From 03c0ac9950217ec08ac9ad66eaaa4e9a9e67d423 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mend Renovate Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 23:30:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] fix(deps): update dependency @googleapis/iam to v11 (#1622) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit [![Mend Renovate](]( This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [@googleapis/iam]( | [`^10.0.0` -> `^11.0.0`]( | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | --- ### Release Notes
googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client (@​googleapis/iam) ### [`v11.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES - **privateca:** This release has breaking changes. - **metastore:** This release has breaking changes. - **documentai:** This release has breaking changes. - **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes. - **workstations:** This release has breaking changes. - **vmmigration:** This release has breaking changes. - **safebrowsing:** This release has breaking changes. - **integrations:** This release has breaking changes. - **documentai:** This release has breaking changes. - **dataflow:** This release has breaking changes. - **contentwarehouse:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudtasks:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudsearch:** This release has breaking changes. - **cloudbuild:** This release has breaking changes. - **chromemanagement:** This release has breaking changes. - **chat:** This release has breaking changes. - **baremetalsolution:** This release has breaking changes. ##### Features - **admin:** update the API ([374bc14]( - **admob:** update the API ([fcf0cc7]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([d18d52e]( - **analyticsadmin:** update the API ([88d7021]( - **analyticshub:** update the API ([a9ca643]( - **androidenterprise:** update the API ([bd0d5e5]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([02fa6cc]( - **apigeeregistry:** update the API ([3d95738]( - **apigeeregistry:** update the API ([42d51d0]( - **appengine:** update the API ([cfde2c1]( - **artifactregistry:** update the API ([79b05b9]( - **baremetalsolution:** update the API ([877f002]( - **batch:** update the API ([439160e]( - **batch:** update the API ([220be1b]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([da46f3f]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([ad06a50]( - **chat:** update the API ([c1f8549]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([3368e8d]( - **chromemanagement:** update the API ([76eea6c]( - **chromepolicy:** update the API ([9c8277a]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([40f2c0d]( - **cloudbilling:** update the API ([75ebaa2]( - **cloudbuild:** update the API ([a264e2d]( - **clouddeploy:** update the API ([1856ed8]( - **cloudidentity:** update the API ([2b9fb69]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([e743154]( - **cloudsearch:** update the API ([ebe2a2b]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([6c5644c]( - **compute:** update the API ([3ef8cb9]( - **connectors:** update the API ([7566473]( - **contactcenterinsights:** update the API ([2c79661]( - **container:** update the API ([1d0f856]( - **content:** update the API ([8cf1e31]( - **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([6e89a88]( - **contentwarehouse:** update the API ([cdc217d]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([76007c1]( - **datacatalog:** update the API ([f2888f8]( - **dataflow:** update the API ([ad81349]( - **dataform:** update the API ([613aa91]( - **datamigration:** update the API ([4970228]( - **dataplex:** update the API ([f984c3b]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([2ff0b3c]( - **datastore:** update the API ([69b9f8c]( - **dialogflow:** update the API ([94e663c]( - **discoveryengine:** update the API ([f780df2]( - **displayvideo:** update the API ([be41c17]( - **documentai:** update the API ([24616b9]( - **documentai:** update the API ([e213c75]( - **file:** update the API ([3b7046b]( - **firebasehosting:** update the API ([cd2ec9e]( - **firebase:** update the API ([873a7d7]( - **firebase:** update the API ([e1a3797]( - **firestore:** update the API ([d9f11cf]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([9e82b37]( - **gkehub:** update the API ([53f583e]( - **iam:** update the API ([b149229]( - **identitytoolkit:** update the API ([72c533b]( - **integrations:** update the API ([7607c9f]( - **managedidentities:** update the API ([1a462c2]( - **manufacturers:** update the API ([a927411]( - **memcache:** update the API ([aa626fc]( - **metastore:** update the API ([9c7891e]( - **metastore:** update the API ([7be6208]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([98e55c0]( - **mybusinessverifications:** update the API ([98381ce]( - **notebooks:** update the API ([9daace9]( - **orgpolicy:** update the API ([02f050b]( - **playdeveloperreporting:** update the API ([9085b75]( - **playintegrity:** update the API ([ab8a18a]( - **privateca:** update the API ([06a61a7]( - **prod_tt_sasportal:** update the API ([d3c834b]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([f102db0]( - **recaptchaenterprise:** update the API ([a42a0c8]( - **recommender:** update the API ([88f10a5]( - regenerate index files ([93fc048]( - regenerate index files ([31defea]( - **retail:** update the API ([3374c58]( - **retail:** update the API ([bb06d0c]( - **run:** update the API ([8de6284]( - **safebrowsing:** update the API ([ecb8989]( - **sasportal:** update the API ([42804f6]( - **servicecontrol:** update the API ([2af2ce1]( - **servicenetworking:** update the API ([d632167]( - **streetviewpublish:** update the API ([c9f2655]( - **sts:** update the API ([b6e069b]( - **testing:** update the API ([f7aa8c8]( - **texttospeech:** update the API ([c772fc1]( - **tpu:** update the API ([b92d702]( - **translate:** update the API ([07babc3]( - **vmmigration:** update the API ([99b557a]( - **workflowexecutions:** update the API ([765ac58]( - **workflows:** update the API ([1ed85b8]( - **workstations:** update the API ([84b748e]( - **workstations:** update the API ([cbe98ce]( ##### Bug Fixes - **accessapproval:** update the API ([bfbd589]( - **accesscontextmanager:** update the API ([f3cc068]( - **advisorynotifications:** update the API ([7021d81]( - **alertcenter:** update the API ([e18c3b9]( - **androidmanagement:** update the API ([080e682]( - **androidpublisher:** update the API ([5c62a79]( - **apigateway:** update the API ([df258eb]( - **assuredworkloads:** update the API ([98dea74]( - **bigqueryconnection:** update the API ([93ef743]( - **bigqueryreservation:** update the API ([b41049e]( - **bigquery:** update the API ([fd7c15c]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([3dc3bf2]( - **bigtableadmin:** update the API ([4681456]( - **binaryauthorization:** update the API ([469c0d2]( - **chat:** update the API ([7e53df7]( - **chromeuxreport:** update the API ([4b307dc]( - **classroom:** update the API ([55e7f4b]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([ed6c311]( - **cloudasset:** update the API ([538cbab]( - **cloudchannel:** update the API ([e4b1b2f]( - **cloudfunctions:** update the API ([3e8cd4c]( - **cloudiot:** update the API ([3e7b5ff]( - **cloudkms:** update the API ([2df4942]( - **cloudresourcemanager:** update the API ([e49d213]( - **cloudsupport:** update the API ([9d69ef4]( - **cloudtasks:** update the API ([083c4d1]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([07342c6]( - **cloudtrace:** update the API ([658ac0d]( - **composer:** update the API ([2e95e28]( - **connectors:** update the API ([ad16263]( - **contactcenteraiplatform:** update the API ([5cf0bbd]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([baccc47]( - **containeranalysis:** update the API ([43992e0]( - **content:** update the API ([6b0614b]( - **dataproc:** update the API ([19c4726]( - **dlp:** update the API ([8b96a97]( - **dns:** update the API ([60542d9]( - **domains:** update the API ([5f33f78]( - **driveactivity:** update the API ([2858e5a]( - **drive:** update the API ([885131d]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([116f6ff]( - **eventarc:** update the API ([8f35984]( - **firebasehosting:** update the API ([072eac4]( - **gameservices:** update the API ([8a8cc4b]( - **gmail:** update the API ([454caaf]( - **healthcare:** update the API ([fa9914f]( - **homegraph:** update the API ([2b517eb]( - **iam:** update the API ([092031f]( - **iap:** update the API ([01b97e9]( - **ideahub:** update the API ([0a334ea]( - **jobs:** update the API ([d26f462]( - **kmsinventory:** update the API ([71a38e2]( - **logging:** update the API ([d24bca1]( - **memcache:** update the API ([d603fb9]( - **ml:** update the API ([2ae0fb5]( - **monitoring:** update the API ([9da4383]( - **mybusinessaccountmanagement:** update the API ([413722a]( - **mybusinesslodging:** update the API ([28f185b]( - **networkconnectivity:** update the API ([ed2ccaa]( - **networksecurity:** update the API ([05ad966]( - **networkservices:** update the API ([77405ce]( - **orgpolicy:** update the API ([56f36f9]( - **osconfig:** update the API ([3e34814]( - **paymentsresellersubscription:** update the API ([fdb70dc]( - **people:** update the API ([fa1e010]( - **policytroubleshooter:** update the API ([68e00d3]( - **pubsub:** update the API ([ae69416]( - **runtimeconfig:** update the API ([5153504]( - **run:** update the API ([27d36c8]( - **searchads360:** update the API ([14426a0]( - **secretmanager:** update the API ([7f66ecb]( - **securitycenter:** update the API ([8e4017b]( - **servicemanagement:** update the API ([bb1f964]( - **sourcerepo:** update the API ([ba3d1d1]( - **speech:** update the API ([f60d970]( - **sts:** update the API ([df55772]( - **toolresults:** update the API ([656c975]( - **tpu:** update the API ([fe71ffb]( - **vault:** update the API ([444f5cf]( - **youtube:** update the API ([a275134](
--- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "after 9am and before 3pm" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Mend Renovate]( View repository job log [here]( --- samples/package.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/samples/package.json b/samples/package.json index e476f224..5211b3a5 100644 --- a/samples/package.json +++ b/samples/package.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0", "dependencies": { "@google-cloud/storage": "^6.0.0", - "@googleapis/iam": "^10.0.0", + "@googleapis/iam": "^11.0.0", "google-auth-library": "^9.0.0", "node-fetch": "^2.3.0", "opn": "^5.3.0",