[common] user = "_graphite" metric-endpoint="local" metric-interval = "1m0s" max-cpu = 4 [whisper] data-dir = "/graphite/whisper" schemas-file = "/etc/carbon/storage-schemas.conf" aggregation-file= "/etc/carbon/storage-aggregation.conf" workers = 4 max-updates-per-second = 450 max-creates-per-second = 450 sparse-create = true flock = true enabled = true hash-filenames = false [cache] max-size = 100000000 write-strategy = "max" [tcp] listen = ":2003" enabled = true buffer-size = 5000000 [[logging]] logger = "" file = "/var/log/carbon/carbon.log" level = "info" encoding = "mixed" encoding-time = "iso8601" encoding-duration = "seconds" [[logging]] logger = "access" file = "none" level = "info" encoding = "mixed" encoding-time = "iso8601" encoding-duration = "seconds" [[logging]] logger = "stat" file = "/var/log/carbon/carbon.log" level = "error" encoding = "mixed" encoding-time = "iso8601" encoding-duration = "seconds" [carbonlink] listen = "" enabled = true read-timeout = "30s" [receiver.http] protocol = "http" listen = ":2006" [carbonserver] # Please NOTE: carbonserver is not intended to fully replace graphite-web # It acts as a "REMOTE_STORAGE" for graphite-web or carbonzipper/carbonapi listen = ":8080" enabled = true buckets = 10 metrics-as-counters = false read-timeout = "29s" write-timeout = "29s" query-cache-enabled = true query-cache-size-mb = 1024 find-cache-enabled = true #trigram-index = true trie-index = true concurrent-index = true realtime-index = 100 scan-frequency = "0" cache-scan = true max-globs = 100 fail-on-max-globs = false graphite-web-10-strict-mode = false internal-stats-dir = "" # Calculate /render request time percentiles for the bucket, '95' means calculate 95th Percentile. To disable this feature, leave the list blank stats-percentiles = [99, 98, 95, 75, 50] [tags] #FIXME: This should be going to the graphite elb? enabled = true tagdb-url = "http://localhost:8080" tagsdb-chunk-size = 32 tagdb-update-interval = 100 local-dir = "/graphite/tags"