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internal/lsp/cache: introduce a workspace abstraction
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When incorporating the gopls.mod file, the invalidation logic for
workspace module information becomes quite complicated. For example:
 + if a modfile changes we should only invalidate if it is in the set of
   active modules
 + the set of active modules can be provided by either the filesystem or
 + if gopls.mod changes, we may gain or lose active modules in the
 + if gopls.mod is *deleted*, we may need to walk the filesystem to
   actually find all active modules

Doing this with only concrete changes to the snapshot proved
prohibitively complex (at least for me), so a new workspace type is
introduced to manage the module state. This new abstraction is
responsible for tracking the set of active modules, the workspace
modfile, and the set of workspace directories. Its invalidation logic is
factored out of snapshot.clone, so that it can be tested and to
alleviate some of the growing complexity of snapshot.clone.

The workspace type is idempotent, allowing it to be shared across
snapshots without needing to use the cache. There is little benefit to
the cache in this case, since workspace module computation should be
infrequent, and the type itself consumes little memory.

This is made possible because the workspace type itself depends only on
file state, and therefore may be invalidated independently of the
snapshot. The new source.FileState interface is used in testing, and so
that the workspace module may be computed based on both the session file
state as well as the snapshot file state.

As a result of this change, the following improvements in functionality
are possible:
 + in the presence of a gopls.mod file, we avoid walking the filesystem
   to detect modules. This could be helpful for working in large
   monorepos or in GOPATH, when discovering all modules would be
 + The set of active modules should always be consistent with the
   gopls.mod file, likely fixing some bugs (for example, computing
   diagnostics for modfiles that shouldn't be loaded)

For golang/go#41837

Change-Id: I2da888c097748b659ee892ca2d6b3fbe29c1942e
Run-TryBot: Robert Findley <>
gopls-CI: kokoro <>
TryBot-Result: Go Bot <>
Reviewed-by: Heschi Kreinick <>
Trust: Robert Findley <>
  • Loading branch information
findleyr committed Oct 30, 2020
1 parent 443cd81 commit d463eb0
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Showing 14 changed files with 936 additions and 471 deletions.
64 changes: 58 additions & 6 deletions gopls/internal/regtest/workspace_test.go
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,16 @@ replace => %s

const workspaceModuleProxy = `
-- --
go 1.12
-- --
package blah
func SaySomething() {
-- --
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -364,6 +374,9 @@ func Hello() int {

func TestUseGoplsMod(t *testing.T) {
// This test validates certain functionality related to using a gopls.mod
// file to specify workspace modules.
testenv.NeedsGo1Point(t, 14)
const multiModule = `
-- moda/a/go.mod --
Expand All @@ -384,6 +397,7 @@ func main() {
-- modb/go.mod --
require v1.2.3
-- modb/b/b.go --
package b
Expand All @@ -404,12 +418,18 @@ replace => $SANDBOX_WORKDIR/moda/a
).run(t, multiModule, func(t *testing.T, env *Env) {
// Initially, the gopls.mod should cause only the module to be
// loaded. Validate this by jumping to a definition in and ensuring
// that we go to the module cache.
original, _ := env.GoToDefinition("moda/a/a.go", env.RegexpSearch("moda/a/a.go", "Hello"))
if want := ""; !strings.HasSuffix(original, want) {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", want, original)
location, _ := env.GoToDefinition("moda/a/a.go", env.RegexpSearch("moda/a/a.go", "Hello"))
if want := ""; !strings.HasSuffix(location, want) {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", want, location)
workdir := env.Sandbox.Workdir.RootURI().SpanURI().Filename()

// Now, modify the gopls.mod file on disk to activate the module in
// the workspace.
env.WriteWorkspaceFile("gopls.mod", fmt.Sprintf(`module gopls-workspace
require (
Expand All @@ -426,9 +446,41 @@ replace => %s/modb
env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("modb/b/b.go", "x"),
newLocation, _ := env.GoToDefinition("moda/a/a.go", env.RegexpSearch("moda/a/a.go", "Hello"))
if want := "modb/b/b.go"; !strings.HasSuffix(newLocation, want) {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", want, newLocation)
// Check that go.mod diagnostics picked up the newly active mod file.
env.Await(env.DiagnosticAtRegexp("modb/go.mod", `require v1.2.3`))
// ...and that jumping to definition now goes to in the workspace.
location, _ = env.GoToDefinition("moda/a/a.go", env.RegexpSearch("moda/a/a.go", "Hello"))
if want := "modb/b/b.go"; !strings.HasSuffix(location, want) {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", want, location)

// Now, let's modify the gopls.mod *overlay* (not on disk), and verify that
// this change is also picked up.
env.SetBufferContent("gopls.mod", fmt.Sprintf(`module gopls-workspace
require ( v0.0.0-goplsworkspace
replace => %s/moda/a
`, workdir))
env.Await(CompletedWork(lsp.DiagnosticWorkTitle(lsp.FromDidChange), 1))
// TODO: diagnostics are not being cleared from the old go.mod location,
// because it's not treated as a 'deleted' file. Uncomment this after
// fixing.
CompletedWork(lsp.DiagnosticWorkTitle(lsp.FromDidChange), 1),

// Just as before, check that we now jump to the module cache.
location, _ = env.GoToDefinition("moda/a/a.go", env.RegexpSearch("moda/a/a.go", "Hello"))
if want := ""; !strings.HasSuffix(location, want) {
t.Errorf("expected %s, got %v", want, location)
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions gopls/internal/regtest/wrappers.go
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ func (e *Env) EditBuffer(name string, edits ...fake.Edit) {

func (e *Env) SetBufferContent(name string, content string) {
if err := e.Editor.SetBufferContent(e.Ctx, name, content); err != nil {

// RegexpRange returns the range of the first match for re in the buffer
// specified by name, calling t.Fatal on any error. It first searches for the
// position in open buffers, then in workspace files.
Expand Down
23 changes: 13 additions & 10 deletions internal/lsp/cache/cache.go
Expand Up @@ -79,14 +79,10 @@ func (c *Cache) getFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (*fileHandle, error)
return fh, nil

select {
case ioLimit <- struct{}{}:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
fh, err := readFile(ctx, uri, fi.ModTime())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() { <-ioLimit }()

fh = readFile(ctx, uri, fi.ModTime())
c.fileContent[uri] = fh
Expand All @@ -96,7 +92,14 @@ func (c *Cache) getFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI) (*fileHandle, error)
// ioLimit limits the number of parallel file reads per process.
var ioLimit = make(chan struct{}, 128)

func readFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, modTime time.Time) *fileHandle {
func readFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, modTime time.Time) (*fileHandle, error) {
select {
case ioLimit <- struct{}{}:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
defer func() { <-ioLimit }()

ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.readFile", tag.File.Of(uri.Filename()))
_ = ctx
defer done()
Expand All @@ -106,14 +109,14 @@ func readFile(ctx context.Context, uri span.URI, modTime time.Time) *fileHandle
return &fileHandle{
modTime: modTime,
err: err,
}, nil
return &fileHandle{
modTime: modTime,
uri: uri,
bytes: data,
hash: hashContents(data),
}, nil

func (c *Cache) NewSession(ctx context.Context) *Session {
Expand Down
31 changes: 14 additions & 17 deletions internal/lsp/cache/imports.go
Expand Up @@ -33,34 +33,31 @@ func (s *importsState) runProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot
// Use temporary go.mod files, but always go to disk for the contents.
// Rebuilding the cache is expensive, and we don't want to do it for
// transient changes.
var modFH, sumFH source.FileHandle
var modFH source.FileHandle
var gosum []byte
var modFileIdentifier string
var err error
// TODO(heschik): Change the goimports logic to use a persistent workspace
// TODO(rfindley): Change the goimports logic to use a persistent workspace
// module for workspace module mode.
// Get the go.mod file that corresponds to this view's root URI. This is
// broken because it assumes that the view's root is a module, but this is
// not more broken than the previous state--it is a temporary hack that
// should be removed ASAP.
var match *moduleRoot
for _, m := range snapshot.modules {
if m.rootURI == snapshot.view.rootURI {
match = m
var matchURI span.URI
for modURI := range snapshot.workspace.activeModFiles() {
if dirURI(modURI) == snapshot.view.rootURI {
matchURI = modURI
if match != nil {
modFH, err = snapshot.GetFile(ctx, match.modURI)
// TODO(rFindley): should it be an error if matchURI is empty?
if matchURI != "" {
modFH, err = snapshot.GetFile(ctx, matchURI)
if err != nil {
return err
modFileIdentifier = modFH.FileIdentity().Hash
if match.sumURI != "" {
sumFH, err = snapshot.GetFile(ctx, match.sumURI)
if err != nil {
return err
gosum = snapshot.goSum(ctx, matchURI)
// v.goEnv is immutable -- changes make a new view. Options can change.
// We can't compare build flags directly because we may add -modfile.
Expand All @@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ func (s *importsState) runProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot
s.cachedModFileIdentifier = modFileIdentifier
s.cachedBuildFlags = currentBuildFlags
s.cleanupProcessEnv, err = s.populateProcessEnv(ctx, snapshot, modFH, sumFH)
s.cleanupProcessEnv, err = s.populateProcessEnv(ctx, snapshot, modFH, gosum)
if err != nil {
return err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +122,7 @@ func (s *importsState) runProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot

// populateProcessEnv sets the dynamically configurable fields for the view's
// process environment. Assumes that the caller is holding the s.view.importsMu.
func (s *importsState) populateProcessEnv(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, modFH, sumFH source.FileHandle) (cleanup func(), err error) {
func (s *importsState) populateProcessEnv(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, modFH source.FileHandle, gosum []byte) (cleanup func(), err error) {
cleanup = func() {}
pe := s.processEnv

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ func (s *importsState) populateProcessEnv(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapsho
// Add -modfile to the build flags, if we are using it.
if snapshot.workspaceMode()&tempModfile != 0 && modFH != nil {
var tmpURI span.URI
tmpURI, cleanup, err = tempModFile(modFH, sumFH)
tmpURI, cleanup, err = tempModFile(modFH, gosum)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions internal/lsp/cache/load.go
Expand Up @@ -191,14 +191,11 @@ func (s *snapshot) tempWorkspaceModule(ctx context.Context) (_ span.URI, cleanup
if s.workspaceMode()&usesWorkspaceModule == 0 {
return "", cleanup, nil
wsModuleHandle, err := s.getWorkspaceModuleHandle(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
file, err :=, s)
file, err := s.workspace.modFile(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err

content, err := file.Format()
if err != nil {
return "", cleanup, err
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions internal/lsp/cache/mod.go
Expand Up @@ -98,24 +98,26 @@ func (s *snapshot) ParseMod(ctx context.Context, modFH source.FileHandle) (*sour
return pmh.parse(ctx, s)

func (s *snapshot) sumFH(ctx context.Context, modFH source.FileHandle) (source.FileHandle, error) {
// goSum reads the go.sum file for the go.mod file at modURI, if it exists. If
// it doesn't exist, it returns nil.
func (s *snapshot) goSum(ctx context.Context, modURI span.URI) []byte {
// Get the go.sum file, either from the snapshot or directly from the
// cache. Avoid (*snapshot).GetFile here, as we don't want to add
// nonexistent file handles to the snapshot if the file does not exist.
sumURI := span.URIFromPath(sumFilename(modFH.URI()))
sumURI := span.URIFromPath(sumFilename(modURI))
var sumFH source.FileHandle = s.FindFile(sumURI)
if sumFH == nil {
var err error
sumFH, err = s.view.session.cache.getFile(ctx, sumURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil
_, err := sumFH.Read()
content, err := sumFH.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil
return sumFH, nil
return content

func sumFilename(modURI span.URI) string {
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