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proposal: Go 2: local-only throw-catch error handling #48896

jtlapp opened this issue Oct 10, 2021 · 21 comments

proposal: Go 2: local-only throw-catch error handling #48896

jtlapp opened this issue Oct 10, 2021 · 21 comments
error-handling Language & library change proposals that are about error handling. FrozenDueToAge LanguageChange Suggested changes to the Go language Proposal Proposal-FinalCommentPeriod v2 An incompatible library change


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jtlapp commented Oct 10, 2021

This is a response to the 2018 request for error handling proposals.

My objective is to make the primary/expected code path clear at a glance, so that we can see what a function normally does without having to mentally filter out the exceptional processing. This is also the only thing I'm uncomfortable with about Go, as I'm absolutely in love with Go's implementation of OOP. However, an extension of this solution supports chaining, so we could also address the issue of redundant error handling code.

Under this proposal, we would implement a local-only throw-catch feature that does not unwind the stack. The feature has no knowledge of the error type, relying instead on '!' to indicate which variable to test for nil. When that variable is not nil, the local-only "exception" named for the assignment is thrown. catch statements at the end of the function handle the exceptions. The body of each catch statement is a closure scoped to the assignment that threw the associated exception, so that the variables declared at the point of the assignment are available to the exception handler.

Here is how the example from the original RFP would look. Mind you, the code would fail to compile if a thrown exception is not caught within the same function or if a caught exception is not thrown within the same function.

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
	r, !err := os.Open(src) throw failedPrep
	defer r.Close()
	w, !err := os.Create(dst) throw failedPrep
	_, !err := io.Copy(w, r) throw failedCopy
	!err := w.Close() throw failedClose
	catch failedPrep {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)
	catch failedCopy {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)
	catch failedClose {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

For reference, here is the original code from the RFP:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
	r, err := os.Open(src)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)
	defer r.Close()

	w, err := os.Create(dst)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

	if _, err := io.Copy(w, r); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

	if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

If we wanted to support chaining in order to reduce redundant error handling, we might allow something like this:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
	r, !err := os.Open(src) throw failure
	defer r.Close()
	w, !err := os.Create(dst) throw failure
	_, !err := io.Copy(w, r) throw closeDst
	!err := w.Close() throw removeDst
	catch closeDst {
		throw removeDst
	catch removeDst {
		throw failure
	catch failure {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

If we did allow chaining, then to keep the error handling code clear, we could require that a throw within a catch must precede the subsequent catch, so that execution only cascades downward through the listing. We might also restrict standalone throw statements to the bodies of catch statements. I'm thinking that the presence of the '!' in the assignment statement should be sufficient to distinguish trailing throw clauses from standalone throw statements, should an assignment line be long and incline us to indent its throw clause on the next line.

We can think of the '!' as an assertion that we might read as "not" or "no", consistent with its usage in boolean expressions, asserting that the code only proceeds if a value is not provided (nil is suggestive of not having a value). This allows us to read the following statement as "w and not error equals..." or "w and no error equals...":

	w, !err := os.Create(dst) throw failedCreateDst

A nice side-benefit of this approach is that, once one understands what '!' is asserting, it's obvious to anyone who has ever used exceptions how this code works.

Of course, the solution isn't wedded to '!' nor to the keywords throw or catch, in case others can think of something better. We might also decide to call what is thrown and caught something other than an "exception".

UPDATE: I replaced the switch-like case syntax with separate catch statements and showed the possible addition of a chaining feature.
UPDATE: I didn't see it at the time I wrote this, but the proposal #27519 has some similarities.

@gopherbot gopherbot added this to the Proposal milestone Oct 10, 2021
@ianlancetaylor ianlancetaylor changed the title Proposal: local-only throw-catch error handling proposal: Go 2: local-only throw-catch error handling Oct 10, 2021
@ianlancetaylor ianlancetaylor added error-handling Language & library change proposals that are about error handling. v2 An incompatible library change LanguageChange Suggested changes to the Go language labels Oct 10, 2021
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jtlapp commented Oct 10, 2021

If we wanted to make the syntax both more succinct and more unique to Go, would could call the exceptions "traps" and use the trigger "or" to "trigger" traps. Here without chaining:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
	r, !err := os.Open(src) or failedPrep
	defer r.Close()
	w, !err := os.Create(dst) or failedPrep
	_, !err := io.Copy(w, r) or failedCopy
	!err := w.Close() or failedClose
	trap failedPrep {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)
	trap failedCopy {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)
	trap failedClose {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

And if we wanted to support chaining, we might complement the "or" trigger with an "and" trigger:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
	r, !err := os.Open(src) or fail
	defer r.Close()
	w, !err := os.Create(dst) or fail
	_, !err := io.Copy(w, r) or closeDst
	!err := w.Close() or removeDst
	trap closeDst {
		and removeDst
	trap removeDst {
		and fail
	trap fail {
		return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

Note that these keywords better supports the use of verbs to name exceptions (traps).

We should probably avoid using the keywords "handle" and "handler", because these are likely common identifiers in existing code bases.

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jtlapp commented Oct 10, 2021

Heck, the catch (or trap) code blocks could actually be macro-expanded where exceptions are thrown (or traps are triggered), eliminating the need to treat them as closures.

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as commented Oct 10, 2021

To me the examples in the proposal are overwhelmingly more confusing than the traditional alternative.

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Back when the discussions for error handling were lively, there was a proposal to improve goto, so it could handle cases like this. (At present, goto won't let you goto a section of code where new variables have been declared.) This is very similar to those proposals. The effect ends up looking like Ruby, in which methods end with a rescue block.

Having read through all those debates, the conclusion I came to is that there's not really any way to improve Go's error handling besides just adding if err? as a shortcut for if err == nil and return ..., err as a placeholder for whatever the other return values are. Any other improvement either ends up being two ways to write the same thing or makes it easier to write code without wrapping errors, neither of which is desirable. In this case, the error handling is the same, but shunted off to the end, which I guess is okay, but it's not clear why having it all at the end is that much better than having it all inline.

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jtlapp commented Oct 12, 2021

@carlmjohnson, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I'm thinking that the more complicated the error handling, the more obscure the behavior for which the function was created. I agree that the benefit is minimal in this short example.

The more often that later code depends on prior variables, the more you'll either be nesting the primary code path within if statements or you'll be declaring variables in advance of using them. So I'm thinking that an approach like this helps to keep a function's functional objective left-aligned and clear without inclining us to repeatedly turn := into = and moving declarations upward.

It just seems to me that mixing error handling with the main path is at odds with writing "self-documenting" code. Sure, code precisely documents what it's intended to do even with error handling mixed in, but when we write a paragraph explaining what a function does, we describe the non-exceptional path first and then enumerate how exceptions are handled. It helps to see what we're trying to do before seeing how we handle everything that can go wrong.

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jtlapp commented Oct 12, 2021

Also, dealing with complex error handling by moving it out to separate functions just moves error handing farther from the code to which it pertains, violating the principle of keeping error handling near the error it handles. Without a separate mechanism like this, we might stick with this Go principle only for simple cases and violate this Go principle for lengthy cases, akin to dealing with exceptions that unwind the stack and put error handling far from where it belongs. A mechanism like this can help us better stick to principles overall.

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In this case, the error handling is the same, but shunted off to the end, which I guess is okay, but it's not clear why having it all at the end is that much better than having it all inline.

The current proposed syntax somehow feels a little bit off however in regard to the quoted comment, one of the benefits of having all error handling not inline is better readability of the happy path. Often there are functions where the actual work is lost in a sea of inline error handling.

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jtlapp commented Oct 13, 2021

Playing around with some demo client code I wrote, I think I prefer the following:

  1. Using the keyword 'or' to trigger an exception when err != nil.
  2. Using the keyword 'catch' to name an exception handler.
  3. Allowing the use of 'throw' in the code body to delegate to an exception handler.

Here's some code illustrating how we can use exception names to clearly name the errors inline while still moving lengthy, distracting error descriptions to the end of the function. It should suffice for the compile to just do macro-expansion.

const (
	loginURL   = ""
	refererURL = ""
	apiURL     = ""

type collectionsJSON struct {
	Collections map[string]int `json:"collections"`

type loginJSON struct {
	UserName   string `json:"username"`
	Password   string `json:"password"`
	Collection int    `json:"collection"`

type Connection struct {
	CsrfToken string
	Referer   string // (sic)
	Cookies   []*http.Cookie

func Connect(collectionName, username, password string) (*Connection, error) {

	// Visit login page to get the CSRF token and collection ID

	req, !err := http.NewRequest("GET", loginURL, nil) or noInitialRequest
	res, !err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req) or noInitialPage
	var csrfToken string
	cookies := res.Cookies()
	for _, c := range cookies {
		if c.Name == "csrftoken" {
			csrfToken = c.Value
	if csrfToken == "" {
		throw noCsrfToken

	body, !err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) or noInitialPageBody
	defer res.Body.Close()
	var result collectionsJSON
	!err = json.Unmarshal(body, &result) or failedParsingInitialBody
	collections := result.Collections
	var collectionID int
	foundCollection := false
	for name, id := range collections {
		if name == collectionName {
			collectionID = id
			foundCollection = true
	if !foundCollection {
		throw collectionNotFound

	// Login

	loginInfo := loginJSON{
		UserName:   username,
		Password:   password,
		Collection: collectionID,
	loginInfoJSON, !err := json.Marshal(loginInfo) or failedParsingLogin
	req, !err = http.NewRequest("PUT", loginURL, bytes.NewBuffer(loginInfoJSON))
		or noLoginRequest
	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	req.Header.Set("X-CSRFToken", csrfToken)
	req.Header.Set("Referer", refererURL)
	for _, cookie := range cookies {
	res, !err = http.DefaultClient.Do(req) or noLoginResponse
	if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode >= 300 {
		throw failedLogin
	body, !err = ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) or failedParsingLoginBody
	defer res.Body.Close()
	cookies = res.Cookies()

	return &Connection{
		CsrfToken: csrfToken,
		Referer:   refererURL,
		Cookies:   cookies,
	}, nil

	// Handle exceptions

	catch noInitialRequest {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create login page request: %v", err)
	catch noInitialPage {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to receive login page response: %v", err)
	catch noCsrfToken {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("did not receive a CSRF token")
	catch noInitialPageBody {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read login page body: %v", err)
	catch failedParsingInitialBody {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshall [%s]: %v", body, err)
	catch collectionNotFound {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to find collection \"%s\" in %v",
			collectionName, collections)
	catch failedParsingLogin {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal login info: %v", err)
	catch noLoginRequest {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create auth request: %v", err)
	catch noLoginResponse {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to receive auth response: %v", err)
	catch throwFailedLogin {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("login failed with status code %d", res.StatusCode)
	catch failedParsingLoginBody {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read auth body: %v", err)

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jtlapp commented Oct 25, 2021

IMO, mixing error handling with the primary code path makes the intention of code harder to understand. I have expend some effort to filter for what the code is supposed to do, when I could otherwise have determined this at a glance. I've become used to this benefit in other programming languages. I feel like I'm backsliding.

I guess the design team needs to decide whether or not to add a feature that might bring more programmers in the Go camp, despite most Go programmers apparently saying they are not interested in the feature. As far as I can tell, looking through the history of responses to error handling proposals, most of the community is against separating error handling from the main code path, regardless of the details of the error handling proposal.

Should mixed error handling be mandatory coding philosophy across all projects? Or should it be optional per project?

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I don't know that I've seen a strong preference for keeping error handling with the main code path as such. I've seen a strong preference for simplicity and clarity.

With this proposal, I'm inclined toward @carlmjohnson 's comment at #48896 (comment). You've written trap and catch but the construct is not a trap or catch as used in most languages, because it does not work across functions. It's a goto label. So why not use goto?

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Based on the discussion above and the emoji voting, this is a likely decline. Leaving open for four weeks for final comments.

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No further comments.

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jtlapp commented Jan 6, 2022

For the record, it wouldn't be a "goto" due to closure requirements. As explained above, this would best be implemented as macro expansion.

In any case, I find several aspects of Go at odds with writing self-documenting code:

  • The requirement to mix error handling with the primary code path obfuscates the purpose of the code.
  • Using capitalization to indicate scope inclines people to use abbreviations for instances of classes.
  • Placing the error return at the front of each call adds just a little bit of effort to scanning for the function called.
  • Requiring the target to appear at the front of each definition requires us to scan right to find the function name.

My experience with this thread suggests that the community in general does not value self-documenting code.

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Or perhaps we disagree as to what self-documenting code looks like.

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jtlapp commented Jan 7, 2022

I'll take ownership of my statement: I, a veteran programmer of 40 years, find myself unable to write code as clear in Go as I can in many other languages. Maybe it's my shortcoming, but this inclines me to avoid Go for future work.

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It's definitely true that Go is an opinionated language. Not everybody is going to agree with the choices that it makes. I apologize for any suggestion that this might somehow be your shortcoming. I only meant to say that people can disagree about these points.

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jtlapp commented Jan 7, 2022

Oh no need for apology. Your point was fair, even if I don't understand how any of these things are beneficial to code clarity or even neutral in regard to clarity.

For example, I am quite fond of the flexibility that left-side targeting provides, and I hadn't complained about its readability before, but I did feel inclined to identify the trend that pushes me away from Go.

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ofabricio commented Apr 17, 2022

My suggestion. catch runs first then catcher is called:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
    r := os.Open(src)   catch
    defer r.Close()
    w := os.Create(dst) catch
    _ := io.Copy(w, r)  catch { w.Close(); os.Remove(dst) }
    w.Close()           catch { os.Remove(dst) }

    catcher (err error) {
        return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

Could even pass arguments to the catcher:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
    r := os.Open(src)   catch ("open src")
    defer r.Close()
    w := os.Create(dst) catch ("create dst")
    _ := io.Copy(w, r)  catch ("copy src to dst") { w.Close(); os.Remove(dst) }
    w.Close()           catch ("close dst") { os.Remove(dst) }

    catcher (msg string, err error) {
        return fmt.Errorf("%s error: %v", msg, err)

I removed !err cause I dont like it and it could be suppressed. But if you'd rather put it back, ok.


Another option:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
    r := os.Open(src)   catch
    defer r.Close()
    w := os.Create(dst) catch
    io.Copy(w, r)       catch { w.Close(); os.Remove(dst) }
    w.Close()           catch { os.Remove(dst) }
    return nil
} catch (err error) {
    return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

Or yet:

func CopyFile(src, dst string) error {
    r := os.Open(src)   catch
    defer r.Close()
    w := os.Create(dst) catch
    io.Copy(w, r)       catch { w.Close(); os.Remove(dst) }
    w.Close()           catch { os.Remove(dst) }
    return nil
catch (err error):
    return fmt.Errorf("copy %s %s: %v", src, dst, err)

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jtlapp commented Apr 17, 2022

@ofabricio I love it! But I suspect the compiler is going to need a clue to look ahead for the catch keyword, and then an additional clue about whether the following { ... } block actually belongs to the catch. The bracket blocks might not work.

This thread is dead, so if you want people to consider the proposal, you'll need to start a new thread. Unfortunately, I think the community is dead set on rejecting alternative error handling, no matter the proposal.

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ofabricio commented Apr 18, 2022

@jtlapp I think I'll only link this issue in other issues so people can reopen this one if they like this idea. Im not very excited about proposing this myself.

Anyway, I took a http handler I have and converted it using this catch solution to see how it goes. And this is the result:

With catch:

func ListHandler(List domain.ListFunc, Count domain.CountFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        u := Util(w, r)

        filter := domain.ListFilter{
            Limit:             u.QueryIntRange("size", 10, 1000),
            LastID:            u.QueryParam("last_id"),
            UserID:            u.QueryParam("user_id"),
            Status:            u.QueryParam("status"),
            RegisterDateBegin: u.QueryTime("register_date_begin") catch (http.StatusBadRequest),
            RegisterDateEnd:   u.QueryTime("register_date_end") catch (http.StatusBadRequest),

        res := List(r.Context(), filter) catch (http.StatusInternalServerError) 
        cnt := Count(r.Context(), filter) catch (http.StatusInternalServerError)

        u.Json(http.StatusOK, ListResponse{
            Count: cnt,
            Data:  res,

        catcher (code int, err error) {
            if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
            log.Error().Err(err).Msg("ListHandler error") // could've passed this str as argument
            u.JsonError(code, err)

Without catch (original code):

func ListHandler(List domain.ListFunc, Count domain.CountFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

        u := Util(w, r)

        ini, err := u.QueryTime("register_date_begin")
        if err != nil {
            u.JsonError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

        end, err := u.QueryTime("register_date_end")
        if err != nil {
            u.JsonError(http.StatusBadRequest, err)

        filter := domain.ListFilter{
            Limit:             u.QueryIntRange("size", 10, 1000),
            LastID:            u.QueryParam("last_id"),
            UserID:            u.QueryParam("user_id"),
            Status:            u.QueryParam("status"),
            RegisterDateBegin: ini,
            RegisterDateEnd:   end,

        res, err := List(r.Context(), filter)
        if err != nil {
            if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
            log.Error().Err(err).Msg("List error")
            u.JsonError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

        count, err := Count(r.Context(), filter)
        if err != nil {
            if err == context.Canceled || err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
            log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Count error")
            u.JsonError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err)

        u.Json(http.StatusOK, ListResponse{
            Count: count,
            Data:  res,

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With a proper IDE, I could live with this.

@golang golang locked and limited conversation to collaborators Apr 25, 2023
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error-handling Language & library change proposals that are about error handling. FrozenDueToAge LanguageChange Suggested changes to the Go language Proposal Proposal-FinalCommentPeriod v2 An incompatible library change
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