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Capistrano Notifier Build Status


In your Gemfile:

gem 'capistrano-notifier'

and then bundle install

cap needs to be invoked with Bundler for the require statements below to work properly. You can do so with either bundle exec cap, or with bundle install --binstubs and making sure bin is high up in your $PATH.`


require 'capistrano/notifier/mail'

set :notifier_mail_options, {
  :method => :test, # :smtp, :sendmail, or any other valid ActionMailer delivery method
  :from   => '',
  :to     => ['', ''],
  :github => 'MyCompany/project-name'

If you specified :method => test, you can see the email that would be generated in your console with cap deploy:notify:mail.


require 'capistrano/notifier/statsd'

A counter of 1 will be sent with the key application.stage.deploy if using multistage, or application.deploy if not. To use a gauge instead of a counter, use :with => :gauge:

set :notifier_statsd_options, {
  :with => :gauge

If you want to specify a host:port other than, you can do so like this:

set :notifier_statsd_options, {
  :host => "",
  :port => "8125"

The nc (Netcat) command is used to send messages to statsd and must be installed on the remote hosts. This is installed by default on most Unix machines.