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christianpanton committed Jan 23, 2013
1 parent 36c02cf commit 3744b6d
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Showing 21 changed files with 700 additions and 143 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion goldmine/api/
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from goldmine.models import *
from goldmine.controller import *

@apimethod(username="string", password="string")
def authenticate(username, password):
Authenticate a user
Expand Down
27 changes: 20 additions & 7 deletions goldmine/api/
Expand Up @@ -4,16 +4,26 @@
Activity functions
from storm.locals import *

from goldmine import *
from goldmine.db import db
from goldmine.models import *
from goldmine.controller import *

def get(activity_id):

activity_id = uuid(activity_id)
return not_empty(db().get(structure.Activity, activity_id))
activity_id = uuid(activity_id, user)
activity = not_empty(db().get(structure.Activity, activity_id)).serialize()

# limit access to studies
studies = []
for study in activity["studies"]:
if resolver.get("study.access", user)(study["id"], min_role="read"):

activity["studies"] = studies
return activity

def all(project=None):
Expand All @@ -22,18 +32,21 @@ def all(project=None):

def search(keyword):
rs = db().find(structure.Activity, == keyword).order_by( #FIXME like search + dscr

keyword = "%%%s%%" % keyword
rs = db().find(structure.Activity, Or(,
rs = rs.order_by(
return rs_to_list(rs)

@apimethod.auth("activity.create", project_id="uuid", location="location")
def create(project_id, name, description=None, location={}):

activity = structure.Activity()
activity.project = db().get(structure.Project, uuid(project_id)) = name
activity.description = description

if len(location) :
if len(location):
loc = structure.Location.from_struct(location)
activity.location = db().add(loc)

Expand Down
51 changes: 35 additions & 16 deletions goldmine/api/dataset/
Expand Up @@ -14,39 +14,52 @@

def get(dataset_id):
#FIXME: User has access?
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id)
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id, user)
ds = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Dataset, dataset_id))
check_access(user, ds.study_id, "read")
return ds

def fork(from_dataset_id, to_dataset_id, fork_type="derived"):
#FIXME: User has access?
#FIXME: Check for circular graph
from_dataset_id = uuid(from_dataset_id)
to_dataset_id = uuid(to_dataset_id)
from_dataset_id = uuid(from_dataset_id, user)
to_dataset_id = uuid(to_dataset_id, user)

from_dataset = not_empty(db().get(Dataset, from_dataset_id))
to_dataset = not_empty(db().get(Dataset, to_dataset_id))

check_access(user, from_dataset.study_id, "read")
check_access(user, to_dataset.study_id, "write")

# FIXME: pass on to private function, what happens to user?
return do_fork(from_dataset, to_dataset, user)

def close(dataset_id):
#FIXME: User has access?
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id)
def close(dataset_id):

# Fixme: only owner should be able to close

dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id, user)
ds = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Dataset, dataset_id))

check_access(user, ds.study_id, "write")

if ds.closed is None:
ds.closed =
raise Exception("Dataset already closed")

def purge(dataset_id):
#FIXME: User has access?
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id)

# Fixme: only owner should be able to purge?

dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id, user)
ds = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Dataset, dataset_id))

check_access(user, ds.study_id, "write")

if ds.closed is None:
#FIXME: cascade
Expand All @@ -72,10 +85,11 @@ def do_fork(from_dataset, to_dataset, user, fork_type="derived"):

def create(type, study, description, dataset_forked_from=None, fork_type="derived"):
#FIXME: User has access?

check_access(user,, "write")

s = resolver.get("dataset.supported_dataset_types", user)
if type not in s():
supported = resolver.get("dataset.supported_dataset_types", user)()
if type not in supported:
raise Exception("Unsupported type")

ds = dataset.Dataset()
Expand All @@ -86,11 +100,16 @@ def create(type, study, description, dataset_forked_from=None, fork_type="derive
ds = db().add(ds)

if dataset_forked_from is not None:
from_dataset_id = uuid(dataset_forked_from)
from_dataset_id = uuid(dataset_forked_from, user)
from_dataset = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Dataset, from_dataset_id))
do_fork(from_dataset, ds, user, fork_type)

return ds

def check_access(user, study_id, role, throw=True):
if not resolver.get("study.access", user)(study_id, min_role=role):
if throw: raise UnauthorizedException("You are not authorized to view this dataset")
return False
return True
58 changes: 35 additions & 23 deletions goldmine/api/dataset/sequence/
Expand Up @@ -15,19 +15,22 @@

def get(dataset_id):
#FIXME: User has access?
return sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id)

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user)
check_access(user, sequence.dataset.study_id, "read")
return sequence

def create(study_id, description, index_type_id, index_marker_type="point", index_marker_location="center", dataset_forked_from=None):

study_id = uuid(study_id)
index_type_id = uuid(index_type_id)
study_id = uuid(study_id, user)
check_access(user, study_id, "write")

index_type_id = uuid(index_type_id, user)
study = not_empty(db().get(structure.Study, study_id))
index_type = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Type, index_type_id))

#FIXME unclean

#FIXME unclean
parent = resolver.get("dataset.create", user)(u"sequence", study, description, dataset_forked_from)

sequence = dataset.sequence.Sequence()
Expand All @@ -41,13 +44,14 @@ def create(study_id, description, index_type_id, index_marker_type="point", inde

def add_parameter(dataset_id, type_id, uncertainty_value=None, uncertainty_type="absolute", storage="float"):
#FIXME: User has access?
sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id)

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user)
check_access(user, sequence.dataset.study_id, "write")

if sequence.dataset.closed:
raise Exception("Dataset is closed")

type_id = uuid(type_id)
type_id = uuid(type_id, user)
type = not_empty(db().get(dataset.Type, type_id))

param = dataset.sequence.Parameter()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,13 +90,12 @@ def add_data(dataset_id, index, parameter_id, value, uncertainty = None, uncerta
for corresponding parameter ids

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id)

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user)
check_access(user, sequence.dataset.study_id, "write")

if sequence.dataset.closed:
raise Exception("Dataset is closed")

# FIXME user has access?

if type(index) in [tuple, list]:

if sequence.index_marker_type != "span":
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,11 +168,10 @@ def get_data(dataset_id, parameter_id=None, limit_min=None, limit_max=None):
limit_max: not set - no upper index limit
int, float - upper index limit specified by number

#FIXME user has access

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id)

sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user)
check_access(user, sequence.dataset.study_id, "read")

has_span = sequence.index_marker_type == "span"

if parameter_id is None:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -276,16 +278,26 @@ def get_data(dataset_id, parameter_id=None, limit_min=None, limit_max=None):

def add_metadata(dataset_id, parameter_id=None, index_id=None, datapoint_id=None):
sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id)
sequence = sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user)
check_access(user, sequence.dataset.study_id, "write")

# FIXME missing implementation

def sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id):
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id)
def sequence_from_dataset(dataset_id, user):
dataset_id = uuid(dataset_id, user)
return not_empty(db().find(dataset.sequence.Sequence, dataset.sequence.Sequence.dataset_id == dataset_id).one())

def check_access(user, study_id, role, throw=True):
if not resolver.get("study.access", user)(study_id, min_role=role):
if throw: raise UnauthorizedException("You are not authorized to view this sequence")
return False
return True

Expand Down
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions goldmine/api/dataset/
Expand Up @@ -5,16 +5,17 @@
Dataset.Type functions
from storm.locals import *

from goldmine import *
from goldmine.db import db
from goldmine.models import *
from goldmine.controller import *

def get(type_id):
type_id = uuid(type_id)
type_id = uuid(type_id, user)
return not_empty(db().get(dataset.Type, type_id))

Expand All @@ -39,5 +40,7 @@ def all():

def search(keyword):
rs = db().find(dataset.Type, == keyword).order_by(
return rs_to_list(rs)
keyword = "%%%s%%" % keyword
rs = db().find(dataset.Type, Or(,
rs = rs.order_by(
return rs_to_list(rs)
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions goldmine/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Favorite functions

import string

from storm.locals import *

from goldmine import *
from goldmine.db import db
from goldmine.models import *
from goldmine.controller import *

def get(name):
rs = db().find(auth.Favorite, == name, auth.Favorite.user == user)
return not_empty(

def get_by_reference(id, type):
id = uuid(id)
rs = db().find(auth.Favorite,
auth.Favorite.ref_id == id,
auth.Favorite.ref_type == type,
auth.Favorite.user == user)

def all():
rs = db().find(auth.Favorite, auth.Favorite.user == user).order_by(
return rs_to_list(rs)

def add(name, reference_id, reference_type="dataset"):

if reference_type not in auth.Favorite.REFMAP:
raise TypeError("Invalid reference type")

if name != valid_name(name):
raise TypeError("Invalid name, no spaces or special characters!")

favorite = auth.Favorite() = name
favorite.user = user
favorite.ref_id = uuid(reference_id)
favorite.ref_type = reference_type

return db().add(favorite)

def remove(name):
rs = db().find(auth.Favorite, == name, auth.Favorite.user == user)
favorite = not_empty(

if favorite.user == user:
raise TypeError("Not your favorite!")

def resolve(name):
rs = db().find(auth.Favorite, == name, auth.Favorite.user == user)
favorite = not_empty(
return unicode(favorite.ref_id)

def valid_name(name):
valid_chars = "-_.%s%s" % (string.ascii_letters, string.digits)
return ''.join(c for c in name if c in valid_chars)

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