This is a simple elasticsearch client for node.js. It wraps the http requests to your elasticsearch server. Here's how you use it.
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
, indexProperties: {
/* ElasticSearch index options. Stuff like mappings and analyzers */
This module exports a constructor that has a couple of static methods defined on it as well. Please refer to the elasticsearch documentation for method options.
Explicitly create an index - really shouldn't be used ever because elastic search will automatically create new indexes when saving documents
@param {String} host Hostname
@param {Number} port Port of the host
@param {String} name Name of the index
@param {Object} options Options for the elasticsearch index
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
'' // Host
, 9200 // Port
, 'my-index' // Index Name
, { // Normal ES index options like mappings
mappings: {
/* ... */
, function(error, result){ /* ... */ }
Remove an index
@param {String} host Hostname
@param {Number} port Port of the host
@param {String} name Name of the index
@param {Object} options Options for the elasticsearch index
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
'' // Host
, 9200 // Port
, 'my-index' // Index Name
, function(error, result){ /* ... */ }
Ensure the index that this client is associated to has been created
@param {Object} options [Optional] Options for the elasticsearch index
@param {Function} callback [Optional] Obviously the callback(error)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
elastic.ensureIndex(function(error, result){
/* ... */
Removes the index that this client is associated to
@param {Object} options [Optional] Options for the removal
@param {Function} callback [Optional] Obviously the callback(error)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
elastic.removeSelf(function(error, result){
/* ... */
Add or update a document making it searchable
If an ID is supplied, an update is made to that resource. Otherwise, a POST is made. Either way, it doesnt really matter. ES will generate an id for you if you did not supply one. Please refer to ES documentation for the response sent to the client.
PUT /{index}/{type}/{id}
for more details
@param {String} type elastic search document type
@param {Object} doc The document to add or update
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
var doc = {
id: 111111111111
, name: 'Some Product'
, price: 3400
};'product', doc, function(error, result){
/* ... */
Get a single document from elasticsearch
@param {String} type Elasticsearch document type
@param {Number} id ID of document - obviously can be String as well
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
elastic.get('product', 123, function(error, result){
/* ... */
Get the mapping for a type
@param {String} type Elasticsearch document type
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
myClient.getMapping('product', function(error, result){
/* result.mapping.product */
Runs test input on an analyzer. Returns the tokens the analyzer will match
@param {String} analyzer The analyzer to be run
@param {String} text The test input
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
, indexProperties: {
settings: {
analysis: {
analyzer: {
my_custom_analyzer: {
type: 'custom'
, tokenizer: 'standard'
, filter: [
, 'lowercase'
, 'asciifolding'
myClient.ensureIndex(function(error, result){
var input = 'This is Token\'s Analyzer';
myClient.analyze('my_custom_analyzer', input, function(error, result){
/* result.tokens */
Perform a search on elasticserach For all properties for search, see:
Most searches use the query object, which uses the query-dsl:
query: { ... }
, sort: { ... }
, fields: { ... }
, ...
@param {String} type Optional elastic search doc type
@param {Object} query Elastic search query dsl object
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, results)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
var $query = {
query: {
match: {
name: data.product
};'product', $query, function(error, result){
/* result.hits */
If you're searching on multiple fields, you might try the multi_match
search property.
var $query = {
query: {
multi_match: {
query:, 4)
, fields: [
, 'name.partial'
, 'businessName'
, 'businessName.partial'
Remove an item from elasticsearch
@param {String} type Elasticsearch document type
@param {Number} id ID of document - obviously can be String as well
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
myClient.del('product', 37, function(error, result){
/* ... */
Get server info
@param {Function} callback Obviously the callback(error, result)
var ElasticClient = require('elastic-client');
var elastic = new ElasticClient({
host: 'http://localhost'
, port: 9200
, index: 'elastic-staging'
});, result){
/* ... */