @@ pulls.manually_merged_as=El Pull Request se ha fusionado manualmente como Comience el título con %s para prevenir que el pull request se fusione accidentalmente.` +pulls.still_in_progress=¿Aún en curso? pulls.data_broken=Este pull request está rota debido a que falta información del fork. pulls.files_conflicted=Este pull request tiene cambios en conflicto con la rama de destino. pulls.is_checking=La comprobación de conflicto de fusión está en progreso. Inténtalo de nuevo en unos momentos. @@ -1539,6 +1544,11 @@ settings.hooks=Webhooks settings.githooks=Git Hooks settings.basic_settings=Configuración Básica settings.mirror_settings=Configuración de réplica +settings.mirror_settings.docs=Configure su proyecto para insertar y/o extraer automáticamente los cambios hacia/desde otro repositorio. Las ramas, etiquetas y commits se sincronizarán automáticamente. ¿Cómo replico los repositorios? +settings.mirror_settings.direction=Dirección +settings.mirror_settings.direction.pull=Pull +settings.mirror_settings.last_update=Última actualización +settings.mirror_settings.push_mirror.remote_url=URL del repositorio remoto de Git settings.sync_mirror=Sincronizar ahora settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=La sincronización del repositorio replicado está en curso. Vuelva a intentarlo más tarde. settings.email_notifications.enable=Habilitar las notificaciones por correo electrónico @@ -1604,6 +1614,7 @@ settings.transfer_form_title=Escriba el nombre del repositorio como confirmació settings.transfer_in_progress=Actualmente hay una transferencia en curso. Por favor, cancela si quieres transferir este repositorio a otro usuario. settings.transfer_notices_1=- Perderá el acceso al repositorio si lo transfiere a un usuario individual. settings.transfer_notices_2=- Mantendrá el acceso al repositorio si lo transfiere a una organización que usted (co-)posee. +settings.transfer_notices_3=- Si el repositorio es privado y se transfiere a un usuario individual, esta acción se asegura de que el usuario tenga al menos permisos de lectura (y cambie los permisos si es necesario). settings.transfer_owner=Nuevo Propietario settings.transfer_perform=Realizar transferencia settings.transfer_started=Este repositorio ha sido marcado para transferencia y espera confirmación de "%s" @@ -1974,6 +1985,10 @@ branch.restore=Restaurar rama '%s' branch.download=Descargar rama '%s' branch.included_desc=Esta rama forma parte de la predeterminada branch.included=Incluida +branch.create_new_branch=Crear rama desde la rama: +branch.confirm_create_branch=Crear rama +branch.new_branch=Crear nueva rama +branch.new_branch_from=Crear nueva rama desde '%s' tag.create_tag=Crear etiqueta %s tag.create_success=La etiqueta '%s' ha sido creada. diff --git a/options/locale/locale_fr-FR.ini b/options/locale/locale_fr-FR.ini index c93bf817bd4f..b96e0d56eb5b 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_fr-FR.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_fr-FR.ini @@ -1263,8 +1263,8 @@ issues.review.dismissed_label=Rejeté issues.review.left_comment=laisser un commentaire issues.review.content.empty=Vous devez laisser un commentaire indiquant le(s) changement(s) demandé(s). issues.review.reject=a requis les changements %s -issues.review.wait=a demandé une révision pour %s -issues.review.add_review_request=demande de révision de %s %s +issues.review.wait=a été sollicité pour une révision %s +issues.review.add_review_request=a demandé une révision de %s %s issues.review.remove_review_request=a supprimé la demande de révision pour %s %s issues.review.remove_review_request_self=a refusé la revue %s issues.review.pending=En attente diff --git a/options/locale/locale_ru-RU.ini b/options/locale/locale_ru-RU.ini index 0f6361d6f52e..a7e1dadbccd6 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_ru-RU.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_ru-RU.ini @@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ settings.visibility.public=Публичный settings.visibility.limited=Ограничено (Видно только для авторизованных пользователей) settings.visibility.limited_shortname=Ограничить settings.visibility.private=Частный (Видимый только для участников организации) -settings.visibility.private_shortname=Приватизировать +settings.visibility.private_shortname=Приватный settings.update_settings=Обновить настройки settings.update_setting_success=Настройки организации обновлены. diff --git a/options/locale/locale_zh-CN.ini b/options/locale/locale_zh-CN.ini index fd59289b16a3..1eba2d89a409 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_zh-CN.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_zh-CN.ini @@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ loading=正在加载... step1=第一步: step2=第二步: +error=错误 error404=您正尝试访问的页面 不存在您尚未被授权 查看该页面。 +never=从不 [error] occurred=发生错误 @@ -724,6 +726,7 @@ mirror_prune_desc=删除过时的远程跟踪引用 mirror_interval=镜像间隔 (有效时间单位为 "h"、"m"、"s")。0将禁用自动同步。 mirror_interval_invalid=镜像间隔无效。 mirror_address=从URL克隆 +mirror_address_desc=在授权框中输入必要的凭据。 mirror_address_url_invalid=URL无效。请检查您所输入的URL是否正确。 mirror_address_protocol_invalid=提供的 url 无效。只能从 http(s):// 或 git:// 位置进行镜像。 mirror_lfs=大文件存储 (LFS) @@ -786,6 +789,7 @@ form.reach_limit_of_creation_n=你已经达到了 %d 个仓库的上限。 form.name_reserved=仓库名称 '%s' 是被保留的。 form.name_pattern_not_allowed=仓库名称中不允许使用模式 "%s"。 +need_auth=授权 migrate_options=迁移选项 migrate_service=迁移服务 migrate_options_mirror_helper=该仓库将是一个 镜像 @@ -819,11 +823,19 @@ migrated_from_fake=从 %[1]s 迁移成功 migrate.migrate=从 %s 迁移 migrate.migrating=正在从 %s 迁移... migrate.migrating_failed=从 %s 迁移失败。 +migrate.migrating_failed.error=错误:%s migrate.github.description=从 Github.com 或者 Github Enterprise 迁移数据 migrate.git.description=从 Git 迁移数据 migrate.gitlab.description=从 GitLab.com 或者 自部署 GitLab 迁移数据 migrate.gitea.description=从 Gitea.com 或 自托管 Gitea 服务器迁移数据。 migrate.gogs.description=正从 notabug.org 或其他自托管 Gogs 服务器迁移数据。 +migrate.migrating_git=迁移Git数据 +migrate.migrating_topics=迁移主题 +migrate.migrating_milestones=迁移里程碑 +migrate.migrating_labels=迁移标签 +migrate.migrating_releases=迁移发布 +migrate.migrating_issues=迁移工单 +migrate.migrating_pulls=迁移合并请求 mirror_from=镜像自地址 forked_from=派生自 @@ -1546,6 +1558,15 @@ settings.hooks=Web 钩子 settings.githooks=管理 Git 钩子 settings.basic_settings=基本设置 settings.mirror_settings=镜像设置 +settings.mirror_settings.docs=将你的项目设置成自动从其它存储库推送或拉取变更。分支、标签以及提交将会自动同步。如何镜像存储库? +settings.mirror_settings.mirrored_repository=镜像库 +settings.mirror_settings.direction=方向 +settings.mirror_settings.direction.pull=拉取 +settings.mirror_settings.direction.push=推送 +settings.mirror_settings.last_update=最后更新 +settings.mirror_settings.push_mirror.none=未配置推送镜像 +settings.mirror_settings.push_mirror.remote_url=Git 远程存储库链接 +settings.mirror_settings.push_mirror.add=添加推送镜像 settings.sync_mirror=同步 settings.mirror_sync_in_progress=镜像同步正在进行中,请稍后后再试。 settings.email_notifications.enable=启用邮件通知 @@ -1611,6 +1632,7 @@ settings.transfer_form_title=输入仓库名称以做确认: settings.transfer_in_progress=当前正在进行转让。 如果你想将此代码库转让给另一个用户,请取消它。 settings.transfer_notices_1=-如果将其传输给单个用户, 您将失去对存储库的访问权限。 settings.transfer_notices_2=-如果将其转移到您 (共同) 拥有的组织,您可以继续访问该仓库。 +settings.transfer_notices_3=- 如果存储库是私有的并且被转移给某个用户,那么此操作可以确保该用户至少具有读权限(以及必要时的更改权限)。 settings.transfer_owner=新拥有者 settings.transfer_perform=执行转让 settings.transfer_started=该代码库已被标记为转让并等待来自 %s 的确认 diff --git a/options/locale/locale_zh-TW.ini b/options/locale/locale_zh-TW.ini index 81e7b7e0afdc..9cd7c237b076 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_zh-TW.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_zh-TW.ini @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ email_notifications.disable=關閉郵件通知 email_notifications.submit=套用郵件偏好設定 [repo] -new_repo_helper=儲存庫包含所以專案檔案,包含修訂歷史。已經存放於別處了嗎?遷移儲存庫。 +new_repo_helper=儲存庫包含所有專案檔案,包含修訂歷史。已經存放於別處了嗎?遷移儲存庫。 owner=擁有者 owner_helper=組織可能因為儲存庫數量上限而未列入此選單。 repo_name=儲存庫名稱 diff --git a/services/pull/pull.go b/services/pull/pull.go index cc560fb199d2..02c0a7fe7c87 100644 --- a/services/pull/pull.go +++ b/services/pull/pull.go @@ -570,16 +570,44 @@ func GetSquashMergeCommitMessages(pr *models.PullRequest) string { authors := make([]string, 0, list.Len()) stringBuilder := strings.Builder{} - stringBuilder.WriteString(pr.Issue.Content) - if stringBuilder.Len() > 0 { - stringBuilder.WriteRune('\n') - stringBuilder.WriteRune('\n') + if !setting.Repository.PullRequest.PopulateSquashCommentWithCommitMessages { + stringBuilder.WriteString(pr.Issue.Content) + if stringBuilder.Len() > 0 { + stringBuilder.WriteRune('\n') + stringBuilder.WriteRune('\n') + } } // commits list is in reverse chronological order element := list.Back() for element != nil { commit := element.Value.(*git.Commit) + + if setting.Repository.PullRequest.PopulateSquashCommentWithCommitMessages { + maxSize := setting.Repository.PullRequest.DefaultMergeMessageSize + if maxSize < 0 || stringBuilder.Len() < maxSize { + var toWrite []byte + if element == list.Back() { + toWrite = []byte(strings.TrimPrefix(commit.CommitMessage, pr.Issue.Title)) + } else { + toWrite = []byte(commit.CommitMessage) + } + + if len(toWrite) > maxSize-stringBuilder.Len() && maxSize > -1 { + toWrite = append(toWrite[:maxSize-stringBuilder.Len()], "..."...) + } + if _, err := stringBuilder.Write(toWrite); err != nil { + log.Error("Unable to write commit message Error: %v", err) + return "" + } + + if _, err := stringBuilder.WriteRune('\n'); err != nil { + log.Error("Unable to write commit message Error: %v", err) + return "" + } + } + } + authorString := commit.Author.String() if !authorsMap[authorString] && authorString != posterSig { authors = append(authors, authorString)