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The TextPy package is a collection of scanners for creating text parsers.

Build Instructions

The Cython sources of TextPy need to be compiled to be used. Make sure that Cython for Python 3 is installed (e.g., apt install cython3), as well as a C compiler like gcc. Run the following to build:

python3 build_ext --inplace

You can then run the unit tests if pytest is installed for Python 3:


Run the JSON demo for some benchmarks:

python3 -m examples.json_demo

If Parsimonious is also installed and importable by Python 3, then a Parsimonious-based benchmark will also run for comparison.


Scanners "scan" the string for patterns and return the index where a match ends, or the NOMATCH constant if there was no match.

  • Dot - scans any single character
  • CharacterClass - scans any single character in the class
  • Literal - scans an exact string
  • BoundedString - scans a string from a start character to an end character
  • Regex - scans a regular expression
  • Integer - scans an integer
  • Float - scans a float
  • Spacing - scans whitespace

There are some scanners that take other scanners as arguments:

  • Nonterminal - lookup a parsing function at parse-time
  • Group - creates the "value" of a match
  • Sequence - composes one or more scanners into one
  • Choice - ordered-choice of scanners; return first successful result
  • Repeat - scan with a single scanner between min and max times

Miscellaneous Functions

  • split() - like shlex.split(), but with different behavior than the POSIX or non-POSIX modes

Defining Grammars

Patterns and Constructs

NOTE: the following table is for planning; grammar parsing is not yet implemented, and not all features below have a function equivalent.

pattern description
X = ... Rule X returns an item
. dot; matches any single character
"..." string
[...] character class
/.../ regular expression
A B A and B are a sequence
`A B`
(...) matching group
(?:...) non-matching group (not implemented)
!A negative lookahead on A
&A positive lookahead on A
A? optionally match A
A* match zero or more As
A+ match one or more As
A{n} match exactly n As
A{m,n} match between m and n As
A{:B} match As delimited by Bs
A{n:B} match n As delimited by Bs
A{m,n:B} match between m and n As delimited by Bs
A ^ cut/ratchet after matching A (not implemented)

Special Symbols

symbol description
Start Starting rule for a grammar
IFS Internal Field Separator (NOTE: not currently implemented)

Groups, Matches, and Expression Values

You can use groups to decide what parts of an expression get stored as parsed values. If there are no defined groups, the whole expression is considered as one group. This behavior affects both sequences and ordered-choices. Here are some examples:

Pattern Input Value
"a" abc 'a'
("a") abc ['a']
(("a")) abc [['a']]
"a" "b" abc 'ab'
("a" "b") "c" abc ['ab']
"a" ("b") "c" abc ['b']
"a" / "b" a 'a'
... b 'b'
"a" / ("b") a []
... b ['b']
(("a")":"("b")) a:ba:b [['a','b']]
(?:("a")":"("b"))* a:ba:b ['a','b','a','b']
(("a")":"("b"))* a:ba:b [['a','b'],['a','b']]
(?:"a" ":" "b"){:","} a:b,a:b ['a:b,a:b']
("a" ":" "b"){:","} a:b,a:b [['a:b'],['a:b']]
(("a")":"("b")){:","} a:b,a:b [['a','b'],['a','b']]
(("a")":"("b")){:(",")} a:b,a:b [['a','b'],[','],['a','b']]

It would be nice if we could also get regex-style groups from matches, although initial tests show a marked slowdown, so this is still pending.

Pattern Input Groups
"a" abc []
("a") abc ['a']
(("a")) abc [['a']]
"a" "b" abc []
("a" "b") "c" abc ['ab']
"a" ("b") "c" abc ['b']
"a" / "b" a []
... b []
"a" / ("b") a []
... b ['b']
(("a")":"("b")) a:ba:b [['a','b']]
(?:("a")":"("b"))* a:ba:b ['a','b','a','b']
(("a")":"("b"))* a:ba:b [['a','b'],['a','b']]
(?:"a" ":" "b"){:","} a:b,a:b []
("a" ":" "b"){:","} a:b,a:b ['a:b','a:b']
(("a")":"("b")){:","} a:b,a:b [['a','b'],['a','b']]
(("a")":"("b")){:(",")} a:b,a:b [['a','b'],[','],['a','b']]


Cython-optimized parsing functions








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