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SEP 007 -- Combinatorial Design

Title Combinatorial Design
Authors Matthew Pocock, Jacob Beal, Nicholas Roehner (
Editor Raik Gruenberg
Type Data Model
SBOL Version 2.2
Status Accepted
Created 19-Aug-2016
Last modified 12-Sep-2017
Issue #21


We propose adding two new classes, CombinatorialDerivation and VariableComponent, to allow users to represent basic combinatorial designs in SBOL without having to enumerate every possible design variant. For example, a user may wish to encode a library of reporter gene variants that have different promoters and ribosome binding sites (RBS) without having to create a ComponentDefinition for every possible combination of a promoter, RBS, and coding sequence (CDS) in their library. A CombinatorialDerivation refers to a single template ComponentDefinition from which new ComponentDefinition objects can be derived. Each VariableComponent in a CombinatorialDerivation specifies one or more possible definitions for any new sub-Component object derived from a Component in the template ComponentDefinition.

We also propose adding to the list of recommended URIs for the restriction property of the SequenceConstraint class. This would enable users to specify combinatorial designs in which the choice of a definition for one Component during a derivation can preclude the choice of that definition for another Component during the same derivation.


This SEP was initiated in response to SBOL-Specification/#31. Currently, there is no way to specify the composition of a genetic library or another combinatorial design for common use cases in synthetic biology, such as tuning the performance of a genetic circuit or biosynthetic pathway through combinatorial DNA assembly and screening. While a user could derive multiple ComponentDefinition objects from an abstract ComponentDefinition that lacks a Sequence or a total ordering of its sub-Component objects via SequenceConstraint objects, they would still be unable to use SBOL to specify a finite set of alternative structures to choose from during such a derivation. This SEP is intended to enable users of SBOL to explicitly denote the structural choices to be made and the basic strategy to be used (enumerate vs. sample) during the derivation of a ComponentDefinition in accordance with a combinatorial design.


Here we define two new classes, CombinatorialDerivation and VariableComponent, and provide an update to Table 9 of the SBOL 2.1.0 specification, adding to the list of recommended URIs for the restriction property of the SequenceConstraint class.

2.1 CombinatorialDerivation

The CombinatorialDerivation class can be used to specify a combinatorial design. ComponentDefinition objects that realize the design can be derived in accordance with the class properties template, variableComponents, and strategy (Figure 1).

Component Derivation class UML diagram

Figure 1: Diagram of the CombinatorialDerivation class and its associated properties

2.1.1 CombinatorialDerivation.template

The template property is REQUIRED and MUST contain a URI that refers to a ComponentDefinition. This ComponentDefinition is expected to serve as a template for the derivation of new ComponentDefinition objects. Consequently, its components property SHOULD contain one or more Component objects that describe its substructure (referred to hereafter as template Component objects), and its sequenceConstraints property MAY also contain one or more SequenceConstraint objects that constrain this substructure.

When a ComponentDefinition is derived in accordance with a CombinatorialDerivation, the wasDerivedFrom property of the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD refer to the CombinatorialDerivation. When multiple ComponentDefinition objects are derived in accordance with the same CombinatorialDerivation, they MAY be referred to by the members property of a Collection, in which case the wasDerivedFrom property of the Collection SHOULD also refer to this CombinatorialDerivation.

If the types property of the template ComponentDefinition contains one or more URIs, then the types property of the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD also contain those URIs. The same holds true for the roles properties of these ComponentDefinition objects.

2.1.2 CombinatorialDerivation.variableComponents

The variableComponents property is OPTIONAL and MAY contain a set of VariableComponent objects. These VariableComponent objects are expected to denote the choices available when deriving the substructure of a new ComponentDefinition in accordance with a CombinatorialDerivation. The variableComponents property MUST NOT contain two or more VariableComponent objects that refer to the same template Component via their variable properties.

If the variable property of one of these VariableComponent objects refers to a template Component, then the components property of the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD contain as many Component objects derived from the template Component as specified by the operator property of the VariableComponent (see Section 2.2.5 and Table 2). In addition, the definition properties of these derived Component objects MUST refer to ComponentDefinition objects specified by the variants, variantCollections, or variantDerivations property of the VariableComponent (see Section 2.2.1).

If no variable property of one of these VariableComponent objects refers to a template Component, then the components property of the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD contain exactly one Component with a wasDerivedFrom property that refers to the template Component. The definition property of this derived Component MUST refer to the ComponentDefinition referred to by the definition property of the template Component.

Finally, all of these derived Component objects MUST follow the restriction properties of any SequenceConstraint objects that refer to their corresponding template Component objects.

2.1.3 CombinatorialDerivation.strategy

The strategy property is OPTIONAL and has a data type of URI. Table 1 provides a list of REQUIRED strategy URIs. If the strategy property is not empty, then it MUST contain a URI from Table 1. This property recommends how many ComponentDefinition objects a user SHOULD derive from the template ComponentDefinition.

Table 1: REQUIRED URIs for the strategy property

Strategy URI Description A user SHOULD derive all possible ComponentDefinition objects specified by the Component objects contained by the template ComponentDefinition and the VariableComponent objects contained by the CombinatorialDerivation. A user SHOULD derive a subset of all possible ComponentDefinition objects specified by the Component objects contained by the template ComponentDefinition and the VariableComponent objects contained by the CombinatorialDerivation. The manner in which this subset is chosen is for the user to decide.

2.2 VariableComponent

The VariableComponent class can be used to specify a choice of ComponentDefinition objects for any new Component derived from a template Component in the template ComponentDefinition. This specification is made using the class properties variable, variants, variantCollections, and variantDerivations (Figure 2). While the variants, variantCollections, and variantDerivations properties are OPTIONAL, at least one of them MUST NOT be empty.

Alternative class UML diagram

Figure 2: Diagram of the VariableComponent class and its associated properties

2.2.1 VariableComponent.variable

The variable property is REQUIRED and MUST contain a URI that refers to a template Component in the template ComponentDefinition. If the wasDerivedFrom property of a Component refers to this template Component, then the definition property of the derived Component MUST refer to either (1) a ComponentDefinition referred to by the variants property of the VariableComponent, (2) a ComponentDefinition from a Collection referred to by the variantCollections property of the VariableComponent, or (3) a ComponentDefinition derived from a CombinatorialDerivation referred to by the variantDerivations property of the VariableComponent.

If the roles property of the template Component contains one or more URIs, then the roles property of the derived Component SHOULD also contain those URIs.

2.2.2 VariableComponent.variants

The variants property is OPTIONAL and MAY contain zero or more URIs that each refer to a ComponentDefinition. The variants property MUST NOT contain duplicate URIs. This property specifies individual ComponentDefinition objects to serve as options when deriving a new Component from the template Component.

2.2.3 VariableComponent.variantCollections

The variantCollections property is OPTIONAL and MAY contain zero or more URIs that each refer to a Collection. The variantCollections property MUST NOT contain duplicate URIs. The members property of each Collection referred to in this way MUST NOT be empty, MUST refer only to ComponentDefinition objects, and MUST NOT contain duplicate URIs. This property enables the convenient specification of existing groups of ComponentDefinition objects to serve as options when deriving a new Component from the template Component.

2.2.4 VariableComponent.variantDerivations

The variantDerivations property is OPTIONAL and MAY contain zero or more URIs that each refer to a CombinatorialDerivation. The variantDerivations property MUST NOT contain duplicate URIs. This property enables the convenient specification of ComponentDefinition objects derived in accordance with another CombinatorialDerivation to serve as options when deriving a new Component from the template Component. The variantDerivations property of a VariableComponent MUST NOT refer to the CombinatorialDerivation that contains this VariableComponent. Furthermore, VariableComponent objects MUST NOT form a cyclical chain of references via their variantDerivations properties and the ComponentDerivation objects that contain them. For example, consider the VariableComponent objects A and B and the ComponentDerivation objects X and Y. The reference chain X contains A, A has variant derivation Y, Y contains B, and B has variant derivation X is cyclical.

2.2.5 VariableComponent.operator

The operator property is REQUIRED and has a data type of URI. This property specifies how many Component objects SHOULD be derived from the template Component during the derivation of a new ComponentDefinition. The URI value of this property MUST come from the REQUIRED operator URIs provided in Table 2.

Table 2: REQUIRED URIs for the operator property

Operator URI Description No more than one Component in the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD have a wasDerivedFrom property that refers to the template Component. Exactly one Component in the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD have a wasDerivedFrom property that refers to the template Component. Any number of Component objects in the derived ComponentDefinition MAY have wasDerivedFrom properties that refer to the template Component. At least one Component in the derived ComponentDefinition SHOULD have a wasDerivedFrom property that refers to the template Component.

2.3 SequenceConstraint.restriction

In addition to the two new classes outlined above, we propose adding a new URI to the list of RECOMMENDED URIs for the restriction property of the SequenceConstraint class (Table 3). Previously, the SequenceConstraint class could be used to assert restrictions on the relative, sequence-based positions of a pair of Component objects, the subject and the object. This new URI raises the possibility of using the SequenceConstraint class to assert pairwise restrictions on Component identity and structure.

Table 3: RECOMMENDED URIs for the restriction property

Restriction URI Description The definition property of the subject Component MUST NOT refer to the same ComponentDefinition as that of the object Component. In addition, if the sequence properties of these ComponentDefinition objects are both not empty, then they MUST have different elements properties.


3.1 Enumerating a Combinatorial Library of GFP Reporters

Here we will specify the combinatorial design for a library of GFP reporters and enumerate all possible ComponentDefinition objects in accordance with it.

Given an abstract template ComponentDefinition that contains four sub-Component objects and three SequenceConstraint objects to fix their ordering,

gfp_reporter_template : ComponentDefinition
  description = "An abstract GFP reporter"
  component : Component
    identity = p1_template
    definition = abstract_glucose-sensitive_promoter
  component : Component
    identity = r1_template
    definition = elowitz_rbs
  component : Component
    identity = c1_template
    definition = abstract_gfp
  component : Component
    identity = t1_template
    definition = double_terminator
  sequenceConstraint = p1_template precedes r1_template
  sequenceConstraint = r1_template precedes c1_template
  sequenceConstraint = c1_template precedes t1_template

a Collection of GFP CDS ComponentDefinition variants,

gfp_library : Collection
  description = "A library of various GFP CDSes"
  member = gfp1
  member = gfp2
  member = gfp3

two glucose-sensitive promoter ComponentDefinition variants,

glucose-sensitive_promoter1 : ComponentDefinition
  description = "Glucose-sensitive promoter"
  type = DNA
  role = Promoter

glucose-sensitive_promoter2 : ComponentDefinition
  description = "Glucose-sensitive promoter"
  type = DNA
  role = Promoter

a ribosome binding site, and a terminator,

elowitz_rbs : ComponentDefinition
  description = "Elowitz RBS"
  type = DNA
  role = Ribosome Entry Site

double_terminator: ComponentDefinition
  description = "Double terminator"
  type = DNA
  role = Terminator

we can define a CombinatorialDerivation that specifies a full enumeration using the GFP reporter as its template and the glucose-sensitive promoter and GFP library as its variableComponents.

gfp_reporter_derivation1 : CombinatorialDerivation
  description = "Derive various concrete designs from an abstract GFP reporter template by choosing replacements for the promoter and CDS."
  template = gfp_reporter_template
  strategy = enumerate
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = p1_template
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter2
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = c1_template
    variantCollection = gfp_library

This CombinatorialDerivation can then serve as the basis for deriving a Collection of all six possible GFP reporter variants:

expanderbot2000 : prov:Agent
  name = "Expanderbot 2000"
  version = "0.1.3"

gfp_reporter_expansion1 : Collection
  description = "Expansions of GFP reporter derivation"

  wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation1

  prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
    identity = gfp_reporter_expansion1_activity
    prov:qualifiedUsage : prov:Usage
      hadRole = source
      entity = gfp_reporter_derivation1
    prov:qualifiedAssociation : prov:Association
      hadRole = enumerator
      prov:agent = expanderbot2000
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = gfp_reporter_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Gene
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp1
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = gfp_reporter_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Gene
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = glucose-sensitive_promoter2
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp1
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = gfp_reporter_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Gene
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = sensitive_promoter1
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_emplate
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp2
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1


The provenance objects are OPTIONAL, but ensure that there is a full history of how these entities were derived.

3.2 Enumerating CDS Order in an Operon

The operon ComponentDefinition has SequenceConstraint objects to position two CDSes between a promoter and terminator, but does not constrain the relative ordering of the CDSes themselves. For simplicity, the complete sub-Component objects and OPTIONAL provenance objects are omitted from this example.

operon_template : ComponentDefinition
  type = DNA
  role = Operon
  sequenceConstraint = p1_template precedes c1_template
  sequenceConstraint = p1_template precedes c2_template
  sequenceConstraint = c1_template precedes t1_template
  sequenceConstraint = c2_template precedes t1_template

This time we will specify a CombinatorialDerivation that does not contain VariableComponent objects since we only want to enumerate all possible orderings of these non-abstract Component objects.

operon_order_derivation : CombinatorialDerivation
  description = "Derive the various unambiguous orderings"
  template = operon_template
  strategy = enumerate

This CombinatorialDerivation will give us a Collection of two ComponentDefinition objects:

operon_order_expansion : Collection
  wasDerivedFrom = operon_order_derivation

  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = operon_order_derivation
    type = DNA
    role = Operon
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes c2
    sequenceConstraint = c2 precedes t1

  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = operon_order_derivation
    type = DNA
    role = Operon
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes c2
    sequenceConstraint = c2 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

The ordering of sub-Component objects within each newly derived ComponentDefinition is fixed with a new set of SequenceConstraint objects. Note that, instead of using SequenceConstraint objects to indicate sub-Component ordering in a derived ComponentDefinition, a user can associate the latter with a Sequence and a set of SequenceAnnotation objects that designate the Location of each sub-Component.

3.3 Different Enumerations from Same Template

We can have more than one derivation from the same template ComponentDefinition. Given the previous ComponentDefinition for a GFP reporter, we can specify two different derivations, one that varies the promoter sub-Component, and one that varies the CDS sub-Component.

gfp_reporter_derivation2 : CombinatorialDerivation
  template = gfp_reporter_template
  strategy = enumerate
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = p1_template
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter2
gfp_reporter_derivation3 : CombinatorialDerivation
  template = gfp_reporter_template
  strategy = enumerate
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = c1_template
    variantCollection = gfp_library

These derivations give rise to two independent families of enumerations from the same template design (again omitting OPTIONAL provenance objects):

gfp_reporter_expansion2 : Collection
  wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation2
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation2
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = abstract_gfp
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation2
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = glucose-sensitive_promoter2
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = abstract_gfp
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

gfp_reporter_expansion3 : Collection
  wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation3
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation3
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = abstract_glucose-sensitive_promoter
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp1
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation3
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = abstract_glucose-sensitive_promoter
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp2
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation3
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = abstract_glucose-sensitive_promoter
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = r1
      definition = elowitz_rbs
      wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = gfp3
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = double_terminator
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
    sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

Since each CombinatorialDerivation is external to its template ComponentDefinition, we could use this template as the target of another CombinatorialDerivation to further expand it out.

3.4 Probabilistic Sampling of GFP Reporter Library

Starting again with the GFP reporter template ComponentDefinition, we can specify a CombinatorialDerivation that uses the sample strategy rather than the enumerate strategy that we have used so far.

gfp_reporter_derivation4 : CombinatorialDerivation
  template = gfp_reporter_template
  strategy = sample
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = p1_template
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
    variant = glucose-sensitive_promoter2
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = c1_template
    variantCollection = gfpLibrary

We can sample once to derive the following ComponentDefinition:

samplebot3000 : prov:Agent
  name = "samplebot3000"
  version = "9.1"
  randomSeed = "9837453"^^xs:long

sampled_gfp_reporter1 : ComponentDefinition
  wasDerivedFrom = gfp_reporter_derivation4
  prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
    prov:qualifiedUsage : prov:Usage
      hadRole = source
      entity = gfp_reporter_derivation4
    prov:qualifiedAssociation : prov:Association
      hadRole = sampler
      prov:agent = samplebot3000
  component : Component
    identity = p1
    definition = glucose-sensitive_promoter1
    wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
  component : Component
    identity = r1
    definition = elowitz_rbs
    wasDerivedFrom = r1_template
  component : Component
    identity = c1
    definition = gfp2
    wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
  component : Component
    identity = t1
    definition = double_terminator
    wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
  sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes r1
  sequenceConstraint = r1 precedes c1
  sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

Once again, the provenance objects are OPTIONAL, but ensure that there is a full history of how these entities were derived.

3.5 Sampling Eukaryotic Promoters with Variable Numbers of Operator Sites

Here we will specify the combinatorial design for a synthetic eukaryotic promoter that contains a variable number of upstream operator sites1.

Given an abstract template ComponentDefinition that contains two sub-Component objects and one SequenceConstraint object to fix their ordering,

synthetic_cmv_template : ComponentDefinition
  description = "Template for a synthetic eukaryotic promoter (CMV)"
  component : Component
    identity = o1_template
    definition = abstract_operator
  component : Component
    identity = p1_template
    definition = cmv
  sequenceConstraint = o1_template precedes p1_template

a Collection of operator site ComponentDefinition variants,

operator_library : Collection
  description = "A library of operator site variants"
  member = operator1
  member = operator2
  member = operator3
  member = operator4

and a CMV promoter ComponentDefinition,

cmv : ComponentDefinition
  description = "CMV promoter"
  type = DNA
  role = Promoter

we can define a CombinatorialDerivation that specifies a sampling using the synthetic CMV promoter ComponentDefinition as its template and the operator library as the variantCollection of a VariableComponent from which to derive one or more sub-Component objects.

synthetic_cmv_derivation1 : CombinatorialDerivation
  description = "Derive various concrete designs for the synthetic CMV promoter by choosing one or more upstream operator sites."
  template = synthetic_cmv_template 
  strategy = sample
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = oneOrMore
    variable = o1_template
    variantCollection = operator_library

This CombinatorialDerivation can then serve as the basis for deriving a Collection of synthetic CMV promoters with different numbers of upstream operator sites.

samplebot300 : prov:Agent
  name = "samplebot3000"
  version = "9.1"
  randomSeed = "9837453"^^xs:long

synthetic_cmv_expansion1 : Collection
  description = "Expansions of the synthetic CMV promoter"

  wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_cmv_derivation1

  prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
    identity = synthetic_cmv_expansion1_activity
    prov:qualifiedUsage : prov:Usage
      hadRole = source
      entity = synthetic_cmv_derivation1
    prov:qualifiedAssociation : prov:Association
      hadRole = sampler
      prov:agent = samplebot3000
  member : ComponentDefinition
    identity = cmv1
    wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_cmv_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = synthetic_cmv_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Promoter
    component : Component
      identity = o1
      definition = operator2
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o2
      definition = operator3
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o3
      definition = operator2
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = cmv
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    sequenceConstraint = o1 precedes o2
    sequenceConstraint = o2 precedes o3
    sequenceConstraint = o3 precedes p1

  member : ComponentDefinition
    identity = cmv2
    wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_cmv_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = synthetic_cmv_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Promoter
    component : Component
      identity = o1
      definition = operator1
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o2
      definition = operator4
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o3
      definition = operator2
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o4
      definition = operator3
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = o5
      definition = operator3
      wasDerivedFrom = o1_template
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = cmv
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    sequenceConstraint = o1 precedes o2
    sequenceConstraint = o2 precedes o3
    sequenceConstraint = o3 precedes o4
    sequenceConstraint = o4 precedes o5
    sequenceConstraint = o5 precedes p1


3.6 Composite Combinatorial Derivation of a Eukaryotic Transcriptional Unit

Here we will specify the combinatorial design for a eukaryotic transcriptional unit (TU) by using our previous combinatorial design for a synthetic eukaryotic promoter.

Given a template ComponentDefinition that contains three sub-Component objects and two SequenceConstraint objects to fix their ordering,

synthetic_eukaryotic_tu : ComponentDefinition
  description = "A synthetic eukaryotic transcriptional unit"
  component : Component
    identity = p1_template
    definition = abstract_promoter
  component : Component
    identity = c1_template
    definition = abstract_cds
  component : Component
    identity = t1_template
    definition = polyA
  sequenceConstraint = p1_template precedes c1_template
  sequenceConstraint = c1_template precedes t1_template

a Collection of enzyme CDS ComponentDefinition variants,

enzyme_cds_library : Collection
  description = "A library of enzyme CDS variants"
  member = enzyme1
  member = enzyme2
  member = enzyme3
  member = enzyme4

and a eukaryotic terminator ComponentDefinition,

polyA : ComponentDefinition
  description = "A poly-A sequence acting as a terminator signal"
  type = DNA
  role = Terminator

we can define a CombinatorialDerivation that specifies a sampling using the ComponentDefinition of a synthetic enzyme TU as its template, the enzyme CDS library as a variantCollection from which to choose one CDS, and the CombinatorialDerivation for the eukaryotic promoter as a variantDerivation from which to choose one promoter.

synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_derivation1 : CombinatorialDerivation
  description = "Derive various concrete designs for a synthetic eukaryotic TU by choosing one enzyme CDS and one promoter with a variable number of operator sites."
  template = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu
  strategy = sample
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = p1_template
    variantDerivation = synthetic_cmv_derivation1
  variableComponent : VariableComponent
    operator = one
    variable = c1_template
    variantCollection = enzyme_cds_library

This CombinatorialDerivation can then serve as the basis for deriving a Collection of synthetic eukaryotic TUs with different promoters and enzyme CDSes.

samplebot300 : prov:Agent
  name = "samplebot3000"
  version = "9.1"
  randomSeed = "9837453"^^xs:long

synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_expansion1 : Collection
  description = "Expansions of a synthetic eukaryotic TU"

  wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_derivation1

  prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
    identity = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_expansion1_activity
    prov:qualifiedUsage : prov:Usage
      hadRole = source
      entity = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_derivation1
    prov:qualifiedAssociation : prov:Association
      hadRole = sampler
      prov:agent = samplebot3000
  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Gene
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = cmv1
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = enzyme2
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = polyA
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1

  member : ComponentDefinition
    wasDerivedFrom = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_derivation1
    prov:wasGeneratedBy : prov:Activity
      prov:wasInformedBy = synthetic_eukaryotic_tu_expansion1_activity
    type = DNA
    role = Gene
    component : Component
      identity = p1
      definition = cmv2
      wasDerivedFrom = p1_template
    component : Component
      identity = c1
      definition = enzyme4
      wasDerivedFrom = c1_template
    component : Component
      identity = t1
      definition = polyA
      wasDerivedFrom = t1_template
    sequenceConstraint = p1 precedes c1
    sequenceConstraint = c1 precedes t1


Backwards Compatibility

New classes and RECOMMENDED property value, no issues anticipated.



We have a complete log of the combinatorial expansion options and the individual expansions. We can also use provenance objects to document that a CombinatorialDerivation was executed using a specific software tool. The proposed extension also gives us a separation between an abstract design and the strategy used to refine it into a concrete design. We can take the same template and expand it in accordance with several CombinatorialDerivation objects that present different sets of VariableComponent objects.

Competing SEPs

Currently none.


  1. Brown et al., Synthetic promoters for CHO cell engineering, Biotechnol. and Bioeng., vol. 111, pp. 1638-1647, 2014.


To the extent possible under law, SBOL developers has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to SEP 007. This work is published from: United States.