diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..113f6dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[run] +branch = True + +[report] +show_missing = True +omit = + google/cloud/container/__init__.py + google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py +exclude_lines = + # Re-enable the standard pragma + pragma: NO COVER + # Ignore debug-only repr + def __repr__ diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/.flake8 b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.flake8 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29227d4c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/.flake8 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +# Generated by synthtool. DO NOT EDIT! +[flake8] +ignore = E203, E266, E501, W503 +exclude = + # Exclude generated code. + **/proto/** + **/gapic/** + **/services/** + **/types/** + *_pb2.py + + # Standard linting exemptions. + **/.nox/** + __pycache__, + .git, + *.pyc, + conf.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in b/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ff81956 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/MANIFEST.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +recursive-include google/cloud/container *.py +recursive-include google/cloud/container_v1 *.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f18726b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +Python Client for Google Cloud Container API +================================================= + +Quick Start +----------- + +In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps: + +1. `Select or create a Cloud Platform project.`_ +2. `Enable billing for your project.`_ +3. Enable the Google Cloud Container API. +4. `Setup Authentication.`_ + +.. _Select or create a Cloud Platform project.: https://console.cloud.google.com/project +.. _Enable billing for your project.: https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/modify-project#enable_billing_for_a_project +.. _Setup Authentication.: https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/auth.html + +Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Install this library in a `virtualenv`_ using pip. `virtualenv`_ is a tool to +create isolated Python environments. The basic problem it addresses is one of +dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. + +With `virtualenv`_, it's possible to install this library without needing system +install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system +dependencies. + +.. _`virtualenv`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/ + + +Mac/Linux +^^^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + source /bin/activate + /bin/pip install /path/to/library + + +Windows +^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + \Scripts\activate + \Scripts\pip.exe install \path\to\library diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/_static/custom.css b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/_static/custom.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06423be0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/_static/custom.css @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dl.field-list > dt { + min-width: 100px +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fccc7073 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# google-cloud-container documentation build configuration file +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os +import shlex + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("..")) + +__version__ = "0.1.0" + +# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ + +# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. +needs_sphinx = "4.0.1" + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +# +# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. +# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. +language = 'en' + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +# today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all +# documents. +# default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +# add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +# add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. 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For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +html_theme_options = { + "description": "Google Cloud Client Libraries for Python", + "github_user": "googleapis", + "github_repo": "google-cloud-python", + "github_banner": True, + "font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, sans", + "head_font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, serif", + "code_font_family": "'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', monospace", +} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +# html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# " v documentation". +# html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +# html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +# html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +# html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] + +# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or +# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. 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Default is True. +# html_show_sphinx = True + +# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_copyright = True + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +# html_use_opensearch = '' + +# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +# html_file_suffix = None + +# Language to be used for generating the HTML full-text search index. +# Sphinx supports the following languages: +# 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'ja' +# 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sv', 'tr' +# html_search_language = 'en' + +# A dictionary with options for the search language support, empty by default. +# Now only 'ja' uses this config value +# html_search_options = {'type': 'default'} + +# The name of a javascript file (relative to the configuration directory) that +# implements a search results scorer. If empty, the default will be used. +# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = "google-cloud-container-doc" + +# -- Options for warnings ------------------------------------------------------ + + +suppress_warnings = [ + # Temporarily suppress this to avoid "more than one target found for + # cross-reference" warning, which are intractable for us to avoid while in + # a mono-repo. + # See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/blob + # /2a65ffeef5c107c19084fabdd706cdff3f52d93c/sphinx/domains/python.py#L843 + "ref.python" +] + +# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- + +latex_elements = { + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + # 'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + # 'preamble': '', + # Latex figure (float) alignment + # 'figure_align': 'htbp', +} + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, +# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). +latex_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container.tex", + u"google-cloud-container Documentation", + author, + "manual", + ) +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +# latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +# latex_use_parts = False + +# If true, show page references after internal links. +# latex_show_pagerefs = False + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# latex_show_urls = False + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# latex_domain_indices = True + + +# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- + +# One entry per manual page. List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container", + u"Google Cloud Container Documentation", + [author], + 1, + ) +] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container", + u"google-cloud-container Documentation", + author, + "google-cloud-container", + "GAPIC library for Google Cloud Container API", + "APIs", + ) +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = { + "python": ("http://python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "gax": ("https://gax-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "google-auth": ("https://google-auth.readthedocs.io/en/stable", None), + 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/dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/cluster_manager.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +ClusterManager +-------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.pagers + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/services.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/services.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a98a2319 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/services.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Services for Google Cloud Container v1 API +========================================== +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + cluster_manager diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/types.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/types.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ae28cbf --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/container_v1/types.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Types for Google Cloud Container v1 API +======================================= + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1.types + :members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..661ade54 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/docs/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +API Reference +------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + container_v1/services + container_v1/types diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b76d6af --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from google.cloud.container import gapic_version as package_version + +__version__ = package_version.__version__ + + +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.client import ClusterManagerClient +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.async_client import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AcceleratorConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodRangesConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AddonsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AdvancedMachineFeatures +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AuthenticatorGroupsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import Autopilot +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AutopilotCompatibilityIssue +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import AutoUpgradeOptions +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import BestEffortProvisioning +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import BinaryAuthorization +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import BlueGreenSettings +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CancelOperationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ClientCertificateConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CloudRunConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import Cluster +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ClusterAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ClusterUpdate +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CompleteIPRotationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ConfidentialNodes +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ConfigConnectorConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CostManagementConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CreateClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import CreateNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DailyMaintenanceWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DatabaseEncryption +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DefaultSnatStatus +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DeleteClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DeleteNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DnsCacheConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DNSConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import FastSocket +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import Fleet +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GatewayAPIConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GcfsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetOperationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GetServerConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GkeBackupAgentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GPUDriverInstallationConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import GPUSharingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import HorizontalPodAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import HttpLoadBalancing +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import IdentityServiceConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ILBSubsettingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import IntraNodeVisibilityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import IPAllocationPolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import Jwk +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import K8sBetaAPIConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import KubernetesDashboard +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LegacyAbac +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LinuxNodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListClustersRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListClustersResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListOperationsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListOperationsResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LoggingComponentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LoggingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import LoggingVariantConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MaintenanceExclusionOptions +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MaintenancePolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MaintenanceWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ManagedPrometheusConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MasterAuth +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MaxPodsConstraint +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MeshCertificates +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MonitoringComponentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import MonitoringConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicyConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NetworkTags +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeConfigDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeKubeletConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeLabels +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeManagement +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePool +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolLoggingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeTaint +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodeTaints +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NotificationConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import Operation +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import OperationProgress +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import PodCIDROverprovisionConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import RangeInfo +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import RecurringTimeWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ReleaseChannel +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ReservationAffinity +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ResourceLabels +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ResourceLimit +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ResourceUsageExportConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SandboxConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SecurityBulletinEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SecurityPostureConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ServerConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ServiceExternalIPsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetAddonsConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetLabelsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetLegacyAbacRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetLocationsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetLoggingServiceRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetMaintenancePolicyRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetMasterAuthRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetMonitoringServiceRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetNetworkPolicyRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolManagementRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolSizeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ShieldedInstanceConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import ShieldedNodes +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import SoleTenantConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import StartIPRotationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import StatusCondition +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import TimeWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpdateClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpdateMasterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpdateNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeAvailableEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetwork +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import VerticalPodAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import VirtualNIC +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import WindowsNodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadIdentityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadMetadataConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadPolicyConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import DatapathProvider +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import IPv6AccessType +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolUpdateStrategy +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import StackType +from google.cloud.container_v1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeResourceType + +__all__ = ('ClusterManagerClient', + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'Autopilot', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'Cluster', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + 'FastSocket', + 'Fleet', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'Jwk', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'MasterAuth', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'NetworkTags', + 'NodeConfig', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeLabels', + 'NodeManagement', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'NodePool', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'ServerConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'StatusCondition', + 'TimeWindow', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'IPv6AccessType', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'StackType', + 'UpgradeResourceType', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360a0d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +__version__ = "0.0.0" # {x-release-please-version} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5b0e29f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-container package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51afc842 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from google.cloud.container_v1 import gapic_version as package_version + +__version__ = package_version.__version__ + + +from .services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerClient +from .services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +from .types.cluster_service import AcceleratorConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodRangesConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AddonsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdvancedMachineFeatures +from .types.cluster_service import AuthenticatorGroupsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Autopilot +from .types.cluster_service import AutopilotCompatibilityIssue +from .types.cluster_service import AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import AutoUpgradeOptions +from .types.cluster_service import BestEffortProvisioning +from .types.cluster_service import BinaryAuthorization +from .types.cluster_service import BlueGreenSettings +from .types.cluster_service import CancelOperationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ClientCertificateConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CloudRunConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Cluster +from .types.cluster_service import ClusterAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import ClusterUpdate +from .types.cluster_service import CompleteIPRotationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ConfidentialNodes +from .types.cluster_service import ConfigConnectorConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CostManagementConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CreateClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CreateNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DailyMaintenanceWindow +from .types.cluster_service import DatabaseEncryption +from .types.cluster_service import DefaultSnatStatus +from .types.cluster_service import DeleteClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DeleteNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DnsCacheConfig +from .types.cluster_service import DNSConfig +from .types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig +from .types.cluster_service import FastSocket +from .types.cluster_service import Fleet +from .types.cluster_service import GatewayAPIConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcfsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GetClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysResponse +from .types.cluster_service import GetNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigResponse +from .types.cluster_service import GetOperationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetServerConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GkeBackupAgentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GPUDriverInstallationConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GPUSharingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import HorizontalPodAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import HttpLoadBalancing +from .types.cluster_service import IdentityServiceConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ILBSubsettingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import IntraNodeVisibilityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import IPAllocationPolicy +from .types.cluster_service import Jwk +from .types.cluster_service import K8sBetaAPIConfig +from .types.cluster_service import KubernetesDashboard +from .types.cluster_service import LegacyAbac +from .types.cluster_service import LinuxNodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ListClustersRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListClustersResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListOperationsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListOperationsResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksResponse +from .types.cluster_service import LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingComponentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingVariantConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenanceExclusionOptions +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenancePolicy +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenanceWindow +from .types.cluster_service import ManagedPrometheusConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MasterAuth +from .types.cluster_service import MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MaxPodsConstraint +from .types.cluster_service import MeshCertificates +from .types.cluster_service import MonitoringComponentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MonitoringConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicy +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicyConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkTags +from .types.cluster_service import NodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeConfigDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import NodeKubeletConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeLabels +from .types.cluster_service import NodeManagement +from .types.cluster_service import NodeNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodePool +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolLoggingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeTaint +from .types.cluster_service import NodeTaints +from .types.cluster_service import NotificationConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Operation +from .types.cluster_service import OperationProgress +from .types.cluster_service import PodCIDROverprovisionConfig +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterConfig +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig +from .types.cluster_service import RangeInfo +from .types.cluster_service import RecurringTimeWindow +from .types.cluster_service import ReleaseChannel +from .types.cluster_service import ReservationAffinity +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceLabels +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceLimit +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceUsageExportConfig +from .types.cluster_service import RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SandboxConfig +from .types.cluster_service import SecurityBulletinEvent +from .types.cluster_service import SecurityPostureConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ServerConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ServiceExternalIPsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import SetAddonsConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLabelsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLegacyAbacRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLocationsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLoggingServiceRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMaintenancePolicyRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMasterAuthRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMonitoringServiceRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNetworkPolicyRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolManagementRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolSizeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ShieldedInstanceConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ShieldedNodes +from .types.cluster_service import SoleTenantConfig +from .types.cluster_service import StartIPRotationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import StatusCondition +from .types.cluster_service import TimeWindow +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateMasterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeAvailableEvent +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeEvent +from .types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetwork +from .types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange +from .types.cluster_service import VerticalPodAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import VirtualNIC +from .types.cluster_service import WindowsNodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadIdentityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadMetadataConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadPolicyConfig +from .types.cluster_service import DatapathProvider +from .types.cluster_service import IPv6AccessType +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolUpdateStrategy +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess +from .types.cluster_service import StackType +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeResourceType + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', +'AcceleratorConfig', +'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', +'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', +'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', +'AddonsConfig', +'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', +'AdvancedMachineFeatures', +'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', +'AutoUpgradeOptions', +'Autopilot', +'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', +'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', +'BestEffortProvisioning', +'BinaryAuthorization', +'BlueGreenSettings', +'CancelOperationRequest', +'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', +'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', +'ClientCertificateConfig', +'CloudRunConfig', +'Cluster', +'ClusterAutoscaling', +'ClusterManagerClient', +'ClusterUpdate', +'CompleteIPRotationRequest', +'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', +'ConfidentialNodes', +'ConfigConnectorConfig', +'CostManagementConfig', +'CreateClusterRequest', +'CreateNodePoolRequest', +'DNSConfig', +'DailyMaintenanceWindow', +'DatabaseEncryption', +'DatapathProvider', +'DefaultSnatStatus', +'DeleteClusterRequest', +'DeleteNodePoolRequest', +'DnsCacheConfig', +'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', +'FastSocket', +'Fleet', +'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', +'GPUSharingConfig', +'GatewayAPIConfig', +'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', +'GcfsConfig', +'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', +'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', +'GetClusterRequest', +'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', +'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', +'GetNodePoolRequest', +'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', +'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', +'GetOperationRequest', +'GetServerConfigRequest', +'GkeBackupAgentConfig', +'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', +'HttpLoadBalancing', +'ILBSubsettingConfig', +'IPAllocationPolicy', +'IPv6AccessType', +'IdentityServiceConfig', +'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', +'Jwk', +'K8sBetaAPIConfig', +'KubernetesDashboard', +'LegacyAbac', +'LinuxNodeConfig', +'ListClustersRequest', +'ListClustersResponse', +'ListNodePoolsRequest', +'ListNodePoolsResponse', +'ListOperationsRequest', +'ListOperationsResponse', +'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', +'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', +'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', +'LoggingComponentConfig', +'LoggingConfig', +'LoggingVariantConfig', +'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', +'MaintenancePolicy', +'MaintenanceWindow', +'ManagedPrometheusConfig', +'MasterAuth', +'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', +'MaxPodsConstraint', +'MeshCertificates', +'MonitoringComponentConfig', +'MonitoringConfig', +'NetworkConfig', +'NetworkPolicy', +'NetworkPolicyConfig', +'NetworkTags', +'NodeConfig', +'NodeConfigDefaults', +'NodeKubeletConfig', +'NodeLabels', +'NodeManagement', +'NodeNetworkConfig', +'NodePool', +'NodePoolAutoConfig', +'NodePoolAutoscaling', +'NodePoolDefaults', +'NodePoolLoggingConfig', +'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', +'NodeTaint', +'NodeTaints', +'NotificationConfig', +'Operation', +'OperationProgress', +'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', +'PrivateClusterConfig', +'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', +'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', +'RangeInfo', +'RecurringTimeWindow', +'ReleaseChannel', +'ReservationAffinity', +'ResourceLabels', +'ResourceLimit', +'ResourceUsageExportConfig', +'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', +'SandboxConfig', +'SecurityBulletinEvent', +'SecurityPostureConfig', +'ServerConfig', +'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', +'SetAddonsConfigRequest', +'SetLabelsRequest', +'SetLegacyAbacRequest', +'SetLocationsRequest', +'SetLoggingServiceRequest', +'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', +'SetMasterAuthRequest', +'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', +'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', +'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', +'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', +'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', +'ShieldedInstanceConfig', +'ShieldedNodes', +'SoleTenantConfig', +'StackType', +'StartIPRotationRequest', +'StatusCondition', +'TimeWindow', +'UpdateClusterRequest', +'UpdateMasterRequest', +'UpdateNodePoolRequest', +'UpgradeAvailableEvent', +'UpgradeEvent', +'UpgradeResourceType', +'UsableSubnetwork', +'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', +'VerticalPodAutoscaling', +'VirtualNIC', +'WindowsNodeConfig', +'WorkloadIdentityConfig', +'WorkloadMetadataConfig', +'WorkloadPolicyConfig', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_metadata.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85cb487b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ + { + "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods", + "language": "python", + "libraryPackage": "google.cloud.container_v1", + "protoPackage": "google.container.v1", + "schema": "1.0", + "services": { + "ClusterManager": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "ClusterManagerClient", + "rpcs": { + "CancelOperation": { + "methods": [ + "cancel_operation" + ] + }, + "CheckAutopilotCompatibility": { + "methods": [ + "check_autopilot_compatibility" + ] + }, + "CompleteIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "complete_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "CompleteNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "complete_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "CreateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "create_cluster" + ] + }, + "CreateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "create_node_pool" + ] + }, + "DeleteCluster": { + "methods": [ + "delete_cluster" + ] + }, + "DeleteNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetCluster": { + "methods": [ + "get_cluster" + ] + }, + "GetJSONWebKeys": { + "methods": [ + "get_json_web_keys" + ] + }, + "GetNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "get_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetOperation": { + "methods": [ + "get_operation" + ] + }, + "GetServerConfig": { + "methods": [ + "get_server_config" + ] + }, + "ListClusters": { + "methods": [ + "list_clusters" + ] + }, + "ListNodePools": { + "methods": [ + "list_node_pools" + ] + }, + "ListOperations": { + "methods": [ + "list_operations" + ] + }, + "ListUsableSubnetworks": { + "methods": [ + "list_usable_subnetworks" + ] + }, + "RollbackNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "rollback_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "SetAddonsConfig": { + "methods": [ + "set_addons_config" + ] + }, + "SetLabels": { + "methods": [ + "set_labels" + ] + }, + "SetLegacyAbac": { + "methods": [ + "set_legacy_abac" + ] + }, + "SetLocations": { + "methods": [ + "set_locations" + ] + }, + "SetLoggingService": { + "methods": [ + "set_logging_service" + ] + }, + "SetMaintenancePolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_maintenance_policy" + ] + }, + "SetMasterAuth": { + "methods": [ + "set_master_auth" + ] + }, + "SetMonitoringService": { + "methods": [ + "set_monitoring_service" + ] + }, + "SetNetworkPolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_network_policy" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolAutoscaling": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_autoscaling" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolManagement": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_management" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolSize": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_size" + ] + }, + "StartIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "start_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "UpdateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "update_cluster" + ] + }, + "UpdateMaster": { + "methods": [ + "update_master" + ] + }, + "UpdateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "update_node_pool" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "CancelOperation": { + "methods": [ + "cancel_operation" + ] + }, + "CheckAutopilotCompatibility": { + "methods": [ + "check_autopilot_compatibility" + ] + }, + "CompleteIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "complete_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "CompleteNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "complete_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "CreateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "create_cluster" + ] + }, + "CreateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "create_node_pool" + ] + }, + "DeleteCluster": { + "methods": [ + "delete_cluster" + ] + }, + "DeleteNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetCluster": { + "methods": [ + "get_cluster" + ] + }, + "GetJSONWebKeys": { + "methods": [ + "get_json_web_keys" + ] + }, + "GetNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "get_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetOperation": { + "methods": [ + "get_operation" + ] + }, + "GetServerConfig": { + "methods": [ + "get_server_config" + ] + }, + "ListClusters": { + "methods": [ + "list_clusters" + ] + }, + "ListNodePools": { + "methods": [ + "list_node_pools" + ] + }, + "ListOperations": { + "methods": [ + "list_operations" + ] + }, + "ListUsableSubnetworks": { + "methods": [ + "list_usable_subnetworks" + ] + }, + "RollbackNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "rollback_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "SetAddonsConfig": { + "methods": [ + "set_addons_config" + ] + }, + "SetLabels": { + "methods": [ + "set_labels" + ] + }, + "SetLegacyAbac": { + "methods": [ + "set_legacy_abac" + ] + }, + "SetLocations": { + "methods": [ + "set_locations" + ] + }, + "SetLoggingService": { + "methods": [ + "set_logging_service" + ] + }, + "SetMaintenancePolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_maintenance_policy" + ] + }, + "SetMasterAuth": { + "methods": [ + "set_master_auth" + ] + }, + "SetMonitoringService": { + "methods": [ + "set_monitoring_service" + ] + }, + "SetNetworkPolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_network_policy" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolAutoscaling": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_autoscaling" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolManagement": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_management" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolSize": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_size" + ] + }, + "StartIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "start_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "UpdateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "update_cluster" + ] + }, + "UpdateMaster": { + "methods": [ + "update_master" + ] + }, + "UpdateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "update_node_pool" + ] + } + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_version.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_version.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360a0d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/gapic_version.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +__version__ = "0.0.0" # {x-release-please-version} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5b0e29f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-container package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89a37dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..447dfbd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import ClusterManagerClient +from .async_client import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerClient', + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bff47742 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,4617 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import warnings + +from google.cloud.container_v1 import gapic_version as package_version + +from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import ClusterManagerClient + + +class ClusterManagerAsyncClient: + """Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1""" + + _client: ClusterManagerClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = ClusterManagerClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = ClusterManagerClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + topic_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.topic_path) + parse_topic_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_topic_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variable is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) # type: ignore + + @property + def transport(self) -> ClusterManagerTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(ClusterManagerClient).get_transport_class, type(ClusterManagerClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the cluster manager client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.ClusterManagerTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def list_clusters(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListClustersResponse: + r"""Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListClustersRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListClustersRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (:class:`str`): + The parent (project and location) where the clusters + will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. Location "-" matches all + zones and all regions. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListClustersResponse: + ListClustersResponse is the result of + ListClustersRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_clusters, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Cluster: + r"""Gets the details of a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetClusterRequest gets the settings + of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to retrieve. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster: + A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster: Optional[cluster_service.Cluster] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CreateClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CreateClusterRequest creates a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster`): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + + This corresponds to the ``cluster`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (:class:`str`): + The parent (project and location) where the cluster will + be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster is not None: + request.cluster = cluster + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + update: Optional[cluster_service.ClusterUpdate] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the settings of a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. UpdateClusterRequest updates the + settings of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + update (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterUpdate`): + Required. A description of the + update. + + This corresponds to the ``update`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, update, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if update is not None: + request.update = update + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the version and/or image type for the + specified node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. UpdateNodePoolRequests update a node + pool's image and/or version. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the autoscaling settings for the specified node + pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets + the autoscaler settings of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_logging_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + logging_service: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the + logging service of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + logging_service (:class:`str`): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud + Logging service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``logging_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set logging. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, logging_service, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if logging_service is not None: + request.logging_service = logging_service + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_logging_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_monitoring_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + monitoring_service: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the + monitoring service of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + monitoring_service (:class:`str`): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use + to write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE + 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the + cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will + be used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` + for earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``monitoring_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set monitoring. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, monitoring_service, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if monitoring_service is not None: + request.monitoring_service = monitoring_service + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_monitoring_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_addons_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + addons_config: Optional[cluster_service.AddonsConfig] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetAddonsConfigRequest sets the + addons associated with the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + addons_config (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.AddonsConfig`): + Required. The desired configurations + for the various addons available to run + in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``addons_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set addons. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, addons_config, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if addons_config is not None: + request.addons_config = addons_config + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_addons_config, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + locations: Optional[MutableSequence[str]] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLocationsRequest( + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLocationsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLocationsRequest sets the + locations of the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + locations (:class:`MutableSequence[str]`): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the cluster, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary + zone. + + This corresponds to the ``locations`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set locations. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + warnings.warn("ClusterManagerAsyncClient.set_locations is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning) + + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, locations, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + if locations: + request.locations.extend(locations) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_locations, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_master(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + master_version: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateMasterRequest( + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. UpdateMasterRequest updates the + master of the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + master_version (:class:`str`): + Required. The Kubernetes version to + change the master to. + Users may specify either explicit + versions offered by Kubernetes Engine or + version aliases, which have the + following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid + Kubernetes version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid + patch+gke.N patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N + patch in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit + Kubernetes version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes + version + + This corresponds to the ``master_version`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, master_version, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if master_version is not None: + request.master_version = master_version + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_master, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_master_auth(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMasterAuthRequest updates the + admin password of a cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_master_auth, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. DeleteClusterRequest deletes a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_operations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse: + r"""Lists all operations in a project in a specific zone + or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListOperationsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListOperationsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListOperationsRequest lists + operations. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListOperationsResponse: + ListOperationsResponse is the result + of ListOperationsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_operations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Gets the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetOperationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetOperationRequest gets a single + operation. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced + by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the + operation to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_operation, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def cancel_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Cancels the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CancelOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CancelOperationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CancelOperationRequest cancels a + single operation. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced + by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the + operation to cancel. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.cancel_operation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def get_server_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ServerConfig: + r"""Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetServerConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]]): + The request object. Gets the current Kubernetes Engine + service configuration. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project and location) of the server config to + get, specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ServerConfig: + Kubernetes Engine service + configuration. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_server_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_json_web_keys(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + r"""Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the + keys used by the cluster to sign token requests. This + will be the jwks_uri for the discover document returned + by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 + specification for details. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid + JSON Web Key Set as specififed in rfc + 7517 + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_json_web_keys, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_node_pools(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse: + r"""Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node + pool(s) for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (:class:`str`): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the + node pools will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListNodePoolsResponse: + ListNodePoolsResponse is the result + of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_node_pools, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.NodePool: + r"""Retrieves the requested node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the node + pool. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node pool to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool: + NodePool contains the name and + configuration for a cluster's node pool. + Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. + VM's), with a common configuration and + specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of + Kubernetes labels applied to them, which + may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up + or down, to accommodate the workload. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool: Optional[cluster_service.NodePool] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool`): + Required. The node pool to create. + This corresponds to the ``node_pool`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (:class:`str`): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the + node pool will be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool is not None: + request.node_pool = node_pool + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool + to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node pool to delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets + the name of target node pool to complete + upgrade. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest + rollbacks the previously Aborted or + Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an + no-op if the last upgrade successfully + completed. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool + to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node poll to rollback upgrade. Specified in the + format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_management(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the + node management properties of a node + pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_management, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_labels(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets labels on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLabelsRequest( + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLabelsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLabelsRequest sets the Google + Cloud Platform labels on a Google + Container Engine cluster, which will in + turn set them for Google Compute Engine + resources used by that cluster + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_labels, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_legacy_abac(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or + disables the ABAC authorization + mechanism for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + enabled (:class:`bool`): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization + will be enabled in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``enabled`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set legacy abac. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, enabled, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if enabled is not None: + request.enabled = enabled + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_legacy_abac, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def start_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Starts master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.StartIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. StartIPRotationRequest creates a new + IP for the cluster and then performs a + node upgrade on each node pool to point + to the new IP. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to start IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.start_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def complete_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Completes master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the + cluster master back into single-IP mode. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to complete IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.complete_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_size(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the size for a specific node pool. The new size will be + used for all replicas, including future replicas created by + modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1.NodePool.locations]. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size + of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_size, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_network_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + network_policy: Optional[cluster_service.NetworkPolicy] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNetworkPolicyRequest + enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + network_policy (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicy`): + Required. Configuration options for + the NetworkPolicy feature. + + This corresponds to the ``network_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set networking policy. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, network_policy, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if network_policy is not None: + request.network_policy = network_policy + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_network_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_maintenance_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + maintenance_policy: Optional[cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the + maintenance policy for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the cluster to + update. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + maintenance_policy (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenancePolicy`): + Required. The maintenance policy to + be set for the cluster. An empty field + clears the existing maintenance policy. + + This corresponds to the ``maintenance_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (:class:`str`): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set maintenance policy. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, maintenance_policy, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if maintenance_policy is not None: + request.maintenance_policy = maintenance_policy + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_maintenance_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_usable_subnetworks(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + r"""Lists subnetworks that are usable for creating + clusters in a project. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests + the list of usable subnetworks available + to a user for creating clusters. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the + response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Iterating over this object will yield + results and resolve additional pages + automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_usable_subnetworks, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def check_autopilot_compatibility(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + r"""Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + async def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest + requests getting the blockers for the + given operation in the cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse + has a list of compatibility issues. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.check_autopilot_compatibility, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self) -> "ClusterManagerAsyncClient": + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +__all__ = ( + "ClusterManagerAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/client.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5cccc211 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/client.py @@ -0,0 +1,4766 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast +import warnings + +from google.cloud.container_v1 import gapic_version as package_version + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class ClusterManagerClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the ClusterManager client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[ClusterManagerTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> Type[ClusterManagerTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class ClusterManagerClient(metaclass=ClusterManagerClientMeta): + """Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1""" + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.googleapis.com" to + "*.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.mtls.googleapis.com" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "sandbox.googleapis.com", "mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace(".googleapis.com", ".mtls.googleapis.com") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "container.googleapis.com" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> ClusterManagerTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def topic_path(project: str,topic: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified topic string.""" + return "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_topic_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a topic path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/topics/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variable is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + use_client_cert = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false") + use_mtls_endpoint = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_client_cert not in ("true", "false"): + raise ValueError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` must be either `true` or `false`") + if use_mtls_endpoint not in ("auto", "never", "always"): + raise MutualTLSChannelError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT` must be `never`, `auto` or `always`") + + # Figure out the client cert source to use. + client_cert_source = None + if use_client_cert == "true": + if client_options.client_cert_source: + client_cert_source = client_options.client_cert_source + elif mtls.has_default_client_cert_source(): + client_cert_source = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + elif use_mtls_endpoint == "always" or (use_mtls_endpoint == "auto" and client_cert_source): + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + return api_endpoint, client_cert_source + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Optional[Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport]] = None, + client_options: Optional[Union[client_options_lib.ClientOptions, dict]] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the cluster manager client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (Optional[Union[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions, dict]]): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + client_options = cast(client_options_lib.ClientOptions, client_options) + + api_endpoint, client_cert_source_func = self.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) + + api_key_value = getattr(client_options, "api_key", None) + if api_key_value and credentials: + raise ValueError("client_options.api_key and credentials are mutually exclusive") + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, ClusterManagerTransport): + # transport is a ClusterManagerTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file or api_key_value: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + import google.auth._default # type: ignore + + if api_key_value and hasattr(google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials"): + credentials = google.auth._default.get_api_key_credentials(api_key_value) + + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=client_options.api_audience, + ) + + def list_clusters(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListClustersResponse: + r"""Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListClustersRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListClustersRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the clusters + will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. Location "-" matches all + zones and all regions. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListClustersResponse: + ListClustersResponse is the result of + ListClustersRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListClustersRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListClustersRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_clusters] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Cluster: + r"""Gets the details of a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetClusterRequest gets the settings + of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to retrieve. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster: + A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster: Optional[cluster_service.Cluster] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CreateClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. CreateClusterRequest creates a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + + This corresponds to the ``cluster`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the cluster will + be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster is not None: + request.cluster = cluster + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + update: Optional[cluster_service.ClusterUpdate] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the settings of a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. UpdateClusterRequest updates the + settings of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + update (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterUpdate): + Required. A description of the + update. + + This corresponds to the ``update`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, update, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if update is not None: + request.update = update + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the version and/or image type for the + specified node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. UpdateNodePoolRequests update a node + pool's image and/or version. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the autoscaling settings for the specified node + pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets + the autoscaler settings of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_logging_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + logging_service: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the + logging service of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + logging_service (str): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud + Logging service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``logging_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set logging. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, logging_service, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if logging_service is not None: + request.logging_service = logging_service + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_logging_service] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_monitoring_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + monitoring_service: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the + monitoring service of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + monitoring_service (str): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use + to write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE + 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the + cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will + be used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` + for earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``monitoring_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set monitoring. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, monitoring_service, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if monitoring_service is not None: + request.monitoring_service = monitoring_service + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_monitoring_service] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_addons_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + addons_config: Optional[cluster_service.AddonsConfig] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetAddonsConfigRequest sets the + addons associated with the cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AddonsConfig): + Required. The desired configurations + for the various addons available to run + in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``addons_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set addons. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, addons_config, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if addons_config is not None: + request.addons_config = addons_config + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_addons_config] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + locations: Optional[MutableSequence[str]] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLocationsRequest( + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLocationsRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLocationsRequest sets the + locations of the cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the cluster, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary + zone. + + This corresponds to the ``locations`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + set locations. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + warnings.warn("ClusterManagerClient.set_locations is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning) + + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, locations, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if locations is not None: + request.locations = locations + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_locations] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_master(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + master_version: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateMasterRequest( + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]): + The request object. UpdateMasterRequest updates the + master of the cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + master_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to + change the master to. + Users may specify either explicit + versions offered by Kubernetes Engine or + version aliases, which have the + following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid + Kubernetes version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid + patch+gke.N patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N + patch in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit + Kubernetes version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes + version + + This corresponds to the ``master_version`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, master_version, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if master_version is not None: + request.master_version = master_version + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_master] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_master_auth(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMasterAuthRequest updates the + admin password of a cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_master_auth] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. DeleteClusterRequest deletes a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_operations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse: + r"""Lists all operations in a project in a specific zone + or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListOperationsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListOperationsRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListOperationsRequest lists + operations. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListOperationsResponse: + ListOperationsResponse is the result + of ListOperationsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_operations] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Gets the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetOperationRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetOperationRequest gets a single + operation. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (str): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced + by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the + operation to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetOperationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetOperationRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_operation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def cancel_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Cancels the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CancelOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CancelOperationRequest, dict]): + The request object. CancelOperationRequest cancels a + single operation. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (str): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced + by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the + operation to cancel. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest): + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.cancel_operation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def get_server_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ServerConfig: + r"""Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetServerConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. Gets the current Kubernetes Engine + service configuration. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project and location) of the server config to + get, specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ServerConfig: + Kubernetes Engine service + configuration. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_server_config] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_json_web_keys(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + r"""Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the + keys used by the cluster to sign token requests. This + will be the jwks_uri for the discover document returned + by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 + specification for details. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid + JSON Web Key Set as specififed in rfc + 7517 + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_json_web_keys] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_node_pools(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse: + r"""Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node + pool(s) for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the + node pools will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListNodePoolsResponse: + ListNodePoolsResponse is the result + of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_node_pools] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.NodePool: + r"""Retrieves the requested node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node + pool. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node pool to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool: + NodePool contains the name and + configuration for a cluster's node pool. + Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. + VM's), with a common configuration and + specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of + Kubernetes labels applied to them, which + may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up + or down, to accommodate the workload. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool: Optional[cluster_service.NodePool] = None, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool): + Required. The node pool to create. + This corresponds to the ``node_pool`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the + node pool will be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool, parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool is not None: + request.node_pool = node_pool + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool + to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node pool to delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]): + The request object. CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets + the name of target node pool to complete + upgrade. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]): + The request object. RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest + rollbacks the previously Aborted or + Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an + no-op if the last upgrade successfully + completed. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool + to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of + the node poll to rollback upgrade. Specified in the + format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_management(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the + node management properties of a node + pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_management] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_labels(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets labels on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLabelsRequest( + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLabelsRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLabelsRequest sets the Google + Cloud Platform labels on a Google + Container Engine cluster, which will in + turn set them for Google Compute Engine + resources used by that cluster + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_labels] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_legacy_abac(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or + disables the ABAC authorization + mechanism for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + enabled (bool): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization + will be enabled in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``enabled`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set legacy abac. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, enabled, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if enabled is not None: + request.enabled = enabled + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_legacy_abac] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def start_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Starts master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.StartIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]): + The request object. StartIPRotationRequest creates a new + IP for the cluster and then performs a + node upgrade on each node pool to point + to the new IP. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to start IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest): + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.start_ip_rotation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def complete_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Completes master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]): + The request object. CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the + cluster master back into single-IP mode. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to complete IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest): + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.complete_ip_rotation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_size(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the size for a specific node pool. The new size will be + used for all replicas, including future replicas created by + modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1.NodePool.locations]. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size + of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_size] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_network_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + network_policy: Optional[cluster_service.NetworkPolicy] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNetworkPolicyRequest + enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Required. Configuration options for + the NetworkPolicy feature. + + This corresponds to the ``network_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set networking policy. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, network_policy, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if network_policy is not None: + request.network_policy = network_policy + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_network_policy] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_maintenance_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + maintenance_policy: Optional[cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy] = None, + name: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the + maintenance policy for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. The name of the cluster to + update. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Required. The maintenance policy to + be set for the cluster. An empty field + clears the existing maintenance policy. + + This corresponds to the ``maintenance_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the + cluster to set maintenance policy. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``name`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, maintenance_policy, name]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if maintenance_policy is not None: + request.maintenance_policy = maintenance_policy + if name is not None: + request.name = name + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_maintenance_policy] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_usable_subnetworks(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + r"""Lists subnetworks that are usable for creating + clusters in a project. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests + the list of usable subnetworks available + to a user for creating clusters. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the + response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Iterating over this object will yield + results and resolve additional pages + automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_usable_subnetworks] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + r"""Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1 + + def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]): + The request object. CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest + requests getting the blockers for the + given operation in the cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse + has a list of compatibility issues. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest): + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.check_autopilot_compatibility] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self) -> "ClusterManagerClient": + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + + + + + + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +__all__ = ( + "ClusterManagerClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..420139d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_usable_subnetworks`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subnetworks`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListUsableSubnetworks`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subnetworks`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse], + request: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + response: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.subnetworks + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_usable_subnetworks`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subnetworks`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListUsableSubnetworks`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subnetworks`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]], + request: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + response: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.subnetworks: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..100a2290 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport +from .grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[ClusterManagerTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerTransport', + 'ClusterManagerGrpcTransport', + 'ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1927bd66 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union + +from google.cloud.container_v1 import gapic_version as package_version + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +class ClusterManagerTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for ClusterManager.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = 'container.googleapis.com' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": self.AUTH_SCOPES} + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + # Don't apply audience if the credentials file passed from user. + if hasattr(credentials, "with_gdch_audience"): + credentials = credentials.with_gdch_audience(api_audience if api_audience else host) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.list_clusters: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_clusters, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_autoscaling: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_autoscaling, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_logging_service: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_logging_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_monitoring_service: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_monitoring_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_addons_config: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_addons_config, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_locations: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_locations, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_master: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_master, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_master_auth: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_master_auth, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_operations: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_operations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_operation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_operation, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.cancel_operation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.cancel_operation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_server_config: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_server_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_json_web_keys: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_json_web_keys, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_node_pools: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_node_pools, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.complete_node_pool_upgrade: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.complete_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.rollback_node_pool_upgrade: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.rollback_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_management: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_management, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_labels: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_labels, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_legacy_abac: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_legacy_abac, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.start_ip_rotation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.start_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.complete_ip_rotation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.complete_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_size: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_size, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_network_policy: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_network_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_maintenance_policy: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_maintenance_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_usable_subnetworks: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_usable_subnetworks, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.check_autopilot_compatibility: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.check_autopilot_compatibility, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListClustersResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListClustersResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Cluster, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Cluster] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ServerConfig, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ServerConfig] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.NodePool, + Awaitable[cluster_service.NodePool] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def kind(self) -> str: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..333abfca --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py @@ -0,0 +1,1166 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class ClusterManagerGrpcTransport(ClusterManagerTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for ClusterManager. + + Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: Optional[grpc.Channel] = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, + client_cert_source: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: Optional[grpc.ChannelCredentials] = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + api_audience=api_audience, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + cluster_service.ListClustersResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list clusters method over gRPC. + + Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListClustersRequest], + ~.ListClustersResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_clusters' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_clusters'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListClusters', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListClustersResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_clusters'] + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Cluster]: + r"""Return a callable for the get cluster method over gRPC. + + Gets the details of a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetClusterRequest], + ~.Cluster]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Cluster.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_cluster'] + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the create cluster method over gRPC. + + Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CreateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_cluster'] + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update cluster method over gRPC. + + Updates the settings of a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_cluster'] + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update node pool method over gRPC. + + Updates the version and/or image type for the + specified node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_node_pool'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool autoscaling method over gRPC. + + Sets the autoscaling settings for the specified node + pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_autoscaling' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolAutoscaling', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set logging service method over gRPC. + + Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_logging_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_logging_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLoggingService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_logging_service'] + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set monitoring service method over gRPC. + + Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_monitoring_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMonitoringService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set addons config method over gRPC. + + Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_addons_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_addons_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetAddonsConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_addons_config'] + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set locations method over gRPC. + + Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLocationsRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_locations'] + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update master method over gRPC. + + Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateMasterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_master' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_master'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateMaster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_master'] + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set master auth method over gRPC. + + Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMasterAuthRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_master_auth' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_master_auth'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMasterAuth', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_master_auth'] + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete cluster method over gRPC. + + Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/DeleteCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_cluster'] + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list operations method over gRPC. + + Lists all operations in a project in a specific zone + or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListOperationsRequest], + ~.ListOperationsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_operations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_operations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListOperations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_operations'] + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the get operation method over gRPC. + + Gets the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetOperationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_operation'] + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the cancel operation method over gRPC. + + Cancels the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CancelOperationRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'cancel_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['cancel_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CancelOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['cancel_operation'] + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + cluster_service.ServerConfig]: + r"""Return a callable for the get server config method over gRPC. + + Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetServerConfigRequest], + ~.ServerConfig]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_server_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_server_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetServerConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ServerConfig.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_server_config'] + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the get json web keys method over gRPC. + + Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + ~.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_json_web_keys' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetJSONWebKeys', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list node pools method over gRPC. + + Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodePoolsRequest], + ~.ListNodePoolsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_node_pools' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_node_pools'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListNodePools', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_node_pools'] + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.NodePool]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node pool method over gRPC. + + Retrieves the requested node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodePoolRequest], + ~.NodePool]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.NodePool.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node_pool'] + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node pool method over gRPC. + + Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CreateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node_pool'] + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node pool method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/DeleteNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CompleteNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the rollback node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/RollbackNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool management method over gRPC. + + Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_management' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolManagement', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set labels method over gRPC. + + Sets labels on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLabelsRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_labels' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_labels'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLabels', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_labels'] + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set legacy abac method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_legacy_abac' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLegacyAbac', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the start ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Starts master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartIPRotationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/StartIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Completes master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CompleteIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool size method over gRPC. + + Sets the size for a specific node pool. The new size will be + used for all replicas, including future replicas created by + modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1.NodePool.locations]. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_size' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolSize', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set network policy method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_network_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_network_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNetworkPolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_network_policy'] + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set maintenance policy method over gRPC. + + Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_maintenance_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMaintenancePolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list usable subnetworks method over gRPC. + + Lists subnetworks that are usable for creating + clusters in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + ~.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_usable_subnetworks' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListUsableSubnetworks', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the check autopilot compatibility method over gRPC. + + Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + ~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'check_autopilot_compatibility' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CheckAutopilotCompatibility', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + + @property + def kind(self) -> str: + return "grpc" + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d9be43c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py @@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + + +class ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport(ClusterManagerTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for ClusterManager. + + Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: Optional[aio.Channel] = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, + client_cert_source: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: Optional[grpc.ChannelCredentials] = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + api_audience=api_audience, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListClustersResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list clusters method over gRPC. + + Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListClustersRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListClustersResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_clusters' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_clusters'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListClusters', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListClustersResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_clusters'] + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Cluster]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get cluster method over gRPC. + + Gets the details of a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Cluster]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Cluster.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_cluster'] + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create cluster method over gRPC. + + Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CreateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_cluster'] + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update cluster method over gRPC. + + Updates the settings of a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_cluster'] + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update node pool method over gRPC. + + Updates the version and/or image type for the + specified node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_node_pool'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool autoscaling method over gRPC. + + Sets the autoscaling settings for the specified node + pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_autoscaling' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolAutoscaling', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set logging service method over gRPC. + + Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_logging_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_logging_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLoggingService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_logging_service'] + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set monitoring service method over gRPC. + + Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_monitoring_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMonitoringService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set addons config method over gRPC. + + Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_addons_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_addons_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetAddonsConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_addons_config'] + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set locations method over gRPC. + + Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_locations'] + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update master method over gRPC. + + Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateMasterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_master' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_master'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/UpdateMaster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_master'] + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set master auth method over gRPC. + + Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_master_auth' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_master_auth'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMasterAuth', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_master_auth'] + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete cluster method over gRPC. + + Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/DeleteCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_cluster'] + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list operations method over gRPC. + + Lists all operations in a project in a specific zone + or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListOperationsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListOperationsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_operations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_operations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListOperations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_operations'] + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get operation method over gRPC. + + Gets the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetOperationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_operation'] + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the cancel operation method over gRPC. + + Cancels the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CancelOperationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'cancel_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['cancel_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CancelOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['cancel_operation'] + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ServerConfig]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get server config method over gRPC. + + Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetServerConfigRequest], + Awaitable[~.ServerConfig]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_server_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_server_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetServerConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ServerConfig.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_server_config'] + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get json web keys method over gRPC. + + Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Awaitable[~.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_json_web_keys' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetJSONWebKeys', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list node pools method over gRPC. + + Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListNodePoolsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_node_pools' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_node_pools'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListNodePools', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_node_pools'] + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.NodePool]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node pool method over gRPC. + + Retrieves the requested node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.NodePool]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/GetNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.NodePool.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node_pool'] + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node pool method over gRPC. + + Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CreateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node_pool'] + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node pool method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/DeleteNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CompleteNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the rollback node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/RollbackNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool management method over gRPC. + + Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_management' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolManagement', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set labels method over gRPC. + + Sets labels on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLabelsRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_labels' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_labels'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLabels', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_labels'] + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set legacy abac method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_legacy_abac' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetLegacyAbac', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the start ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Starts master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/StartIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Completes master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CompleteIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool size method over gRPC. + + Sets the size for a specific node pool. The new size will be + used for all replicas, including future replicas created by + modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1.NodePool.locations]. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_size' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolSize', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set network policy method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_network_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_network_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetNetworkPolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_network_policy'] + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set maintenance policy method over gRPC. + + Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_maintenance_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/SetMaintenancePolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list usable subnetworks method over gRPC. + + Lists subnetworks that are usable for creating + clusters in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_usable_subnetworks' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/ListUsableSubnetworks', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the check autopilot compatibility method over gRPC. + + Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Awaitable[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'check_autopilot_compatibility' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1.ClusterManager/CheckAutopilotCompatibility', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a17a43c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .cluster_service import ( + AcceleratorConfig, + AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig, + AdditionalPodNetworkConfig, + AdditionalPodRangesConfig, + AddonsConfig, + AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig, + AdvancedMachineFeatures, + AuthenticatorGroupsConfig, + Autopilot, + AutopilotCompatibilityIssue, + AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults, + AutoUpgradeOptions, + BestEffortProvisioning, + BinaryAuthorization, + BlueGreenSettings, + CancelOperationRequest, + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse, + ClientCertificateConfig, + CloudRunConfig, + Cluster, + ClusterAutoscaling, + ClusterUpdate, + CompleteIPRotationRequest, + CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + ConfidentialNodes, + ConfigConnectorConfig, + CostManagementConfig, + CreateClusterRequest, + CreateNodePoolRequest, + DailyMaintenanceWindow, + DatabaseEncryption, + DefaultSnatStatus, + DeleteClusterRequest, + DeleteNodePoolRequest, + DnsCacheConfig, + DNSConfig, + EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig, + FastSocket, + Fleet, + GatewayAPIConfig, + GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig, + GcfsConfig, + GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig, + GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig, + GetClusterRequest, + GetJSONWebKeysRequest, + GetJSONWebKeysResponse, + GetNodePoolRequest, + GetOpenIDConfigRequest, + GetOpenIDConfigResponse, + GetOperationRequest, + GetServerConfigRequest, + GkeBackupAgentConfig, + GPUDriverInstallationConfig, + GPUSharingConfig, + HorizontalPodAutoscaling, + HttpLoadBalancing, + IdentityServiceConfig, + ILBSubsettingConfig, + IntraNodeVisibilityConfig, + IPAllocationPolicy, + Jwk, + K8sBetaAPIConfig, + KubernetesDashboard, + LegacyAbac, + LinuxNodeConfig, + ListClustersRequest, + ListClustersResponse, + ListNodePoolsRequest, + ListNodePoolsResponse, + ListOperationsRequest, + ListOperationsResponse, + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig, + LoggingComponentConfig, + LoggingConfig, + LoggingVariantConfig, + MaintenanceExclusionOptions, + MaintenancePolicy, + MaintenanceWindow, + ManagedPrometheusConfig, + MasterAuth, + MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig, + MaxPodsConstraint, + MeshCertificates, + MonitoringComponentConfig, + MonitoringConfig, + NetworkConfig, + NetworkPolicy, + NetworkPolicyConfig, + NetworkTags, + NodeConfig, + NodeConfigDefaults, + NodeKubeletConfig, + NodeLabels, + NodeManagement, + NodeNetworkConfig, + NodePool, + NodePoolAutoConfig, + NodePoolAutoscaling, + NodePoolDefaults, + NodePoolLoggingConfig, + NodeTaint, + NodeTaints, + NotificationConfig, + Operation, + OperationProgress, + PodCIDROverprovisionConfig, + PrivateClusterConfig, + PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig, + RangeInfo, + RecurringTimeWindow, + ReleaseChannel, + ReservationAffinity, + ResourceLabels, + ResourceLimit, + ResourceUsageExportConfig, + RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + SandboxConfig, + SecurityBulletinEvent, + SecurityPostureConfig, + ServerConfig, + ServiceExternalIPsConfig, + SetAddonsConfigRequest, + SetLabelsRequest, + SetLegacyAbacRequest, + SetLocationsRequest, + SetLoggingServiceRequest, + SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, + SetMasterAuthRequest, + SetMonitoringServiceRequest, + SetNetworkPolicyRequest, + SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, + SetNodePoolManagementRequest, + SetNodePoolSizeRequest, + ShieldedInstanceConfig, + ShieldedNodes, + SoleTenantConfig, + StartIPRotationRequest, + StatusCondition, + TimeWindow, + UpdateClusterRequest, + UpdateMasterRequest, + UpdateNodePoolRequest, + UpgradeAvailableEvent, + UpgradeEvent, + UsableSubnetwork, + UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange, + VerticalPodAutoscaling, + VirtualNIC, + WindowsNodeConfig, + WorkloadIdentityConfig, + WorkloadMetadataConfig, + WorkloadPolicyConfig, + DatapathProvider, + IPv6AccessType, + NodePoolUpdateStrategy, + PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess, + StackType, + UpgradeResourceType, +) + +__all__ = ( + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'Autopilot', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'Cluster', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + 'FastSocket', + 'Fleet', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'Jwk', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'MasterAuth', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'NetworkTags', + 'NodeConfig', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeLabels', + 'NodeManagement', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'NodePool', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'ServerConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'StatusCondition', + 'TimeWindow', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'IPv6AccessType', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'StackType', + 'UpgradeResourceType', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/cluster_service.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/cluster_service.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dad1257d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/google/cloud/container_v1/types/cluster_service.py @@ -0,0 +1,9030 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from __future__ import annotations + +from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence + +import proto # type: ignore + +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import code_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore + + +__protobuf__ = proto.module( + package='google.container.v1', + manifest={ + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'UpgradeResourceType', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'StackType', + 'IPv6AccessType', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NodeLabels', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'NetworkTags', + 'MasterAuth', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'Cluster', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'ServerConfig', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'NodePool', + 'NodeManagement', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'TimeWindow', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'StatusCondition', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'Jwk', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'FastSocket', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'Autopilot', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'Fleet', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + }, +) + + +class PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess(proto.Enum): + r"""PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess controls whether and how the pods can + communicate with Google Services through gRPC over IPv6. + + Values: + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. Same as DISABLED + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_DISABLED (1): + No private access to or from Google Services + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE (2): + Enables private IPv6 access to Google + Services from GKE + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_BIDIRECTIONAL (3): + Enables private IPv6 access to and from + Google Services + """ + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_DISABLED = 1 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = 2 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_BIDIRECTIONAL = 3 + + +class UpgradeResourceType(proto.Enum): + r"""UpgradeResourceType is the resource type that is upgrading. + It is used in upgrade notifications. + + Values: + UPGRADE_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + MASTER (1): + Master / control plane + NODE_POOL (2): + Node pool + """ + UPGRADE_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + MASTER = 1 + NODE_POOL = 2 + + +class DatapathProvider(proto.Enum): + r"""The datapath provider selects the implementation of the + Kubernetes networking model for service resolution and network + policy enforcement. + + Values: + DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + LEGACY_DATAPATH (1): + Use the IPTables implementation based on + kube-proxy. + ADVANCED_DATAPATH (2): + Use the eBPF based GKE Dataplane V2 with additional + features. See the `GKE Dataplane V2 + documentation `__ + for more. + """ + DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + LEGACY_DATAPATH = 1 + ADVANCED_DATAPATH = 2 + + +class NodePoolUpdateStrategy(proto.Enum): + r"""Strategy used for node pool update. + + Values: + NODE_POOL_UPDATE_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value if unset. GKE internally + defaults the update strategy to SURGE for + unspecified strategies. + BLUE_GREEN (2): + blue-green upgrade. + SURGE (3): + SURGE is the traditional way of upgrade a node pool. + max_surge and max_unavailable determines the level of + upgrade parallelism. + """ + NODE_POOL_UPDATE_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + BLUE_GREEN = 2 + SURGE = 3 + + +class StackType(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for IP stack type + + Values: + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, will be defaulted as IPV4 only + IPV4 (1): + Cluster is IPV4 only + IPV4_IPV6 (2): + Cluster can use both IPv4 and IPv6 + """ + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + IPV4 = 1 + IPV4_IPV6 = 2 + + +class IPv6AccessType(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for IPv6 access type + + Values: + IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, will be defaulted as type + external. + INTERNAL (1): + Access type internal (all v6 addresses are + internal IPs) + EXTERNAL (2): + Access type external (all v6 addresses are + external IPs) + """ + IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INTERNAL = 1 + EXTERNAL = 2 + + +class LinuxNodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes. + + Attributes: + sysctls (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and + all pods running on the nodes. + + The following parameters are supported. + + net.core.busy_poll net.core.busy_read + net.core.netdev_max_backlog net.core.rmem_max + net.core.wmem_default net.core.wmem_max net.core.optmem_max + net.core.somaxconn net.ipv4.tcp_rmem net.ipv4.tcp_wmem + net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse + cgroup_mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LinuxNodeConfig.CgroupMode): + cgroup_mode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the + node. + """ + class CgroupMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible cgroup modes that can be used. + + Values: + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED is when unspecified cgroup + configuration is used. The default for the GKE node OS image + will be used. + CGROUP_MODE_V1 (1): + CGROUP_MODE_V1 specifies to use cgroupv1 for the cgroup + configuration on the node image. + CGROUP_MODE_V2 (2): + CGROUP_MODE_V2 specifies to use cgroupv2 for the cgroup + configuration on the node image. + """ + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CGROUP_MODE_V1 = 1 + CGROUP_MODE_V2 = 2 + + sysctls: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cgroup_mode: CgroupMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=CgroupMode, + ) + + +class WindowsNodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that can be configured on Windows nodes. + Windows Node Config that define the parameters that will be used + to configure the Windows node pool settings + + Attributes: + os_version (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WindowsNodeConfig.OSVersion): + OSVersion specifies the Windows node config + to be used on the node + """ + class OSVersion(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible OS version that can be used. + + Values: + OS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED (0): + When OSVersion is not specified + OS_VERSION_LTSC2019 (1): + LTSC2019 specifies to use LTSC2019 as the + Windows Servercore Base Image + OS_VERSION_LTSC2022 (2): + LTSC2022 specifies to use LTSC2022 as the + Windows Servercore Base Image + """ + OS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + OS_VERSION_LTSC2019 = 1 + OS_VERSION_LTSC2022 = 2 + + os_version: OSVersion = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=OSVersion, + ) + + +class NodeKubeletConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Node kubelet configs. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + cpu_manager_policy (str): + Control the CPU management policy on the node. See + https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/ + + The following values are allowed. + + - "none": the default, which represents the existing + scheduling behavior. + - "static": allows pods with certain resource + characteristics to be granted increased CPU affinity and + exclusivity on the node. The default value is 'none' if + unspecified. + cpu_cfs_quota (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for + containers that specify CPU limits. + This option is enabled by default which makes + kubelet use CFS quota + (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt) + to enforce container CPU limits. Otherwise, CPU + limits will not be enforced at all. + + Disable this option to mitigate CPU throttling + problems while still having your pods to be in + Guaranteed QoS class by specifying the CPU + limits. + + The default value is 'true' if unspecified. + cpu_cfs_quota_period (str): + Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'. + + The string must be a sequence of decimal numbers, each with + optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms". Valid + time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". + The value must be a positive duration. + pod_pids_limit (int): + Set the Pod PID limits. See + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pid-limiting/#pod-pid-limits + + Controls the maximum number of processes allowed + to run in a pod. The value must be greater than + or equal to 1024 and less than 4194304. + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled (bool): + Enable or disable Kubelet read only port. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled``. + """ + + cpu_manager_policy: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cpu_cfs_quota: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + cpu_cfs_quota_period: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + pod_pids_limit: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=4, + ) + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + optional=True, + ) + + +class NodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster. + + GKE Autopilot clusters do not recognize parameters in + ``NodeConfig``. Use + [AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults][google.container.v1.AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults] + instead. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + machine_type (str): + The name of a Google Compute Engine `machine + type `__ + + If unspecified, the default machine type is ``e2-medium``. + disk_size_gb (int): + Size of the disk attached to each node, + specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size + is 10GB. + + If unspecified, the default disk size is 100GB. + oauth_scopes (MutableSequence[str]): + The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of + the node VMs under the "default" service account. + + The following scopes are recommended, but not required, and + by default are not included: + + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute`` is required + for mounting persistent storage on your nodes. + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only`` + is required for communicating with **gcr.io** (the + `Google Container + Registry `__). + + If unspecified, no scopes are added, unless Cloud Logging or + Cloud Monitoring are enabled, in which case their required + scopes will be added. + service_account (str): + The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to + be used by the node VMs. Specify the email + address of the Service Account; otherwise, if no + Service Account is specified, the "default" + service account is used. + metadata (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the + cluster. + + Keys must conform to the regexp ``[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+`` and be + less than 128 bytes in length. These are reflected as part + of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid + ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata + keys for the project or be one of the reserved keys: + + - "cluster-location" + - "cluster-name" + - "cluster-uid" + - "configure-sh" + - "containerd-configure-sh" + - "enable-os-login" + - "gci-ensure-gke-docker" + - "gci-metrics-enabled" + - "gci-update-strategy" + - "instance-template" + - "kube-env" + - "startup-script" + - "user-data" + - "disable-address-manager" + - "windows-startup-script-ps1" + - "common-psm1" + - "k8s-node-setup-psm1" + - "install-ssh-psm1" + - "user-profile-psm1" + + Values are free-form strings, and only have meaning as + interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only + restriction placed on them is that each value's size must be + less than or equal to 32 KB. + + The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 + KB. + image_type (str): + The image type to use for this node. Note + that for a given image type, the latest version + of it will be used. Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value + pairs) to be applied to each node. These will + added in addition to any default label(s) that + Kubernetes may apply to the node. + In case of conflict in label keys, the applied + set may differ depending on the Kubernetes + version -- it's best to assume the behavior is + undefined and conflicts should be avoided. + For more information, including usage and the + valid values, see: + + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ + local_ssd_count (int): + The number of local SSD disks to be attached + to the node. + The limit for this value is dependent upon the + maximum number of disks available on a machine + per zone. See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + tags (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of instance tags applied to all + nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources + or targets for network firewalls and are + specified by the client during cluster or node + pool creation. Each tag within the list must + comply with RFC1035. + preemptible (bool): + Whether the nodes are created as preemptible + VM instances. See: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/preemptible + for more information about preemptible VM + instances. + accelerators (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.AcceleratorConfig]): + A list of hardware accelerators to be + attached to each node. See + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus for + more information about support for GPUs. + disk_type (str): + Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. + 'pd-standard', 'pd-ssd' or 'pd-balanced') + + If unspecified, the default disk type is + 'pd-standard' + min_cpu_platform (str): + Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The + instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU + platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU + platforms, such as ``minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell"`` or + ``minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge"``. For more + information, read `how to specify min CPU + platform `__ + workload_metadata_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig): + The workload metadata configuration for this + node. + taints (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeTaint]): + List of kubernetes taints to be applied to + each node. + For more information, including usage and the + valid values, see: + + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ + sandbox_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SandboxConfig): + Sandbox configuration for this node. + node_group (str): + Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run + on the specified node group. This is useful for running + workloads on `sole tenant + nodes `__. + reservation_affinity (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReservationAffinity): + The optional reservation affinity. Setting this field will + apply the specified `Zonal Compute + Reservation `__ + to this node pool. + shielded_instance_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ShieldedInstanceConfig): + Shielded Instance options. + linux_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LinuxNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Linux + nodes. + kubelet_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeKubeletConfig): + Node kubelet configs. + boot_disk_kms_key (str): + The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot + disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be + of the form + projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]. + For more information about protecting resources with Cloud + KMS Keys please see: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcfsConfig): + Google Container File System (image + streaming) configs. + advanced_machine_features (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdvancedMachineFeatures): + Advanced features for the Compute Engine VM. + gvnic (google.cloud.container_v1.types.VirtualNIC): + Enable or disable gvnic in the node pool. + spot (bool): + Spot flag for enabling Spot VM, which is a + rebrand of the existing preemptible flag. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Confidential nodes config. + All the nodes in the node pool will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + fast_socket (google.cloud.container_v1.types.FastSocket): + Enable or disable NCCL fast socket for the + node pool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_fast_socket``. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The resource labels for the node pool to use + to annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration. + windows_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WindowsNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Windows + nodes. + local_nvme_ssd_block_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig): + Parameters for using raw-block Local NVMe + SSDs. + ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig): + Parameters for the node ephemeral storage + using Local SSDs. If unspecified, ephemeral + storage is backed by the boot disk. + sole_tenant_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SoleTenantConfig): + Parameters for node pools to be backed by + shared sole tenant node groups. + """ + + machine_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + oauth_scopes: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + service_account: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + metadata: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + tags: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + preemptible: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + accelerators: MutableSequence['AcceleratorConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + message='AcceleratorConfig', + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=12, + ) + min_cpu_platform: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + workload_metadata_config: 'WorkloadMetadataConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='WorkloadMetadataConfig', + ) + taints: MutableSequence['NodeTaint'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='NodeTaint', + ) + sandbox_config: 'SandboxConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='SandboxConfig', + ) + node_group: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=18, + ) + reservation_affinity: 'ReservationAffinity' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='ReservationAffinity', + ) + shielded_instance_config: 'ShieldedInstanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='ShieldedInstanceConfig', + ) + linux_node_config: 'LinuxNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='LinuxNodeConfig', + ) + kubelet_config: 'NodeKubeletConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='NodeKubeletConfig', + ) + boot_disk_kms_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=23, + ) + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=25, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + advanced_machine_features: 'AdvancedMachineFeatures' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='AdvancedMachineFeatures', + ) + gvnic: 'VirtualNIC' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=29, + message='VirtualNIC', + ) + spot: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=32, + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=35, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + fast_socket: 'FastSocket' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=36, + optional=True, + message='FastSocket', + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=37, + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=38, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + windows_node_config: 'WindowsNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='WindowsNodeConfig', + ) + local_nvme_ssd_block_config: 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=40, + message='LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + ) + ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_config: 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=41, + message='EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + ) + sole_tenant_config: 'SoleTenantConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=42, + message='SoleTenantConfig', + ) + + +class AdvancedMachineFeatures(proto.Message): + r"""Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + threads_per_core (int): + The number of threads per physical core. To + disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set + this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of + threads supported per core by the underlying + processor is assumed. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_threads_per_core``. + """ + + threads_per_core: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + optional=True, + ) + + +class NodeNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for node pool-level network config. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + create_pod_range (bool): + Input only. Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in + this node pool. Defaults are provided for ``pod_range`` and + ``pod_ipv4_cidr_block`` if they are not specified. + + If neither ``create_pod_range`` or ``pod_range`` are + specified, the cluster-level default + (``ip_allocation_policy.cluster_ipv4_cidr_block``) is used. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + pod_range (str): + The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If + ``create_pod_range`` is true, this ID is used for the new + range. If ``create_pod_range`` is false, uses an existing + secondary range with this ID. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + pod_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. + + Only applicable if ``create_pod_range`` is true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) to pick a specific range to + use. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + enable_private_nodes (bool): + Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only. If + enable_private_nodes is not specified, then the value is + derived from + [cluster.privateClusterConfig.enablePrivateNodes][google.container.v1beta1.PrivateClusterConfig.enablePrivateNodes] + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_enable_private_nodes``. + network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig): + Network bandwidth tier configuration. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_network_performance_config``. + pod_cidr_overprovision_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PodCIDROverprovisionConfig): + [PRIVATE FIELD] Pod CIDR size overprovisioning config for + the nodepool. + + Pod CIDR size per node depends on max_pods_per_node. By + default, the value of max_pods_per_node is rounded off to + next power of 2 and we then double that to get the size of + pod CIDR block per node. Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + would result in 64 IPs (/26). + + This config can disable the doubling of IPs (we still round + off to next power of 2) Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + will result in 32 IPs (/27) when overprovisioning is + disabled. + additional_node_network_configs (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig]): + We specify the additional node networks for + this node pool using this list. Each node + network corresponds to an additional interface + additional_pod_network_configs (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdditionalPodNetworkConfig]): + We specify the additional pod networks for + this node pool using this list. Each pod network + corresponds to an additional alias IP range for + the node + pod_ipv4_range_utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the IPv4 range + for the pod. The ratio is Usage/[Total number of IPs in the + secondary range], Usage=numNodes\ *numZones*\ podIPsPerNode. + """ + + class NetworkPerformanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of all network bandwidth tiers + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + total_egress_bandwidth_tier (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier): + Specifies the total network bandwidth tier + for the NodePool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_total_egress_bandwidth_tier``. + """ + class Tier(proto.Enum): + r"""Node network tier + + Values: + TIER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + TIER_1 (1): + Higher bandwidth, actual values based on VM + size. + """ + TIER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIER_1 = 1 + + total_egress_bandwidth_tier: 'NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum='NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier', + ) + + create_pod_range: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + pod_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + pod_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + enable_private_nodes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=9, + optional=True, + ) + network_performance_config: NetworkPerformanceConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + optional=True, + message=NetworkPerformanceConfig, + ) + pod_cidr_overprovision_config: 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + ) + additional_node_network_configs: MutableSequence['AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + ) + additional_pod_network_configs: MutableSequence['AdditionalPodNetworkConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + ) + pod_ipv4_range_utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=16, + ) + + +class AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig is the configuration for + additional node networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message + + Attributes: + network (str): + Name of the VPC where the additional + interface belongs + subnetwork (str): + Name of the subnetwork where the additional + interface belongs + """ + + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class AdditionalPodNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalPodNetworkConfig is the configuration for + additional pod networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + subnetwork (str): + Name of the subnetwork where the additional + pod network belongs + secondary_pod_range (str): + The name of the secondary range on the subnet + which provides IP address for this pod range + max_pods_per_node (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The maximum number of pods per node which use + this pod network + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_max_pods_per_node``. + """ + + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + secondary_pod_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + max_pods_per_node: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + optional=True, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + + +class ShieldedInstanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""A set of Shielded Instance options. + + Attributes: + enable_secure_boot (bool): + Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot + enabled. + Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only + runs authentic software by verifying the digital + signature of all boot components, and halting + the boot process if signature verification + fails. + enable_integrity_monitoring (bool): + Defines whether the instance has integrity + monitoring enabled. + Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot + integrity of the instance. The attestation is + performed against the integrity policy baseline. + This baseline is initially derived from the + implicitly trusted boot image when the instance + is created. + """ + + enable_secure_boot: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + enable_integrity_monitoring: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + +class SandboxConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use + for the node. + + Attributes: + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SandboxConfig.Type): + Type of the sandbox to use for the node. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible types of sandboxes. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This should not be used. + GVISOR (1): + Run sandbox using gvisor. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + GVISOR = 1 + + type_: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=Type, + ) + + +class GcfsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GcfsConfig contains configurations of Google Container File + System (image streaming). + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to use GCFS. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ReservationAffinity(proto.Message): + r"""`ReservationAffinity `__ + is the configuration of desired reservation which instances could + take capacity from. + + Attributes: + consume_reservation_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReservationAffinity.Type): + Corresponds to the type of reservation + consumption. + key (str): + Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To + target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify + "compute.googleapis.com/reservation-name" as the key and + specify the name of your reservation as its value. + values (MutableSequence[str]): + Corresponds to the label value(s) of + reservation resource(s). + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Indicates whether to consume capacity from a reservation or + not. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This should not be used. + NO_RESERVATION (1): + Do not consume from any reserved capacity. + ANY_RESERVATION (2): + Consume any reservation available. + SPECIFIC_RESERVATION (3): + Must consume from a specific reservation. + Must specify key value fields for specifying the + reservations. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + NO_RESERVATION = 1 + ANY_RESERVATION = 2 + SPECIFIC_RESERVATION = 3 + + consume_reservation_type: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Type, + ) + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + values: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class SoleTenantConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SoleTenantConfig contains the NodeAffinities to specify what + shared sole tenant node groups should back the node pool. + + Attributes: + node_affinities (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity]): + NodeAffinities used to match to a shared sole + tenant node group. + """ + + class NodeAffinity(proto.Message): + r"""Specifies the NodeAffinity key, values, and affinity operator + according to `shared sole tenant node group + affinities `__. + + Attributes: + key (str): + Key for NodeAffinity. + operator (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator): + Operator for NodeAffinity. + values (MutableSequence[str]): + Values for NodeAffinity. + """ + class Operator(proto.Enum): + r"""Operator allows user to specify affinity or anti-affinity for + the given key values. + + Values: + OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Invalid or unspecified affinity operator. + IN (1): + Affinity operator. + NOT_IN (2): + Anti-affinity operator. + """ + OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + IN = 1 + NOT_IN = 2 + + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + operator: 'SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator', + ) + values: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + node_affinities: MutableSequence[NodeAffinity] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=NodeAffinity, + ) + + +class NodeTaint(proto.Message): + r"""Kubernetes taint is composed of three fields: key, value, and + effect. Effect can only be one of three types: NoSchedule, + PreferNoSchedule or NoExecute. + + See + `here `__ + for more information, including usage and the valid values. + + Attributes: + key (str): + Key for taint. + value (str): + Value for taint. + effect (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeTaint.Effect): + Effect for taint. + """ + class Effect(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for Effect in taint. + + Values: + EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set + NO_SCHEDULE (1): + NoSchedule + PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE (2): + PreferNoSchedule + NO_EXECUTE (3): + NoExecute + """ + EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + NO_SCHEDULE = 1 + PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE = 2 + NO_EXECUTE = 3 + + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + value: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + effect: Effect = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Effect, + ) + + +class NodeTaints(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of Kubernetes `node + taints `__. + + Attributes: + taints (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeTaint]): + List of node taints. + """ + + taints: MutableSequence['NodeTaint'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodeTaint', + ) + + +class NodeLabels(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of node-level `Kubernetes + labels `__. + + Attributes: + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Map of node label keys and node label values. + """ + + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ResourceLabels(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of `GCP + labels `__. + + Attributes: + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Map of node label keys and node label values. + """ + + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkTags(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied + to a node's underlying VM instance. + + Attributes: + tags (MutableSequence[str]): + List of network tags. + """ + + tags: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class MasterAuth(proto.Message): + r"""The authentication information for accessing the master + endpoint. Authentication can be done using HTTP basic auth or + using client certificates. + + Attributes: + username (str): + The username to use for HTTP basic + authentication to the master endpoint. For + clusters v1.6.0 and later, basic authentication + can be disabled by leaving username unspecified + (or setting it to the empty string). + + Warning: basic authentication is deprecated, and + will be removed in GKE control plane versions + 1.19 and newer. For a list of recommended + authentication methods, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/api-server-authentication + password (str): + The password to use for HTTP basic + authentication to the master endpoint. Because + the master endpoint is open to the Internet, you + should create a strong password. If a password + is provided for cluster creation, username must + be non-empty. + + Warning: basic authentication is deprecated, and + will be removed in GKE control plane versions + 1.19 and newer. For a list of recommended + authentication methods, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/api-server-authentication + client_certificate_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClientCertificateConfig): + Configuration for client certificate + authentication on the cluster. For clusters + before v1.12, if no configuration is specified, + a client certificate is issued. + cluster_ca_certificate (str): + [Output only] Base64-encoded public certificate that is the + root of trust for the cluster. + client_certificate (str): + [Output only] Base64-encoded public certificate used by + clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint. + client_key (str): + [Output only] Base64-encoded private key used by clients to + authenticate to the cluster endpoint. + """ + + username: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + password: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + client_certificate_config: 'ClientCertificateConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='ClientCertificateConfig', + ) + cluster_ca_certificate: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + client_certificate: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + client_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + + +class ClientCertificateConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for client certificates on the cluster. + + Attributes: + issue_client_certificate (bool): + Issue a client certificate. + """ + + issue_client_certificate: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class AddonsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun + up in the cluster, enabling additional functionality. + + Attributes: + http_load_balancing (google.cloud.container_v1.types.HttpLoadBalancing): + Configuration for the HTTP (L7) load + balancing controller addon, which makes it easy + to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a + cluster. + horizontal_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.HorizontalPodAutoscaling): + Configuration for the horizontal pod + autoscaling feature, which increases or + decreases the number of replica pods a + replication controller has based on the resource + usage of the existing pods. + kubernetes_dashboard (google.cloud.container_v1.types.KubernetesDashboard): + Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard. + This addon is deprecated, and will be disabled + in 1.15. It is recommended to use the Cloud + Console to manage and monitor your Kubernetes + clusters, workloads and applications. For more + information, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/dashboards + network_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicyConfig): + Configuration for NetworkPolicy. This only + tracks whether the addon is enabled or not on + the Master, it does not track whether network + policy is enabled for the nodes. + cloud_run_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.CloudRunConfig): + Configuration for the Cloud Run addon, which + allows the user to use a managed Knative + service. + dns_cache_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DnsCacheConfig): + Configuration for NodeLocalDNS, a dns cache + running on cluster nodes + config_connector_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ConfigConnectorConfig): + Configuration for the ConfigConnector add-on, + a Kubernetes extension to manage hosted GCP + services through the Kubernetes API + gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the Compute Engine + Persistent Disk CSI driver. + gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI + driver. + gke_backup_agent_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GkeBackupAgentConfig): + Configuration for the Backup for GKE agent + addon. + gcs_fuse_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI + driver. + """ + + http_load_balancing: 'HttpLoadBalancing' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='HttpLoadBalancing', + ) + horizontal_pod_autoscaling: 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + ) + kubernetes_dashboard: 'KubernetesDashboard' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='KubernetesDashboard', + ) + network_policy_config: 'NetworkPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NetworkPolicyConfig', + ) + cloud_run_config: 'CloudRunConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=7, + message='CloudRunConfig', + ) + dns_cache_config: 'DnsCacheConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='DnsCacheConfig', + ) + config_connector_config: 'ConfigConnectorConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='ConfigConnectorConfig', + ) + gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config: 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + message='GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + ) + gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config: 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + ) + gke_backup_agent_config: 'GkeBackupAgentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='GkeBackupAgentConfig', + ) + gcs_fuse_csi_driver_config: 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + ) + + +class HttpLoadBalancing(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing + controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load + balancers for services in a cluster. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the HTTP Load Balancing controller is + enabled in the cluster. When enabled, it runs a + small pod in the cluster that manages the load + balancers. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class HorizontalPodAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling + feature, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods + a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the + existing pods. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling + feature is enabled in the cluster. When enabled, + it ensures that metrics are collected into + Stackdriver Monitoring. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class KubernetesDashboard(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the Kubernetes Dashboard is enabled + for this cluster. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkPolicyConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for NetworkPolicy. This only tracks whether the + addon is enabled or not on the Master, it does not track whether + network policy is enabled for the nodes. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether NetworkPolicy is enabled for this + cluster. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DnsCacheConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for NodeLocal DNSCache + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled for + this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for controlling master global access settings. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whenever master is accessible globally or + not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class PrivateClusterConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for private clusters. + + Attributes: + enable_private_nodes (bool): + Whether nodes have internal IP addresses + only. If enabled, all nodes are given only RFC + 1918 private addresses and communicate with the + master via private networking. + enable_private_endpoint (bool): + Whether the master's internal IP address is + used as the cluster endpoint. + master_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the + hosted master network. This range will be used + for assigning internal IP addresses to the + master or set of masters, as well as the ILB + VIP. This range must not overlap with any other + ranges in use within the cluster's network. + private_endpoint (str): + Output only. The internal IP address of this + cluster's master endpoint. + public_endpoint (str): + Output only. The external IP address of this + cluster's master endpoint. + peering_name (str): + Output only. The peering name in the customer + VPC used by this cluster. + master_global_access_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig): + Controls master global access settings. + private_endpoint_subnetwork (str): + Subnet to provision the master's private endpoint during + cluster creation. Specified in + projects/\ */regions/*/subnetworks/\* format. + """ + + enable_private_nodes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + enable_private_endpoint: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + master_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + private_endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + public_endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + peering_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + master_global_access_config: 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + ) + private_endpoint_subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + + +class AuthenticatorGroupsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for returning group information from + authenticators. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether this cluster should return group + membership lookups during authentication using a + group of security groups. + security_group (str): + The name of the security group-of-groups to + be used. Only relevant if enabled = true. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + security_group: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class CloudRunConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the Cloud Run feature. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether Cloud Run addon is enabled for this + cluster. + load_balancer_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.CloudRunConfig.LoadBalancerType): + Which load balancer type is installed for + Cloud Run. + """ + class LoadBalancerType(proto.Enum): + r"""Load balancer type of ingress service of Cloud Run. + + Values: + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Load balancer type for Cloud Run is + unspecified. + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_EXTERNAL (1): + Install external load balancer for Cloud Run. + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_INTERNAL (2): + Install internal load balancer for Cloud Run. + """ + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 1 + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_INTERNAL = 2 + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + load_balancer_type: LoadBalancerType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=LoadBalancerType, + ) + + +class ConfigConnectorConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the Config Connector add-on. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Cloud Connector is enabled for this + cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Compute Engine PD CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Compute Engine PD CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the GCP Filestore CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GkeBackupAgentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Backup for GKE Agent. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Backup for GKE agent is enabled + for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the master authorized networks + feature. Enabled master authorized networks will disallow all + external traffic to access Kubernetes master through HTTPS + except traffic from the given CIDR blocks, Google Compute Engine + Public IPs and Google Prod IPs. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether or not master authorized networks is + enabled. + cidr_blocks (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.CidrBlock]): + cidr_blocks define up to 50 external networks that could + access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. + gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled (bool): + Whether master is accessbile via Google + Compute Engine Public IP addresses. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled``. + """ + + class CidrBlock(proto.Message): + r"""CidrBlock contains an optional name and one CIDR block. + + Attributes: + display_name (str): + display_name is an optional field for users to identify CIDR + blocks. + cidr_block (str): + cidr_block must be specified in CIDR notation. + """ + + display_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + cidr_blocks: MutableSequence[CidrBlock] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=CidrBlock, + ) + gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=3, + optional=True, + ) + + +class LegacyAbac(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the legacy Attribute Based Access Control + authorization mode. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for + this cluster. When enabled, identities in the + system, including service accounts, nodes, and + controllers, will have statically granted + permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC + configuration or IAM. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy feature. + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/networkpolicies/ + + Attributes: + provider (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicy.Provider): + The selected network policy provider. + enabled (bool): + Whether network policy is enabled on the + cluster. + """ + class Provider(proto.Enum): + r"""Allowed Network Policy providers. + + Values: + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set + CALICO (1): + Tigera (Calico Felix). + """ + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CALICO = 1 + + provider: Provider = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Provider, + ) + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + +class BinaryAuthorization(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for Binary Authorization. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + This field is deprecated. Leave this unset and instead + configure BinaryAuthorization using evaluation_mode. If + evaluation_mode is set to anything other than + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED, this field is ignored. + evaluation_mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BinaryAuthorization.EvaluationMode): + Mode of operation for binauthz policy + evaluation. If unspecified, defaults to + DISABLED. + """ + class EvaluationMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Binary Authorization mode of operation. + + Values: + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + DISABLED (1): + Disable BinaryAuthorization + PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE (2): + Enforce Kubernetes admission requests with + BinaryAuthorization using the project's + singleton policy. This is equivalent to setting + the enabled boolean to true. + """ + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE = 2 + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + evaluation_mode: EvaluationMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=EvaluationMode, + ) + + +class PodCIDROverprovisionConfig(proto.Message): + r"""[PRIVATE FIELD] Config for pod CIDR size overprovisioning. + + Attributes: + disable (bool): + Whether Pod CIDR overprovisioning is + disabled. Note: Pod CIDR overprovisioning is + enabled by default. + """ + + disable: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class IPAllocationPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the + cluster. + + Attributes: + use_ip_aliases (bool): + Whether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. + This is used in conjunction with use_routes. It cannot be + true if use_routes is true. If both use_ip_aliases and + use_routes are false, then the server picks the default IP + allocation mode + create_subnetwork (bool): + Whether a new subnetwork will be created automatically for + the cluster. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + subnetwork_name (str): + A custom subnetwork name to be used if ``create_subnetwork`` + is true. If this field is empty, then an automatic name will + be chosen for the new subnetwork. + cluster_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use cluster_ipv4_cidr_block. + node_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use node_ipv4_cidr_block. + services_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use services_ipv4_cidr_block. + cluster_secondary_range_name (str): + The name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster + CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP + addresses. This must be an existing secondary range + associated with the cluster subnetwork. + + This field is only applicable with use_ip_aliases is true + and create_subnetwork is false. + services_secondary_range_name (str): + The name of the secondary range to be used as for the + services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for + service ClusterIPs. This must be an existing secondary range + associated with the cluster subnetwork. + + This field is only applicable with use_ip_aliases is true + and create_subnetwork is false. + cluster_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. If this field + is set, then ``cluster.cluster_ipv4_cidr`` must be left + blank. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + node_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the instance IPs in this cluster. + + This is applicable only if ``create_subnetwork`` is true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + services_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. If + blank, a range will be automatically chosen with the default + size. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this cluster. If + unspecified, a range will be automatically chosen with the + default size. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + If unspecified, the range will use the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + use_routes (bool): + Whether routes will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. This + is used in conjunction with use_ip_aliases. It cannot be + true if use_ip_aliases is true. If both use_ip_aliases and + use_routes are false, then the server picks the default IP + allocation mode + stack_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.StackType): + The IP stack type of the cluster + ipv6_access_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.IPv6AccessType): + The ipv6 access type (internal or external) when + create_subnetwork is true + pod_cidr_overprovision_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PodCIDROverprovisionConfig): + [PRIVATE FIELD] Pod CIDR size overprovisioning config for + the cluster. + + Pod CIDR size per node depends on max_pods_per_node. By + default, the value of max_pods_per_node is doubled and then + rounded off to next power of 2 to get the size of pod CIDR + block per node. Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 would + result in 64 IPs (/26). + + This config can disable the doubling of IPs (we still round + off to next power of 2) Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + will result in 32 IPs (/27) when overprovisioning is + disabled. + subnet_ipv6_cidr_block (str): + Output only. [Output only] The subnet's IPv6 CIDR block used + by nodes and pods. + services_ipv6_cidr_block (str): + Output only. [Output only] The services IPv6 CIDR block for + the cluster. + additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + Output only. [Output only] The additional pod ranges that + are added to the cluster. These pod ranges can be used by + new node pools to allocate pod IPs automatically. Once the + range is removed it will not show up in IPAllocationPolicy. + default_pod_ipv4_range_utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the cluster + default IPv4 range for the pod. The ratio is Usage/[Total + number of IPs in the secondary range], + Usage=numNodes\ *numZones*\ podIPsPerNode. + """ + + use_ip_aliases: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + create_subnetwork: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + subnetwork_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + cluster_secondary_range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + services_secondary_range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + use_routes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=15, + ) + stack_type: 'StackType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=16, + enum='StackType', + ) + ipv6_access_type: 'IPv6AccessType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=17, + enum='IPv6AccessType', + ) + pod_cidr_overprovision_config: 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + ) + subnet_ipv6_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=22, + ) + services_ipv6_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=23, + ) + additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=24, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + default_pod_ipv4_range_utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=25, + ) + + +class Cluster(proto.Message): + r"""A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name of this cluster. The name must be unique within + this project and location (e.g. zone or region), and can be + up to 40 characters with the following restrictions: + + - Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only. + - Must start with a letter. + - Must end with a number or a letter. + description (str): + An optional description of this cluster. + initial_node_count (int): + The number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must + ensure that your Compute Engine `resource + quota `__ is + sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have + available firewall and routes quota. For requests, this + field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, + since this configuration (along with the "node_config") will + be used to create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated + name. Do not use this and a node_pool at the same time. + + This field is deprecated, use node_pool.initial_node_count + instead. + node_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeConfig): + Parameters used in creating the cluster's nodes. For + requests, this field should only be used in lieu of a + "node_pool" object, since this configuration (along with the + "initial_node_count") will be used to create a "NodePool" + object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a + node_pool at the same time. For responses, this field will + be populated with the node configuration of the first node + pool. (For configuration of each node pool, see + ``node_pool.config``) + + If unspecified, the defaults are used. This field is + deprecated, use node_pool.config instead. + master_auth (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MasterAuth): + The authentication information for accessing the master + endpoint. If unspecified, the defaults are used: For + clusters before v1.12, if master_auth is unspecified, + ``username`` will be set to "admin", a random password will + be generated, and a client certificate will be issued. + logging_service (str): + The logging service the cluster should use to write logs. + Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + monitoring_service (str): + The monitoring service the cluster should use to write + metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + network (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `network `__ + to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the + ``default`` network will be used. + cluster_ipv4_cidr (str): + The IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, + in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). Leave blank to have one + automatically chosen or specify a ``/14`` block in + ````. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AddonsConfig): + Configurations for the various addons + available to run in the cluster. + subnetwork (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `subnetwork `__ + to which the cluster is connected. + node_pools (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool]): + The node pools associated with this cluster. This field + should not be set if "node_config" or "initial_node_count" + are specified. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. + + This field provides a default value if + `NodePool.Locations `__ + are not specified during node pool creation. + + Warning: changing cluster locations will update the + `NodePool.Locations `__ + of all node pools and will result in nodes being added + and/or removed. + enable_kubernetes_alpha (bool): + Kubernetes alpha features are enabled on this + cluster. This includes alpha API groups (e.g. + v1alpha1) and features that may not be + production ready in the kubernetes version of + the master and nodes. The cluster has no SLA for + uptime and master/node upgrades are disabled. + Alpha enabled clusters are automatically deleted + thirty days after creation. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The resource labels for the cluster to use to + annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + label_fingerprint (str): + The fingerprint of the set of labels for this + cluster. + legacy_abac (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LegacyAbac): + Configuration for the legacy ABAC + authorization mode. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy + feature. + ip_allocation_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.IPAllocationPolicy): + Configuration for cluster IP allocation. + master_authorized_networks_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig): + The configuration options for master + authorized networks feature. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Configure the maintenance policy for this + cluster. + binary_authorization (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BinaryAuthorization): + Configuration for Binary Authorization. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterAutoscaling): + Cluster-level autoscaling configuration. + network_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkConfig): + Configuration for cluster networking. + default_max_pods_constraint (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The default constraint on the maximum number + of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node + in the node pool of this cluster. Only honored + if cluster created with IP Alias support. + resource_usage_export_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig): + Configuration for exporting resource usages. + Resource usage export is disabled when this + config is unspecified. + authenticator_groups_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AuthenticatorGroupsConfig): + Configuration controlling RBAC group + membership information. + private_cluster_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PrivateClusterConfig): + Configuration for private cluster. + database_encryption (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DatabaseEncryption): + Configuration of etcd encryption. + vertical_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.VerticalPodAutoscaling): + Cluster-level Vertical Pod Autoscaling + configuration. + shielded_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ShieldedNodes): + Shielded Nodes configuration. + release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReleaseChannel): + Release channel configuration. If left + unspecified on cluster creation and a version is + specified, the cluster is enrolled in the most + mature release channel where the version is + available (first checking STABLE, then REGULAR, + and finally RAPID). Otherwise, if no release + channel configuration and no version is + specified, the cluster is enrolled in the + REGULAR channel with its default version. + workload_identity_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadIdentityConfig): + Configuration for the use of Kubernetes + Service Accounts in GCP IAM policies. + mesh_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MeshCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + cost_management_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.CostManagementConfig): + Configuration for the fine-grained cost + management feature. + notification_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NotificationConfig): + Notification configuration of the cluster. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Configuration of Confidential Nodes. + All the nodes in the cluster will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + identity_service_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.IdentityServiceConfig): + Configuration for Identity Service component. + self_link (str): + [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource. + zone (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field is deprecated, use + location instead. + endpoint (str): + [Output only] The IP address of this cluster's master + endpoint. The endpoint can be accessed from the internet at + ``https://username:password@endpoint/``. + + See the ``masterAuth`` property of this resource for + username and password information. + initial_cluster_version (str): + The initial Kubernetes version for this + cluster. Valid versions are those found in + validMasterVersions returned by getServerConfig. + The version can be upgraded over time; such + upgrades are reflected in currentMasterVersion + and currentNodeVersion. + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "","-": picks the default Kubernetes version + current_master_version (str): + [Output only] The current software version of the master + endpoint. + current_node_version (str): + [Output only] Deprecated, use + `NodePools.version `__ + instead. The current version of the node software + components. If they are currently at multiple versions + because they're in the process of being upgraded, this + reflects the minimum version of all nodes. + create_time (str): + [Output only] The time the cluster was created, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster.Status): + [Output only] The current status of this cluster. + status_message (str): + [Output only] Deprecated. Use conditions instead. Additional + information about the current status of this cluster, if + available. + node_ipv4_cidr_size (int): + [Output only] The size of the address space on each node for + hosting containers. This is provisioned from within the + ``container_ipv4_cidr`` range. This field will only be set + when cluster is in route-based network mode. + services_ipv4_cidr (str): + [Output only] The IP address range of the Kubernetes + services in this cluster, in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). Service addresses are + typically put in the last ``/16`` from the container CIDR. + instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + Deprecated. Use node_pools.instance_group_urls. + current_node_count (int): + [Output only] The number of nodes currently in the cluster. + Deprecated. Call Kubernetes API directly to retrieve node + information. + expire_time (str): + [Output only] The time the cluster will be automatically + deleted in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + location (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + or + `region `__ + in which the cluster resides. + enable_tpu (bool): + Enable the ability to use Cloud TPUs in this + cluster. + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + [Output only] The IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this + cluster, in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). + conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current cluster + state. + autopilot (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Autopilot): + Autopilot configuration for the cluster. + id (str): + Output only. Unique id for the cluster. + node_pool_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolDefaults): + Default NodePool settings for the entire + cluster. These settings are overridden if + specified on the specific NodePool object. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_node_pool_defaults``. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingConfig): + Logging configuration for the cluster. + monitoring_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MonitoringConfig): + Monitoring configuration for the cluster. + node_pool_auto_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolAutoConfig): + Node pool configs that apply to all + auto-provisioned node pools in autopilot + clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters. + etag (str): + This checksum is computed by the server based + on the value of cluster fields, and may be sent + on update requests to ensure the client has an + up-to-date value before proceeding. + fleet (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Fleet): + Fleet information for the cluster. + security_posture_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SecurityPostureConfig): + Enable/Disable Security Posture API features + for the cluster. + enable_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Beta APIs Config + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""The current status of the cluster. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PROVISIONING (1): + The PROVISIONING state indicates the cluster + is being created. + RUNNING (2): + The RUNNING state indicates the cluster has + been created and is fully usable. + RECONCILING (3): + The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively + being done on the cluster, such as upgrading the master or + node software. Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` + field. + STOPPING (4): + The STOPPING state indicates the cluster is + being deleted. + ERROR (5): + The ERROR state indicates the cluster is unusable. It will + be automatically deleted. Details can be found in the + ``statusMessage`` field. + DEGRADED (6): + The DEGRADED state indicates the cluster requires user + action to restore full functionality. Details can be found + in the ``statusMessage`` field. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PROVISIONING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + RECONCILING = 3 + STOPPING = 4 + ERROR = 5 + DEGRADED = 6 + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + initial_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + node_config: 'NodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodeConfig', + ) + master_auth: 'MasterAuth' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='MasterAuth', + ) + logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + node_pools: MutableSequence['NodePool'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='NodePool', + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + enable_kubernetes_alpha: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=14, + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=15, + ) + label_fingerprint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=16, + ) + legacy_abac: 'LegacyAbac' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message='LegacyAbac', + ) + network_policy: 'NetworkPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='NetworkPolicy', + ) + ip_allocation_policy: 'IPAllocationPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='IPAllocationPolicy', + ) + master_authorized_networks_config: 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + ) + maintenance_policy: 'MaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=23, + message='MaintenancePolicy', + ) + binary_authorization: 'BinaryAuthorization' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=24, + message='BinaryAuthorization', + ) + autoscaling: 'ClusterAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='ClusterAutoscaling', + ) + network_config: 'NetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=27, + message='NetworkConfig', + ) + default_max_pods_constraint: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=30, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + resource_usage_export_config: 'ResourceUsageExportConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=33, + message='ResourceUsageExportConfig', + ) + authenticator_groups_config: 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=34, + message='AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + ) + private_cluster_config: 'PrivateClusterConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=37, + message='PrivateClusterConfig', + ) + database_encryption: 'DatabaseEncryption' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=38, + message='DatabaseEncryption', + ) + vertical_pod_autoscaling: 'VerticalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='VerticalPodAutoscaling', + ) + shielded_nodes: 'ShieldedNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=40, + message='ShieldedNodes', + ) + release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=41, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + workload_identity_config: 'WorkloadIdentityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=43, + message='WorkloadIdentityConfig', + ) + mesh_certificates: 'MeshCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=67, + message='MeshCertificates', + ) + cost_management_config: 'CostManagementConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=45, + message='CostManagementConfig', + ) + notification_config: 'NotificationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=49, + message='NotificationConfig', + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=50, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + identity_service_config: 'IdentityServiceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=54, + message='IdentityServiceConfig', + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + initial_cluster_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=103, + ) + current_master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=104, + ) + current_node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=105, + ) + create_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=106, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=107, + enum=Status, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=108, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=109, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=110, + ) + instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=111, + ) + current_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=112, + ) + expire_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=113, + ) + location: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=114, + ) + enable_tpu: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=115, + ) + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=116, + ) + conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=118, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + autopilot: 'Autopilot' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=128, + message='Autopilot', + ) + id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=129, + ) + node_pool_defaults: 'NodePoolDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=131, + optional=True, + message='NodePoolDefaults', + ) + logging_config: 'LoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=132, + message='LoggingConfig', + ) + monitoring_config: 'MonitoringConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=133, + message='MonitoringConfig', + ) + node_pool_auto_config: 'NodePoolAutoConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=136, + message='NodePoolAutoConfig', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=139, + ) + fleet: 'Fleet' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=140, + message='Fleet', + ) + security_posture_config: 'SecurityPostureConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=145, + message='SecurityPostureConfig', + ) + enable_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=143, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + + +class K8sBetaAPIConfig(proto.Message): + r"""K8sBetaAPIConfig , configuration for beta APIs + + Attributes: + enabled_apis (MutableSequence[str]): + Enabled k8s beta APIs. + """ + + enabled_apis: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class SecurityPostureConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SecurityPostureConfig defines the flags needed to + enable/disable features for the Security Posture API. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SecurityPostureConfig.Mode): + Sets which mode to use for Security Posture + features. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_mode``. + vulnerability_mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SecurityPostureConfig.VulnerabilityMode): + Sets which mode to use for vulnerability + scanning. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_vulnerability_mode``. + """ + class Mode(proto.Enum): + r"""Mode defines enablement mode for GKE Security posture + features. + + Values: + MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value not specified. + DISABLED (1): + Disables Security Posture features on the + cluster. + BASIC (2): + Applies Security Posture features on the + cluster. + """ + MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + BASIC = 2 + + class VulnerabilityMode(proto.Enum): + r"""VulnerabilityMode defines enablement mode for vulnerability + scanning. + + Values: + VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value not specified. + VULNERABILITY_DISABLED (1): + Disables vulnerability scanning on the + cluster. + VULNERABILITY_BASIC (2): + Applies basic vulnerability scanning on the + cluster. + """ + VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + VULNERABILITY_DISABLED = 1 + VULNERABILITY_BASIC = 2 + + mode: Mode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=Mode, + ) + vulnerability_mode: VulnerabilityMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum=VulnerabilityMode, + ) + + +class NodePoolAutoConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Node pool configs that apply to all auto-provisioned node + pools in autopilot clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters. + + Attributes: + network_tags (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkTags): + The list of instance tags applied to all + nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources + or targets for network firewalls and are + specified by the client during cluster creation. + Each tag within the list must comply with + RFC1035. + """ + + network_tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + + +class NodePoolDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""Subset of Nodepool message that has defaults. + + Attributes: + node_config_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeConfigDefaults): + Subset of NodeConfig message that has + defaults. + """ + + node_config_defaults: 'NodeConfigDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodeConfigDefaults', + ) + + +class NodeConfigDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults. + + Attributes: + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcfsConfig): + GCFS (Google Container File System, also + known as Riptide) options. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration for node pools. + """ + + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + + +class ClusterUpdate(proto.Message): + r"""ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. Exactly one + update can be applied to a cluster with each request, so at most + one field can be provided. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + desired_node_version (str): + The Kubernetes version to change the nodes to + (typically an upgrade). + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the Kubernetes master version + desired_monitoring_service (str): + The monitoring service the cluster should use to write + metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + desired_addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AddonsConfig): + Configurations for the various addons + available to run in the cluster. + desired_node_pool_id (str): + The node pool to be upgraded. This field is mandatory if + "desired_node_version", "desired_image_family" or + "desired_node_pool_autoscaling" is specified and there is + more than one node pool on the cluster. + desired_image_type (str): + The desired image type for the node pool. NOTE: Set the + "desired_node_pool" field as well. + desired_database_encryption (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DatabaseEncryption): + Configuration of etcd encryption. + desired_workload_identity_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadIdentityConfig): + Configuration for Workload Identity. + desired_mesh_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MeshCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + desired_shielded_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ShieldedNodes): + Configuration for Shielded Nodes. + desired_cost_management_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.CostManagementConfig): + The desired configuration for the + fine-grained cost management feature. + desired_dns_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DNSConfig): + DNSConfig contains clusterDNS config for this + cluster. + desired_node_pool_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Autoscaler configuration for the node pool specified in + desired_node_pool_id. If there is only one pool in the + cluster and desired_node_pool_id is not provided then the + change applies to that single node pool. + desired_locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary zone. + + Warning: changing cluster locations will update the + locations of all node pools and will result in nodes being + added and/or removed. + desired_master_authorized_networks_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig): + The desired configuration options for master + authorized networks feature. + desired_cluster_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterAutoscaling): + Cluster-level autoscaling configuration. + desired_binary_authorization (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BinaryAuthorization): + The desired configuration options for the + Binary Authorization feature. + desired_logging_service (str): + The logging service the cluster should use to write logs. + Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + desired_resource_usage_export_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig): + The desired configuration for exporting + resource usage. + desired_vertical_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.VerticalPodAutoscaling): + Cluster-level Vertical Pod Autoscaling + configuration. + desired_private_cluster_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PrivateClusterConfig): + The desired private cluster configuration. + desired_intra_node_visibility_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.IntraNodeVisibilityConfig): + The desired config of Intra-node visibility. + desired_default_snat_status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DefaultSnatStatus): + The desired status of whether to disable + default sNAT for this cluster. + desired_release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReleaseChannel): + The desired release channel configuration. + desired_l4ilb_subsetting_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ILBSubsettingConfig): + The desired L4 Internal Load Balancer + Subsetting configuration. + desired_datapath_provider (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DatapathProvider): + The desired datapath provider for the + cluster. + desired_private_ipv6_google_access (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess): + The desired state of IPv6 connectivity to + Google Services. + desired_notification_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NotificationConfig): + The desired notification configuration. + desired_authenticator_groups_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AuthenticatorGroupsConfig): + The desired authenticator groups config for + the cluster. + desired_logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingConfig): + The desired logging configuration. + desired_monitoring_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MonitoringConfig): + The desired monitoring configuration. + desired_identity_service_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.IdentityServiceConfig): + The desired Identity Service component + configuration. + desired_service_external_ips_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ServiceExternalIPsConfig): + ServiceExternalIPsConfig specifies the config + for the use of Services with ExternalIPs field. + desired_enable_private_endpoint (bool): + Enable/Disable private endpoint for the + cluster's master. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_desired_enable_private_endpoint``. + desired_master_version (str): + The Kubernetes version to change the master + to. + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes version + desired_gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcfsConfig): + The desired GCFS config for the cluster + desired_node_pool_auto_config_network_tags (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkTags): + The desired network tags that apply to all + auto-provisioned node pools in autopilot + clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters. + desired_gateway_api_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GatewayAPIConfig): + The desired config of Gateway API on this + cluster. + etag (str): + The current etag of the cluster. + If an etag is provided and does not match the + current etag of the cluster, update will be + blocked and an ABORTED error will be returned. + desired_node_pool_logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + The desired node pool logging configuration + defaults for the cluster. + desired_fleet (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Fleet): + The desired fleet configuration for the + cluster. + desired_stack_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.StackType): + The desired stack type of the cluster. + If a stack type is provided and does not match + the current stack type of the cluster, update + will attempt to change the stack type to the new + type. + additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + The additional pod ranges to be added to the + cluster. These pod ranges can be used by node + pools to allocate pod IPs. + removed_additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + The additional pod ranges that are to be removed from the + cluster. The pod ranges specified here must have been + specified earlier in the 'additional_pod_ranges_config' + argument. + enable_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Kubernetes open source beta apis enabled on + the cluster. Only beta apis + desired_security_posture_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SecurityPostureConfig): + Enable/Disable Security Posture API features + for the cluster. + desired_network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig): + The desired network performance config. + desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy (bool): + Enable/Disable FQDN Network Policy for the + cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy``. + desired_autopilot_workload_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadPolicyConfig): + The desired workload policy configuration for + the autopilot cluster. + desired_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Desired Beta APIs to be enabled for cluster. + """ + + desired_node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + desired_monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + desired_addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + desired_node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + desired_image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + desired_database_encryption: 'DatabaseEncryption' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=46, + message='DatabaseEncryption', + ) + desired_workload_identity_config: 'WorkloadIdentityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=47, + message='WorkloadIdentityConfig', + ) + desired_mesh_certificates: 'MeshCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=67, + message='MeshCertificates', + ) + desired_shielded_nodes: 'ShieldedNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=48, + message='ShieldedNodes', + ) + desired_cost_management_config: 'CostManagementConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=49, + message='CostManagementConfig', + ) + desired_dns_config: 'DNSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=53, + message='DNSConfig', + ) + desired_node_pool_autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=9, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + desired_locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + desired_master_authorized_networks_config: 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + ) + desired_cluster_autoscaling: 'ClusterAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='ClusterAutoscaling', + ) + desired_binary_authorization: 'BinaryAuthorization' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='BinaryAuthorization', + ) + desired_logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=19, + ) + desired_resource_usage_export_config: 'ResourceUsageExportConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='ResourceUsageExportConfig', + ) + desired_vertical_pod_autoscaling: 'VerticalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='VerticalPodAutoscaling', + ) + desired_private_cluster_config: 'PrivateClusterConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=25, + message='PrivateClusterConfig', + ) + desired_intra_node_visibility_config: 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + ) + desired_default_snat_status: 'DefaultSnatStatus' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=28, + message='DefaultSnatStatus', + ) + desired_release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=31, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + desired_l4ilb_subsetting_config: 'ILBSubsettingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='ILBSubsettingConfig', + ) + desired_datapath_provider: 'DatapathProvider' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=50, + enum='DatapathProvider', + ) + desired_private_ipv6_google_access: 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=51, + enum='PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + ) + desired_notification_config: 'NotificationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=55, + message='NotificationConfig', + ) + desired_authenticator_groups_config: 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=63, + message='AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + ) + desired_logging_config: 'LoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=64, + message='LoggingConfig', + ) + desired_monitoring_config: 'MonitoringConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=65, + message='MonitoringConfig', + ) + desired_identity_service_config: 'IdentityServiceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=66, + message='IdentityServiceConfig', + ) + desired_service_external_ips_config: 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=60, + message='ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + ) + desired_enable_private_endpoint: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=71, + optional=True, + ) + desired_master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + desired_gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=109, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + desired_node_pool_auto_config_network_tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=110, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + desired_gateway_api_config: 'GatewayAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=114, + message='GatewayAPIConfig', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=115, + ) + desired_node_pool_logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=116, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + desired_fleet: 'Fleet' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=117, + message='Fleet', + ) + desired_stack_type: 'StackType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=119, + enum='StackType', + ) + additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=120, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + removed_additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=121, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + enable_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=122, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + desired_security_posture_config: 'SecurityPostureConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=124, + message='SecurityPostureConfig', + ) + desired_network_performance_config: 'NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=125, + message='NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig', + ) + desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=126, + optional=True, + ) + desired_autopilot_workload_policy_config: 'WorkloadPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=128, + message='WorkloadPolicyConfig', + ) + desired_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=131, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + + +class AdditionalPodRangesConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional + pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message. + + Attributes: + pod_range_names (MutableSequence[str]): + Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has + the actual range defined ahead. + pod_range_info (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.RangeInfo]): + Output only. [Output only] Information for additional pod + range. + """ + + pod_range_names: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + pod_range_info: MutableSequence['RangeInfo'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='RangeInfo', + ) + + +class RangeInfo(proto.Message): + r"""RangeInfo contains the range name and the range utilization + by this cluster. + + Attributes: + range_name (str): + Output only. [Output only] Name of a range. + utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the range. + """ + + range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=2, + ) + + +class Operation(proto.Message): + r"""This operation resource represents operations that may have + happened or are happening on the cluster. All fields are output + only. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The server-assigned ID for the operation. + zone (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation is taking place. This field is + deprecated, use location instead. + operation_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation.Type): + The operation type. + status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation.Status): + The current status of the operation. + detail (str): + Detailed operation progress, if available. + status_message (str): + Output only. If an error has occurred, a + textual description of the error. Deprecated. + Use the field error instead. + self_link (str): + Server-defined URI for the operation. Example: + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1alpha1/projects/123/locations/us-central1/operations/operation-123``. + target_link (str): + Server-defined URI for the target of the operation. The + format of this is a URI to the resource being modified (such + as a cluster, node pool, or node). For node pool repairs, + there may be multiple nodes being repaired, but only one + will be the target. + + Examples: + + - + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/locations/us-central1/clusters/my-cluster`` + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/zones/us-central1-c/clusters/my-cluster/nodePools/my-np`` + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/zones/us-central1-c/clusters/my-cluster/nodePools/my-np/node/my-node`` + location (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + or + `region `__ + in which the cluster resides. + start_time (str): + [Output only] The time the operation started, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + end_time (str): + [Output only] The time the operation completed, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + progress (google.cloud.container_v1.types.OperationProgress): + Output only. [Output only] Progress information for an + operation. + cluster_conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current cluster + state. Deprecated. Use field error instead. + nodepool_conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current node pool + state. Deprecated. Use field error instead. + error (google.rpc.status_pb2.Status): + The error result of the operation in case of + failure. + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""Current status of the operation. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PENDING (1): + The operation has been created. + RUNNING (2): + The operation is currently running. + DONE (3): + The operation is done, either cancelled or + completed. + ABORTING (4): + The operation is aborting. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PENDING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + DONE = 3 + ABORTING = 4 + + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Operation type categorizes the operation. + + Values: + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + CREATE_CLUSTER (1): + The cluster is being created. The cluster should be assumed + to be unusable until the operation finishes. + + In the event of the operation failing, the cluster will + enter the [ERROR state][Cluster.Status.ERROR] and eventually + be deleted. + DELETE_CLUSTER (2): + The cluster is being deleted. The cluster should be assumed + to be unusable as soon as this operation starts. + + In the event of the operation failing, the cluster will + enter the [ERROR state][Cluster.Status.ERROR] and the + deletion will be automatically retried until completed. + UPGRADE_MASTER (3): + The [cluster + version][google.container.v1.ClusterUpdate.desired_master_version] + is being updated. Note that this includes "upgrades" to the + same version, which are simply a recreation. This also + includes + `auto-upgrades `__. + For more details, see `documentation on cluster + upgrades `__. + UPGRADE_NODES (4): + A node pool is being updated. Despite calling this an + "upgrade", this includes most forms of updates to node + pools. This also includes + `auto-upgrades `__. + + This operation sets the + [progress][google.container.v1.Operation.progress] field and + may be + [canceled][google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation]. + + The upgrade strategy depends on `node pool + configuration `__. + The nodes are generally still usable during this operation. + REPAIR_CLUSTER (5): + A problem has been detected with the control plane and is + being repaired. This operation type is initiated by GKE. For + more details, see `documentation on + repairs `__. + UPDATE_CLUSTER (6): + The cluster is being updated. This is a broad category of + operations and includes operations that only change metadata + as well as those that must recreate the entire cluster. If + the control plane must be recreated, this will cause + temporary downtime for zonal clusters. + + Some features require recreating the nodes as well. Those + will be recreated as separate operations and the update may + not be completely functional until the node pools + recreations finish. Node recreations will generally follow + `maintenance + policies `__. + + Some GKE-initiated operations use this type. This includes + certain types of auto-upgrades and incident mitigations. + CREATE_NODE_POOL (7): + A node pool is being created. The node pool should be + assumed to be unusable until this operation finishes. In the + event of an error, the node pool may be partially created. + + If enabled, `node + autoprovisioning `__ + may have automatically initiated such operations. + DELETE_NODE_POOL (8): + The node pool is being deleted. The node pool + should be assumed to be unusable as soon as this + operation starts. + SET_NODE_POOL_MANAGEMENT (9): + The node pool's + [manamagent][google.container.v1.NodePool.management] field + is being updated. These operations only update metadata and + may be concurrent with most other operations. + AUTO_REPAIR_NODES (10): + A problem has been detected with nodes and `they are being + repaired `__. + This operation type is initiated by GKE, typically + automatically. This operation may be concurrent with other + operations and there may be multiple repairs occurring on + the same node pool. + AUTO_UPGRADE_NODES (11): + Unused. Automatic node upgrade uses + [UPGRADE_NODES][google.container.v1.Operation.Type.UPGRADE_NODES]. + SET_LABELS (12): + Unused. Updating labels uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_MASTER_AUTH (13): + Unused. Updating master auth uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_NODE_POOL_SIZE (14): + The node pool is being resized. With the + exception of resizing to or from size zero, the + node pool is generally usable during this + operation. + SET_NETWORK_POLICY (15): + Unused. Updating network policy uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_MAINTENANCE_POLICY (16): + Unused. Updating maintenance policy uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + RESIZE_CLUSTER (18): + The control plane is being resized. This operation type is + initiated by GKE. These operations are often performed + preemptively to ensure that the control plane has sufficient + resources and is not typically an indication of issues. For + more details, see `documentation on + resizes `__. + """ + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CREATE_CLUSTER = 1 + DELETE_CLUSTER = 2 + UPGRADE_MASTER = 3 + UPGRADE_NODES = 4 + REPAIR_CLUSTER = 5 + UPDATE_CLUSTER = 6 + CREATE_NODE_POOL = 7 + DELETE_NODE_POOL = 8 + SET_NODE_POOL_MANAGEMENT = 9 + AUTO_REPAIR_NODES = 10 + AUTO_UPGRADE_NODES = 11 + SET_LABELS = 12 + SET_MASTER_AUTH = 13 + SET_NODE_POOL_SIZE = 14 + SET_NETWORK_POLICY = 15 + SET_MAINTENANCE_POLICY = 16 + RESIZE_CLUSTER = 18 + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_type: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Type, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=4, + enum=Status, + ) + detail: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + target_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + location: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + end_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + progress: 'OperationProgress' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='OperationProgress', + ) + cluster_conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + nodepool_conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + error: status_pb2.Status = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message=status_pb2.Status, + ) + + +class OperationProgress(proto.Message): + r"""Information about operation (or operation stage) progress. + + Attributes: + name (str): + A non-parameterized string describing an + operation stage. Unset for single-stage + operations. + status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation.Status): + Status of an operation stage. + Unset for single-stage operations. + metrics (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.OperationProgress.Metric]): + Progress metric bundle, for example: metrics: [{name: "nodes + done", int_value: 15}, {name: "nodes total", int_value: 32}] + or metrics: [{name: "progress", double_value: 0.56}, {name: + "progress scale", double_value: 1.0}] + stages (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.OperationProgress]): + Substages of an operation or a stage. + """ + + class Metric(proto.Message): + r"""Progress metric is (string, int|float|string) pair. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. Metric name, e.g., "nodes total", + "percent done". + int_value (int): + For metrics with integer value. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + double_value (float): + For metrics with floating point value. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + string_value (str): + For metrics with custom values (ratios, + visual progress, etc.). + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + int_value: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=2, + oneof='value', + ) + double_value: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=3, + oneof='value', + ) + string_value: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + oneof='value', + ) + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + status: 'Operation.Status' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='Operation.Status', + ) + metrics: MutableSequence[Metric] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=Metric, + ) + stages: MutableSequence['OperationProgress'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='OperationProgress', + ) + + +class CreateClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CreateClusterRequest creates a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster (google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the cluster will be + created. Specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster: 'Cluster' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='Cluster', + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class GetClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetClusterRequest gets the settings of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + retrieve. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class UpdateClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateClusterRequest updates the settings of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + update (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterUpdate): + Required. A description of the update. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + update: 'ClusterUpdate' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='ClusterUpdate', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class UpdateNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateNodePoolRequests update a node pool's image and/or + version. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to change + the nodes to (typically an upgrade). + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the Kubernetes master version + image_type (str): + Required. The desired image type for the node + pool. Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool) of the node + pool to update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations for a node pool will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the node pool, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + workload_metadata_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig): + The desired workload metadata config for the + node pool. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Upgrade settings control disruption and speed + of the upgrade. + tags (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkTags): + The desired network tags to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the tags will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing network tags will be + *replaced* with the provided tags. + taints (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeTaints): + The desired node taints to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the taints will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing node taints will be + *replaced* with the provided taints. + labels (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeLabels): + The desired node labels to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the labels will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing node labels will be + *replaced* with the provided labels. + linux_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LinuxNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Linux + nodes. + kubelet_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeKubeletConfig): + Node kubelet configs. + node_network_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeNetworkConfig): + Node network config. + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GcfsConfig): + GCFS config. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Confidential nodes config. + All the nodes in the node pool will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + gvnic (google.cloud.container_v1.types.VirtualNIC): + Enable or disable gvnic on the node pool. + etag (str): + The current etag of the node pool. + If an etag is provided and does not match the + current etag of the node pool, update will be + blocked and an ABORTED error will be returned. + fast_socket (google.cloud.container_v1.types.FastSocket): + Enable or disable NCCL fast socket for the + node pool. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration. + resource_labels (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceLabels): + The resource labels for the node pool to use + to annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + windows_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WindowsNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Windows + nodes. + machine_type (str): + Optional. The desired `Google Compute Engine machine + type `__ + for nodes in the node pool. Initiates an upgrade operation + that migrates the nodes in the node pool to the specified + machine type. + disk_type (str): + Optional. The desired disk type (e.g. + 'pd-standard', 'pd-ssd' or 'pd-balanced') for + nodes in the node pool. Initiates an upgrade + operation that migrates the nodes in the node + pool to the specified disk type. + disk_size_gb (int): + Optional. The desired disk size for nodes in + the node pool specified in GB. The smallest + allowed disk size is 10GB. Initiates an upgrade + operation that migrates the nodes in the node + pool to the specified disk size. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + workload_metadata_config: 'WorkloadMetadataConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='WorkloadMetadataConfig', + ) + upgrade_settings: 'NodePool.UpgradeSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='NodePool.UpgradeSettings', + ) + tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + taints: 'NodeTaints' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='NodeTaints', + ) + labels: 'NodeLabels' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message='NodeLabels', + ) + linux_node_config: 'LinuxNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='LinuxNodeConfig', + ) + kubelet_config: 'NodeKubeletConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='NodeKubeletConfig', + ) + node_network_config: 'NodeNetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='NodeNetworkConfig', + ) + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=23, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + gvnic: 'VirtualNIC' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=29, + message='VirtualNIC', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=30, + ) + fast_socket: 'FastSocket' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=31, + message='FastSocket', + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=32, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + resource_labels: 'ResourceLabels' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=33, + message='ResourceLabels', + ) + windows_node_config: 'WindowsNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=34, + message='WindowsNodeConfig', + ) + machine_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=36, + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=37, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=38, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets the autoscaler settings of + a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Required. Autoscaling configuration for the + node pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool) of the node + pool to set autoscaler settings. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetLoggingServiceRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the logging service of a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + logging_service (str): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + logging. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class SetMonitoringServiceRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the monitoring service of a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + monitoring_service (str): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use to + write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + monitoring. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetAddonsConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetAddonsConfigRequest sets the addons associated with the + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AddonsConfig): + Required. The desired configurations for the + various addons available to run in the cluster. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + addons. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetLocationsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLocationsRequest sets the locations of the cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing the + locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being either + created or removed from the cluster, depending on whether + locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary zone. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + locations. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class UpdateMasterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateMasterRequest updates the master of the cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + master_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to change + the master to. + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes version + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetMasterAuthRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMasterAuthRequest updates the admin password of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + action (google.cloud.container_v1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest.Action): + Required. The exact form of action to be + taken on the master auth. + update (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MasterAuth): + Required. A description of the update. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + auth. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + class Action(proto.Enum): + r"""Operation type: what type update to perform. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + Operation is unknown and will error out. + SET_PASSWORD (1): + Set the password to a user generated value. + GENERATE_PASSWORD (2): + Generate a new password and set it to that. + SET_USERNAME (3): + Set the username. If an empty username is + provided, basic authentication is disabled for + the cluster. If a non-empty username is + provided, basic authentication is enabled, with + either a provided password or a generated one. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + SET_PASSWORD = 1 + GENERATE_PASSWORD = 2 + SET_USERNAME = 3 + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + action: Action = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=4, + enum=Action, + ) + update: 'MasterAuth' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='MasterAuth', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class DeleteClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""DeleteClusterRequest deletes a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + delete. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListClustersRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the clusters will be + listed. Specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + Location "-" matches all zones and all regions. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListClustersResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListClustersResponse is the result of ListClustersRequest. + + Attributes: + clusters (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.Cluster]): + A list of clusters in the project in the + specified zone, or across all ones. + missing_zones (MutableSequence[str]): + If any zones are listed here, the list of + clusters returned may be missing those zones. + """ + + clusters: MutableSequence['Cluster'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Cluster', + ) + missing_zones: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetOperationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetOperationRequest gets a single operation. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + operation_id (str): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the operation. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the operation + to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class ListOperationsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListOperationsRequest lists operations. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This field + has been deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the operations will + be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. Location "-" matches all zones + and all regions. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class CancelOperationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CancelOperationRequest cancels a single operation. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + operation_id (str): + Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the operation. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the operation + to cancel. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListOperationsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListOperationsResponse is the result of + ListOperationsRequest. + + Attributes: + operations (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation]): + A list of operations in the project in the + specified zone. + missing_zones (MutableSequence[str]): + If any zones are listed here, the list of + operations returned may be missing the + operations from those zones. + """ + + operations: MutableSequence['Operation'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Operation', + ) + missing_zones: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetServerConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Gets the current Kubernetes Engine service configuration. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project and location) of the server config to get, + specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ServerConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Kubernetes Engine service configuration. + + Attributes: + default_cluster_version (str): + Version of Kubernetes the service deploys by + default. + valid_node_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid node upgrade target versions, + in descending order. + default_image_type (str): + Default image type. + valid_image_types (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid image types. + valid_master_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid master versions, in descending + order. + channels (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ServerConfig.ReleaseChannelConfig]): + List of release channel configurations. + """ + + class ReleaseChannelConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ReleaseChannelConfig exposes configuration for a release + channel. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReleaseChannel.Channel): + The release channel this configuration + applies to. + default_version (str): + The default version for newly created + clusters on the channel. + valid_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid versions for the channel. + """ + + channel: 'ReleaseChannel.Channel' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='ReleaseChannel.Channel', + ) + default_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + valid_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + default_cluster_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + valid_node_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + default_image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + valid_image_types: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + valid_master_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + channels: MutableSequence[ReleaseChannelConfig] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=9, + message=ReleaseChannelConfig, + ) + + +class CreateNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the parent field. + node_pool (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool): + Required. The node pool to create. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the node + pool will be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool: 'NodePool' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodePool', + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class DeleteNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + delete. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class ListNodePoolsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node pool(s) for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the node + pools will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class GetNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class BlueGreenSettings(proto.Message): + r"""Settings for blue-green upgrade. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + standard_rollout_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BlueGreenSettings.StandardRolloutPolicy): + Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``rollout_policy``. + node_pool_soak_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Time needed after draining entire blue pool. + After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_node_pool_soak_duration``. + """ + + class StandardRolloutPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + batch_percentage (float): + Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch. The + range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0]. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``update_batch_size``. + batch_node_count (int): + Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``update_batch_size``. + batch_soak_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Soak time after each batch gets drained. + Default to zero. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_batch_soak_duration``. + """ + + batch_percentage: float = proto.Field( + proto.FLOAT, + number=1, + oneof='update_batch_size', + ) + batch_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + oneof='update_batch_size', + ) + batch_soak_duration: duration_pb2.Duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + optional=True, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + standard_rollout_policy: StandardRolloutPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + oneof='rollout_policy', + message=StandardRolloutPolicy, + ) + node_pool_soak_duration: duration_pb2.Duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + optional=True, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class NodePool(proto.Message): + r"""NodePool contains the name and configuration for a cluster's + node pool. Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. VM's), with a + common configuration and specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of Kubernetes labels applied + to them, which may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up or down, to accommodate + the workload. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name of the node pool. + config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeConfig): + The node configuration of the pool. + initial_node_count (int): + The initial node count for the pool. You must ensure that + your Compute Engine `resource + quota `__ is + sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have + available firewall and routes quota. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the NodePool's nodes should be located. + + If this value is unspecified during node pool creation, the + `Cluster.Locations `__ + value will be used, instead. + + Warning: changing node pool locations will result in nodes + being added and/or removed. + network_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeNetworkConfig): + Networking configuration for this NodePool. + If specified, it overrides the cluster-level + defaults. + self_link (str): + [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource. + version (str): + The version of Kubernetes running on this NodePool's nodes. + If unspecified, it defaults as described + `here `__. + instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + [Output only] The resource URLs of the `managed instance + groups `__ + associated with this node pool. During the node pool + blue-green upgrade operation, the URLs contain both blue and + green resources. + status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.Status): + [Output only] The status of the nodes in this pool instance. + status_message (str): + [Output only] Deprecated. Use conditions instead. Additional + information about the current status of this node pool + instance, if available. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Autoscaler configuration for this NodePool. + Autoscaler is enabled only if a valid + configuration is present. + management (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeManagement): + NodeManagement configuration for this + NodePool. + max_pods_constraint (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The constraint on the maximum number of pods + that can be run simultaneously on a node in the + node pool. + conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current node pool + state. + pod_ipv4_cidr_size (int): + [Output only] The pod CIDR block size per node in this node + pool. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Upgrade settings control disruption and speed + of the upgrade. + placement_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.PlacementPolicy): + Specifies the node placement policy. + update_info (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo): + Output only. [Output only] Update info contains relevant + information during a node pool update. + etag (str): + This checksum is computed by the server based + on the value of node pool fields, and may be + sent on update requests to ensure the client has + an up-to-date value before proceeding. + best_effort_provisioning (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BestEffortProvisioning): + Enable best effort provisioning for nodes + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""The current status of the node pool instance. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PROVISIONING (1): + The PROVISIONING state indicates the node + pool is being created. + RUNNING (2): + The RUNNING state indicates the node pool has + been created and is fully usable. + RUNNING_WITH_ERROR (3): + The RUNNING_WITH_ERROR state indicates the node pool has + been created and is partially usable. Some error state has + occurred and some functionality may be impaired. Customer + may need to reissue a request or trigger a new update. + RECONCILING (4): + The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively + being done on the node pool, such as upgrading node + software. Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` + field. + STOPPING (5): + The STOPPING state indicates the node pool is + being deleted. + ERROR (6): + The ERROR state indicates the node pool may be unusable. + Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` field. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PROVISIONING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + RUNNING_WITH_ERROR = 3 + RECONCILING = 4 + STOPPING = 5 + ERROR = 6 + + class UpgradeSettings(proto.Message): + r"""These upgrade settings control the level of parallelism and the + level of disruption caused by an upgrade. + + maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable. + + maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be added + to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade to increase + the number of available nodes. + + (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism (how + many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). + + Note: upgrades inevitably introduce some disruption since workloads + need to be moved from old nodes to new, upgraded ones. Even if + maxUnavailable=0, this holds true. (Disruption stays within the + limits of PodDisruptionBudget, if it is configured.) + + Consider a hypothetical node pool with 5 nodes having maxSurge=2, + maxUnavailable=1. This means the upgrade process upgrades 3 nodes + simultaneously. It creates 2 additional (upgraded) nodes, then it + brings down 3 old (not yet upgraded) nodes at the same time. This + ensures that there are always at least 4 nodes available. + + These upgrade settings configure the upgrade strategy for the node + pool. Use strategy to switch between the strategies applied to the + node pool. + + If the strategy is ROLLING, use max_surge and max_unavailable to + control the level of parallelism and the level of disruption caused + by upgrade. + + 1. maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be + added to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade to + increase the number of available nodes. + 2. maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable. + 3. (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism + (how many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). + + If the strategy is BLUE_GREEN, use blue_green_settings to configure + the blue-green upgrade related settings. + + 1. standard_rollout_policy is the default policy. The policy is used + to control the way blue pool gets drained. The draining is + executed in the batch mode. The batch size could be specified as + either percentage of the node pool size or the number of nodes. + batch_soak_duration is the soak time after each batch gets + drained. + 2. node_pool_soak_duration is the soak time after all blue nodes are + drained. After this period, the blue pool nodes will be deleted. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + max_surge (int): + The maximum number of nodes that can be + created beyond the current size of the node pool + during the upgrade process. + max_unavailable (int): + The maximum number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade + process. A node is considered available if its + status is Ready. + strategy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolUpdateStrategy): + Update strategy of the node pool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_strategy``. + blue_green_settings (google.cloud.container_v1.types.BlueGreenSettings): + Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_blue_green_settings``. + """ + + max_surge: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + max_unavailable: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + strategy: 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + optional=True, + enum='NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + ) + blue_green_settings: 'BlueGreenSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + optional=True, + message='BlueGreenSettings', + ) + + class UpdateInfo(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateInfo contains resource (instance groups, etc), status + and other intermediate information relevant to a node pool + upgrade. + + Attributes: + blue_green_info (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo): + Information of a blue-green upgrade. + """ + + class BlueGreenInfo(proto.Message): + r"""Information relevant to blue-green upgrade. + + Attributes: + phase (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase): + Current blue-green upgrade phase. + blue_instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + The resource URLs of the [managed instance groups] + (/compute/docs/instance-groups/creating-groups-of-managed-instances) + associated with blue pool. + green_instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + The resource URLs of the [managed instance groups] + (/compute/docs/instance-groups/creating-groups-of-managed-instances) + associated with green pool. + blue_pool_deletion_start_time (str): + Time to start deleting blue pool to complete blue-green + upgrade, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + green_pool_version (str): + Version of green pool. + """ + class Phase(proto.Enum): + r"""Phase represents the different stages blue-green upgrade is + running in. + + Values: + PHASE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Unspecified phase. + UPDATE_STARTED (1): + blue-green upgrade has been initiated. + CREATING_GREEN_POOL (2): + Start creating green pool nodes. + CORDONING_BLUE_POOL (3): + Start cordoning blue pool nodes. + DRAINING_BLUE_POOL (4): + Start draining blue pool nodes. + NODE_POOL_SOAKING (5): + Start soaking time after draining entire blue + pool. + DELETING_BLUE_POOL (6): + Start deleting blue nodes. + ROLLBACK_STARTED (7): + Rollback has been initiated. + """ + PHASE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + UPDATE_STARTED = 1 + CREATING_GREEN_POOL = 2 + CORDONING_BLUE_POOL = 3 + DRAINING_BLUE_POOL = 4 + NODE_POOL_SOAKING = 5 + DELETING_BLUE_POOL = 6 + ROLLBACK_STARTED = 7 + + phase: 'NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase', + ) + blue_instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + green_instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + blue_pool_deletion_start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + green_pool_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + blue_green_info: 'NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo', + ) + + class PlacementPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""PlacementPolicy defines the placement policy used by the node + pool. + + Attributes: + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type): + The type of placement. + tpu_topology (str): + Optional. TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. + https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies + policy_name (str): + If set, refers to the name of a custom + resource policy supplied by the user. The + resource policy must be in the same project and + region as the node pool. If not found, + InvalidArgument error is returned. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Type defines the type of placement policy. + + Values: + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED specifies no requirements on nodes + placement. + COMPACT (1): + COMPACT specifies node placement in the same + availability domain to ensure low communication + latency. + """ + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + COMPACT = 1 + + type_: 'NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type', + ) + tpu_topology: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + policy_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + config: 'NodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='NodeConfig', + ) + initial_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + network_config: 'NodeNetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='NodeNetworkConfig', + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=103, + enum=Status, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=104, + ) + autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + max_pods_constraint: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=105, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + pod_ipv4_cidr_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + upgrade_settings: UpgradeSettings = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=107, + message=UpgradeSettings, + ) + placement_policy: PlacementPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=108, + message=PlacementPolicy, + ) + update_info: UpdateInfo = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=109, + message=UpdateInfo, + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=110, + ) + best_effort_provisioning: 'BestEffortProvisioning' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=113, + message='BestEffortProvisioning', + ) + + +class NodeManagement(proto.Message): + r"""NodeManagement defines the set of node management services + turned on for the node pool. + + Attributes: + auto_upgrade (bool): + A flag that specifies whether node + auto-upgrade is enabled for the node pool. If + enabled, node auto-upgrade helps keep the nodes + in your node pool up to date with the latest + release version of Kubernetes. + auto_repair (bool): + A flag that specifies whether the node + auto-repair is enabled for the node pool. If + enabled, the nodes in this node pool will be + monitored and, if they fail health checks too + many times, an automatic repair action will be + triggered. + upgrade_options (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AutoUpgradeOptions): + Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node + pool. + """ + + auto_upgrade: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + auto_repair: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + upgrade_options: 'AutoUpgradeOptions' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='AutoUpgradeOptions', + ) + + +class BestEffortProvisioning(proto.Message): + r"""Best effort provisioning. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + When this is enabled, cluster/node pool + creations will ignore non-fatal errors like + stockout to best provision as many nodes as + possible right now and eventually bring up all + target number of nodes + min_provision_nodes (int): + Minimum number of nodes to be provisioned to + be considered as succeeded, and the rest of + nodes will be provisioned gradually and + eventually when stockout issue has been + resolved. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + min_provision_nodes: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + + +class AutoUpgradeOptions(proto.Message): + r"""AutoUpgradeOptions defines the set of options for the user to + control how the Auto Upgrades will proceed. + + Attributes: + auto_upgrade_start_time (str): + [Output only] This field is set when upgrades are about to + commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, + in `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + description (str): + [Output only] This field is set when upgrades are about to + commence with the description of the upgrade. + """ + + auto_upgrade_start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class MaintenancePolicy(proto.Message): + r"""MaintenancePolicy defines the maintenance policy to be used + for the cluster. + + Attributes: + window (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenanceWindow): + Specifies the maintenance window in which + maintenance may be performed. + resource_version (str): + A hash identifying the version of this policy, so that + updates to fields of the policy won't accidentally undo + intermediate changes (and so that users of the API unaware + of some fields won't accidentally remove other fields). Make + a ``get()`` request to the cluster to get the current + resource version and include it with requests to set the + policy. + """ + + window: 'MaintenanceWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='MaintenanceWindow', + ) + resource_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class MaintenanceWindow(proto.Message): + r"""MaintenanceWindow defines the maintenance window to be used + for the cluster. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + daily_maintenance_window (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DailyMaintenanceWindow): + DailyMaintenanceWindow specifies a daily + maintenance operation window. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``policy``. + recurring_window (google.cloud.container_v1.types.RecurringTimeWindow): + RecurringWindow specifies some number of + recurring time periods for maintenance to occur. + The time windows may be overlapping. If no + maintenance windows are set, maintenance can + occur at any time. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``policy``. + maintenance_exclusions (MutableMapping[str, google.cloud.container_v1.types.TimeWindow]): + Exceptions to maintenance window. + Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in + these windows. + """ + + daily_maintenance_window: 'DailyMaintenanceWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + oneof='policy', + message='DailyMaintenanceWindow', + ) + recurring_window: 'RecurringTimeWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='policy', + message='RecurringTimeWindow', + ) + maintenance_exclusions: MutableMapping[str, 'TimeWindow'] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='TimeWindow', + ) + + +class TimeWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Represents an arbitrary window of time. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + maintenance_exclusion_options (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenanceExclusionOptions): + MaintenanceExclusionOptions provides + maintenance exclusion related options. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``options``. + start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time that the window first starts. + end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time that the window ends. The end time + should take place after the start time. + """ + + maintenance_exclusion_options: 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='options', + message='MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + ) + start_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + end_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + + +class MaintenanceExclusionOptions(proto.Message): + r"""Represents the Maintenance exclusion option. + + Attributes: + scope (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenanceExclusionOptions.Scope): + Scope specifies the upgrade scope which + upgrades are blocked by the exclusion. + """ + class Scope(proto.Enum): + r"""Scope of exclusion. + + Values: + NO_UPGRADES (0): + NO_UPGRADES excludes all upgrades, including patch upgrades + and minor upgrades across control planes and nodes. This is + the default exclusion behavior. + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES (1): + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES excludes all minor upgrades for the + cluster, only patches are allowed. + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES (2): + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES excludes all minor upgrades for + the cluster, and also exclude all node pool upgrades. Only + control plane patches are allowed. + """ + NO_UPGRADES = 0 + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES = 1 + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES = 2 + + scope: Scope = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Scope, + ) + + +class RecurringTimeWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Represents an arbitrary window of time that recurs. + + Attributes: + window (google.cloud.container_v1.types.TimeWindow): + The window of the first recurrence. + recurrence (str): + An RRULE + (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section- for + how this window reccurs. They go on for the span of time + between the start and end time. + + For example, to have something repeat every weekday, you'd + use: ``FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR`` + + To repeat some window daily (equivalent to the + DailyMaintenanceWindow): ``FREQ=DAILY`` + + For the first weekend of every month: + ``FREQ=MONTHLY;BYSETPOS=1;BYDAY=SA,SU`` + + This specifies how frequently the window starts. Eg, if you + wanted to have a 9-5 UTC-4 window every weekday, you'd use + something like: + + :: + + start time = 2019-01-01T09:00:00-0400 + end time = 2019-01-01T17:00:00-0400 + recurrence = FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR + + Windows can span multiple days. Eg, to make the window + encompass every weekend from midnight Saturday till the last + minute of Sunday UTC: + + :: + + start time = 2019-01-05T00:00:00Z + end time = 2019-01-07T23:59:00Z + recurrence = FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=SA + + Note the start and end time's specific dates are largely + arbitrary except to specify duration of the window and when + it first starts. The FREQ values of HOURLY, MINUTELY, and + SECONDLY are not supported. + """ + + window: 'TimeWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='TimeWindow', + ) + recurrence: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DailyMaintenanceWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. + + Attributes: + start_time (str): + Time within the maintenance window to start the maintenance + operations. Time format should be in + `RFC3339 `__ format + "HH:MM", where HH : [00-23] and MM : [00-59] GMT. + duration (str): + [Output only] Duration of the time window, automatically + chosen to be smallest possible in the given scenario. + Duration will be in + `RFC3339 `__ format + "PTnHnMnS". + """ + + start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + duration: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolManagementRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the node management + properties of a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + management (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeManagement): + Required. NodeManagement configuration for + the node pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to set management properties. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolSizeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_count (int): + Required. The desired node count for the + pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to set size. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=5, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets the name of target node + pool to complete upgrade. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to complete upgrade. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest rollbacks the previously + Aborted or Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an no-op if the + last upgrade successfully completed. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + rollback. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the node pool to + rollback. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node poll to rollback upgrade. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + respect_pdb (bool): + Option for rollback to ignore the + PodDisruptionBudget. Default value is false. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + respect_pdb: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + + +class ListNodePoolsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListNodePoolsResponse is the result of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + Attributes: + node_pools (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool]): + A list of node pools for a cluster. + """ + + node_pools: MutableSequence['NodePool'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodePool', + ) + + +class ClusterAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""ClusterAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster information + required by Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size + of the cluster and create/delete + node pools based on the current needs. + + Attributes: + enable_node_autoprovisioning (bool): + Enables automatic node pool creation and + deletion. + resource_limits (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceLimit]): + Contains global constraints regarding minimum + and maximum amount of resources in the cluster. + autoscaling_profile (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ClusterAutoscaling.AutoscalingProfile): + Defines autoscaling behaviour. + autoprovisioning_node_pool_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults): + AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains + defaults for a node pool created by NAP. + autoprovisioning_locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the NodePool's nodes can be created by NAP. + """ + class AutoscalingProfile(proto.Enum): + r"""Defines possible options for autoscaling_profile field. + + Values: + PROFILE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + No change to autoscaling configuration. + OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION (1): + Prioritize optimizing utilization of + resources. + BALANCED (2): + Use default (balanced) autoscaling + configuration. + """ + PROFILE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION = 1 + BALANCED = 2 + + enable_node_autoprovisioning: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + resource_limits: MutableSequence['ResourceLimit'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='ResourceLimit', + ) + autoscaling_profile: AutoscalingProfile = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=AutoscalingProfile, + ) + autoprovisioning_node_pool_defaults: 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + ) + autoprovisioning_locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains defaults for a node + pool created by NAP. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + oauth_scopes (MutableSequence[str]): + Scopes that are used by NAP when creating + node pools. + service_account (str): + The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to + be used by the node VMs. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Specifies the upgrade settings for NAP + created node pools + management (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodeManagement): + Specifies the node management options for NAP + created node-pools. + min_cpu_platform (str): + Deprecated. Minimum CPU platform to be used for NAP created + node pools. The instance may be scheduled on the specified + or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly + names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: Intel + Haswell or minCpuPlatform: Intel Sandy Bridge. For more + information, read `how to specify min CPU + platform `__. + This field is deprecated, min_cpu_platform should be + specified using + ``cloud.google.com/requested-min-cpu-platform`` label + selector on the pod. To unset the min cpu platform field + pass "automatic" as field value. + disk_size_gb (int): + Size of the disk attached to each node, + specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size + is 10GB. + + If unspecified, the default disk size is 100GB. + disk_type (str): + Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. + 'pd-standard', 'pd-ssd' or 'pd-balanced') + + If unspecified, the default disk type is + 'pd-standard' + shielded_instance_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ShieldedInstanceConfig): + Shielded Instance options. + boot_disk_kms_key (str): + The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot + disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be + of the form + projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]. + For more information about protecting resources with Cloud + KMS Keys please see: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption + image_type (str): + The image type to use for NAP created node. + Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled (bool): + Enable or disable Kubelet read only port. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled``. + """ + + oauth_scopes: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + service_account: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + upgrade_settings: 'NodePool.UpgradeSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NodePool.UpgradeSettings', + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + min_cpu_platform: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=6, + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + shielded_instance_config: 'ShieldedInstanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='ShieldedInstanceConfig', + ) + boot_disk_kms_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=13, + optional=True, + ) + + +class ResourceLimit(proto.Message): + r"""Contains information about amount of some resource in the + cluster. For memory, value should be in GB. + + Attributes: + resource_type (str): + Resource name "cpu", "memory" or gpu-specific + string. + minimum (int): + Minimum amount of the resource in the + cluster. + maximum (int): + Maximum amount of the resource in the + cluster. + """ + + resource_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + minimum: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=2, + ) + maximum: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=3, + ) + + +class NodePoolAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""NodePoolAutoscaling contains information required by cluster + autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current + cluster usage. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Is autoscaling enabled for this node pool. + min_node_count (int): + Minimum number of nodes for one location in the NodePool. + Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count. + max_node_count (int): + Maximum number of nodes for one location in the NodePool. + Must be >= min_node_count. There has to be enough quota to + scale up the cluster. + autoprovisioned (bool): + Can this node pool be deleted automatically. + location_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling.LocationPolicy): + Location policy used when scaling up a + nodepool. + total_min_node_count (int): + Minimum number of nodes in the node pool. Must be greater + than 1 less than total_max_node_count. The + total_*_node_count fields are mutually exclusive with the + \*_node_count fields. + total_max_node_count (int): + Maximum number of nodes in the node pool. Must be greater + than total_min_node_count. There has to be enough quota to + scale up the cluster. The total_*_node_count fields are + mutually exclusive with the \*_node_count fields. + """ + class LocationPolicy(proto.Enum): + r"""Location policy specifies how zones are picked when scaling + up the nodepool. + + Values: + LOCATION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + BALANCED (1): + BALANCED is a best effort policy that aims to + balance the sizes of different zones. + ANY (2): + ANY policy picks zones that have the highest + capacity available. + """ + LOCATION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + BALANCED = 1 + ANY = 2 + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + min_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + max_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + autoprovisioned: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + location_policy: LocationPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=5, + enum=LocationPolicy, + ) + total_min_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=6, + ) + total_max_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetLabelsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLabelsRequest sets the Google Cloud Platform labels on a + Google Container Engine cluster, which will in turn set them for + Google Compute Engine resources used by that cluster + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Required. The labels to set for that cluster. + label_fingerprint (str): + Required. The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for + this resource, used to detect conflicts. The fingerprint is + initially generated by Kubernetes Engine and changes after + every request to modify or update labels. You must always + provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash when updating or + changing labels. Make a ``get()`` request to the resource to + get the latest fingerprint. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set labels. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + label_fingerprint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetLegacyAbacRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or disables the ABAC + authorization mechanism for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster to + update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + enabled (bool): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization will be + enabled in the cluster. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set legacy abac. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class StartIPRotationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""StartIPRotationRequest creates a new IP for the cluster and + then performs a node upgrade on each node pool to point to the + new IP. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + start IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + rotate_credentials (bool): + Whether to rotate credentials during IP + rotation. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + rotate_credentials: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + + +class CompleteIPRotationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the cluster master back into + single-IP mode. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + complete IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class AcceleratorConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AcceleratorConfig represents a Hardware Accelerator request. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + accelerator_count (int): + The number of the accelerator cards exposed + to an instance. + accelerator_type (str): + The accelerator type resource name. List of supported + accelerators + `here `__ + gpu_partition_size (str): + Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are + described in the NVIDIA `mig user + guide `__. + gpu_sharing_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GPUSharingConfig): + The configuration for GPU sharing options. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_sharing_config``. + gpu_driver_installation_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GPUDriverInstallationConfig): + The configuration for auto installation of + GPU driver. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_driver_installation_config``. + """ + + accelerator_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + accelerator_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + gpu_partition_size: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + gpu_sharing_config: 'GPUSharingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + optional=True, + message='GPUSharingConfig', + ) + gpu_driver_installation_config: 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + optional=True, + message='GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + ) + + +class GPUSharingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GPUSharingConfig represents the GPU sharing configuration for + Hardware Accelerators. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + max_shared_clients_per_gpu (int): + The max number of containers that can share a + physical GPU. + gpu_sharing_strategy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GPUSharingConfig.GPUSharingStrategy): + The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on + the GPU node. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_sharing_strategy``. + """ + class GPUSharingStrategy(proto.Enum): + r"""The type of GPU sharing strategy currently provided. + + Values: + GPU_SHARING_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + TIME_SHARING (1): + GPUs are time-shared between containers. + """ + GPU_SHARING_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIME_SHARING = 1 + + max_shared_clients_per_gpu: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + gpu_sharing_strategy: GPUSharingStrategy = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum=GPUSharingStrategy, + ) + + +class GPUDriverInstallationConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GPUDriverInstallationConfig specifies the version of GPU + driver to be auto installed. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + gpu_driver_version (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GPUDriverInstallationConfig.GPUDriverVersion): + Mode for how the GPU driver is installed. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_driver_version``. + """ + class GPUDriverVersion(proto.Enum): + r"""The GPU driver version to install. + + Values: + GPU_DRIVER_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value is to not install any GPU + driver. + INSTALLATION_DISABLED (1): + Disable GPU driver auto installation and + needs manual installation + DEFAULT (2): + "Default" GPU driver in COS and Ubuntu. + LATEST (3): + "Latest" GPU driver in COS. + """ + GPU_DRIVER_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INSTALLATION_DISABLED = 1 + DEFAULT = 2 + LATEST = 3 + + gpu_driver_version: GPUDriverVersion = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=GPUDriverVersion, + ) + + +class WorkloadMetadataConfig(proto.Message): + r"""WorkloadMetadataConfig defines the metadata configuration to + expose to workloads on the node pool. + + Attributes: + mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig.Mode): + Mode is the configuration for how to expose + metadata to workloads running on the node pool. + """ + class Mode(proto.Enum): + r"""Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to + workloads running on the node. + + Values: + MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + GCE_METADATA (1): + Expose all Compute Engine metadata to pods. + GKE_METADATA (2): + Run the GKE Metadata Server on this node. The + GKE Metadata Server exposes a metadata API to + workloads that is compatible with the V1 Compute + Metadata APIs exposed by the Compute Engine and + App Engine Metadata Servers. This feature can + only be enabled if Workload Identity is enabled + at the cluster level. + """ + MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + GCE_METADATA = 1 + GKE_METADATA = 2 + + mode: Mode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=Mode, + ) + + +class SetNetworkPolicyRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNetworkPolicyRequest enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Deprecated. The name of the cluster. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Required. Configuration options for the + NetworkPolicy feature. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set networking policy. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + network_policy: 'NetworkPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NetworkPolicy', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the maintenance policy for a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + zone (str): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + cluster_id (str): + Required. The name of the cluster to update. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Required. The maintenance policy to be set + for the cluster. An empty field clears the + existing maintenance policy. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set maintenance policy. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + maintenance_policy: 'MaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='MaintenancePolicy', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class StatusCondition(proto.Message): + r"""StatusCondition describes why a cluster or a node pool has a + certain status (e.g., ERROR or DEGRADED). + + Attributes: + code (google.cloud.container_v1.types.StatusCondition.Code): + Machine-friendly representation of the condition Deprecated. + Use canonical_code instead. + message (str): + Human-friendly representation of the + condition + canonical_code (google.rpc.code_pb2.Code): + Canonical code of the condition. + """ + class Code(proto.Enum): + r"""Code for each condition + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + UNKNOWN indicates a generic condition. + GCE_STOCKOUT (1): + GCE_STOCKOUT indicates that Google Compute Engine resources + are temporarily unavailable. + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED (2): + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED indicates that the user deleted + their robot service account. + GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (3): + Google Compute Engine quota was exceeded. + SET_BY_OPERATOR (4): + Cluster state was manually changed by an SRE + due to a system logic error. + CLOUD_KMS_KEY_ERROR (7): + Unable to perform an encrypt operation + against the CloudKMS key used for etcd level + encryption. + CA_EXPIRING (9): + Cluster CA is expiring soon. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + GCE_STOCKOUT = 1 + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED = 2 + GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED = 3 + SET_BY_OPERATOR = 4 + CLOUD_KMS_KEY_ERROR = 7 + CA_EXPIRING = 9 + + code: Code = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Code, + ) + message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + canonical_code: code_pb2.Code = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=code_pb2.Code, + ) + + +class NetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NetworkConfig reports the relative names of network & + subnetwork. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + network (str): + Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine + [network]`google.container.v1.NetworkConfig.network `__ + to which the cluster is connected. Example: + projects/my-project/global/networks/my-network + subnetwork (str): + Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine + `subnetwork `__ + to which the cluster is connected. Example: + projects/my-project/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/my-subnet + enable_intra_node_visibility (bool): + Whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for + this cluster. This makes same node pod to pod + traffic visible for VPC network. + default_snat_status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DefaultSnatStatus): + Whether the cluster disables default in-node sNAT rules. + In-node sNAT rules will be disabled when default_snat_status + is disabled. When disabled is set to false, default IP + masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent + sNAT on cluster internal traffic. + enable_l4ilb_subsetting (bool): + Whether L4ILB Subsetting is enabled for this + cluster. + datapath_provider (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DatapathProvider): + The desired datapath provider for this + cluster. By default, uses the IPTables-based + kube-proxy implementation. + private_ipv6_google_access (google.cloud.container_v1.types.PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess): + The desired state of IPv6 connectivity to + Google Services. By default, no private IPv6 + access to or from Google Services (all access + will be via IPv4) + dns_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DNSConfig): + DNSConfig contains clusterDNS config for this + cluster. + service_external_ips_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ServiceExternalIPsConfig): + ServiceExternalIPsConfig specifies if + services with externalIPs field are blocked or + not. + gateway_api_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GatewayAPIConfig): + GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config + of Gateway API on this cluster. + enable_multi_networking (bool): + Whether multi-networking is enabled for this + cluster. + network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig): + Network bandwidth tier configuration. + enable_fqdn_network_policy (bool): + Whether FQDN Network Policy is enabled on + this cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_enable_fqdn_network_policy``. + """ + + class ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of network bandwidth tiers + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + total_egress_bandwidth_tier (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier): + Specifies the total network bandwidth tier + for NodePools in the cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_total_egress_bandwidth_tier``. + """ + class Tier(proto.Enum): + r"""Node network tier + + Values: + TIER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + TIER_1 (1): + Higher bandwidth, actual values based on VM + size. + """ + TIER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIER_1 = 1 + + total_egress_bandwidth_tier: 'NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum='NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier', + ) + + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + enable_intra_node_visibility: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=5, + ) + default_snat_status: 'DefaultSnatStatus' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=7, + message='DefaultSnatStatus', + ) + enable_l4ilb_subsetting: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + datapath_provider: 'DatapathProvider' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=11, + enum='DatapathProvider', + ) + private_ipv6_google_access: 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=12, + enum='PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + ) + dns_config: 'DNSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='DNSConfig', + ) + service_external_ips_config: 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + ) + gateway_api_config: 'GatewayAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='GatewayAPIConfig', + ) + enable_multi_networking: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=17, + ) + network_performance_config: ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message=ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig, + ) + enable_fqdn_network_policy: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=19, + optional=True, + ) + + +class GatewayAPIConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config of Gateway API + on this cluster. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.GatewayAPIConfig.Channel): + The Gateway API release channel to use for + Gateway API. + """ + class Channel(proto.Enum): + r"""Channel describes if/how Gateway API should be installed and + implemented in a cluster. + + Values: + CHANNEL_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + CHANNEL_DISABLED (1): + Gateway API support is disabled + CHANNEL_EXPERIMENTAL (3): + Gateway API support is enabled, experimental + CRDs are installed + CHANNEL_STANDARD (4): + Gateway API support is enabled, standard CRDs + are installed + """ + CHANNEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CHANNEL_DISABLED = 1 + CHANNEL_EXPERIMENTAL = 3 + CHANNEL_STANDARD = 4 + + channel: Channel = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Channel, + ) + + +class ServiceExternalIPsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Config to block services with externalIPs field. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Services with ExternalIPs field are + allowed or not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GetOpenIDConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetOpenIDConfigRequest gets the OIDC discovery document for + the cluster. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification + for details. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + The cluster (project, location, cluster name) to get the + discovery document for. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class GetOpenIDConfigResponse(proto.Message): + r"""GetOpenIDConfigResponse is an OIDC discovery document for the + cluster. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification for + details. + + Attributes: + issuer (str): + OIDC Issuer. + jwks_uri (str): + JSON Web Key uri. + response_types_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported response types. + subject_types_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported subject types. + id_token_signing_alg_values_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + supported ID Token signing Algorithms. + claims_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported claims. + grant_types (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported grant types. + """ + + issuer: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + jwks_uri: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + response_types_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + subject_types_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + claims_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + grant_types: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class GetJSONWebKeysRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the keys used by + the cluster to sign token requests. This will be the jwks_uri for + the discover document returned by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID + Connect Discovery 1.0 specification for details. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + The cluster (project, location, cluster name) to get keys + for. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class Jwk(proto.Message): + r"""Jwk is a JSON Web Key as specified in RFC 7517 + + Attributes: + kty (str): + Key Type. + alg (str): + Algorithm. + use (str): + Permitted uses for the public keys. + kid (str): + Key ID. + n (str): + Used for RSA keys. + e (str): + Used for RSA keys. + x (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + y (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + crv (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + """ + + kty: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + alg: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + use: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + kid: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + n: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + e: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + x: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + y: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + crv: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + + +class GetJSONWebKeysResponse(proto.Message): + r"""GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid JSON Web Key Set as + specififed in rfc 7517 + + Attributes: + keys (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.Jwk]): + The public component of the keys used by the + cluster to sign token requests. + """ + + keys: MutableSequence['Jwk'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Jwk', + ) + + +class CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest requests getting the + blockers for the given operation in the cluster. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class AutopilotCompatibilityIssue(proto.Message): + r"""AutopilotCompatibilityIssue contains information about a + specific compatibility issue with Autopilot mode. + + Attributes: + last_observation (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The last time when this issue was observed. + constraint_type (str): + The constraint type of the issue. + incompatibility_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AutopilotCompatibilityIssue.IssueType): + The incompatibility type of this issue. + subjects (MutableSequence[str]): + The name of the resources which are subject + to this issue. + documentation_url (str): + A URL to a public documnetation, which + addresses resolving this issue. + description (str): + The description of the issue. + """ + class IssueType(proto.Enum): + r"""The type of the reported issue. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, should not be used. + INCOMPATIBILITY (1): + Indicates that the issue is a known + incompatibility between the cluster and + Autopilot mode. + ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_REQUIRED (2): + Indicates the issue is an incompatibility if + customers take no further action to resolve. + PASSED_WITH_OPTIONAL_CONFIG (3): + Indicates the issue is not an + incompatibility, but depending on the workloads + business logic, there is a potential that they + won't work on Autopilot. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INCOMPATIBILITY = 1 + ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_REQUIRED = 2 + PASSED_WITH_OPTIONAL_CONFIG = 3 + + last_observation: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + constraint_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + incompatibility_type: IssueType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=IssueType, + ) + subjects: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + documentation_url: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse(proto.Message): + r"""CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse has a list of + compatibility issues. + + Attributes: + issues (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.AutopilotCompatibilityIssue]): + The list of issues for the given operation. + summary (str): + The summary of the autopilot compatibility + response. + """ + + issues: MutableSequence['AutopilotCompatibilityIssue'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + ) + summary: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class ReleaseChannel(proto.Message): + r"""ReleaseChannel indicates which release channel a cluster is + subscribed to. Release channels are arranged in order of risk. + + When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, Google + maintains both the master version and the node version. Node + auto-upgrade defaults to true and cannot be disabled. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReleaseChannel.Channel): + channel specifies which release channel the + cluster is subscribed to. + """ + class Channel(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for 'channel'. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + No channel specified. + RAPID (1): + RAPID channel is offered on an early access + basis for customers who want to test new + releases. + + WARNING: Versions available in the RAPID Channel + may be subject to unresolved issues with no + known workaround and are not subject to any + SLAs. + REGULAR (2): + Clusters subscribed to REGULAR receive + versions that are considered GA quality. REGULAR + is intended for production users who want to + take advantage of new features. + STABLE (3): + Clusters subscribed to STABLE receive + versions that are known to be stable and + reliable in production. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + RAPID = 1 + REGULAR = 2 + STABLE = 3 + + channel: Channel = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Channel, + ) + + +class CostManagementConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for fine-grained cost management feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the feature is enabled or not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class IntraNodeVisibilityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""IntraNodeVisibilityConfig contains the desired config of the + intra-node visibility on this cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables intra node visibility for this + cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ILBSubsettingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ILBSubsettingConfig contains the desired config of L4 + Internal LoadBalancer subsetting on this cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables l4 ILB subsetting for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DNSConfig(proto.Message): + r"""DNSConfig contains the desired set of options for configuring + clusterDNS. + + Attributes: + cluster_dns (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DNSConfig.Provider): + cluster_dns indicates which in-cluster DNS provider should + be used. + cluster_dns_scope (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DNSConfig.DNSScope): + cluster_dns_scope indicates the scope of access to cluster + DNS records. + cluster_dns_domain (str): + cluster_dns_domain is the suffix used for all cluster + service records. + """ + class Provider(proto.Enum): + r"""Provider lists the various in-cluster DNS providers. + + Values: + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + PLATFORM_DEFAULT (1): + Use GKE default DNS provider(kube-dns) for + DNS resolution. + CLOUD_DNS (2): + Use CloudDNS for DNS resolution. + KUBE_DNS (3): + Use KubeDNS for DNS resolution. + """ + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PLATFORM_DEFAULT = 1 + CLOUD_DNS = 2 + KUBE_DNS = 3 + + class DNSScope(proto.Enum): + r"""DNSScope lists the various scopes of access to cluster DNS + records. + + Values: + DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, will be inferred as cluster + scope. + CLUSTER_SCOPE (1): + DNS records are accessible from within the + cluster. + VPC_SCOPE (2): + DNS records are accessible from within the + VPC. + """ + DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CLUSTER_SCOPE = 1 + VPC_SCOPE = 2 + + cluster_dns: Provider = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Provider, + ) + cluster_dns_scope: DNSScope = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=DNSScope, + ) + cluster_dns_domain: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class MaxPodsConstraint(proto.Message): + r"""Constraints applied to pods. + + Attributes: + max_pods_per_node (int): + Constraint enforced on the max num of pods + per node. + """ + + max_pods_per_node: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + + +class WorkloadIdentityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the use of Kubernetes Service Accounts in + GCP IAM policies. + + Attributes: + workload_pool (str): + The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes + service accounts to. + """ + + workload_pool: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class IdentityServiceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""IdentityServiceConfig is configuration for Identity Service + which allows customers to use external identity providers with + the K8S API + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to enable the Identity Service + component + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class MeshCertificates(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and certificates to + Kubernetes pods. + + Attributes: + enable_certificates (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + enable_certificates controls issuance of workload mTLS + certificates. + + If set, the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller + and node agent will be deployed in the cluster, which can + then be configured by creating a WorkloadCertificateConfig + Custom Resource. + + Requires Workload Identity + ([workload_pool][google.container.v1.WorkloadIdentityConfig.workload_pool] + must be non-empty). + """ + + enable_certificates: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + + +class DatabaseEncryption(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of etcd encryption. + + Attributes: + key_name (str): + Name of CloudKMS key to use for the + encryption of secrets in etcd. Ex. + projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key + state (google.cloud.container_v1.types.DatabaseEncryption.State): + The desired state of etcd encryption. + """ + class State(proto.Enum): + r"""State of etcd encryption. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + Should never be set + ENCRYPTED (1): + Secrets in etcd are encrypted. + DECRYPTED (2): + Secrets in etcd are stored in plain text (at + etcd level) - this is unrelated to Compute + Engine level full disk encryption. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + ENCRYPTED = 1 + DECRYPTED = 2 + + key_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + state: State = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=State, + ) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests the list of usable + subnetworks available to a user for creating clusters. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + The parent project where subnetworks are usable. Specified + in the format ``projects/*``. + filter (str): + Filtering currently only supports equality on the + networkProjectId and must be in the form: + "networkProjectId=[PROJECTID]", where ``networkProjectId`` + is the project which owns the listed subnetworks. This + defaults to the parent project ID. + page_size (int): + The max number of results per page that should be returned. + If the number of available results is larger than + ``page_size``, a ``next_page_token`` is returned which can + be used to get the next page of results in subsequent + requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. + (Default: 500) + page_token (str): + Specifies a page token to use. Set this to + the nextPageToken returned by previous list + requests to get the next page of results. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + filter: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + page_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + page_token: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Attributes: + subnetworks (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UsableSubnetwork]): + A list of usable subnetworks in the specified + network project. + next_page_token (str): + This token allows you to get the next page of results for + list requests. If the number of results is larger than + ``page_size``, use the ``next_page_token`` as a value for + the query parameter ``page_token`` in the next request. The + value will become empty when there are no more pages. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + subnetworks: MutableSequence['UsableSubnetwork'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='UsableSubnetwork', + ) + next_page_token: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange(proto.Message): + r"""Secondary IP range of a usable subnetwork. + + Attributes: + range_name (str): + The name associated with this subnetwork + secondary range, used when adding an alias IP + range to a VM instance. + ip_cidr_range (str): + The range of IP addresses belonging to this + subnetwork secondary range. + status (google.cloud.container_v1.types.UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange.Status): + This field is to determine the status of the + secondary range programmably. + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""Status shows the current usage of a secondary IP range. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + UNKNOWN is the zero value of the Status enum. + It's not a valid status. + UNUSED (1): + UNUSED denotes that this range is unclaimed + by any cluster. + IN_USE_SERVICE (2): + IN_USE_SERVICE denotes that this range is claimed by + cluster(s) for services. User-managed services range can be + shared between clusters within the same subnetwork. + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD (3): + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD denotes this range was created by the + network admin and is currently claimed by a cluster for + pods. It can only be used by other clusters as a pod range. + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD (4): + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD denotes this range was created by GKE and + is claimed for pods. It cannot be used for other clusters. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + UNUSED = 1 + IN_USE_SERVICE = 2 + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD = 3 + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD = 4 + + range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + ip_cidr_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Status, + ) + + +class UsableSubnetwork(proto.Message): + r"""UsableSubnetwork resource returns the subnetwork name, its + associated network and the primary CIDR range. + + Attributes: + subnetwork (str): + Subnetwork Name. + Example: + projects/my-project/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/my-subnet + network (str): + Network Name. + Example: + projects/my-project/global/networks/my-network + ip_cidr_range (str): + The range of internal addresses that are + owned by this subnetwork. + secondary_ip_ranges (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange]): + Secondary IP ranges. + status_message (str): + A human readable status message representing the reasons for + cases where the caller cannot use the secondary ranges under + the subnet. For example if the secondary_ip_ranges is empty + due to a permission issue, an insufficient permission + message will be given by status_message. + """ + + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + ip_cidr_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + secondary_ip_ranges: MutableSequence['UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class ResourceUsageExportConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for exporting cluster resource usages. + + Attributes: + bigquery_destination (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig.BigQueryDestination): + Configuration to use BigQuery as usage export + destination. + enable_network_egress_metering (bool): + Whether to enable network egress metering for + this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be + created in the cluster to meter network egress + traffic. + consumption_metering_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig.ConsumptionMeteringConfig): + Configuration to enable resource consumption + metering. + """ + + class BigQueryDestination(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource + usage export. + + Attributes: + dataset_id (str): + The ID of a BigQuery Dataset. + """ + + dataset_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + class ConsumptionMeteringConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for controlling consumption metering. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to enable consumption metering for + this cluster. If enabled, a second BigQuery + table will be created to hold resource + consumption records. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + bigquery_destination: BigQueryDestination = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=BigQueryDestination, + ) + enable_network_egress_metering: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + consumption_metering_config: ConsumptionMeteringConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=ConsumptionMeteringConfig, + ) + + +class VerticalPodAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""VerticalPodAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster + information required by Vertical Pod Autoscaler to automatically + adjust the resources of pods controlled by it. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables vertical pod autoscaling. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DefaultSnatStatus(proto.Message): + r"""DefaultSnatStatus contains the desired state of whether + default sNAT should be disabled on the cluster. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Disables cluster default sNAT rules. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ShieldedNodes(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of Shielded Nodes feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Shielded Nodes features are enabled + on all nodes in this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class VirtualNIC(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of gVNIC feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether gVNIC features are enabled in the + node pool. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class FastSocket(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of Fast Socket feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Fast Socket features are enabled in + the node pool. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class NotificationConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NotificationConfig is the configuration of notifications. + + Attributes: + pubsub (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NotificationConfig.PubSub): + Notification config for Pub/Sub. + """ + class EventType(proto.Enum): + r"""Types of notifications currently supported. Can be used to + filter what notifications are sent. + + Values: + EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set, will be ignored. + UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT (1): + Corresponds with UpgradeAvailableEvent. + UPGRADE_EVENT (2): + Corresponds with UpgradeEvent. + SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT (3): + Corresponds with SecurityBulletinEvent. + """ + EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT = 1 + UPGRADE_EVENT = 2 + SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT = 3 + + class PubSub(proto.Message): + r"""Pub/Sub specific notification config. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable notifications for Pub/Sub. + topic (str): + The desired Pub/Sub topic to which notifications will be + sent by GKE. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + filter (google.cloud.container_v1.types.NotificationConfig.Filter): + Allows filtering to one or more specific + event types. If no filter is specified, or if a + filter is specified with no event types, all + event types will be sent + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + topic: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + filter: 'NotificationConfig.Filter' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NotificationConfig.Filter', + ) + + class Filter(proto.Message): + r"""Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If + event types are present, those and only those event types will + be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If + no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event + types will be sent + + Attributes: + event_type (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.NotificationConfig.EventType]): + Event types to allowlist. + """ + + event_type: MutableSequence['NotificationConfig.EventType'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NotificationConfig.EventType', + ) + + pubsub: PubSub = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=PubSub, + ) + + +class ConfidentialNodes(proto.Message): + r"""ConfidentialNodes is configuration for the confidential nodes + feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Confidential Nodes feature is + enabled. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class UpgradeEvent(proto.Message): + r"""UpgradeEvent is a notification sent to customers by the + cluster server when a resource is upgrading. + + Attributes: + resource_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpgradeResourceType): + The resource type that is upgrading. + operation (str): + The operation associated with this upgrade. + operation_start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time when the operation was started. + current_version (str): + The current version before the upgrade. + target_version (str): + The target version for the upgrade. + resource (str): + Optional relative path to the resource. For + example in node pool upgrades, the relative path + of the node pool. + """ + + resource_type: 'UpgradeResourceType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='UpgradeResourceType', + ) + operation: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_start_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + current_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + target_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + resource: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class UpgradeAvailableEvent(proto.Message): + r"""UpgradeAvailableEvent is a notification sent to customers + when a new available version is released. + + Attributes: + version (str): + The release version available for upgrade. + resource_type (google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpgradeResourceType): + The resource type of the release version. + release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ReleaseChannel): + The release channel of the version. If empty, + it means a non-channel release. + resource (str): + Optional relative path to the resource. For + example, the relative path of the node pool. + """ + + version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + resource_type: 'UpgradeResourceType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='UpgradeResourceType', + ) + release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + resource: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class SecurityBulletinEvent(proto.Message): + r"""SecurityBulletinEvent is a notification sent to customers + when a security bulletin has been posted that they are + vulnerable to. + + Attributes: + resource_type_affected (str): + The resource type (node/control plane) that + has the vulnerability. Multiple notifications (1 + notification per resource type) will be sent for + a vulnerability that affects > 1 resource type. + bulletin_id (str): + The ID of the bulletin corresponding to the + vulnerability. + cve_ids (MutableSequence[str]): + The CVEs associated with this bulletin. + severity (str): + The severity of this bulletin as it relates + to GKE. + bulletin_uri (str): + The URI link to the bulletin on the website + for more information. + brief_description (str): + A brief description of the bulletin. See the bulletin + pointed to by the bulletin_uri field for an expanded + description. + affected_supported_minors (MutableSequence[str]): + The GKE minor versions affected by this + vulnerability. + patched_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + The GKE versions where this vulnerability is + patched. + suggested_upgrade_target (str): + This represents a version selected from the patched_versions + field that the cluster receiving this notification should + most likely want to upgrade to based on its current version. + Note that if this notification is being received by a given + cluster, it means that this version is currently available + as an upgrade target in that cluster's location. + manual_steps_required (bool): + If this field is specified, it means there + are manual steps that the user must take to make + their clusters safe. + """ + + resource_type_affected: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + bulletin_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cve_ids: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + severity: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + bulletin_uri: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + brief_description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + affected_supported_minors: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + patched_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + suggested_upgrade_target: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + manual_steps_required: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + + +class Autopilot(proto.Message): + r"""Autopilot is the configuration for Autopilot settings on the + cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable Autopilot + workload_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.WorkloadPolicyConfig): + Workload policy configuration for Autopilot. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + workload_policy_config: 'WorkloadPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='WorkloadPolicyConfig', + ) + + +class WorkloadPolicyConfig(proto.Message): + r"""WorkloadPolicyConfig is the configuration of workload policy + for autopilot clusters. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + allow_net_admin (bool): + If true, workloads can use NET_ADMIN capability. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_allow_net_admin``. + """ + + allow_net_admin: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + optional=True, + ) + + +class LoggingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingConfig is cluster logging configuration. + + Attributes: + component_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingComponentConfig): + Logging components configuration + """ + + component_config: 'LoggingComponentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='LoggingComponentConfig', + ) + + +class LoggingComponentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingComponentConfig is cluster logging component + configuration. + + Attributes: + enable_components (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingComponentConfig.Component]): + Select components to collect logs. An empty + set would disable all logging. + """ + class Component(proto.Enum): + r"""GKE components exposing logs + + Values: + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS (1): + system components + WORKLOADS (2): + workloads + APISERVER (3): + kube-apiserver + SCHEDULER (4): + kube-scheduler + CONTROLLER_MANAGER (5): + kube-controller-manager + """ + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS = 1 + WORKLOADS = 2 + APISERVER = 3 + SCHEDULER = 4 + CONTROLLER_MANAGER = 5 + + enable_components: MutableSequence[Component] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Component, + ) + + +class MonitoringConfig(proto.Message): + r"""MonitoringConfig is cluster monitoring configuration. + + Attributes: + component_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.MonitoringComponentConfig): + Monitoring components configuration + managed_prometheus_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.ManagedPrometheusConfig): + Enable Google Cloud Managed Service for + Prometheus in the cluster. + advanced_datapath_observability_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig): + Configuration of Advanced Datapath + Observability features. + """ + + component_config: 'MonitoringComponentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='MonitoringComponentConfig', + ) + managed_prometheus_config: 'ManagedPrometheusConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='ManagedPrometheusConfig', + ) + advanced_datapath_observability_config: 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + ) + + +class AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig specifies configuration + of observability features of advanced datapath. + + Attributes: + enable_metrics (bool): + Expose flow metrics on nodes + relay_mode (google.cloud.container_v1.types.AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig.RelayMode): + Method used to make Relay available + """ + class RelayMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Supported Relay modes + + Values: + RELAY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + DISABLED (1): + disabled + INTERNAL_VPC_LB (3): + exposed via internal load balancer + EXTERNAL_LB (4): + exposed via external load balancer + """ + RELAY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + INTERNAL_VPC_LB = 3 + EXTERNAL_LB = 4 + + enable_metrics: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + relay_mode: RelayMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=RelayMode, + ) + + +class NodePoolLoggingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NodePoolLoggingConfig specifies logging configuration for + nodepools. + + Attributes: + variant_config (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingVariantConfig): + Logging variant configuration. + """ + + variant_config: 'LoggingVariantConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='LoggingVariantConfig', + ) + + +class LoggingVariantConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingVariantConfig specifies the behaviour of the logging + component. + + Attributes: + variant (google.cloud.container_v1.types.LoggingVariantConfig.Variant): + Logging variant deployed on nodes. + """ + class Variant(proto.Enum): + r"""Logging component variants. + + Values: + VARIANT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + DEFAULT (1): + default logging variant. + MAX_THROUGHPUT (2): + maximum logging throughput variant. + """ + VARIANT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DEFAULT = 1 + MAX_THROUGHPUT = 2 + + variant: Variant = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Variant, + ) + + +class MonitoringComponentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""MonitoringComponentConfig is cluster monitoring component + configuration. + + Attributes: + enable_components (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1.types.MonitoringComponentConfig.Component]): + Select components to collect metrics. An + empty set would disable all monitoring. + """ + class Component(proto.Enum): + r"""GKE components exposing metrics + + Values: + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS (1): + system components + APISERVER (3): + kube-apiserver + SCHEDULER (4): + kube-scheduler + CONTROLLER_MANAGER (5): + kube-controller-manager + STORAGE (7): + Storage + HPA (8): + Horizontal Pod Autoscaling + POD (9): + Pod + DAEMONSET (10): + DaemonSet + DEPLOYMENT (11): + Deployment + STATEFULSET (12): + Statefulset + """ + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS = 1 + APISERVER = 3 + SCHEDULER = 4 + CONTROLLER_MANAGER = 5 + STORAGE = 7 + HPA = 8 + POD = 9 + DAEMONSET = 10 + DEPLOYMENT = 11 + STATEFULSET = 12 + + enable_components: MutableSequence[Component] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Component, + ) + + +class ManagedPrometheusConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ManagedPrometheusConfig defines the configuration for + Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable Managed Collection. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class Fleet(proto.Message): + r"""Fleet is the fleet configuration for the cluster. + + Attributes: + project (str): + The Fleet host project(project ID or project + number) where this cluster will be registered + to. This field cannot be changed after the + cluster has been registered. + membership (str): + [Output only] The full resource name of the registered fleet + membership of the cluster, in the format + ``//gkehub.googleapis.com/projects/*/locations/*/memberships/*``. + pre_registered (bool): + [Output only] Whether the cluster has been registered + through the fleet API. + """ + + project: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + membership: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + pre_registered: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=3, + ) + + +class LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig contains configuration for using + raw-block local NVMe SSD. + + Attributes: + local_ssd_count (int): + The number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks + to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is + 375 GB in size. If zero, it means no raw-block + local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. + The limit for this value is dependent upon the + maximum number of disks available on a machine + per zone. See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + """ + + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + + +class EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig(proto.Message): + r"""EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig contains configuration for the + node ephemeral storage using Local SSD. + + Attributes: + local_ssd_count (int): + Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral + storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD is + 375 GB in size. If zero, it means to disable + using local SSDs as ephemeral storage. The limit + for this value is dependent upon the maximum + number of disks available on a machine per zone. + See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + """ + + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + + +__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..574c5aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/mypy.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[mypy] +python_version = 3.7 +namespace_packages = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..93dcecec --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/noxfile.py @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import pathlib +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + + +import nox # type: ignore + +ALL_PYTHON = [ + "3.7", + "3.8", + "3.9", + "3.10", + "3.11", +] + +CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() + +LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE = CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "constraints.txt" +PACKAGE_NAME = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "setup.py", "--name"], encoding="utf-8") + +BLACK_VERSION = "black==22.3.0" +BLACK_PATHS = ["docs", "google", "tests", "samples", "noxfile.py", "setup.py"] +DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.11" + +nox.sessions = [ + "unit", + "cover", + "mypy", + "check_lower_bounds" + # exclude update_lower_bounds from default + "docs", + "blacken", + "lint", + "lint_setup_py", +] + +@nox.session(python=ALL_PYTHON) +def unit(session): + """Run the unit test suite.""" + + session.install('coverage', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'pytest-asyncio', 'asyncmock; python_version < "3.8"') + session.install('-e', '.') + + session.run( + 'py.test', + '--quiet', + '--cov=google/cloud/container_v1/', + '--cov=tests/', + '--cov-config=.coveragerc', + '--cov-report=term', + '--cov-report=html', + os.path.join('tests', 'unit', ''.join(session.posargs)) + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def cover(session): + """Run the final coverage report. + This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit + test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. + """ + session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") + session.run("coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") + + session.run("coverage", "erase") + + +@nox.session(python=ALL_PYTHON) +def mypy(session): + """Run the type checker.""" + session.install( + 'mypy', + 'types-requests', + 'types-protobuf' + ) + session.install('.') + session.run( + 'mypy', + '--explicit-package-bases', + 'google', + ) + + +@nox.session +def update_lower_bounds(session): + """Update lower bounds in constraints.txt to match setup.py""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'update', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + + +@nox.session +def check_lower_bounds(session): + """Check lower bounds in setup.py are reflected in constraints file""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'check', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def docs(session): + """Build the docs for this library.""" + + session.install("-e", ".") + session.install("sphinx==7.0.1", "alabaster", "recommonmark") + + shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) + session.run( + "sphinx-build", + "-W", # warnings as errors + "-T", # show full traceback on exception + "-N", # no colors + "-b", + "html", + "-d", + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), + os.path.join("docs", ""), + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def lint(session): + """Run linters. + + Returns a failure if the linters find linting errors or sufficiently + serious code quality issues. + """ + session.install("flake8", BLACK_VERSION) + session.run( + "black", + "--check", + *BLACK_PATHS, + ) + session.run("flake8", "google", "tests", "samples") + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def blacken(session): + """Run black. Format code to uniform standard.""" + session.install(BLACK_VERSION) + session.run( + "black", + *BLACK_PATHS, + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def lint_setup_py(session): + """Verify that setup.py is valid (including RST check).""" + session.install("docutils", "pygments") + session.run("python", "setup.py", "check", "--restructuredtext", "--strict") diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc0c9bec --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CancelOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CancelOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51a504f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CancelOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CancelOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3745044 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CheckAutopilotCompatibility +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4050267f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CheckAutopilotCompatibility +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d783f2d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ad367bca --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..048a8cb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..658bbf60 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5768973f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f6cfa67 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02a28869 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f74cabb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..099010b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9eb45ac --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02f38fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ca9842a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc686ebc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c37931aa --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fbc60ef --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetJSONWebKeys +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0f8862c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetJSONWebKeys +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..982a497b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16936405 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetNodePoolRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90bbf6e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e4ea8cd --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetOperationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f52909d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetServerConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetServerConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..69f87383 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetServerConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.GetServerConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04815955 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListClusters +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListClustersRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6f64510 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListClusters +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListClustersRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82f9384b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListNodePools +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b35d4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListNodePools +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9b0dfd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListOperations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListOperationsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fbda6ba2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListOperations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListOperationsRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2962bc34 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListUsableSubnetworks +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d10bdea7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListUsableSubnetworks +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df0b7d63 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for RollbackNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a874b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for RollbackNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3a1a703 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetAddonsConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..87512d2f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetAddonsConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd2495f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLabels +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLabelsRequest( + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f503344 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLabels +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLabelsRequest( + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf8da16a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLegacyAbac +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8571fad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLegacyAbac +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50847549 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLocationsRequest( + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b58bc705 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLocationsRequest( + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52160d56 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLoggingService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0dfad98 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLoggingService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5ef473e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMaintenancePolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..008f305c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMaintenancePolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbb6461a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMasterAuth +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b934124a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMasterAuth +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1f04ed4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMonitoringService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2ea6f1b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMonitoringService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5a239e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNetworkPolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..239e06b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNetworkPolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b86f961c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolAutoscaling +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da293afe --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolAutoscaling +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee11a5ed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolManagement +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e51b4db7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolManagement +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0ddb437 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolSize +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..061a5946 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolSize +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..48c5db6b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StartIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.StartIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bd398a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StartIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.StartIPRotationRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b3e0bc0b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1467451 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateClusterRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..04cb68b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateMaster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateMasterRequest( + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da4a9dca --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateMaster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateMasterRequest( + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6240d9e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +async def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1394ac1c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1 + + +def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..477de1ee --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1.json @@ -0,0 +1,6045 @@ +{ + "clientLibrary": { + "apis": [ + { + "id": "google.container.v1", + "version": "v1" + } + ], + "language": "PYTHON", + "name": "google-cloud-container", + "version": "0.1.0" + }, + "snippets": [ + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.cancel_operation", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CancelOperation" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CancelOperationRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "operation_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "shortName": "cancel_operation" + }, + "description": "Sample for CancelOperation", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "start": 45, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient.cancel_operation", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CancelOperation" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CancelOperationRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "operation_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "shortName": "cancel_operation" + }, + "description": "Sample for CancelOperation", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "start": 45, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.check_autopilot_compatibility", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CheckAutopilotCompatibility" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse", + "shortName": "check_autopilot_compatibility" + }, + "description": "Sample for CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 47, + "start": 45, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 48, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient.check_autopilot_compatibility", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CheckAutopilotCompatibility" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse", + "shortName": "check_autopilot_compatibility" + }, + "description": "Sample for CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 47, + "start": 45, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 48, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.complete_ip_rotation", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CompleteIPRotation", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CompleteIPRotation" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.CompleteIPRotationRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "cluster_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "complete_ip_rotation" + }, + "description": "Sample for CompleteIPRotation", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 47, + "start": 45, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 48, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": 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"google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.update_master", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.UpdateMaster", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateMaster" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateMasterRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "cluster_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "master_version", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_master" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateMaster", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 45, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 46, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 52, + "start": 49, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient.update_master", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.UpdateMaster", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateMaster" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateMasterRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "cluster_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "master_version", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_master" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateMaster", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 45, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 46, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 52, + "start": 49, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.update_node_pool", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.UpdateNodePool", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateNodePool" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_node_pool" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateNodePool", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 52, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 52, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 46, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "start": 47, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 50, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1.ClusterManagerClient.update_node_pool", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager.UpdateNodePool", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateNodePool" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_node_pool" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateNodePool", + "file": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 52, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 52, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 46, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 49, + "start": 47, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 50, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py" + } + ] +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_container_v1_keywords.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_container_v1_keywords.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7ec9836 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/scripts/fixup_container_v1_keywords.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import argparse +import os +import libcst as cst +import pathlib +import sys +from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple) + + +def partition( + predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], + iterator: Sequence[Any] +) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: + """A stable, out-of-place partition.""" + results = ([], []) + + for i in iterator: + results[int(predicate(i))].append(i) + + # Returns trueList, falseList + return results[1], results[0] + + +class containerCallTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer): + CTRL_PARAMS: Tuple[str] = ('retry', 'timeout', 'metadata') + METHOD_TO_PARAMS: Dict[str, Tuple[str]] = { + 'cancel_operation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'operation_id', 'name', ), + 'check_autopilot_compatibility': ('name', ), + 'complete_ip_rotation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'complete_node_pool_upgrade': ('name', ), + 'create_cluster': ('cluster', 'project_id', 'zone', 'parent', ), + 'create_node_pool': ('node_pool', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'parent', ), + 'delete_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'delete_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'get_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'get_json_web_keys': ('parent', ), + 'get_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'get_operation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'operation_id', 'name', ), + 'get_server_config': ('project_id', 'zone', 'name', ), + 'list_clusters': ('project_id', 'zone', 'parent', ), + 'list_node_pools': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'parent', ), + 'list_operations': ('project_id', 'zone', 'parent', ), + 'list_usable_subnetworks': ('parent', 'filter', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', 'respect_pdb', ), + 'set_addons_config': ('addons_config', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_labels': ('resource_labels', 'label_fingerprint', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_legacy_abac': ('enabled', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_locations': ('locations', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_logging_service': ('logging_service', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_maintenance_policy': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'maintenance_policy', 'name', ), + 'set_master_auth': ('action', 'update', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_monitoring_service': ('monitoring_service', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_network_policy': ('network_policy', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_autoscaling': ('autoscaling', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_management': ('management', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_size': ('node_count', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'start_ip_rotation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', 'rotate_credentials', ), + 'update_cluster': ('update', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'update_master': ('master_version', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'update_node_pool': ('node_version', 'image_type', 'project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', 'locations', 'workload_metadata_config', 'upgrade_settings', 'tags', 'taints', 'labels', 'linux_node_config', 'kubelet_config', 'node_network_config', 'gcfs_config', 'confidential_nodes', 'gvnic', 'etag', 'fast_socket', 'logging_config', 'resource_labels', 'windows_node_config', 'machine_type', 'disk_type', 'disk_size_gb', ), + } + + def leave_Call(self, original: cst.Call, updated: cst.Call) -> cst.CSTNode: + try: + key = original.func.attr.value + kword_params = self.METHOD_TO_PARAMS[key] + except (AttributeError, KeyError): + # Either not a method from the API or too convoluted to be sure. + return updated + + # If the existing code is valid, keyword args come after positional args. + # Therefore, all positional args must map to the first parameters. + args, kwargs = partition(lambda a: not bool(a.keyword), updated.args) + if any(k.keyword.value == "request" for k in kwargs): + # We've already fixed this file, don't fix it again. + return updated + + kwargs, ctrl_kwargs = partition( + lambda a: a.keyword.value not in self.CTRL_PARAMS, + kwargs + ) + + args, ctrl_args = args[:len(kword_params)], args[len(kword_params):] + ctrl_kwargs.extend(cst.Arg(value=a.value, keyword=cst.Name(value=ctrl)) + for a, ctrl in zip(ctrl_args, self.CTRL_PARAMS)) + + request_arg = cst.Arg( + value=cst.Dict([ + cst.DictElement( + cst.SimpleString("'{}'".format(name)), +cst.Element(value=arg.value) + ) + # Note: the args + kwargs looks silly, but keep in mind that + # the control parameters had to be stripped out, and that + # those could have been passed positionally or by keyword. + for name, arg in zip(kword_params, args + kwargs)]), + keyword=cst.Name("request") + ) + + return updated.with_changes( + args=[request_arg] + ctrl_kwargs + ) + + +def fix_files( + in_dir: pathlib.Path, + out_dir: pathlib.Path, + *, + transformer=containerCallTransformer(), +): + """Duplicate the input dir to the output dir, fixing file method calls. + + Preconditions: + * in_dir is a real directory + * out_dir is a real, empty directory + """ + pyfile_gen = ( + pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root, f)) + for root, _, files in os.walk(in_dir) + for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".py" + ) + + for fpath in pyfile_gen: + with open(fpath, 'r') as f: + src = f.read() + + # Parse the code and insert method call fixes. + tree = cst.parse_module(src) + updated = tree.visit(transformer) + + # Create the path and directory structure for the new file. + updated_path = out_dir.joinpath(fpath.relative_to(in_dir)) + updated_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + + # Generate the updated source file at the corresponding path. + with open(updated_path, 'w') as f: + f.write(updated.code) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="""Fix up source that uses the container client library. + +The existing sources are NOT overwritten but are copied to output_dir with changes made. + +Note: This tool operates at a best-effort level at converting positional + parameters in client method calls to keyword based parameters. + Cases where it WILL FAIL include + A) * or ** expansion in a method call. + B) Calls via function or method alias (includes free function calls) + C) Indirect or dispatched calls (e.g. the method is looked up dynamically) + + These all constitute false negatives. The tool will also detect false + positives when an API method shares a name with another method. +""") + parser.add_argument( + '-d', + '--input-directory', + required=True, + dest='input_dir', + help='the input directory to walk for python files to fix up', + ) + parser.add_argument( + '-o', + '--output-directory', + required=True, + dest='output_dir', + help='the directory to output files fixed via un-flattening', + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + input_dir = pathlib.Path(args.input_dir) + output_dir = pathlib.Path(args.output_dir) + if not input_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"input directory '{input_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if not output_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if os.listdir(output_dir): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' is not empty", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + fix_files(input_dir, output_dir) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e27d43a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import io +import os + +import setuptools # type: ignore + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +name = 'google-cloud-container' + + +description = "Google Cloud Container API client library" + +version = {} +with open(os.path.join(package_root, 'google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py')) as fp: + exec(fp.read(), version) +version = version["__version__"] + +if version[0] == "0": + release_status = "Development Status :: 4 - Beta" +else: + release_status = "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable" + +dependencies = [ + "google-api-core[grpc] >= 1.34.0, <3.0.0dev,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,!=2.10.*", + "proto-plus >= 1.22.0, <2.0.0dev", + "proto-plus >= 1.22.2, <2.0.0dev; python_version>='3.11'", + "protobuf>=3.19.5,<5.0.0dev,!=3.20.0,!=3.20.1,!=4.21.0,!=4.21.1,!=4.21.2,!=4.21.3,!=4.21.4,!=4.21.5", +] +url = "https://github.com/googleapis/python-container" + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +readme_filename = os.path.join(package_root, "README.rst") +with io.open(readme_filename, encoding="utf-8") as readme_file: + readme = readme_file.read() + +packages = [ + package + for package in setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find() + if package.startswith("google") +] + +namespaces = ["google", "google.cloud"] + +setuptools.setup( + name=name, + version=version, + description=description, + long_description=readme, + author="Google LLC", + author_email="googleapis-packages@google.com", + license="Apache 2.0", + url=url, + classifiers=[ + release_status, + "Intended Audience :: Developers", + "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", + "Programming Language :: Python", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", + "Operating System :: OS Independent", + "Topic :: Internet", + ], + platforms="Posix; MacOS X; Windows", + packages=packages, + python_requires=">=3.7", + namespace_packages=namespaces, + install_requires=dependencies, + include_package_data=True, + zip_safe=False, +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c44adfe --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This constraints file is used to check that lower bounds +# are correct in setup.py +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +# Pin the version to the lower bound. +# e.g., if setup.py has "google-cloud-foo >= 1.14.0, < 2.0.0dev", +# Then this file should have google-cloud-foo==1.14.0 +google-api-core==1.34.0 +proto-plus==1.22.0 +protobuf==3.19.5 diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/test_cluster_manager.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/test_cluster_manager.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab581730 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1/test_cluster_manager.py @@ -0,0 +1,10333 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +# try/except added for compatibility with python < 3.8 +try: + from unittest import mock + from unittest.mock import AsyncMock # pragma: NO COVER +except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER + import mock + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule +from proto.marshal.rules import wrappers + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerAsyncClient +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerClient +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager import transports +from google.cloud.container_v1.types import cluster_service +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import code_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +import google.auth + + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "foo.googleapis.com" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "example.googleapis.com" + api_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.googleapis.com" + sandbox_endpoint = "example.sandbox.googleapis.com" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + non_googleapi = "api.example.com" + + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_from_service_account_info(client_class, transport_name): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info, transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_from_service_account_file(client_class, transport_name): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_audience="https://language.googleapis.com") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience="https://language.googleapis.com" + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_cluster_manager_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + ClusterManagerClient, ClusterManagerAsyncClient +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +def test_cluster_manager_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=False): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=mock_client_cert_source): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport.__init__') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_create_channel_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # test that the credentials from file are saved and used as the credentials. + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True + ) as load_creds, mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "default", autospec=True + ) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel" + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + file_creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + load_creds.return_value = (file_creds, None) + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "container.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=file_creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + scopes=None, + default_host="container.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_clusters(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + ) + response = client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListClustersResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +def test_list_clusters_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_clusters() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListClustersResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_clusters_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_clusters_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse()) + await client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_clusters_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_clusters( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_clusters_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_clusters( + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_clusters( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_clusters( + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + logging_service='logging_service_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + network='network_value', + cluster_ipv4_cidr='cluster_ipv4_cidr_value', + subnetwork='subnetwork_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + enable_kubernetes_alpha=True, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + zone='zone_value', + endpoint='endpoint_value', + initial_cluster_version='initial_cluster_version_value', + current_master_version='current_master_version_value', + current_node_version='current_node_version_value', + create_time='create_time_value', + status=cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + node_ipv4_cidr_size=1955, + services_ipv4_cidr='services_ipv4_cidr_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + current_node_count=1936, + expire_time='expire_time_value', + location='location_value', + enable_tpu=True, + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block='tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + id='id_value', + etag='etag_value', + ) + response = client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Cluster) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.logging_service == 'logging_service_value' + assert response.monitoring_service == 'monitoring_service_value' + assert response.network == 'network_value' + assert response.cluster_ipv4_cidr == 'cluster_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.subnetwork == 'subnetwork_value' + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.enable_kubernetes_alpha is True + assert response.label_fingerprint == 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.endpoint == 'endpoint_value' + assert response.initial_cluster_version == 'initial_cluster_version_value' + assert response.current_master_version == 'current_master_version_value' + assert response.current_node_version == 'current_node_version_value' + assert response.create_time == 'create_time_value' + assert response.status == cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.node_ipv4_cidr_size == 1955 + assert response.services_ipv4_cidr == 'services_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.current_node_count == 1936 + assert response.expire_time == 'expire_time_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.enable_tpu is True + assert response.tpu_ipv4_cidr_block == 'tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.id == 'id_value' + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +def test_get_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + logging_service='logging_service_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + network='network_value', + cluster_ipv4_cidr='cluster_ipv4_cidr_value', + subnetwork='subnetwork_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + enable_kubernetes_alpha=True, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + zone='zone_value', + endpoint='endpoint_value', + initial_cluster_version='initial_cluster_version_value', + current_master_version='current_master_version_value', + current_node_version='current_node_version_value', + create_time='create_time_value', + status=cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + node_ipv4_cidr_size=1955, + services_ipv4_cidr='services_ipv4_cidr_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + current_node_count=1936, + expire_time='expire_time_value', + location='location_value', + enable_tpu=True, + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block='tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + id='id_value', + etag='etag_value', + )) + response = await client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Cluster) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.logging_service == 'logging_service_value' + assert response.monitoring_service == 'monitoring_service_value' + assert response.network == 'network_value' + assert response.cluster_ipv4_cidr == 'cluster_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.subnetwork == 'subnetwork_value' + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.enable_kubernetes_alpha is True + assert response.label_fingerprint == 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.endpoint == 'endpoint_value' + assert response.initial_cluster_version == 'initial_cluster_version_value' + assert response.current_master_version == 'current_master_version_value' + assert response.current_node_version == 'current_node_version_value' + assert response.create_time == 'create_time_value' + assert response.status == cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.node_ipv4_cidr_size == 1955 + assert response.services_ipv4_cidr == 'services_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.current_node_count == 1936 + assert response.expire_time == 'expire_time_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.enable_tpu is True + assert response.tpu_ipv4_cidr_block == 'tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.id == 'id_value' + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster()) + await client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_cluster( + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_cluster( + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_create_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster + mock_val = cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_cluster( + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster + mock_val = cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_cluster( + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_update_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.update_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].update + mock_val = cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_update_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.update_cluster( + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.update_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].update + mock_val = cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.update_cluster( + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_autoscaling() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_logging_service(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_logging_service_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_logging_service() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_logging_service_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_logging_service_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_logging_service_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_logging_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].logging_service + mock_val = 'logging_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_logging_service_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_logging_service( + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_logging_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].logging_service + mock_val = 'logging_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_logging_service( + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_monitoring_service(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_monitoring_service() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_monitoring_service_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_monitoring_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].monitoring_service + mock_val = 'monitoring_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_monitoring_service( + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_monitoring_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].monitoring_service + mock_val = 'monitoring_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_monitoring_service( + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_addons_config(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_addons_config_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_addons_config() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_addons_config_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_addons_config_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_addons_config_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_addons_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].addons_config + mock_val = cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_addons_config_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_addons_config( + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_addons_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].addons_config + mock_val = cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_addons_config( + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_locations(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_locations_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_locations() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_locations_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_locations_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_locations_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_locations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].locations + mock_val = ['locations_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_locations_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_locations( + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_locations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].locations + mock_val = ['locations_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_locations( + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_master(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_master_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_master() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_master_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_master_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_update_master_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.update_master( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].master_version + mock_val = 'master_version_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_update_master_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.update_master( + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.update_master( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].master_version + mock_val = 'master_version_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.update_master( + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_master_auth(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_master_auth_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_master_auth() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_master_auth_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_master_auth_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_delete_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_cluster( + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_cluster( + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_operations(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + ) + response = client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +def test_list_operations_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_operations() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_operations_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_operations_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse()) + await client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_operations_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_operations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_operations_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_operations( + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_operations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_operations( + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_operation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_get_operation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_operation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_operation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_operation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_operation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_operation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_operation( + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_operation( + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_cancel_operation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_cancel_operation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + client.cancel_operation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_async_from_dict(): + await test_cancel_operation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_cancel_operation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_cancel_operation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.cancel_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_cancel_operation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.cancel_operation( + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.cancel_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.cancel_operation( + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_server_config(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig( + default_cluster_version='default_cluster_version_value', + valid_node_versions=['valid_node_versions_value'], + default_image_type='default_image_type_value', + valid_image_types=['valid_image_types_value'], + valid_master_versions=['valid_master_versions_value'], + ) + response = client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ServerConfig) + assert response.default_cluster_version == 'default_cluster_version_value' + assert response.valid_node_versions == ['valid_node_versions_value'] + assert response.default_image_type == 'default_image_type_value' + assert response.valid_image_types == ['valid_image_types_value'] + assert response.valid_master_versions == ['valid_master_versions_value'] + + +def test_get_server_config_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_server_config() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig( + default_cluster_version='default_cluster_version_value', + valid_node_versions=['valid_node_versions_value'], + default_image_type='default_image_type_value', + valid_image_types=['valid_image_types_value'], + valid_master_versions=['valid_master_versions_value'], + )) + response = await client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ServerConfig) + assert response.default_cluster_version == 'default_cluster_version_value' + assert response.valid_node_versions == ['valid_node_versions_value'] + assert response.default_image_type == 'default_image_type_value' + assert response.valid_image_types == ['valid_image_types_value'] + assert response.valid_master_versions == ['valid_master_versions_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_server_config_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_server_config_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig()) + await client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_server_config_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_server_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_server_config_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_server_config( + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_server_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_server_config( + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_json_web_keys(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse( + ) + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse) + + +def test_get_json_web_keys_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_json_web_keys() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse( + )) + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_json_web_keys_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_json_web_keys_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse() + client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse()) + await client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_node_pools(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse( + ) + response = client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse) + + +def test_list_node_pools_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_node_pools() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse( + )) + response = await client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_node_pools_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_node_pools_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse()) + await client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_node_pools_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_node_pools( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_node_pools_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_node_pools( + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_node_pools( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_node_pools( + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool( + name='name_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + locations=['locations_value'], + self_link='self_link_value', + version='version_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + status=cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + pod_ipv4_cidr_size=1856, + etag='etag_value', + ) + response = client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.NodePool) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.status == cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.pod_ipv4_cidr_size == 1856 + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +def test_get_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool( + name='name_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + locations=['locations_value'], + self_link='self_link_value', + version='version_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + status=cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + pod_ipv4_cidr_size=1856, + etag='etag_value', + )) + response = await client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.NodePool) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.status == cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.pod_ipv4_cidr_size == 1856 + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool()) + await client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_node_pool( + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_node_pool( + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_create_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool + mock_val = cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_node_pool( + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool + mock_val = cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_node_pool( + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_delete_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_node_pool( + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_node_pool( + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async_from_dict(): + await test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async_from_dict(): + await test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_management(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_management() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_management_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_labels(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_labels_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_labels() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_labels_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_labels_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_legacy_abac(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_legacy_abac() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_legacy_abac_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_legacy_abac( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].enabled + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_legacy_abac( + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_legacy_abac( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].enabled + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_legacy_abac( + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_start_ip_rotation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + client.start_ip_rotation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_async_from_dict(): + await test_start_ip_rotation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.start_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.start_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.start_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.start_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_complete_ip_rotation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + client.complete_ip_rotation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_async_from_dict(): + await test_complete_ip_rotation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.complete_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.complete_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.complete_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_size(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_size_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_size() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_size_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_size_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_network_policy(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_network_policy_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_network_policy() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_network_policy_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_network_policy_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_network_policy_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_network_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].network_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_network_policy_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_network_policy( + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_network_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].network_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_network_policy( + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_maintenance_policy(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_maintenance_policy() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_maintenance_policy_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_maintenance_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].maintenance_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_maintenance_policy( + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + name='name_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + name='name_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].maintenance_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))) + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].name + mock_val = 'name_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_maintenance_policy( + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + name='name_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_usable_subnetworks(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_usable_subnetworks() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_usable_subnetworks_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse() + client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse()) + await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = list(pager) + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork) + for i in results) +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_pager(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: # pragma: no branch + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_pages(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + # Workaround issue in python 3.9 related to code coverage by adding `# pragma: no branch` + # See https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-python/pull/1174#issuecomment-1025132372 + async for page_ in ( # pragma: no branch + await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}) + ).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse( + summary='summary_value', + ) + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse) + assert response.summary == 'summary_value' + + +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + client.check_autopilot_compatibility() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse( + summary='summary_value', + )) + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse) + assert response.summary == 'summary_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async_from_dict(): + await test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse() + client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse()) + await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options=options, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. + options = mock.Mock() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options=options, + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = ClusterManagerClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", +]) +def test_transport_kind(transport_name): + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class(transport_name)( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert transport.kind == transport_name + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport.__init__') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'list_clusters', + 'get_cluster', + 'create_cluster', + 'update_cluster', + 'update_node_pool', + 'set_node_pool_autoscaling', + 'set_logging_service', + 'set_monitoring_service', + 'set_addons_config', + 'set_locations', + 'update_master', + 'set_master_auth', + 'delete_cluster', + 'list_operations', + 'get_operation', + 'cancel_operation', + 'get_server_config', + 'get_json_web_keys', + 'list_node_pools', + 'get_node_pool', + 'create_node_pool', + 'delete_node_pool', + 'complete_node_pool_upgrade', + 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade', + 'set_node_pool_management', + 'set_labels', + 'set_legacy_abac', + 'start_ip_rotation', + 'complete_ip_rotation', + 'set_node_pool_size', + 'set_network_policy', + 'set_maintenance_policy', + 'list_usable_subnetworks', + 'check_autopilot_compatibility', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + # Catch all for all remaining methods and properties + remainder = [ + 'kind', + ] + for r in remainder: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, r)() + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +def test_cluster_manager_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + ClusterManagerClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_auth_gdch_credentials(transport_class): + host = 'https://language.com' + api_audience_tests = [None, 'https://language2.com'] + api_audience_expect = [host, 'https://language2.com'] + for t, e in zip(api_audience_tests, api_audience_expect): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + gdch_mock = mock.MagicMock() + type(gdch_mock).with_gdch_audience = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=gdch_mock) + adc.return_value = (gdch_mock, None) + transport_class(host=host, api_audience=t) + gdch_mock.with_gdch_audience.assert_called_once_with( + e + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "container.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="container.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", + "grpc_asyncio", +]) +def test_cluster_manager_host_no_port(transport_name): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='container.googleapis.com'), + transport=transport_name, + ) + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", + "grpc_asyncio", +]) +def test_cluster_manager_host_with_port(transport_name): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='container.googleapis.com:8000'), + transport=transport_name, + ) + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:8000' + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_topic_path(): + project = "squid" + topic = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.topic_path(project, topic) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_topic_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "topic": "octopus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.topic_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_topic_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "oyster" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "nudibranch", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "cuttlefish" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "mussel", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "winkle" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "nautilus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "scallop" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "abalone", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "squid" + location = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "location": "octopus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_with_default_client_info(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.ClusterManagerTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.ClusterManagerTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport), +]) +def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True + ) as get_api_key_credentials: + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.coveragerc b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..113f6dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[run] +branch = True + +[report] +show_missing = True +omit = + google/cloud/container/__init__.py + google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py +exclude_lines = + # Re-enable the standard pragma + pragma: NO COVER + # Ignore debug-only repr + def __repr__ diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.flake8 b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.flake8 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29227d4c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/.flake8 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Copyright 2020 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +# Generated by synthtool. DO NOT EDIT! +[flake8] +ignore = E203, E266, E501, W503 +exclude = + # Exclude generated code. + **/proto/** + **/gapic/** + **/services/** + **/types/** + *_pb2.py + + # Standard linting exemptions. + **/.nox/** + __pycache__, + .git, + *.pyc, + conf.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/MANIFEST.in b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/MANIFEST.in new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0462333 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/MANIFEST.in @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +recursive-include google/cloud/container *.py +recursive-include google/cloud/container_v1beta1 *.py diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/README.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f18726b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +Python Client for Google Cloud Container API +================================================= + +Quick Start +----------- + +In order to use this library, you first need to go through the following steps: + +1. `Select or create a Cloud Platform project.`_ +2. `Enable billing for your project.`_ +3. Enable the Google Cloud Container API. +4. `Setup Authentication.`_ + +.. _Select or create a Cloud Platform project.: https://console.cloud.google.com/project +.. _Enable billing for your project.: https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/modify-project#enable_billing_for_a_project +.. _Setup Authentication.: https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/auth.html + +Installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Install this library in a `virtualenv`_ using pip. `virtualenv`_ is a tool to +create isolated Python environments. The basic problem it addresses is one of +dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. + +With `virtualenv`_, it's possible to install this library without needing system +install permissions, and without clashing with the installed system +dependencies. + +.. _`virtualenv`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/ + + +Mac/Linux +^^^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + source /bin/activate + /bin/pip install /path/to/library + + +Windows +^^^^^^^ + +.. code-block:: console + + python3 -m venv + \Scripts\activate + \Scripts\pip.exe install \path\to\library diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/_static/custom.css b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/_static/custom.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06423be0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/_static/custom.css @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +dl.field-list > dt { + min-width: 100px +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/conf.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fccc7073 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# +# google-cloud-container documentation build configuration file +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os +import shlex + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. 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Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +# +# This is also used if you do content translation via gettext catalogs. +# Usually you set "language" from the command line for these cases. +language = 'en' + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +# today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all +# documents. +# default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +# add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +# add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. 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For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +html_theme_options = { + "description": "Google Cloud Client Libraries for Python", + "github_user": "googleapis", + "github_repo": "google-cloud-python", + "github_banner": True, + "font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, sans", + "head_font_family": "'Roboto', Georgia, serif", + "code_font_family": "'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas', monospace", +} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +# html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# " v documentation". +# html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +# html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +# html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +# html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] + +# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or +# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. 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Default is True. +# html_show_sphinx = True + +# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_copyright = True + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a tag referring to it. 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If empty, the default will be used. +# html_search_scorer = 'scorer.js' + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = "google-cloud-container-doc" + +# -- Options for warnings ------------------------------------------------------ + + +suppress_warnings = [ + # Temporarily suppress this to avoid "more than one target found for + # cross-reference" warning, which are intractable for us to avoid while in + # a mono-repo. + # See https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/blob + # /2a65ffeef5c107c19084fabdd706cdff3f52d93c/sphinx/domains/python.py#L843 + "ref.python" +] + +# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- + +latex_elements = { + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + # 'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + # 'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + # 'preamble': '', + # Latex figure (float) alignment + # 'figure_align': 'htbp', +} + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, +# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). +latex_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container.tex", + u"google-cloud-container Documentation", + author, + "manual", + ) +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +# latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +# latex_use_parts = False + +# If true, show page references after internal links. +# latex_show_pagerefs = False + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# latex_show_urls = False + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# latex_domain_indices = True + + +# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- + +# One entry per manual page. List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container", + u"Google Cloud Container Documentation", + [author], + 1, + ) +] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ( + root_doc, + "google-cloud-container", + u"google-cloud-container Documentation", + author, + "google-cloud-container", + "GAPIC library for Google Cloud Container API", + "APIs", + ) +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = { + "python": ("http://python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "gax": ("https://gax-python.readthedocs.org/en/latest/", None), + "google-auth": ("https://google-auth.readthedocs.io/en/stable", None), + 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00000000..3a3a443d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/cluster_manager.rst @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +ClusterManager +-------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager + :members: + :inherited-members: + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.pagers + :members: + :inherited-members: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/services.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/services.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b6dae4d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/services.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Services for Google Cloud Container v1beta1 API +=============================================== +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + cluster_manager diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/types.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/types.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4baa1c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/container_v1beta1/types.rst @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +Types for Google Cloud Container v1beta1 API +============================================ + +.. automodule:: google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types + :members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/index.rst b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de07690b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/docs/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +API Reference +------------- +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + container_v1beta1/services + container_v1beta1/types diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fad9c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from google.cloud.container import gapic_version as package_version + +__version__ = package_version.__version__ + + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.client import ClusterManagerClient +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.async_client import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AcceleratorConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodRangesConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AddonsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AdvancedMachineFeatures +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AuthenticatorGroupsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Autopilot +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AutopilotCompatibilityIssue +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import AutoUpgradeOptions +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import BestEffortProvisioning +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import BinaryAuthorization +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import BlueGreenSettings +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CancelOperationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ClientCertificateConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CloudRunConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Cluster +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ClusterAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ClusterTelemetry +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ClusterUpdate +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CompleteIPRotationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ConfidentialNodes +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ConfigConnectorConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CostManagementConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CreateClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import CreateNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DailyMaintenanceWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DatabaseEncryption +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DefaultSnatStatus +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DeleteClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DeleteNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DnsCacheConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DNSConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import FastSocket +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Fleet +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GatewayAPIConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GcfsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetOperationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GetServerConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GkeBackupAgentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GPUDriverInstallationConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import GPUSharingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import HorizontalPodAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import HostMaintenancePolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import HttpLoadBalancing +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import IdentityServiceConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ILBSubsettingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import IntraNodeVisibilityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import IPAllocationPolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import IstioConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Jwk +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import K8sBetaAPIConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import KalmConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import KubernetesDashboard +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LegacyAbac +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LinuxNodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListClustersRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListClustersResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListLocationsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListLocationsResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListOperationsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListOperationsResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksResponse +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Location +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LoggingComponentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LoggingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import LoggingVariantConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MaintenanceExclusionOptions +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MaintenancePolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MaintenanceWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ManagedPrometheusConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Master +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MasterAuth +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MaxPodsConstraint +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MeshCertificates +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MonitoringComponentConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import MonitoringConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicy +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicyConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NetworkTags +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeConfigDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeKubeletConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeLabels +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeManagement +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeNetworkConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePool +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolDefaults +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolLoggingConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeTaint +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodeTaints +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NotificationConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import Operation +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import OperationProgress +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import PodCIDROverprovisionConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import PodSecurityPolicyConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ProtectConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import RangeInfo +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import RecurringTimeWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ReleaseChannel +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ReservationAffinity +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ResourceLabels +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ResourceLimit +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ResourceUsageExportConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SandboxConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SecurityBulletinEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SecurityPostureConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ServerConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ServiceExternalIPsConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetAddonsConfigRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetLabelsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetLegacyAbacRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetLocationsRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetLoggingServiceRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetMaintenancePolicyRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetMasterAuthRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetMonitoringServiceRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetNetworkPolicyRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolManagementRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolSizeRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ShieldedInstanceConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import ShieldedNodes +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import SoleTenantConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import StartIPRotationRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import StatusCondition +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import TimeWindow +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import TpuConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpdateClusterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpdateMasterRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpdateNodePoolRequest +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeAvailableEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeEvent +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetwork +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import VerticalPodAutoscaling +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import VirtualNIC +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WindowsNodeConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WindowsVersions +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadALTSConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadCertificates +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadIdentityConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadMetadataConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import WorkloadPolicyConfig +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import DatapathProvider +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import NodePoolUpdateStrategy +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import StackType +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.cluster_service import UpgradeResourceType + +__all__ = ('ClusterManagerClient', + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'Autopilot', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'Cluster', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'ClusterTelemetry', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + 'FastSocket', + 'Fleet', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'HostMaintenancePolicy', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'IstioConfig', + 'Jwk', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'KalmConfig', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'ListLocationsRequest', + 'ListLocationsResponse', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'Location', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'Master', + 'MasterAuth', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'NetworkTags', + 'NodeConfig', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeLabels', + 'NodeManagement', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'NodePool', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'PodSecurityPolicyConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'ProtectConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'ServerConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'StatusCondition', + 'TimeWindow', + 'TpuConfig', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'WindowsVersions', + 'WorkloadALTSConfig', + 'WorkloadCertificates', + 'WorkloadConfig', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'StackType', + 'UpgradeResourceType', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360a0d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +__version__ = "0.0.0" # {x-release-please-version} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5b0e29f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-container package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4037ba58 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1 import gapic_version as package_version + +__version__ = package_version.__version__ + + +from .services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerClient +from .services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +from .types.cluster_service import AcceleratorConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdditionalPodRangesConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AddonsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import AdvancedMachineFeatures +from .types.cluster_service import AuthenticatorGroupsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Autopilot +from .types.cluster_service import AutopilotCompatibilityIssue +from .types.cluster_service import AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import AutoUpgradeOptions +from .types.cluster_service import BestEffortProvisioning +from .types.cluster_service import BinaryAuthorization +from .types.cluster_service import BlueGreenSettings +from .types.cluster_service import CancelOperationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ClientCertificateConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CloudRunConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Cluster +from .types.cluster_service import ClusterAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import ClusterTelemetry +from .types.cluster_service import ClusterUpdate +from .types.cluster_service import CompleteIPRotationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ConfidentialNodes +from .types.cluster_service import ConfigConnectorConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CostManagementConfig +from .types.cluster_service import CreateClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import CreateNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DailyMaintenanceWindow +from .types.cluster_service import DatabaseEncryption +from .types.cluster_service import DefaultSnatStatus +from .types.cluster_service import DeleteClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DeleteNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import DnsCacheConfig +from .types.cluster_service import DNSConfig +from .types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageConfig +from .types.cluster_service import EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig +from .types.cluster_service import FastSocket +from .types.cluster_service import Fleet +from .types.cluster_service import GatewayAPIConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcfsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GetClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetJSONWebKeysResponse +from .types.cluster_service import GetNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetOpenIDConfigResponse +from .types.cluster_service import GetOperationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GetServerConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import GkeBackupAgentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GPUDriverInstallationConfig +from .types.cluster_service import GPUSharingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import HorizontalPodAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import HostMaintenancePolicy +from .types.cluster_service import HttpLoadBalancing +from .types.cluster_service import IdentityServiceConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ILBSubsettingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import IntraNodeVisibilityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import IPAllocationPolicy +from .types.cluster_service import IstioConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Jwk +from .types.cluster_service import K8sBetaAPIConfig +from .types.cluster_service import KalmConfig +from .types.cluster_service import KubernetesDashboard +from .types.cluster_service import LegacyAbac +from .types.cluster_service import LinuxNodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ListClustersRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListClustersResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListLocationsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListLocationsResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListNodePoolsResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListOperationsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListOperationsResponse +from .types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ListUsableSubnetworksResponse +from .types.cluster_service import LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Location +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingComponentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import LoggingVariantConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenanceExclusionOptions +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenancePolicy +from .types.cluster_service import MaintenanceWindow +from .types.cluster_service import ManagedPrometheusConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Master +from .types.cluster_service import MasterAuth +from .types.cluster_service import MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MaxPodsConstraint +from .types.cluster_service import MeshCertificates +from .types.cluster_service import MonitoringComponentConfig +from .types.cluster_service import MonitoringConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicy +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkPolicyConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NetworkTags +from .types.cluster_service import NodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeConfigDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import NodeKubeletConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeLabels +from .types.cluster_service import NodeManagement +from .types.cluster_service import NodeNetworkConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodePool +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolDefaults +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolLoggingConfig +from .types.cluster_service import NodeTaint +from .types.cluster_service import NodeTaints +from .types.cluster_service import NotificationConfig +from .types.cluster_service import Operation +from .types.cluster_service import OperationProgress +from .types.cluster_service import PodCIDROverprovisionConfig +from .types.cluster_service import PodSecurityPolicyConfig +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterConfig +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ProtectConfig +from .types.cluster_service import RangeInfo +from .types.cluster_service import RecurringTimeWindow +from .types.cluster_service import ReleaseChannel +from .types.cluster_service import ReservationAffinity +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceLabels +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceLimit +from .types.cluster_service import ResourceUsageExportConfig +from .types.cluster_service import RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SandboxConfig +from .types.cluster_service import SecurityBulletinEvent +from .types.cluster_service import SecurityPostureConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ServerConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ServiceExternalIPsConfig +from .types.cluster_service import SetAddonsConfigRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLabelsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLegacyAbacRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLocationsRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetLoggingServiceRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMaintenancePolicyRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMasterAuthRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetMonitoringServiceRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNetworkPolicyRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolManagementRequest +from .types.cluster_service import SetNodePoolSizeRequest +from .types.cluster_service import ShieldedInstanceConfig +from .types.cluster_service import ShieldedNodes +from .types.cluster_service import SoleTenantConfig +from .types.cluster_service import StartIPRotationRequest +from .types.cluster_service import StatusCondition +from .types.cluster_service import TimeWindow +from .types.cluster_service import TpuConfig +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateClusterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateMasterRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpdateNodePoolRequest +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeAvailableEvent +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeEvent +from .types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetwork +from .types.cluster_service import UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange +from .types.cluster_service import VerticalPodAutoscaling +from .types.cluster_service import VirtualNIC +from .types.cluster_service import WindowsNodeConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WindowsVersions +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadALTSConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadCertificates +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadIdentityConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadMetadataConfig +from .types.cluster_service import WorkloadPolicyConfig +from .types.cluster_service import DatapathProvider +from .types.cluster_service import NodePoolUpdateStrategy +from .types.cluster_service import PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess +from .types.cluster_service import StackType +from .types.cluster_service import UpgradeResourceType + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', +'AcceleratorConfig', +'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', +'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', +'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', +'AddonsConfig', +'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', +'AdvancedMachineFeatures', +'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', +'AutoUpgradeOptions', +'Autopilot', +'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', +'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', +'BestEffortProvisioning', +'BinaryAuthorization', +'BlueGreenSettings', +'CancelOperationRequest', +'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', +'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', +'ClientCertificateConfig', +'CloudRunConfig', +'Cluster', +'ClusterAutoscaling', +'ClusterManagerClient', +'ClusterTelemetry', +'ClusterUpdate', +'CompleteIPRotationRequest', +'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', +'ConfidentialNodes', +'ConfigConnectorConfig', +'CostManagementConfig', +'CreateClusterRequest', +'CreateNodePoolRequest', +'DNSConfig', +'DailyMaintenanceWindow', +'DatabaseEncryption', +'DatapathProvider', +'DefaultSnatStatus', +'DeleteClusterRequest', +'DeleteNodePoolRequest', +'DnsCacheConfig', +'EphemeralStorageConfig', +'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', +'FastSocket', +'Fleet', +'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', +'GPUSharingConfig', +'GatewayAPIConfig', +'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', +'GcfsConfig', +'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', +'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', +'GetClusterRequest', +'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', +'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', +'GetNodePoolRequest', +'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', +'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', +'GetOperationRequest', +'GetServerConfigRequest', +'GkeBackupAgentConfig', +'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', +'HostMaintenancePolicy', +'HttpLoadBalancing', +'ILBSubsettingConfig', +'IPAllocationPolicy', +'IdentityServiceConfig', +'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', +'IstioConfig', +'Jwk', +'K8sBetaAPIConfig', +'KalmConfig', +'KubernetesDashboard', +'LegacyAbac', +'LinuxNodeConfig', +'ListClustersRequest', +'ListClustersResponse', +'ListLocationsRequest', +'ListLocationsResponse', +'ListNodePoolsRequest', +'ListNodePoolsResponse', +'ListOperationsRequest', +'ListOperationsResponse', +'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', +'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', +'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', +'Location', +'LoggingComponentConfig', +'LoggingConfig', +'LoggingVariantConfig', +'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', +'MaintenancePolicy', +'MaintenanceWindow', +'ManagedPrometheusConfig', +'Master', +'MasterAuth', +'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', +'MaxPodsConstraint', +'MeshCertificates', +'MonitoringComponentConfig', +'MonitoringConfig', +'NetworkConfig', +'NetworkPolicy', +'NetworkPolicyConfig', +'NetworkTags', +'NodeConfig', +'NodeConfigDefaults', +'NodeKubeletConfig', +'NodeLabels', +'NodeManagement', +'NodeNetworkConfig', +'NodePool', +'NodePoolAutoConfig', +'NodePoolAutoscaling', +'NodePoolDefaults', +'NodePoolLoggingConfig', +'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', +'NodeTaint', +'NodeTaints', +'NotificationConfig', +'Operation', +'OperationProgress', +'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', +'PodSecurityPolicyConfig', +'PrivateClusterConfig', +'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', +'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', +'ProtectConfig', +'RangeInfo', +'RecurringTimeWindow', +'ReleaseChannel', +'ReservationAffinity', +'ResourceLabels', +'ResourceLimit', +'ResourceUsageExportConfig', +'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', +'SandboxConfig', +'SecurityBulletinEvent', +'SecurityPostureConfig', +'ServerConfig', +'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', +'SetAddonsConfigRequest', +'SetLabelsRequest', +'SetLegacyAbacRequest', +'SetLocationsRequest', +'SetLoggingServiceRequest', +'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', +'SetMasterAuthRequest', +'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', +'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', +'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', +'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', +'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', +'ShieldedInstanceConfig', +'ShieldedNodes', +'SoleTenantConfig', +'StackType', +'StartIPRotationRequest', +'StatusCondition', +'TimeWindow', +'TpuConfig', +'UpdateClusterRequest', +'UpdateMasterRequest', +'UpdateNodePoolRequest', +'UpgradeAvailableEvent', +'UpgradeEvent', +'UpgradeResourceType', +'UsableSubnetwork', +'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', +'VerticalPodAutoscaling', +'VirtualNIC', +'WindowsNodeConfig', +'WindowsVersions', +'WorkloadALTSConfig', +'WorkloadCertificates', +'WorkloadConfig', +'WorkloadIdentityConfig', +'WorkloadMetadataConfig', +'WorkloadPolicyConfig', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_metadata.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b925b821 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ + { + "comment": "This file maps proto services/RPCs to the corresponding library clients/methods", + "language": "python", + "libraryPackage": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1", + "protoPackage": "google.container.v1beta1", + "schema": "1.0", + "services": { + "ClusterManager": { + "clients": { + "grpc": { + "libraryClient": "ClusterManagerClient", + "rpcs": { + "CancelOperation": { + "methods": [ + "cancel_operation" + ] + }, + "CheckAutopilotCompatibility": { + "methods": [ + "check_autopilot_compatibility" + ] + }, + "CompleteIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "complete_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "CompleteNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "complete_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "CreateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "create_cluster" + ] + }, + "CreateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "create_node_pool" + ] + }, + "DeleteCluster": { + "methods": [ + "delete_cluster" + ] + }, + "DeleteNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetCluster": { + "methods": [ + "get_cluster" + ] + }, + "GetJSONWebKeys": { + "methods": [ + "get_json_web_keys" + ] + }, + "GetNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "get_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetOperation": { + "methods": [ + "get_operation" + ] + }, + "GetServerConfig": { + "methods": [ + "get_server_config" + ] + }, + "ListClusters": { + "methods": [ + "list_clusters" + ] + }, + "ListLocations": { + "methods": [ + "list_locations" + ] + }, + "ListNodePools": { + "methods": [ + "list_node_pools" + ] + }, + "ListOperations": { + "methods": [ + "list_operations" + ] + }, + "ListUsableSubnetworks": { + "methods": [ + "list_usable_subnetworks" + ] + }, + "RollbackNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "rollback_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "SetAddonsConfig": { + "methods": [ + "set_addons_config" + ] + }, + "SetLabels": { + "methods": [ + "set_labels" + ] + }, + "SetLegacyAbac": { + "methods": [ + "set_legacy_abac" + ] + }, + "SetLocations": { + "methods": [ + "set_locations" + ] + }, + "SetLoggingService": { + "methods": [ + "set_logging_service" + ] + }, + "SetMaintenancePolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_maintenance_policy" + ] + }, + "SetMasterAuth": { + "methods": [ + "set_master_auth" + ] + }, + "SetMonitoringService": { + "methods": [ + "set_monitoring_service" + ] + }, + "SetNetworkPolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_network_policy" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolAutoscaling": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_autoscaling" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolManagement": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_management" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolSize": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_size" + ] + }, + "StartIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "start_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "UpdateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "update_cluster" + ] + }, + "UpdateMaster": { + "methods": [ + "update_master" + ] + }, + "UpdateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "update_node_pool" + ] + } + } + }, + "grpc-async": { + "libraryClient": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "rpcs": { + "CancelOperation": { + "methods": [ + "cancel_operation" + ] + }, + "CheckAutopilotCompatibility": { + "methods": [ + "check_autopilot_compatibility" + ] + }, + "CompleteIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "complete_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "CompleteNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "complete_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "CreateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "create_cluster" + ] + }, + "CreateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "create_node_pool" + ] + }, + "DeleteCluster": { + "methods": [ + "delete_cluster" + ] + }, + "DeleteNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "delete_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetCluster": { + "methods": [ + "get_cluster" + ] + }, + "GetJSONWebKeys": { + "methods": [ + "get_json_web_keys" + ] + }, + "GetNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "get_node_pool" + ] + }, + "GetOperation": { + "methods": [ + "get_operation" + ] + }, + "GetServerConfig": { + "methods": [ + "get_server_config" + ] + }, + "ListClusters": { + "methods": [ + "list_clusters" + ] + }, + "ListLocations": { + "methods": [ + "list_locations" + ] + }, + "ListNodePools": { + "methods": [ + "list_node_pools" + ] + }, + "ListOperations": { + "methods": [ + "list_operations" + ] + }, + "ListUsableSubnetworks": { + "methods": [ + "list_usable_subnetworks" + ] + }, + "RollbackNodePoolUpgrade": { + "methods": [ + "rollback_node_pool_upgrade" + ] + }, + "SetAddonsConfig": { + "methods": [ + "set_addons_config" + ] + }, + "SetLabels": { + "methods": [ + "set_labels" + ] + }, + "SetLegacyAbac": { + "methods": [ + "set_legacy_abac" + ] + }, + "SetLocations": { + "methods": [ + "set_locations" + ] + }, + "SetLoggingService": { + "methods": [ + "set_logging_service" + ] + }, + "SetMaintenancePolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_maintenance_policy" + ] + }, + "SetMasterAuth": { + "methods": [ + "set_master_auth" + ] + }, + "SetMonitoringService": { + "methods": [ + "set_monitoring_service" + ] + }, + "SetNetworkPolicy": { + "methods": [ + "set_network_policy" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolAutoscaling": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_autoscaling" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolManagement": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_management" + ] + }, + "SetNodePoolSize": { + "methods": [ + "set_node_pool_size" + ] + }, + "StartIPRotation": { + "methods": [ + "start_ip_rotation" + ] + }, + "UpdateCluster": { + "methods": [ + "update_cluster" + ] + }, + "UpdateMaster": { + "methods": [ + "update_master" + ] + }, + "UpdateNodePool": { + "methods": [ + "update_node_pool" + ] + } + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_version.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_version.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360a0d13 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/gapic_version.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +__version__ = "0.0.0" # {x-release-please-version} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/py.typed b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/py.typed new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d5b0e29f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/py.typed @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# Marker file for PEP 561. +# The google-cloud-container package uses inline types. diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..89a37dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..447dfbd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .client import ClusterManagerClient +from .async_client import ClusterManagerAsyncClient + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerClient', + 'ClusterManagerAsyncClient', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e329f8f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/async_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,4795 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import functools +import re +from typing import Dict, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union +import warnings + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1 import gapic_version as package_version + +from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport +from .client import ClusterManagerClient + + +class ClusterManagerAsyncClient: + """Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1beta1""" + + _client: ClusterManagerClient + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = ClusterManagerClient.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = ClusterManagerClient.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + topic_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.topic_path) + parse_topic_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_topic_path) + common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path) + parse_common_billing_account_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_billing_account_path) + common_folder_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path) + parse_common_folder_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_folder_path) + common_organization_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path) + parse_common_organization_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_organization_path) + common_project_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path) + parse_common_project_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_project_path) + common_location_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path) + parse_common_location_path = staticmethod(ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_location_path) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.from_service_account_info.__func__(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, info, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerAsyncClient: The constructed client. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.from_service_account_file.__func__(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, filename, *args, **kwargs) # type: ignore + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variable is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + return ClusterManagerClient.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) # type: ignore + + @property + def transport(self) -> ClusterManagerTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerTransport: The transport used by the client instance. + """ + return self._client.transport + + get_transport_class = functools.partial(type(ClusterManagerClient).get_transport_class, type(ClusterManagerClient)) + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport] = "grpc_asyncio", + client_options: Optional[ClientOptions] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the cluster manager client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ~.ClusterManagerTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (ClientOptions): Custom options for the client. It + won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + self._client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=credentials, + transport=transport, + client_options=client_options, + client_info=client_info, + + ) + + async def list_clusters(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListClustersResponse: + r"""Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListClustersRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListClustersRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListClustersResponse: + ListClustersResponse is the result of + ListClustersRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_clusters, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Cluster: + r"""Gets the details for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetClusterRequest gets the settings + of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to retrieve. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster: + A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster: Optional[cluster_service.Cluster] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CreateClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CreateClusterRequest creates a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster`): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + + This corresponds to the ``cluster`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster is not None: + request.cluster = cluster + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + update: Optional[cluster_service.ClusterUpdate] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the settings for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. UpdateClusterRequest updates the + settings of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + update (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterUpdate`): + Required. A description of the + update. + + This corresponds to the ``update`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, update]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if update is not None: + request.update = update + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the version and/or image type of a specific + node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolVersionRequest updates the + version of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the autoscaling settings of a specific node + pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets + the autoscaler settings of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_logging_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + logging_service: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the + logging service of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + logging_service (:class:`str`): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud + Logging service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``logging_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, logging_service]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if logging_service is not None: + request.logging_service = logging_service + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_logging_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_monitoring_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + monitoring_service: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the + monitoring service of a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + monitoring_service (:class:`str`): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use + to write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE + 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the + cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will + be used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` + for earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``monitoring_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, monitoring_service]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if monitoring_service is not None: + request.monitoring_service = monitoring_service + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_monitoring_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_addons_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + addons_config: Optional[cluster_service.AddonsConfig] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetAddonsRequest sets the addons + associated with the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + addons_config (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AddonsConfig`): + Required. The desired configurations + for the various addons available to run + in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``addons_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, addons_config]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if addons_config is not None: + request.addons_config = addons_config + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_addons_config, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + locations: Optional[MutableSequence[str]] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLocationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLocationsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLocationsRequest sets the + locations of the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + locations (:class:`MutableSequence[str]`): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the cluster, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary + zone. + + This corresponds to the ``locations`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + warnings.warn("ClusterManagerAsyncClient.set_locations is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning) + + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, locations]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if locations: + request.locations.extend(locations) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_locations, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def update_master(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + master_version: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateMasterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. UpdateMasterRequest updates the + master of the cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + master_version (:class:`str`): + Required. The Kubernetes version to + change the master to. + Users may specify either explicit + versions offered by Kubernetes Engine or + version aliases, which have the + following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid + Kubernetes version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid + patch+gke.N patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N + patch in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit + Kubernetes version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes + version + + This corresponds to the ``master_version`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, master_version]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if master_version is not None: + request.master_version = master_version + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.update_master, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_master_auth(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMasterAuthRequest updates the + admin password of a cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_master_auth, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]]): + The request object. DeleteClusterRequest deletes a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_operations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse: + r"""Lists all operations in a project in the specified + zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListOperationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListOperationsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListOperationsRequest lists + operations. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListOperationsResponse: + ListOperationsResponse is the result + of ListOperationsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_operations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Gets the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetOperationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetOperationRequest gets a single + operation. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of + the operation. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_operation, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def cancel_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Cancels the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CancelOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + await client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CancelOperationRequest cancels a + single operation. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of + the operation. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.cancel_operation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def get_server_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ServerConfig: + r"""Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetServerConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]]): + The request object. Gets the current Kubernetes Engine + service configuration. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServerConfig: + Kubernetes Engine service + configuration. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_server_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_json_web_keys(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + r"""Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the + keys used by the cluster to sign token requests. This + will be the jwks_uri for the discover document returned + by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 + specification for details. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid + JSON Web Key Set as specififed in rfc + 7517 + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_json_web_keys, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_node_pools(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse: + r"""Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node + pool(s) for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListNodePoolsResponse: + ListNodePoolsResponse is the result + of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_node_pools, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def get_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.NodePool: + r"""Retrieves the requested node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool: + NodePool contains the name and + configuration for a cluster's node pool. + Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. + VM's), with a common configuration and + specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of + Kubernetes labels applied to them, which + may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up + or down, to accommodate the workload. + These upgrade settings control the level + of parallelism and the level of + disruption caused by an upgrade. + + maxUnavailable controls the number of + nodes that can be simultaneously + unavailable. + + maxSurge controls the number of + additional nodes that can be added to + the node pool temporarily for the time + of the upgrade to increase the number of + available nodes. + + (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines + the level of parallelism (how many nodes + are being upgraded at the same time). + + Note: upgrades inevitably introduce some + disruption since workloads need to be + moved from old nodes to new, upgraded + ones. Even if maxUnavailable=0, this + holds true. (Disruption stays within the + limits of PodDisruptionBudget, if it is + configured.) + + Consider a hypothetical node pool with 5 + nodes having maxSurge=2, + maxUnavailable=1. This means the upgrade + process upgrades 3 nodes simultaneously. + It creates 2 additional (upgraded) + nodes, then it brings down 3 old (not + yet upgraded) nodes at the same time. + This ensures that there are always at + least 4 nodes available. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.get_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def create_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool: Optional[cluster_service.NodePool] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool`): + Required. The node pool to create. + This corresponds to the ``node_pool`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool is not None: + request.node_pool = node_pool + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.create_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def delete_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]]): + The request object. DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.delete_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets + the name of target node pool to complete + upgrade. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + async def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest + rollbacks the previously Aborted or + Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an + no-op if the last upgrade successfully + completed. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to rollback. This field has + been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_management(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + management: Optional[cluster_service.NodeManagement] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the + node management properties of a node + pool. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + management (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeManagement`): + Required. NodeManagement + configuration for the node pool. + + This corresponds to the ``management`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, management]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if management is not None: + request.management = management + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_management, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_labels(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + resource_labels: Optional[MutableMapping[str, str]] = None, + label_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets labels on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLabelsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLabelsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLabelsRequest sets the Google + Cloud Platform labels on a Google + Container Engine cluster, which will in + turn set them for Google Compute Engine + resources used by that cluster + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + resource_labels (:class:`MutableMapping[str, str]`): + Required. The labels to set for that + cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``resource_labels`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + label_fingerprint (:class:`str`): + Required. The fingerprint of the previous set of labels + for this resource, used to detect conflicts. The + fingerprint is initially generated by Kubernetes Engine + and changes after every request to modify or update + labels. You must always provide an up-to-date + fingerprint hash when updating or changing labels. Make + a ``get()`` request to the resource to get the latest + fingerprint. + + This corresponds to the ``label_fingerprint`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, resource_labels, label_fingerprint]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if label_fingerprint is not None: + request.label_fingerprint = label_fingerprint + + if resource_labels: + request.resource_labels.update(resource_labels) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_labels, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_legacy_abac(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or + disables the ABAC authorization + mechanism for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + enabled (:class:`bool`): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization + will be enabled in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``enabled`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, enabled]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if enabled is not None: + request.enabled = enabled + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_legacy_abac, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def start_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Starts master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.StartIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. StartIPRotationRequest creates a new + IP for the cluster and then performs a + node upgrade on each node pool to point + to the new IP. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.start_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def complete_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Completes master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the + cluster master back into single-IP mode. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.complete_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_node_pool_size(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. The new + size will be used for all replicas, including future replicas + created by modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1beta1.NodePool.locations]. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size + of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_node_pool_size, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_network_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + network_policy: Optional[cluster_service.NetworkPolicy] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetNetworkPolicyRequest + enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + network_policy (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicy`): + Required. Configuration options for + the NetworkPolicy feature. + + This corresponds to the ``network_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, network_policy]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if network_policy is not None: + request.network_policy = network_policy + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_network_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def set_maintenance_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + maintenance_policy: Optional[cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]]): + The request object. SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the + maintenance policy for a cluster. + project_id (:class:`str`): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (:class:`str`): + Required. The name of the cluster to + update. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + maintenance_policy (:class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenancePolicy`): + Required. The maintenance policy to + be set for the cluster. An empty field + clears the existing maintenance policy. + + This corresponds to the ``maintenance_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, maintenance_policy]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if maintenance_policy is not None: + request.maintenance_policy = maintenance_policy + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.set_maintenance_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_usable_subnetworks(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + r"""Lists subnetworks that can be used for creating + clusters in a project. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests + the list of usable subnetworks. + available to a user for creating + clusters. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. The parent project where subnetworks are + usable. Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the + response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Iterating over this object will yield + results and resolve additional pages + automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_usable_subnetworks, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__aiter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def check_autopilot_compatibility(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + r"""Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]]): + The request object. CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest + requests getting the blockers for the + given operation in the cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse + has a list of compatibility issues. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.check_autopilot_compatibility, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def list_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse: + r"""Fetches locations that offer Google Kubernetes + Engine. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + async def sample_list_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListLocationsRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Optional[Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListLocationsRequest, dict]]): + The request object. ListLocationsRequest is used to + request the locations that offer GKE. + parent (:class:`str`): + Required. Contains the name of the resource requested. + Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListLocationsResponse: + ListLocationsResponse returns the + list of all GKE locations and their + recommendation state. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError("If the `request` argument is set, then none of " + "the individual field arguments should be set.") + + request = cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest(request) + + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = gapic_v1.method_async.wrap_method( + self._client._transport.list_locations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = await rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + async def __aenter__(self) -> "ClusterManagerAsyncClient": + return self + + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb): + await self.transport.close() + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +__all__ = ( + "ClusterManagerAsyncClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/client.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/client.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52075731 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/client.py @@ -0,0 +1,4926 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re +from typing import Dict, Mapping, MutableMapping, MutableSequence, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, cast +import warnings + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1 import gapic_version as package_version + +from google.api_core import client_options as client_options_lib +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport import mtls # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +try: + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] +except AttributeError: # pragma: NO COVER + OptionalRetry = Union[retries.Retry, object] # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +from .transports.base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .transports.grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +from .transports.grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +class ClusterManagerClientMeta(type): + """Metaclass for the ClusterManager client. + + This provides class-level methods for building and retrieving + support objects (e.g. transport) without polluting the client instance + objects. + """ + _transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[ClusterManagerTransport]] + _transport_registry["grpc"] = ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + _transport_registry["grpc_asyncio"] = ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + def get_transport_class(cls, + label: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> Type[ClusterManagerTransport]: + """Returns an appropriate transport class. + + Args: + label: The name of the desired transport. If none is + provided, then the first transport in the registry is used. + + Returns: + The transport class to use. + """ + # If a specific transport is requested, return that one. + if label: + return cls._transport_registry[label] + + # No transport is requested; return the default (that is, the first one + # in the dictionary). + return next(iter(cls._transport_registry.values())) + + +class ClusterManagerClient(metaclass=ClusterManagerClientMeta): + """Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1beta1""" + + @staticmethod + def _get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint): + """Converts api endpoint to mTLS endpoint. + + Convert "*.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.googleapis.com" to + "*.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" and "*.mtls.googleapis.com" respectively. + Args: + api_endpoint (Optional[str]): the api endpoint to convert. + Returns: + str: converted mTLS api endpoint. + """ + if not api_endpoint: + return api_endpoint + + mtls_endpoint_re = re.compile( + r"(?P[^.]+)(?P\.mtls)?(?P\.sandbox)?(?P\.googleapis\.com)?" + ) + + m = mtls_endpoint_re.match(api_endpoint) + name, mtls, sandbox, googledomain = m.groups() + if mtls or not googledomain: + return api_endpoint + + if sandbox: + return api_endpoint.replace( + "sandbox.googleapis.com", "mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + ) + + return api_endpoint.replace(".googleapis.com", ".mtls.googleapis.com") + + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = "container.googleapis.com" + DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT = _get_default_mtls_endpoint.__func__( # type: ignore + DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + ) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_info(cls, info: dict, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + info. + + Args: + info (dict): The service account private key info. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(info) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def from_service_account_file(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs): + """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials + file. + + Args: + filename (str): The path to the service account private key json + file. + args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerClient: The constructed client. + """ + credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( + filename) + kwargs["credentials"] = credentials + return cls(*args, **kwargs) + + from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file + + @property + def transport(self) -> ClusterManagerTransport: + """Returns the transport used by the client instance. + + Returns: + ClusterManagerTransport: The transport used by the client + instance. + """ + return self._transport + + @staticmethod + def topic_path(project: str,topic: str,) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified topic string.""" + return "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_topic_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parses a topic path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/topics/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.""" + return "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^billingAccounts/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_folder_path(folder: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified folder string.""" + return "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_folder_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a folder path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^folders/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_organization_path(organization: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified organization string.""" + return "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_organization_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a organization path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^organizations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_project_path(project: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified project string.""" + return "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_project_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a project path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @staticmethod + def common_location_path(project: str, location: str, ) -> str: + """Returns a fully-qualified location string.""" + return "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + + @staticmethod + def parse_common_location_path(path: str) -> Dict[str,str]: + """Parse a location path into its component segments.""" + m = re.match(r"^projects/(?P.+?)/locations/(?P.+?)$", path) + return m.groupdict() if m else {} + + @classmethod + def get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(cls, client_options: Optional[client_options_lib.ClientOptions] = None): + """Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS. + + The client cert source is determined in the following order: + (1) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is not "true", the + client cert source is None. + (2) if `client_options.client_cert_source` is provided, use the provided one; if the + default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert + source is None. + + The API endpoint is determined in the following order: + (1) if `client_options.api_endpoint` if provided, use the provided one. + (2) if `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` environment variable is "always", use the + default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variable is "never", use the default API + endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise + use the default API endpoint. + + More details can be found at https://google.aip.dev/auth/4114. + + Args: + client_options (google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions): Custom options for the + client. Only the `api_endpoint` and `client_cert_source` properties may be used + in this method. + + Returns: + Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]: returns the API endpoint and the + client cert source to use. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If any errors happen. + """ + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + use_client_cert = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE", "false") + use_mtls_endpoint = os.getenv("GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT", "auto") + if use_client_cert not in ("true", "false"): + raise ValueError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE` must be either `true` or `false`") + if use_mtls_endpoint not in ("auto", "never", "always"): + raise MutualTLSChannelError("Environment variable `GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT` must be `never`, `auto` or `always`") + + # Figure out the client cert source to use. + client_cert_source = None + if use_client_cert == "true": + if client_options.client_cert_source: + client_cert_source = client_options.client_cert_source + elif mtls.has_default_client_cert_source(): + client_cert_source = mtls.default_client_cert_source() + + # Figure out which api endpoint to use. + if client_options.api_endpoint is not None: + api_endpoint = client_options.api_endpoint + elif use_mtls_endpoint == "always" or (use_mtls_endpoint == "auto" and client_cert_source): + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + else: + api_endpoint = cls.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + return api_endpoint, client_cert_source + + def __init__(self, *, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + transport: Optional[Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport]] = None, + client_options: Optional[Union[client_options_lib.ClientOptions, dict]] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + ) -> None: + """Instantiates the cluster manager client. + + Args: + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + transport (Union[str, ClusterManagerTransport]): The + transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen + automatically. + client_options (Optional[Union[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions, dict]]): Custom options for the + client. It won't take effect if a ``transport`` instance is provided. + (1) The ``api_endpoint`` property can be used to override the + default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT + environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: + "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always + use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the + default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is + the default value). However, the ``api_endpoint`` property takes + precedence if provided. + (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable + is "true", then the ``client_cert_source`` property can be used + to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If + not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if + present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not + set, no client certificate will be used. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + """ + if isinstance(client_options, dict): + client_options = client_options_lib.from_dict(client_options) + if client_options is None: + client_options = client_options_lib.ClientOptions() + client_options = cast(client_options_lib.ClientOptions, client_options) + + api_endpoint, client_cert_source_func = self.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_options) + + api_key_value = getattr(client_options, "api_key", None) + if api_key_value and credentials: + raise ValueError("client_options.api_key and credentials are mutually exclusive") + + # Save or instantiate the transport. + # Ordinarily, we provide the transport, but allowing a custom transport + # instance provides an extensibility point for unusual situations. + if isinstance(transport, ClusterManagerTransport): + # transport is a ClusterManagerTransport instance. + if credentials or client_options.credentials_file or api_key_value: + raise ValueError("When providing a transport instance, " + "provide its credentials directly.") + if client_options.scopes: + raise ValueError( + "When providing a transport instance, provide its scopes " + "directly." + ) + self._transport = transport + else: + import google.auth._default # type: ignore + + if api_key_value and hasattr(google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials"): + credentials = google.auth._default.get_api_key_credentials(api_key_value) + + Transport = type(self).get_transport_class(transport) + self._transport = Transport( + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=client_options.credentials_file, + host=api_endpoint, + scopes=client_options.scopes, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_func, + quota_project_id=client_options.quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=client_options.api_audience, + ) + + def list_clusters(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListClustersResponse: + r"""Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListClustersRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListClustersRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListClustersResponse: + ListClustersResponse is the result of + ListClustersRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListClustersRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListClustersRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_clusters] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Cluster: + r"""Gets the details for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetClusterRequest gets the settings + of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to retrieve. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster: + A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster: Optional[cluster_service.Cluster] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CreateClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. CreateClusterRequest creates a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + + This corresponds to the ``cluster`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster is not None: + request.cluster = cluster + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + update: Optional[cluster_service.ClusterUpdate] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the settings for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. UpdateClusterRequest updates the + settings of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + update (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterUpdate): + Required. A description of the + update. + + This corresponds to the ``update`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, update]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if update is not None: + request.update = update + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the version and/or image type of a specific + node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolVersionRequest updates the + version of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the autoscaling settings of a specific node + pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets + the autoscaler settings of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_logging_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + logging_service: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLoggingServiceRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the + logging service of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + logging_service (str): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud + Logging service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``logging_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, logging_service]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if logging_service is not None: + request.logging_service = logging_service + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_logging_service] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_monitoring_service(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + monitoring_service: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the + monitoring service of a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + monitoring_service (str): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use + to write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE + 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the + cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will + be used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` + for earlier versions. + + This corresponds to the ``monitoring_service`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, monitoring_service]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if monitoring_service is not None: + request.monitoring_service = monitoring_service + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_monitoring_service] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_addons_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + addons_config: Optional[cluster_service.AddonsConfig] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetAddonsConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetAddonsRequest sets the addons + associated with the cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AddonsConfig): + Required. The desired configurations + for the various addons available to run + in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``addons_config`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, addons_config]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if addons_config is not None: + request.addons_config = addons_config + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_addons_config] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + locations: Optional[MutableSequence[str]] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLocationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLocationsRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLocationsRequest sets the + locations of the cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the cluster, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary + zone. + + This corresponds to the ``locations`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + warnings.warn("ClusterManagerClient.set_locations is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning) + + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, locations]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if locations is not None: + request.locations = locations + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_locations] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def update_master(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + master_version: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateMasterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateMasterRequest, dict]): + The request object. UpdateMasterRequest updates the + master of the cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to upgrade. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + master_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to + change the master to. + Users may specify either explicit + versions offered by Kubernetes Engine or + version aliases, which have the + following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid + Kubernetes version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid + patch+gke.N patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N + patch in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit + Kubernetes version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes + version + + This corresponds to the ``master_version`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, master_version]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest): + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if master_version is not None: + request.master_version = master_version + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.update_master] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_master_auth(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMasterAuthRequest updates the + admin password of a cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_master_auth] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_cluster(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DeleteClusterRequest, dict]): + The request object. DeleteClusterRequest deletes a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest): + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_cluster] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_operations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse: + r"""Lists all operations in a project in the specified + zone or all zones. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListOperationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListOperationsRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListOperationsRequest lists + operations. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListOperationsResponse: + ListOperationsResponse is the result + of ListOperationsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_operations] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Gets the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetOperationRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetOperationRequest gets a single + operation. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of + the operation. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetOperationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetOperationRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_operation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def cancel_operation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + operation_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""Cancels the specified operation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CancelOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest, dict]): + The request object. CancelOperationRequest cancels a + single operation. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + operation_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of + the operation. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``operation_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, operation_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest): + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if operation_id is not None: + request.operation_id = operation_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.cancel_operation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def get_server_config(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ServerConfig: + r"""Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetServerConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetServerConfigRequest, dict]): + The request object. Gets the current Kubernetes Engine + service configuration. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServerConfig: + Kubernetes Engine service + configuration. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_server_config] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_json_web_keys(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + r"""Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the + keys used by the cluster to sign token requests. This + will be the jwks_uri for the discover document returned + by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 + specification for details. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetJSONWebKeysResponse: + GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid + JSON Web Key Set as specififed in rfc + 7517 + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_json_web_keys] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_node_pools(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse: + r"""Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListNodePoolsRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node + pool(s) for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListNodePoolsResponse: + ListNodePoolsResponse is the result + of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_node_pools] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def get_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.NodePool: + r"""Retrieves the requested node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GetNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool: + NodePool contains the name and + configuration for a cluster's node pool. + Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. + VM's), with a common configuration and + specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of + Kubernetes labels applied to them, which + may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up + or down, to accommodate the workload. + These upgrade settings control the level + of parallelism and the level of + disruption caused by an upgrade. + + maxUnavailable controls the number of + nodes that can be simultaneously + unavailable. + + maxSurge controls the number of + additional nodes that can be added to + the node pool temporarily for the time + of the upgrade to increase the number of + available nodes. + + (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines + the level of parallelism (how many nodes + are being upgraded at the same time). + + Note: upgrades inevitably introduce some + disruption since workloads need to be + moved from old nodes to new, upgraded + ones. Even if maxUnavailable=0, this + holds true. (Disruption stays within the + limits of PodDisruptionBudget, if it is + configured.) + + Consider a hypothetical node pool with 5 + nodes having maxSurge=2, + maxUnavailable=1. This means the upgrade + process upgrades 3 nodes simultaneously. + It creates 2 additional (upgraded) + nodes, then it brings down 3 old (not + yet upgraded) nodes at the same time. + This ensures that there are always at + least 4 nodes available. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.get_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def create_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool: Optional[cluster_service.NodePool] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CreateNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the + parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool): + Required. The node pool to create. + This corresponds to the ``node_pool`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool is not None: + request.node_pool = node_pool + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.create_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def delete_node_pool(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DeleteNodePoolRequest, dict]): + The request object. DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node + pool for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to delete. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest): + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.delete_node_pool] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> None: + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]): + The request object. CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets + the name of target node pool to complete + upgrade. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, dict]): + The request object. RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest + rollbacks the previously Aborted or + Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an + no-op if the last upgrade successfully + completed. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to rollback. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to rollback. This field has + been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_management(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + node_pool_id: Optional[str] = None, + management: Optional[cluster_service.NodeManagement] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the + node management properties of a node + pool. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + node pool to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``node_pool_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + management (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeManagement): + Required. NodeManagement + configuration for the node pool. + + This corresponds to the ``management`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, node_pool_id, management]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if node_pool_id is not None: + request.node_pool_id = node_pool_id + if management is not None: + request.management = management + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_management] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_labels(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + resource_labels: Optional[MutableMapping[str, str]] = None, + label_fingerprint: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets labels on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLabelsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLabelsRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLabelsRequest sets the Google + Cloud Platform labels on a Google + Container Engine cluster, which will in + turn set them for Google Compute Engine + resources used by that cluster + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Required. The labels to set for that + cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``resource_labels`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + label_fingerprint (str): + Required. The fingerprint of the previous set of labels + for this resource, used to detect conflicts. The + fingerprint is initially generated by Kubernetes Engine + and changes after every request to modify or update + labels. You must always provide an up-to-date + fingerprint hash when updating or changing labels. Make + a ``get()`` request to the resource to get the latest + fingerprint. + + This corresponds to the ``label_fingerprint`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, resource_labels, label_fingerprint]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if resource_labels is not None: + request.resource_labels = resource_labels + if label_fingerprint is not None: + request.label_fingerprint = label_fingerprint + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_labels] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_legacy_abac(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + enabled: Optional[bool] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetLegacyAbacRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or + disables the ABAC authorization + mechanism for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster to update. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + enabled (bool): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization + will be enabled in the cluster. + + This corresponds to the ``enabled`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, enabled]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if enabled is not None: + request.enabled = enabled + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_legacy_abac] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def start_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Starts master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.StartIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StartIPRotationRequest, dict]): + The request object. StartIPRotationRequest creates a new + IP for the cluster and then performs a + node upgrade on each node pool to point + to the new IP. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest): + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.start_ip_rotation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def complete_ip_rotation(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Completes master IP rotation. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CompleteIPRotationRequest, dict]): + The request object. CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the + cluster master back into single-IP mode. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest): + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.complete_ip_rotation] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_node_pool_size(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. The new + size will be used for all replicas, including future replicas + created by modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1beta1.NodePool.locations]. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size + of a node pool. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_node_pool_size] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_network_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + network_policy: Optional[cluster_service.NetworkPolicy] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetNetworkPolicyRequest + enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console + `project ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute + Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Required. Configuration options for + the NetworkPolicy feature. + + This corresponds to the ``network_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, network_policy]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if network_policy is not None: + request.network_policy = network_policy + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_network_policy] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def set_maintenance_policy(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + project_id: Optional[str] = None, + zone: Optional[str] = None, + cluster_id: Optional[str] = None, + maintenance_policy: Optional[cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.Operation: + r"""Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, dict]): + The request object. SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the + maintenance policy for a cluster. + project_id (str): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + + This corresponds to the ``project_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + zone (str): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + + This corresponds to the ``zone`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + cluster_id (str): + Required. The name of the cluster to + update. + + This corresponds to the ``cluster_id`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Required. The maintenance policy to + be set for the cluster. An empty field + clears the existing maintenance policy. + + This corresponds to the ``maintenance_policy`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation: + This operation resource represents + operations that may have happened or are + happening on the cluster. All fields are + output only. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([project_id, zone, cluster_id, maintenance_policy]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest): + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if project_id is not None: + request.project_id = project_id + if zone is not None: + request.zone = zone + if cluster_id is not None: + request.cluster_id = cluster_id + if maintenance_policy is not None: + request.maintenance_policy = maintenance_policy + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.set_maintenance_policy] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_usable_subnetworks(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + r"""Lists subnetworks that can be used for creating + clusters in a project. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + for response in page_result: + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests + the list of usable subnetworks. + available to a user for creating + clusters. + parent (str): + Required. The parent project where subnetworks are + usable. Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the + response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Iterating over this object will yield + results and resolve additional pages + automatically. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_usable_subnetworks] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # This method is paged; wrap the response in a pager, which provides + # an `__iter__` convenience method. + response = pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager( + method=rpc, + request=request, + response=response, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + r"""Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, dict]): + The request object. CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest + requests getting the blockers for the + given operation in the cluster. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse: + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse + has a list of compatibility issues. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest): + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(request) + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.check_autopilot_compatibility] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("name", request.name), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def list_locations(self, + request: Optional[Union[cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest, dict]] = None, + *, + parent: Optional[str] = None, + retry: OptionalRetry = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + timeout: Union[float, object] = gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = (), + ) -> cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse: + r"""Fetches locations that offer Google Kubernetes + Engine. + + .. code-block:: python + + # This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a + # code template only. + # It will require modifications to work: + # - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. + # - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service + # client as shown in: + # https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html + from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + def sample_list_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListLocationsRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + + Args: + request (Union[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListLocationsRequest, dict]): + The request object. ListLocationsRequest is used to + request the locations that offer GKE. + parent (str): + Required. Contains the name of the resource requested. + Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + + This corresponds to the ``parent`` field + on the ``request`` instance; if ``request`` is provided, this + should not be set. + retry (google.api_core.retry.Retry): Designation of what errors, if any, + should be retried. + timeout (float): The timeout for this request. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + + Returns: + google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListLocationsResponse: + ListLocationsResponse returns the + list of all GKE locations and their + recommendation state. + + """ + # Create or coerce a protobuf request object. + # Quick check: If we got a request object, we should *not* have + # gotten any keyword arguments that map to the request. + has_flattened_params = any([parent]) + if request is not None and has_flattened_params: + raise ValueError('If the `request` argument is set, then none of ' + 'the individual field arguments should be set.') + + # Minor optimization to avoid making a copy if the user passes + # in a cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest. + # There's no risk of modifying the input as we've already verified + # there are no flattened fields. + if not isinstance(request, cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest): + request = cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest(request) + # If we have keyword arguments corresponding to fields on the + # request, apply these. + if parent is not None: + request.parent = parent + + # Wrap the RPC method; this adds retry and timeout information, + # and friendly error handling. + rpc = self._transport._wrapped_methods[self._transport.list_locations] + + # Certain fields should be provided within the metadata header; + # add these here. + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ("parent", request.parent), + )), + ) + + # Send the request. + response = rpc( + request, + retry=retry, + timeout=timeout, + metadata=metadata, + ) + + # Done; return the response. + return response + + def __enter__(self) -> "ClusterManagerClient": + return self + + def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): + """Releases underlying transport's resources. + + .. warning:: + ONLY use as a context manager if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients! Exiting the with block will CLOSE the transport + and may cause errors in other clients! + """ + self.transport.close() + + + + + + + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +__all__ = ( + "ClusterManagerClient", +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..959fda11 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/pagers.py @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional, Iterator + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_usable_subnetworks`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` object, and + provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subnetworks`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional + ``ListUsableSubnetworks`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subnetworks`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse], + request: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + response: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiate the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + def pages(self) -> Iterator[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork]: + for page in self.pages: + yield from page.subnetworks + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager: + """A pager for iterating through ``list_usable_subnetworks`` requests. + + This class thinly wraps an initial + :class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` object, and + provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its + ``subnetworks`` field. + + If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional + ``ListUsableSubnetworks`` requests and continue to iterate + through the ``subnetworks`` field on the + corresponding responses. + + All the usual :class:`google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse` + attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only + the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. + """ + def __init__(self, + method: Callable[..., Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]], + request: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + response: cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + *, + metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): + """Instantiates the pager. + + Args: + method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and + which instantiated this pager. + request (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + The initial request object. + response (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse): + The initial response object. + metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be + sent along with the request as metadata. + """ + self._method = method + self._request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(request) + self._response = response + self._metadata = metadata + + def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: + return getattr(self._response, name) + + @property + async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterator[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + yield self._response + while self._response.next_page_token: + self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token + self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) + yield self._response + def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork]: + async def async_generator(): + async for page in self.pages: + for response in page.subnetworks: + yield response + + return async_generator() + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..100a2290 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from collections import OrderedDict +from typing import Dict, Type + +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport +from .grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +from .grpc_asyncio import ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + + +# Compile a registry of transports. +_transport_registry = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, Type[ClusterManagerTransport]] +_transport_registry['grpc'] = ClusterManagerGrpcTransport +_transport_registry['grpc_asyncio'] = ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerTransport', + 'ClusterManagerGrpcTransport', + 'ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce6b750b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,702 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import abc +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1 import gapic_version as package_version + +import google.auth # type: ignore +import google.api_core +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import retry as retries +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.oauth2 import service_account # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore + +DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo(gapic_version=package_version.__version__) + + +class ClusterManagerTransport(abc.ABC): + """Abstract transport class for ClusterManager.""" + + AUTH_SCOPES = ( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', + ) + + DEFAULT_HOST: str = 'container.googleapis.com' + def __init__( + self, *, + host: str = DEFAULT_HOST, + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A list of scopes. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + """ + + scopes_kwargs = {"scopes": scopes, "default_scopes": self.AUTH_SCOPES} + + # Save the scopes. + self._scopes = scopes + + # If no credentials are provided, then determine the appropriate + # defaults. + if credentials and credentials_file: + raise core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs("'credentials_file' and 'credentials' are mutually exclusive") + + if credentials_file is not None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.load_credentials_from_file( + credentials_file, + **scopes_kwargs, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id + ) + elif credentials is None: + credentials, _ = google.auth.default(**scopes_kwargs, quota_project_id=quota_project_id) + # Don't apply audience if the credentials file passed from user. + if hasattr(credentials, "with_gdch_audience"): + credentials = credentials.with_gdch_audience(api_audience if api_audience else host) + + # If the credentials are service account credentials, then always try to use self signed JWT. + if always_use_jwt_access and isinstance(credentials, service_account.Credentials) and hasattr(service_account.Credentials, "with_always_use_jwt_access"): + credentials = credentials.with_always_use_jwt_access(True) + + # Save the credentials. + self._credentials = credentials + + # Save the hostname. Default to port 443 (HTTPS) if none is specified. + if ':' not in host: + host += ':443' + self._host = host + + def _prep_wrapped_messages(self, client_info): + # Precompute the wrapped methods. + self._wrapped_methods = { + self.list_clusters: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_clusters, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_cluster, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_autoscaling: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_autoscaling, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_logging_service: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_logging_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_monitoring_service: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_monitoring_service, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_addons_config: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_addons_config, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_locations: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_locations, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.update_master: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.update_master, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_master_auth: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_master_auth, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_cluster: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_cluster, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_operations: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_operations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_operation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_operation, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.cancel_operation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.cancel_operation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_server_config: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_server_config, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_json_web_keys: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_json_web_keys, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_node_pools: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_node_pools, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.get_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.get_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.create_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.create_node_pool, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.delete_node_pool: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.delete_node_pool, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.complete_node_pool_upgrade: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.complete_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.rollback_node_pool_upgrade: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.rollback_node_pool_upgrade, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_management: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_management, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_labels: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_labels, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_legacy_abac: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_legacy_abac, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.start_ip_rotation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.start_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.complete_ip_rotation: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.complete_ip_rotation, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_node_pool_size: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_node_pool_size, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_network_policy: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_network_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.set_maintenance_policy: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.set_maintenance_policy, + default_timeout=45.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_usable_subnetworks: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_usable_subnetworks, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.check_autopilot_compatibility: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.check_autopilot_compatibility, + default_timeout=None, + client_info=client_info, + ), + self.list_locations: gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( + self.list_locations, + default_retry=retries.Retry( +initial=0.1,maximum=60.0,multiplier=1.3, predicate=retries.if_exception_type( + core_exceptions.DeadlineExceeded, + core_exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, + ), + deadline=20.0, + ), + default_timeout=20.0, + client_info=client_info, + ), + } + + def close(self): + """Closes resources associated with the transport. + + .. warning:: + Only call this method if the transport is NOT shared + with other clients - this may cause errors in other clients! + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListClustersResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListClustersResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Cluster, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Cluster] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ServerConfig, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ServerConfig] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.NodePool, + Awaitable[cluster_service.NodePool] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Union[ + empty_pb2.Empty, + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.Operation, + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def list_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest], + Union[ + cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse, + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse] + ]]: + raise NotImplementedError() + + @property + def kind(self) -> str: + raise NotImplementedError() + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6effcd28 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc.py @@ -0,0 +1,1193 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +import google.auth # type: ignore +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO + + +class ClusterManagerGrpcTransport(ClusterManagerTransport): + """gRPC backend transport for ClusterManager. + + Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1beta1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: Optional[grpc.Channel] = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, + client_cert_source: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: Optional[grpc.ChannelCredentials] = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is + ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + api_audience=api_audience, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. + + Raises: + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + + return grpc_helpers.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: + """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. + """ + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + cluster_service.ListClustersResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list clusters method over gRPC. + + Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListClustersRequest], + ~.ListClustersResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_clusters' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_clusters'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListClusters', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListClustersResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_clusters'] + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Cluster]: + r"""Return a callable for the get cluster method over gRPC. + + Gets the details for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetClusterRequest], + ~.Cluster]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Cluster.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_cluster'] + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the create cluster method over gRPC. + + Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CreateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_cluster'] + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update cluster method over gRPC. + + Updates the settings for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_cluster'] + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update node pool method over gRPC. + + Updates the version and/or image type of a specific + node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_node_pool'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool autoscaling method over gRPC. + + Sets the autoscaling settings of a specific node + pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_autoscaling' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolAutoscaling', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set logging service method over gRPC. + + Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_logging_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_logging_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLoggingService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_logging_service'] + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set monitoring service method over gRPC. + + Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_monitoring_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMonitoringService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set addons config method over gRPC. + + Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_addons_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_addons_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetAddonsConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_addons_config'] + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set locations method over gRPC. + + Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLocationsRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_locations'] + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the update master method over gRPC. + + Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateMasterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_master' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_master'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateMaster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_master'] + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set master auth method over gRPC. + + Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMasterAuthRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_master_auth' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_master_auth'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMasterAuth', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_master_auth'] + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete cluster method over gRPC. + + Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteClusterRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/DeleteCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_cluster'] + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list operations method over gRPC. + + Lists all operations in a project in the specified + zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListOperationsRequest], + ~.ListOperationsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_operations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_operations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListOperations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_operations'] + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the get operation method over gRPC. + + Gets the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetOperationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_operation'] + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the cancel operation method over gRPC. + + Cancels the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CancelOperationRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'cancel_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['cancel_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CancelOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['cancel_operation'] + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + cluster_service.ServerConfig]: + r"""Return a callable for the get server config method over gRPC. + + Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetServerConfigRequest], + ~.ServerConfig]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_server_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_server_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetServerConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ServerConfig.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_server_config'] + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the get json web keys method over gRPC. + + Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + ~.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_json_web_keys' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetJSONWebKeys', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list node pools method over gRPC. + + Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodePoolsRequest], + ~.ListNodePoolsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_node_pools' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_node_pools'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListNodePools', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_node_pools'] + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.NodePool]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node pool method over gRPC. + + Retrieves the requested node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodePoolRequest], + ~.NodePool]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.NodePool.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node_pool'] + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node pool method over gRPC. + + Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CreateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node_pool'] + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node pool method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/DeleteNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + empty_pb2.Empty]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + ~.Empty]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CompleteNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the rollback node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/RollbackNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool management method over gRPC. + + Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_management' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolManagement', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set labels method over gRPC. + + Sets labels on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLabelsRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_labels' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_labels'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLabels', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_labels'] + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set legacy abac method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_legacy_abac' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLegacyAbac', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the start ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Starts master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartIPRotationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/StartIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Completes master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CompleteIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool size method over gRPC. + + SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. The new + size will be used for all replicas, including future replicas + created by modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1beta1.NodePool.locations]. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_size' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolSize', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set network policy method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_network_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_network_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNetworkPolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_network_policy'] + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + cluster_service.Operation]: + r"""Return a callable for the set maintenance policy method over gRPC. + + Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + ~.Operation]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_maintenance_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMaintenancePolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list usable subnetworks method over gRPC. + + Lists subnetworks that can be used for creating + clusters in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + ~.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_usable_subnetworks' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListUsableSubnetworks', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the check autopilot compatibility method over gRPC. + + Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + ~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'check_autopilot_compatibility' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CheckAutopilotCompatibility', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] + + @property + def list_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest], + cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse]: + r"""Return a callable for the list locations method over gRPC. + + Fetches locations that offer Google Kubernetes + Engine. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListLocationsRequest], + ~.ListLocationsResponse]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_locations'] + + def close(self): + self.grpc_channel.close() + + @property + def kind(self) -> str: + return "grpc" + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerGrpcTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a215e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/services/cluster_manager/transports/grpc_asyncio.py @@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import warnings +from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union + +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore +from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore + +import grpc # type: ignore +from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore + +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 # type: ignore +from .base import ClusterManagerTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO +from .grpc import ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + + +class ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport(ClusterManagerTransport): + """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for ClusterManager. + + Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster Manager v1beta1 + + This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the + primary client can load the underlying transport implementation + and call it. + + It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on + top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. + """ + + _grpc_channel: aio.Channel + _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + @classmethod + def create_channel(cls, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + **kwargs) -> aio.Channel: + """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + Args: + host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. + credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify this application to the service. If + none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain + the credentials from the environment. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the + channel creation. + Returns: + aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. + """ + + return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( + host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, + scopes=scopes, + default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, + **kwargs + ) + + def __init__(self, *, + host: str = 'container.googleapis.com', + credentials: Optional[ga_credentials.Credentials] = None, + credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, + scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, + channel: Optional[aio.Channel] = None, + api_mtls_endpoint: Optional[str] = None, + client_cert_source: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + ssl_channel_credentials: Optional[grpc.ChannelCredentials] = None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls: Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, + quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, + client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, + api_audience: Optional[str] = None, + ) -> None: + """Instantiate the transport. + + Args: + host (Optional[str]): + The hostname to connect to. + credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The + authorization credentials to attach to requests. These + credentials identify the application to the service; if none + are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the + credentials from the environment. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can + be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. + This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this + service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and + are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. + channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through + which to make calls. + api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. + If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create + a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from + ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. + client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and + private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if + ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. + ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials + for the grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. + client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): + A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, + both in PEM format. It is used to configure a mutual TLS channel. It is + ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. + quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing + and quota. + client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): + The client info used to send a user-agent string along with + API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. + Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing + your own client library. + always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should + be used for service account credentials. + + Raises: + google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport + creation failed for any reason. + google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` + and ``credentials_file`` are passed. + """ + self._grpc_channel = None + self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials + self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} + + if api_mtls_endpoint: + warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + if client_cert_source: + warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) + + if channel: + # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. + credentials = False + # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. + self._grpc_channel = channel + self._ssl_channel_credentials = None + else: + if api_mtls_endpoint: + host = api_mtls_endpoint + + # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application + # default SSL credentials. + if client_cert_source: + cert, key = client_cert_source() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + else: + self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials + + else: + if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: + cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() + self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( + certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key + ) + + # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes + super().__init__( + host=host, + credentials=credentials, + credentials_file=credentials_file, + scopes=scopes, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + client_info=client_info, + always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, + api_audience=api_audience, + ) + + if not self._grpc_channel: + self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( + self._host, + # use the credentials which are saved + credentials=self._credentials, + # Set ``credentials_file`` to ``None`` here as + # the credentials that we saved earlier should be used. + credentials_file=None, + scopes=self._scopes, + ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, + quota_project_id=quota_project_id, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists + self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) + + @property + def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: + """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. + + This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return + the same channel. + """ + # Return the channel from cache. + return self._grpc_channel + + @property + def list_clusters(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListClustersRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListClustersResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list clusters method over gRPC. + + Lists all clusters owned by a project in either the + specified zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListClustersRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListClustersResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_clusters' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_clusters'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListClusters', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListClustersResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_clusters'] + + @property + def get_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Cluster]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get cluster method over gRPC. + + Gets the details for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Cluster]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Cluster.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_cluster'] + + @property + def create_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create cluster method over gRPC. + + Creates a cluster, consisting of the specified number and type + of Google Compute Engine instances. + + By default, the cluster is created in the project's `default + network `__. + + One firewall is added for the cluster. After cluster creation, + the Kubelet creates routes for each node to allow the containers + on that node to communicate with all other instances in the + cluster. + + Finally, an entry is added to the project's global metadata + indicating which CIDR range the cluster is using. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CreateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_cluster'] + + @property + def update_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update cluster method over gRPC. + + Updates the settings for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_cluster'] + + @property + def update_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update node pool method over gRPC. + + Updates the version and/or image type of a specific + node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_node_pool'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_autoscaling(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool autoscaling method over gRPC. + + Sets the autoscaling settings of a specific node + pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_autoscaling' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolAutoscaling', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_autoscaling'] + + @property + def set_logging_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set logging service method over gRPC. + + Sets the logging service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLoggingServiceRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_logging_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_logging_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLoggingService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_logging_service'] + + @property + def set_monitoring_service(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set monitoring service method over gRPC. + + Sets the monitoring service for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMonitoringServiceRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_monitoring_service' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMonitoringService', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_monitoring_service'] + + @property + def set_addons_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set addons config method over gRPC. + + Sets the addons for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetAddonsConfigRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_addons_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_addons_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetAddonsConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_addons_config'] + + @property + def set_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set locations method over gRPC. + + Sets the locations for a specific cluster. Deprecated. Use + `projects.locations.clusters.update `__ + instead. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_locations'] + + @property + def update_master(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the update master method over gRPC. + + Updates the master for a specific cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.UpdateMasterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'update_master' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['update_master'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/UpdateMaster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['update_master'] + + @property + def set_master_auth(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set master auth method over gRPC. + + Sets master auth materials. Currently supports + changing the admin password or a specific cluster, + either via password generation or explicitly setting the + password. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMasterAuthRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_master_auth' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_master_auth'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMasterAuth', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_master_auth'] + + @property + def delete_cluster(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete cluster method over gRPC. + + Deletes the cluster, including the Kubernetes + endpoint and all worker nodes. + + Firewalls and routes that were configured during cluster + creation are also deleted. + + Other Google Compute Engine resources that might be in + use by the cluster, such as load balancer resources, are + not deleted if they weren't present when the cluster was + initially created. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteClusterRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_cluster' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_cluster'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/DeleteCluster', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_cluster'] + + @property + def list_operations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list operations method over gRPC. + + Lists all operations in a project in the specified + zone or all zones. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListOperationsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListOperationsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_operations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_operations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListOperations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_operations'] + + @property + def get_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetOperationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get operation method over gRPC. + + Gets the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetOperationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_operation'] + + @property + def cancel_operation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the cancel operation method over gRPC. + + Cancels the specified operation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CancelOperationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'cancel_operation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['cancel_operation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CancelOperation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['cancel_operation'] + + @property + def get_server_config(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ServerConfig]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get server config method over gRPC. + + Returns configuration info about the Google + Kubernetes Engine service. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetServerConfigRequest], + Awaitable[~.ServerConfig]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_server_config' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_server_config'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetServerConfig', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ServerConfig.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_server_config'] + + @property + def get_json_web_keys(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get json web keys method over gRPC. + + Gets the public component of the cluster signing keys + in JSON Web Key format. + This API is not yet intended for general use, and is not + available for all clusters. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetJSONWebKeysRequest], + Awaitable[~.GetJSONWebKeysResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_json_web_keys' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetJSONWebKeys', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_json_web_keys'] + + @property + def list_node_pools(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list node pools method over gRPC. + + Lists the node pools for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListNodePoolsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListNodePoolsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_node_pools' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_node_pools'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListNodePools', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_node_pools'] + + @property + def get_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.NodePool]]: + r"""Return a callable for the get node pool method over gRPC. + + Retrieves the requested node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.GetNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.NodePool]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'get_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['get_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/GetNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.NodePool.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['get_node_pool'] + + @property + def create_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the create node pool method over gRPC. + + Creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CreateNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'create_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['create_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CreateNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['create_node_pool'] + + @property + def delete_node_pool(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the delete node pool method over gRPC. + + Deletes a node pool from a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.DeleteNodePoolRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'delete_node_pool' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/DeleteNodePool', + request_serializer=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['delete_node_pool'] + + @property + def complete_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[empty_pb2.Empty]]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + CompleteNodePoolUpgrade will signal an on-going node + pool upgrade to complete. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Empty]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CompleteNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=empty_pb2.Empty.FromString, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def rollback_node_pool_upgrade(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the rollback node pool upgrade method over gRPC. + + Rolls back a previously Aborted or Failed NodePool + upgrade. This makes no changes if the last upgrade + successfully completed. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/RollbackNodePoolUpgrade', + request_serializer=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['rollback_node_pool_upgrade'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_management(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool management method over gRPC. + + Sets the NodeManagement options for a node pool. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolManagementRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_management' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolManagement', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_management'] + + @property + def set_labels(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set labels method over gRPC. + + Sets labels on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLabelsRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_labels' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_labels'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLabels', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_labels'] + + @property + def set_legacy_abac(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set legacy abac method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables the ABAC authorization mechanism + on a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetLegacyAbacRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_legacy_abac' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetLegacyAbac', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_legacy_abac'] + + @property + def start_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the start ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Starts master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.StartIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'start_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/StartIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['start_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def complete_ip_rotation(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the complete ip rotation method over gRPC. + + Completes master IP rotation. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CompleteIPRotationRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'complete_ip_rotation' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CompleteIPRotation', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['complete_ip_rotation'] + + @property + def set_node_pool_size(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set node pool size method over gRPC. + + SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. The new + size will be used for all replicas, including future replicas + created by modifying + [NodePool.locations][google.container.v1beta1.NodePool.locations]. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNodePoolSizeRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_node_pool_size' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNodePoolSize', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_node_pool_size'] + + @property + def set_network_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set network policy method over gRPC. + + Enables or disables Network Policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetNetworkPolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_network_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_network_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetNetworkPolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_network_policy'] + + @property + def set_maintenance_policy(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.Operation]]: + r"""Return a callable for the set maintenance policy method over gRPC. + + Sets the maintenance policy for a cluster. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest], + Awaitable[~.Operation]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'set_maintenance_policy' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/SetMaintenancePolicy', + request_serializer=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.Operation.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['set_maintenance_policy'] + + @property + def list_usable_subnetworks(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list usable subnetworks method over gRPC. + + Lists subnetworks that can be used for creating + clusters in a project. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_usable_subnetworks' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListUsableSubnetworks', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_usable_subnetworks'] + + @property + def check_autopilot_compatibility(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the check autopilot compatibility method over gRPC. + + Checks the cluster compatibility with Autopilot mode, + and returns a list of compatibility issues. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest], + Awaitable[~.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'check_autopilot_compatibility' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/CheckAutopilotCompatibility', + request_serializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['check_autopilot_compatibility'] + + @property + def list_locations(self) -> Callable[ + [cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse]]: + r"""Return a callable for the list locations method over gRPC. + + Fetches locations that offer Google Kubernetes + Engine. + + Returns: + Callable[[~.ListLocationsRequest], + Awaitable[~.ListLocationsResponse]]: + A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC + on the server. + """ + # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make + # the request. + # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need + # to pass in the functions for each. + if 'list_locations' not in self._stubs: + self._stubs['list_locations'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( + '/google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager/ListLocations', + request_serializer=cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest.serialize, + response_deserializer=cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse.deserialize, + ) + return self._stubs['list_locations'] + + def close(self): + return self.grpc_channel.close() + + +__all__ = ( + 'ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e9ebc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from .cluster_service import ( + AcceleratorConfig, + AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig, + AdditionalPodNetworkConfig, + AdditionalPodRangesConfig, + AddonsConfig, + AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig, + AdvancedMachineFeatures, + AuthenticatorGroupsConfig, + Autopilot, + AutopilotCompatibilityIssue, + AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults, + AutoUpgradeOptions, + BestEffortProvisioning, + BinaryAuthorization, + BlueGreenSettings, + CancelOperationRequest, + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, + CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse, + ClientCertificateConfig, + CloudRunConfig, + Cluster, + ClusterAutoscaling, + ClusterTelemetry, + ClusterUpdate, + CompleteIPRotationRequest, + CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + ConfidentialNodes, + ConfigConnectorConfig, + CostManagementConfig, + CreateClusterRequest, + CreateNodePoolRequest, + DailyMaintenanceWindow, + DatabaseEncryption, + DefaultSnatStatus, + DeleteClusterRequest, + DeleteNodePoolRequest, + DnsCacheConfig, + DNSConfig, + EphemeralStorageConfig, + EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig, + FastSocket, + Fleet, + GatewayAPIConfig, + GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig, + GcfsConfig, + GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig, + GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig, + GetClusterRequest, + GetJSONWebKeysRequest, + GetJSONWebKeysResponse, + GetNodePoolRequest, + GetOpenIDConfigRequest, + GetOpenIDConfigResponse, + GetOperationRequest, + GetServerConfigRequest, + GkeBackupAgentConfig, + GPUDriverInstallationConfig, + GPUSharingConfig, + HorizontalPodAutoscaling, + HostMaintenancePolicy, + HttpLoadBalancing, + IdentityServiceConfig, + ILBSubsettingConfig, + IntraNodeVisibilityConfig, + IPAllocationPolicy, + IstioConfig, + Jwk, + K8sBetaAPIConfig, + KalmConfig, + KubernetesDashboard, + LegacyAbac, + LinuxNodeConfig, + ListClustersRequest, + ListClustersResponse, + ListLocationsRequest, + ListLocationsResponse, + ListNodePoolsRequest, + ListNodePoolsResponse, + ListOperationsRequest, + ListOperationsResponse, + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + ListUsableSubnetworksResponse, + LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig, + Location, + LoggingComponentConfig, + LoggingConfig, + LoggingVariantConfig, + MaintenanceExclusionOptions, + MaintenancePolicy, + MaintenanceWindow, + ManagedPrometheusConfig, + Master, + MasterAuth, + MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig, + MaxPodsConstraint, + MeshCertificates, + MonitoringComponentConfig, + MonitoringConfig, + NetworkConfig, + NetworkPolicy, + NetworkPolicyConfig, + NetworkTags, + NodeConfig, + NodeConfigDefaults, + NodeKubeletConfig, + NodeLabels, + NodeManagement, + NodeNetworkConfig, + NodePool, + NodePoolAutoConfig, + NodePoolAutoscaling, + NodePoolDefaults, + NodePoolLoggingConfig, + NodeTaint, + NodeTaints, + NotificationConfig, + Operation, + OperationProgress, + PodCIDROverprovisionConfig, + PodSecurityPolicyConfig, + PrivateClusterConfig, + PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig, + ProtectConfig, + RangeInfo, + RecurringTimeWindow, + ReleaseChannel, + ReservationAffinity, + ResourceLabels, + ResourceLimit, + ResourceUsageExportConfig, + RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + SandboxConfig, + SecurityBulletinEvent, + SecurityPostureConfig, + ServerConfig, + ServiceExternalIPsConfig, + SetAddonsConfigRequest, + SetLabelsRequest, + SetLegacyAbacRequest, + SetLocationsRequest, + SetLoggingServiceRequest, + SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, + SetMasterAuthRequest, + SetMonitoringServiceRequest, + SetNetworkPolicyRequest, + SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, + SetNodePoolManagementRequest, + SetNodePoolSizeRequest, + ShieldedInstanceConfig, + ShieldedNodes, + SoleTenantConfig, + StartIPRotationRequest, + StatusCondition, + TimeWindow, + TpuConfig, + UpdateClusterRequest, + UpdateMasterRequest, + UpdateNodePoolRequest, + UpgradeAvailableEvent, + UpgradeEvent, + UsableSubnetwork, + UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange, + VerticalPodAutoscaling, + VirtualNIC, + WindowsNodeConfig, + WindowsVersions, + WorkloadALTSConfig, + WorkloadCertificates, + WorkloadConfig, + WorkloadIdentityConfig, + WorkloadMetadataConfig, + WorkloadPolicyConfig, + DatapathProvider, + NodePoolUpdateStrategy, + PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess, + StackType, + UpgradeResourceType, +) + +__all__ = ( + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'Autopilot', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'Cluster', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'ClusterTelemetry', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + 'FastSocket', + 'Fleet', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'HostMaintenancePolicy', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'IstioConfig', + 'Jwk', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'KalmConfig', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'ListLocationsRequest', + 'ListLocationsResponse', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'Location', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'Master', + 'MasterAuth', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'NetworkTags', + 'NodeConfig', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeLabels', + 'NodeManagement', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'NodePool', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'PodSecurityPolicyConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'ProtectConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'ServerConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'StatusCondition', + 'TimeWindow', + 'TpuConfig', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'WindowsVersions', + 'WorkloadALTSConfig', + 'WorkloadCertificates', + 'WorkloadConfig', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'StackType', + 'UpgradeResourceType', +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/cluster_service.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/cluster_service.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aef3e2d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/google/cloud/container_v1beta1/types/cluster_service.py @@ -0,0 +1,9941 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +from __future__ import annotations + +from typing import MutableMapping, MutableSequence + +import proto # type: ignore + +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import code_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.type import date_pb2 # type: ignore + + +__protobuf__ = proto.module( + package='google.container.v1beta1', + manifest={ + 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + 'UpgradeResourceType', + 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + 'DatapathProvider', + 'StackType', + 'LinuxNodeConfig', + 'WindowsNodeConfig', + 'NodeKubeletConfig', + 'NodeConfig', + 'AdvancedMachineFeatures', + 'NodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + 'AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + 'ShieldedInstanceConfig', + 'SandboxConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageConfig', + 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + 'GcfsConfig', + 'ReservationAffinity', + 'SoleTenantConfig', + 'HostMaintenancePolicy', + 'NodeTaint', + 'NodeTaints', + 'NodeLabels', + 'ResourceLabels', + 'NetworkTags', + 'MasterAuth', + 'ClientCertificateConfig', + 'AddonsConfig', + 'HttpLoadBalancing', + 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + 'KubernetesDashboard', + 'NetworkPolicyConfig', + 'DnsCacheConfig', + 'KalmConfig', + 'GkeBackupAgentConfig', + 'ConfigConnectorConfig', + 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + 'PrivateClusterConfig', + 'IstioConfig', + 'CloudRunConfig', + 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + 'LegacyAbac', + 'NetworkPolicy', + 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + 'IPAllocationPolicy', + 'BinaryAuthorization', + 'PodSecurityPolicyConfig', + 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + 'ClusterTelemetry', + 'Cluster', + 'K8sBetaAPIConfig', + 'WorkloadConfig', + 'ProtectConfig', + 'SecurityPostureConfig', + 'NodePoolDefaults', + 'NodeConfigDefaults', + 'NodePoolAutoConfig', + 'ClusterUpdate', + 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + 'RangeInfo', + 'Operation', + 'OperationProgress', + 'CreateClusterRequest', + 'GetClusterRequest', + 'UpdateClusterRequest', + 'UpdateNodePoolRequest', + 'SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest', + 'SetLoggingServiceRequest', + 'SetMonitoringServiceRequest', + 'SetAddonsConfigRequest', + 'SetLocationsRequest', + 'UpdateMasterRequest', + 'SetMasterAuthRequest', + 'DeleteClusterRequest', + 'ListClustersRequest', + 'ListClustersResponse', + 'GetOperationRequest', + 'ListOperationsRequest', + 'CancelOperationRequest', + 'ListOperationsResponse', + 'GetServerConfigRequest', + 'ServerConfig', + 'BestEffortProvisioning', + 'WindowsVersions', + 'CreateNodePoolRequest', + 'DeleteNodePoolRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsRequest', + 'GetNodePoolRequest', + 'BlueGreenSettings', + 'NodePool', + 'NodeManagement', + 'AutoUpgradeOptions', + 'MaintenancePolicy', + 'MaintenanceWindow', + 'TimeWindow', + 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + 'RecurringTimeWindow', + 'DailyMaintenanceWindow', + 'SetNodePoolManagementRequest', + 'SetNodePoolSizeRequest', + 'CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest', + 'ListNodePoolsResponse', + 'ClusterAutoscaling', + 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + 'ResourceLimit', + 'NodePoolAutoscaling', + 'SetLabelsRequest', + 'SetLegacyAbacRequest', + 'StartIPRotationRequest', + 'CompleteIPRotationRequest', + 'AcceleratorConfig', + 'GPUSharingConfig', + 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + 'ManagedPrometheusConfig', + 'WorkloadMetadataConfig', + 'SetNetworkPolicyRequest', + 'SetMaintenancePolicyRequest', + 'ListLocationsRequest', + 'ListLocationsResponse', + 'Location', + 'StatusCondition', + 'NetworkConfig', + 'GatewayAPIConfig', + 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksRequest', + 'ListUsableSubnetworksResponse', + 'UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + 'UsableSubnetwork', + 'VerticalPodAutoscaling', + 'DefaultSnatStatus', + 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + 'ILBSubsettingConfig', + 'DNSConfig', + 'MaxPodsConstraint', + 'WorkloadIdentityConfig', + 'WorkloadALTSConfig', + 'WorkloadCertificates', + 'MeshCertificates', + 'DatabaseEncryption', + 'ResourceUsageExportConfig', + 'ShieldedNodes', + 'VirtualNIC', + 'FastSocket', + 'GetOpenIDConfigRequest', + 'GetOpenIDConfigResponse', + 'GetJSONWebKeysRequest', + 'Jwk', + 'GetJSONWebKeysResponse', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest', + 'AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + 'CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse', + 'ReleaseChannel', + 'CostManagementConfig', + 'TpuConfig', + 'Master', + 'Autopilot', + 'WorkloadPolicyConfig', + 'NotificationConfig', + 'ConfidentialNodes', + 'UpgradeEvent', + 'UpgradeAvailableEvent', + 'SecurityBulletinEvent', + 'IdentityServiceConfig', + 'LoggingConfig', + 'LoggingComponentConfig', + 'MonitoringConfig', + 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + 'NodePoolLoggingConfig', + 'LoggingVariantConfig', + 'MonitoringComponentConfig', + 'Fleet', + }, +) + + +class PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess(proto.Enum): + r"""PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess controls whether and how the pods can + communicate with Google Services through gRPC over IPv6. + + Values: + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. Same as DISABLED + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_DISABLED (1): + No private access to or from Google Services + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE (2): + Enables private IPv6 access to Google + Services from GKE + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_BIDIRECTIONAL (3): + Enables private IPv6 access to and from + Google Services + """ + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_DISABLED = 1 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_TO_GOOGLE = 2 + PRIVATE_IPV6_GOOGLE_ACCESS_BIDIRECTIONAL = 3 + + +class UpgradeResourceType(proto.Enum): + r"""UpgradeResourceType is the resource type that is upgrading. + It is used in upgrade notifications. + + Values: + UPGRADE_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + MASTER (1): + Master / control plane + NODE_POOL (2): + Node pool + """ + UPGRADE_RESOURCE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + MASTER = 1 + NODE_POOL = 2 + + +class NodePoolUpdateStrategy(proto.Enum): + r"""Strategy used for node pool update. + + Values: + NODE_POOL_UPDATE_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value if unset. GKE internally + defaults the update strategy to SURGE for + unspecified strategies. + BLUE_GREEN (2): + blue-green upgrade. + SURGE (3): + SURGE is the traditional way of upgrading a node pool. + max_surge and max_unavailable determines the level of + upgrade parallelism. + """ + NODE_POOL_UPDATE_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + BLUE_GREEN = 2 + SURGE = 3 + + +class DatapathProvider(proto.Enum): + r"""The datapath provider selects the implementation of the + Kubernetes networking model for service resolution and network + policy enforcement. + + Values: + DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + LEGACY_DATAPATH (1): + Use the IPTables implementation based on + kube-proxy. + ADVANCED_DATAPATH (2): + Use the eBPF based GKE Dataplane V2 with additional + features. See the `GKE Dataplane V2 + documentation `__ + for more. + """ + DATAPATH_PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + LEGACY_DATAPATH = 1 + ADVANCED_DATAPATH = 2 + + +class StackType(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for IP stack type + + Values: + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + By default, the clusters will be IPV4 only + IPV4 (1): + The value used if the cluster is a IPV4 only + IPV4_IPV6 (2): + The value used if the cluster is a dual stack + cluster + """ + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + IPV4 = 1 + IPV4_IPV6 = 2 + + +class LinuxNodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes. + + Attributes: + sysctls (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The Linux kernel parameters to be applied to the nodes and + all pods running on the nodes. + + The following parameters are supported. + + net.core.busy_poll net.core.busy_read + net.core.netdev_max_backlog net.core.rmem_max + net.core.wmem_default net.core.wmem_max net.core.optmem_max + net.core.somaxconn net.ipv4.tcp_rmem net.ipv4.tcp_wmem + net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse + cgroup_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LinuxNodeConfig.CgroupMode): + cgroup_mode specifies the cgroup mode to be used on the + node. + """ + class CgroupMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible cgroup modes that can be used. + + Values: + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED is when unspecified cgroup + configuration is used. The default for the GKE node OS image + will be used. + CGROUP_MODE_V1 (1): + CGROUP_MODE_V1 specifies to use cgroupv1 for the cgroup + configuration on the node image. + CGROUP_MODE_V2 (2): + CGROUP_MODE_V2 specifies to use cgroupv2 for the cgroup + configuration on the node image. + """ + CGROUP_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CGROUP_MODE_V1 = 1 + CGROUP_MODE_V2 = 2 + + sysctls: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cgroup_mode: CgroupMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=CgroupMode, + ) + + +class WindowsNodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that can be configured on Windows nodes. + Windows Node Config that define the parameters that will be used + to configure the Windows node pool settings + + Attributes: + os_version (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsNodeConfig.OSVersion): + OSVersion specifies the Windows node config + to be used on the node + """ + class OSVersion(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible OS version that can be used. + + Values: + OS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED (0): + When OSVersion is not specified + OS_VERSION_LTSC2019 (1): + LTSC2019 specifies to use LTSC2019 as the + Windows Servercore Base Image + OS_VERSION_LTSC2022 (2): + LTSC2022 specifies to use LTSC2022 as the + Windows Servercore Base Image + """ + OS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + OS_VERSION_LTSC2019 = 1 + OS_VERSION_LTSC2022 = 2 + + os_version: OSVersion = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=OSVersion, + ) + + +class NodeKubeletConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Node kubelet configs. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + cpu_manager_policy (str): + Control the CPU management policy on the node. See + https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/cpu-management-policies/ + + The following values are allowed. + + - "none": the default, which represents the existing + scheduling behavior. + - "static": allows pods with certain resource + characteristics to be granted increased CPU affinity and + exclusivity on the node. The default value is 'none' if + unspecified. + cpu_cfs_quota (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for + containers that specify CPU limits. + This option is enabled by default which makes + kubelet use CFS quota + (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/scheduler/sched-bwc.txt) + to enforce container CPU limits. Otherwise, CPU + limits will not be enforced at all. + + Disable this option to mitigate CPU throttling + problems while still having your pods to be in + Guaranteed QoS class by specifying the CPU + limits. + + The default value is 'true' if unspecified. + cpu_cfs_quota_period (str): + Set the CPU CFS quota period value 'cpu.cfs_period_us'. + + The string must be a sequence of decimal numbers, each with + optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms". Valid + time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". + The value must be a positive duration. + pod_pids_limit (int): + Set the Pod PID limits. See + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pid-limiting/#pod-pid-limits + + Controls the maximum number of processes allowed + to run in a pod. The value must be greater than + or equal to 1024 and less than 4194304. + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled (bool): + Enable or disable Kubelet read only port. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled``. + """ + + cpu_manager_policy: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cpu_cfs_quota: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + cpu_cfs_quota_period: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + pod_pids_limit: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=4, + ) + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + optional=True, + ) + + +class NodeConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters that describe the nodes in a cluster. + + GKE Autopilot clusters do not recognize parameters in + ``NodeConfig``. Use + [AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults][google.container.v1beta1.AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults] + instead. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + machine_type (str): + The name of a Google Compute Engine `machine + type `__. + + If unspecified, the default machine type is ``e2-medium``. + disk_size_gb (int): + Size of the disk attached to each node, + specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size + is 10GB. + + If unspecified, the default disk size is 100GB. + oauth_scopes (MutableSequence[str]): + The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of + the node VMs under the "default" service account. + + The following scopes are recommended, but not required, and + by default are not included: + + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute`` is required + for mounting persistent storage on your nodes. + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only`` + is required for communicating with **gcr.io** (the + `Google Container + Registry `__). + + If unspecified, no scopes are added, unless Cloud Logging or + Cloud Monitoring are enabled, in which case their required + scopes will be added. + service_account (str): + The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to + be used by the node VMs. Specify the email + address of the Service Account; otherwise, if no + Service Account is specified, the "default" + service account is used. + metadata (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The metadata key/value pairs assigned to instances in the + cluster. + + Keys must conform to the regexp ``[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+`` and be + less than 128 bytes in length. These are reflected as part + of a URL in the metadata server. Additionally, to avoid + ambiguity, keys must not conflict with any other metadata + keys for the project or be one of the reserved keys: + + - "cluster-location" + - "cluster-name" + - "cluster-uid" + - "configure-sh" + - "containerd-configure-sh" + - "enable-oslogin" + - "gci-ensure-gke-docker" + - "gci-metrics-enabled" + - "gci-update-strategy" + - "instance-template" + - "kube-env" + - "startup-script" + - "user-data" + - "disable-address-manager" + - "windows-startup-script-ps1" + - "common-psm1" + - "k8s-node-setup-psm1" + - "install-ssh-psm1" + - "user-profile-psm1" + + Values are free-form strings, and only have meaning as + interpreted by the image running in the instance. The only + restriction placed on them is that each value's size must be + less than or equal to 32 KB. + + The total size of all keys and values must be less than 512 + KB. + image_type (str): + The image type to use for this node. Note + that for a given image type, the latest version + of it will be used. Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The map of Kubernetes labels (key/value + pairs) to be applied to each node. These will + added in addition to any default label(s) that + Kubernetes may apply to the node. + In case of conflict in label keys, the applied + set may differ depending on the Kubernetes + version -- it's best to assume the behavior is + undefined and conflicts should be avoided. + For more information, including usage and the + valid values, see: + + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ + local_ssd_count (int): + The number of local SSD disks to be attached + to the node. + The limit for this value is dependent upon the + maximum number of disks available on a machine + per zone. See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + tags (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of instance tags applied to all + nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources + or targets for network firewalls and are + specified by the client during cluster or node + pool creation. Each tag within the list must + comply with RFC1035. + preemptible (bool): + Whether the nodes are created as preemptible + VM instances. See: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/preemptible + for more information about preemptible VM + instances. + accelerators (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AcceleratorConfig]): + A list of hardware accelerators to be + attached to each node. See + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus for + more information about support for GPUs. + sandbox_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SandboxConfig): + Sandbox configuration for this node. + node_group (str): + Setting this field will assign instances of this pool to run + on the specified node group. This is useful for running + workloads on `sole tenant + nodes `__. + reservation_affinity (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReservationAffinity): + The optional reservation affinity. Setting this field will + apply the specified `Zonal Compute + Reservation `__ + to this node pool. + disk_type (str): + Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. + 'pd-standard', 'pd-ssd' or 'pd-balanced') + + If unspecified, the default disk type is + 'pd-standard' + min_cpu_platform (str): + Minimum CPU platform to be used by this instance. The + instance may be scheduled on the specified or newer CPU + platform. Applicable values are the friendly names of CPU + platforms, such as ``minCpuPlatform: "Intel Haswell"`` or + ``minCpuPlatform: "Intel Sandy Bridge"``. For more + information, read `how to specify min CPU + platform `__. + workload_metadata_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig): + The workload metadata configuration for this + node. + taints (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeTaint]): + List of kubernetes taints to be applied to + each node. + For more information, including usage and the + valid values, see: + + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/taint-and-toleration/ + boot_disk_kms_key (str): + The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot + disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be + of the form + projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]. + For more information about protecting resources with Cloud + KMS Keys please see: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption + shielded_instance_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ShieldedInstanceConfig): + Shielded Instance options. + linux_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LinuxNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Linux + nodes. + kubelet_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeKubeletConfig): + Node kubelet configs. + ephemeral_storage_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.EphemeralStorageConfig): + Parameters for the ephemeral storage + filesystem. If unspecified, ephemeral storage is + backed by the boot disk. + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcfsConfig): + GCFS (Google Container File System) configs. + advanced_machine_features (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdvancedMachineFeatures): + Advanced features for the Compute Engine VM. + gvnic (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.VirtualNIC): + Enable or disable gvnic on the node pool. + spot (bool): + Spot flag for enabling Spot VM, which is a + rebrand of the existing preemptible flag. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Confidential nodes config. + All the nodes in the node pool will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + fast_socket (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.FastSocket): + Enable or disable NCCL fast socket for the + node pool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_fast_socket``. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The resource labels for the node pool to use + to annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration. + windows_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Windows + nodes. + local_nvme_ssd_block_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig): + Parameters for using raw-block Local NVMe + SSDs. + ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig): + Parameters for the node ephemeral storage using Local SSDs. + If unspecified, ephemeral storage is backed by the boot + disk. This field is functionally equivalent to the + ephemeral_storage_config + sole_tenant_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SoleTenantConfig): + Parameters for node pools to be backed by + shared sole tenant node groups. + host_maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HostMaintenancePolicy): + HostMaintenancePolicy contains the desired + maintenance policy for the Google Compute Engine + hosts. + enable_confidential_storage (bool): + Optional. Enable confidential storage on Hyperdisk. + boot_disk_kms_key is required when + enable_confidential_storage is true. This is only available + for private preview. + """ + + machine_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + oauth_scopes: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + service_account: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + metadata: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + tags: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + preemptible: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + accelerators: MutableSequence['AcceleratorConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + message='AcceleratorConfig', + ) + sandbox_config: 'SandboxConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='SandboxConfig', + ) + node_group: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=18, + ) + reservation_affinity: 'ReservationAffinity' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='ReservationAffinity', + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=12, + ) + min_cpu_platform: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + workload_metadata_config: 'WorkloadMetadataConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='WorkloadMetadataConfig', + ) + taints: MutableSequence['NodeTaint'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='NodeTaint', + ) + boot_disk_kms_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=23, + ) + shielded_instance_config: 'ShieldedInstanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='ShieldedInstanceConfig', + ) + linux_node_config: 'LinuxNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='LinuxNodeConfig', + ) + kubelet_config: 'NodeKubeletConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='NodeKubeletConfig', + ) + ephemeral_storage_config: 'EphemeralStorageConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=24, + message='EphemeralStorageConfig', + ) + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=25, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + advanced_machine_features: 'AdvancedMachineFeatures' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='AdvancedMachineFeatures', + ) + gvnic: 'VirtualNIC' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=29, + message='VirtualNIC', + ) + spot: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=32, + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=35, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + fast_socket: 'FastSocket' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=36, + optional=True, + message='FastSocket', + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=37, + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=38, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + windows_node_config: 'WindowsNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='WindowsNodeConfig', + ) + local_nvme_ssd_block_config: 'LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=40, + message='LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig', + ) + ephemeral_storage_local_ssd_config: 'EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=41, + message='EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig', + ) + sole_tenant_config: 'SoleTenantConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=42, + message='SoleTenantConfig', + ) + host_maintenance_policy: 'HostMaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=44, + message='HostMaintenancePolicy', + ) + enable_confidential_storage: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=46, + ) + + +class AdvancedMachineFeatures(proto.Message): + r"""Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + threads_per_core (int): + The number of threads per physical core. To + disable simultaneous multithreading (SMT) set + this to 1. If unset, the maximum number of + threads supported per core by the underlying + processor is assumed. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_threads_per_core``. + """ + + threads_per_core: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + optional=True, + ) + + +class NodeNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for node pool-level network config. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + create_pod_range (bool): + Input only. Whether to create a new range for pod IPs in + this node pool. Defaults are provided for ``pod_range`` and + ``pod_ipv4_cidr_block`` if they are not specified. + + If neither ``create_pod_range`` or ``pod_range`` are + specified, the cluster-level default + (``ip_allocation_policy.cluster_ipv4_cidr_block``) is used. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + pod_range (str): + The ID of the secondary range for pod IPs. If + ``create_pod_range`` is true, this ID is used for the new + range. If ``create_pod_range`` is false, uses an existing + secondary range with this ID. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + pod_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range for pod IPs in this node pool. + + Only applicable if ``create_pod_range`` is true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) to pick a specific range to + use. + + Only applicable if ``ip_allocation_policy.use_ip_aliases`` + is true. + + This field cannot be changed after the node pool has been + created. + enable_private_nodes (bool): + Whether nodes have internal IP addresses only. If + enable_private_nodes is not specified, then the value is + derived from + [cluster.privateClusterConfig.enablePrivateNodes][google.container.v1beta1.PrivateClusterConfig.enablePrivateNodes] + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_enable_private_nodes``. + network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig): + Network bandwidth tier configuration. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_network_performance_config``. + pod_cidr_overprovision_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PodCIDROverprovisionConfig): + [PRIVATE FIELD] Pod CIDR size overprovisioning config for + the nodepool. + + Pod CIDR size per node depends on max_pods_per_node. By + default, the value of max_pods_per_node is rounded off to + next power of 2 and we then double that to get the size of + pod CIDR block per node. Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + would result in 64 IPs (/26). + + This config can disable the doubling of IPs (we still round + off to next power of 2) Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + will result in 32 IPs (/27) when overprovisioning is + disabled. + additional_node_network_configs (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig]): + We specify the additional node networks for + this node pool using this list. Each node + network corresponds to an additional interface + additional_pod_network_configs (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdditionalPodNetworkConfig]): + We specify the additional pod networks for + this node pool using this list. Each pod network + corresponds to an additional alias IP range for + the node + pod_ipv4_range_utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the IPv4 range + for the pod. The ratio is Usage/[Total number of IPs in the + secondary range], Usage=numNodes\ *numZones*\ podIPsPerNode. + """ + + class NetworkPerformanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of all network bandwidth tiers + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + total_egress_bandwidth_tier (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier): + Specifies the total network bandwidth tier + for the NodePool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_total_egress_bandwidth_tier``. + external_ip_egress_bandwidth_tier (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier): + Specifies the network bandwidth tier for the + NodePool for traffic to external/public IP + addresses. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_external_ip_egress_bandwidth_tier``. + """ + class Tier(proto.Enum): + r"""Node network tier + + Values: + TIER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + TIER_1 (1): + Higher bandwidth, actual values based on VM + size. + """ + TIER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIER_1 = 1 + + total_egress_bandwidth_tier: 'NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum='NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier', + ) + external_ip_egress_bandwidth_tier: 'NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum='NodeNetworkConfig.NetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier', + ) + + create_pod_range: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + pod_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + pod_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + enable_private_nodes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=9, + optional=True, + ) + network_performance_config: NetworkPerformanceConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + optional=True, + message=NetworkPerformanceConfig, + ) + pod_cidr_overprovision_config: 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + ) + additional_node_network_configs: MutableSequence['AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig', + ) + additional_pod_network_configs: MutableSequence['AdditionalPodNetworkConfig'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='AdditionalPodNetworkConfig', + ) + pod_ipv4_range_utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=16, + ) + + +class AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalNodeNetworkConfig is the configuration for + additional node networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message + + Attributes: + network (str): + Name of the VPC where the additional + interface belongs + subnetwork (str): + Name of the subnetwork where the additional + interface belongs + """ + + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class AdditionalPodNetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalPodNetworkConfig is the configuration for + additional pod networks within the NodeNetworkConfig message + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + subnetwork (str): + Name of the subnetwork where the additional + pod network belongs + secondary_pod_range (str): + The name of the secondary range on the subnet + which provides IP address for this pod range + max_pods_per_node (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The maximum number of pods per node which use + this pod network + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_max_pods_per_node``. + """ + + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + secondary_pod_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + max_pods_per_node: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + optional=True, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + + +class ShieldedInstanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""A set of Shielded Instance options. + + Attributes: + enable_secure_boot (bool): + Defines whether the instance has Secure Boot + enabled. + Secure Boot helps ensure that the system only + runs authentic software by verifying the digital + signature of all boot components, and halting + the boot process if signature verification + fails. + enable_integrity_monitoring (bool): + Defines whether the instance has integrity + monitoring enabled. + Enables monitoring and attestation of the boot + integrity of the instance. The attestation is + performed against the integrity policy baseline. + This baseline is initially derived from the + implicitly trusted boot image when the instance + is created. + """ + + enable_secure_boot: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + enable_integrity_monitoring: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + +class SandboxConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SandboxConfig contains configurations of the sandbox to use + for the node. + + Attributes: + sandbox_type (str): + Type of the sandbox to use for the node (e.g. + 'gvisor') + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SandboxConfig.Type): + Type of the sandbox to use for the node. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible types of sandboxes. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This should not be used. + GVISOR (1): + Run sandbox using gvisor. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + GVISOR = 1 + + sandbox_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + type_: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=Type, + ) + + +class EphemeralStorageConfig(proto.Message): + r"""EphemeralStorageConfig contains configuration for the + ephemeral storage filesystem. + + Attributes: + local_ssd_count (int): + Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral + storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD is + 375 GB in size. If zero, it means to disable + using local SSDs as ephemeral storage. + """ + + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + + +class LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LocalNvmeSsdBlockConfig contains configuration for using + raw-block local NVMe SSDs + + Attributes: + local_ssd_count (int): + The number of raw-block local NVMe SSD disks + to be attached to the node. Each local SSD is + 375 GB in size. If zero, it means no raw-block + local NVMe SSD disks to be attached to the node. + The limit for this value is dependent upon the + maximum number of disks available on a machine + per zone. See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + """ + + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + + +class EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig(proto.Message): + r"""EphemeralStorageLocalSsdConfig contains configuration for the + node ephemeral storage using Local SSDs. + + Attributes: + local_ssd_count (int): + Number of local SSDs to use to back ephemeral + storage. Uses NVMe interfaces. Each local SSD is + 375 GB in size. If zero, it means to disable + using local SSDs as ephemeral storage. The limit + for this value is dependent upon the maximum + number of disks available on a machine per zone. + See: + + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/local-ssd + for more information. + """ + + local_ssd_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcfsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GcfsConfig contains configurations of Google Container File + System. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to use GCFS. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ReservationAffinity(proto.Message): + r"""`ReservationAffinity `__ + is the configuration of desired reservation which instances could + take capacity from. + + Attributes: + consume_reservation_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReservationAffinity.Type): + Corresponds to the type of reservation + consumption. + key (str): + Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To + target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify + "compute.googleapis.com/reservation-name" as the key and + specify the name of your reservation as its value. + values (MutableSequence[str]): + Corresponds to the label value(s) of + reservation resource(s). + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Indicates whether to consume capacity from a reservation or + not. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This should not be used. + NO_RESERVATION (1): + Do not consume from any reserved capacity. + ANY_RESERVATION (2): + Consume any reservation available. + SPECIFIC_RESERVATION (3): + Must consume from a specific reservation. + Must specify key value fields for specifying the + reservations. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + NO_RESERVATION = 1 + ANY_RESERVATION = 2 + SPECIFIC_RESERVATION = 3 + + consume_reservation_type: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Type, + ) + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + values: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class SoleTenantConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SoleTenantConfig contains the NodeAffinities to specify what + shared sole tenant node groups should back the node pool. + + Attributes: + node_affinities (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity]): + NodeAffinities used to match to a shared sole + tenant node group. + """ + + class NodeAffinity(proto.Message): + r"""Specifies the NodeAffinity key, values, and affinity operator + according to `shared sole tenant node group + affinities `__. + + Attributes: + key (str): + Key for NodeAffinity. + operator (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator): + Operator for NodeAffinity. + values (MutableSequence[str]): + Values for NodeAffinity. + """ + class Operator(proto.Enum): + r"""Operator allows user to specify affinity or anti-affinity for + the given key values. + + Values: + OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Invalid or unspecified affinity operator. + IN (1): + Affinity operator. + NOT_IN (2): + Anti-affinity operator. + """ + OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + IN = 1 + NOT_IN = 2 + + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + operator: 'SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='SoleTenantConfig.NodeAffinity.Operator', + ) + values: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + node_affinities: MutableSequence[NodeAffinity] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=NodeAffinity, + ) + + +class HostMaintenancePolicy(proto.Message): + r"""HostMaintenancePolicy contains the maintenance policy for the + hosts on which the GKE VMs run on. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + maintenance_interval (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HostMaintenancePolicy.MaintenanceInterval): + Specifies the frequency of planned + maintenance events. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_maintenance_interval``. + """ + class MaintenanceInterval(proto.Enum): + r"""Allows selecting how infrastructure upgrades should be + applied to the cluster or node pool. + + Values: + MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED (0): + The maintenance interval is not explicitly + specified. + AS_NEEDED (1): + Nodes are eligible to receive infrastructure + and hypervisor updates as they become available. + This may result in more maintenance operations + (live migrations or terminations) for the node + than the PERIODIC option. + PERIODIC (2): + Nodes receive infrastructure and hypervisor updates on a + periodic basis, minimizing the number of maintenance + operations (live migrations or terminations) on an + individual VM. This may mean underlying VMs will take longer + to receive an update than if it was configured for + AS_NEEDED. Security updates will still be applied as soon as + they are available. + """ + MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + AS_NEEDED = 1 + PERIODIC = 2 + + maintenance_interval: MaintenanceInterval = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=MaintenanceInterval, + ) + + +class NodeTaint(proto.Message): + r"""Kubernetes taint is composed of three fields: key, value, and + effect. Effect can only be one of three types: NoSchedule, + PreferNoSchedule or NoExecute. + + See + `here `__ + for more information, including usage and the valid values. + + Attributes: + key (str): + Key for taint. + value (str): + Value for taint. + effect (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeTaint.Effect): + Effect for taint. + """ + class Effect(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for Effect in taint. + + Values: + EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set + NO_SCHEDULE (1): + NoSchedule + PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE (2): + PreferNoSchedule + NO_EXECUTE (3): + NoExecute + """ + EFFECT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + NO_SCHEDULE = 1 + PREFER_NO_SCHEDULE = 2 + NO_EXECUTE = 3 + + key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + value: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + effect: Effect = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Effect, + ) + + +class NodeTaints(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of Kubernetes `node + taints `__. + + Attributes: + taints (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeTaint]): + List of node taints. + """ + + taints: MutableSequence['NodeTaint'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodeTaint', + ) + + +class NodeLabels(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of node-level `Kubernetes + labels `__. + + Attributes: + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Map of node label keys and node label values. + """ + + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ResourceLabels(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of `GCP + labels `__. + + Attributes: + labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Map of node label keys and node label values. + """ + + labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkTags(proto.Message): + r"""Collection of Compute Engine network tags that can be applied to a + node's underlying VM instance. (See ``tags`` field in + ```NodeConfig`` `__). + + Attributes: + tags (MutableSequence[str]): + List of network tags. + """ + + tags: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class MasterAuth(proto.Message): + r"""The authentication information for accessing the master + endpoint. Authentication can be done using HTTP basic auth or + using client certificates. + + Attributes: + username (str): + The username to use for HTTP basic + authentication to the master endpoint. For + clusters v1.6.0 and later, basic authentication + can be disabled by leaving username unspecified + (or setting it to the empty string). + + Warning: basic authentication is deprecated, and + will be removed in GKE control plane versions + 1.19 and newer. For a list of recommended + authentication methods, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/api-server-authentication + password (str): + The password to use for HTTP basic + authentication to the master endpoint. Because + the master endpoint is open to the Internet, you + should create a strong password. If a password + is provided for cluster creation, username must + be non-empty. + + Warning: basic authentication is deprecated, and + will be removed in GKE control plane versions + 1.19 and newer. For a list of recommended + authentication methods, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/api-server-authentication + client_certificate_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClientCertificateConfig): + Configuration for client certificate + authentication on the cluster. For clusters + before v1.12, if no configuration is specified, + a client certificate is issued. + cluster_ca_certificate (str): + + client_certificate (str): + [Output only] Base64-encoded public certificate used by + clients to authenticate to the cluster endpoint. + client_key (str): + [Output only] Base64-encoded private key used by clients to + authenticate to the cluster endpoint. + """ + + username: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + password: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + client_certificate_config: 'ClientCertificateConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='ClientCertificateConfig', + ) + cluster_ca_certificate: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + client_certificate: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + client_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + + +class ClientCertificateConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for client certificates on the cluster. + + Attributes: + issue_client_certificate (bool): + Issue a client certificate. + """ + + issue_client_certificate: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class AddonsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun + up in the cluster, enabling additional functionality. + + Attributes: + http_load_balancing (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HttpLoadBalancing): + Configuration for the HTTP (L7) load + balancing controller addon, which makes it easy + to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a + cluster. + horizontal_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HorizontalPodAutoscaling): + Configuration for the horizontal pod + autoscaling feature, which increases or + decreases the number of replica pods a + replication controller has based on the resource + usage of the existing pods. + kubernetes_dashboard (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.KubernetesDashboard): + Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard. + This addon is deprecated, and will be disabled + in 1.15. It is recommended to use the Cloud + Console to manage and monitor your Kubernetes + clusters, workloads and applications. For more + information, see: + + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/dashboards + network_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicyConfig): + Configuration for NetworkPolicy. This only + tracks whether the addon is enabled or not on + the Master, it does not track whether network + policy is enabled for the nodes. + istio_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IstioConfig): + Configuration for Istio, an open platform to + connect, manage, and secure microservices. + cloud_run_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CloudRunConfig): + Configuration for the Cloud Run addon. The ``IstioConfig`` + addon must be enabled in order to enable Cloud Run addon. + This option can only be enabled at cluster creation time. + dns_cache_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DnsCacheConfig): + Configuration for NodeLocalDNS, a dns cache + running on cluster nodes + config_connector_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ConfigConnectorConfig): + Configuration for the ConfigConnector add-on, + a Kubernetes extension to manage hosted GCP + services through the Kubernetes API + gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the Compute Engine + Persistent Disk CSI driver. + kalm_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.KalmConfig): + Configuration for the KALM addon, which + manages the lifecycle of k8s applications. + gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI + driver. + gke_backup_agent_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GkeBackupAgentConfig): + Configuration for the Backup for GKE agent + addon. + gcs_fuse_csi_driver_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig): + Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI + driver. + """ + + http_load_balancing: 'HttpLoadBalancing' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='HttpLoadBalancing', + ) + horizontal_pod_autoscaling: 'HorizontalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='HorizontalPodAutoscaling', + ) + kubernetes_dashboard: 'KubernetesDashboard' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='KubernetesDashboard', + ) + network_policy_config: 'NetworkPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NetworkPolicyConfig', + ) + istio_config: 'IstioConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='IstioConfig', + ) + cloud_run_config: 'CloudRunConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=7, + message='CloudRunConfig', + ) + dns_cache_config: 'DnsCacheConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='DnsCacheConfig', + ) + config_connector_config: 'ConfigConnectorConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='ConfigConnectorConfig', + ) + gce_persistent_disk_csi_driver_config: 'GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=11, + message='GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig', + ) + kalm_config: 'KalmConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='KalmConfig', + ) + gcp_filestore_csi_driver_config: 'GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig', + ) + gke_backup_agent_config: 'GkeBackupAgentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='GkeBackupAgentConfig', + ) + gcs_fuse_csi_driver_config: 'GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig', + ) + + +class HttpLoadBalancing(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the HTTP (L7) load balancing + controller addon, which makes it easy to set up HTTP load + balancers for services in a cluster. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the HTTP Load Balancing controller is + enabled in the cluster. When enabled, it runs a + small pod in the cluster that manages the load + balancers. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class HorizontalPodAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the horizontal pod autoscaling + feature, which increases or decreases the number of replica pods + a replication controller has based on the resource usage of the + existing pods. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling + feature is enabled in the cluster. When enabled, + it ensures that metrics are collected into + Stackdriver Monitoring. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class KubernetesDashboard(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether the Kubernetes Dashboard is enabled + for this cluster. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkPolicyConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for NetworkPolicy. This only tracks whether the + addon is enabled or not on the Master, it does not track whether + network policy is enabled for the nodes. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether NetworkPolicy is enabled for this + cluster. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DnsCacheConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for NodeLocal DNSCache + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether NodeLocal DNSCache is enabled for + this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class KalmConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the KALM addon. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether KALM is enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GkeBackupAgentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Backup for GKE Agent. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Backup for GKE agent is enabled + for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ConfigConnectorConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the Config Connector add-on. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Cloud Connector is enabled for this + cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Compute Engine PD CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Compute Engine PD CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the GCP Filestore CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver is + enabled for this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for controlling master global access settings. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whenever master is accessible globally or + not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class PrivateClusterConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for private clusters. + + Attributes: + enable_private_nodes (bool): + Whether nodes have internal IP addresses + only. If enabled, all nodes are given only RFC + 1918 private addresses and communicate with the + master via private networking. + enable_private_endpoint (bool): + Whether the master's internal IP address is + used as the cluster endpoint. + master_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP range in CIDR notation to use for the + hosted master network. This range will be used + for assigning internal IP addresses to the + master or set of masters, as well as the ILB + VIP. This range must not overlap with any other + ranges in use within the cluster's network. + private_endpoint (str): + Output only. The internal IP address of this + cluster's master endpoint. + public_endpoint (str): + Output only. The external IP address of this + cluster's master endpoint. + peering_name (str): + Output only. The peering name in the customer + VPC used by this cluster. + master_global_access_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig): + Controls master global access settings. + private_endpoint_subnetwork (str): + Subnet to provision the master's private endpoint during + cluster creation. Specified in + projects/\ */regions/*/subnetworks/\* format. + """ + + enable_private_nodes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + enable_private_endpoint: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + master_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + private_endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + public_endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + peering_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + master_global_access_config: 'PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='PrivateClusterMasterGlobalAccessConfig', + ) + private_endpoint_subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + + +class IstioConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for Istio addon. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether Istio is enabled for this cluster. + auth (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IstioConfig.IstioAuthMode): + The specified Istio auth mode, either none, + or mutual TLS. + """ + class IstioAuthMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Istio auth mode, + https://istio.io/docs/concepts/security/mutual-tls.html + + Values: + AUTH_NONE (0): + auth not enabled + AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS (1): + auth mutual TLS enabled + """ + AUTH_NONE = 0 + AUTH_MUTUAL_TLS = 1 + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + auth: IstioAuthMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=IstioAuthMode, + ) + + +class CloudRunConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the Cloud Run feature. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Whether Cloud Run addon is enabled for this + cluster. + load_balancer_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CloudRunConfig.LoadBalancerType): + Which load balancer type is installed for + Cloud Run. + """ + class LoadBalancerType(proto.Enum): + r"""Load balancer type of ingress service of Cloud Run. + + Values: + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Load balancer type for Cloud Run is + unspecified. + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_EXTERNAL (1): + Install external load balancer for Cloud Run. + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_INTERNAL (2): + Install internal load balancer for Cloud Run. + """ + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_EXTERNAL = 1 + LOAD_BALANCER_TYPE_INTERNAL = 2 + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + load_balancer_type: LoadBalancerType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=LoadBalancerType, + ) + + +class MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the master authorized networks + feature. Enabled master authorized networks will disallow all + external traffic to access Kubernetes master through HTTPS + except traffic from the given CIDR blocks, Google Compute Engine + Public IPs and Google Prod IPs. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether or not master authorized networks is + enabled. + cidr_blocks (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig.CidrBlock]): + cidr_blocks define up to 10 external networks that could + access Kubernetes master through HTTPS. + gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled (bool): + Whether master is accessbile via Google + Compute Engine Public IP addresses. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled``. + """ + + class CidrBlock(proto.Message): + r"""CidrBlock contains an optional name and one CIDR block. + + Attributes: + display_name (str): + display_name is an optional field for users to identify CIDR + blocks. + cidr_block (str): + cidr_block must be specified in CIDR notation. + """ + + display_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + cidr_blocks: MutableSequence[CidrBlock] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=CidrBlock, + ) + gcp_public_cidrs_access_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=3, + optional=True, + ) + + +class LegacyAbac(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the legacy Attribute Based Access Control + authorization mode. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the ABAC authorizer is enabled for + this cluster. When enabled, identities in the + system, including service accounts, nodes, and + controllers, will have statically granted + permissions beyond those provided by the RBAC + configuration or IAM. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class NetworkPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy feature. + https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/networkpolicies/ + + Attributes: + provider (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicy.Provider): + The selected network policy provider. + enabled (bool): + Whether network policy is enabled on the + cluster. + """ + class Provider(proto.Enum): + r"""Allowed Network Policy providers. + + Values: + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set + CALICO (1): + Tigera (Calico Felix). + """ + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CALICO = 1 + + provider: Provider = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Provider, + ) + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + + +class PodCIDROverprovisionConfig(proto.Message): + r"""[PRIVATE FIELD] Config for pod CIDR size overprovisioning. + + Attributes: + disable (bool): + Whether Pod CIDR overprovisioning is + disabled. Note: Pod CIDR overprovisioning is + enabled by default. + """ + + disable: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class IPAllocationPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for controlling how IPs are allocated in the + cluster. + + Attributes: + use_ip_aliases (bool): + Whether alias IPs will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. + This is used in conjunction with use_routes. It cannot be + true if use_routes is true. If both use_ip_aliases and + use_routes are false, then the server picks the default IP + allocation mode + create_subnetwork (bool): + Whether a new subnetwork will be created automatically for + the cluster. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + subnetwork_name (str): + A custom subnetwork name to be used if ``create_subnetwork`` + is true. If this field is empty, then an automatic name will + be chosen for the new subnetwork. + cluster_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use cluster_ipv4_cidr_block. + node_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use node_ipv4_cidr_block. + services_ipv4_cidr (str): + This field is deprecated, use services_ipv4_cidr_block. + cluster_secondary_range_name (str): + The name of the secondary range to be used for the cluster + CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for pod IP + addresses. This must be an existing secondary range + associated with the cluster subnetwork. + + This field is only applicable with use_ip_aliases and + create_subnetwork is false. + services_secondary_range_name (str): + The name of the secondary range to be used as for the + services CIDR block. The secondary range will be used for + service ClusterIPs. This must be an existing secondary range + associated with the cluster subnetwork. + + This field is only applicable with use_ip_aliases and + create_subnetwork is false. + cluster_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range for the cluster pod IPs. If this field + is set, then ``cluster.cluster_ipv4_cidr`` must be left + blank. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + node_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the instance IPs in this cluster. + + This is applicable only if ``create_subnetwork`` is true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + services_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the services IPs in this cluster. If + blank, a range will be automatically chosen with the default + size. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + Set to blank to have a range chosen with the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. + allow_route_overlap (bool): + If true, allow allocation of cluster CIDR ranges that + overlap with certain kinds of network routes. By default we + do not allow cluster CIDR ranges to intersect with any user + declared routes. With allow_route_overlap == true, we allow + overlapping with CIDR ranges that are larger than the + cluster CIDR range. + + If this field is set to true, then cluster and services + CIDRs must be fully-specified (e.g. ````, but + not ``/14``), which means: + + 1) When ``use_ip_aliases`` is true, + ``cluster_ipv4_cidr_block`` and + ``services_ipv4_cidr_block`` must be fully-specified. + 2) When ``use_ip_aliases`` is false, + ``cluster.cluster_ipv4_cidr`` muse be fully-specified. + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this cluster. If + unspecified, a range will be automatically chosen with the + default size. + + This field is only applicable when ``use_ip_aliases`` is + true. + + If unspecified, the range will use the default size. + + Set to /netmask (e.g. ``/14``) to have a range chosen with a + specific netmask. + + Set to a + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````) from the RFC-1918 private + networks (e.g. ````, ````, + ````) to pick a specific range to use. This + field is deprecated, use cluster.tpu_config.ipv4_cidr_block + instead. + use_routes (bool): + Whether routes will be used for pod IPs in the cluster. This + is used in conjunction with use_ip_aliases. It cannot be + true if use_ip_aliases is true. If both use_ip_aliases and + use_routes are false, then the server picks the default IP + allocation mode + stack_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IPAllocationPolicy.StackType): + IP stack type + ipv6_access_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IPAllocationPolicy.IPv6AccessType): + The ipv6 access type (internal or external) when + create_subnetwork is true + pod_cidr_overprovision_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PodCIDROverprovisionConfig): + [PRIVATE FIELD] Pod CIDR size overprovisioning config for + the cluster. + + Pod CIDR size per node depends on max_pods_per_node. By + default, the value of max_pods_per_node is doubled and then + rounded off to next power of 2 to get the size of pod CIDR + block per node. Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 would + result in 64 IPs (/26). + + This config can disable the doubling of IPs (we still round + off to next power of 2) Example: max_pods_per_node of 30 + will result in 32 IPs (/27) when overprovisioning is + disabled. + subnet_ipv6_cidr_block (str): + Output only. [Output only] The subnet's IPv6 CIDR block used + by nodes and pods. + services_ipv6_cidr_block (str): + Output only. [Output only] The services IPv6 CIDR block for + the cluster. + additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + Output only. [Output only] The additional pod ranges that + are added to the cluster. These pod ranges can be used by + new node pools to allocate pod IPs automatically. Once the + range is removed it will not show up in IPAllocationPolicy. + default_pod_ipv4_range_utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the cluster + default IPv4 range for the pod. The ratio is Usage/[Total + number of IPs in the secondary range], + Usage=numNodes\ *numZones*\ podIPsPerNode. + """ + class StackType(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for IP stack type + + Values: + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + By default, the clusters will be IPV4 only + IPV4 (1): + The value used if the cluster is a IPV4 only + IPV4_IPV6 (2): + The value used if the cluster is a dual stack + cluster + """ + STACK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + IPV4 = 1 + IPV4_IPV6 = 2 + + class IPv6AccessType(proto.Enum): + r"""IPv6 access type + + Values: + IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, will be defaulted as type + external. + INTERNAL (1): + Access type internal (all v6 addresses are + internal IPs) + EXTERNAL (2): + Access type external (all v6 addresses are + external IPs) + """ + IPV6_ACCESS_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INTERNAL = 1 + EXTERNAL = 2 + + use_ip_aliases: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + create_subnetwork: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + subnetwork_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + cluster_secondary_range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + services_secondary_range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + allow_route_overlap: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=12, + ) + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + use_routes: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=15, + ) + stack_type: StackType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=16, + enum=StackType, + ) + ipv6_access_type: IPv6AccessType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=17, + enum=IPv6AccessType, + ) + pod_cidr_overprovision_config: 'PodCIDROverprovisionConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='PodCIDROverprovisionConfig', + ) + subnet_ipv6_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=22, + ) + services_ipv6_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=23, + ) + additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=24, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + default_pod_ipv4_range_utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=25, + ) + + +class BinaryAuthorization(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for Binary Authorization. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + This field is deprecated. Leave this unset and instead + configure BinaryAuthorization using evaluation_mode. If + evaluation_mode is set to anything other than + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED, this field is ignored. + evaluation_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BinaryAuthorization.EvaluationMode): + Mode of operation for binauthz policy + evaluation. If unspecified, defaults to + DISABLED. + policy_bindings (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BinaryAuthorization.PolicyBinding]): + Optional. Binauthz policies that apply to + this cluster. + """ + class EvaluationMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Binary Authorization mode of operation. + + Values: + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + DISABLED (1): + Disable BinaryAuthorization + PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE (2): + Enforce Kubernetes admission requests with + BinaryAuthorization using the project's + singleton policy. This is equivalent to setting + the enabled boolean to true. + POLICY_BINDINGS (5): + Use Binary Authorization with the policies specified in + policy_bindings. + POLICY_BINDINGS_AND_PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE (6): + Use Binary Authorization with the policies specified in + policy_bindings, and also with the project's singleton + policy in enforcement mode. + """ + EVALUATION_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE = 2 + POLICY_BINDINGS = 5 + POLICY_BINDINGS_AND_PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE = 6 + + class PolicyBinding(proto.Message): + r"""Binauthz policy that applies to this cluster. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + name (str): + The relative resource name of the binauthz platform policy + to audit. GKE platform policies have the following format: + ``projects/{project_number}/platforms/gke/policies/{policy_id}``. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_name``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + optional=True, + ) + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + evaluation_mode: EvaluationMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=EvaluationMode, + ) + policy_bindings: MutableSequence[PolicyBinding] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message=PolicyBinding, + ) + + +class PodSecurityPolicyConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the PodSecurityPolicy feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable the PodSecurityPolicy controller for + this cluster. If enabled, pods must be valid + under a PodSecurityPolicy to be created. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class AuthenticatorGroupsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for returning group information from + authenticators. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether this cluster should return group + membership lookups during authentication using a + group of security groups. + security_group (str): + The name of the security group-of-groups to + be used. Only relevant if enabled = true. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + security_group: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class ClusterTelemetry(proto.Message): + r"""Telemetry integration for the cluster. + + Attributes: + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterTelemetry.Type): + Type of the integration. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Type of the integration. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + DISABLED (1): + Monitoring integration is disabled. + ENABLED (2): + Monitoring integration is enabled. + SYSTEM_ONLY (3): + Only system components are monitored and + logged. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + ENABLED = 2 + SYSTEM_ONLY = 3 + + type_: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Type, + ) + + +class Cluster(proto.Message): + r"""A Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name of this cluster. The name must be unique within + this project and location (e.g. zone or region), and can be + up to 40 characters with the following restrictions: + + - Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens only. + - Must start with a letter. + - Must end with a number or a letter. + description (str): + An optional description of this cluster. + initial_node_count (int): + The number of nodes to create in this cluster. You must + ensure that your Compute Engine `resource + quota `__ is + sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have + available firewall and routes quota. For requests, this + field should only be used in lieu of a "node_pool" object, + since this configuration (along with the "node_config") will + be used to create a "NodePool" object with an auto-generated + name. Do not use this and a node_pool at the same time. + + This field is deprecated, use node_pool.initial_node_count + instead. + node_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeConfig): + Parameters used in creating the cluster's nodes. For + requests, this field should only be used in lieu of a + "node_pool" object, since this configuration (along with the + "initial_node_count") will be used to create a "NodePool" + object with an auto-generated name. Do not use this and a + node_pool at the same time. For responses, this field will + be populated with the node configuration of the first node + pool. (For configuration of each node pool, see + ``node_pool.config``) + + If unspecified, the defaults are used. This field is + deprecated, use node_pool.config instead. + master_auth (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MasterAuth): + The authentication information for accessing the master + endpoint. If unspecified, the defaults are used: For + clusters before v1.12, if master_auth is unspecified, + ``username`` will be set to "admin", a random password will + be generated, and a client certificate will be issued. + logging_service (str): + The logging service the cluster should use to write logs. + Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + monitoring_service (str): + The monitoring service the cluster should use to write + metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + network (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `network `__ + to which the cluster is connected. If left unspecified, the + ``default`` network will be used. On output this shows the + network ID instead of the name. + cluster_ipv4_cidr (str): + The IP address range of the container pods in this cluster, + in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). Leave blank to have one + automatically chosen or specify a ``/14`` block in + ````. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AddonsConfig): + Configurations for the various addons + available to run in the cluster. + subnetwork (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `subnetwork `__ + to which the cluster is connected. On output this shows the + subnetwork ID instead of the name. + node_pools (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool]): + The node pools associated with this cluster. This field + should not be set if "node_config" or "initial_node_count" + are specified. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. + + This field provides a default value if + `NodePool.Locations `__ + are not specified during node pool creation. + + Warning: changing cluster locations will update the + `NodePool.Locations `__ + of all node pools and will result in nodes being added + and/or removed. + enable_kubernetes_alpha (bool): + Kubernetes alpha features are enabled on this + cluster. This includes alpha API groups (e.g. + v1beta1) and features that may not be production + ready in the kubernetes version of the master + and nodes. The cluster has no SLA for uptime and + master/node upgrades are disabled. Alpha enabled + clusters are automatically deleted thirty days + after creation. + enable_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Kubernetes open source beta apis enabled on + the cluster. Only beta apis. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + The resource labels for the cluster to use to + annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + label_fingerprint (str): + The fingerprint of the set of labels for this + cluster. + legacy_abac (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LegacyAbac): + Configuration for the legacy ABAC + authorization mode. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Configuration options for the NetworkPolicy + feature. + ip_allocation_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IPAllocationPolicy): + Configuration for cluster IP allocation. + master_authorized_networks_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig): + The configuration options for master + authorized networks feature. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Configure the maintenance policy for this + cluster. + binary_authorization (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BinaryAuthorization): + Configuration for Binary Authorization. + pod_security_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PodSecurityPolicyConfig): + Configuration for the PodSecurityPolicy + feature. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterAutoscaling): + Cluster-level autoscaling configuration. + network_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkConfig): + Configuration for cluster networking. + private_cluster (bool): + If this is a private cluster setup. Private clusters are + clusters that, by default have no external IP addresses on + the nodes and where nodes and the master communicate over + private IP addresses. This field is deprecated, use + private_cluster_config.enable_private_nodes instead. + master_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + The IP prefix in CIDR notation to use for the hosted master + network. This prefix will be used for assigning private IP + addresses to the master or set of masters, as well as the + ILB VIP. This field is deprecated, use + private_cluster_config.master_ipv4_cidr_block instead. + default_max_pods_constraint (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The default constraint on the maximum number + of pods that can be run simultaneously on a node + in the node pool of this cluster. Only honored + if cluster created with IP Alias support. + resource_usage_export_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig): + Configuration for exporting resource usages. + Resource usage export is disabled when this + config unspecified. + authenticator_groups_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AuthenticatorGroupsConfig): + Configuration controlling RBAC group + membership information. + private_cluster_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PrivateClusterConfig): + Configuration for private cluster. + vertical_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.VerticalPodAutoscaling): + Cluster-level Vertical Pod Autoscaling + configuration. + shielded_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ShieldedNodes): + Shielded Nodes configuration. + release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReleaseChannel): + Release channel configuration. If left + unspecified on cluster creation and a version is + specified, the cluster is enrolled in the most + mature release channel where the version is + available (first checking STABLE, then REGULAR, + and finally RAPID). Otherwise, if no release + channel configuration and no version is + specified, the cluster is enrolled in the + REGULAR channel with its default version. + workload_identity_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadIdentityConfig): + Configuration for the use of Kubernetes + Service Accounts in GCP IAM policies. + workload_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + mesh_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MeshCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + workload_alts_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadALTSConfig): + Configuration for direct-path (via ALTS) with + workload identity. + cost_management_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CostManagementConfig): + Configuration for the fine-grained cost + management feature. + cluster_telemetry (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterTelemetry): + Telemetry integration for the cluster. + tpu_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.TpuConfig): + Configuration for Cloud TPU support; + notification_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NotificationConfig): + Notification configuration of the cluster. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Configuration of Confidential Nodes. + All the nodes in the cluster will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + identity_service_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IdentityServiceConfig): + Configuration for Identity Service component. + self_link (str): + [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource. + zone (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field is deprecated, use + location instead. + endpoint (str): + [Output only] The IP address of this cluster's master + endpoint. The endpoint can be accessed from the internet at + ``https://username:password@endpoint/``. + + See the ``masterAuth`` property of this resource for + username and password information. + initial_cluster_version (str): + The initial Kubernetes version for this + cluster. Valid versions are those found in + validMasterVersions returned by getServerConfig. + The version can be upgraded over time; such + upgrades are reflected in currentMasterVersion + and currentNodeVersion. + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "","-": picks the default Kubernetes version + current_master_version (str): + [Output only] The current software version of the master + endpoint. + current_node_version (str): + [Output only] Deprecated, use + `NodePool.version `__ + instead. The current version of the node software + components. If they are currently at multiple versions + because they're in the process of being upgraded, this + reflects the minimum version of all nodes. + create_time (str): + [Output only] The time the cluster was created, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster.Status): + [Output only] The current status of this cluster. + status_message (str): + [Output only] Deprecated. Use conditions instead. Additional + information about the current status of this cluster, if + available. + node_ipv4_cidr_size (int): + [Output only] The size of the address space on each node for + hosting containers. This is provisioned from within the + ``container_ipv4_cidr`` range. This field will only be set + when cluster is in route-based network mode. + services_ipv4_cidr (str): + [Output only] The IP address range of the Kubernetes + services in this cluster, in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). Service addresses are + typically put in the last ``/16`` from the container CIDR. + instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + Deprecated. Use node_pools.instance_group_urls. + current_node_count (int): + [Output only] The number of nodes currently in the cluster. + Deprecated. Call Kubernetes API directly to retrieve node + information. + expire_time (str): + [Output only] The time the cluster will be automatically + deleted in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + location (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + or + `region `__ + in which the cluster resides. + enable_tpu (bool): + Enable the ability to use Cloud TPUs in this cluster. This + field is deprecated, use tpu_config.enabled instead. + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block (str): + [Output only] The IP address range of the Cloud TPUs in this + cluster, in + `CIDR `__ + notation (e.g. ````). + database_encryption (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DatabaseEncryption): + Configuration of etcd encryption. + conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current cluster + state. + master (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Master): + Configuration for master components. + autopilot (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Autopilot): + Autopilot configuration for the cluster. + id (str): + Output only. Unique id for the cluster. + node_pool_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolDefaults): + Default NodePool settings for the entire + cluster. These settings are overridden if + specified on the specific NodePool object. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_node_pool_defaults``. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingConfig): + Logging configuration for the cluster. + monitoring_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MonitoringConfig): + Monitoring configuration for the cluster. + node_pool_auto_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolAutoConfig): + Node pool configs that apply to all + auto-provisioned node pools in autopilot + clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters. + protect_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ProtectConfig): + Deprecated: Use SecurityPostureConfig + instead. Enable/Disable Protect API features for + the cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_protect_config``. + etag (str): + This checksum is computed by the server based + on the value of cluster fields, and may be sent + on update requests to ensure the client has an + up-to-date value before proceeding. + fleet (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Fleet): + Fleet information for the cluster. + security_posture_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SecurityPostureConfig): + Enable/Disable Security Posture API features + for the cluster. + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""The current status of the cluster. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PROVISIONING (1): + The PROVISIONING state indicates the cluster + is being created. + RUNNING (2): + The RUNNING state indicates the cluster has + been created and is fully usable. + RECONCILING (3): + The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively + being done on the cluster, such as upgrading the master or + node software. Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` + field. + STOPPING (4): + The STOPPING state indicates the cluster is + being deleted. + ERROR (5): + The ERROR state indicates the cluster may be unusable. + Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` field. + DEGRADED (6): + The DEGRADED state indicates the cluster requires user + action to restore full functionality. Details can be found + in the ``statusMessage`` field. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PROVISIONING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + RECONCILING = 3 + STOPPING = 4 + ERROR = 5 + DEGRADED = 6 + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + initial_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + node_config: 'NodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodeConfig', + ) + master_auth: 'MasterAuth' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='MasterAuth', + ) + logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + cluster_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + node_pools: MutableSequence['NodePool'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='NodePool', + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + enable_kubernetes_alpha: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=14, + ) + enable_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=143, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=15, + ) + label_fingerprint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=16, + ) + legacy_abac: 'LegacyAbac' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message='LegacyAbac', + ) + network_policy: 'NetworkPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='NetworkPolicy', + ) + ip_allocation_policy: 'IPAllocationPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='IPAllocationPolicy', + ) + master_authorized_networks_config: 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + ) + maintenance_policy: 'MaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=23, + message='MaintenancePolicy', + ) + binary_authorization: 'BinaryAuthorization' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=24, + message='BinaryAuthorization', + ) + pod_security_policy_config: 'PodSecurityPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=25, + message='PodSecurityPolicyConfig', + ) + autoscaling: 'ClusterAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='ClusterAutoscaling', + ) + network_config: 'NetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=27, + message='NetworkConfig', + ) + private_cluster: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=28, + ) + master_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=29, + ) + default_max_pods_constraint: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=30, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + resource_usage_export_config: 'ResourceUsageExportConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=33, + message='ResourceUsageExportConfig', + ) + authenticator_groups_config: 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=34, + message='AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + ) + private_cluster_config: 'PrivateClusterConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=37, + message='PrivateClusterConfig', + ) + vertical_pod_autoscaling: 'VerticalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='VerticalPodAutoscaling', + ) + shielded_nodes: 'ShieldedNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=40, + message='ShieldedNodes', + ) + release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=41, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + workload_identity_config: 'WorkloadIdentityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=43, + message='WorkloadIdentityConfig', + ) + workload_certificates: 'WorkloadCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=52, + message='WorkloadCertificates', + ) + mesh_certificates: 'MeshCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=67, + message='MeshCertificates', + ) + workload_alts_config: 'WorkloadALTSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=53, + message='WorkloadALTSConfig', + ) + cost_management_config: 'CostManagementConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=45, + message='CostManagementConfig', + ) + cluster_telemetry: 'ClusterTelemetry' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=46, + message='ClusterTelemetry', + ) + tpu_config: 'TpuConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=47, + message='TpuConfig', + ) + notification_config: 'NotificationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=49, + message='NotificationConfig', + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=50, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + identity_service_config: 'IdentityServiceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=54, + message='IdentityServiceConfig', + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + endpoint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + initial_cluster_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=103, + ) + current_master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=104, + ) + current_node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=105, + ) + create_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=106, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=107, + enum=Status, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=108, + ) + node_ipv4_cidr_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=109, + ) + services_ipv4_cidr: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=110, + ) + instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=111, + ) + current_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=112, + ) + expire_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=113, + ) + location: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=114, + ) + enable_tpu: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=115, + ) + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=116, + ) + database_encryption: 'DatabaseEncryption' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=38, + message='DatabaseEncryption', + ) + conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=118, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + master: 'Master' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=124, + message='Master', + ) + autopilot: 'Autopilot' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=128, + message='Autopilot', + ) + id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=129, + ) + node_pool_defaults: 'NodePoolDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=131, + optional=True, + message='NodePoolDefaults', + ) + logging_config: 'LoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=132, + message='LoggingConfig', + ) + monitoring_config: 'MonitoringConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=133, + message='MonitoringConfig', + ) + node_pool_auto_config: 'NodePoolAutoConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=136, + message='NodePoolAutoConfig', + ) + protect_config: 'ProtectConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=137, + optional=True, + message='ProtectConfig', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=139, + ) + fleet: 'Fleet' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=140, + message='Fleet', + ) + security_posture_config: 'SecurityPostureConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=145, + message='SecurityPostureConfig', + ) + + +class K8sBetaAPIConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Kubernetes open source beta apis enabled on the cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled_apis (MutableSequence[str]): + api name, e.g. + storage.k8s.io/v1beta1/csistoragecapacities. + """ + + enabled_apis: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class WorkloadConfig(proto.Message): + r"""WorkloadConfig defines the flags to enable or disable the + workload configurations for the cluster. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + audit_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadConfig.Mode): + Sets which mode of auditing should be used + for the cluster's workloads. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_audit_mode``. + """ + class Mode(proto.Enum): + r"""Mode defines how to audit the workload configs. + + Values: + MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value meaning that no mode has been + specified. + DISABLED (1): + This disables Workload Configuration auditing + on the cluster, meaning that nothing is + surfaced. + BASIC (4): + Applies the default set of policy auditing to + a cluster's workloads. + BASELINE (2): + Surfaces configurations that are not in line + with the Pod Security Standard Baseline policy. + RESTRICTED (3): + Surfaces configurations that are not in line + with the Pod Security Standard Restricted + policy. + """ + MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + BASIC = 4 + BASELINE = 2 + RESTRICTED = 3 + + audit_mode: Mode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=Mode, + ) + + +class ProtectConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ProtectConfig defines the flags needed to enable/disable + features for the Protect API. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + workload_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadConfig): + WorkloadConfig defines which actions are + enabled for a cluster's workload configurations. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_workload_config``. + workload_vulnerability_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ProtectConfig.WorkloadVulnerabilityMode): + Sets which mode to use for Protect workload + vulnerability scanning feature. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_workload_vulnerability_mode``. + """ + class WorkloadVulnerabilityMode(proto.Enum): + r"""WorkloadVulnerabilityMode defines mode to perform + vulnerability scanning. + + Values: + WORKLOAD_VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value not specified. + DISABLED (1): + Disables Workload Vulnerability Scanning + feature on the cluster. + BASIC (2): + Applies basic vulnerability scanning settings + for cluster workloads. + """ + WORKLOAD_VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + BASIC = 2 + + workload_config: 'WorkloadConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + optional=True, + message='WorkloadConfig', + ) + workload_vulnerability_mode: WorkloadVulnerabilityMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum=WorkloadVulnerabilityMode, + ) + + +class SecurityPostureConfig(proto.Message): + r"""SecurityPostureConfig defines the flags needed to + enable/disable features for the Security Posture API. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SecurityPostureConfig.Mode): + Sets which mode to use for Security Posture + features. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_mode``. + vulnerability_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SecurityPostureConfig.VulnerabilityMode): + Sets which mode to use for vulnerability + scanning. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_vulnerability_mode``. + """ + class Mode(proto.Enum): + r"""Mode defines enablement mode for GKE Security posture + features. + + Values: + MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value not specified. + DISABLED (1): + Disables Security Posture features on the + cluster. + BASIC (2): + Applies Security Posture features on the + cluster. + """ + MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + BASIC = 2 + + class VulnerabilityMode(proto.Enum): + r"""VulnerabilityMode defines enablement mode for vulnerability + scanning. + + Values: + VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value not specified. + VULNERABILITY_DISABLED (1): + Disables vulnerability scanning on the + cluster. + VULNERABILITY_BASIC (2): + Applies basic vulnerability scanning on the + cluster. + VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE (3): + Applies the Security Posture's vulnerability + on cluster Enterprise level features. + """ + VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + VULNERABILITY_DISABLED = 1 + VULNERABILITY_BASIC = 2 + VULNERABILITY_ENTERPRISE = 3 + + mode: Mode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=Mode, + ) + vulnerability_mode: VulnerabilityMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum=VulnerabilityMode, + ) + + +class NodePoolDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""Subset of Nodepool message that has defaults. + + Attributes: + node_config_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeConfigDefaults): + Subset of NodeConfig message that has + defaults. + """ + + node_config_defaults: 'NodeConfigDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodeConfigDefaults', + ) + + +class NodeConfigDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""Subset of NodeConfig message that has defaults. + + Attributes: + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcfsConfig): + GCFS (Google Container File System, also + known as Riptide) options. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration for node pools. + host_maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HostMaintenancePolicy): + HostMaintenancePolicy contains the desired + maintenance policy for the Google Compute Engine + hosts. + """ + + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + host_maintenance_policy: 'HostMaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='HostMaintenancePolicy', + ) + + +class NodePoolAutoConfig(proto.Message): + r"""node pool configs that apply to all auto-provisioned node + pools in autopilot clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters + + Attributes: + network_tags (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkTags): + The list of instance tags applied to all + nodes. Tags are used to identify valid sources + or targets for network firewalls and are + specified by the client during cluster creation. + Each tag within the list must comply with + RFC1035. + """ + + network_tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + + +class ClusterUpdate(proto.Message): + r"""ClusterUpdate describes an update to the cluster. Exactly one + update can be applied to a cluster with each request, so at most + one field can be provided. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + desired_node_version (str): + The Kubernetes version to change the nodes to + (typically an upgrade). + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the Kubernetes master version + desired_monitoring_service (str): + The monitoring service the cluster should use to write + metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + desired_addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AddonsConfig): + Configurations for the various addons + available to run in the cluster. + desired_node_pool_id (str): + The node pool to be upgraded. This field is mandatory if + "desired_node_version", "desired_image_family", + "desired_node_pool_autoscaling", or + "desired_workload_metadata_config" is specified and there is + more than one node pool on the cluster. + desired_image_type (str): + The desired image type for the node pool. NOTE: Set the + "desired_node_pool" field as well. + desired_node_pool_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Autoscaler configuration for the node pool specified in + desired_node_pool_id. If there is only one pool in the + cluster and desired_node_pool_id is not provided then the + change applies to that single node pool. + desired_locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary zone. + + Warning: changing cluster locations will update the + locations of all node pools and will result in nodes being + added and/or removed. + desired_master_authorized_networks_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig): + The desired configuration options for master + authorized networks feature. + desired_pod_security_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PodSecurityPolicyConfig): + The desired configuration options for the + PodSecurityPolicy feature. + desired_cluster_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterAutoscaling): + Cluster-level autoscaling configuration. + desired_binary_authorization (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BinaryAuthorization): + The desired configuration options for the + Binary Authorization feature. + desired_logging_service (str): + The logging service the cluster should use to write logs. + Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + desired_resource_usage_export_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig): + The desired configuration for exporting + resource usage. + desired_vertical_pod_autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.VerticalPodAutoscaling): + Cluster-level Vertical Pod Autoscaling + configuration. + desired_private_cluster_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PrivateClusterConfig): + The desired private cluster configuration. + desired_intra_node_visibility_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IntraNodeVisibilityConfig): + The desired config of Intra-node visibility. + desired_default_snat_status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DefaultSnatStatus): + The desired status of whether to disable + default sNAT for this cluster. + desired_cluster_telemetry (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterTelemetry): + The desired telemetry integration for the + cluster. + desired_release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReleaseChannel): + The desired release channel configuration. + desired_tpu_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.TpuConfig): + The desired Cloud TPU configuration. + desired_l4ilb_subsetting_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ILBSubsettingConfig): + The desired L4 Internal Load Balancer + Subsetting configuration. + desired_datapath_provider (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DatapathProvider): + The desired datapath provider for the + cluster. + desired_private_ipv6_google_access (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess): + The desired state of IPv6 connectivity to + Google Services. + desired_notification_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NotificationConfig): + The desired notification configuration. + desired_master_version (str): + The Kubernetes version to change the master + to. The only valid value is the latest supported + version. + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes version + desired_gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcfsConfig): + The desired GCFS config for the cluster. + desired_database_encryption (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DatabaseEncryption): + Configuration of etcd encryption. + desired_workload_identity_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadIdentityConfig): + Configuration for Workload Identity. + desired_workload_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + desired_mesh_certificates (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MeshCertificates): + Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and + certificates to Kubernetes pods. + desired_workload_alts_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadALTSConfig): + Configuration for direct-path (via ALTS) with + workload identity. + desired_shielded_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ShieldedNodes): + Configuration for Shielded Nodes. + desired_cost_management_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CostManagementConfig): + The desired configuration for the + fine-grained cost management feature. + desired_master (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Master): + Configuration for master components. + desired_dns_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DNSConfig): + DNSConfig contains clusterDNS config for this + cluster. + desired_service_external_ips_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServiceExternalIPsConfig): + ServiceExternalIPsConfig specifies the config + for the use of Services with ExternalIPs field. + desired_authenticator_groups_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AuthenticatorGroupsConfig): + AuthenticatorGroupsConfig specifies the + config for the cluster security groups settings. + desired_logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingConfig): + The desired logging configuration. + desired_monitoring_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MonitoringConfig): + The desired monitoring configuration. + desired_identity_service_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.IdentityServiceConfig): + The desired Identity Service component + configuration. + desired_enable_private_endpoint (bool): + Enable/Disable private endpoint for the + cluster's master. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_desired_enable_private_endpoint``. + desired_node_pool_auto_config_network_tags (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkTags): + The desired network tags that apply to all + auto-provisioned node pools in autopilot + clusters and node auto-provisioning enabled + clusters. + desired_protect_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ProtectConfig): + Deprecated: Use DesiredSecurityPostureConfig + instead. Enable/Disable Protect API features for + the cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_desired_protect_config``. + desired_gateway_api_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GatewayAPIConfig): + The desired config of Gateway API on this + cluster. + etag (str): + The current etag of the cluster. + If an etag is provided and does not match the + current etag of the cluster, update will be + blocked and an ABORTED error will be returned. + desired_node_pool_logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + The desired node pool logging configuration + defaults for the cluster. + desired_fleet (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Fleet): + The desired fleet configuration for the + cluster. + desired_stack_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StackType): + The desired stack type of the cluster. + If a stack type is provided and does not match + the current stack type of the cluster, update + will attempt to change the stack type to the new + type. + additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + The additional pod ranges to be added to the + cluster. These pod ranges can be used by node + pools to allocate pod IPs. + removed_additional_pod_ranges_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdditionalPodRangesConfig): + The additional pod ranges that are to be removed from the + cluster. The pod ranges specified here must have been + specified earlier in the 'additional_pod_ranges_config' + argument. + enable_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Kubernetes open source beta apis enabled on + the cluster. Only beta apis + desired_security_posture_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SecurityPostureConfig): + Enable/Disable Security Posture API features + for the cluster. + desired_network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig): + The desired network performance config. + desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy (bool): + Enable/Disable FQDN Network Policy for the + cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy``. + desired_autopilot_workload_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadPolicyConfig): + The desired workload policy configuration for + the autopilot cluster. + desired_k8s_beta_apis (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.K8sBetaAPIConfig): + Beta APIs enabled for cluster. + desired_host_maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.HostMaintenancePolicy): + HostMaintenancePolicy contains the desired + maintenance policy for the Google Compute Engine + hosts. + """ + + desired_node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + desired_monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + desired_addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + desired_node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + desired_image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + desired_node_pool_autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=9, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + desired_locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + desired_master_authorized_networks_config: 'MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='MasterAuthorizedNetworksConfig', + ) + desired_pod_security_policy_config: 'PodSecurityPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='PodSecurityPolicyConfig', + ) + desired_cluster_autoscaling: 'ClusterAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='ClusterAutoscaling', + ) + desired_binary_authorization: 'BinaryAuthorization' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='BinaryAuthorization', + ) + desired_logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=19, + ) + desired_resource_usage_export_config: 'ResourceUsageExportConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='ResourceUsageExportConfig', + ) + desired_vertical_pod_autoscaling: 'VerticalPodAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='VerticalPodAutoscaling', + ) + desired_private_cluster_config: 'PrivateClusterConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=25, + message='PrivateClusterConfig', + ) + desired_intra_node_visibility_config: 'IntraNodeVisibilityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=26, + message='IntraNodeVisibilityConfig', + ) + desired_default_snat_status: 'DefaultSnatStatus' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=28, + message='DefaultSnatStatus', + ) + desired_cluster_telemetry: 'ClusterTelemetry' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=30, + message='ClusterTelemetry', + ) + desired_release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=31, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + desired_tpu_config: 'TpuConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=38, + message='TpuConfig', + ) + desired_l4ilb_subsetting_config: 'ILBSubsettingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=39, + message='ILBSubsettingConfig', + ) + desired_datapath_provider: 'DatapathProvider' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=50, + enum='DatapathProvider', + ) + desired_private_ipv6_google_access: 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=51, + enum='PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + ) + desired_notification_config: 'NotificationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=55, + message='NotificationConfig', + ) + desired_master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + desired_gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=109, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + desired_database_encryption: 'DatabaseEncryption' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=46, + message='DatabaseEncryption', + ) + desired_workload_identity_config: 'WorkloadIdentityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=47, + message='WorkloadIdentityConfig', + ) + desired_workload_certificates: 'WorkloadCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=61, + message='WorkloadCertificates', + ) + desired_mesh_certificates: 'MeshCertificates' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=67, + message='MeshCertificates', + ) + desired_workload_alts_config: 'WorkloadALTSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=62, + message='WorkloadALTSConfig', + ) + desired_shielded_nodes: 'ShieldedNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=48, + message='ShieldedNodes', + ) + desired_cost_management_config: 'CostManagementConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=49, + message='CostManagementConfig', + ) + desired_master: 'Master' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=52, + message='Master', + ) + desired_dns_config: 'DNSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=53, + message='DNSConfig', + ) + desired_service_external_ips_config: 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=60, + message='ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + ) + desired_authenticator_groups_config: 'AuthenticatorGroupsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=63, + message='AuthenticatorGroupsConfig', + ) + desired_logging_config: 'LoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=64, + message='LoggingConfig', + ) + desired_monitoring_config: 'MonitoringConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=65, + message='MonitoringConfig', + ) + desired_identity_service_config: 'IdentityServiceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=66, + message='IdentityServiceConfig', + ) + desired_enable_private_endpoint: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=71, + optional=True, + ) + desired_node_pool_auto_config_network_tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=110, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + desired_protect_config: 'ProtectConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=112, + optional=True, + message='ProtectConfig', + ) + desired_gateway_api_config: 'GatewayAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=114, + message='GatewayAPIConfig', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=115, + ) + desired_node_pool_logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=116, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + desired_fleet: 'Fleet' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=117, + message='Fleet', + ) + desired_stack_type: 'StackType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=119, + enum='StackType', + ) + additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=120, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + removed_additional_pod_ranges_config: 'AdditionalPodRangesConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=121, + message='AdditionalPodRangesConfig', + ) + enable_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=122, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + desired_security_posture_config: 'SecurityPostureConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=124, + message='SecurityPostureConfig', + ) + desired_network_performance_config: 'NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=125, + message='NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig', + ) + desired_enable_fqdn_network_policy: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=126, + optional=True, + ) + desired_autopilot_workload_policy_config: 'WorkloadPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=128, + message='WorkloadPolicyConfig', + ) + desired_k8s_beta_apis: 'K8sBetaAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=131, + message='K8sBetaAPIConfig', + ) + desired_host_maintenance_policy: 'HostMaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=132, + message='HostMaintenancePolicy', + ) + + +class AdditionalPodRangesConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdditionalPodRangesConfig is the configuration for additional + pod secondary ranges supporting the ClusterUpdate message. + + Attributes: + pod_range_names (MutableSequence[str]): + Name for pod secondary ipv4 range which has + the actual range defined ahead. + pod_range_info (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.RangeInfo]): + Output only. [Output only] Information for additional pod + range. + """ + + pod_range_names: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + pod_range_info: MutableSequence['RangeInfo'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='RangeInfo', + ) + + +class RangeInfo(proto.Message): + r"""RangeInfo contains the range name and the range utilization + by this cluster. + + Attributes: + range_name (str): + Output only. [Output only] Name of a range. + utilization (float): + Output only. [Output only] The utilization of the range. + """ + + range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + utilization: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=2, + ) + + +class Operation(proto.Message): + r"""This operation resource represents operations that may have + happened or are happening on the cluster. All fields are output + only. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The server-assigned ID for the operation. + zone (str): + The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation is taking place. This field is + deprecated, use location instead. + operation_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation.Type): + The operation type. + status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation.Status): + The current status of the operation. + detail (str): + Detailed operation progress, if available. + status_message (str): + Output only. If an error has occurred, a + textual description of the error. Deprecated. + Use field error instead. + self_link (str): + Server-defined URI for the operation. Example: + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1alpha1/projects/123/locations/us-central1/operations/operation-123``. + target_link (str): + Server-defined URI for the target of the operation. The + format of this is a URI to the resource being modified (such + as a cluster, node pool, or node). For node pool repairs, + there may be multiple nodes being repaired, but only one + will be the target. + + Examples: + + - + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/locations/us-central1/clusters/my-cluster`` + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/zones/us-central1-c/clusters/my-cluster/nodePools/my-np`` + + ``https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/123/zones/us-central1-c/clusters/my-cluster/nodePools/my-np/node/my-node`` + location (str): + [Output only] The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + or + `region `__ + in which the cluster resides. + start_time (str): + [Output only] The time the operation started, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + end_time (str): + [Output only] The time the operation completed, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + progress (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.OperationProgress): + Output only. [Output only] Progress information for an + operation. + cluster_conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current cluster + state. Deprecated. Use field error instead. + nodepool_conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current node pool + state. Deprecated. Use field error instead. + error (google.rpc.status_pb2.Status): + The error result of the operation in case of + failure. + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""Current status of the operation. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PENDING (1): + The operation has been created. + RUNNING (2): + The operation is currently running. + DONE (3): + The operation is done, either cancelled or + completed. + ABORTING (4): + The operation is aborting. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PENDING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + DONE = 3 + ABORTING = 4 + + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Operation type categorizes the operation. + + Values: + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + CREATE_CLUSTER (1): + The cluster is being created. The cluster should be assumed + to be unusable until the operation finishes. + + In the event of the operation failing, the cluster will + enter the [ERROR state][Cluster.Status.ERROR] and eventually + be deleted. + DELETE_CLUSTER (2): + The cluster is being deleted. The cluster should be assumed + to be unusable as soon as this operation starts. + + In the event of the operation failing, the cluster will + enter the [ERROR state][Cluster.Status.ERROR] and the + deletion will be automatically retried until completed. + UPGRADE_MASTER (3): + The [cluster + version][google.container.v1beta1.ClusterUpdate.desired_master_version] + is being updated. Note that this includes "upgrades" to the + same version, which are simply a recreation. This also + includes + `auto-upgrades `__. + For more details, see `documentation on cluster + upgrades `__. + UPGRADE_NODES (4): + A node pool is being updated. Despite calling this an + "upgrade", this includes most forms of updates to node + pools. This also includes + `auto-upgrades `__. + + This operation sets the + [progress][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.progress] + field and may be + [canceled][google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation]. + + The upgrade strategy depends on `node pool + configuration `__. + The nodes are generally still usable during this operation. + REPAIR_CLUSTER (5): + A problem has been detected with the control plane and is + being repaired. This operation type is initiated by GKE. For + more details, see `documentation on + repairs `__. + UPDATE_CLUSTER (6): + The cluster is being updated. This is a broad category of + operations and includes operations that only change metadata + as well as those that must recreate the entire cluster. If + the control plane must be recreated, this will cause + temporary downtime for zonal clusters. + + Some features require recreating the nodes as well. Those + will be recreated as separate operations and the update may + not be completely functional until the node pools + recreations finish. Node recreations will generally follow + `maintenance + policies `__. + + Some GKE-initiated operations use this type. This includes + certain types of auto-upgrades and incident mitigations. + CREATE_NODE_POOL (7): + A node pool is being created. The node pool should be + assumed to be unusable until this operation finishes. In the + event of an error, the node pool may be partially created. + + If enabled, `node + autoprovisioning `__ + may have automatically initiated such operations. + DELETE_NODE_POOL (8): + The node pool is being deleted. The node pool + should be assumed to be unusable as soon as this + operation starts. + SET_NODE_POOL_MANAGEMENT (9): + The node pool's + [manamagent][google.container.v1beta1.NodePool.management] + field is being updated. These operations only update + metadata and may be concurrent with most other operations. + AUTO_REPAIR_NODES (10): + A problem has been detected with nodes and `they are being + repaired `__. + This operation type is initiated by GKE, typically + automatically. This operation may be concurrent with other + operations and there may be multiple repairs occurring on + the same node pool. + AUTO_UPGRADE_NODES (11): + Unused. Automatic node upgrade uses + [UPGRADE_NODES][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.Type.UPGRADE_NODES]. + SET_LABELS (12): + Unused. Updating labels uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_MASTER_AUTH (13): + Unused. Updating master auth uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_NODE_POOL_SIZE (14): + The node pool is being resized. With the + exception of resizing to or from size zero, the + node pool is generally usable during this + operation. + SET_NETWORK_POLICY (15): + Unused. Updating network policy uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + SET_MAINTENANCE_POLICY (16): + Unused. Updating maintenance policy uses + [UPDATE_CLUSTER][google.container.v1beta1.Operation.Type.UPDATE_CLUSTER]. + RESIZE_CLUSTER (18): + The control plane is being resized. This operation type is + initiated by GKE. These operations are often performed + preemptively to ensure that the control plane has sufficient + resources and is not typically an indication of issues. For + more details, see `documentation on + resizes `__. + """ + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CREATE_CLUSTER = 1 + DELETE_CLUSTER = 2 + UPGRADE_MASTER = 3 + UPGRADE_NODES = 4 + REPAIR_CLUSTER = 5 + UPDATE_CLUSTER = 6 + CREATE_NODE_POOL = 7 + DELETE_NODE_POOL = 8 + SET_NODE_POOL_MANAGEMENT = 9 + AUTO_REPAIR_NODES = 10 + AUTO_UPGRADE_NODES = 11 + SET_LABELS = 12 + SET_MASTER_AUTH = 13 + SET_NODE_POOL_SIZE = 14 + SET_NETWORK_POLICY = 15 + SET_MAINTENANCE_POLICY = 16 + RESIZE_CLUSTER = 18 + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_type: Type = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Type, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=4, + enum=Status, + ) + detail: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + target_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + location: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + end_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=11, + ) + progress: 'OperationProgress' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=12, + message='OperationProgress', + ) + cluster_conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + nodepool_conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + error: status_pb2.Status = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message=status_pb2.Status, + ) + + +class OperationProgress(proto.Message): + r"""Information about operation (or operation stage) progress. + + Attributes: + name (str): + A non-parameterized string describing an + operation stage. Unset for single-stage + operations. + status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation.Status): + Status of an operation stage. + Unset for single-stage operations. + metrics (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.OperationProgress.Metric]): + Progress metric bundle, for example: metrics: [{name: "nodes + done", int_value: 15}, {name: "nodes total", int_value: 32}] + or metrics: [{name: "progress", double_value: 0.56}, {name: + "progress scale", double_value: 1.0}] + stages (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.OperationProgress]): + Substages of an operation or a stage. + """ + + class Metric(proto.Message): + r"""Progress metric is (string, int|float|string) pair. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + name (str): + Required. Metric name, e.g., "nodes total", + "percent done". + int_value (int): + For metrics with integer value. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + double_value (float): + For metrics with floating point value. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + string_value (str): + For metrics with custom values (ratios, + visual progress, etc.). + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``value``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + int_value: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=2, + oneof='value', + ) + double_value: float = proto.Field( + proto.DOUBLE, + number=3, + oneof='value', + ) + string_value: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + oneof='value', + ) + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + status: 'Operation.Status' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='Operation.Status', + ) + metrics: MutableSequence[Metric] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=Metric, + ) + stages: MutableSequence['OperationProgress'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='OperationProgress', + ) + + +class CreateClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CreateClusterRequest creates a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster): + Required. A `cluster + resource `__ + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the cluster will be + created. Specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster: 'Cluster' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='Cluster', + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class GetClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetClusterRequest gets the settings of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to retrieve. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class UpdateClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateClusterRequest updates the settings of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + update (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterUpdate): + Required. A description of the update. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + update: 'ClusterUpdate' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='ClusterUpdate', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class UpdateNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolVersionRequest updates the version of a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to upgrade. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + node_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to change + the nodes to (typically an upgrade). + + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the Kubernetes master version + image_type (str): + Required. The desired image type for the node + pool. Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the node pool's nodes should be located. Changing + the locations for a node pool will result in nodes being + either created or removed from the node pool, depending on + whether locations are being added or removed. + workload_metadata_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig): + The desired workload metadata config for the + node pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool) of the node + pool to update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Upgrade settings control disruption and speed + of the upgrade. + tags (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkTags): + The desired network tags to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the tags will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing network tags will be + *replaced* with the provided tags. + taints (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeTaints): + The desired node taints to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the taints will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing node taints will be + *replaced* with the provided taints. + labels (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeLabels): + The desired node labels to be applied to all nodes in the + node pool. If this field is not present, the labels will not + be changed. Otherwise, the existing node labels will be + *replaced* with the provided labels. + linux_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LinuxNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Linux + nodes. + kubelet_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeKubeletConfig): + Node kubelet configs. + node_network_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeNetworkConfig): + Node network config. + gcfs_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GcfsConfig): + GCFS config. + confidential_nodes (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ConfidentialNodes): + Confidential nodes config. + All the nodes in the node pool will be + Confidential VM once enabled. + gvnic (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.VirtualNIC): + Enable or disable gvnic on the node pool. + etag (str): + The current etag of the node pool. + If an etag is provided and does not match the + current etag of the node pool, update will be + blocked and an ABORTED error will be returned. + fast_socket (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.FastSocket): + Enable or disable NCCL fast socket for the + node pool. + logging_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolLoggingConfig): + Logging configuration. + resource_labels (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceLabels): + The resource labels for the node pool to use + to annotate any related Google Compute Engine + resources. + windows_node_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsNodeConfig): + Parameters that can be configured on Windows + nodes. + machine_type (str): + Optional. The desired machine type for nodes + in the node pool. Initiates an upgrade operation + that migrates the nodes in the node pool to the + specified machine type. + disk_type (str): + Optional. The desired disk type for nodes in + the node pool. Initiates an upgrade operation + that migrates the nodes in the node pool to the + specified disk type. + disk_size_gb (int): + Optional. The desired disk size for nodes in + the node pool. Initiates an upgrade operation + that migrates the nodes in the node pool to the + specified disk size. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + workload_metadata_config: 'WorkloadMetadataConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='WorkloadMetadataConfig', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + upgrade_settings: 'NodePool.UpgradeSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='NodePool.UpgradeSettings', + ) + tags: 'NetworkTags' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='NetworkTags', + ) + taints: 'NodeTaints' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=17, + message='NodeTaints', + ) + labels: 'NodeLabels' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message='NodeLabels', + ) + linux_node_config: 'LinuxNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=19, + message='LinuxNodeConfig', + ) + kubelet_config: 'NodeKubeletConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=20, + message='NodeKubeletConfig', + ) + node_network_config: 'NodeNetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=21, + message='NodeNetworkConfig', + ) + gcfs_config: 'GcfsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=22, + message='GcfsConfig', + ) + confidential_nodes: 'ConfidentialNodes' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=23, + message='ConfidentialNodes', + ) + gvnic: 'VirtualNIC' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=29, + message='VirtualNIC', + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=30, + ) + fast_socket: 'FastSocket' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=31, + message='FastSocket', + ) + logging_config: 'NodePoolLoggingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=32, + message='NodePoolLoggingConfig', + ) + resource_labels: 'ResourceLabels' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=33, + message='ResourceLabels', + ) + windows_node_config: 'WindowsNodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=34, + message='WindowsNodeConfig', + ) + machine_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=36, + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=37, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=38, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest sets the autoscaler settings of + a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to upgrade. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Required. Autoscaling configuration for the + node pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool) of the node + pool to set autoscaler settings. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetLoggingServiceRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLoggingServiceRequest sets the logging service of a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + logging_service (str): + Required. The logging service the cluster should use to + write logs. Currently available options: + + - ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` - The Cloud Logging + service with a Kubernetes-native resource model + - ``logging.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud Logging + service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - no logs will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be used + for GKE 1.14+ or ``logging.googleapis.com`` for earlier + versions. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + logging. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + logging_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class SetMonitoringServiceRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMonitoringServiceRequest sets the monitoring service of a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + monitoring_service (str): + Required. The monitoring service the cluster should use to + write metrics. Currently available options: + + - "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes" - The Cloud + Monitoring service with a Kubernetes-native resource + model + - ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` - The legacy Cloud + Monitoring service (no longer available as of GKE 1.15). + - ``none`` - No metrics will be exported from the cluster. + + If left as an empty + string,\ ``monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes`` will be + used for GKE 1.14+ or ``monitoring.googleapis.com`` for + earlier versions. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + monitoring. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + monitoring_service: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetAddonsConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetAddonsRequest sets the addons associated with the cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + addons_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AddonsConfig): + Required. The desired configurations for the + various addons available to run in the cluster. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + addons. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + addons_config: 'AddonsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='AddonsConfig', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetLocationsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLocationsRequest sets the locations of the cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + Required. The desired list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the cluster's nodes should be located. Changing the + locations a cluster is in will result in nodes being either + created or removed from the cluster, depending on whether + locations are being added or removed. + + This list must always include the cluster's primary zone. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + locations. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class UpdateMasterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateMasterRequest updates the master of the cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + master_version (str): + Required. The Kubernetes version to change + the master to. + Users may specify either explicit versions + offered by Kubernetes Engine or version aliases, + which have the following behavior: + + - "latest": picks the highest valid Kubernetes + version + - "1.X": picks the highest valid patch+gke.N + patch in the 1.X version + - "1.X.Y": picks the highest valid gke.N patch + in the 1.X.Y version + - "1.X.Y-gke.N": picks an explicit Kubernetes + version + - "-": picks the default Kubernetes version + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + update. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + master_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetMasterAuthRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMasterAuthRequest updates the admin password of a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to upgrade. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + action (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.SetMasterAuthRequest.Action): + Required. The exact form of action to be + taken on the master auth. + update (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MasterAuth): + Required. A description of the update. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to set + auth. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + class Action(proto.Enum): + r"""Operation type: what type update to perform. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + Operation is unknown and will error out. + SET_PASSWORD (1): + Set the password to a user generated value. + GENERATE_PASSWORD (2): + Generate a new password and set it to that. + SET_USERNAME (3): + Set the username. If an empty username is + provided, basic authentication is disabled for + the cluster. If a non-empty username is + provided, basic authentication is enabled, with + either a provided password or a generated one. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + SET_PASSWORD = 1 + GENERATE_PASSWORD = 2 + SET_USERNAME = 3 + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + action: Action = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=4, + enum=Action, + ) + update: 'MasterAuth' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='MasterAuth', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class DeleteClusterRequest(proto.Message): + r"""DeleteClusterRequest deletes a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to delete. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListClustersRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListClustersRequest lists clusters. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides, or "-" for all zones. This + field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the clusters will be + listed. Specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + Location "-" matches all zones and all regions. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListClustersResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListClustersResponse is the result of ListClustersRequest. + + Attributes: + clusters (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Cluster]): + A list of clusters in the project in the + specified zone, or across all ones. + missing_zones (MutableSequence[str]): + If any zones are listed here, the list of + clusters returned may be missing those zones. + """ + + clusters: MutableSequence['Cluster'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Cluster', + ) + missing_zones: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetOperationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetOperationRequest gets a single operation. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + operation_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the operation + to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class ListOperationsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListOperationsRequest lists operations. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for, or ``-`` for all zones. This field + has been deprecated and replaced by the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project and location) where the operations will + be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*``. Location "-" matches all zones + and all regions. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class CancelOperationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CancelOperationRequest cancels a single operation. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the operation resides. This field has been + deprecated and replaced by the name field. + operation_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The server-assigned ``name`` of the + operation. This field has been deprecated and replaced by + the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, operation id) of the operation + to cancel. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/operations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListOperationsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListOperationsResponse is the result of + ListOperationsRequest. + + Attributes: + operations (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation]): + A list of operations in the project in the + specified zone. + missing_zones (MutableSequence[str]): + If any zones are listed here, the list of + operations returned may be missing the + operations from those zones. + """ + + operations: MutableSequence['Operation'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Operation', + ) + missing_zones: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class GetServerConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""Gets the current Kubernetes Engine service configuration. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + to return operations for. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project and location) of the server config to get, + specified in the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ServerConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Kubernetes Engine service configuration. + + Attributes: + default_cluster_version (str): + Version of Kubernetes the service deploys by + default. + valid_node_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid node upgrade target versions, + in descending order. + default_image_type (str): + Default image type. + valid_image_types (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid image types. + valid_master_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid master versions, in descending + order. + channels (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServerConfig.ReleaseChannelConfig]): + List of release channel configurations. + windows_version_maps (MutableMapping[str, google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsVersions]): + Maps of Kubernetes version and supported + Windows server versions. + """ + + class ReleaseChannelConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ReleaseChannelConfig exposes configuration for a release + channel. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReleaseChannel.Channel): + The release channel this configuration + applies to. + default_version (str): + The default version for newly created + clusters on the channel. + available_versions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServerConfig.ReleaseChannelConfig.AvailableVersion]): + Deprecated. This field has been deprecated and replaced with + the valid_versions field. + valid_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + List of valid versions for the channel. + """ + + class AvailableVersion(proto.Message): + r"""Deprecated. + + Attributes: + version (str): + Kubernetes version. + reason (str): + Reason for availability. + """ + + version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + reason: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + channel: 'ReleaseChannel.Channel' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='ReleaseChannel.Channel', + ) + default_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + available_versions: MutableSequence['ServerConfig.ReleaseChannelConfig.AvailableVersion'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='ServerConfig.ReleaseChannelConfig.AvailableVersion', + ) + valid_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + default_cluster_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + valid_node_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + default_image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + valid_image_types: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + valid_master_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + channels: MutableSequence[ReleaseChannelConfig] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=9, + message=ReleaseChannelConfig, + ) + windows_version_maps: MutableMapping[str, 'WindowsVersions'] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='WindowsVersions', + ) + + +class BestEffortProvisioning(proto.Message): + r"""Best effort provisioning. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + When this is enabled, cluster/node pool + creations will ignore non-fatal errors like + stockout to best provision as many nodes as + possible right now and eventually bring up all + target number of nodes + min_provision_nodes (int): + Minimum number of nodes to be provisioned to + be considered as succeeded, and the rest of + nodes will be provisioned gradually and + eventually when stockout issue has been + resolved. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + min_provision_nodes: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + + +class WindowsVersions(proto.Message): + r"""Windows server versions. + + Attributes: + windows_versions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsVersions.WindowsVersion]): + List of Windows server versions. + """ + + class WindowsVersion(proto.Message): + r"""Windows server version. + + Attributes: + image_type (str): + Windows server image type + os_version (str): + Windows server build number + support_end_date (google.type.date_pb2.Date): + Mainstream support end date + """ + + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + os_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + support_end_date: date_pb2.Date = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=date_pb2.Date, + ) + + windows_versions: MutableSequence[WindowsVersion] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=WindowsVersion, + ) + + +class CreateNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CreateNodePoolRequest creates a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + node_pool (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool): + Required. The node pool to create. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the node + pool will be created. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool: 'NodePool' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodePool', + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class DeleteNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""DeleteNodePoolRequest deletes a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to delete. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to delete. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class ListNodePoolsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListNodePoolsRequest lists the node pool(s) for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the parent + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the parent field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the parent field. + parent (str): + The parent (project, location, cluster name) where the node + pools will be listed. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class GetNodePoolRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetNodePoolRequest retrieves a node pool for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to get. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class BlueGreenSettings(proto.Message): + r"""Settings for blue-green upgrade. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + standard_rollout_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BlueGreenSettings.StandardRolloutPolicy): + Standard policy for the blue-green upgrade. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``rollout_policy``. + node_pool_soak_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Time needed after draining entire blue pool. + After this period, blue pool will be cleaned up. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_node_pool_soak_duration``. + """ + + class StandardRolloutPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""Standard rollout policy is the default policy for blue-green. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + batch_percentage (float): + Percentage of the blue pool nodes to drain in a batch. The + range of this field should be (0.0, 1.0]. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``update_batch_size``. + batch_node_count (int): + Number of blue nodes to drain in a batch. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``update_batch_size``. + batch_soak_duration (google.protobuf.duration_pb2.Duration): + Soak time after each batch gets drained. + Default to zero. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_batch_soak_duration``. + """ + + batch_percentage: float = proto.Field( + proto.FLOAT, + number=1, + oneof='update_batch_size', + ) + batch_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + oneof='update_batch_size', + ) + batch_soak_duration: duration_pb2.Duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + optional=True, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + standard_rollout_policy: StandardRolloutPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + oneof='rollout_policy', + message=StandardRolloutPolicy, + ) + node_pool_soak_duration: duration_pb2.Duration = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + optional=True, + message=duration_pb2.Duration, + ) + + +class NodePool(proto.Message): + r"""NodePool contains the name and configuration for a cluster's + node pool. Node pools are a set of nodes (i.e. VM's), with a + common configuration and specification, under the control of the + cluster master. They may have a set of Kubernetes labels applied + to them, which may be used to reference them during pod + scheduling. They may also be resized up or down, to accommodate + the workload. + These upgrade settings control the level of parallelism and the + level of disruption caused by an upgrade. + + maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable. + + maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be + added to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade + to increase the number of available nodes. + + (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism + (how many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). + + Note: upgrades inevitably introduce some disruption since + workloads need to be moved from old nodes to new, upgraded ones. + Even if maxUnavailable=0, this holds true. (Disruption stays + within the limits of PodDisruptionBudget, if it is configured.) + + Consider a hypothetical node pool with 5 nodes having + maxSurge=2, maxUnavailable=1. This means the upgrade process + upgrades 3 nodes simultaneously. It creates 2 additional + (upgraded) nodes, then it brings down 3 old (not yet upgraded) + nodes at the same time. This ensures that there are always at + least 4 nodes available. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name of the node pool. + config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeConfig): + The node configuration of the pool. + initial_node_count (int): + The initial node count for the pool. You must ensure that + your Compute Engine `resource + quota `__ is + sufficient for this number of instances. You must also have + available firewall and routes quota. + locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the NodePool's nodes should be located. + + If this value is unspecified during node pool creation, the + `Cluster.Locations `__ + value will be used, instead. + + Warning: changing node pool locations will result in nodes + being added and/or removed. + network_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeNetworkConfig): + Networking configuration for this NodePool. + If specified, it overrides the cluster-level + defaults. + self_link (str): + [Output only] Server-defined URL for the resource. + version (str): + The version of Kubernetes running on this NodePool's nodes. + If unspecified, it defaults as described + `here `__. + instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + [Output only] The resource URLs of the `managed instance + groups `__ + associated with this node pool. During the node pool + blue-green upgrade operation, the URLs contain both blue and + green resources. + status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.Status): + [Output only] The status of the nodes in this pool instance. + status_message (str): + [Output only] Deprecated. Use conditions instead. Additional + information about the current status of this node pool + instance, if available. + autoscaling (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling): + Autoscaler configuration for this NodePool. + Autoscaler is enabled only if a valid + configuration is present. + management (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeManagement): + NodeManagement configuration for this + NodePool. + max_pods_constraint (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaxPodsConstraint): + The constraint on the maximum number of pods + that can be run simultaneously on a node in the + node pool. + conditions (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StatusCondition]): + Which conditions caused the current node pool + state. + pod_ipv4_cidr_size (int): + [Output only] The pod CIDR block size per node in this node + pool. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Upgrade settings control disruption and speed + of the upgrade. + placement_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.PlacementPolicy): + Specifies the node placement policy. + update_info (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo): + Output only. [Output only] Update info contains relevant + information during a node pool update. + etag (str): + This checksum is computed by the server based + on the value of node pool fields, and may be + sent on update requests to ensure the client has + an up-to-date value before proceeding. + best_effort_provisioning (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BestEffortProvisioning): + Enable best effort provisioning for nodes + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""The current status of the node pool instance. + + Values: + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + PROVISIONING (1): + The PROVISIONING state indicates the node + pool is being created. + RUNNING (2): + The RUNNING state indicates the node pool has + been created and is fully usable. + RUNNING_WITH_ERROR (3): + The RUNNING_WITH_ERROR state indicates the node pool has + been created and is partially usable. Some error state has + occurred and some functionality may be impaired. Customer + may need to reissue a request or trigger a new update. + RECONCILING (4): + The RECONCILING state indicates that some work is actively + being done on the node pool, such as upgrading node + software. Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` + field. + STOPPING (5): + The STOPPING state indicates the node pool is + being deleted. + ERROR (6): + The ERROR state indicates the node pool may be unusable. + Details can be found in the ``statusMessage`` field. + """ + STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PROVISIONING = 1 + RUNNING = 2 + RUNNING_WITH_ERROR = 3 + RECONCILING = 4 + STOPPING = 5 + ERROR = 6 + + class UpgradeSettings(proto.Message): + r"""These upgrade settings configure the upgrade strategy for the node + pool. Use strategy to switch between the strategies applied to the + node pool. + + If the strategy is SURGE, use max_surge and max_unavailable to + control the level of parallelism and the level of disruption caused + by upgrade. + + 1. maxSurge controls the number of additional nodes that can be + added to the node pool temporarily for the time of the upgrade to + increase the number of available nodes. + 2. maxUnavailable controls the number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable. + 3. (maxUnavailable + maxSurge) determines the level of parallelism + (how many nodes are being upgraded at the same time). + + If the strategy is BLUE_GREEN, use blue_green_settings to configure + the blue-green upgrade related settings. + + 1. standard_rollout_policy is the default policy. The policy is used + to control the way blue pool gets drained. The draining is + executed in the batch mode. The batch size could be specified as + either percentage of the node pool size or the number of nodes. + batch_soak_duration is the soak time after each batch gets + drained. + 2. node_pool_soak_duration is the soak time after all blue nodes are + drained. After this period, the blue pool nodes will be deleted. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + max_surge (int): + The maximum number of nodes that can be + created beyond the current size of the node pool + during the upgrade process. + max_unavailable (int): + The maximum number of nodes that can be + simultaneously unavailable during the upgrade + process. A node is considered available if its + status is Ready. + strategy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolUpdateStrategy): + Update strategy of the node pool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_strategy``. + blue_green_settings (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.BlueGreenSettings): + Settings for blue-green upgrade strategy. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_blue_green_settings``. + """ + + max_surge: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=1, + ) + max_unavailable: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + strategy: 'NodePoolUpdateStrategy' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + optional=True, + enum='NodePoolUpdateStrategy', + ) + blue_green_settings: 'BlueGreenSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + optional=True, + message='BlueGreenSettings', + ) + + class UpdateInfo(proto.Message): + r"""UpdateInfo contains resource (instance groups, etc), status + and other intermediate information relevant to a node pool + upgrade. + + Attributes: + blue_green_info (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo): + Information of a blue-green upgrade. + """ + + class BlueGreenInfo(proto.Message): + r"""Information relevant to blue-green upgrade. + + Attributes: + phase (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase): + Current blue-green upgrade phase. + blue_instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + The resource URLs of the [managed instance groups] + (/compute/docs/instance-groups/creating-groups-of-managed-instances) + associated with blue pool. + green_instance_group_urls (MutableSequence[str]): + The resource URLs of the [managed instance groups] + (/compute/docs/instance-groups/creating-groups-of-managed-instances) + associated with green pool. + blue_pool_deletion_start_time (str): + Time to start deleting blue pool to complete blue-green + upgrade, in + `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + green_pool_version (str): + Version of green pool. + """ + class Phase(proto.Enum): + r"""Phase represents the different stages blue-green upgrade is + running in. + + Values: + PHASE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Unspecified phase. + UPDATE_STARTED (1): + blue-green upgrade has been initiated. + CREATING_GREEN_POOL (2): + Start creating green pool nodes. + CORDONING_BLUE_POOL (3): + Start cordoning blue pool nodes. + DRAINING_BLUE_POOL (4): + Start draining blue pool nodes. + NODE_POOL_SOAKING (5): + Start soaking time after draining entire blue + pool. + DELETING_BLUE_POOL (6): + Start deleting blue nodes. + ROLLBACK_STARTED (7): + Rollback has been initiated. + """ + PHASE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + UPDATE_STARTED = 1 + CREATING_GREEN_POOL = 2 + CORDONING_BLUE_POOL = 3 + DRAINING_BLUE_POOL = 4 + NODE_POOL_SOAKING = 5 + DELETING_BLUE_POOL = 6 + ROLLBACK_STARTED = 7 + + phase: 'NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo.Phase', + ) + blue_instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + green_instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + blue_pool_deletion_start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + green_pool_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + blue_green_info: 'NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodePool.UpdateInfo.BlueGreenInfo', + ) + + class PlacementPolicy(proto.Message): + r"""PlacementPolicy defines the placement policy used by the node + pool. + + Attributes: + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type): + The type of placement. + tpu_topology (str): + TPU placement topology for pod slice node pool. + https://cloud.google.com/tpu/docs/types-topologies#tpu_topologies + policy_name (str): + If set, refers to the name of a custom + resource policy supplied by the user. The + resource policy must be in the same project and + region as the node pool. If not found, + InvalidArgument error is returned. + """ + class Type(proto.Enum): + r"""Type defines the type of placement policy. + + Values: + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED specifies no requirements on nodes + placement. + COMPACT (1): + COMPACT specifies node placement in the same + availability domain to ensure low communication + latency. + """ + TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + COMPACT = 1 + + type_: 'NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NodePool.PlacementPolicy.Type', + ) + tpu_topology: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + policy_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + config: 'NodeConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='NodeConfig', + ) + initial_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=13, + ) + network_config: 'NodeNetworkConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=14, + message='NodeNetworkConfig', + ) + self_link: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=100, + ) + version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=101, + ) + instance_group_urls: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=102, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=103, + enum=Status, + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=104, + ) + autoscaling: 'NodePoolAutoscaling' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodePoolAutoscaling', + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + max_pods_constraint: 'MaxPodsConstraint' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + message='MaxPodsConstraint', + ) + conditions: MutableSequence['StatusCondition'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=105, + message='StatusCondition', + ) + pod_ipv4_cidr_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + upgrade_settings: UpgradeSettings = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=107, + message=UpgradeSettings, + ) + placement_policy: PlacementPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=108, + message=PlacementPolicy, + ) + update_info: UpdateInfo = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=109, + message=UpdateInfo, + ) + etag: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=110, + ) + best_effort_provisioning: 'BestEffortProvisioning' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=113, + message='BestEffortProvisioning', + ) + + +class NodeManagement(proto.Message): + r"""NodeManagement defines the set of node management services + turned on for the node pool. + + Attributes: + auto_upgrade (bool): + Whether the nodes will be automatically + upgraded. + auto_repair (bool): + Whether the nodes will be automatically + repaired. + upgrade_options (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AutoUpgradeOptions): + Specifies the Auto Upgrade knobs for the node + pool. + """ + + auto_upgrade: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + auto_repair: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + upgrade_options: 'AutoUpgradeOptions' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=10, + message='AutoUpgradeOptions', + ) + + +class AutoUpgradeOptions(proto.Message): + r"""AutoUpgradeOptions defines the set of options for the user to + control how the Auto Upgrades will proceed. + + Attributes: + auto_upgrade_start_time (str): + [Output only] This field is set when upgrades are about to + commence with the approximate start time for the upgrades, + in `RFC3339 `__ text + format. + description (str): + [Output only] This field is set when upgrades are about to + commence with the description of the upgrade. + """ + + auto_upgrade_start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class MaintenancePolicy(proto.Message): + r"""MaintenancePolicy defines the maintenance policy to be used + for the cluster. + + Attributes: + window (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenanceWindow): + Specifies the maintenance window in which + maintenance may be performed. + resource_version (str): + A hash identifying the version of this policy, so that + updates to fields of the policy won't accidentally undo + intermediate changes (and so that users of the API unaware + of some fields won't accidentally remove other fields). Make + a ``get()`` request to the cluster to get the current + resource version and include it with requests to set the + policy. + """ + + window: 'MaintenanceWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='MaintenanceWindow', + ) + resource_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class MaintenanceWindow(proto.Message): + r"""MaintenanceWindow defines the maintenance window to be used + for the cluster. + + This message has `oneof`_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). + For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. + Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other + members. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + daily_maintenance_window (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DailyMaintenanceWindow): + DailyMaintenanceWindow specifies a daily + maintenance operation window. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``policy``. + recurring_window (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.RecurringTimeWindow): + RecurringWindow specifies some number of + recurring time periods for maintenance to occur. + The time windows may be overlapping. If no + maintenance windows are set, maintenance can + occur at any time. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``policy``. + maintenance_exclusions (MutableMapping[str, google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.TimeWindow]): + Exceptions to maintenance window. + Non-emergency maintenance should not occur in + these windows. + """ + + daily_maintenance_window: 'DailyMaintenanceWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + oneof='policy', + message='DailyMaintenanceWindow', + ) + recurring_window: 'RecurringTimeWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='policy', + message='RecurringTimeWindow', + ) + maintenance_exclusions: MutableMapping[str, 'TimeWindow'] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='TimeWindow', + ) + + +class TimeWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Represents an arbitrary window of time. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + maintenance_exclusion_options (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenanceExclusionOptions): + MaintenanceExclusionOptions provides + maintenance exclusion related options. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``options``. + start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time that the window first starts. + end_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time that the window ends. The end time + should take place after the start time. + """ + + maintenance_exclusion_options: 'MaintenanceExclusionOptions' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + oneof='options', + message='MaintenanceExclusionOptions', + ) + start_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + end_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + + +class MaintenanceExclusionOptions(proto.Message): + r"""Represents the Maintenance exclusion option. + + Attributes: + scope (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenanceExclusionOptions.Scope): + Scope specifies the upgrade scope which + upgrades are blocked by the exclusion. + """ + class Scope(proto.Enum): + r"""Scope of exclusion. + + Values: + NO_UPGRADES (0): + NO_UPGRADES excludes all upgrades, including patch upgrades + and minor upgrades across control planes and nodes. This is + the default exclusion behavior. + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES (1): + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES excludes all minor upgrades for the + cluster, only patches are allowed. + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES (2): + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES excludes all minor upgrades for + the cluster, and also exclude all node pool upgrades. Only + control plane patches are allowed. + """ + NO_UPGRADES = 0 + NO_MINOR_UPGRADES = 1 + NO_MINOR_OR_NODE_UPGRADES = 2 + + scope: Scope = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Scope, + ) + + +class RecurringTimeWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Represents an arbitrary window of time that recurs. + + Attributes: + window (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.TimeWindow): + The window of the first recurrence. + recurrence (str): + An RRULE + (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section- for + how this window reccurs. They go on for the span of time + between the start and end time. + + For example, to have something repeat every weekday, you'd + use: ``FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR`` + + To repeat some window daily (equivalent to the + DailyMaintenanceWindow): ``FREQ=DAILY`` + + For the first weekend of every month: + ``FREQ=MONTHLY;BYSETPOS=1;BYDAY=SA,SU`` + + This specifies how frequently the window starts. Eg, if you + wanted to have a 9-5 UTC-4 window every weekday, you'd use + something like: + + :: + + start time = 2019-01-01T09:00:00-0400 + end time = 2019-01-01T17:00:00-0400 + recurrence = FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR + + Windows can span multiple days. Eg, to make the window + encompass every weekend from midnight Saturday till the last + minute of Sunday UTC: + + :: + + start time = 2019-01-05T00:00:00Z + end time = 2019-01-07T23:59:00Z + recurrence = FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=SA + + Note the start and end time's specific dates are largely + arbitrary except to specify duration of the window and when + it first starts. The FREQ values of HOURLY, MINUTELY, and + SECONDLY are not supported. + """ + + window: 'TimeWindow' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='TimeWindow', + ) + recurrence: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class DailyMaintenanceWindow(proto.Message): + r"""Time window specified for daily maintenance operations. + + Attributes: + start_time (str): + Time within the maintenance window to start the maintenance + operations. It must be in format "HH:MM", where HH : [00-23] + and MM : [00-59] GMT. + duration (str): + [Output only] Duration of the time window, automatically + chosen to be smallest possible in the given scenario. + """ + + start_time: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + duration: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolManagementRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolManagementRequest sets the node management + properties of a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to update. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + management (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeManagement): + Required. NodeManagement configuration for + the node pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to set management properties. Specified in the + format ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetNodePoolSizeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNodePoolSizeRequest sets the size of a node pool. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to update. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + node_count (int): + Required. The desired node count for the + pool. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to set size. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=5, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest sets the name of target node + pool to complete upgrade. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node pool to complete upgrade. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(proto.Message): + r"""RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest rollbacks the previously + Aborted or Failed NodePool upgrade. This will be an no-op if the + last upgrade successfully completed. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to rollback. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + node_pool_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the node + pool to rollback. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster, node pool id) of the + node poll to rollback upgrade. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*/nodePools/*``. + respect_pdb (bool): + Option for rollback to ignore the + PodDisruptionBudget. Default value is false. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + node_pool_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + respect_pdb: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + + +class ListNodePoolsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListNodePoolsResponse is the result of ListNodePoolsRequest. + + Attributes: + node_pools (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool]): + A list of node pools for a cluster. + """ + + node_pools: MutableSequence['NodePool'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='NodePool', + ) + + +class ClusterAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""ClusterAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster information + required by Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size + of the cluster and create/delete + node pools based on the current needs. + + Attributes: + enable_node_autoprovisioning (bool): + Enables automatic node pool creation and + deletion. + resource_limits (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceLimit]): + Contains global constraints regarding minimum + and maximum amount of resources in the cluster. + autoscaling_profile (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ClusterAutoscaling.AutoscalingProfile): + Defines autoscaling behaviour. + autoprovisioning_node_pool_defaults (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults): + AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains + defaults for a node pool created by NAP. + autoprovisioning_locations (MutableSequence[str]): + The list of Google Compute Engine + `zones `__ + in which the NodePool's nodes can be created by NAP. + """ + class AutoscalingProfile(proto.Enum): + r"""Defines possible options for autoscaling_profile field. + + Values: + PROFILE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + No change to autoscaling configuration. + OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION (1): + Prioritize optimizing utilization of + resources. + BALANCED (2): + Use default (balanced) autoscaling + configuration. + """ + PROFILE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + OPTIMIZE_UTILIZATION = 1 + BALANCED = 2 + + enable_node_autoprovisioning: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + resource_limits: MutableSequence['ResourceLimit'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='ResourceLimit', + ) + autoscaling_profile: AutoscalingProfile = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=AutoscalingProfile, + ) + autoprovisioning_node_pool_defaults: 'AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults', + ) + autoprovisioning_locations: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults(proto.Message): + r"""AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults contains defaults for a node + pool created by NAP. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + oauth_scopes (MutableSequence[str]): + The set of Google API scopes to be made available on all of + the node VMs under the "default" service account. + + The following scopes are recommended, but not required, and + by default are not included: + + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute`` is required + for mounting persistent storage on your nodes. + - ``https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only`` + is required for communicating with **gcr.io** (the + `Google Container + Registry `__). + + If unspecified, no scopes are added, unless Cloud Logging or + Cloud Monitoring are enabled, in which case their required + scopes will be added. + service_account (str): + The Google Cloud Platform Service Account to + be used by the node VMs. Specify the email + address of the Service Account; otherwise, if no + Service Account is specified, the "default" + service account is used. + upgrade_settings (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePool.UpgradeSettings): + Upgrade settings control disruption and speed + of the upgrade. + management (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodeManagement): + NodeManagement configuration for this + NodePool. + min_cpu_platform (str): + Deprecated. Minimum CPU platform to be used for NAP created + node pools. The instance may be scheduled on the specified + or newer CPU platform. Applicable values are the friendly + names of CPU platforms, such as minCpuPlatform: Intel + Haswell or minCpuPlatform: Intel Sandy Bridge. For more + information, read `how to specify min CPU + platform `__. + This field is deprecated, min_cpu_platform should be + specified using + ``cloud.google.com/requested-min-cpu-platform`` label + selector on the pod. To unset the min cpu platform field + pass "automatic" as field value. + disk_size_gb (int): + Size of the disk attached to each node, + specified in GB. The smallest allowed disk size + is 10GB. + + If unspecified, the default disk size is 100GB. + disk_type (str): + Type of the disk attached to each node (e.g. + 'pd-standard', 'pd-ssd' or 'pd-balanced') + + If unspecified, the default disk type is + 'pd-standard' + shielded_instance_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ShieldedInstanceConfig): + Shielded Instance options. + boot_disk_kms_key (str): + The Customer Managed Encryption Key used to encrypt the boot + disk attached to each node in the node pool. This should be + of the form + projects/[KEY_PROJECT_ID]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[RING_NAME]/cryptoKeys/[KEY_NAME]. + For more information about protecting resources with Cloud + KMS Keys please see: + https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/customer-managed-encryption + image_type (str): + The image type to use for NAP created node. + Please see + https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/node-images + for available image types. + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled (bool): + Enable or disable Kubelet read only port. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled``. + """ + + oauth_scopes: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + service_account: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + upgrade_settings: 'NodePool.UpgradeSettings' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NodePool.UpgradeSettings', + ) + management: 'NodeManagement' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NodeManagement', + ) + min_cpu_platform: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + disk_size_gb: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=6, + ) + disk_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + shielded_instance_config: 'ShieldedInstanceConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=8, + message='ShieldedInstanceConfig', + ) + boot_disk_kms_key: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + image_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=10, + ) + insecure_kubelet_readonly_port_enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=13, + optional=True, + ) + + +class ResourceLimit(proto.Message): + r"""Contains information about amount of some resource in the + cluster. For memory, value should be in GB. + + Attributes: + resource_type (str): + Resource name "cpu", "memory" or gpu-specific + string. + minimum (int): + Minimum amount of the resource in the + cluster. + maximum (int): + Maximum amount of the resource in the + cluster. + """ + + resource_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + minimum: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=2, + ) + maximum: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=3, + ) + + +class NodePoolAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""NodePoolAutoscaling contains information required by cluster + autoscaler to adjust the size of the node pool to the current + cluster usage. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Is autoscaling enabled for this node pool. + min_node_count (int): + Minimum number of nodes for one location in the NodePool. + Must be >= 1 and <= max_node_count. + max_node_count (int): + Maximum number of nodes for one location in the NodePool. + Must be >= min_node_count. There has to be enough quota to + scale up the cluster. + autoprovisioned (bool): + Can this node pool be deleted automatically. + location_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NodePoolAutoscaling.LocationPolicy): + Location policy used when scaling up a + nodepool. + total_min_node_count (int): + Minimum number of nodes in the node pool. Must be greater + than 1 less than total_max_node_count. The + total_*_node_count fields are mutually exclusive with the + \*_node_count fields. + total_max_node_count (int): + Maximum number of nodes in the node pool. Must be greater + than total_min_node_count. There has to be enough quota to + scale up the cluster. The total_*_node_count fields are + mutually exclusive with the \*_node_count fields. + """ + class LocationPolicy(proto.Enum): + r"""Location policy specifies how zones are picked when scaling + up the nodepool. + + Values: + LOCATION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + BALANCED (1): + BALANCED is a best effort policy that aims to + balance the sizes of different zones. + ANY (2): + ANY policy picks zones that have the highest + capacity available. + """ + LOCATION_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + BALANCED = 1 + ANY = 2 + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + min_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=2, + ) + max_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + autoprovisioned: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + location_policy: LocationPolicy = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=5, + enum=LocationPolicy, + ) + total_min_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=6, + ) + total_max_node_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetLabelsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLabelsRequest sets the Google Cloud Platform labels on a + Google Container Engine cluster, which will in turn set them for + Google Compute Engine resources used by that cluster + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + resource_labels (MutableMapping[str, str]): + Required. The labels to set for that cluster. + label_fingerprint (str): + Required. The fingerprint of the previous set of labels for + this resource, used to detect conflicts. The fingerprint is + initially generated by Kubernetes Engine and changes after + every request to modify or update labels. You must always + provide an up-to-date fingerprint hash when updating or + changing labels. Make a ``get()`` request to the resource to + get the latest fingerprint. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set labels. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + resource_labels: MutableMapping[str, str] = proto.MapField( + proto.STRING, + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + label_fingerprint: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class SetLegacyAbacRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetLegacyAbacRequest enables or disables the ABAC + authorization mechanism for a cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the cluster + to update. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + enabled (bool): + Required. Whether ABAC authorization will be + enabled in the cluster. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set legacy abac. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=4, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class StartIPRotationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""StartIPRotationRequest creates a new IP for the cluster and + then performs a node upgrade on each node pool to point to the + new IP. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + start IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + rotate_credentials (bool): + Whether to rotate credentials during IP + rotation. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + rotate_credentials: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=7, + ) + + +class CompleteIPRotationRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CompleteIPRotationRequest moves the cluster master back into + single-IP mode. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + complete IP rotation. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class AcceleratorConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AcceleratorConfig represents a Hardware Accelerator request. + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + accelerator_count (int): + The number of the accelerator cards exposed + to an instance. + accelerator_type (str): + The accelerator type resource name. List of supported + accelerators + `here `__ + gpu_partition_size (str): + Size of partitions to create on the GPU. Valid values are + described in the NVIDIA `mig user + guide `__. + max_time_shared_clients_per_gpu (int): + The number of time-shared GPU resources to + expose for each physical GPU. + gpu_sharing_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GPUSharingConfig): + The configuration for GPU sharing options. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_sharing_config``. + gpu_driver_installation_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GPUDriverInstallationConfig): + The configuration for auto installation of + GPU driver. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_driver_installation_config``. + """ + + accelerator_count: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + accelerator_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + gpu_partition_size: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + max_time_shared_clients_per_gpu: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=4, + ) + gpu_sharing_config: 'GPUSharingConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + optional=True, + message='GPUSharingConfig', + ) + gpu_driver_installation_config: 'GPUDriverInstallationConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=6, + optional=True, + message='GPUDriverInstallationConfig', + ) + + +class GPUSharingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GPUSharingConfig represents the GPU sharing configuration for + Hardware Accelerators. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + max_shared_clients_per_gpu (int): + The max number of containers that can share a + physical GPU. + gpu_sharing_strategy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GPUSharingConfig.GPUSharingStrategy): + The type of GPU sharing strategy to enable on + the GPU node. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_sharing_strategy``. + """ + class GPUSharingStrategy(proto.Enum): + r"""The type of GPU sharing strategy currently provided. + + Values: + GPU_SHARING_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + TIME_SHARING (1): + GPUs are time-shared between containers. + """ + GPU_SHARING_STRATEGY_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIME_SHARING = 1 + + max_shared_clients_per_gpu: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + gpu_sharing_strategy: GPUSharingStrategy = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + optional=True, + enum=GPUSharingStrategy, + ) + + +class GPUDriverInstallationConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GPUDriverInstallationConfig specifies the version of GPU + driver to be auto installed. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + gpu_driver_version (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GPUDriverInstallationConfig.GPUDriverVersion): + Mode for how the GPU driver is installed. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_gpu_driver_version``. + """ + class GPUDriverVersion(proto.Enum): + r"""The GPU driver version to install. + + Values: + GPU_DRIVER_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value is to not install any GPU + driver. + INSTALLATION_DISABLED (1): + Disable GPU driver auto installation and + needs manual installation + DEFAULT (2): + "Default" GPU driver in COS and Ubuntu. + LATEST (3): + "Latest" GPU driver in COS. + """ + GPU_DRIVER_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INSTALLATION_DISABLED = 1 + DEFAULT = 2 + LATEST = 3 + + gpu_driver_version: GPUDriverVersion = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum=GPUDriverVersion, + ) + + +class ManagedPrometheusConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ManagedPrometheusConfig defines the configuration for + Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable Managed Collection. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class WorkloadMetadataConfig(proto.Message): + r"""WorkloadMetadataConfig defines the metadata configuration to + expose to workloads on the node pool. + + Attributes: + node_metadata (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig.NodeMetadata): + NodeMetadata is the configuration for how to + expose metadata to the workloads running on the + node. + mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadMetadataConfig.Mode): + Mode is the configuration for how to expose + metadata to workloads running on the node pool. + """ + class NodeMetadata(proto.Enum): + r"""NodeMetadata is the configuration for if and how to expose + the node metadata to the workload running on the node. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + SECURE (1): + Prevent workloads not in hostNetwork from + accessing certain VM metadata, specifically + kube-env, which contains Kubelet credentials, + and the instance identity token. + + Metadata concealment is a temporary security + solution available while the bootstrapping + process for cluster nodes is being redesigned + with significant security improvements. This + feature is scheduled to be deprecated in the + future and later removed. + EXPOSE (2): + Expose all VM metadata to pods. + GKE_METADATA_SERVER (3): + Run the GKE Metadata Server on this node. The + GKE Metadata Server exposes a metadata API to + workloads that is compatible with the V1 Compute + Metadata APIs exposed by the Compute Engine and + App Engine Metadata Servers. This feature can + only be enabled if Workload Identity is enabled + at the cluster level. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + SECURE = 1 + EXPOSE = 2 + GKE_METADATA_SERVER = 3 + + class Mode(proto.Enum): + r"""Mode is the configuration for how to expose metadata to + workloads running on the node. + + Values: + MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set. + GCE_METADATA (1): + Expose all Compute Engine metadata to pods. + GKE_METADATA (2): + Run the GKE Metadata Server on this node. The + GKE Metadata Server exposes a metadata API to + workloads that is compatible with the V1 Compute + Metadata APIs exposed by the Compute Engine and + App Engine Metadata Servers. This feature can + only be enabled if Workload Identity is enabled + at the cluster level. + """ + MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + GCE_METADATA = 1 + GKE_METADATA = 2 + + node_metadata: NodeMetadata = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=NodeMetadata, + ) + mode: Mode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=Mode, + ) + + +class SetNetworkPolicyRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetNetworkPolicyRequest enables/disables network policy for a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The Google Developers Console `project + ID or project + number `__. + This field has been deprecated and replaced by the name + field. + zone (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. This field has been deprecated + and replaced by the name field. + cluster_id (str): + Required. Deprecated. The name of the + cluster. This field has been deprecated and + replaced by the name field. + network_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkPolicy): + Required. Configuration options for the + NetworkPolicy feature. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set networking policy. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + network_policy: 'NetworkPolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='NetworkPolicy', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(proto.Message): + r"""SetMaintenancePolicyRequest sets the maintenance policy for a + cluster. + + Attributes: + project_id (str): + Required. The Google Developers Console `project ID or + project + number `__. + zone (str): + Required. The name of the Google Compute Engine + `zone `__ + in which the cluster resides. + cluster_id (str): + Required. The name of the cluster to update. + maintenance_policy (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MaintenancePolicy): + Required. The maintenance policy to be set + for the cluster. An empty field clears the + existing maintenance policy. + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster name) of the cluster to + set maintenance policy. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + project_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + zone: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cluster_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + maintenance_policy: 'MaintenancePolicy' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='MaintenancePolicy', + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class ListLocationsRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListLocationsRequest is used to request the locations that + offer GKE. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. Contains the name of the resource requested. + Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListLocationsResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListLocationsResponse returns the list of all GKE locations + and their recommendation state. + + Attributes: + locations (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Location]): + A full list of GKE locations. + next_page_token (str): + Only return ListLocationsResponse that occur after the + page_token. This value should be populated from the + ListLocationsResponse.next_page_token if that response token + was set (which happens when listing more Locations than fit + in a single ListLocationsResponse). + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + locations: MutableSequence['Location'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Location', + ) + next_page_token: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class Location(proto.Message): + r"""Location returns the location name, and if the location is + recommended for GKE cluster scheduling. + + Attributes: + type_ (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Location.LocationType): + Contains the type of location this Location + is for. Regional or Zonal. + name (str): + Contains the name of the resource requested. Specified in + the format ``projects/*/locations/*``. + recommended (bool): + Whether the location is recommended for GKE + cluster scheduling. + """ + class LocationType(proto.Enum): + r"""LocationType is the type of GKE location, regional or zonal. + + Values: + LOCATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + LOCATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED means the location type was not + determined. + ZONE (1): + A GKE Location where Zonal clusters can be + created. + REGION (2): + A GKE Location where Regional clusters can be + created. + """ + LOCATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + ZONE = 1 + REGION = 2 + + type_: LocationType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=LocationType, + ) + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + recommended: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=3, + ) + + +class StatusCondition(proto.Message): + r"""StatusCondition describes why a cluster or a node pool has a + certain status (e.g., ERROR or DEGRADED). + + Attributes: + code (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.StatusCondition.Code): + Machine-friendly representation of the condition Deprecated. + Use canonical_code instead. + message (str): + Human-friendly representation of the + condition + canonical_code (google.rpc.code_pb2.Code): + Canonical code of the condition. + """ + class Code(proto.Enum): + r"""Code for each condition + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + UNKNOWN indicates a generic condition. + GCE_STOCKOUT (1): + GCE_STOCKOUT indicates that Google Compute Engine resources + are temporarily unavailable. + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED (2): + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED indicates that the user deleted + their robot service account. + GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED (3): + Google Compute Engine quota was exceeded. + SET_BY_OPERATOR (4): + Cluster state was manually changed by an SRE + due to a system logic error. + CLOUD_KMS_KEY_ERROR (7): + Unable to perform an encrypt operation + against the CloudKMS key used for etcd level + encryption. + CA_EXPIRING (9): + Cluster CA is expiring soon. + More codes TBA + """ + _pb_options = {'deprecated': True} + UNKNOWN = 0 + GCE_STOCKOUT = 1 + GKE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DELETED = 2 + GCE_QUOTA_EXCEEDED = 3 + SET_BY_OPERATOR = 4 + CLOUD_KMS_KEY_ERROR = 7 + CA_EXPIRING = 9 + + code: Code = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Code, + ) + message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + canonical_code: code_pb2.Code = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=code_pb2.Code, + ) + + +class NetworkConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NetworkConfig reports the relative names of network & + subnetwork. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + network (str): + Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine + [network]`google.container.v1beta1.NetworkConfig.network `__ + to which the cluster is connected. Example: + projects/my-project/global/networks/my-network + subnetwork (str): + Output only. The relative name of the Google Compute Engine + `subnetwork `__ + to which the cluster is connected. Example: + projects/my-project/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/my-subnet + enable_intra_node_visibility (bool): + Whether Intra-node visibility is enabled for + this cluster. This makes same node pod to pod + traffic visible for VPC network. + default_snat_status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DefaultSnatStatus): + Whether the cluster disables default in-node sNAT rules. + In-node sNAT rules will be disabled when default_snat_status + is disabled. When disabled is set to false, default IP + masquerade rules will be applied to the nodes to prevent + sNAT on cluster internal traffic. + enable_l4ilb_subsetting (bool): + Whether L4ILB Subsetting is enabled for this + cluster. + datapath_provider (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DatapathProvider): + The desired datapath provider for this + cluster. By default, uses the IPTables-based + kube-proxy implementation. + private_ipv6_google_access (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess): + The desired state of IPv6 connectivity to + Google Services. By default, no private IPv6 + access to or from Google Services (all access + will be via IPv4) + dns_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DNSConfig): + DNSConfig contains clusterDNS config for this + cluster. + service_external_ips_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ServiceExternalIPsConfig): + ServiceExternalIPsConfig specifies if + services with externalIPs field are blocked or + not. + gateway_api_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GatewayAPIConfig): + GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config + of Gateway API on this cluster. + enable_multi_networking (bool): + Whether multi-networking is enabled for this + cluster. + network_performance_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig): + Network bandwidth tier configuration. + enable_fqdn_network_policy (bool): + Whether FQDN Network Policy is enabled on + this cluster. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_enable_fqdn_network_policy``. + """ + + class ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of all network bandwidth tiers + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + total_egress_bandwidth_tier (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier): + Specifies the total network bandwidth tier + for the NodePool. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_total_egress_bandwidth_tier``. + """ + class Tier(proto.Enum): + r"""Node network tier + + Values: + TIER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + TIER_1 (1): + Higher bandwidth, actual values based on VM + size. + """ + TIER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + TIER_1 = 1 + + total_egress_bandwidth_tier: 'NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + optional=True, + enum='NetworkConfig.ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig.Tier', + ) + + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + enable_intra_node_visibility: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=5, + ) + default_snat_status: 'DefaultSnatStatus' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=7, + message='DefaultSnatStatus', + ) + enable_l4ilb_subsetting: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + datapath_provider: 'DatapathProvider' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=11, + enum='DatapathProvider', + ) + private_ipv6_google_access: 'PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=12, + enum='PrivateIPv6GoogleAccess', + ) + dns_config: 'DNSConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=13, + message='DNSConfig', + ) + service_external_ips_config: 'ServiceExternalIPsConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=15, + message='ServiceExternalIPsConfig', + ) + gateway_api_config: 'GatewayAPIConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=16, + message='GatewayAPIConfig', + ) + enable_multi_networking: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=17, + ) + network_performance_config: ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=18, + message=ClusterNetworkPerformanceConfig, + ) + enable_fqdn_network_policy: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=19, + optional=True, + ) + + +class GatewayAPIConfig(proto.Message): + r"""GatewayAPIConfig contains the desired config of Gateway API + on this cluster. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.GatewayAPIConfig.Channel): + The Gateway API release channel to use for + Gateway API. + """ + class Channel(proto.Enum): + r"""Channel describes if/how Gateway API should be installed and + implemented in a cluster. + + Values: + CHANNEL_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. + CHANNEL_DISABLED (1): + Gateway API support is disabled + CHANNEL_EXPERIMENTAL (3): + Gateway API support is enabled, experimental + CRDs are installed + CHANNEL_STANDARD (4): + Gateway API support is enabled, standard CRDs + are installed + """ + CHANNEL_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CHANNEL_DISABLED = 1 + CHANNEL_EXPERIMENTAL = 3 + CHANNEL_STANDARD = 4 + + channel: Channel = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Channel, + ) + + +class ServiceExternalIPsConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Config to block services with externalIPs field. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Services with ExternalIPs field are + allowed or not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(proto.Message): + r"""ListUsableSubnetworksRequest requests the list of usable + subnetworks. available to a user for creating clusters. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + Required. The parent project where subnetworks are usable. + Specified in the format ``projects/*``. + filter (str): + Filtering currently only supports equality on the + networkProjectId and must be in the form: + "networkProjectId=[PROJECTID]", where ``networkProjectId`` + is the project which owns the listed subnetworks. This + defaults to the parent project ID. + page_size (int): + The max number of results per page that should be returned. + If the number of available results is larger than + ``page_size``, a ``next_page_token`` is returned which can + be used to get the next page of results in subsequent + requests. Acceptable values are 0 to 500, inclusive. + (Default: 500) + page_token (str): + Specifies a page token to use. Set this to + the nextPageToken returned by previous list + requests to get the next page of results. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + filter: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + page_size: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT32, + number=3, + ) + page_token: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + + +class ListUsableSubnetworksResponse(proto.Message): + r"""ListUsableSubnetworksResponse is the response of + ListUsableSubnetworksRequest. + + Attributes: + subnetworks (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UsableSubnetwork]): + A list of usable subnetworks in the specified + network project. + next_page_token (str): + This token allows you to get the next page of results for + list requests. If the number of results is larger than + ``page_size``, use the ``next_page_token`` as a value for + the query parameter ``page_token`` in the next request. The + value will become empty when there are no more pages. + """ + + @property + def raw_page(self): + return self + + subnetworks: MutableSequence['UsableSubnetwork'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='UsableSubnetwork', + ) + next_page_token: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange(proto.Message): + r"""Secondary IP range of a usable subnetwork. + + Attributes: + range_name (str): + The name associated with this subnetwork + secondary range, used when adding an alias IP + range to a VM instance. + ip_cidr_range (str): + The range of IP addresses belonging to this + subnetwork secondary range. + status (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange.Status): + This field is to determine the status of the + secondary range programmably. + """ + class Status(proto.Enum): + r"""Status shows the current usage of a secondary IP range. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + UNKNOWN is the zero value of the Status enum. + It's not a valid status. + UNUSED (1): + UNUSED denotes that this range is unclaimed + by any cluster. + IN_USE_SERVICE (2): + IN_USE_SERVICE denotes that this range is claimed by a + cluster for services. It cannot be used for other clusters. + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD (3): + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD denotes this range was created by the + network admin and is currently claimed by a cluster for + pods. It can only be used by other clusters as a pod range. + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD (4): + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD denotes this range was created by GKE and + is claimed for pods. It cannot be used for other clusters. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + UNUSED = 1 + IN_USE_SERVICE = 2 + IN_USE_SHAREABLE_POD = 3 + IN_USE_MANAGED_POD = 4 + + range_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + ip_cidr_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + status: Status = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=Status, + ) + + +class UsableSubnetwork(proto.Message): + r"""UsableSubnetwork resource returns the subnetwork name, its + associated network and the primary CIDR range. + + Attributes: + subnetwork (str): + Subnetwork Name. + Example: + projects/my-project/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/my-subnet + network (str): + Network Name. + Example: + projects/my-project/global/networks/my-network + ip_cidr_range (str): + The range of internal addresses that are + owned by this subnetwork. + secondary_ip_ranges (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange]): + Secondary IP ranges. + status_message (str): + A human readable status message representing the reasons for + cases where the caller cannot use the secondary ranges under + the subnet. For example if the secondary_ip_ranges is empty + due to a permission issue, an insufficient permission + message will be given by status_message. + """ + + subnetwork: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + network: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + ip_cidr_range: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + secondary_ip_ranges: MutableSequence['UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=4, + message='UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange', + ) + status_message: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + + +class VerticalPodAutoscaling(proto.Message): + r"""VerticalPodAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster + information required by Vertical Pod Autoscaler to automatically + adjust the resources of pods controlled by it. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables vertical pod autoscaling. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DefaultSnatStatus(proto.Message): + r"""DefaultSnatStatus contains the desired state of whether + default sNAT should be disabled on the cluster. + + Attributes: + disabled (bool): + Disables cluster default sNAT rules. + """ + + disabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class IntraNodeVisibilityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""IntraNodeVisibilityConfig contains the desired config of the + intra-node visibility on this cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables intra node visibility for this + cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class ILBSubsettingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""ILBSubsettingConfig contains the desired config of L4 + Internal LoadBalancer subsetting on this cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enables l4 ILB subsetting for this cluster + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class DNSConfig(proto.Message): + r"""DNSConfig contains the desired set of options for configuring + clusterDNS. + + Attributes: + cluster_dns (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DNSConfig.Provider): + cluster_dns indicates which in-cluster DNS provider should + be used. + cluster_dns_scope (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DNSConfig.DNSScope): + cluster_dns_scope indicates the scope of access to cluster + DNS records. + cluster_dns_domain (str): + cluster_dns_domain is the suffix used for all cluster + service records. + """ + class Provider(proto.Enum): + r"""Provider lists the various in-cluster DNS providers. + + Values: + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value + PLATFORM_DEFAULT (1): + Use GKE default DNS provider(kube-dns) for + DNS resolution. + CLOUD_DNS (2): + Use CloudDNS for DNS resolution. + KUBE_DNS (3): + Use KubeDNS for DNS resolution. + """ + PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + PLATFORM_DEFAULT = 1 + CLOUD_DNS = 2 + KUBE_DNS = 3 + + class DNSScope(proto.Enum): + r"""DNSScope lists the various scopes of access to cluster DNS + records. + + Values: + DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, will be inferred as cluster + scope. + CLUSTER_SCOPE (1): + DNS records are accessible from within the + cluster. + VPC_SCOPE (2): + DNS records are accessible from within the + VPC. + """ + DNS_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + CLUSTER_SCOPE = 1 + VPC_SCOPE = 2 + + cluster_dns: Provider = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Provider, + ) + cluster_dns_scope: DNSScope = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=DNSScope, + ) + cluster_dns_domain: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class MaxPodsConstraint(proto.Message): + r"""Constraints applied to pods. + + Attributes: + max_pods_per_node (int): + Constraint enforced on the max num of pods + per node. + """ + + max_pods_per_node: int = proto.Field( + proto.INT64, + number=1, + ) + + +class WorkloadIdentityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for the use of Kubernetes Service Accounts in + GCP IAM policies. + + Attributes: + identity_namespace (str): + IAM Identity Namespace to attach all + Kubernetes Service Accounts to. + workload_pool (str): + The workload pool to attach all Kubernetes + service accounts to. + identity_provider (str): + identity provider is the third party identity + provider. + """ + + identity_namespace: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + workload_pool: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + identity_provider: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class WorkloadALTSConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for direct-path (via ALTS) with workload + identity. + + Attributes: + enable_alts (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + enable_alts controls whether the alts handshaker should be + enabled or not for direct-path. + + Requires Workload Identity + ([workload_pool][google.container.v1beta1.WorkloadIdentityConfig.workload_pool] + must be non-empty). + """ + + enable_alts: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + + +class WorkloadCertificates(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and certificates to + Kubernetes pods. + + Attributes: + enable_certificates (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + enable_certificates controls issuance of workload mTLS + certificates. + + If set, the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller + and node agent will be deployed in the cluster, which can + then be configured by creating a WorkloadCertificateConfig + Custom Resource. + + Requires Workload Identity + ([workload_pool][google.container.v1beta1.WorkloadIdentityConfig.workload_pool] + must be non-empty). + """ + + enable_certificates: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + + +class MeshCertificates(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for issuance of mTLS keys and certificates to + Kubernetes pods. + + Attributes: + enable_certificates (google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue): + enable_certificates controls issuance of workload mTLS + certificates. + + If set, the GKE Workload Identity Certificates controller + and node agent will be deployed in the cluster, which can + then be configured by creating a WorkloadCertificateConfig + Custom Resource. + + Requires Workload Identity + ([workload_pool][google.container.v1alpha1.WorkloadIdentityConfig.workload_pool] + must be non-empty). + """ + + enable_certificates: wrappers_pb2.BoolValue = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=wrappers_pb2.BoolValue, + ) + + +class DatabaseEncryption(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of etcd encryption. + + Attributes: + key_name (str): + Name of CloudKMS key to use for the + encryption of secrets in etcd. Ex. + projects/my-project/locations/global/keyRings/my-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key + state (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.DatabaseEncryption.State): + The desired state of etcd encryption. + """ + class State(proto.Enum): + r"""State of etcd encryption. + + Values: + UNKNOWN (0): + Should never be set + ENCRYPTED (1): + Secrets in etcd are encrypted. + DECRYPTED (2): + Secrets in etcd are stored in plain text (at + etcd level) - this is unrelated to Compute + Engine level full disk encryption. + """ + UNKNOWN = 0 + ENCRYPTED = 1 + DECRYPTED = 2 + + key_name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + state: State = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=State, + ) + + +class ResourceUsageExportConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for exporting cluster resource usages. + + Attributes: + bigquery_destination (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig.BigQueryDestination): + Configuration to use BigQuery as usage export + destination. + enable_network_egress_metering (bool): + Whether to enable network egress metering for + this cluster. If enabled, a daemonset will be + created in the cluster to meter network egress + traffic. + consumption_metering_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ResourceUsageExportConfig.ConsumptionMeteringConfig): + Configuration to enable resource consumption + metering. + """ + + class BigQueryDestination(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for using BigQuery as the destination of resource + usage export. + + Attributes: + dataset_id (str): + The ID of a BigQuery Dataset. + """ + + dataset_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + class ConsumptionMeteringConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Parameters for controlling consumption metering. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to enable consumption metering for + this cluster. If enabled, a second BigQuery + table will be created to hold resource + consumption records. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + bigquery_destination: BigQueryDestination = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=BigQueryDestination, + ) + enable_network_egress_metering: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + consumption_metering_config: ConsumptionMeteringConfig = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=ConsumptionMeteringConfig, + ) + + +class ShieldedNodes(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of Shielded Nodes feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Shielded Nodes features are enabled + on all nodes in this cluster. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class VirtualNIC(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of gVNIC feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether gVNIC features are enabled in the + node pool. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class FastSocket(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration of Fast Socket feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Fast Socket features are enabled in + the node pool. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class GetOpenIDConfigRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetOpenIDConfigRequest gets the OIDC discovery document for + the cluster. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification + for details. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + The cluster (project, location, cluster name) to get the + discovery document for. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class GetOpenIDConfigResponse(proto.Message): + r"""GetOpenIDConfigResponse is an OIDC discovery document for the + cluster. See the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification for + details. + + Attributes: + issuer (str): + OIDC Issuer. + jwks_uri (str): + JSON Web Key uri. + response_types_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported response types. + subject_types_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported subject types. + id_token_signing_alg_values_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + supported ID Token signing Algorithms. + claims_supported (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported claims. + grant_types (MutableSequence[str]): + Supported grant types. + """ + + issuer: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + jwks_uri: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + response_types_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + subject_types_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + claims_supported: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + grant_types: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + + +class GetJSONWebKeysRequest(proto.Message): + r"""GetJSONWebKeysRequest gets the public component of the keys used by + the cluster to sign token requests. This will be the jwks_uri for + the discover document returned by getOpenIDConfig. See the OpenID + Connect Discovery 1.0 specification for details. + + Attributes: + parent (str): + The cluster (project, location, cluster name) to get keys + for. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + parent: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class Jwk(proto.Message): + r"""Jwk is a JSON Web Key as specified in RFC 7517 + + Attributes: + kty (str): + Key Type. + alg (str): + Algorithm. + use (str): + Permitted uses for the public keys. + kid (str): + Key ID. + n (str): + Used for RSA keys. + e (str): + Used for RSA keys. + x (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + y (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + crv (str): + Used for ECDSA keys. + """ + + kty: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + alg: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + use: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + kid: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + n: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + e: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + x: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + y: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + crv: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + + +class GetJSONWebKeysResponse(proto.Message): + r"""GetJSONWebKeysResponse is a valid JSON Web Key Set as + specififed in rfc 7517 + + Attributes: + keys (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Jwk]): + The public component of the keys used by the + cluster to sign token requests. + """ + + keys: MutableSequence['Jwk'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='Jwk', + ) + + +class CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest(proto.Message): + r"""CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest requests getting the + blockers for the given operation in the cluster. + + Attributes: + name (str): + The name (project, location, cluster) of the cluster to + retrieve. Specified in the format + ``projects/*/locations/*/clusters/*``. + """ + + name: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + + +class AutopilotCompatibilityIssue(proto.Message): + r"""AutopilotCompatibilityIssue contains information about a + specific compatibility issue with Autopilot mode. + + Attributes: + last_observation (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The last time when this issue was observed. + constraint_type (str): + The constraint type of the issue. + incompatibility_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AutopilotCompatibilityIssue.IssueType): + The incompatibility type of this issue. + subjects (MutableSequence[str]): + The name of the resources which are subject + to this issue. + documentation_url (str): + A URL to a public documnetation, which + addresses resolving this issue. + description (str): + The description of the issue. + """ + class IssueType(proto.Enum): + r"""The type of the reported issue. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value, should not be used. + INCOMPATIBILITY (1): + Indicates that the issue is a known + incompatibility between the cluster and + Autopilot mode. + ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_REQUIRED (2): + Indicates the issue is an incompatibility if + customers take no further action to resolve. + PASSED_WITH_OPTIONAL_CONFIG (3): + Indicates the issue is not an + incompatibility, but depending on the workloads + business logic, there is a potential that they + won't work on Autopilot. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + INCOMPATIBILITY = 1 + ADDITIONAL_CONFIG_REQUIRED = 2 + PASSED_WITH_OPTIONAL_CONFIG = 3 + + last_observation: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + constraint_type: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + incompatibility_type: IssueType = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=3, + enum=IssueType, + ) + subjects: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + documentation_url: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse(proto.Message): + r"""CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse has a list of + compatibility issues. + + Attributes: + issues (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AutopilotCompatibilityIssue]): + The list of issues for the given operation. + summary (str): + The summary of the autopilot compatibility + response. + """ + + issues: MutableSequence['AutopilotCompatibilityIssue'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='AutopilotCompatibilityIssue', + ) + summary: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + + +class ReleaseChannel(proto.Message): + r"""ReleaseChannel indicates which release channel a cluster is + subscribed to. Release channels are arranged in order of risk. + + When a cluster is subscribed to a release channel, Google + maintains both the master version and the node version. Node + auto-upgrade defaults to true and cannot be disabled. + + Attributes: + channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReleaseChannel.Channel): + channel specifies which release channel the + cluster is subscribed to. + """ + class Channel(proto.Enum): + r"""Possible values for 'channel'. + + Values: + UNSPECIFIED (0): + No channel specified. + RAPID (1): + RAPID channel is offered on an early access + basis for customers who want to test new + releases. + + WARNING: Versions available in the RAPID Channel + may be subject to unresolved issues with no + known workaround and are not subject to any + SLAs. + REGULAR (2): + Clusters subscribed to REGULAR receive + versions that are considered GA quality. REGULAR + is intended for production users who want to + take advantage of new features. + STABLE (3): + Clusters subscribed to STABLE receive + versions that are known to be stable and + reliable in production. + """ + UNSPECIFIED = 0 + RAPID = 1 + REGULAR = 2 + STABLE = 3 + + channel: Channel = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Channel, + ) + + +class CostManagementConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for fine-grained cost management feature. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether the feature is enabled or not. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class TpuConfig(proto.Message): + r"""Configuration for Cloud TPU. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Cloud TPU integration is enabled or + not. + use_service_networking (bool): + Whether to use service networking for Cloud + TPU or not. + ipv4_cidr_block (str): + IPv4 CIDR block reserved for Cloud TPU in the + VPC. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + use_service_networking: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=2, + ) + ipv4_cidr_block: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + + +class Master(proto.Message): + r"""Master is the configuration for components on master. + """ + + +class Autopilot(proto.Message): + r"""Autopilot is the configuration for Autopilot settings on the + cluster. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable Autopilot + workload_policy_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WorkloadPolicyConfig): + Workload policy configuration for Autopilot. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + workload_policy_config: 'WorkloadPolicyConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='WorkloadPolicyConfig', + ) + + +class WorkloadPolicyConfig(proto.Message): + r"""WorkloadPolicyConfig is the configuration of workload policy + for autopilot clusters. + + + .. _oneof: https://proto-plus-python.readthedocs.io/en/stable/fields.html#oneofs-mutually-exclusive-fields + + Attributes: + allow_net_admin (bool): + If true, workloads can use NET_ADMIN capability. + + This field is a member of `oneof`_ ``_allow_net_admin``. + """ + + allow_net_admin: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + optional=True, + ) + + +class NotificationConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NotificationConfig is the configuration of notifications. + + Attributes: + pubsub (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NotificationConfig.PubSub): + Notification config for Pub/Sub. + """ + class EventType(proto.Enum): + r"""Types of notifications currently supported. Can be used to + filter what notifications are sent. + + Values: + EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Not set, will be ignored. + UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT (1): + Corresponds with UpgradeAvailableEvent. + UPGRADE_EVENT (2): + Corresponds with UpgradeEvent. + SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT (3): + Corresponds with SecurityBulletinEvent. + """ + EVENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + UPGRADE_AVAILABLE_EVENT = 1 + UPGRADE_EVENT = 2 + SECURITY_BULLETIN_EVENT = 3 + + class PubSub(proto.Message): + r"""Pub/Sub specific notification config. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Enable notifications for Pub/Sub. + topic (str): + The desired Pub/Sub topic to which notifications will be + sent by GKE. Format is + ``projects/{project}/topics/{topic}``. + filter (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NotificationConfig.Filter): + Allows filtering to one or more specific + event types. If no filter is specified, or if a + filter is specified with no event types, all + event types will be sent + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + topic: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + filter: 'NotificationConfig.Filter' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='NotificationConfig.Filter', + ) + + class Filter(proto.Message): + r"""Allows filtering to one or more specific event types. If + event types are present, those and only those event types will + be transmitted to the cluster. Other types will be skipped. If + no filter is specified, or no event types are present, all event + types will be sent + + Attributes: + event_type (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.NotificationConfig.EventType]): + Event types to allowlist. + """ + + event_type: MutableSequence['NotificationConfig.EventType'] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='NotificationConfig.EventType', + ) + + pubsub: PubSub = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message=PubSub, + ) + + +class ConfidentialNodes(proto.Message): + r"""ConfidentialNodes is configuration for the confidential nodes + feature, which makes nodes run on confidential VMs. + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether Confidential Nodes feature is + enabled. + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class UpgradeEvent(proto.Message): + r"""UpgradeEvent is a notification sent to customers by the + cluster server when a resource is upgrading. + + Attributes: + resource_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpgradeResourceType): + The resource type that is upgrading. + operation (str): + The operation associated with this upgrade. + operation_start_time (google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp): + The time when the operation was started. + current_version (str): + The current version before the upgrade. + target_version (str): + The target version for the upgrade. + resource (str): + Optional relative path to the resource. For + example in node pool upgrades, the relative path + of the node pool. + """ + + resource_type: 'UpgradeResourceType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum='UpgradeResourceType', + ) + operation: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + operation_start_time: timestamp_pb2.Timestamp = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message=timestamp_pb2.Timestamp, + ) + current_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + target_version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + resource: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + + +class UpgradeAvailableEvent(proto.Message): + r"""UpgradeAvailableEvent is a notification sent to customers + when a new available version is released. + + Attributes: + version (str): + The release version available for upgrade. + resource_type (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpgradeResourceType): + The resource type of the release version. + release_channel (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ReleaseChannel): + The release channel of the version. If empty, + it means a non-channel release. + resource (str): + Optional relative path to the resource. For + example, the relative path of the node pool. + windows_versions (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.WindowsVersions): + Windows node versions info. + """ + + version: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + resource_type: 'UpgradeResourceType' = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum='UpgradeResourceType', + ) + release_channel: 'ReleaseChannel' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='ReleaseChannel', + ) + resource: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + windows_versions: 'WindowsVersions' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=5, + message='WindowsVersions', + ) + + +class SecurityBulletinEvent(proto.Message): + r"""SecurityBulletinEvent is a notification sent to customers + when a security bulletin has been posted that they are + vulnerable to. + + Attributes: + resource_type_affected (str): + The resource type (node/control plane) that + has the vulnerability. Multiple notifications (1 + notification per resource type) will be sent for + a vulnerability that affects > 1 resource type. + bulletin_id (str): + The ID of the bulletin corresponding to the + vulnerability. + cve_ids (MutableSequence[str]): + The CVEs associated with this bulletin. + severity (str): + The severity of this bulletin as it relates + to GKE. + bulletin_uri (str): + The URI link to the bulletin on the website + for more information. + brief_description (str): + A brief description of the bulletin. See the bulletin + pointed to by the bulletin_uri field for an expanded + description. + affected_supported_minors (MutableSequence[str]): + The GKE minor versions affected by this + vulnerability. + patched_versions (MutableSequence[str]): + The GKE versions where this vulnerability is + patched. + suggested_upgrade_target (str): + This represents a version selected from the patched_versions + field that the cluster receiving this notification should + most likely want to upgrade to based on its current version. + Note that if this notification is being received by a given + cluster, it means that this version is currently available + as an upgrade target in that cluster's location. + manual_steps_required (bool): + If this field is specified, it means there + are manual steps that the user must take to make + their clusters safe. + """ + + resource_type_affected: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + bulletin_id: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + cve_ids: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=3, + ) + severity: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=4, + ) + bulletin_uri: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=5, + ) + brief_description: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=6, + ) + affected_supported_minors: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=7, + ) + patched_versions: MutableSequence[str] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.STRING, + number=8, + ) + suggested_upgrade_target: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=9, + ) + manual_steps_required: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=10, + ) + + +class IdentityServiceConfig(proto.Message): + r"""IdentityServiceConfig is configuration for Identity Service + which allows customers to use external identity providers with + the K8S API + + Attributes: + enabled (bool): + Whether to enable the Identity Service + component + """ + + enabled: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + + +class LoggingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingConfig is cluster logging configuration. + + Attributes: + component_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingComponentConfig): + Logging components configuration + """ + + component_config: 'LoggingComponentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='LoggingComponentConfig', + ) + + +class LoggingComponentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingComponentConfig is cluster logging component + configuration. + + Attributes: + enable_components (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingComponentConfig.Component]): + Select components to collect logs. An empty + set would disable all logging. + """ + class Component(proto.Enum): + r"""GKE components exposing logs + + Values: + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS (1): + system components + WORKLOADS (2): + workloads + APISERVER (3): + kube-apiserver + SCHEDULER (4): + kube-scheduler + CONTROLLER_MANAGER (5): + kube-controller-manager + """ + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS = 1 + WORKLOADS = 2 + APISERVER = 3 + SCHEDULER = 4 + CONTROLLER_MANAGER = 5 + + enable_components: MutableSequence[Component] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Component, + ) + + +class MonitoringConfig(proto.Message): + r"""MonitoringConfig is cluster monitoring configuration. + + Attributes: + component_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MonitoringComponentConfig): + Monitoring components configuration + managed_prometheus_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.ManagedPrometheusConfig): + Enable Google Cloud Managed Service for + Prometheus in the cluster. + advanced_datapath_observability_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig): + Configuration of Advanced Datapath + Observability features. + """ + + component_config: 'MonitoringComponentConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='MonitoringComponentConfig', + ) + managed_prometheus_config: 'ManagedPrometheusConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=2, + message='ManagedPrometheusConfig', + ) + advanced_datapath_observability_config: 'AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=3, + message='AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig', + ) + + +class AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig(proto.Message): + r"""AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig specifies configuration + of observability features of advanced datapath. + + Attributes: + enable_metrics (bool): + Expose flow metrics on nodes + relay_mode (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.AdvancedDatapathObservabilityConfig.RelayMode): + Method used to make Relay available + """ + class RelayMode(proto.Enum): + r"""Supported Relay modes + + Values: + RELAY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + DISABLED (1): + disabled + INTERNAL_VPC_LB (3): + exposed via internal load balancer + EXTERNAL_LB (4): + exposed via external load balancer + """ + RELAY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DISABLED = 1 + INTERNAL_VPC_LB = 3 + EXTERNAL_LB = 4 + + enable_metrics: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=1, + ) + relay_mode: RelayMode = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=2, + enum=RelayMode, + ) + + +class NodePoolLoggingConfig(proto.Message): + r"""NodePoolLoggingConfig specifies logging configuration for + nodepools. + + Attributes: + variant_config (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingVariantConfig): + Logging variant configuration. + """ + + variant_config: 'LoggingVariantConfig' = proto.Field( + proto.MESSAGE, + number=1, + message='LoggingVariantConfig', + ) + + +class LoggingVariantConfig(proto.Message): + r"""LoggingVariantConfig specifies the behaviour of the logging + component. + + Attributes: + variant (google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.LoggingVariantConfig.Variant): + Logging variant deployed on nodes. + """ + class Variant(proto.Enum): + r"""Logging component variants. + + Values: + VARIANT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + DEFAULT (1): + default logging variant. + MAX_THROUGHPUT (2): + maximum logging throughput variant. + """ + VARIANT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + DEFAULT = 1 + MAX_THROUGHPUT = 2 + + variant: Variant = proto.Field( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Variant, + ) + + +class MonitoringComponentConfig(proto.Message): + r"""MonitoringComponentConfig is cluster monitoring component + configuration. + + Attributes: + enable_components (MutableSequence[google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.MonitoringComponentConfig.Component]): + Select components to collect metrics. An + empty set would disable all monitoring. + """ + class Component(proto.Enum): + r"""GKE components exposing metrics + + Values: + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED (0): + Default value. This shouldn't be used. + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS (1): + system components + WORKLOADS (2): + Deprecated: Use Google Cloud Managed Service + for Prometheus. + APISERVER (3): + kube-apiserver + SCHEDULER (4): + kube-scheduler + CONTROLLER_MANAGER (5): + kube-controller-manager + STORAGE (7): + Storage + HPA (8): + Horizontal Pod Autoscaling + POD (9): + Pod + DAEMONSET (10): + DaemonSet + DEPLOYMENT (11): + Deployment + STATEFULSET (12): + Statefulset + """ + COMPONENT_UNSPECIFIED = 0 + SYSTEM_COMPONENTS = 1 + WORKLOADS = 2 + APISERVER = 3 + SCHEDULER = 4 + CONTROLLER_MANAGER = 5 + STORAGE = 7 + HPA = 8 + POD = 9 + DAEMONSET = 10 + DEPLOYMENT = 11 + STATEFULSET = 12 + + enable_components: MutableSequence[Component] = proto.RepeatedField( + proto.ENUM, + number=1, + enum=Component, + ) + + +class Fleet(proto.Message): + r"""Fleet is the fleet configuration for the cluster. + + Attributes: + project (str): + The Fleet host project(project ID or project + number) where this cluster will be registered + to. This field cannot be changed after the + cluster has been registered. + membership (str): + [Output only] The full resource name of the registered fleet + membership of the cluster, in the format + ``//gkehub.googleapis.com/projects/*/locations/*/memberships/*``. + pre_registered (bool): + [Output only] Whether the cluster has been registered + through the fleet API. + """ + + project: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=1, + ) + membership: str = proto.Field( + proto.STRING, + number=2, + ) + pre_registered: bool = proto.Field( + proto.BOOL, + number=3, + ) + + +__all__ = tuple(sorted(__protobuf__.manifest)) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/mypy.ini b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/mypy.ini new file mode 100644 index 00000000..574c5aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/mypy.ini @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[mypy] +python_version = 3.7 +namespace_packages = True diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/noxfile.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/noxfile.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee254216 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/noxfile.py @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +import pathlib +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + + +import nox # type: ignore + +ALL_PYTHON = [ + "3.7", + "3.8", + "3.9", + "3.10", + "3.11", +] + +CURRENT_DIRECTORY = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() + +LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE = CURRENT_DIRECTORY / "constraints.txt" +PACKAGE_NAME = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, "setup.py", "--name"], encoding="utf-8") + +BLACK_VERSION = "black==22.3.0" +BLACK_PATHS = ["docs", "google", "tests", "samples", "noxfile.py", "setup.py"] +DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION = "3.11" + +nox.sessions = [ + "unit", + "cover", + "mypy", + "check_lower_bounds" + # exclude update_lower_bounds from default + "docs", + "blacken", + "lint", + "lint_setup_py", +] + +@nox.session(python=ALL_PYTHON) +def unit(session): + """Run the unit test suite.""" + + session.install('coverage', 'pytest', 'pytest-cov', 'pytest-asyncio', 'asyncmock; python_version < "3.8"') + session.install('-e', '.') + + session.run( + 'py.test', + '--quiet', + '--cov=google/cloud/container_v1beta1/', + '--cov=tests/', + '--cov-config=.coveragerc', + '--cov-report=term', + '--cov-report=html', + os.path.join('tests', 'unit', ''.join(session.posargs)) + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def cover(session): + """Run the final coverage report. + This outputs the coverage report aggregating coverage from the unit + test runs (not system test runs), and then erases coverage data. + """ + session.install("coverage", "pytest-cov") + session.run("coverage", "report", "--show-missing", "--fail-under=100") + + session.run("coverage", "erase") + + +@nox.session(python=ALL_PYTHON) +def mypy(session): + """Run the type checker.""" + session.install( + 'mypy', + 'types-requests', + 'types-protobuf' + ) + session.install('.') + session.run( + 'mypy', + '--explicit-package-bases', + 'google', + ) + + +@nox.session +def update_lower_bounds(session): + """Update lower bounds in constraints.txt to match setup.py""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'update', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + + +@nox.session +def check_lower_bounds(session): + """Check lower bounds in setup.py are reflected in constraints file""" + session.install('google-cloud-testutils') + session.install('.') + + session.run( + 'lower-bound-checker', + 'check', + '--package-name', + PACKAGE_NAME, + '--constraints-file', + str(LOWER_BOUND_CONSTRAINTS_FILE), + ) + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def docs(session): + """Build the docs for this library.""" + + session.install("-e", ".") + session.install("sphinx==7.0.1", "alabaster", "recommonmark") + + shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("docs", "_build"), ignore_errors=True) + session.run( + "sphinx-build", + "-W", # warnings as errors + "-T", # show full traceback on exception + "-N", # no colors + "-b", + "html", + "-d", + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "doctrees", ""), + os.path.join("docs", ""), + os.path.join("docs", "_build", "html", ""), + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def lint(session): + """Run linters. + + Returns a failure if the linters find linting errors or sufficiently + serious code quality issues. + """ + session.install("flake8", BLACK_VERSION) + session.run( + "black", + "--check", + *BLACK_PATHS, + ) + session.run("flake8", "google", "tests", "samples") + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def blacken(session): + """Run black. Format code to uniform standard.""" + session.install(BLACK_VERSION) + session.run( + "black", + *BLACK_PATHS, + ) + + +@nox.session(python=DEFAULT_PYTHON_VERSION) +def lint_setup_py(session): + """Verify that setup.py is valid (including RST check).""" + session.install("docutils", "pygments") + session.run("python", "setup.py", "check", "--restructuredtext", "--strict") diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f73db9df --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CancelOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CancelOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + await client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6471ac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CancelOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_cancel_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CancelOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + client.cancel_operation(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6e7ba07 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CheckAutopilotCompatibility +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b57fc0a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CheckAutopilotCompatibility +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_check_autopilot_compatibility(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2abf4e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8addefc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_ip_rotation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_complete_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteIPRotation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f19ee780 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a1c12df --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_complete_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CompleteNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_complete_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CompleteNodePoolUpgrade_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc255b15 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..23b9e1c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_create_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bccb86f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d201aeb --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_create_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for CreateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_create_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.CreateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.create_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CreateNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54540da2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abd68ade --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_delete_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..48185574 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9cb4128 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_delete_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for DeleteNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_delete_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.DeleteNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.delete_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_DeleteNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1491ca06 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f87adb48 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_get_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66914475 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetJSONWebKeys +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c53b6f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_json_web_keys_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetJSONWebKeys +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_get_json_web_keys(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetJSONWebKeysRequest( + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetJSONWebKeys_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7315ed12 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbea36a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_get_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d8a5996 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..367d8e20 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_operation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetOperation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_get_operation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetOperationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + operation_id="operation_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_operation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetOperation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14bdeb4b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetServerConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetServerConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f6a569d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_get_server_config_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for GetServerConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_get_server_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.GetServerConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.get_server_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_GetServerConfig_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a9b7b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListClusters +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListClustersRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a7a105a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_clusters_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListClusters +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_list_clusters(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListClustersRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_clusters(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListClusters_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51176e59 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListLocations_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_list_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListLocationsRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListLocations_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7ae282e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_locations_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListLocations_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_list_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListLocationsRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListLocations_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6a45eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListNodePools +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..296df2e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_node_pools_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListNodePools +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_list_node_pools(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListNodePoolsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_node_pools(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListNodePools_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2a4f372 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListOperations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListOperationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1bb6fe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_operations_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListOperations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_list_operations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListOperationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.list_operations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListOperations_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cf9c0301 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListUsableSubnetworks +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + async for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39e8c9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_list_usable_subnetworks_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for ListUsableSubnetworks +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_list_usable_subnetworks(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest( + parent="parent_value", + ) + + # Make the request + page_result = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request=request) + + # Handle the response + for response in page_result: + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_ListUsableSubnetworks_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe84d7da --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for RollbackNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a56eb491 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for RollbackNodePoolUpgrade +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_RollbackNodePoolUpgrade_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9f92ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetAddonsConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b963d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_addons_config_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetAddonsConfig +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_addons_config(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetAddonsConfigRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_addons_config(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetAddonsConfig_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e524e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLabels +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLabelsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..923ef9af --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_labels_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLabels +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_labels(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLabelsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + label_fingerprint="label_fingerprint_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_labels(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLabels_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a347577 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLegacyAbac +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f806b2a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_legacy_abac_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLegacyAbac +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_legacy_abac(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLegacyAbacRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + enabled=True, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLegacyAbac_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..36463f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLocationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b8b19fb --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_locations_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLocations +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_locations(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLocationsRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + locations=['locations_value1', 'locations_value2'], + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_locations(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLocations_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..181a8e33 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLoggingService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a8e27ed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_logging_service_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetLoggingService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_logging_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetLoggingServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + logging_service="logging_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_logging_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetLoggingService_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5416f08f --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMaintenancePolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ebbc939 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_maintenance_policy_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMaintenancePolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_maintenance_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMaintenancePolicy_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0082df1c --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMasterAuth +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd0906bc --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_master_auth_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMasterAuth +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_master_auth(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMasterAuthRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + action="SET_USERNAME", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_master_auth(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMasterAuth_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2adf6be7 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMonitoringService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a30ff08 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_monitoring_service_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetMonitoringService +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_monitoring_service(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetMonitoringServiceRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + monitoring_service="monitoring_service_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetMonitoringService_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc6c1ab0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNetworkPolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73c4d65e --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_network_policy_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNetworkPolicy +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_network_policy(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNetworkPolicyRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_network_policy(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNetworkPolicy_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..daa68ce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolAutoscaling +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51e9d2da --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_autoscaling_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolAutoscaling +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_autoscaling(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolAutoscaling_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..432af258 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolManagement +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae80ed0d --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_management_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolManagement +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_management(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolManagementRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolManagement_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c387c040 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolSize +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eadb9594 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_set_node_pool_size_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for SetNodePoolSize +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_set_node_pool_size(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.SetNodePoolSizeRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_count=1070, + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_SetNodePoolSize_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aabc8c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StartIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.StartIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..21f76ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_start_ip_rotation_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for StartIPRotation +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_start_ip_rotation(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.StartIPRotationRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_StartIPRotation_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5c82457 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08486740 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_cluster_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateCluster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_update_cluster(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateClusterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_cluster(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateCluster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a41ef085 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateMaster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateMasterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc9316ae --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateMaster +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_update_master(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateMasterRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + master_version="master_version_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_master(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9eeeaa1a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +async def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = await client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6343181 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +# Generated code. DO NOT EDIT! +# +# Snippet for UpdateNodePool +# NOTE: This snippet has been automatically generated for illustrative purposes only. +# It may require modifications to work in your environment. + +# To install the latest published package dependency, execute the following: +# python3 -m pip install google-cloud-container + + +# [START container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync] +# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a +# code template only. +# It will require modifications to work: +# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization. +# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service +# client as shown in: +# https://googleapis.dev/python/google-api-core/latest/client_options.html +from google.cloud import container_v1beta1 + + +def sample_update_node_pool(): + # Create a client + client = container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient() + + # Initialize request argument(s) + request = container_v1beta1.UpdateNodePoolRequest( + project_id="project_id_value", + zone="zone_value", + cluster_id="cluster_id_value", + node_pool_id="node_pool_id_value", + node_version="node_version_value", + image_type="image_type_value", + ) + + # Make the request + response = client.update_node_pool(request=request) + + # Handle the response + print(response) + +# [END container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync] diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1beta1.json b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1beta1.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afdb562b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/samples/generated_samples/snippet_metadata_google.container.v1beta1.json @@ -0,0 +1,6110 @@ +{ + "clientLibrary": { + "apis": [ + { + "id": "google.container.v1beta1", + "version": "v1beta1" + } + ], + "language": "PYTHON", + "name": "google-cloud-container", + "version": "0.1.0" + }, + "snippets": [ + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.cancel_operation", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CancelOperation" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "operation_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "shortName": "cancel_operation" + }, + "description": "Sample for CancelOperation", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CancelOperation_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 47, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "start": 48, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 52, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient.cancel_operation", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.CancelOperation", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CancelOperation" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CancelOperationRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "operation_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "shortName": "cancel_operation" + }, + "description": "Sample for CancelOperation", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_cancel_operation_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": 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"google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "CheckAutopilotCompatibility" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse", + "shortName": "check_autopilot_compatibility" + }, + "description": "Sample for CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, 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"google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse", + "shortName": "check_autopilot_compatibility" + }, + "description": "Sample for CheckAutopilotCompatibility", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_check_autopilot_compatibility_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_CheckAutopilotCompatibility_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 44, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 47, + 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"name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateMasterRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "cluster_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "master_version", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_master" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateMaster", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 54, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 54, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 49, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 55, + "start": 52, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient.update_master", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.UpdateMaster", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateMaster" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateMasterRequest" + }, + { + "name": "project_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "zone", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "cluster_id", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "master_version", + "type": "str" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_master" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateMaster", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateMaster_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 54, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 54, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 48, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 51, + "start": 49, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 55, + "start": 52, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_master_sync.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "async": true, + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerAsyncClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerAsyncClient.update_node_pool", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.UpdateNodePool", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateNodePool" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_node_pool" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateNodePool", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_async", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 56, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 56, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 51, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 57, + "start": 54, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_async.py" + }, + { + "canonical": true, + "clientMethod": { + "client": { + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient", + "shortName": "ClusterManagerClient" + }, + "fullName": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.ClusterManagerClient.update_node_pool", + "method": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.UpdateNodePool", + "service": { + "fullName": "google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager", + "shortName": "ClusterManager" + }, + "shortName": "UpdateNodePool" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "request", + "type": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.UpdateNodePoolRequest" + }, + { + "name": "retry", + "type": "google.api_core.retry.Retry" + }, + { + "name": "timeout", + "type": "float" + }, + { + "name": "metadata", + "type": "Sequence[Tuple[str, str]" + } + ], + "resultType": "google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types.Operation", + "shortName": "update_node_pool" + }, + "description": "Sample for UpdateNodePool", + "file": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py", + "language": "PYTHON", + "origin": "API_DEFINITION", + "regionTag": "container_v1beta1_generated_ClusterManager_UpdateNodePool_sync", + "segments": [ + { + "end": 56, + "start": 27, + "type": "FULL" + }, + { + "end": 56, + "start": 27, + "type": "SHORT" + }, + { + "end": 40, + "start": 38, + "type": "CLIENT_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 50, + "start": 41, + "type": "REQUEST_INITIALIZATION" + }, + { + "end": 53, + "start": 51, + "type": "REQUEST_EXECUTION" + }, + { + "end": 57, + "start": 54, + "type": "RESPONSE_HANDLING" + } + ], + "title": "container_v1beta1_generated_cluster_manager_update_node_pool_sync.py" + } + ] +} diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/scripts/fixup_container_v1beta1_keywords.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/scripts/fixup_container_v1beta1_keywords.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cebfcd2b --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/scripts/fixup_container_v1beta1_keywords.py @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import argparse +import os +import libcst as cst +import pathlib +import sys +from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple) + + +def partition( + predicate: Callable[[Any], bool], + iterator: Sequence[Any] +) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[Any]]: + """A stable, out-of-place partition.""" + results = ([], []) + + for i in iterator: + results[int(predicate(i))].append(i) + + # Returns trueList, falseList + return results[1], results[0] + + +class containerCallTransformer(cst.CSTTransformer): + CTRL_PARAMS: Tuple[str] = ('retry', 'timeout', 'metadata') + METHOD_TO_PARAMS: Dict[str, Tuple[str]] = { + 'cancel_operation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'operation_id', 'name', ), + 'check_autopilot_compatibility': ('name', ), + 'complete_ip_rotation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'complete_node_pool_upgrade': ('name', ), + 'create_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster', 'parent', ), + 'create_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool', 'parent', ), + 'delete_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'delete_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'get_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', ), + 'get_json_web_keys': ('parent', ), + 'get_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', ), + 'get_operation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'operation_id', 'name', ), + 'get_server_config': ('project_id', 'zone', 'name', ), + 'list_clusters': ('project_id', 'zone', 'parent', ), + 'list_locations': ('parent', ), + 'list_node_pools': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'parent', ), + 'list_operations': ('project_id', 'zone', 'parent', ), + 'list_usable_subnetworks': ('parent', 'filter', 'page_size', 'page_token', ), + 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'name', 'respect_pdb', ), + 'set_addons_config': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'addons_config', 'name', ), + 'set_labels': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'resource_labels', 'label_fingerprint', 'name', ), + 'set_legacy_abac': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'enabled', 'name', ), + 'set_locations': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'locations', 'name', ), + 'set_logging_service': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'logging_service', 'name', ), + 'set_maintenance_policy': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'maintenance_policy', 'name', ), + 'set_master_auth': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'action', 'update', 'name', ), + 'set_monitoring_service': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'monitoring_service', 'name', ), + 'set_network_policy': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'network_policy', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_autoscaling': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'autoscaling', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_management': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'management', 'name', ), + 'set_node_pool_size': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'node_count', 'name', ), + 'start_ip_rotation': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'name', 'rotate_credentials', ), + 'update_cluster': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'update', 'name', ), + 'update_master': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'master_version', 'name', ), + 'update_node_pool': ('project_id', 'zone', 'cluster_id', 'node_pool_id', 'node_version', 'image_type', 'locations', 'workload_metadata_config', 'name', 'upgrade_settings', 'tags', 'taints', 'labels', 'linux_node_config', 'kubelet_config', 'node_network_config', 'gcfs_config', 'confidential_nodes', 'gvnic', 'etag', 'fast_socket', 'logging_config', 'resource_labels', 'windows_node_config', 'machine_type', 'disk_type', 'disk_size_gb', ), + } + + def leave_Call(self, original: cst.Call, updated: cst.Call) -> cst.CSTNode: + try: + key = original.func.attr.value + kword_params = self.METHOD_TO_PARAMS[key] + except (AttributeError, KeyError): + # Either not a method from the API or too convoluted to be sure. + return updated + + # If the existing code is valid, keyword args come after positional args. + # Therefore, all positional args must map to the first parameters. + args, kwargs = partition(lambda a: not bool(a.keyword), updated.args) + if any(k.keyword.value == "request" for k in kwargs): + # We've already fixed this file, don't fix it again. + return updated + + kwargs, ctrl_kwargs = partition( + lambda a: a.keyword.value not in self.CTRL_PARAMS, + kwargs + ) + + args, ctrl_args = args[:len(kword_params)], args[len(kword_params):] + ctrl_kwargs.extend(cst.Arg(value=a.value, keyword=cst.Name(value=ctrl)) + for a, ctrl in zip(ctrl_args, self.CTRL_PARAMS)) + + request_arg = cst.Arg( + value=cst.Dict([ + cst.DictElement( + cst.SimpleString("'{}'".format(name)), +cst.Element(value=arg.value) + ) + # Note: the args + kwargs looks silly, but keep in mind that + # the control parameters had to be stripped out, and that + # those could have been passed positionally or by keyword. + for name, arg in zip(kword_params, args + kwargs)]), + keyword=cst.Name("request") + ) + + return updated.with_changes( + args=[request_arg] + ctrl_kwargs + ) + + +def fix_files( + in_dir: pathlib.Path, + out_dir: pathlib.Path, + *, + transformer=containerCallTransformer(), +): + """Duplicate the input dir to the output dir, fixing file method calls. + + Preconditions: + * in_dir is a real directory + * out_dir is a real, empty directory + """ + pyfile_gen = ( + pathlib.Path(os.path.join(root, f)) + for root, _, files in os.walk(in_dir) + for f in files if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".py" + ) + + for fpath in pyfile_gen: + with open(fpath, 'r') as f: + src = f.read() + + # Parse the code and insert method call fixes. + tree = cst.parse_module(src) + updated = tree.visit(transformer) + + # Create the path and directory structure for the new file. + updated_path = out_dir.joinpath(fpath.relative_to(in_dir)) + updated_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + + # Generate the updated source file at the corresponding path. + with open(updated_path, 'w') as f: + f.write(updated.code) + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="""Fix up source that uses the container client library. + +The existing sources are NOT overwritten but are copied to output_dir with changes made. + +Note: This tool operates at a best-effort level at converting positional + parameters in client method calls to keyword based parameters. + Cases where it WILL FAIL include + A) * or ** expansion in a method call. + B) Calls via function or method alias (includes free function calls) + C) Indirect or dispatched calls (e.g. the method is looked up dynamically) + + These all constitute false negatives. The tool will also detect false + positives when an API method shares a name with another method. +""") + parser.add_argument( + '-d', + '--input-directory', + required=True, + dest='input_dir', + help='the input directory to walk for python files to fix up', + ) + parser.add_argument( + '-o', + '--output-directory', + required=True, + dest='output_dir', + help='the directory to output files fixed via un-flattening', + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + input_dir = pathlib.Path(args.input_dir) + output_dir = pathlib.Path(args.output_dir) + if not input_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"input directory '{input_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if not output_dir.is_dir(): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' does not exist or is not a directory", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + if os.listdir(output_dir): + print( + f"output directory '{output_dir}' is not empty", + file=sys.stderr, + ) + sys.exit(-1) + + fix_files(input_dir, output_dir) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/setup.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e27d43a --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import io +import os + +import setuptools # type: ignore + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +name = 'google-cloud-container' + + +description = "Google Cloud Container API client library" + +version = {} +with open(os.path.join(package_root, 'google/cloud/container/gapic_version.py')) as fp: + exec(fp.read(), version) +version = version["__version__"] + +if version[0] == "0": + release_status = "Development Status :: 4 - Beta" +else: + release_status = "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable" + +dependencies = [ + "google-api-core[grpc] >= 1.34.0, <3.0.0dev,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,!=2.5.*,!=2.6.*,!=2.7.*,!=2.8.*,!=2.9.*,!=2.10.*", + "proto-plus >= 1.22.0, <2.0.0dev", + "proto-plus >= 1.22.2, <2.0.0dev; python_version>='3.11'", + "protobuf>=3.19.5,<5.0.0dev,!=3.20.0,!=3.20.1,!=4.21.0,!=4.21.1,!=4.21.2,!=4.21.3,!=4.21.4,!=4.21.5", +] +url = "https://github.com/googleapis/python-container" + +package_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +readme_filename = os.path.join(package_root, "README.rst") +with io.open(readme_filename, encoding="utf-8") as readme_file: + readme = readme_file.read() + +packages = [ + package + for package in setuptools.PEP420PackageFinder.find() + if package.startswith("google") +] + +namespaces = ["google", "google.cloud"] + +setuptools.setup( + name=name, + version=version, + description=description, + long_description=readme, + author="Google LLC", + author_email="googleapis-packages@google.com", + license="Apache 2.0", + url=url, + classifiers=[ + release_status, + "Intended Audience :: Developers", + "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", + "Programming Language :: Python", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", + "Operating System :: OS Independent", + "Topic :: Internet", + ], + platforms="Posix; MacOS X; Windows", + packages=packages, + python_requires=">=3.7", + namespace_packages=namespaces, + install_requires=dependencies, + include_package_data=True, + zip_safe=False, +) diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.10.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.11.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.12.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c44adfe --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.7.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This constraints file is used to check that lower bounds +# are correct in setup.py +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +# Pin the version to the lower bound. +# e.g., if setup.py has "google-cloud-foo >= 1.14.0, < 2.0.0dev", +# Then this file should have google-cloud-foo==1.14.0 +google-api-core==1.34.0 +proto-plus==1.22.0 +protobuf==3.19.5 diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.8.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ed7f9aed --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/testing/constraints-3.9.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# This constraints file is required for unit tests. +# List all library dependencies and extras in this file. +google-api-core +proto-plus +protobuf diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/__init__.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1b4db446 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# diff --git a/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/test_cluster_manager.py b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/test_cluster_manager.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba55a0b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/owl-bot-staging/v1beta1/tests/unit/gapic/container_v1beta1/test_cluster_manager.py @@ -0,0 +1,10671 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# Copyright 2023 Google LLC +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. +# +import os +# try/except added for compatibility with python < 3.8 +try: + from unittest import mock + from unittest.mock import AsyncMock # pragma: NO COVER +except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER + import mock + +import grpc +from grpc.experimental import aio +import math +import pytest +from proto.marshal.rules.dates import DurationRule, TimestampRule +from proto.marshal.rules import wrappers + +from google.api_core import client_options +from google.api_core import exceptions as core_exceptions +from google.api_core import gapic_v1 +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers +from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async +from google.api_core import path_template +from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials +from google.auth.exceptions import MutualTLSChannelError +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerAsyncClient +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import ClusterManagerClient +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import pagers +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager import transports +from google.cloud.container_v1beta1.types import cluster_service +from google.oauth2 import service_account +from google.protobuf import duration_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import timestamp_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import code_pb2 # type: ignore +from google.rpc import status_pb2 # type: ignore +import google.auth + + +def client_cert_source_callback(): + return b"cert bytes", b"key bytes" + + +# If default endpoint is localhost, then default mtls endpoint will be the same. +# This method modifies the default endpoint so the client can produce a different +# mtls endpoint for endpoint testing purposes. +def modify_default_endpoint(client): + return "foo.googleapis.com" if ("localhost" in client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT) else client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + + +def test__get_default_mtls_endpoint(): + api_endpoint = "example.googleapis.com" + api_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.googleapis.com" + sandbox_endpoint = "example.sandbox.googleapis.com" + sandbox_mtls_endpoint = "example.mtls.sandbox.googleapis.com" + non_googleapi = "api.example.com" + + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(None) is None + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(api_mtls_endpoint) == api_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(sandbox_mtls_endpoint) == sandbox_mtls_endpoint + assert ClusterManagerClient._get_default_mtls_endpoint(non_googleapi) == non_googleapi + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_from_service_account_info(client_class, transport_name): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_info') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + info = {"valid": True} + client = client_class.from_service_account_info(info, transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class,transport_name", [ + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_service_account_always_use_jwt(transport_class, transport_name): + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=True) + use_jwt.assert_called_once_with(True) + + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'with_always_use_jwt_access', create=True) as use_jwt: + creds = service_account.Credentials(None, None, None) + transport = transport_class(credentials=creds, always_use_jwt_access=False) + use_jwt.assert_not_called() + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_from_service_account_file(client_class, transport_name): + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with mock.patch.object(service_account.Credentials, 'from_service_account_file') as factory: + factory.return_value = creds + client = client_class.from_service_account_file("dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + client = client_class.from_service_account_json("dummy/file/path.json", transport=transport_name) + assert client.transport._credentials == creds + assert isinstance(client, client_class) + + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_client_get_transport_class(): + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class() + available_transports = [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + ] + assert transport in available_transports + + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class("grpc") + assert transport == transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check that if channel is provided we won't create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + client = client_class(transport=transport) + gtc.assert_not_called() + + # Check that if channel is provided via str we will create a new one. + with mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, 'get_transport_class') as gtc: + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + gtc.assert_called() + + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint="squid.clam.whelk") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name, client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is + # "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case api_endpoint is not provided and GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT has + # unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(MutualTLSChannelError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE has unsupported value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "Unsupported"}): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + + # Check the case quota_project_id is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(quota_project_id="octopus") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + # Check the case api_endpoint is provided + options = client_options.ClientOptions(api_audience="https://language.googleapis.com") + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience="https://language.googleapis.com" + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,use_client_cert_env", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", "true"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "true"), + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", "false"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", "false"), +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "auto"}) +def test_cluster_manager_client_mtls_env_auto(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, use_client_cert_env): + # This tests the endpoint autoswitch behavior. Endpoint is autoswitched to the default + # mtls endpoint, if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true" and client cert exists. + + # Check the case client_cert_source is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_client_cert_source = None + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + else: + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case ADC client cert is provided. Whether client cert is used depends on + # GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE value. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=client_cert_source_callback): + if use_client_cert_env == "false": + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = None + else: + expected_host = client.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + expected_client_cert_source = client_cert_source_callback + + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=expected_host, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=expected_client_cert_source, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # Check the case client_cert_source and ADC client cert are not provided. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": use_client_cert_env}): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + with mock.patch("google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source", return_value=False): + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class", [ + ClusterManagerClient, ClusterManagerAsyncClient +]) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerClient)) +@mock.patch.object(ClusterManagerAsyncClient, "DEFAULT_ENDPOINT", modify_default_endpoint(ClusterManagerAsyncClient)) +def test_cluster_manager_client_get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(client_class): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "true". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "false"}): + mock_client_cert_source = mock.Mock() + mock_api_endpoint = "foo" + options = client_options.ClientOptions(client_cert_source=mock_client_cert_source, api_endpoint=mock_api_endpoint) + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source(options) + assert api_endpoint == mock_api_endpoint + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "never". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "never"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "always". + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT": "always"}): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert doesn't exist. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=False): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source is None + + # Test the case GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT is "auto" and default cert exists. + with mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE": "true"}): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.has_default_client_cert_source', return_value=True): + with mock.patch('google.auth.transport.mtls.default_client_cert_source', return_value=mock_client_cert_source): + api_endpoint, cert_source = client_class.get_mtls_endpoint_and_cert_source() + assert api_endpoint == client_class.DEFAULT_MTLS_ENDPOINT + assert cert_source == mock_client_cert_source + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc"), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio"), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_scopes(client_class, transport_class, transport_name): + # Check the case scopes are provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + scopes=["1", "2"], + ) + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=["1", "2"], + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_client_client_options_from_dict(): + with mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport.__init__') as grpc_transport: + grpc_transport.return_value = None + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={'api_endpoint': 'squid.clam.whelk'} + ) + grpc_transport.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file=None, + host="squid.clam.whelk", + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class,transport_name,grpc_helpers", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, "grpc", grpc_helpers), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, "grpc_asyncio", grpc_helpers_async), +]) +def test_cluster_manager_client_create_channel_credentials_file(client_class, transport_class, transport_name, grpc_helpers): + # Check the case credentials file is provided. + options = client_options.ClientOptions( + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, '__init__') as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=None, + credentials_file="credentials.json", + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + ) + + # test that the credentials from file are saved and used as the credentials. + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "load_credentials_from_file", autospec=True + ) as load_creds, mock.patch.object( + google.auth, "default", autospec=True + ) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel" + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + file_creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + load_creds.return_value = (file_creds, None) + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + client = client_class(client_options=options, transport=transport_name) + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "container.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=file_creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + scopes=None, + default_host="container.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_clusters(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + ) + response = client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListClustersResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +def test_list_clusters_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_clusters() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListClustersRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListClustersResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_clusters_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_clusters_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListClustersRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse()) + await client.list_clusters(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_clusters_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_clusters( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_clusters_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_clusters( + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_clusters), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListClustersResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListClustersResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_clusters( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_clusters_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_clusters( + cluster_service.ListClustersRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + logging_service='logging_service_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + network='network_value', + cluster_ipv4_cidr='cluster_ipv4_cidr_value', + subnetwork='subnetwork_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + enable_kubernetes_alpha=True, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + private_cluster=True, + master_ipv4_cidr_block='master_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + zone='zone_value', + endpoint='endpoint_value', + initial_cluster_version='initial_cluster_version_value', + current_master_version='current_master_version_value', + current_node_version='current_node_version_value', + create_time='create_time_value', + status=cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + node_ipv4_cidr_size=1955, + services_ipv4_cidr='services_ipv4_cidr_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + current_node_count=1936, + expire_time='expire_time_value', + location='location_value', + enable_tpu=True, + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block='tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + id='id_value', + etag='etag_value', + ) + response = client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Cluster) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.logging_service == 'logging_service_value' + assert response.monitoring_service == 'monitoring_service_value' + assert response.network == 'network_value' + assert response.cluster_ipv4_cidr == 'cluster_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.subnetwork == 'subnetwork_value' + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.enable_kubernetes_alpha is True + assert response.label_fingerprint == 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert response.private_cluster is True + assert response.master_ipv4_cidr_block == 'master_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.endpoint == 'endpoint_value' + assert response.initial_cluster_version == 'initial_cluster_version_value' + assert response.current_master_version == 'current_master_version_value' + assert response.current_node_version == 'current_node_version_value' + assert response.create_time == 'create_time_value' + assert response.status == cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.node_ipv4_cidr_size == 1955 + assert response.services_ipv4_cidr == 'services_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.current_node_count == 1936 + assert response.expire_time == 'expire_time_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.enable_tpu is True + assert response.tpu_ipv4_cidr_block == 'tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.id == 'id_value' + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +def test_get_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster( + name='name_value', + description='description_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + logging_service='logging_service_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + network='network_value', + cluster_ipv4_cidr='cluster_ipv4_cidr_value', + subnetwork='subnetwork_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + enable_kubernetes_alpha=True, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + private_cluster=True, + master_ipv4_cidr_block='master_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + zone='zone_value', + endpoint='endpoint_value', + initial_cluster_version='initial_cluster_version_value', + current_master_version='current_master_version_value', + current_node_version='current_node_version_value', + create_time='create_time_value', + status=cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + node_ipv4_cidr_size=1955, + services_ipv4_cidr='services_ipv4_cidr_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + current_node_count=1936, + expire_time='expire_time_value', + location='location_value', + enable_tpu=True, + tpu_ipv4_cidr_block='tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value', + id='id_value', + etag='etag_value', + )) + response = await client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Cluster) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.description == 'description_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.logging_service == 'logging_service_value' + assert response.monitoring_service == 'monitoring_service_value' + assert response.network == 'network_value' + assert response.cluster_ipv4_cidr == 'cluster_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.subnetwork == 'subnetwork_value' + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.enable_kubernetes_alpha is True + assert response.label_fingerprint == 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert response.private_cluster is True + assert response.master_ipv4_cidr_block == 'master_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.endpoint == 'endpoint_value' + assert response.initial_cluster_version == 'initial_cluster_version_value' + assert response.current_master_version == 'current_master_version_value' + assert response.current_node_version == 'current_node_version_value' + assert response.create_time == 'create_time_value' + assert response.status == cluster_service.Cluster.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.node_ipv4_cidr_size == 1955 + assert response.services_ipv4_cidr == 'services_ipv4_cidr_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.current_node_count == 1936 + assert response.expire_time == 'expire_time_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.enable_tpu is True + assert response.tpu_ipv4_cidr_block == 'tpu_ipv4_cidr_block_value' + assert response.id == 'id_value' + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster()) + await client.get_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_cluster( + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Cluster() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Cluster()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_cluster( + cluster_service.GetClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_create_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.create_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster + mock_val = cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_cluster( + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster + mock_val = cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_cluster( + cluster_service.CreateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster=cluster_service.Cluster(name='name_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_update_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.update_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].update + mock_val = cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_update_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.update_cluster( + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.update_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].update + mock_val = cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value') + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.update_cluster( + cluster_service.UpdateClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + update=cluster_service.ClusterUpdate(desired_node_version='desired_node_version_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_autoscaling() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_autoscaling_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolAutoscalingRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_autoscaling), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_autoscaling(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_logging_service(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_logging_service_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_logging_service() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_logging_service_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_logging_service_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_logging_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_logging_service_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_logging_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].logging_service + mock_val = 'logging_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_logging_service_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_logging_service( + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_logging_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_logging_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].logging_service + mock_val = 'logging_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_logging_service_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_logging_service( + cluster_service.SetLoggingServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + logging_service='logging_service_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_monitoring_service(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_monitoring_service() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_monitoring_service_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_monitoring_service(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_monitoring_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].monitoring_service + mock_val = 'monitoring_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_monitoring_service( + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_monitoring_service), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_monitoring_service( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].monitoring_service + mock_val = 'monitoring_service_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_monitoring_service_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_monitoring_service( + cluster_service.SetMonitoringServiceRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + monitoring_service='monitoring_service_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_addons_config(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_addons_config_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_addons_config() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_addons_config_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_addons_config_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_addons_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_addons_config_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_addons_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].addons_config + mock_val = cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)) + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_addons_config_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_addons_config( + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_addons_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_addons_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].addons_config + mock_val = cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)) + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_addons_config_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_addons_config( + cluster_service.SetAddonsConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + addons_config=cluster_service.AddonsConfig(http_load_balancing=cluster_service.HttpLoadBalancing(disabled=True)), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_locations(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_locations_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_locations() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_locations_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_locations_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_locations_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_locations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].locations + mock_val = ['locations_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_locations_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_locations( + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_locations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].locations + mock_val = ['locations_value'] + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_locations_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_locations( + cluster_service.SetLocationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + locations=['locations_value'], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_update_master(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_update_master_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + client.update_master() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_async_from_dict(): + await test_update_master_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_update_master_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.update_master(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_update_master_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.update_master( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].master_version + mock_val = 'master_version_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_update_master_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.update_master( + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.update_master), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.update_master( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].master_version + mock_val = 'master_version_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_update_master_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.update_master( + cluster_service.UpdateMasterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + master_version='master_version_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_master_auth(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_master_auth_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_master_auth() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_master_auth_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_master_auth_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_master_auth_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMasterAuthRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_master_auth), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_master_auth(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_cluster(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_delete_cluster_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_cluster() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_cluster_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_cluster_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.delete_cluster(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_cluster_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_cluster_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_cluster( + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_cluster), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_cluster( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_cluster_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_cluster( + cluster_service.DeleteClusterRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_operations(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + ) + response = client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +def test_list_operations_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_operations() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse( + missing_zones=['missing_zones_value'], + )) + response = await client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse) + assert response.missing_zones == ['missing_zones_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_operations_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_operations_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse()) + await client.list_operations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_operations_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_operations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_operations_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_operations( + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_operations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListOperationsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_operations( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_operations_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_operations( + cluster_service.ListOperationsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_operation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_get_operation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_operation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetOperationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_operation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_operation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.get_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_operation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_operation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_operation( + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_operation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_operation( + cluster_service.GetOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_cancel_operation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_cancel_operation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + client.cancel_operation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_async_from_dict(): + await test_cancel_operation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_cancel_operation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.cancel_operation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_cancel_operation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.cancel_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_cancel_operation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.cancel_operation( + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.cancel_operation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.cancel_operation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].operation_id + mock_val = 'operation_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_cancel_operation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.cancel_operation( + cluster_service.CancelOperationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_id='operation_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_server_config(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig( + default_cluster_version='default_cluster_version_value', + valid_node_versions=['valid_node_versions_value'], + default_image_type='default_image_type_value', + valid_image_types=['valid_image_types_value'], + valid_master_versions=['valid_master_versions_value'], + ) + response = client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ServerConfig) + assert response.default_cluster_version == 'default_cluster_version_value' + assert response.valid_node_versions == ['valid_node_versions_value'] + assert response.default_image_type == 'default_image_type_value' + assert response.valid_image_types == ['valid_image_types_value'] + assert response.valid_master_versions == ['valid_master_versions_value'] + + +def test_get_server_config_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_server_config() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig( + default_cluster_version='default_cluster_version_value', + valid_node_versions=['valid_node_versions_value'], + default_image_type='default_image_type_value', + valid_image_types=['valid_image_types_value'], + valid_master_versions=['valid_master_versions_value'], + )) + response = await client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ServerConfig) + assert response.default_cluster_version == 'default_cluster_version_value' + assert response.valid_node_versions == ['valid_node_versions_value'] + assert response.default_image_type == 'default_image_type_value' + assert response.valid_image_types == ['valid_image_types_value'] + assert response.valid_master_versions == ['valid_master_versions_value'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_server_config_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_server_config_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig()) + await client.get_server_config(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_server_config_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_server_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_server_config_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_server_config( + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_server_config), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ServerConfig() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ServerConfig()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_server_config( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_server_config_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_server_config( + cluster_service.GetServerConfigRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_json_web_keys(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse( + ) + response = client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse) + + +def test_get_json_web_keys_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_json_web_keys() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse( + )) + response = await client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_json_web_keys_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_json_web_keys_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse() + client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_json_web_keys_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_json_web_keys), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.GetJSONWebKeysResponse()) + await client.get_json_web_keys(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_node_pools(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse( + ) + response = client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse) + + +def test_list_node_pools_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_node_pools() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse( + )) + response = await client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_node_pools_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_node_pools_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse()) + await client.list_node_pools(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_node_pools_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_node_pools( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_node_pools_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_node_pools( + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_node_pools), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListNodePoolsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_node_pools( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_node_pools_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_node_pools( + cluster_service.ListNodePoolsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_get_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool( + name='name_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + locations=['locations_value'], + self_link='self_link_value', + version='version_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + status=cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + pod_ipv4_cidr_size=1856, + etag='etag_value', + ) + response = client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.NodePool) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.status == cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.pod_ipv4_cidr_size == 1856 + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +def test_get_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.get_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool( + name='name_value', + initial_node_count=1911, + locations=['locations_value'], + self_link='self_link_value', + version='version_value', + instance_group_urls=['instance_group_urls_value'], + status=cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING, + status_message='status_message_value', + pod_ipv4_cidr_size=1856, + etag='etag_value', + )) + response = await client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.NodePool) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.initial_node_count == 1911 + assert response.locations == ['locations_value'] + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.version == 'version_value' + assert response.instance_group_urls == ['instance_group_urls_value'] + assert response.status == cluster_service.NodePool.Status.PROVISIONING + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.pod_ipv4_cidr_size == 1856 + assert response.etag == 'etag_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_get_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_get_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool()) + await client.get_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_get_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.get_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_get_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.get_node_pool( + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.get_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.NodePool() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.NodePool()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.get_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_get_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.get_node_pool( + cluster_service.GetNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_create_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_create_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.create_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_create_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_create_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.create_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_create_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.create_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool + mock_val = cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_create_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.create_node_pool( + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.create_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.create_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool + mock_val = cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value') + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_create_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.create_node_pool( + cluster_service.CreateNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool=cluster_service.NodePool(name='name_value'), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_delete_node_pool(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_delete_node_pool_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + client.delete_node_pool() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_async_from_dict(): + await test_delete_node_pool_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_delete_node_pool_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.delete_node_pool(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_delete_node_pool_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.delete_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.delete_node_pool( + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.delete_node_pool), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.delete_node_pool( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_delete_node_pool_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.delete_node_pool( + cluster_service.DeleteNodePoolRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = None + response = client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + response = await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response is None + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async_from_dict(): + await test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = None + client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(None) + await client.complete_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async_from_dict(): + await test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.rollback_node_pool_upgrade), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_rollback_node_pool_upgrade_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.rollback_node_pool_upgrade( + cluster_service.RollbackNodePoolUpgradeRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_management(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_management() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_management_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_management(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_node_pool_management( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + management=cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].management + mock_val = cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True) + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_node_pool_management_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_node_pool_management( + cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + management=cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_management), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_node_pool_management( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + management=cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].node_pool_id + mock_val = 'node_pool_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].management + mock_val = cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True) + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_management_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_node_pool_management( + cluster_service.SetNodePoolManagementRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + node_pool_id='node_pool_id_value', + management=cluster_service.NodeManagement(auto_upgrade=True), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_labels(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_labels_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_labels() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_labels_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_labels_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_labels(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_labels_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_labels( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + resource_labels={'key_value': 'value_value'}, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].resource_labels + mock_val = {'key_value': 'value_value'} + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].label_fingerprint + mock_val = 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_labels_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_labels( + cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + resource_labels={'key_value': 'value_value'}, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_labels), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_labels( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + resource_labels={'key_value': 'value_value'}, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].resource_labels + mock_val = {'key_value': 'value_value'} + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].label_fingerprint + mock_val = 'label_fingerprint_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_labels_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_labels( + cluster_service.SetLabelsRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + resource_labels={'key_value': 'value_value'}, + label_fingerprint='label_fingerprint_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_legacy_abac(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_legacy_abac() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_legacy_abac_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_legacy_abac(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_legacy_abac( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].enabled + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_legacy_abac( + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_legacy_abac), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_legacy_abac( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].enabled + mock_val = True + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_legacy_abac_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_legacy_abac( + cluster_service.SetLegacyAbacRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + enabled=True, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_start_ip_rotation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + client.start_ip_rotation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_async_from_dict(): + await test_start_ip_rotation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.start_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.start_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.start_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.start_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.start_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_start_ip_rotation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.start_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.StartIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_complete_ip_rotation(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + client.complete_ip_rotation() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_async_from_dict(): + await test_complete_ip_rotation_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.complete_ip_rotation(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.complete_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.complete_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.complete_ip_rotation), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.complete_ip_rotation( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_complete_ip_rotation_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.complete_ip_rotation( + cluster_service.CompleteIPRotationRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_node_pool_size(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_node_pool_size_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_node_pool_size() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_node_pool_size_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_node_pool_size_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_node_pool_size_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNodePoolSizeRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_node_pool_size), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_node_pool_size(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_network_policy(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_network_policy_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_network_policy() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_network_policy_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_network_policy_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_network_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_network_policy_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_network_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].network_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO) + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_network_policy_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_network_policy( + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_network_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_network_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].network_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO) + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_network_policy_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_network_policy( + cluster_service.SetNetworkPolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + network_policy=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy(provider=cluster_service.NetworkPolicy.Provider.CALICO), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_set_maintenance_policy(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + ) + response = client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + client.set_maintenance_policy() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation( + name='name_value', + zone='zone_value', + operation_type=cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER, + status=cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING, + detail='detail_value', + status_message='status_message_value', + self_link='self_link_value', + target_link='target_link_value', + location='location_value', + start_time='start_time_value', + end_time='end_time_value', + )) + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.Operation) + assert response.name == 'name_value' + assert response.zone == 'zone_value' + assert response.operation_type == cluster_service.Operation.Type.CREATE_CLUSTER + assert response.status == cluster_service.Operation.Status.PENDING + assert response.detail == 'detail_value' + assert response.status_message == 'status_message_value' + assert response.self_link == 'self_link_value' + assert response.target_link == 'target_link_value' + assert response.location == 'location_value' + assert response.start_time == 'start_time_value' + assert response.end_time == 'end_time_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_async_from_dict(): + await test_set_maintenance_policy_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + await client.set_maintenance_policy(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.set_maintenance_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].maintenance_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))) + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.set_maintenance_policy( + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.set_maintenance_policy), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.Operation() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.Operation()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.set_maintenance_policy( + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].project_id + mock_val = 'project_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].zone + mock_val = 'zone_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].cluster_id + mock_val = 'cluster_id_value' + assert arg == mock_val + arg = args[0].maintenance_policy + mock_val = cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))) + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_set_maintenance_policy_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.set_maintenance_policy( + cluster_service.SetMaintenancePolicyRequest(), + project_id='project_id_value', + zone='zone_value', + cluster_id='cluster_id_value', + maintenance_policy=cluster_service.MaintenancePolicy(window=cluster_service.MaintenanceWindow(daily_maintenance_window=cluster_service.DailyMaintenanceWindow(start_time='start_time_value'))), + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_usable_subnetworks(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_usable_subnetworks() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, pagers.ListUsableSubnetworksAsyncPager) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_usable_subnetworks_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse() + client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse()) + await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_usable_subnetworks( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_usable_subnetworks( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_usable_subnetworks( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_usable_subnetworks( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_pager(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + + metadata = () + metadata = tuple(metadata) + ( + gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(( + ('parent', ''), + )), + ) + pager = client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}) + + assert pager._metadata == metadata + + results = list(pager) + assert len(results) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork) + for i in results) +def test_list_usable_subnetworks_pages(transport_name: str = "grpc"): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + transport=transport_name, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__') as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = list(client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}).pages) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_pager(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + async_pager = await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={},) + assert async_pager.next_page_token == 'abc' + responses = [] + async for response in async_pager: # pragma: no branch + responses.append(response) + + assert len(responses) == 6 + assert all(isinstance(i, cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork) + for i in responses) + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_usable_subnetworks_async_pages(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials, + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_usable_subnetworks), + '__call__', new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as call: + # Set the response to a series of pages. + call.side_effect = ( + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='abc', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[], + next_page_token='def', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + next_page_token='ghi', + ), + cluster_service.ListUsableSubnetworksResponse( + subnetworks=[ + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + cluster_service.UsableSubnetwork(), + ], + ), + RuntimeError, + ) + pages = [] + # Workaround issue in python 3.9 related to code coverage by adding `# pragma: no branch` + # See https://github.com/googleapis/gapic-generator-python/pull/1174#issuecomment-1025132372 + async for page_ in ( # pragma: no branch + await client.list_usable_subnetworks(request={}) + ).pages: + pages.append(page_) + for page_, token in zip(pages, ['abc','def','ghi', '']): + assert page_.raw_page.next_page_token == token + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse( + summary='summary_value', + ) + response = client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse) + assert response.summary == 'summary_value' + + +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + client.check_autopilot_compatibility() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse( + summary='summary_value', + )) + response = await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse) + assert response.summary == 'summary_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async_from_dict(): + await test_check_autopilot_compatibility_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse() + client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_check_autopilot_compatibility_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityRequest() + + request.name = 'name_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.check_autopilot_compatibility), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.CheckAutopilotCompatibilityResponse()) + await client.check_autopilot_compatibility(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'name=name_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("request_type", [ + cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest, + dict, +]) +def test_list_locations(request_type, transport: str = 'grpc'): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + ) + response = client.list_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert response.raw_page is response + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +def test_list_locations_empty_call(): + # This test is a coverage failsafe to make sure that totally empty calls, + # i.e. request == None and no flattened fields passed, work. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport='grpc', + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + client.list_locations() + call.assert_called() + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest() + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_locations_async(transport: str = 'grpc_asyncio', request_type=cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # Everything is optional in proto3 as far as the runtime is concerned, + # and we are mocking out the actual API, so just send an empty request. + request = request_type() + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value =grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse( + next_page_token='next_page_token_value', + )) + response = await client.list_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest() + + # Establish that the response is the type that we expect. + assert isinstance(response, cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse) + assert response.next_page_token == 'next_page_token_value' + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_locations_async_from_dict(): + await test_list_locations_async(request_type=dict) + + +def test_list_locations_field_headers(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse() + client.list_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_locations_field_headers_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Any value that is part of the HTTP/1.1 URI should be sent as + # a field header. Set these to a non-empty value. + request = cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest() + + request.parent = 'parent_value' + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse()) + await client.list_locations(request) + + # Establish that the underlying gRPC stub method was called. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + assert args[0] == request + + # Establish that the field header was sent. + _, _, kw = call.mock_calls[0] + assert ( + 'x-goog-request-params', + 'parent=parent_value', + ) in kw['metadata'] + + +def test_list_locations_flattened(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse() + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + client.list_locations( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) == 1 + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + + +def test_list_locations_flattened_error(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client.list_locations( + cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_locations_flattened_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Mock the actual call within the gRPC stub, and fake the request. + with mock.patch.object( + type(client.transport.list_locations), + '__call__') as call: + # Designate an appropriate return value for the call. + call.return_value = cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse() + + call.return_value = grpc_helpers_async.FakeUnaryUnaryCall(cluster_service.ListLocationsResponse()) + # Call the method with a truthy value for each flattened field, + # using the keyword arguments to the method. + response = await client.list_locations( + parent='parent_value', + ) + + # Establish that the underlying call was made with the expected + # request object values. + assert len(call.mock_calls) + _, args, _ = call.mock_calls[0] + arg = args[0].parent + mock_val = 'parent_value' + assert arg == mock_val + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_list_locations_flattened_error_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Attempting to call a method with both a request object and flattened + # fields is an error. + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + await client.list_locations( + cluster_service.ListLocationsRequest(), + parent='parent_value', + ) + + +def test_credentials_transport_error(): + # It is an error to provide credentials and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide a credentials file and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={"credentials_file": "credentials.json"}, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options=options, + transport=transport, + ) + + # It is an error to provide an api_key and a credential. + options = mock.Mock() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options=options, + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + ) + + # It is an error to provide scopes and a transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + client_options={"scopes": ["1", "2"]}, + transport=transport, + ) + + +def test_transport_instance(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + client = ClusterManagerClient(transport=transport) + assert client.transport is transport + +def test_transport_get_channel(): + # A client may be instantiated with a custom transport instance. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + channel = transport.grpc_channel + assert channel + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, +]) +def test_transport_adc(transport_class): + # Test default credentials are used if not provided. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class() + adc.assert_called_once() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", +]) +def test_transport_kind(transport_name): + transport = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class(transport_name)( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert transport.kind == transport_name + +def test_transport_grpc_default(): + # A client should use the gRPC transport by default. + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + assert isinstance( + client.transport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_error(): + # Passing both a credentials object and credentials_file should raise an error + with pytest.raises(core_exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs): + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + credentials_file="credentials.json" + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport(): + # Instantiate the base transport. + with mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport.__init__') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + ) + + # Every method on the transport should just blindly + # raise NotImplementedError. + methods = ( + 'list_clusters', + 'get_cluster', + 'create_cluster', + 'update_cluster', + 'update_node_pool', + 'set_node_pool_autoscaling', + 'set_logging_service', + 'set_monitoring_service', + 'set_addons_config', + 'set_locations', + 'update_master', + 'set_master_auth', + 'delete_cluster', + 'list_operations', + 'get_operation', + 'cancel_operation', + 'get_server_config', + 'get_json_web_keys', + 'list_node_pools', + 'get_node_pool', + 'create_node_pool', + 'delete_node_pool', + 'complete_node_pool_upgrade', + 'rollback_node_pool_upgrade', + 'set_node_pool_management', + 'set_labels', + 'set_legacy_abac', + 'start_ip_rotation', + 'complete_ip_rotation', + 'set_node_pool_size', + 'set_network_policy', + 'set_maintenance_policy', + 'list_usable_subnetworks', + 'check_autopilot_compatibility', + 'list_locations', + ) + for method in methods: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, method)(request=object()) + + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + transport.close() + + # Catch all for all remaining methods and properties + remainder = [ + 'kind', + ] + for r in remainder: + with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): + getattr(transport, r)() + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_with_credentials_file(): + # Instantiate the base transport with a credentials file + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'load_credentials_from_file', autospec=True) as load_creds, mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + load_creds.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport( + credentials_file="credentials.json", + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + load_creds.assert_called_once_with("credentials.json", + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +def test_cluster_manager_base_transport_with_adc(): + # Test the default credentials are used if credentials and credentials_file are None. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch('google.cloud.container_v1beta1.services.cluster_manager.transports.ClusterManagerTransport._prep_wrapped_messages') as Transport: + Transport.return_value = None + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport = transports.ClusterManagerTransport() + adc.assert_called_once() + + +def test_cluster_manager_auth_adc(): + # If no credentials are provided, we should use ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + ClusterManagerClient() + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=None, + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + quota_project_id=None, + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_auth_adc(transport_class): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + adc.return_value = (ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), None) + transport_class(quota_project_id="octopus", scopes=["1", "2"]) + adc.assert_called_once_with( + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_scopes=( 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform',), + quota_project_id="octopus", + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class", + [ + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, + transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_auth_gdch_credentials(transport_class): + host = 'https://language.com' + api_audience_tests = [None, 'https://language2.com'] + api_audience_expect = [host, 'https://language2.com'] + for t, e in zip(api_audience_tests, api_audience_expect): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default', autospec=True) as adc: + gdch_mock = mock.MagicMock() + type(gdch_mock).with_gdch_audience = mock.PropertyMock(return_value=gdch_mock) + adc.return_value = (gdch_mock, None) + transport_class(host=host, api_audience=t) + gdch_mock.with_gdch_audience.assert_called_once_with( + e + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize( + "transport_class,grpc_helpers", + [ + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, grpc_helpers), + (transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport, grpc_helpers_async) + ], +) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_create_channel(transport_class, grpc_helpers): + # If credentials and host are not provided, the transport class should use + # ADC credentials. + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, "default", autospec=True) as adc, mock.patch.object( + grpc_helpers, "create_channel", autospec=True + ) as create_channel: + creds = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + adc.return_value = (creds, None) + transport_class( + quota_project_id="octopus", + scopes=["1", "2"] + ) + + create_channel.assert_called_with( + "container.googleapis.com:443", + credentials=creds, + credentials_file=None, + quota_project_id="octopus", + default_scopes=( + 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform', +), + scopes=["1", "2"], + default_host="container.googleapis.com", + ssl_credentials=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_transport_client_cert_source_for_mtls( + transport_class +): + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + + # Check ssl_channel_credentials is used if provided. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as mock_create_channel: + mock_ssl_channel_creds = mock.Mock() + transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=cred, + ssl_channel_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds + ) + mock_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_channel_creds, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + + # Check if ssl_channel_credentials is not provided, then client_cert_source_for_mtls + # is used. + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel", return_value=mock.Mock()): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials") as mock_ssl_cred: + transport_class( + credentials=cred, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=client_cert_source_callback + ) + expected_cert, expected_key = client_cert_source_callback() + mock_ssl_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=expected_cert, + private_key=expected_key + ) + + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", + "grpc_asyncio", +]) +def test_cluster_manager_host_no_port(transport_name): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='container.googleapis.com'), + transport=transport_name, + ) + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:443' + ) + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_name", [ + "grpc", + "grpc_asyncio", +]) +def test_cluster_manager_host_with_port(transport_name): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_options=client_options.ClientOptions(api_endpoint='container.googleapis.com:8000'), + transport=transport_name, + ) + assert client.transport._host == ( + 'container.googleapis.com:8000' + ) + +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_transport_channel(): + channel = grpc.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +def test_cluster_manager_grpc_asyncio_transport_channel(): + channel = aio.secure_channel('http://localhost/', grpc.local_channel_credentials()) + + # Check that channel is used if provided. + transport = transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + channel=channel, + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == channel + assert transport._host == "squid.clam.whelk:443" + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == None + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_channel_mtls_with_client_cert_source( + transport_class +): + with mock.patch("grpc.ssl_channel_credentials", autospec=True) as grpc_ssl_channel_cred: + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.return_value = mock_ssl_cred + + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + + cred = ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials() + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + with mock.patch.object(google.auth, 'default') as adc: + adc.return_value = (cred, None) + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=client_cert_source_callback, + ) + adc.assert_called_once() + + grpc_ssl_channel_cred.assert_called_once_with( + certificate_chain=b"cert bytes", private_key=b"key bytes" + ) + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + assert transport._ssl_channel_credentials == mock_ssl_cred + + +# Remove this test when deprecated arguments (api_mtls_endpoint, client_cert_source) are +# removed from grpc/grpc_asyncio transport constructor. +@pytest.mark.parametrize("transport_class", [transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport]) +def test_cluster_manager_transport_channel_mtls_with_adc( + transport_class +): + mock_ssl_cred = mock.Mock() + with mock.patch.multiple( + "google.auth.transport.grpc.SslCredentials", + __init__=mock.Mock(return_value=None), + ssl_credentials=mock.PropertyMock(return_value=mock_ssl_cred), + ): + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "create_channel") as grpc_create_channel: + mock_grpc_channel = mock.Mock() + grpc_create_channel.return_value = mock_grpc_channel + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + + with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): + transport = transport_class( + host="squid.clam.whelk", + credentials=mock_cred, + api_mtls_endpoint="mtls.squid.clam.whelk", + client_cert_source=None, + ) + + grpc_create_channel.assert_called_once_with( + "mtls.squid.clam.whelk:443", + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + scopes=None, + ssl_credentials=mock_ssl_cred, + quota_project_id=None, + options=[ + ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), + ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), + ], + ) + assert transport.grpc_channel == mock_grpc_channel + + +def test_topic_path(): + project = "squid" + topic = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/topics/{topic}".format(project=project, topic=topic, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.topic_path(project, topic) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_topic_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "topic": "octopus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.topic_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_topic_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_billing_account_path(): + billing_account = "oyster" + expected = "billingAccounts/{billing_account}".format(billing_account=billing_account, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path(billing_account) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_billing_account_path(): + expected = { + "billing_account": "nudibranch", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_billing_account_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_billing_account_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_folder_path(): + folder = "cuttlefish" + expected = "folders/{folder}".format(folder=folder, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path(folder) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_folder_path(): + expected = { + "folder": "mussel", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_folder_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_folder_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_organization_path(): + organization = "winkle" + expected = "organizations/{organization}".format(organization=organization, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path(organization) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_organization_path(): + expected = { + "organization": "nautilus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_organization_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_organization_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_project_path(): + project = "scallop" + expected = "projects/{project}".format(project=project, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path(project) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_project_path(): + expected = { + "project": "abalone", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_project_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_project_path(path) + assert expected == actual + +def test_common_location_path(): + project = "squid" + location = "clam" + expected = "projects/{project}/locations/{location}".format(project=project, location=location, ) + actual = ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path(project, location) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_parse_common_location_path(): + expected = { + "project": "whelk", + "location": "octopus", + } + path = ClusterManagerClient.common_location_path(**expected) + + # Check that the path construction is reversible. + actual = ClusterManagerClient.parse_common_location_path(path) + assert expected == actual + + +def test_client_with_default_client_info(): + client_info = gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo() + + with mock.patch.object(transports.ClusterManagerTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + + with mock.patch.object(transports.ClusterManagerTransport, '_prep_wrapped_messages') as prep: + transport_class = ClusterManagerClient.get_transport_class() + transport = transport_class( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + client_info=client_info, + ) + prep.assert_called_once_with(client_info) + +@pytest.mark.asyncio +async def test_transport_close_async(): + client = ClusterManagerAsyncClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport="grpc_asyncio", + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, "grpc_channel")), "close") as close: + async with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + + +def test_transport_close(): + transports = { + "grpc": "_grpc_channel", + } + + for transport, close_name in transports.items(): + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + with mock.patch.object(type(getattr(client.transport, close_name)), "close") as close: + with client: + close.assert_not_called() + close.assert_called_once() + +def test_client_ctx(): + transports = [ + 'grpc', + ] + for transport in transports: + client = ClusterManagerClient( + credentials=ga_credentials.AnonymousCredentials(), + transport=transport + ) + # Test client calls underlying transport. + with mock.patch.object(type(client.transport), "close") as close: + close.assert_not_called() + with client: + pass + close.assert_called() + +@pytest.mark.parametrize("client_class,transport_class", [ + (ClusterManagerClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcTransport), + (ClusterManagerAsyncClient, transports.ClusterManagerGrpcAsyncIOTransport), +]) +def test_api_key_credentials(client_class, transport_class): + with mock.patch.object( + google.auth._default, "get_api_key_credentials", create=True + ) as get_api_key_credentials: + mock_cred = mock.Mock() + get_api_key_credentials.return_value = mock_cred + options = client_options.ClientOptions() + options.api_key = "api_key" + with mock.patch.object(transport_class, "__init__") as patched: + patched.return_value = None + client = client_class(client_options=options) + patched.assert_called_once_with( + credentials=mock_cred, + credentials_file=None, + host=client.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT, + scopes=None, + client_cert_source_for_mtls=None, + quota_project_id=None, + client_info=transports.base.DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, + always_use_jwt_access=True, + api_audience=None, + )