package datastore - Signed integers (int, int8, int16, int32 and int64) - bool - string - float32 and float64 - []byte (up to 1 megabyte in length) - Any type whose underlying type is one of the above predeclared types - *Key - GeoPoint - time.Time (stored with microsecond precision, retrieved as local time) - Structs whose fields are all valid value types - Pointers to structs whose fields are all valid value types - Slices of any of the above - Pointers to a signed integer, bool, string, float32, or float64 package datastore - Ancestor and Filter constrain the entities returned by running a query. - Order affects the order in which they are returned. - Project constrains the fields returned. - Distinct de-duplicates projected entities. - KeysOnly makes the iterator return only keys, not (key, entity) pairs. - Start, End, Offset and Limit define which sub-sequence of matching entities to return. Start and End take cursors, Offset and Limit take integers. Start and Offset affect the first result, End and Limit affect the last result. If both Start and Offset are set, then the offset is relative to Start. If both End and Limit are set, then the earliest constraint wins. Limit is relative to Start+Offset, not relative to End. As a special case, a negative limit means unlimited. field - int64 - bool - string - float64 - *Key - time.Time (retrieved as local time) - GeoPoint - []byte (up to 1 megabyte in length) - *Entity (representing a nested struct) field - []interface{} where each element is one of the above types func DocumentRef.Create - bool converts to Bool. - string converts to String. - int, int8, int16, int32 and int64 convert to Integer. - uint8, uint16 and uint32 convert to Integer. uint, uint64 and uintptr are disallowed, because they may be able to represent values that cannot be represented in an int64, which is the underlying type of a Integer. - float32 and float64 convert to Double. - []byte converts to Bytes. - time.Time and *ts.Timestamp convert to Timestamp. ts is the package "". - *latlng.LatLng converts to GeoPoint. latlng is the package "". You should always use a pointer to a LatLng. - Slices convert to Array. - *firestore.DocumentRef converts to Reference. - Maps and structs convert to Map. - nils of any type convert to Null. func DocumentRef.Create - omitempty: Do not encode this field if it is empty. A value is empty if it is a zero value, or an array, slice or map of length zero. - serverTimestamp: The field must be of type time.Time. serverTimestamp is a sentinel token that tells Firestore to substitute the server time into that field. When writing, if the field has the zero value, the server will populate the stored document with the time that the request is processed. However, if the field value is non-zero it won't be saved. func DocumentSnapshot.DataTo - Null converts to nil. - Bool converts to bool. - String converts to string. - Integer converts int64. When setting a struct field, any signed or unsigned integer type is permitted except uint, uint64 or uintptr. Overflow is detected and results in an error. - Double converts to float64. When setting a struct field, float32 is permitted. Overflow is detected and results in an error. - Bytes is converted to []byte. - Timestamp converts to time.Time. - GeoPoint converts to *latlng.LatLng, where latlng is the package "". - Arrays convert to []interface{}. When setting a struct field, the field may be a slice or array of any type and is populated recursively. Slices are resized to the incoming value's size, while arrays that are too long have excess elements filled with zero values. If the array is too short, excess incoming values will be dropped. - Maps convert to map[string]interface{}. When setting a struct field, maps of key type string and any value type are permitted, and are populated recursively. - References are converted to *firestore.DocumentRefs. package pubsub * Message.Ack or Message.Nack is called, or * The "MaxExtension" period elapses from the time the message is fetched from the server. field * CreateSubscription * UpdateSubscription * ModifyPushConfig package pscompat - Pub/Sub Lite does not support NACK for messages. By default, this will terminate the SubscriberClient. A custom function can be provided for ReceiveSettings.NackHandler to handle NACKed messages. - Pub/Sub Lite has no concept of ACK deadlines. Subscribers must ACK or NACK every message received and can take as much time as they need to process the message. - Pub/Sub Lite PublisherClients and SubscriberClients can fail permanently when an unretryable error occurs. - Publishers and subscribers will be throttled if Pub/Sub Lite publish or subscribe throughput limits are exceeded. Thus publishing can be more sensitive to buffer overflow than Cloud Pub/Sub. - Pub/Sub Lite utilizes bidirectional gRPC streams extensively to maximize publish and subscribe throughput. type Key - A primary key which uniquely identifies a Cloud Spanner row. - A secondary index key which maps to a set of Cloud Spanner rows indexed under it. - An endpoint of primary key/secondary index ranges; see the KeyRange type. type Key - int, int8, int16, int32, int64, and NullInt64 are mapped to Cloud Spanner's INT64 type. - uint8, uint16 and uint32 are also mapped to Cloud Spanner's INT64 type. - float32, float64, NullFloat64 are mapped to Cloud Spanner's FLOAT64 type. - bool and NullBool are mapped to Cloud Spanner's BOOL type. - []byte is mapped to Cloud Spanner's BYTES type. - string and NullString are mapped to Cloud Spanner's STRING type. - time.Time and NullTime are mapped to Cloud Spanner's TIMESTAMP type. - civil.Date and NullDate are mapped to Cloud Spanner's DATE type. func Row.ToStruct 1. If a field has a `spanner: "column_name"` tag, then decode column 'column_name' into the field. A special case is the `spanner: "-"` tag, which instructs ToStruct to ignore the field during decoding. 2. Otherwise, if the name of a field matches the name of a column (ignoring case), decode the column into the field. package binres * unmarshal the output of aapt * marshal the struct representation * perform byte-to-byte comparison with aapt output per chunk header and body package binres * the unmarshalled input of aapt output is the only valid target * the unmarshalled input of xml text may be compared to the unmarshalled input of aapt output to identify errors, e.g. text-trims, wrong flags, etc func SublayerCalculator.ComputeSublayers 1. iterating over each span 2. add to the span's type and service duration the duration portion { web-server: 15, render: 15, pg: 12.5, pg-read: 15, redis: 27.5, rpc1: 30, alert: 40, } { web: 70, cache: 55, db: 55, rpc: 55, } type TagSet • (service) • (service, environment) • (service, host) • (service, resource, environment) • (service, resource) • .. func TagSet.MatchFilters * KEY is a non-empty string * VALUE is a string (can be empty) func TagSet.MatchFilters * KEY==k and VALUE is non-empty and v==VALUE * KEY==k and VALUE is empty (don't care about v) type Interval * Definition for an interval. * type Interval struct { * Start int * End int * } type TreeNode * Definition for a binary tree node. * type TreeNode struct { * Val int * Left *TreeNode * Right *TreeNode * } type TreeNode * Definition for a binary tree node. * type TreeNode struct { * Val int * Left *TreeNode * Right *TreeNode * } type TreeNode * Definition for a binary tree node. * type TreeNode struct { * Val int * Left *TreeNode * Right *TreeNode * } field 1. Current workflow's NodeID which is holding the lock. e.g: ${NodeID} field 1. Current workflow or other workflow NodeID which is holding the lock. e.g: ${WorkflowName}/${NodeID} func When.WaitForWorkflow * the workflow's name (not spaces) * or a new message (if it contain spaces) - default "to finish" type Logger - leveled logging - structured logging field 1. The wildcard * must be at the end of the string. For example, chaos-*.org is invalid. 2. if the patterns is empty, will take effect on all the domain names. field 1. 2. func Conn.SearchWithPaging - given SearchRequest missing a control of type ControlTypePaging: we will add one with the desired paging size - given SearchRequest contains a control of type ControlTypePaging that isn't actually a ControlPaging: fail without issuing any queries - given SearchRequest contains a control of type ControlTypePaging with pagingSize equal to the size requested: no change to the search request - given SearchRequest contains a control of type ControlTypePaging with pagingSize not equal to the size requested: fail without issuing any queries field 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has Message.ReplyToMessage not nil), sender of the original message. field 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has Message.ReplyToMessage not nil), sender of the original message. field 1) users that are @mentioned in the text of the Message object; 2) if the bot's message is a reply (has Message.ReplyToMessage not nil), sender of the original message. package text * message keys are not quoted strings, but identifiers * the top-level value must be a message without the delimiters field * Extension field targets: list of the extended parent message of every extension. Length is len(ExtensionOutputTypes). * Message field dependencies: list of the enum or message type referred to by every message field. * Extension field dependencies: list of the enum or message type referred to by every extension field. * Service method dependencies: list of the input and output message type referred to by every service method. field * for scalars (except []byte), where the API type uses *T, while the storage type uses T. * for repeated fields, where the API type uses []T, while the storage type uses *[]T. type ConformanceRequest 1. parse this proto (which should always succeed) 2. parse the protobuf or JSON payload in "payload" (which may fail) 3. if the parse succeeded, serialize the message in the requested format. field • a "key" field with a field number of 1 • a "value" field with a field number of 2 field * for scalars (except []byte), where ExtensionType uses *T, while Type.GoType uses T. * for repeated fields, where ExtensionType uses []T, while Type.GoType uses *[]T. field - The basename of the package import path, if provided. - Otherwise, the package statement in the .proto file, if present. - Otherwise, the basename of the .proto file, without extension. func RemoteAddrIsOk - OK because there's no CIDR whitelist - OK because it's in the CIDR whitelist type StringTemplate - Randomly generated characters. This uses the charset specified in RandomCharset. Must include a length. Example: {{ rand 20 }} type StringTemplate - Truncates the previous value to the specified length. Must include a maximum length. Example: {{ .DisplayName | truncate 10 }} type StringTemplate - Truncates the previous value to the specified length. If the original length is greater than the length specified, the remaining characters will be sha256 hashed and appended to the end. The hash will be only the first 8 characters The maximum length will be no longer than the length specified. Example: {{ .DisplayName | truncate_sha256 30 }} type StringTemplate - Uppercases the previous value. Example: {{ .RoleName | uppercase }} type StringTemplate - Lowercases the previous value. Example: {{ .DisplayName | lowercase }} type StringTemplate - Performs a string find & replace Example: {{ .DisplayName | replace - _ }} type StringTemplate - SHA256 hashes the previous value. Example: {{ .DisplayName | sha256 }} type StringTemplate - base64 encodes the previous value. Example: {{ .DisplayName | base64 }} type StringTemplate - Provides the current unix time in seconds. Example: {{ unix_time }} type StringTemplate - Provides the current unix time in milliseconds. Example: {{ unix_time_millis }} type StringTemplate - Provides the current time. Must include a standard Go format string type StringTemplate - Generates a UUID Example: {{ uuid }} func NewFilterWithFalsePositiveRate * 'falsePositiveRate' - the expected false positive rate when the filter is loaded with 'elementCount' elements * 'elementCount' - the expected number of elements that will be present in the filter * 'maxBytes' - the maximum memory footprint to allocate for this filter. func NewFilterWithSize * 'bytes' - the number of bytes to allocate for the filter buckets * 'elementCount' - the expected number of elements that will be present in the filter package serde - YAML (and any future storage formats) can re-use existing `json:` struct tags - The intermediate map[string]interface{} can be manipulated, making it possible to have flexible converstions between structs and documents. For examples, PPS pipelines may include a full TFJob spec, which is converted to a string and stored in the 'TFJob' field of Pachyderm's CreatePipelineRequest struct. func NewWorker 1. a master goroutine that attempts to obtain the master lock for the pipeline workers and direct jobs 2. a worker goroutine that gets tasks from the master and processes them 3. an api server that serves requests for status or cross-worker communication 4. a driver that provides common functionality between the above components func NewLogger - it's only used under the worker function when stats are enabled - 'Close' is used to end the object, but it must be explicitly called - the 'eg', 'putObjClient', 'msgCh', 'buffer', and 'objSize' don't play well with cloned loggers. func WithRefOverride * [link text][refid] * [refid][] type ThriftArgs_ - A - B type ThriftReply - C func CalculateWeight 1. weight=191 if t <= 10 2. weight=201 -t if 10 < t <=200 3. weight=1 if 200 < t < 1000 4. weight = 0 if t >= 1000 func Server.Register - exported method of exported type - three arguments, the first is of context.Context, both of exported type for three arguments - the third argument is a pointer - one return value, of type error func Server.RegisterFunction - three arguments, the first is of context.Context, both of exported type for three arguments - the third argument is a pointer - one return value, of type error type ThriftArgs_ - A - B type ThriftReply - C func CalculateWeight 1. weight=191 if t <= 10 2. weight=201 -t if 10 < t <=200 3. weight=1 if 200 < t < 1000 4. weight = 0 if t >= 1000 type ThriftColorGroup - ID - Name - Colors func Server.Register - exported method of exported type - three arguments, the first is of context.Context, both of exported type for three arguments - the third argument is a pointer - one return value, of type error func Server.RegisterFunction - three arguments, the first is of context.Context, both of exported type for three arguments - the third argument is a pointer - one return value, of type error func Plugin.Register - exported method of exported type - two arguments, both of exported type - the second argument is a pointer - one return value, of type error func CreateListener - SO_REUSEPORT. This option allows linear scaling server performance on multi-CPU servers. See for details. - TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT. This option expects the server reads from the accepted connection before writing to them. - TCP_FASTOPEN. See for details. field - DEFAULT (or absent) - aggregate counters and gauges locally, handle histograms and sets globally. - LOCAL - aggregate all metrics locally. - GLOBAL - aggregate all metrics globally. field - value: clusterAPIServerImageExample field - name: Setting controlplane endpoint address to and port to 443 example. value: clusterControlPlaneExample field - name: Configuring with flannel CNI and setting up subnets. value: clusterNetworkExample field - name: Bootstrap token example (do not use in production!). value: '"wlzjyw.bei2zfylhs2by0wd"' field - name: Decryption secret example (do not use in production!). value: '"z01mye6j16bspJYtTB/5SFX8j7Ph4JXxM2Xuu4vsBPM="' field - name: ClusterCA example. value: pemEncodedCertificateExample field - name: AggregatorCA example. value: pemEncodedCertificateExample field - name: AggregatorCA example. value: pemEncodedKeyExample field - value: clusterAPIServerExample field - value: clusterControllerManagerExample field - value: clusterProxyExample field - value: clusterSchedulerExample field - value: clusterEtcdExample field - value: clusterPodCheckpointerExample field - value: clusterCoreDNSExample field - value: > []string{ "", "", } field - value: > map[string]string{ "Token": "1234567", "X-ExtraInfo": "info", } field - value: clusterAdminKubeconfigExample field - true - yes - false - no field - value: clusterCustomCNIExample field - value: '"cluser.local"' field - value: > []string{""} field - value: > []string{""} field - "v1alpha1" field - true - yes - false - no field - true - yes - false - no field - value: clusterEndpointExample1 - value: clusterEndpointExample2 field - value: clusterControllerManagerImageExample field - value: '"eth0"' field - value: '""' field - value: networkConfigRoutesExample field - value: networkConfigBondExample field - value: true field - value: networkConfigDHCPOptionsExample field - name: wireguard server example value: networkConfigWireguardHostExample - name: wireguard peer example value: networkConfigWireguardPeerExample field - name: layer2 vip example - value: networkConfigVIPLayer2Example field - name: Human readable representation. value: DiskSize(100000000) - name: Precise value in bytes. value: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 field - value: '"luks2"' field - value: clusterEtcdImageExample field - value: pemEncodedCertificateExample field - values: > map[string]string{ "initial-cluster": "", "advertise-client-urls": "", } field - value: '"/dev/sda"' - value: '"/dev/nvme0"' field - value: '[]string{"talos.platform=metal", "reboot=k"}' field - value: '""' field - true - yes - false - no field - true - yes - false - no field - value: kubeletImageExample field - value: > map[string]string{ "key": "value", } field - value: kubeletExtraMountsExample field - true - yes - false - no field - "init" - "controlplane" - "join" field - name: example token value: "\"328hom.uqjzh6jnn2eie9oi\"" field - value: pemEncodedCertificateExample name: machine CA example field - name: Uncomment this to enable SANs. value: '[]string{"", "", ""}' field - name: Kubelet definition example. value: machineKubeletExample field - name: Network definition example. value: machineNetworkConfigExample field - name: MachineDisks list example. value: machineDisksExample field - name: MachineInstall config usage example. value: machineInstallExample field - name: MachineFiles usage example. value: machineFilesExample field - "`GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL`" - "`GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL`" - "`http_proxy`" - "`https_proxy`" - "`no_proxy`" field - name: Environment variables definition examples. value: machineEnvExamples[0] - value: machineEnvExamples[1] - value: machineEnvExamples[2] field - name: Example configuration for cloudflare ntp server. value: machineTimeExample field - name: MachineSysctls usage example. value: machineSysctlsExample field - value: machineConfigRegistriesExample field - value: machineSystemDiskEncryptionExample field - create - append - overwrite field - value: machineNetworkConfigExample.NetworkInterfaces field - value: '[]string{"", ""}' field - value: networkConfigExtraHostsExample field - value: false field - value: clusterProxyImageExample field - value: machineConfigRegistryMirrorsExample field - value: machineConfigRegistryConfigExample field - value: machineConfigRegistryTLSConfigExample1 - value: machineConfigRegistryTLSConfigExample2 field - value: machineConfigRegistryAuthConfigExample field - value: pemEncodedCertificateExample field - value: clusterSchedulerImageExample field - value: '"/var/lib/auth"' field - value: '"/etc/kubernetes/auth"' field - value: true package codec - msgpack: - binc: - cbor: - json: - simple: package codec - Simple but extremely powerful and feature-rich API - Support for go 1.4 and above, while selectively using newer APIs for later releases - Excellent code coverage ( > 90% ) - Very High Performance. Our extensive benchmarks show us outperforming Gob, Json, Bson, etc by 2-4X. - Careful selected use of 'unsafe' for targeted performance gains. - 100% safe mode supported, where 'unsafe' is not used at all. - Lock-free (sans mutex) concurrency for scaling to 100's of cores - In-place updates during decode, with option to zero value in maps and slices prior to decode - Coerce types where appropriate e.g. decode an int in the stream into a float, decode numbers from formatted strings, etc - Corner Cases: Overflows, nil maps/slices, nil values in streams are handled correctly - Standard field renaming via tags - Support for omitting empty fields during an encoding - Encoding from any value and decoding into pointer to any value (struct, slice, map, primitives, pointers, interface{}, etc) - Extensions to support efficient encoding/decoding of any named types - Support encoding.(Binary|Text)(M|Unm)arshaler interfaces - Support using existence of `IsZero() bool` to determine if a value is a zero value. Analogous to time.Time.IsZero() bool. - Decoding without a schema (into a interface{}). Includes Options to configure what specific map or slice type to use when decoding an encoded list or map into a nil interface{} - Mapping a non-interface type to an interface, so we can decode appropriately into any interface type with a correctly configured non-interface value. - Encode a struct as an array, and decode struct from an array in the data stream - Option to encode struct keys as numbers (instead of strings) (to support structured streams with fields encoded as numeric codes) - Comprehensive support for anonymous fields - Fast (no-reflection) encoding/decoding of common maps and slices - Code-generation for faster performance, supported in go 1.6+ - Support binary (e.g. messagepack, cbor) and text (e.g. json) formats - Support indefinite-length formats to enable true streaming (for formats which support it e.g. json, cbor) - Support canonical encoding, where a value is ALWAYS encoded as same sequence of bytes. This mostly applies to maps, where iteration order is non-deterministic. - NIL in data stream decoded as zero value - Never silently skip data when decoding. User decides whether to return an error or silently skip data when keys or indexes in the data stream do not map to fields in the struct. - Detect and error when encoding a cyclic reference (instead of stack overflow shutdown) - Encode/Decode from/to chan types (for iterative streaming support) - Drop-in replacement for encoding/json. `json:` key in struct tag supported. - Provides a RPC Server and Client Codec for net/rpc communication protocol. - Handle unique idiosyncrasies of codecs e.g. - For messagepack, configure how ambiguities in handling raw bytes are resolved - For messagepack, provide rpc server/client codec to support msgpack-rpc protocol defined at: package codec - is there an extension registered for the type? - is type a codec.Selfer? - is format binary, and is type a encoding.BinaryMarshaler and BinaryUnmarshaler? - is format specifically json, and is type a encoding/json.Marshaler and Unmarshaler? - is format text-based, and type an encoding.TextMarshaler and TextUnmarshaler? - else we use a pair of functions based on the "kind" of the type e.g. map, slice, int64, etc package codec - Create and initialize the Handle before any use. Once created, DO NOT modify it. - Multiple Encoders or Decoders can now use the Handle concurrently. They only read information off the Handle (never write). - However, each Encoder or Decoder MUST not be used concurrently - To re-use an Encoder/Decoder, call Reset(...) on it first. This allows you use state maintained on the Encoder/Decoder. package codec - struct tag value set to - - func, complex numbers, unsafe pointers - unexported and not embedded - unexported and embedded and not struct kind - unexported and embedded pointers (from go1.10) type BincHandle - only integers up to 64 bits of precision are supported. big integers are unsupported. - Only IEEE 754 binary32 and binary64 floats are supported (ie Go float32 and float64 types). extended precision and decimal IEEE 754 floats are unsupported. - Only UTF-8 strings supported. Unicode_Other Binc types (UTF16, UTF32) are currently unsupported. type CborHandle - indefinite-length arrays/maps/bytes/strings - (extension) tags in range 0..0xffff (0 .. 65535) - half, single and double-precision floats - all numbers (1, 2, 4 and 8-byte signed and unsigned integers) - nil, true, false, ... - arrays and maps, bytes and text strings type CborHandle - timestamp, BigNum, BigFloat, Decimals, - Encoded Text (e.g. URL, regexp, base64, MIME Message), etc. func Decoder.Decode - Numbers are decoded as float64, int64 or uint64. - Other values are decoded appropriately depending on the type: bool, string, []byte, time.Time, etc - Extensions are decoded as RawExt (if no ext function registered for the tag) func Decoder.Decode - If an extension is registered for it, call that extension function - If it implements BinaryUnmarshaler, call its UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error - Else decode it based on its reflect.Kind func Decoder.Decode - A map can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching keys. - A slice can be decoded from a stream array, by updating the first n elements, where n is length of the stream. - A slice can be decoded from a stream map, by decoding as if it contains a sequence of key-value pairs. - A struct can be decoded from a stream map, by updating matching fields. - A struct can be decoded from a stream array, by updating fields as they occur in the struct (by index). field - If ==0, we only consume the elements currently available in the chan. - if <0, we consume until the chan is closed. - If >0, we consume until this timeout. field - If there is a natural sort order (ie for number, bool, string or []byte keys), then the map keys are first sorted in natural order and then written with corresponding map values to the strema. - If there is no natural sort order, then the map keys will first be encoded into []byte, and then sorted, before writing the sorted keys and the corresponding map values to the stream. func Encoder.Encode - omitempty: so all fields are omitted if empty - toarray: so struct is encoded as an array - int: so struct key names are encoded as signed integers (instead of strings) - uint: so struct key names are encoded as unsigned integers (instead of strings) - float: so struct key names are encoded as floats (instead of strings) func Encoder.Encode - the field's tag is "-", OR - the field is empty (empty or the zero value) and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option. func Encoder.Encode - StructToArray Encode option is set, OR - the tag on the _struct field sets the "toarray" option func Encoder.Encode - the struct tag specifies a replacement name (first value) - the field is of an interface type func Encoder.Encode - If a Selfer, call its CodecEncodeSelf method - If an extension is registered for it, call that extension function - If implements encoding.(Binary|Text|JSON)Marshaler, call Marshal(Binary|Text|JSON) method - Else encode it based on its reflect.Kind type JsonHandle - decodes numbers into interface{} as int, uint or float64 based on how the number looks and some config parameters e.g. PreferFloat, SignedInt, etc. - decode integers from float formatted numbers e.g. 1.27e+8 - decode any json value (numbers, bool, etc) from quoted strings - configurable way to encode/decode []byte . by default, encodes and decodes []byte using base64 Std Encoding - UTF-8 support for encoding and decoding field - If positive, indent by that number of spaces. - If negative, indent by that number of tabs. field - if 'L', then encode integers > 2^53 as a json string. - if 'A', then encode all integers as a json string containing the exact integer representation as a decimal. - else encode all integers as a json number (default) type MapBySlice - A slice or array type which implements MapBySlice will be encoded as a map - A slice can be decoded from a map in the stream type SimpleHandle - Encoding of a value is always preceded by the descriptor byte (bd) - True, false, nil are encoded fully in 1 byte (the descriptor) - Integers (intXXX, uintXXX) are encoded in 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes (plus a descriptor byte). There are positive (uintXXX and intXXX >= 0) and negative (intXXX < 0) integers. - Floats are encoded in 4 or 8 bytes (plus a descriptor byte) - Length of containers (strings, bytes, array, map, extensions) are encoded in 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. Zero-length containers have no length encoded. For others, the number of bytes is given by pow(2, bd%3) - maps are encoded as [bd] [length] [[key][value]]... - arrays are encoded as [bd] [length] [value]... - extensions are encoded as [bd] [length] [tag] [byte]... - strings/bytearrays are encoded as [bd] [length] [byte]... - time.Time are encoded as [bd] [length] [byte]... field - Batch func AgentClient.EmitBatch - Batch type AgentEmitBatchArgs - Batch type Batch - Process - Spans type BatchSubmitResponse - Ok field - Batches func CollectorClient.SubmitBatches - Batches type CollectorSubmitBatchesArgs - Batches type CollectorSubmitBatchesResult - Success type Log - Timestamp - Fields type Process - ServiceName - Tags type Span - TraceIdLow - TraceIdHigh - SpanId - ParentSpanId - OperationName - References - Flags - StartTime - Duration - Tags - Logs type SpanRef - RefType - TraceIdLow - TraceIdHigh - SpanId type Tag - Key - VType - VStr - VDouble - VBool - VLong - VBinary value 1. The system starts receiving at time=t_0. 2. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 3. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 4. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 5. The 1 second collection cycle ends. A metric is exported for the number of requests received over the interval of time t_0 to t_0+1 with a value of 3. 6. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 7. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 8. The 1 second collection cycle ends. A metric is exported for the number of requests received over the interval of time t_0+1 to t_0+2 with a value of 2. value 1. The system starts receiving at time=t_0. 2. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 3. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 4. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 5. The 1 second collection cycle ends. A metric is exported for the number of requests received over the interval of time t_0 to t_0+1 with a value of 3. 6. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 7. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 8. The 1 second collection cycle ends. A metric is exported for the number of requests received over the interval of time t_0 to t_0+2 with a value of 5. 9. The system experiences a fault and loses state. 10. The system recovers and resumes receiving at time=t_1. 11. A request is received, the system measures 1 request. 12. The 1 second collection cycle ends. A metric is exported for the number of requests received over the interval of time t_1 to t_0+1 with a value of 1. type Metric - the moment when an aggregation is reported (independent of the aggregation temporality). - the instantaneous time of the event. field - Batch func AgentClient.EmitBatch - Batch type AgentEmitBatchArgs - Batch type Batch - Process - Spans type BatchSubmitResponse - Ok field - Batches func CollectorClient.SubmitBatches - Batches type CollectorSubmitBatchesArgs - Batches type CollectorSubmitBatchesResult - Success type Log - Timestamp - Fields type Process - ServiceName - Tags type Span - TraceIdLow - TraceIdHigh - SpanId - ParentSpanId - OperationName - References - Flags - StartTime - Duration - Tags - Logs type SpanRef - RefType - TraceIdLow - TraceIdHigh - SpanId type Tag - Key - VType - VStr - VDouble - VBool - VLong - VBinary type TProcessorFunctionFactory * The default processor factory just returns a singleton * instance. func NewTracerProvider - a ParentBased(AlwaysSample) Sampler - a random number IDGenerator - the resource.Default() Resource - the default SpanLimits. type Link 1. Batch Processing: A batch of operations may contain operations associated with one or more traces/spans. Since there can only be one parent SpanContext, a Link is used to keep reference to the SpanContext of all operations in the batch. 2. Public Endpoint: A SpanContext for an in incoming client request on a public endpoint should be considered untrusted. In such a case, a new trace with its own identity and sampling decision needs to be created, but this new trace needs to be related to the original trace in some form. A Link is used to keep reference to the original SpanContext and track the relationship. package mongodocstore - Gets: *options.FindOptions - writes: []mongo.WriteModel and *options.BulkWriteOptions package mongodocstore - Collection: *mongo.Collection - Query.BeforeQuery: *options.FindOptions or bson.D (the filter for Delete and Update queries) - DocumentIterator: *mongo.Cursor - Error: mongo.CommandError, mongo.BulkWriteError, mongo.BulkWriteException type URLOpener - id_field (optional): the field name to use for the "_id" field. package kafkapubsub - Topic: sarama.SyncProducer - Subscription: sarama.ConsumerGroup, sarama.ConsumerGroupSession (may be nil during session renegotiation, and session may go stale at any time) - Message: *sarama.ConsumerMessage - Message.BeforeSend: *sarama.ProducerMessage - Error: sarama.ConsumerError, sarama.ConsumerErrors, sarama.ProducerError, sarama.ProducerErrors, sarama.ConfigurationError, sarama.PacketDecodingError, sarama.PacketEncodingError, sarama.KError package natspubsub - Topic: *nats.Conn - Subscription: *nats.Subscription - Message.BeforeSend: None. - Message: *nats.Msg package rabbitpubsub - Topic: *amqp.Connection - Subscription: *amqp.Connection - Message.BeforeSend: *amqp.Publishing - Message: amqp.Delivery - Error: *amqp.Error and MultiError package etcdvar - Snapshot: *clientv3.GetResponse - Error: rpctypes.EtcdError type URLOpener - decoder: The decoder to use. Defaults to runtimevar.BytesDecoder. See runtimevar.DecoderByName for supported values. package regtest + the Runner type starts and connects to a gopls instance for each configured execution mode. + the Env type provides a collection of resources to use in writing tests (for example a temporary working directory and fake text editor) + user interactions with these resources are scripted using test wrappers around the API provided by the package. package v1beta1 - "apiServerEndpoint" in InitConfiguration was renamed to "localAPIEndpoint" for better clarity of what the field represents. - Common fields in ClusterConfiguration such as "*extraArgs" and "*extraVolumes" for control plane components are now moved under component structs - i.e. "apiServer", "controllerManager", "scheduler". - "auditPolicy" was removed from ClusterConfiguration. Please use "extraArgs" in "apiServer" to configure this feature instead. - "unifiedControlPlaneImage" in ClusterConfiguration was changed to a boolean field called "useHyperKubeImage". - ClusterConfiguration now has a "dns" field which can be used to select and configure the cluster DNS addon. - "featureGates" still exists under ClusterConfiguration, but there are no supported feature gates in 1.13. See the Kubernetes 1.13 changelog for further details. - Both "localEtcd" and "dns" configurations now support custom image repositories. - The "controlPlane*"-related fields in JoinConfiguration were refactored into a sub-structure. - "clusterName" was removed from JoinConfiguration and the name is now fetched from the existing cluster. package v1beta2 - "certificateKey" field is added to InitConfiguration and JoinConfiguration. - "ignorePreflightErrors" field is added to the NodeRegistrationOptions. - The JSON "omitempty" tag is used in a more places where appropriate. - The JSON "omitempty" tag of the "taints" field (inside NodeRegistrationOptions) is removed. See the Kubernetes 1.15 changelog for further details. func ControlplaneClusterInput.CleanUpCoreArtifacts * All Machines are removed * All MachineSets are removed * All MachineDeployments are removed * All KubeadmConfigs are removed * All Secrets are removed func ControlplaneClusterInput.ControlPlaneCluster * The number of nodes in the created cluster will equal the number of control plane nodes plus the number of replicas in the machine deployment. func TryAddDefaultSchemes * Kubernetes corev1 * Kubernetes appsv1 * CAPI core * Kubeadm Bootstrapper * Kubeadm ControlPlane