> @google/clasp@2.4.1 pretest > npm run compile && npm run check > @google/clasp@2.4.1 compile > tsc > @google/clasp@2.4.1 check > gts check src/*.ts src/**/*.ts test/*.ts test/**/*.ts version: 16 /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/commands/apis.ts 33:10 warning '_bin' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars 33:16 warning '_sourcePath' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars 34:10 warning '_command' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/commands/run.ts 93:25 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any 119:46 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any 119:77 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/files.ts 314:19 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/index.ts 392:8 warning '_bin' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars 392:14 warning '_sourcePath' is assigned a value but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/messages.ts 123:21 warning '_scriptId' is defined but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars 124:22 warning '_scriptId' is defined but never used @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars /home/workspace/clasp/clasp/src/utils.ts 81:40 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any 263:36 warning Unexpected any. Specify a different type @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any ✖ 13 problems (0 errors, 13 warnings) > @google/clasp@2.4.1 test > nyc mocha --cache false --timeout 100000 --recursive build/test Test files isValidFileName function ✔ should return true for valid combinations of input ✔ should return false for invalid combinations of input Test getManifest function ✔ should get a valid manifest file correctly Test isValidRunManifest function ✔ should validate a manifest with run permissions ✔ should not validate a manifest with run permissions Test isValidManifest function ✔ should validate a manifest Test --help for each function - should run --help - should logs --help - should login --help - should logout --help - should create --help - should clone --help - should pull --help - should push --help - should status --help - should open --help - should deployments --help - should undeploy --help - should versions --help - should version --help - should list --help - should apis --help - should help --help Test extractScriptId function ✔ should return scriptId correctly Test clasp pull function 1) should pull an existing project correctly Test URL utils function ✔ should create Script URL correctly ✔ should create Creds URL correctly Test clasp version and versions function ✔ should prompt for version description (2763ms) 2) should create a new version correctly - should list versions correctly Test setting function ✔ should return current setting value (1199ms) ✔ should update .clasp.json with provided value (1204ms) ✔ should error on unknown keys (2274ms) Test getAppsScriptFileName function from files ✔ should return the basename correctly Test URL helper from utils ✔ should return the scriptURL correctly Test getWebApplicationURL function from utils ✔ should return the scriptURL correctly Test getDefaultProjectName function from utils ✔ should return the current directory name correctly Test getLocalFileType function from utils ✔ should return the lowercase file type correctly ✔ should return the specified file extention if the file type is SERVER_JS Test getAPIFileType function from utils ✔ should return the uppercase file type correctly Test saveProject function from utils ✔ should save the scriptId correctly ✔ should save the scriptId, rootDir correctly Test variations of clasp help ✔ should show help for clasp help (1130ms) ✔ should show help for clasp --help (1166ms) ✔ should show help for clasp -h (1216ms) Test variations of clasp --version ✔ should show version for clasp --version (1130ms) ✔ should show version for clasp -v (1116ms) Test unknown functions ✔ should show version correctly (1147ms) Test all functions while logged out ✔ should fail to list (no credentials) (2125ms) ✔ should fail to clone (no credentials) (2007ms) ✔ should fail to push (no credentials) (2122ms) ✔ should fail to deployments (no credentials) (1998ms) ✔ should fail to deploy (no credentials) (2144ms) ✔ should fail to version (no credentials) (2002ms) ✔ should fail to versions (no credentials) (2076ms) ✔ should fail to pull (no .clasp.json file) (2002ms) ✔ should fail to open (no .clasp.json file) (1212ms) ✔ should fail to show logs (no .clasp.json file) (2010ms) Test getValidJSON function ✔ should parse valid params and throw exception for invalid params 39 passing (42s) 18 pending 2 failing 1) Test clasp pull function should pull an existing project correctly: AssertionError: expected '' to include 'Cloned' at Context. (file:///home/workspace/clasp/clasp/build/test/test.js:55:34) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:464:21) 2) Test clasp version and versions function should create a new version correctly: AssertionError: expected 0 to be above 0 + expected - actual at Context. (file:///home/workspace/clasp/clasp/build/test/test.js:88:37) at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:464:21) =============================== Coverage summary =============================== Statements : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Branches : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Functions : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Lines : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) ================================================================================